--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/stackMapTableFormat.hpp Mon Oct 25 13:31:55 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,916 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ *
+ */
+// These classes represent the stack-map substructures described in the JVMS
+// (hence the non-conforming naming scheme).
+// These classes work with the types in their compressed form in-place (as they
+// would appear in the classfile). No virtual methods or fields allowed.
+class verification_type_info {
+ private:
+ // u1 tag
+ // u2 cpool_index || u2 bci (for ITEM_Object & ITEM_Uninitailized only)
+ address tag_addr() const { return (address)this; }
+ address cpool_index_addr() const { return tag_addr() + sizeof(u1); }
+ address bci_addr() const { return cpool_index_addr(); }
+ protected:
+ // No constructors - should be 'private', but GCC issues a warning if it is
+ verification_type_info() {}
+ verification_type_info(const verification_type_info&) {}
+ public:
+ static verification_type_info* at(address addr) {
+ return (verification_type_info*)addr;
+ }
+ static verification_type_info* create_at(address addr, u1 tag) {
+ verification_type_info* vti = (verification_type_info*)addr;
+ vti->set_tag(tag);
+ return vti;
+ }
+ static verification_type_info* create_object_at(address addr, u2 cp_idx) {
+ verification_type_info* vti = (verification_type_info*)addr;
+ vti->set_tag(ITEM_Object);
+ vti->set_cpool_index(cp_idx);
+ return vti;
+ }
+ static verification_type_info* create_uninit_at(address addr, u2 bci) {
+ verification_type_info* vti = (verification_type_info*)addr;
+ vti->set_tag(ITEM_Uninitialized);
+ vti->set_bci(bci);
+ return vti;
+ }
+ static size_t calculate_size(u1 tag) {
+ if (tag == ITEM_Object || tag == ITEM_Uninitialized) {
+ return sizeof(u1) + sizeof(u2);
+ } else {
+ return sizeof(u1);
+ }
+ }
+ static size_t max_size() { return sizeof(u1) + sizeof(u2); }
+ u1 tag() const { return *(u1*)tag_addr(); }
+ void set_tag(u1 tag) { *((u1*)tag_addr()) = tag; }
+ bool is_object() const { return tag() == ITEM_Object; }
+ bool is_uninitialized() const { return tag() == ITEM_Uninitialized; }
+ u2 cpool_index() const {
+ assert(is_object(), "This type has no cp_index");
+ return Bytes::get_Java_u2(cpool_index_addr());
+ }
+ void set_cpool_index(u2 idx) {
+ assert(is_object(), "This type has no cp_index");
+ Bytes::put_Java_u2(cpool_index_addr(), idx);
+ }
+ u2 bci() const {
+ assert(is_uninitialized(), "This type has no bci");
+ return Bytes::get_Java_u2(bci_addr());
+ }
+ void set_bci(u2 bci) {
+ assert(is_uninitialized(), "This type has no bci");
+ Bytes::put_Java_u2(bci_addr(), bci);
+ }
+ void copy_from(verification_type_info* from) {
+ set_tag(from->tag());
+ if (from->is_object()) {
+ set_cpool_index(from->cpool_index());
+ } else if (from->is_uninitialized()) {
+ set_bci(from->bci());
+ }
+ }
+ size_t size() const {
+ return calculate_size(tag());
+ }
+ verification_type_info* next() {
+ return (verification_type_info*)((address)this + size());
+ }
+ // This method is used when reading unverified data in order to ensure
+ // that we don't read past a particular memory limit. It returns false
+ // if any part of the data structure is outside the specified memory bounds.
