2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-02-11 cl Added tag jdk7-b129 for changeset be4f18a6d7c5
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-02-11 cl Added tag jdk7-b129 for changeset ff78798ebd0e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-02-12 mfang Merge
2011-02-12 mfang Merge
2011-02-10 mfang 7017734: jdk7 message drop 1 translation integration
2011-02-10 mfang 7014477: pt_BR corba resource bundle is missing in jdk7 build
2011-02-11 cl Added tag jdk7-b129 for changeset c9679be023bb
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-02-16 ohair Merge
2011-02-15 ohair Merge
2011-02-14 mfang Merge
2011-02-12 mfang Merge
2011-02-12 mfang Merge
2011-02-11 mfang 7017734: jdk7 message drop 1 translation integration
2011-02-11 ohair Merge
2011-02-11 ohair 7012644: Regression: jdk/make/common/shared/Defs-windows.gmk has problems on cygwin
2011-02-16 igor Merge
2011-02-10 igor Merge
2011-02-09 herrick Merge
2011-02-09 herrick 7016724: Remove sun.jkernel.* classes in JDK 7
2011-02-15 lana Merge
2011-02-09 lana Merge
2011-02-09 alanb Merge
2011-02-09 alanb 7018258: Dual-pivot updates in 7013585 can fail with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
2011-02-09 chegar 7013961: Threads attached via JNI attach prevent daemon ThreadGroups from being destroyed
2011-02-08 lana Merge
2011-02-08 sherman 7017840: (zipfs) test/demo/zipfs/basic.sh needs to be updated due to 7013420
2011-02-08 alanb 4421494: infinite loop while parsing double literal
2011-02-08 alanb 7013585: Dual-pivot quicksort improvements for highly structured (nearly sorted) and data with small periods
2011-02-07 alanb Merge
2011-02-07 alanb 7017454: Residual warnings in sun/nio/** and java/io native code (win64)
2011-02-07 chegar 7016898: PlainSocketImpl.fd is null on Windows
2011-02-07 alanb 7003155: (fs) Paths.get(<file-uri>) does not handle escaped octets correctly
2011-02-07 alanb 7012823: TEST_BUG: java/nio/MappedByteBuffer tests leave file mappingsthat prevent clean-up (win)
2011-02-07 vinnie 7017486: Need synchronized access when flushing the LDAP request queue
2011-02-05 lana Merge
2011-02-04 sherman 7005986: (zipfs) ZipPath.startsWith() fails because of the implementation of getName(index)
2011-02-04 mduigou 7015783: Update JDK Netbeans projects to -source 1.7
2011-02-04 lancea 7014095: Broken link in java.sql package specification
2011-02-04 vinnie 7017176: Several JNDI tests are mssing GPL header
2011-02-04 vinnie Merge
2011-02-04 vinnie 6989705: ECC security code native code compiler warnings
2011-02-03 ksrini 6968053: (launcher) hide exceptions under certain launcher failures
2011-02-03 sherman 7014645: Support perl style Unicode hex notation \x{...}
2011-02-03 vinnie 6997561: A request for better error handling in JNDI
2011-02-03 alanb 7014794: (file) lookupPrincipalByGroupName fails to find large NIS groups
2011-02-03 michaelm 6751021: TEST_BUG: race condition in the test java/lang/Runtime/exec/Duped.java
2011-02-03 chegar 6887710: Jar index should avoid putting META-INF in the INDEX.LIST
2011-02-03 coffeys 7016897: Copyright header correction : test/sun/security/provider/SeedGenerator/SeedGeneratorChoice.java
2011-02-03 chegar 7008595: Class loader leak caused by keepAliveTimer thread in KeepAliveCache
2011-02-02 briangoetz 7012540: java.util.Objects.nonNull() incorrectly named
2011-02-01 sherman 7015391: (zipfs) Update zip provider for 1/2011 changes
2011-02-01 sundar 7015908: 3 javax.script tests fail with openjdk build
2011-02-01 xuelei 7011497: new CertPathValidatorException.BasicReason enum constant for constrained algorithm
2011-02-01 darcy 7015827: Fix HTML validation issues in java.math package
2011-01-29 darcy 7015156: Remove JSR 308 changes from core libraries
2011-01-28 alanb 7015410: test/java/net/Socks/SocksProxyVersion.java needs to be updated due to 7013420
2011-01-28 alanb Merge
2011-01-28 alanb 7006126: (fs) Updates to file system API (1/2011)
2011-01-26 darcy 7013420: Project Coin: remove general expression support from try-with-resources statement
2011-01-26 alanb 7012663: javadoc warning in javax.swing.JComponent and javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTextPaneUI
2011-01-25 mullan Merge
2011-01-24 mullan Merge
2011-01-24 mullan Merge
2011-01-24 mullan 5001004: Required Security Algorithms need to be defined
2011-01-25 darcy 7006578: Project Coin: Retrofit JDK libraries with @SafeVarargs
2011-02-08 lana Merge
2011-02-08 naoto 7015500: Locale.toLanguageTag() uses "und" as lang subtag for private use only Locale
2011-02-07 alexp 6979537: closed/javax/swing/JSplitPane/UnitTest/UnitTest.java fails
2011-02-07 alexp 7016942: Revert a refactoring in TooltipManager to allow reflection hack
2011-02-03 naoto 7013282: No appropriate CCC request for listed JDK 7 changes in java.util.spi package (b121)
2011-02-03 rupashka 7013453: BufferStrategyPaintManager.dispose will cause IllegalMonitorStateException in event thread
2011-02-02 rupashka 6988176: There is focus painted inside the button.
