8184435: Cleanup of javadoc in javax.print package
Thu, 31 Aug 2017 15:47:34 -0700
changeset 47196 a3211bb4daff
parent 47195 b309b58eb190
child 47197 a7033867ee20
8184435: Cleanup of javadoc in javax.print package Reviewed-by: prr, psadhukhan
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/AttributeException.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/AttributeException.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,27 +28,22 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
- * Interface AttributeException is a mixin interface which a subclass of
- * {@link
- * PrintException PrintException} can implement to report an error condition
- * involving one or more printing attributes that a particular Print
+ * Interface {@code AttributeException} is a mixin interface which a subclass of
+ * {@link PrintException PrintException} can implement to report an error
+ * condition involving one or more printing attributes that a particular Print
  * Service instance does not support. Either the attribute is not supported at
  * all, or the attribute is supported but the particular specified value is not
- * supported. The Print Service API does not define any print exception
- * classes that implement interface AttributeException, that being left to the
+ * supported. The Print Service API does not define any print exception classes
+ * that implement interface {@code AttributeException}, that being left to the
  * Print Service implementor's discretion.
- *
 public interface AttributeException {
      * Returns the array of printing attribute classes for which the Print
-     * Service instance does not support the attribute at all, or null if
-     * there are no such attributes. The objects in the returned array are
-     * classes that extend the base interface
-     * {@link javax.print.attribute.Attribute Attribute}.
+     * Service instance does not support the attribute at all, or {@code null}
+     * if there are no such attributes. The objects in the returned array are
+     * classes that extend the base interface {@link Attribute Attribute}.
      * @return unsupported attribute classes
@@ -57,10 +52,10 @@
      * Returns the array of printing attributes for which the Print Service
      * instance supports the attribute but does not support that particular
-     * value of the attribute, or null if there are no such attribute values.
+     * value of the attribute, or {@code null} if there are no such attribute
+     * values.
      * @return unsupported attribute values
     public Attribute[] getUnsupportedValues();
-    }
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/CancelablePrintJob.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/CancelablePrintJob.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,52 +26,47 @@
 package javax.print;
- * This interface is used by a printing application to cancel a
- * print job.  This interface extends {@link DocPrintJob}.  A
- * {@code DocPrintJob} implementation returned from a print
- * service implements this interface if the print job can be
- * cancelled.  Before trying to cancel
- * a print job, the client needs to test if the
- * {@code DocPrintJob} object returned from the print service
- * actually implements this interface.  Clients should never assume
- * that a {@code DocPrintJob} implements this interface.  A
- * print service might support cancellation only for certain types
- * of print data and representation class names.  This means that
- * only some of the {@code DocPrintJob} objects returned from
- * a service will implement this interface.
+ * This interface is used by a printing application to cancel a print job. This
+ * interface extends {@link DocPrintJob}. A {@code DocPrintJob} implementation
+ * returned from a print service implements this interface if the print job can
+ * be cancelled. Before trying to cancel a print job, the client needs to test
+ * if the {@code DocPrintJob} object returned from the print service actually
+ * implements this interface. Clients should never assume that a
+ * {@code DocPrintJob} implements this interface. A print service might support
+ * cancellation only for certain types of print data and representation class
+ * names. This means that only some of the {@code DocPrintJob} objects returned
+ * from a service will implement this interface.
  * <p>
- * Service implementors are encouraged to implement this optional interface
- * and to deliver a javax.print.event.PrintJobEvent.JOB_CANCELLED event
- * to any listeners if a job is successfully cancelled with an
- * implementation of this interface. Services should also note that an
- * implementation of this method may be made from a separate client thread
- * than that which made the print request.  Thus the implementation of
- * this interface must be made thread safe.
+ * Service implementors are encouraged to implement this optional interface and
+ * to deliver a {@link javax.print.event.PrintJobEvent#JOB_CANCELED} event to
+ * any listeners if a job is successfully cancelled with an implementation of
+ * this interface. Services should also note that an implementation of this
+ * method may be made from a separate client thread than that which made the
+ * print request. Thus the implementation of this interface must be made thread
+ * safe.
 public interface CancelablePrintJob extends DocPrintJob {
      * Stops further processing of a print job.
      * <p>
-     * If a service supports this method it cannot be concluded that
-     * job cancellation will always succeed. A job may not be able to be
-     * cancelled once it has reached and passed some point in its processing.
-     * A successful cancellation means only that the entire job was not
-     * printed, some portion may already have printed when cancel returns.
+     * If a service supports this method it cannot be concluded that job
+     * cancellation will always succeed. A job may not be able to be cancelled
+     * once it has reached and passed some point in its processing. A successful
+     * cancellation means only that the entire job was not printed, some portion
+     * may already have printed when cancel returns.
      * <p>
-     * The service will throw a PrintException if the cancellation did not
-     * succeed. A job which has not yet been submitted for printing should
-     * throw this exception.
-     * Cancelling an already successfully cancelled Print Job is not
-     * considered an error and will always succeed.
+     * The service will throw a {@code PrintException} if the cancellation did
+     * not succeed. A job which has not yet been submitted for printing should
+     * throw this exception. Cancelling an already successfully cancelled Print
+     * Job is not considered an error and will always succeed.
      * <p>
      * Cancellation in some services may be a lengthy process, involving
-     * requests to a server and processing of its print queue. Clients
-     * may wish to execute cancel in a thread which does not affect
-     * application execution.
-     * @throws PrintException if the job could not be successfully cancelled.
+     * requests to a server and processing of its print queue. Clients may wish
+     * to execute cancel in a thread which does not affect application
+     * execution.