+ bool verify(address start, address end) {
+ return ((address)this >= start &&
+ (address)this < end &&
+ (bci_addr() + sizeof(u2) <= end ||
+ !is_object() && !is_uninitialized()));
+ }
+#ifdef ASSERT
+ void print_on(outputStream* st) {
+ switch (tag()) {
+ case ITEM_Top: st->print("Top"); break;
+ case ITEM_Integer: st->print("Integer"); break;
+ case ITEM_Float: st->print("Float"); break;
+ case ITEM_Double: st->print("Double"); break;
+ case ITEM_Long: st->print("Long"); break;
+ case ITEM_Null: st->print("Null"); break;
+ case ITEM_UninitializedThis:
+ st->print("UninitializedThis"); break;
+ case ITEM_Uninitialized:
+ st->print("Uninitialized[#%d]", bci()); break;
+ case ITEM_Object:
+ st->print("Object[#%d]", cpool_index()); break;
+ default:
+ assert(false, "Bad verification_type_info");
+ }
+ }
+#define FOR_EACH_STACKMAP_FRAME_TYPE(macro, arg1, arg2) \
+ macro(same_frame, arg1, arg2) \
+ macro(same_frame_extended, arg1, arg2) \
+ macro(same_frame_1_stack_item_frame, arg1, arg2) \
+ macro(same_frame_1_stack_item_extended, arg1, arg2) \
+ macro(chop_frame, arg1, arg2) \
+ macro(append_frame, arg1, arg2) \
+ macro(full_frame, arg1, arg2)
+#define SM_FORWARD_DECL(type, arg1, arg2) class type;
+class stack_map_frame {
+ protected:
+ address frame_type_addr() const { return (address)this; }
+ // No constructors - should be 'private', but GCC issues a warning if it is
+ stack_map_frame() {}
+ stack_map_frame(const stack_map_frame&) {}
+ public:
+ static stack_map_frame* at(address addr) {
+ return (stack_map_frame*)addr;
+ }
+ stack_map_frame* next() const {
+ return at((address)this + size());
+ }
+ u1 frame_type() const { return *(u1*)frame_type_addr(); }
+ void set_frame_type(u1 type) { *((u1*)frame_type_addr()) = type; }
+ // pseudo-virtual methods
+ inline size_t size() const;
+ inline int offset_delta() const;
+ inline void set_offset_delta(int offset_delta);
+ inline int number_of_types() const; // number of types contained in the frame
+ inline verification_type_info* types() const; // pointer to first type
+ inline bool is_valid_offset(int offset_delta) const;
+ // This method must be used when reading unverified data in order to ensure
+ // that we don't read past a particular memory limit. It returns false
+ // if any part of the data structure is outside the specified memory bounds.
+ inline bool verify(address start, address end) const;
+#ifdef ASSERT
+ inline void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
+ // Create as_xxx and is_xxx methods for the subtypes
+#define FRAME_TYPE_DECL(stackmap_frame_type, arg1, arg2) \
+ inline stackmap_frame_type* as_##stackmap_frame_type() const; \
+ bool is_##stackmap_frame_type() { \
+ return as_##stackmap_frame_type() != NULL; \
+ }
+class same_frame : public stack_map_frame {
+ private:
+ static int frame_type_to_offset_delta(u1 frame_type) {
+ return frame_type + 1; }
+ static u1 offset_delta_to_frame_type(int offset_delta) {
+ return (u1)(offset_delta - 1); }
+ public:
+ static bool is_frame_type(u1 tag) {
+ return tag < 64;
+ }
+ static same_frame* at(address addr) {
+ assert(is_frame_type(*addr), "Wrong frame id");
+ return (same_frame*)addr;
+ }
+ static same_frame* create_at(address addr, int offset_delta) {
+ same_frame* sm = (same_frame*)addr;
+ sm->set_offset_delta(offset_delta);
+ return sm;
+ }
+ static size_t calculate_size() { return sizeof(u1); }
+ size_t size() const { return calculate_size(); }
+ int offset_delta() const { return frame_type_to_offset_delta(frame_type()); }
+ void set_offset_delta(int offset_delta) {
+ assert(offset_delta <= 64, "Offset too large for same_frame");
+ set_frame_type(offset_delta_to_frame_type(offset_delta));
+ }
+ int number_of_types() const { return 0; }