2011-02-02 rupashka 6988168: Press the "Toggle Font" button.The size of the combo box didn't change.
2011-01-31 malenkov 6999045: DOC: Unclear spec for BevelBorder constructor and BorderFactory factory method (colors switching)
2011-01-31 malenkov 7001118: DOC: javax.swing.border.StrokeBorder.paintBorder() doesn't throw NPE in all specified cases
2011-01-31 malenkov 7001484: DOC: Method javax.swing.border.StrokeBorder.getBorderInsets() should specify how it converts float
2011-01-27 rupashka 6935155: @since tag is missing in JTextComponent.save/restoreComposedText
2011-01-27 rupashka 6902615: Method JTextComponent.getKeyStrokesForAction() throws StackOverflowError
2011-02-08 lana Merge
2011-02-04 dav 6741526: KeyboardFocusManager.setDefaultFocusTraversalPolicy(FocusTraversalPolicy) affects created components
2011-02-01 andrew 7015232: missing copyright header in CheckZOrderChange.java
2011-01-28 denis 6340263: Regression testcase java/awt/dnd/DnDClipboardDeadlockTest throughs IOException: Owner timed out
2011-01-25 dav 6431076: Cursor gets reset to text cursor in xawt TextArea when autoscrolling on append
2011-01-25 dav 6693961: cross-window focus transfer ability in the Focus Spec should be revised
2011-02-08 dlila 7016856: dashing performance was reduced during latest changes to the OpenJDK rasterizer
2011-02-04 lana Merge
2011-01-27 dlila 4645692: solveCubic does not return all solutions.
2011-01-26 prr 6940890: Java doesn't pick up the correct fontconfig files in latest Solaris Next builds
2011-01-26 prr 7014738: Update jdk repo application manifests with Windows 7 compatibility section.
2011-02-11 cl Added tag jdk7-b129 for changeset 6552a84fac3c
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2011-02-17 kamg 7019718: make error reporting flags product instead of diagnostic
2011-02-11 trims 7019104: Bump the HS21 build number to 02
2011-02-11 trims Merge
2011-02-11 rottenha Merge
2011-02-10 ctornqvi 7018366: hotspot/runtime_erro Fix for 7014918 does not build using MVC 2003
2011-02-09 ctornqvi 7014918: Improve core/minidump handling in Hotspot
2011-02-09 mchung Merge
2011-02-08 mchung 7017673: Remove setting of the sun.jkernel.DownloadManager as a boot classloader hook
2011-02-09 coleenp Merge
2011-02-07 coleenp 6472925: OutOfMemoryError fails to generate stack trace as it now ought
2011-02-08 kamg 7003401: Implement VM error-reporting functionality on erroneous termination
2011-02-07 rottenha Merge
2011-02-04 coleenp Merge
2011-02-04 coleenp 7017009: Secondary out of c-heap memory error reporting out of memory
2011-02-02 kamg 6766644: Redefinition of compiled method fails with assertion "Can not load classes with the Compiler thread"
2011-02-02 coleenp 7012088: jump to 0 address because of lack of memory ordering in SignatureHandlerLibrary::add
2011-02-02 bobv Merge
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