+     *
+     * @throws PrintException if the job could not be successfully cancelled
     public void cancel() throws PrintException;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/Doc.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/Doc.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -25,181 +25,165 @@
 package javax.print;
+import java.io.IOException;
 import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
 import java.io.Reader;
 import javax.print.attribute.DocAttributeSet;
- * Interface Doc specifies the interface for an object that supplies one piece
- * of print data for a Print Job. "Doc" is a short, easy-to-pronounce term
+ * Interface {@code Doc} specifies the interface for an object that supplies one
+ * piece of print data for a Print Job. "Doc" is a short, easy-to-pronounce term
  * that means "a piece of print data." The client passes to the Print Job an
- * object that implements interface Doc, and the Print Job calls methods on
- * that object to obtain the print data. The Doc interface lets a Print Job:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * Determine the format, or "doc flavor" (class {@link DocFlavor DocFlavor}),
- * in which the print data is available. A doc flavor designates the print
- * data format (a MIME type) and the representation class of the object
- * from which the print data comes.
- *
- * <LI>
- * Obtain the print data representation object, which is an instance of the
- * doc flavor's representation class. The Print Job can then obtain the actual
- * print data from the representation object.
- *
- * <LI>
- * Obtain the printing attributes that specify additional characteristics of
- * the doc or that specify processing instructions to be applied to the doc.
- * Printing attributes are defined in package {@link javax.print.attribute
- * javax.print.attribute}. The doc returns its printing attributes stored in
- * an {@link javax.print.attribute.DocAttributeSet javax.print.attribute.DocAttributeSet}.
- * </UL>
- * <P>
- * Each method in an implementation of interface Doc is permitted always to
- * return the same object each time the method is called.
- * This has implications
- * for a Print Job or other caller of a doc object whose print data
+ * object that implements interface {@code Doc}, and the Print Job calls methods
+ * on that object to obtain the print data. The {@code Doc} interface lets a
+ * Print Job:
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>Determine the format, or "doc flavor" (class
+ *   {@link DocFlavor DocFlavor}), in which the print data is available. A doc
+ *   flavor designates the print data format (a MIME type) and the
+ *   representation class of the object from which the print data comes.
+ *   <li>Obtain the print data representation object, which is an instance of
+ *   the doc flavor's representation class. The Print Job can then obtain the
+ *   actual print data from the representation object.
+ *   <li>Obtain the printing attributes that specify additional characteristics
+ *   of the doc or that specify processing instructions to be applied to the
+ *   doc. Printing attributes are defined in package
+ *   {@link javax.print.attribute}. The doc returns its printing attributes
+ *   stored in an {@link DocAttributeSet javax.print.attribute.DocAttributeSet}.
+ * </ul>
+ * Each method in an implementation of interface {@code Doc} is permitted always
+ * to return the same object each time the method is called. This has
+ * implications for a Print Job or other caller of a doc object whose print data
  * representation object "consumes" the print data as the caller obtains the
  * print data, such as a print data representation object which is a stream.
- * Once the Print Job has called {@link #getPrintData()
- * getPrintData()} and obtained the stream, any further calls to
- * {@link #getPrintData() getPrintData()} will return the same
- * stream object upon which reading may already be in progress, <I>not</I> a new
- * stream object that will re-read the print data from the beginning. Specifying
- * a doc object to behave this way simplifies the implementation of doc objects,
- * and is justified on the grounds that a particular doc is intended to convey
- * print data only to one Print Job, not to several different Print Jobs. (To
- * convey the same print data to several different Print Jobs, you have to
- * create several different doc objects on top of the same print data source.)
- * <P>
- * Interface Doc affords considerable implementation flexibility. The print data
- * might already be in existence when the doc object is constructed. In this
- * case the objects returned by the doc's methods can be supplied to the doc's
- * constructor, be stored in the doc ahead of time, and simply be returned when
- * called for. Alternatively, the print data might not exist yet when the doc
- * object is constructed. In this case the doc object might provide a "lazy"
+ * Once the Print Job has called {@link #getPrintData() getPrintData()} and
+ * obtained the stream, any further calls to {@link #getPrintData()
+ * getPrintData()} will return the same stream object upon which reading may
+ * already be in progress, <i>not</i> a new stream object that will re-read the
+ * print data from the beginning. Specifying a doc object to behave this way
+ * simplifies the implementation of doc objects, and is justified on the grounds
+ * that a particular doc is intended to convey print data only to one Print Job,
+ * not to several different Print Jobs. (To convey the same print data to
+ * several different Print Jobs, you have to create several different doc
+ * objects on top of the same print data source.)
+ * <p>
+ * Interface {@code Doc} affords considerable implementation flexibility. The
+ * print data might already be in existence when the doc object is constructed.
+ * In this case the objects returned by the doc's methods can be supplied to the
+ * doc's constructor, be stored in the doc ahead of time, and simply be returned
+ * when called for. Alternatively, the print data might not exist yet when the
+ * doc object is constructed. In this case the doc object might provide a "lazy"
  * implementation that generates the print data representation object (and/or
  * the print data) only when the Print Job calls for it (when the Print Job
  * calls the {@link #getPrintData() getPrintData()} method).
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * There is no restriction on the number of client threads that may be
  * simultaneously accessing the same doc. Therefore, all implementations of
- * interface Doc must be designed to be multiple thread safe.
+ * interface {@code Doc} must be designed to be multiple thread safe.
  * <p>
  * However there can only be one consumer of the print data obtained from a
- * Doc.
+ * {@code Doc}.
  * <p>
- * If print data is obtained from the client as a stream, by calling Doc's
- * {@code getReaderForText()} or {@code getStreamForBytes()}
- * methods, or because the print data source is already an InputStream or
- * Reader, then the print service should always close these streams for the
- * client on all job completion conditions. With the following caveat.
- * If the print data is itself a stream, the service will always close it.
- * If the print data is otherwise something that can be requested as a stream,
- * the service will only close the stream if it has obtained the stream before
- * terminating. That is, just because a print service might request data as
- * a stream does not mean that it will, with the implications that Doc
+ * If print data is obtained from the client as a stream, by calling
+ * {@code Doc}'s {@code getReaderForText()} or {@code getStreamForBytes()}
+ * methods, or because the print data source is already an {@code InputStream}
+ * or {@code Reader}, then the print service should always close these streams
+ * for the client on all job completion conditions. With the following caveat.