+ verification_type_info* types() const { return NULL; }
+ bool is_valid_offset(int offset_delta) const {
+ return is_frame_type(offset_delta_to_frame_type(offset_delta));
+ }
+ bool verify_subtype(address start, address end) const {
+ return true;
+ }
+#ifdef ASSERT
+ void print_on(outputStream* st) const {
+ st->print("same_frame(%d)", offset_delta());
+ }
+class same_frame_extended : public stack_map_frame {
+ private:
+ enum { _frame_id = 251 };
+ address offset_delta_addr() const { return frame_type_addr() + sizeof(u1); }
+ public:
+ static bool is_frame_type(u1 tag) {
+ return tag == _frame_id;
+ }
+ static same_frame_extended* at(address addr) {
+ assert(is_frame_type(*addr), "Wrong frame type");
+ return (same_frame_extended*)addr;
+ }
+ static same_frame_extended* create_at(address addr, u2 offset_delta) {
+ same_frame_extended* sm = (same_frame_extended*)addr;
+ sm->set_frame_type(_frame_id);
+ sm->set_offset_delta(offset_delta);
+ return sm;
+ }
+ static size_t calculate_size() { return sizeof(u1) + sizeof(u2); }
+ size_t size() const { return calculate_size(); }
+ int offset_delta() const {
+ return Bytes::get_Java_u2(offset_delta_addr()) + 1;
+ }
+ void set_offset_delta(int offset_delta) {
+ Bytes::put_Java_u2(offset_delta_addr(), offset_delta - 1);
+ }
+ int number_of_types() const { return 0; }
+ verification_type_info* types() const { return NULL; }
+ bool is_valid_offset(int offset) const { return true; }
+ bool verify_subtype(address start, address end) const {
+ return frame_type_addr() + size() <= end;
+ }
+#ifdef ASSERT
+ void print_on(outputStream* st) const {
+ st->print("same_frame_extended(%d)", offset_delta());
+ }
+class same_frame_1_stack_item_frame : public stack_map_frame {
+ private:
+ address type_addr() const { return frame_type_addr() + sizeof(u1); }
+ static int frame_type_to_offset_delta(u1 frame_type) {
+ return frame_type - 63; }
+ static u1 offset_delta_to_frame_type(int offset_delta) {
+ return (u1)(offset_delta + 63); }
+ public:
+ static bool is_frame_type(u1 tag) {
+ return tag >= 64 && tag < 128;
+ }
+ static same_frame_1_stack_item_frame* at(address addr) {
+ assert(is_frame_type(*addr), "Wrong frame id");
+ return (same_frame_1_stack_item_frame*)addr;
+ }
+ static same_frame_1_stack_item_frame* create_at(
+ address addr, int offset_delta, verification_type_info* vti) {
+ same_frame_1_stack_item_frame* sm = (same_frame_1_stack_item_frame*)addr;
+ sm->set_offset_delta(offset_delta);
+ if (vti != NULL) {
+ sm->set_type(vti);
+ }
+ return sm;
+ }
+ static size_t calculate_size(verification_type_info* vti) {
+ return sizeof(u1) + vti->size();
+ }
+ static size_t max_size() {
+ return sizeof(u1) + verification_type_info::max_size();
+ }
+ size_t size() const { return calculate_size(types()); }
+ int offset_delta() const { return frame_type_to_offset_delta(frame_type()); }
+ void set_offset_delta(int offset_delta) {
+ assert(offset_delta > 0 && offset_delta <= 64,
+ "Offset too large for this frame type");
+ set_frame_type(offset_delta_to_frame_type(offset_delta));
+ }
+ void set_type(verification_type_info* vti) {
+ verification_type_info* cur = types();
+ cur->copy_from(vti);
+ }
+ int number_of_types() const { return 1; }
+ verification_type_info* types() const {
+ return verification_type_info::at(type_addr());
+ }
+ bool is_valid_offset(int offset_delta) const {
+ return is_frame_type(offset_delta_to_frame_type(offset_delta));
+ }
+ bool verify_subtype(address start, address end) const {
+ return types()->verify(start, end);
+ }
+#ifdef ASSERT
+ void print_on(outputStream* st) const {
+ st->print("same_frame_1_stack_item_frame(%d,", offset_delta());
+ types()->print_on(st);
+ st->print(")");
+ }
+class same_frame_1_stack_item_extended : public stack_map_frame {
+ private:
