2008-08-25 ysr Merge
2008-08-21 jmasa 6728478: Assertion at parallel promotion from young to old generation
2008-08-20 ysr 6739357: CMS: Switch off CMSPrecleanRefLists1 until 6722113 can be fixed
2008-08-20 ysr Merge
2008-08-19 tonyp 6736341: PermGen size is insufficient for jconsole
2008-08-21 rasbold Merge
2008-08-19 rasbold 6730716: nulls from two unrelated classes compare not equal
2008-08-19 never 6732194: Data corruption dependent on -server/-client/-Xbatch
2008-08-14 rasbold 6732154: REG: Printing an Image using image/gif doc flavor crashes the VM, Solsparc
2008-08-01 kvn 6731641: assert(m->adr_type() == mach->adr_type(),"matcher should not change adr type")
2008-08-28 xdono Added tag jdk7-b34 for changeset fff241969646
2008-08-28 xdono Added tag jdk7-b34 for changeset 5d6b06900843
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b34 for changeset 90cf935adb35
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b34
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-08-15 tbell Merge
2008-08-11 tbell Merge
2008-08-08 mcimadamore 6732461: broken message file for annotation processing
2008-08-08 mcimadamore 6734819: Javac performs flows analysis on already translated classes
2008-08-08 mcimadamore 6676362: Spurious forward reference error with final var + instance variable initializer
2008-08-08 mcimadamore 6718364: inference fails when a generic method is invoked with raw arguments
2008-08-08 mcimadamore 6695838: javac does not detect cyclic inheritance involving static inner classes after import clause
2008-08-08 tbell Merge
2008-08-06 jjg 6733995: legal notice repair on langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javap/JavapTask.java
2008-08-05 mcimadamore 6730423: Diagnostic formatter should be an instance field of JCDiagnostic
2008-08-05 jjg 4884240: additional option required for javap
2008-08-04 jjg 4111861: static final field contents are not displayed
2008-08-01 jjg 6627362: javac generates code that uses array.clone, which is not available on JavaCard
2008-08-14 xdono Added tag jdk7-b33 for changeset e1305f648e12
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-08-14 xdono Added tag jdk7-b33 for changeset 31ff14943017
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-08-14 xdono Added tag jdk7-b33 for changeset f0165b195228
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-08-15 tbell Merge
2008-08-08 tbell Merge
2008-08-14 xdono Added tag jdk7-b33 for changeset d958f883b42a
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2008-08-21 xdono Merge
2008-08-19 ksrini 6614210: JPRT Windows 32bit msival2 build failure when building 'install' workspace
2008-08-15 ohair Merge
2008-08-14 ohair 6674227: Missing LICENSE file during build
2008-08-15 tbell Merge
2008-08-11 tbell Merge
2008-08-08 emcmanus 6610174: Improve CompositeDataSupport.toString when it includes arrays
2008-08-08 emcmanus Merge
2008-08-08 emcmanus 6334663: TabularDataSupport should be able to return values in the insertion order
2008-08-08 dfuchs 6733294: MBeans tab - UI issues with writable attributes
2008-08-08 tbell Merge
2008-08-07 emcmanus 6717257: MBeanServer doesn't describe RuntimeException for methods inherited from MBeanServerConnection
2008-08-07 martin 6730507: java.util.Timer schedule delay Long.MAX_VALUE causes task to execute multiple times
2008-08-06 swamyv Merge
2008-08-06 swamyv 6732441: TEST_BUG: ThreadMXBeanProxy test fails intermittently.
2008-08-06 emcmanus 6734273: Minor updates to documentation of Custom MXBean Mappings
2008-08-05 emcmanus 6733589: Intermittent failure of test/javax/management/eventService/SharingThreadTest.java
2008-08-01 jjh 6730273: TEST: JDI_REGRESSION test Solaris32AndSolaris64Test.sh fails if -XX:+UseCompressedOops is used
2008-08-01 dfuchs 6732192: CORE_PKGS.gmk: need to declare javax.management.event in the CORE_PKGS variable
2008-08-01 dl 6725789: ScheduledExecutorService does not work as expected in jdk7/6/5
2008-08-01 martin 6730380: java.util.Timer should use AtomicInteger
2008-07-31 dfuchs 6616825: JMX query returns no value in 1.0 compatibility mode - deserialization bug in readObject()
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