+ * If the print data is itself a stream, the service will always close it. If
+ * the print data is otherwise something that can be requested as a stream, the
+ * service will only close the stream if it has obtained the stream before
+ * terminating. That is, just because a print service might request data as a
+ * stream does not mean that it will, with the implications that {@code Doc}
  * implementors which rely on the service to close them should create such
  * streams only in response to a request from the service.
- * <HR>
 public interface Doc {
-     * Determines the doc flavor in which this doc object will supply its
-     * piece of print data.
+     * Determines the doc flavor in which this doc object will supply its piece
+     * of print data.
-     * @return  Doc flavor.
+     * @return doc flavor
     public DocFlavor getDocFlavor();
      * Obtains the print data representation object that contains this doc
-     * object's piece of print data in the format corresponding to the
-     * supported doc flavor.
-     * The {@code getPrintData()} method returns an instance of
-     * the representation class whose name is given by {@link
-     * #getDocFlavor() getDocFlavor()}.{@link
-     * DocFlavor#getRepresentationClassName()
-     * getRepresentationClassName()}, and the return value can be cast
-     * from class Object to that representation class.
+     * object's piece of print data in the format corresponding to the supported
+     * doc flavor. The {@code getPrintData()} method returns an instance of the
+     * representation class whose name is given by{@link #getDocFlavor()
+     * getDocFlavor()}.{@link DocFlavor#getRepresentationClassName()
+     * getRepresentationClassName()}, and the return value can be cast from
+     * class {@code Object} to that representation class.
-     * @return  Print data representation object.
-     *
-     * @exception  IOException
-     *     Thrown if the representation class is a stream and there was an I/O
-     *     error while constructing the stream.
+     * @return print data representation object
+     * @throws IOException if the representation class is a stream and there was
+     *         an I/O error while constructing the stream
     public Object getPrintData() throws IOException;
      * Obtains the set of printing attributes for this doc object. If the
      * returned attribute set includes an instance of a particular attribute
-     * <I>X,</I> the printer must use that attribute value for this doc,
-     * overriding any value of attribute <I>X</I> in the job's attribute set.
-     * If the returned attribute set does not include an instance
-     * of a particular attribute <I>X</I> or if null is returned, the printer
-     * must consult the job's attribute set to obtain the value for
-     * attribute <I>X,</I> and if not found there, the printer must use an
+     * <i>X,</i> the printer must use that attribute value for this doc,
+     * overriding any value of attribute <i>X</i> in the job's attribute set. If
+     * the returned attribute set does not include an instance of a particular
+     * attribute <i>X</i> or if {@code null} is returned, the printer must
+     * consult the job's attribute set to obtain the value for attribute
+     * <i>X,</i> and if not found there, the printer must use an
      * implementation-dependent default value. The returned attribute set is
      * unmodifiable.
-     * @return  Unmodifiable set of printing attributes for this doc, or null
-     *          to obtain all attribute values from the job's attribute
-     *          set.
+     * @return unmodifiable set of printing attributes for this doc, or
+     *         {@code null} to obtain all attribute values from the job's
+     *         attribute set
     public DocAttributeSet getAttributes();
-     * Obtains a reader for extracting character print data from this doc.
-     * The Doc implementation is required to support this method if the
-     * DocFlavor has one of the following print data representation classes,
-     * and return null otherwise:
-     * <UL>
-     * <LI> char[]
-     * <LI> java.lang.String
-     * <LI> java.io.Reader
-     * </UL>
+     * Obtains a reader for extracting character print data from this doc. The
+     * {@code Doc} implementation is required to support this method if the
+     * {@code DocFlavor} has one of the following print data representation
+     * classes, and return {@code null} otherwise:
+     * <ul>
+     *   <li>char[]
+     *   <li>java.lang.String
+     *   <li>java.io.Reader
+     * </ul>
      * The doc's print data representation object is used to construct and
-     * return a Reader for reading the print data as a stream of characters
-     * from the print data representation object.
-     * However, if the print data representation object is itself a Reader,
-     * then the print data representation object is simply returned.
+     * return a {@code Reader} for reading the print data as a stream of
+     * characters from the print data representation object. However, if the
+     * print data representation object is itself a {@code Reader}, then the
+     * print data representation object is simply returned.
-     * @return  Reader for reading the print data characters from this doc.
-     *          If a reader cannot be provided because this doc does not meet
-     *          the criteria stated above, null is returned.
-     *
-     * @exception  IOException
-     *     Thrown if there was an I/O error while creating the reader.
+     * @return reader for reading the print data characters from this doc. If a
+     *         reader cannot be provided because this doc does not meet the
+     *         criteria stated above, {@code null} is returned.
+     * @throws IOException if there was an I/O error while creating the reader
     public Reader getReaderForText() throws IOException;
-     * Obtains an input stream for extracting byte print data from this
-     * doc.  The Doc implementation is required to support this method if
-     * the DocFlavor has one of the following print data representation
-     * classes, and return null otherwise:
-     * <UL>
-     * <LI> byte[]
-     * <LI> java.io.InputStream
-     * </UL>
+     * Obtains an input stream for extracting byte print data from this doc. The
+     * {@code Doc} implementation is required to support this method if the
+     * {@code DocFlavor} has one of the following print data representation
+     * classes, and return {@code null} otherwise:
+     * <ul>
+     *   <li>byte[]
+     *   <li>java.io.InputStream
+     * </ul>
      * This doc's print data representation object is obtained, then an input
      * stream for reading the print data from the print data representation
      * object as a stream of bytes is created and returned. However, if the
      * print data representation object is itself an input stream, then the
      * print data representation object is simply returned.
-     * @return  Input stream for reading the print data bytes from this doc. If
-     *          an input stream cannot be provided because this doc does not
-     *          meet the criteria stated above, null is returned.
-     *
-     * @exception  IOException
-     *     Thrown if there was an I/O error while creating the input stream.
+     * @return input stream for reading the print data bytes from this doc. If
+     *         an input stream cannot be provided because this doc does not meet
+     *         the criteria stated above, {@code null} is returned.