+ address offset_delta_addr() const { return frame_type_addr() + sizeof(u1); }
+ address type_addr() const { return offset_delta_addr() + sizeof(u2); }
+ enum { _frame_id = 247 };
+ public:
+ static bool is_frame_type(u1 tag) {
+ return tag == _frame_id;
+ }
+ static same_frame_1_stack_item_extended* at(address addr) {
+ assert(is_frame_type(*addr), "Wrong frame id");
+ return (same_frame_1_stack_item_extended*)addr;
+ }
+ static same_frame_1_stack_item_extended* create_at(
+ address addr, int offset_delta, verification_type_info* vti) {
+ same_frame_1_stack_item_extended* sm =
+ (same_frame_1_stack_item_extended*)addr;
+ sm->set_frame_type(_frame_id);
+ sm->set_offset_delta(offset_delta);
+ if (vti != NULL) {
+ sm->set_type(vti);
+ }
+ return sm;
+ }
+ static size_t calculate_size(verification_type_info* vti) {
+ return sizeof(u1) + sizeof(u2) + vti->size();
+ }
+ size_t size() const { return calculate_size(types()); }
+ int offset_delta() const {
+ return Bytes::get_Java_u2(offset_delta_addr()) + 1;
+ }
+ void set_offset_delta(int offset_delta) {
+ Bytes::put_Java_u2(offset_delta_addr(), offset_delta - 1);
+ }
+ void set_type(verification_type_info* vti) {
+ verification_type_info* cur = types();
+ cur->copy_from(vti);
+ }
+ int number_of_types() const { return 1; }
+ verification_type_info* types() const {
+ return verification_type_info::at(type_addr());
+ }
+ bool is_valid_offset(int offset) { return true; }
+ bool verify_subtype(address start, address end) const {
+ return type_addr() < end && types()->verify(start, end);
+ }
+#ifdef ASSERT
+ void print_on(outputStream* st) const {
+ st->print("same_frame_1_stack_item_extended(%d,", offset_delta());
+ types()->print_on(st);
+ st->print(")");
+ }
+class chop_frame : public stack_map_frame {
+ private:
+ address offset_delta_addr() const { return frame_type_addr() + sizeof(u1); }
+ static int frame_type_to_chops(u1 frame_type) {
+ int chop = 251 - frame_type;
+ return chop;
+ }
+ static u1 chops_to_frame_type(int chop) {
+ return 251 - chop;
+ }
+ public:
+ static bool is_frame_type(u1 tag) {
+ return frame_type_to_chops(tag) > 0 && frame_type_to_chops(tag) < 4;
+ }
+ static chop_frame* at(address addr) {
+ assert(is_frame_type(*addr), "Wrong frame id");
+ return (chop_frame*)addr;
+ }
+ static chop_frame* create_at(address addr, int offset_delta, int chops) {
+ chop_frame* sm = (chop_frame*)addr;
+ sm->set_chops(chops);
+ sm->set_offset_delta(offset_delta);
+ return sm;
+ }
+ static size_t calculate_size() {
+ return sizeof(u1) + sizeof(u2);
+ }
+ size_t size() const { return calculate_size(); }
+ int offset_delta() const {
+ return Bytes::get_Java_u2(offset_delta_addr()) + 1;
+ }
+ void set_offset_delta(int offset_delta) {
+ Bytes::put_Java_u2(offset_delta_addr(), offset_delta - 1);
+ }
+ int chops() const {
+ int chops = frame_type_to_chops(frame_type());
+ assert(chops > 0 && chops < 4, "Invalid number of chops in frame");
+ return chops;
+ }
+ void set_chops(int chops) {
+ assert(chops > 0 && chops <= 3, "Bad number of chops");
+ set_frame_type(chops_to_frame_type(chops));
+ }
+ int number_of_types() const { return 0; }
+ verification_type_info* types() const { return NULL; }
+ bool is_valid_offset(int offset) { return true; }
+ bool verify_subtype(address start, address end) const {
+ return frame_type_addr() + size() <= end;
+ }
+#ifdef ASSERT
+ void print_on(outputStream* st) const {
+ st->print("chop_frame(%d,%d)", offset_delta(), chops());
+ }
+class append_frame : public stack_map_frame {
+ private:
+ address offset_delta_addr() const { return frame_type_addr() + sizeof(u1); }
+ address types_addr() const { return offset_delta_addr() + sizeof(u2); }
+ static int frame_type_to_appends(u1 frame_type) {
+ int append = frame_type - 251;
+ return append;
+ }
+ static u1 appends_to_frame_type(int appends) {
+ assert(appends > 0 && appends < 4, "Invalid append amount");
+ return 251 + appends;
+ }
+ public:
+ static bool is_frame_type(u1 tag) {
+ return frame_type_to_appends(tag) > 0 && frame_type_to_appends(tag) < 4;
+ }
+ static append_frame* at(address addr) {
+ assert(is_frame_type(*addr), "Wrong frame id");
+ return (append_frame*)addr;
+ }
+ static append_frame* create_at(
+ address addr, int offset_delta, int appends,
+ verification_type_info* types) {
+ append_frame* sm = (append_frame*)addr;
+ sm->set_appends(appends);
+ sm->set_offset_delta(offset_delta);
+ if (types != NULL) {
+ verification_type_info* cur = sm->types();
+ for (int i = 0; i < appends; ++i) {
+ cur->copy_from(types);
+ cur = cur->next();
+ types = types->next();
+ }
+ }
+ return sm;
+ }
+ static size_t calculate_size(int appends, verification_type_info* types) {
+ size_t sz = sizeof(u1) + sizeof(u2);
+ for (int i = 0; i < appends; ++i) {
+ sz += types->size();
+ types = types->next();
+ }
+ return sz;
+ }
+ static size_t max_size() {
+ return sizeof(u1) + sizeof(u2) + 3 * verification_type_info::max_size();
+ }
+ size_t size() const { return calculate_size(number_of_types(), types()); }
+ int offset_delta() const {
+ return Bytes::get_Java_u2(offset_delta_addr()) + 1;
+ }
+ void set_offset_delta(int offset_delta) {
+ Bytes::put_Java_u2(offset_delta_addr(), offset_delta - 1);
+ }
+ void set_appends(int appends) {
+ assert(appends > 0 && appends < 4, "Bad number of appends");
+ set_frame_type(appends_to_frame_type(appends));
+ }
+ int number_of_types() const {
+ int appends = frame_type_to_appends(frame_type());
+ assert(appends > 0 && appends < 4, "Invalid number of appends in frame");
+ return appends;
+ }
+ verification_type_info* types() const {
+ return verification_type_info::at(types_addr());
+ }
+ bool is_valid_offset(int offset) const { return true; }
+ bool verify_subtype(address start, address end) const {
+ verification_type_info* vti = types();
+ if ((address)vti < end && vti->verify(start, end)) {
+ int nof = number_of_types();
+ vti = vti->next();
+ if (nof < 2 || vti->verify(start, end)) {
+ vti = vti->next();
+ if (nof < 3 || vti->verify(start, end)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+#ifdef ASSERT
+ void print_on(outputStream* st) const {
+ st->print("append_frame(%d,", offset_delta());
+ verification_type_info* vti = types();
+ for (int i = 0; i < number_of_types(); ++i) {
+ vti->print_on(st);
+ if (i != number_of_types() - 1) {
+ st->print(",");
+ }
+ vti = vti->next();
+ }
+ st->print(")");
+ }
+class full_frame : public stack_map_frame {
+ private:
+ address offset_delta_addr() const { return frame_type_addr() + sizeof(u1); }
+ address num_locals_addr() const { return offset_delta_addr() + sizeof(u2); }
+ address locals_addr() const { return num_locals_addr() + sizeof(u2); }
+ address stack_slots_addr(address end_of_locals) const {
+ return end_of_locals; }
+ address stack_addr(address end_of_locals) const {
+ return stack_slots_addr(end_of_locals) + sizeof(u2); }
+ enum { _frame_id = 255 };
+ public:
+ static bool is_frame_type(u1 tag) {
+ return tag == _frame_id;
+ }
+ static full_frame* at(address addr) {
+ assert(is_frame_type(*addr), "Wrong frame id");
+ return (full_frame*)addr;
+ }
+ static full_frame* create_at(
+ address addr, int offset_delta, int num_locals,
+ verification_type_info* locals,
+ int stack_slots, verification_type_info* stack) {
+ full_frame* sm = (full_frame*)addr;
+ sm->set_frame_type(_frame_id);
+ sm->set_offset_delta(offset_delta);
+ sm->set_num_locals(num_locals);
+ if (locals != NULL) {
+ verification_type_info* cur = sm->locals();
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_locals; ++i) {