+     * @throws IOException if there was an I/O error while creating the input
+     *         stream
     public InputStream getStreamForBytes() throws IOException;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/DocFlavor.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/DocFlavor.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -30,447 +30,376 @@
 import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
 import java.io.Serializable;
- * Class {@code DocFlavor} encapsulates an object that specifies the
- * format in which print data is supplied to a {@link DocPrintJob}.
- * "Doc" is a short, easy-to-pronounce term that means "a piece of print data."
- * The print data format, or "doc flavor", consists of two things:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * <B>MIME type.</B> This is a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
- * media type (as defined in <A HREF="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt">RFC
- * 2045</A> and <A HREF="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2046.txt">RFC 2046</A>)
- * that specifies how the print data is to be interpreted.
- * The charset of text data should be the IANA MIME-preferred name, or its
- * canonical name if no preferred name is specified. Additionally a few
- * historical names supported by earlier versions of the Java platform may
- * be recognized.
- * See <a href="../../java/lang/package-summary.html#charenc">
- * character encodings</a> for more information on the character encodings
- * supported on the Java platform.
+ * Class {@code DocFlavor} encapsulates an object that specifies the format in
+ * which print data is supplied to a {@link DocPrintJob}. "Doc" is a short,
+ * easy-to-pronounce term that means "a piece of print data." The print data
+ * format, or "doc flavor", consists of two things:
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li><b>MIME type.</b> This is a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
+ *   (MIME) media type (as defined in
+ *   <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt">RFC 2045</a> and
+ *   <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2046.txt">RFC 2046</a>) that specifies
+ *   how the print data is to be interpreted. The charset of text data should be
+ *   the IANA MIME-preferred name, or its canonical name if no preferred name is
+ *   specified. Additionally a few historical names supported by earlier
+ *   versions of the Java platform may be recognized. See
+ *   <a href="../../java/lang/package-summary.html#charenc">character encodings
+ *   </a> for more information on the character encodings supported on the Java
+ *   platform.
+ *   <li><b>Representation class name.</b> This specifies the fully-qualified
+ *   name of the class of the object from which the actual print data comes, as
+ *   returned by the {@link Class#getName() Class.getName()} method. (Thus the
+ *   class name for {@code byte[]} is {@code "[B"}, for {@code char[]} it is
+ *   {@code "[C"}.)
+ * </ul>
+ * A {@code DocPrintJob} obtains its print data by means of interface
+ * {@link Doc Doc}. A {@code Doc} object lets the {@code DocPrintJob} determine
+ * the doc flavor the client can supply. A {@code Doc} object also lets the
+ * {@code DocPrintJob} obtain an instance of the doc flavor's representation
+ * class, from which the {@code DocPrintJob} then obtains the actual print data.
- * <LI>
- * <B>Representation class name.</B> This specifies the fully-qualified name of
- * the class of the object from which the actual print data comes, as returned
- * by the {@link java.lang.Class#getName() Class.getName()} method.
- * (Thus the class name for {@code byte[]} is {@code "[B"}, for
- * {@code char[]} it is {@code "[C"}.)
- * </UL>
- * <P>
- * A {@code DocPrintJob} obtains its print data by means of interface
- * {@link Doc Doc}. A {@code Doc} object lets the {@code DocPrintJob}
- * determine the doc flavor the client can supply.  A {@code Doc} object
- * also lets the {@code DocPrintJob} obtain an instance of the doc flavor's
- * representation class, from which the {@code DocPrintJob} then obtains
- * the actual print data.
- *
- * <HR>
- * <H3>Client Formatted Print Data</H3>
- * There are two broad categories of print data, client formatted print data
- * and service formatted print data.
- * <P>
- * For <B>client formatted print data</B>, the client determines or knows the
- * print data format.
- * For example the client may have a JPEG encoded image, a URL for
- * HTML code, or a disk file containing plain text in some encoding,
- * possibly obtained from an external source, and
- * requires a way to describe the data format to the print service.
+ * <hr>
+ * <h3>Client Formatted Print Data</h3>
+ * There are two broad categories of print data, client formatted print data and
+ * service formatted print data.
+ * <p>
+ * For <b>client formatted print data</b>, the client determines or knows the
+ * print data format. For example the client may have a JPEG encoded image, a
+ * {@code URL} for HTML code, or a disk file containing plain text in some
+ * encoding, possibly obtained from an external source, and requires a way to
+ * describe the data format to the print service.
  * <p>
  * The doc flavor's representation class is a conduit for the JPS
- * {@code DocPrintJob} to obtain a sequence of characters or
- * bytes from the client. The
- * doc flavor's MIME type is one of the standard media types telling how to
- * interpret the sequence of characters or bytes. For a list of standard media
- * types, see the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority's (IANA's) <A
- * HREF="http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/">Media Types
- * Directory</A>. Interface {@link Doc Doc} provides two utility operations,
+ * {@code DocPrintJob} to obtain a sequence of characters or bytes from the
+ * client. The doc flavor's MIME type is one of the standard media types telling
+ * how to interpret the sequence of characters or bytes. For a list of standard
+ * media types, see the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority's (IANA's)
+ * <a href="http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/">Media Types Directory
+ * </a>. Interface {@link Doc Doc} provides two utility operations,
  * {@link Doc#getReaderForText() getReaderForText} and
- * {@link Doc#getStreamForBytes() getStreamForBytes()}, to help a
- * {@code Doc} object's client extract client formatted print data.
- * <P>
+ * {@link Doc#getStreamForBytes() getStreamForBytes()}, to help a {@code Doc}
+ * object's client extract client formatted print data.
+ * <p>
  * For client formatted print data, the print data representation class is
  * typically one of the following (although other representation classes are
  * permitted):
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * Character array ({@code char[]}) -- The print data consists of the
- * Unicode characters in the array.
- *
- * <LI>
- * {@code String}  --
- * The print data consists of the Unicode characters in the string.
- *
- * <LI>
- * Character stream ({@link java.io.Reader java.io.Reader})
- * -- The print data consists of the Unicode characters read from the stream
- * up to the end-of-stream.