+ cur->copy_from(locals);
+ cur = cur->next();
+ locals = locals->next();
+ }
+ address end_of_locals = (address)cur;
+ sm->set_stack_slots(end_of_locals, stack_slots);
+ cur = sm->stack(end_of_locals);
+ for (int i = 0; i < stack_slots; ++i) {
+ cur->copy_from(stack);
+ cur = cur->next();
+ stack = stack->next();
+ }
+ }
+ return sm;
+ }
+ static size_t calculate_size(
+ int num_locals, verification_type_info* locals,
+ int stack_slots, verification_type_info* stack) {
+ size_t sz = sizeof(u1) + sizeof(u2) + sizeof(u2) + sizeof(u2);
+ verification_type_info* vti = locals;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_locals; ++i) {
+ sz += vti->size();
+ vti = vti->next();
+ }
+ vti = stack;
+ for (int i = 0; i < stack_slots; ++i) {
+ sz += vti->size();
+ vti = vti->next();
+ }
+ return sz;
+ }
+ static size_t max_size(int locals, int stack) {
+ return sizeof(u1) + 3 * sizeof(u2) +
+ (locals + stack) * verification_type_info::max_size();
+ }
+ size_t size() const {
+ address eol = end_of_locals();
+ return calculate_size(num_locals(), locals(), stack_slots(eol), stack(eol));
+ }
+ int offset_delta() const {
+ return Bytes::get_Java_u2(offset_delta_addr()) + 1;
+ }
+ int num_locals() const { return Bytes::get_Java_u2(num_locals_addr()); }
+ verification_type_info* locals() const {
+ return verification_type_info::at(locals_addr());
+ }
+ address end_of_locals() const {
+ verification_type_info* vti = locals();
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_locals(); ++i) {
+ vti = vti->next();
+ }
+ return (address)vti;
+ }
+ int stack_slots(address end_of_locals) const {
+ return Bytes::get_Java_u2(stack_slots_addr(end_of_locals));
+ }
+ verification_type_info* stack(address end_of_locals) const {
+ return verification_type_info::at(stack_addr(end_of_locals));
+ }
+ void set_offset_delta(int offset_delta) {
+ Bytes::put_Java_u2(offset_delta_addr(), offset_delta - 1);
+ }
+ void set_num_locals(int num_locals) {
+ Bytes::put_Java_u2(num_locals_addr(), num_locals);
+ }
+ void set_stack_slots(address end_of_locals, int stack_slots) {
+ Bytes::put_Java_u2(stack_slots_addr(end_of_locals), stack_slots);
+ }
+ // These return only the locals. Extra processing is required for stack
+ // types of full frames.
+ int number_of_types() const { return num_locals(); }
+ verification_type_info* types() const { return locals(); }
+ bool is_valid_offset(int offset) { return true; }
+ bool verify_subtype(address start, address end) const {
+ verification_type_info* vti = types();
+ if ((address)vti >= end) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ int count = number_of_types();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ if (!vti->verify(start, end)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ vti = vti->next();
+ }
+ address eol = (address)vti;
+ if (eol + sizeof(u2) > end) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ count = stack_slots(eol);
+ vti = stack(eol);
+ for (int i = 0; i < stack_slots(eol); ++i) {
+ if (!vti->verify(start, end)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ vti = vti->next();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+#ifdef ASSERT
+ void print_on(outputStream* st) const {
+ st->print("full_frame(%d,{", offset_delta());
+ verification_type_info* vti = locals();
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_locals(); ++i) {
+ vti->print_on(st);
+ if (i != num_locals() - 1) {
+ st->print(",");
+ }
+ vti = vti->next();
+ }
+ st->print("},{");
+ address end_of_locals = (address)vti;
+ vti = stack(end_of_locals);
+ int ss = stack_slots(end_of_locals);
+ for (int i = 0; i < ss; ++i) {
+ vti->print_on(st);
+ if (i != ss - 1) {
+ st->print(",");
+ }
+ vti = vti->next();
+ }
+ st->print("})");
+ }
+#define VIRTUAL_DISPATCH(stack_frame_type, func_name, args) \
+ stack_frame_type* item_##stack_frame_type = as_##stack_frame_type(); \
+ if (item_##stack_frame_type != NULL) { \
+ return item_##stack_frame_type->func_name args; \
+ }
+#define VOID_VIRTUAL_DISPATCH(stack_frame_type, func_name, args) \
+ stack_frame_type* item_##stack_frame_type = as_##stack_frame_type(); \
+ if (item_##stack_frame_type != NULL) { \
+ item_##stack_frame_type->func_name args; \
+ return; \
+ }
+size_t stack_map_frame::size() const {
+ return 0;
+int stack_map_frame::offset_delta() const {
+ return 0;
+void stack_map_frame::set_offset_delta(int offset_delta) {
+ VOID_VIRTUAL_DISPATCH, set_offset_delta, (offset_delta));
+int stack_map_frame::number_of_types() const {
+ return 0;
+verification_type_info* stack_map_frame::types() const {
+ return NULL;
+bool stack_map_frame::is_valid_offset(int offset) const {
+ return true;
+bool stack_map_frame::verify(address start, address end) const {
+ if (frame_type_addr() >= start && frame_type_addr() < end) {
+ VIRTUAL_DISPATCH, verify_subtype, (start, end));
+ }
+ return false;
+#ifdef ASSERT
+void stack_map_frame::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
+#define AS_SUBTYPE_DEF(stack_frame_type, arg1, arg2) \
+stack_frame_type* stack_map_frame::as_##stack_frame_type() const { \
+ if (stack_frame_type::is_frame_type(frame_type())) { \
+ return (stack_frame_type*)this; \
+ } else { \
+ return NULL; \
+ } \
+class stack_map_table_attribute {
+ private:
+ address name_index_addr() const {
+ return (address)this; }
+ address attribute_length_addr() const {
+ return name_index_addr() + sizeof(u2); }
+ address number_of_entries_addr() const {
+ return attribute_length_addr() + sizeof(u4); }
+ address entries_addr() const {
+ return number_of_entries_addr() + sizeof(u2); }
+ protected:
+ // No constructors - should be 'private', but GCC issues a warning if it is
+ stack_map_table_attribute() {}
+ stack_map_table_attribute(const stack_map_table_attribute&) {}
+ public:
+ static stack_map_table_attribute* at(address addr) {
+ return (stack_map_table_attribute*)addr;
+ }
+ u2 name_index() const {
+ return Bytes::get_Java_u2(name_index_addr()); }
+ u4 attribute_length() const {
+ return Bytes::get_Java_u4(attribute_length_addr()); }
+ u2 number_of_entries() const {
+ return Bytes::get_Java_u2(number_of_entries_addr()); }
+ stack_map_frame* entries() const {
+ return stack_map_frame::at(entries_addr());
+ }
+ static size_t header_size() {
+ return sizeof(u2) + sizeof(u4);
+ }
+ void set_name_index(u2 idx) {
+ Bytes::put_Java_u2(name_index_addr(), idx);
+ }
+ void set_attribute_length(u4 len) {
+ Bytes::put_Java_u4(attribute_length_addr(), len);
+ }
+ void set_number_of_entries(u2 num) {
+ Bytes::put_Java_u2(number_of_entries_addr(), num);
+ }
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/relocator.cpp Fri Oct 22 15:59:34 2010 -0400
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/relocator.cpp Mon Oct 25 13:31:55 2010 -0400
@@ -435,6 +435,120 @@
+// Create a new array, copying the src array but adding a hole at
+// the specified location
+static typeArrayOop insert_hole_at(
+ size_t where, int hole_sz, typeArrayOop src) {
+ Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
+ Handle src_hnd(THREAD, src);
+ typeArrayOop dst =
+ oopFactory::new_permanent_byteArray(src->length() + hole_sz, CHECK_NULL);
+ src = (typeArrayOop)src_hnd();
+ address src_addr = (address)src->byte_at_addr(0);
+ address dst_addr = (address)dst->byte_at_addr(0);
+ memcpy(dst_addr, src_addr, where);
+ memcpy(dst_addr + where + hole_sz,
+ src_addr + where, src->length() - where);
+ return dst;
+// The width of instruction at "bci" is changing by "delta". Adjust the stack
+// map frames.