- *
- * <LI>
- * Byte array ({@code byte[]}) -- The print data consists of the bytes in
- * the array. The bytes are encoded in the character set specified by the doc
- * flavor's MIME type. If the MIME type does not specify a character set, the
- * default character set is US-ASCII.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>Character array ({@code char[]}) -- The print data consists of the
+ *   Unicode characters in the array.
+ *   <li>{@code String} -- The print data consists of the Unicode characters in
+ *   the string.
+ *   <li>Character stream ({@link java.io.Reader java.io.Reader}) -- The print
+ *   data consists of the Unicode characters read from the stream up to the
+ *   end-of-stream.
+ *   <li>Byte array ({@code byte[]}) -- The print data consists of the bytes in
+ *   the array. The bytes are encoded in the character set specified by the doc
+ *   flavor's MIME type. If the MIME type does not specify a character set, the
+ *   default character set is US-ASCII.
+ *   <li>Byte stream ({@link java.io.InputStream java.io.InputStream}) -- The
+ *   print data consists of the bytes read from the stream up to the
+ *   end-of-stream. The bytes are encoded in the character set specified by the
+ *   doc flavor's MIME type. If the MIME type does not specify a character set,
+ *   the default character set is US-ASCII.
+ *   <li>Uniform Resource Locator ({@link java.net.URL URL}) -- The print data
+ *   consists of the bytes read from the URL location. The bytes are encoded in
+ *   the character set specified by the doc flavor's MIME type. If the MIME type
+ *   does not specify a character set, the default character set is US-ASCII.
+ *   When the representation class is a {@code URL}, the print service itself
+ *   accesses and downloads the document directly from its {@code URL} address,
+ *   without involving the client. The service may be some form of network print
+ *   service which is executing in a different environment. This means you
+ *   should not use a {@code URL} print data flavor to print a document at a
+ *   restricted {@code URL} that the client can see but the printer cannot see.
+ *   This also means you should not use a {@code URL} print data flavor to print
+ *   a document stored in a local file that is not available at a {@code URL}
+ *   accessible independently of the client. For example, a file that is not
+ *   served up by an HTTP server or FTP server. To print such documents, let the
+ *   client open an input stream on the {@code URL} or file and use an input
+ *   stream data flavor.
+ * </ul>
- * <LI>
- * Byte stream ({@link java.io.InputStream java.io.InputStream}) --
- * The print data consists of the bytes read from the stream up to the
- * end-of-stream. The bytes are encoded in the character set specified by the
- * doc flavor's MIME type. If the MIME type does not specify a character set,
- * the default character set is US-ASCII.
- * <LI>
- * Uniform Resource Locator ({@link java.net.URL URL})
- * -- The print data consists of the bytes read from the URL location.
- * The bytes are encoded in the character set specified by the doc flavor's
- * MIME type. If the MIME type does not specify a character set, the default
- * character set is US-ASCII.
- * <P>
- * When the representation class is a URL, the print service itself accesses
- * and downloads the document directly from its URL address, without involving
- * the client. The service may be some form of network print service which
- * is executing in a different environment.
- * This means you should not use a URL print data flavor to print a
- * document at a restricted URL that the client can see but the printer cannot
- * see. This also means you should not use a URL print data flavor to print a
- * document stored in a local file that is not available at a URL
- * accessible independently of the client.
- * For example, a file that is not served up by an HTTP server or FTP server.
- * To print such documents, let the client open an input stream on the URL
- * or file and use an input stream data flavor.
- * </UL>
- *
- * <HR>
+ * <hr>
  * <h3>Default and Platform Encodings</h3>
- * <P>
  * For byte print data where the doc flavor's MIME type does not include a
  * {@code charset} parameter, the Java Print Service instance assumes the
  * US-ASCII character set by default. This is in accordance with
- * <A HREF="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2046.txt">RFC 2046</A>, which says the
- * default character set is US-ASCII. Note that US-ASCII is a subset of
- * UTF-8, so in the future this may be widened if a future RFC endorses
- * UTF-8 as the default in a compatible manner.
+ * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2046.txt">RFC 2046</a>, which says the
+ * default character set is US-ASCII. Note that US-ASCII is a subset of UTF-8,
+ * so in the future this may be widened if a future RFC endorses UTF-8 as the
+ * default in a compatible manner.
  * <p>
- * Also note that this is different than the behaviour of the Java runtime
- * when interpreting a stream of bytes as text data. That assumes the
- * default encoding for the user's locale. Thus, when spooling a file in local
- * encoding to a Java Print Service it is important to correctly specify
- * the encoding. Developers working in the English locales should
- * be particularly conscious of this, as their platform encoding corresponds
- * to the default mime charset. By this coincidence that particular
- * case may work without specifying the encoding of platform data.
+ * Also note that this is different than the behaviour of the Java runtime when
+ * interpreting a stream of bytes as text data. That assumes the default
+ * encoding for the user's locale. Thus, when spooling a file in local encoding
+ * to a Java Print Service it is important to correctly specify the encoding.
+ * Developers working in the English locales should be particularly conscious of
+ * this, as their platform encoding corresponds to the default mime charset. By
+ * this coincidence that particular case may work without specifying the
+ * encoding of platform data.
  * <p>
  * Every instance of the Java virtual machine has a default character encoding
  * determined during virtual-machine startup and typically depends upon the
- * locale and charset being used by the underlying operating system.
- * In a distributed environment there is no guarantee that two VM share
- * the same default encoding. Thus clients which want to stream platform
- * encoded text data from the host platform to a Java Print Service instance
- * must explicitly declare the charset and not rely on defaults.
+ * locale and charset being used by the underlying operating system. In a
+ * distributed environment there is no guarantee that two VM share the same
+ * default encoding. Thus clients which want to stream platform encoded text
+ * data from the host platform to a Java Print Service instance must explicitly
+ * declare the charset and not rely on defaults.
  * <p>
  * The preferred form is the official IANA primary name for an encoding.
- * Applications which stream text data should always specify the charset
- * in the mime type, which necessitates obtaining the encoding of the host
- * platform for data (eg files) stored in that platform's encoding.
- * A CharSet which corresponds to this and is suitable for use in a
- * mime-type for a DocFlavor can be obtained
- * from {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding DocFlavor.hostEncoding}
- * This may not always be the primary IANA name but is guaranteed to be
- * understood by this VM.
- * For common flavors, the pre-defined *HOST DocFlavors may be used.
+ * Applications which stream text data should always specify the charset in the
+ * mime type, which necessitates obtaining the encoding of the host platform for
+ * data (eg files) stored in that platform's encoding. A {@code CharSet} which
+ * corresponds to this and is suitable for use in a mime-type for a
+ * {@code DocFlavor} can be obtained from
+ * {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding DocFlavor.hostEncoding} This may not always be
+ * the primary IANA name but is guaranteed to be understood by this VM. For
+ * common flavors, the pre-defined *HOST {@code DocFlavors} may be used.
  * <p>
- * See <a href="../../java/lang/package-summary.html#charenc">
- * character encodings</a> for more information on the character encodings
- * supported on the Java platform.
- * <HR>
- * <h3>Recommended DocFlavors</h3>
- * <P>
- * The Java Print Service API does not define any mandatorily supported
- * DocFlavors.
- * However, here are some examples of MIME types that a Java Print Service
- * instance might support for client formatted print data.
- * Nested classes inside class DocFlavor declare predefined static
- * constant DocFlavor objects for these example doc flavors; class DocFlavor's
- * constructor can be used to create an arbitrary doc flavor.
- * <UL>
- * <LI>Preformatted text
- * <table class="striped">
- * <caption>MIME-Types and their descriptions</caption>
- * <thead>
- * <TR>
- *  <TH>MIME-Type</TH><TH>Description</TH>
- * </TR>
- * </thead>
- * <tbody>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>{@code "text/plain"}</TD>
- * <TD>Plain text in the default character set (US-ASCII)</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD><code>"text/plain; charset=<I>xxx</I>"</code></TD>
- * <TD>Plain text in character set <I>xxx</I></TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>{@code "text/html"}</TD>
- * <TD>HyperText Markup Language in the default character set (US-ASCII)</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD><code>"text/html; charset=<I>xxx</I>"</code></TD>
- * <TD>HyperText Markup Language in character set <I>xxx</I></TD>
- * </TR>
- * </tbody>
- * </TABLE>
- * <P>
- * In general, preformatted text print data is provided either in a character
- * oriented representation class (character array, String, Reader) or in a
- * byte oriented representation class (byte array, InputStream, URL).
- *
- *  <LI>Preformatted page description language (PDL) documents
+ * See <a href="../../java/lang/package-summary.html#charenc">character
+ * encodings</a> for more information on the character encodings supported on
+ * the Java platform.
- * <table class="striped">
- * <caption>MIME-Types and their descriptions</caption>
- * <thead>
- * <TR>
- *  <TH>MIME-Type</TH><TH>Description</TH>
- * </TR>
- * </thead>
- * <tbody>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>{@code "application/pdf"}</TD>
- * <TD>Portable Document Format document</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>{@code "application/postscript"}</TD>
- * <TD>PostScript document</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>{@code "application/vnd.hp-PCL"}</TD>
- * <TD>Printer Control Language document</TD>
- * </TR>
- * </tbody>
- * </TABLE>
- * <P>
- * In general, preformatted PDL print data is provided in a byte oriented
- * representation class (byte array, InputStream, URL).
- *
- *  <LI>Preformatted images
+ * <hr>
+ * <h3>Recommended DocFlavors</h3>
+ * The Java Print Service API does not define any mandatorily supported
+ * {@code DocFlavors}. However, here are some examples of MIME types that a Java
+ * Print Service instance might support for client formatted print data. Nested
+ * classes inside class {@code DocFlavor} declare predefined static constant
+ * {@code DocFlavor} objects for these example doc flavors; class
+ * {@code DocFlavor}'s constructor can be used to create an arbitrary doc
+ * flavor.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>Preformatted text
+ *   <table class="striped">
+ *   <caption>MIME-Types and their descriptions</caption>
+ *   <thead>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <th>MIME-Type
+ *       <th>Description
+ *   </thead>
+ *   <tbody>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td>{@code "text/plain"}
+ *       <td>Plain text in the default character set (US-ASCII)
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td><code> "text/plain; charset=<i>xxx</i>"</code>
+ *       <td>Plain text in character set <i>xxx</i>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td>{@code "text/html"}
+ *       <td>HyperText Markup Language in the default character set (US-ASCII)
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td><code> "text/html; charset=<i>xxx</i>"</code>
+ *       <td>HyperText Markup Language in character set <i>xxx</i>
+ *   </tbody>
+ *   </table>
+ *   In general, preformatted text print data is provided either in a character
+ *   oriented representation class (character array, String, Reader) or in a
+ *   byte oriented representation class (byte array, InputStream, URL).
+ *   <li>Preformatted page description language (PDL) documents
+ *   <table class="striped">
+ *   <caption>MIME-Types and their descriptions</caption>
+ *   <thead>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <th>MIME-Type
+ *       <th>Description
+ *   </thead>
+ *   <tbody>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td>{@code "application/pdf"}
+ *       <td>Portable Document Format document
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td>{@code "application/postscript"}
+ *       <td>PostScript document
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td>{@code "application/vnd.hp-PCL"}
+ *       <td>Printer Control Language document
+ *   </tbody>
+ *   </table>
+ *   In general, preformatted PDL print data is provided in a byte oriented
+ *   representation class (byte array, {@code InputStream}, {@code URL}).
+ *   <li>Preformatted images
+ *   <table class="striped">
+ *   <caption>MIME-Types and their descriptions</caption>
+ *   <thead>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <th>MIME-Type
+ *       <th>Description
+ *   </thead>
+ *   <tbody>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td>{@code "image/gif"}
+ *       <td>Graphics Interchange Format image
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td>{@code "image/jpeg"}
+ *       <td>Joint Photographic Experts Group image
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td>{@code "image/png"}
+ *       <td>Portable Network Graphics image
+ *   </tbody>
+ *   </table>
+ *   In general, preformatted image print data is provided in a byte oriented
+ *   representation class (byte array, {@code InputStream}, {@code URL}).