+void Relocator::adjust_stack_map_table(int bci, int delta) {
+ if (method()->has_stackmap_table()) {
+ typeArrayOop data = method()->stackmap_data();
+ // The data in the array is a classfile representation of the stackmap
+ // table attribute, less the initial u2 tag and u4 attribute_length fields.
+ stack_map_table_attribute* attr = stack_map_table_attribute::at(
+ (address)data->byte_at_addr(0) - (sizeof(u2) + sizeof(u4)));
+ int count = attr->number_of_entries();
+ stack_map_frame* frame = attr->entries();
+ int bci_iter = -1;
+ bool offset_adjusted = false; // only need to adjust one offset
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ int offset_delta = frame->offset_delta();
+ bci_iter += offset_delta;
+ if (!offset_adjusted && bci_iter > bci) {
+ int new_offset_delta = offset_delta + delta;
+ if (frame->is_valid_offset(new_offset_delta)) {
+ frame->set_offset_delta(new_offset_delta);
+ } else {
+ assert(frame->is_same_frame() ||
+ frame->is_same_frame_1_stack_item_frame(),
+ "Frame must be one of the compressed forms");
+ // The new delta exceeds the capacity of the 'same_frame' or
+ // 'same_frame_1_stack_item_frame' frame types. We need to
+ // convert these frames to the extended versions, but the extended
+ // version is bigger and requires more room. So we allocate a
+ // new array and copy the data, being sure to leave u2-sized hole
+ // right after the 'frame_type' for the new offset field.
+ //
+ // We can safely ignore the reverse situation as a small delta
+ // can still be used in an extended version of the frame.
+ size_t frame_offset = (address)frame - (address)data->byte_at_addr(0);
+ data = insert_hole_at(frame_offset + 1, 2, data);
+ if (data == NULL) {
+ return; // out-of-memory?
+ }
+ address frame_addr = (address)(data->byte_at_addr(0) + frame_offset);
+ frame = stack_map_frame::at(frame_addr);
+ // Now convert the frames in place
+ if (frame->is_same_frame()) {
+ same_frame_extended::create_at(frame_addr, new_offset_delta);
+ } else {
+ same_frame_1_stack_item_extended::create_at(
+ frame_addr, new_offset_delta, NULL);
+ // the verification_info_type should already be at the right spot
+ }
+ }
+ offset_adjusted = true; // needs to be done only once, since subsequent
+ // values are offsets from the current
+ }
+ // The stack map frame may contain verification types, if so we need to
+ // check and update any Uninitialized type's bci (no matter where it is).
+ int number_of_types = frame->number_of_types();
+ verification_type_info* types = frame->types();
+ for (int i = 0; i < number_of_types; ++i) {
+ if (types->is_uninitialized() && types->bci() > bci) {
+ types->set_bci(types->bci() + delta);
+ }
+ types = types->next();
+ }
+ // Full frame has stack values too
+ full_frame* ff = frame->as_full_frame();
+ if (ff != NULL) {
+ address eol = (address)types;
+ number_of_types = ff->stack_slots(eol);
+ types = ff->stack(eol);
+ for (int i = 0; i < number_of_types; ++i) {
+ if (types->is_uninitialized() && types->bci() > bci) {
+ types->set_bci(types->bci() + delta);
+ }
+ types = types->next();
+ }
+ }
+ frame = frame->next();
+ }
+ method()->set_stackmap_data(data); // in case it has changed
+ }
bool Relocator::expand_code_array(int delta) {
int length = MAX2(code_length() + delta, code_length() * (100+code_slop_pct()) / 100);
@@ -499,6 +613,9 @@
// And local variable table...
adjust_local_var_table(bci, delta);
+ // Adjust stack maps
+ adjust_stack_map_table(bci, delta);
// Relocate the pending change stack...
for (int j = 0; j < _changes->length(); j++) {
ChangeItem* ci = _changes->at(j);
@@ -641,6 +758,7 @@
memmove(addr_at(bci +1 + new_pad),
addr_at(bci +1 + old_pad),
len * 4);
+ memset(addr_at(bci + 1), 0, new_pad); // pad must be 0
return true;