+ *   <li>Preformatted autosense print data
+ *   <table class="striped">
+ *   <caption>MIME-Types and their descriptions</caption>
+ *   <thead>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <th>MIME-Type
+ *       <th>Description
+ *   </thead>
+ *   <tbody>
+ *     <tr>
+ *       <td>{@code "application/octet-stream"}
+ *       <td>The print data format is unspecified (just an octet stream)
+ *   </tbody>
+ *   </table>
+ *   The printer decides how to interpret the print data; the way this
+ *   "autosensing" works is implementation dependent. In general, preformatted
+ *   autosense print data is provided in a byte oriented representation class
+ *   (byte array, {@code InputStream}, {@code URL}).
+ * </ul>
- * <table class="striped">
- * <caption>MIME-Types and their descriptions</caption>
- * <thead>
- * <TR>
- *  <TH>MIME-Type</TH><TH>Description</TH>
- * </TR>
- * </thead>
- * <tbody>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>{@code "image/gif"}</TD>
- * <TD>Graphics Interchange Format image</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>{@code "image/jpeg"}</TD>
- * <TD>Joint Photographic Experts Group image</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>{@code "image/png"}</TD>
- * <TD>Portable Network Graphics image</TD>
- * </TR>
- * </tbody>
- * </TABLE>
- * <P>
- * In general, preformatted image print data is provided in a byte oriented
- * representation class (byte array, InputStream, URL).
- *
- *  <LI>Preformatted autosense print data
- *
- * <table class="striped">
- * <caption>MIME-Types and their descriptions</caption>
- * <thead>
- * <TR>
- *  <TH>MIME-Type</TH><TH>Description</TH>
- * </TR>
- * </thead>
- * <tbody>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>{@code "application/octet-stream"}</TD>
- * <TD>The print data format is unspecified (just an octet stream)</TD>
- * </TR>
- * </tbody>
- * </TABLE>
- * <P>
- * The printer decides how to interpret the print data; the way this
- * "autosensing" works is implementation dependent. In general, preformatted
- * autosense print data is provided in a byte oriented representation class
- * (byte array, InputStream, URL).
- * </UL>
- *
- * <HR>
- * <H3>Service Formatted Print Data</H3>
- * <P>
- * For <B>service formatted print data</B>, the Java Print Service instance
+ * <hr>
+ * <h3>Service Formatted Print Data</h3>
+ * For <b>service formatted print data</b>, the Java Print Service instance
  * determines the print data format. The doc flavor's representation class
  * denotes an interface whose methods the {@code DocPrintJob} invokes to
- * determine the content to be printed -- such as a renderable image
- * interface or a Java printable interface.
- * The doc flavor's MIME type is the special value
- * {@code "application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref"} indicating the client
- * will supply a reference to a Java object that implements the interface
- * named as the representation class.
- * This MIME type is just a placeholder; what's
+ * determine the content to be printed -- such as a renderable image interface
+ * or a Java printable interface. The doc flavor's MIME type is the special
+ * value {@code "application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref"} indicating the client
+ * will supply a reference to a Java object that implements the interface named
+ * as the representation class. This MIME type is just a placeholder; what's
  * important is the print data representation class.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * For service formatted print data, the print data representation class is
  * typically one of the following (although other representation classes are
- * permitted). Nested classes inside class DocFlavor declare predefined static
- * constant DocFlavor objects for these example doc flavors; class DocFlavor's
- * constructor can be used to create an arbitrary doc flavor.
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * Renderable image object -- The client supplies an object that implements
- * interface
- * {@link java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage RenderableImage}. The
- * printer calls methods
- * in that interface to obtain the image to be printed.
- *
- * <LI>
- * Printable object -- The client supplies an object that implements interface
- * {@link java.awt.print.Printable Printable}.
- * The printer calls methods in that interface to obtain the pages to be
- * printed, one by one.
- * For each page, the printer supplies a graphics context, and whatever the
- * client draws in that graphics context gets printed.
- *
- * <LI>
- * Pageable object -- The client supplies an object that implements interface
- * {@link java.awt.print.Pageable Pageable}. The printer calls
- * methods in that interface to obtain the pages to be printed, one by one.
- * For each page, the printer supplies a graphics context, and whatever
- * the client draws in that graphics context gets printed.
- * </UL>
- *
- * <HR>
+ * permitted). Nested classes inside class {@code DocFlavor} declare predefined
+ * static constant {@code DocFlavor} objects for these example doc flavors;
+ * class {@code DocFlavor}'s constructor can be used to create an arbitrary doc
+ * flavor.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>Renderable image object -- The client supplies an object that
+ *   implements interface
+ *   {@link java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage RenderableImage}. The
+ *   printer calls methods in that interface to obtain the image to be printed.
+ *   <li>Printable object -- The client supplies an object that implements
+ *   interface {@link java.awt.print.Printable Printable}. The printer calls
+ *   methods in that interface to obtain the pages to be printed, one by one.
+ *   For each page, the printer supplies a graphics context, and whatever the
+ *   client draws in that graphics context gets printed.
+ *   <li>Pageable object -- The client supplies an object that implements
+ *   interface {@link java.awt.print.Pageable Pageable}. The printer calls
+ *   methods in that interface to obtain the pages to be printed, one by one.
+ *   For each page, the printer supplies a graphics context, and whatever the
+ *   client draws in that graphics context gets printed.
+ * </ul>
- * <HR>
- * <H3>Pre-defined Doc Flavors</H3>
- * A Java Print Service instance is not <B><I>required</I></B> to support the
- * following print data formats and print data representation classes.  In
- * fact, a developer using this class should <b>never</b> assume that a
- * particular print service supports the document types corresponding to
- * these pre-defined doc flavors.  Always query the print service
- * to determine what doc flavors it supports.  However,
- * developers who have print services that support these doc flavors are
- * encouraged to refer to the predefined singleton instances created here.
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * Plain text print data provided through a byte stream. Specifically, the
- * following doc flavors are recommended to be supported:
- * <BR>&#183;&nbsp;&nbsp;
- * {@code ("text/plain", "java.io.InputStream")}
- * <BR>&#183;&nbsp;&nbsp;
- * {@code ("text/plain; charset=us-ascii", "java.io.InputStream")}
- * <BR>&#183;&nbsp;&nbsp;
- * {@code ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "java.io.InputStream")}
- *
- * <LI>
- * Renderable image objects. Specifically, the following doc flavor is
- * recommended to be supported:
- * <BR>&#183;&nbsp;&nbsp;
- * {@code ("application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref", "java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage")}
- * </UL>
- * <P>
- * A Java Print Service instance is allowed to support any other doc flavors
- * (or none) in addition to the above mandatory ones, at the implementation's
+ * <hr>
+ * <h3>Pre-defined Doc Flavors</h3>
+ * A Java Print Service instance is not <b><i>required</i></b> to support the
+ * following print data formats and print data representation classes. In fact,
+ * a developer using this class should <b>never</b> assume that a particular
+ * print service supports the document types corresponding to these pre-defined
+ * doc flavors. Always query the print service to determine what doc flavors it
+ * supports. However, developers who have print services that support these doc
+ * flavors are encouraged to refer to the predefined singleton instances created
+ * here.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>Plain text print data provided through a byte stream. Specifically, the
+ *   following doc flavors are recommended to be supported:
+ *   <br>&#183;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ *   {@code ("text/plain", "java.io.InputStream")}
+ *   <br>&#183;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ *   {@code ("text/plain; charset=us-ascii", "java.io.InputStream")}
+ *   <br>&#183;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ *   {@code ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "java.io.InputStream")}
+ *   <li>Renderable image objects. Specifically, the following doc flavor is
+ *   recommended to be supported:
+ *   <br>&#183;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ *   {@code ("application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref", "java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage")}
+ * </ul>
+ * A Java Print Service instance is allowed to support any other doc flavors (or
+ * none) in addition to the above mandatory ones, at the implementation's
  * choice.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * Support for the above doc flavors is desirable so a printing client can rely
  * on being able to print on any JPS printer, regardless of which doc flavors
  * the printer supports. If the printer doesn't support the client's preferred
  * doc flavor, the client can at least print plain text, or the client can
  * convert its data to a renderable image and print the image.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * Furthermore, every Java Print Service instance must fulfill these
  * requirements for processing plain text print data:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * The character pair carriage return-line feed (CR-LF) means
- * "go to column 1 of the next line."
- * <LI>
- * A carriage return (CR) character standing by itself means
- * "go to column 1 of the next line."
- * <LI>
- * A line feed (LF) character standing by itself means
- * "go to column 1 of the next line."
- * </UL>
- * <P>
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>The character pair carriage return-line feed (CR-LF) means "go to
+ *   column 1 of the next line."
+ *   <li>A carriage return (CR) character standing by itself means "go to column
+ *   1 of the next line."
+ *   <li>A line feed (LF) character standing by itself means "go to column 1 of
+ *   the next line."
+ * </ul>
  * The client must itself perform all plain text print data formatting not
  * addressed by the above requirements.
- * <H3>Design Rationale</H3>
- * <P>
- * Class DocFlavor in package javax.print.data is similar to class
- * {@link java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor DataFlavor}. Class
- * {@code DataFlavor}
- * is not used in the Java Print Service (JPS) API
- * for three reasons which are all rooted in allowing the JPS API to be
- * shared by other print services APIs which may need to run on Java profiles
- * which do not include all of the Java Platform, Standard Edition.
- * <OL TYPE=1>
- * <LI>
- * The JPS API is designed to be used in Java profiles which do not support
- * AWT.
- *
- * <LI>
- * The implementation of class {@code java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor}
- * does not guarantee that equivalent data flavors will have the same
- * serialized representation. DocFlavor does, and can be used in services
- * which need this.
+ * <h3>Design Rationale</h3>
+ * Class {@code DocFlavor} in package {@code javax.print} is similar to class
+ * {@link java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor}. Class {@code DataFlavor} is not
+ * used in the Java Print Service (JPS) API for three reasons which are all
+ * rooted in allowing the JPS API to be shared by other print services APIs
+ * which may need to run on Java profiles which do not include all of the Java
+ * Platform, Standard Edition.
+ * <ol type=1>
+ *   <li>The JPS API is designed to be used in Java profiles which do not
+ *   support AWT.
+ *   <li>The implementation of class {@code java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor}
+ *   does not guarantee that equivalent data flavors will have the same
+ *   serialized representation. {@code DocFlavor} does, and can be used in
+ *   services which need this.
+ *   <li>The implementation of class {@code java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor}
+ *   includes a human presentable name as part of the serialized representation.
+ *   This is not appropriate as part of a service matching constraint.
+ * </ol>
+ * Class {@code DocFlavor}'s serialized representation uses the following
+ * canonical form of a MIME type string. Thus, two doc flavors with MIME types
+ * that are not identical but that are equivalent (that have the same canonical
+ * form) may be considered equal.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>The media type, media subtype, and parameters are retained, but all
+ *   comments and whitespace characters are discarded.
+ *   <li>The media type, media subtype, and parameter names are converted to
+ *   lowercase.
+ *   <li>The parameter values retain their original case, except a charset
+ *   parameter value for a text media type is converted to lowercase.
+ *   <li>Quote characters surrounding parameter values are removed.
+ *   <li>Quoting backslash characters inside parameter values are removed.
+ *   <li>The parameters are arranged in ascending order of parameter name.
+ * </ul>
+ * Class {@code DocFlavor}'s serialized representation also contains the
+ * fully-qualified class <i>name</i> of the representation class (a
+ * {@code String} object), rather than the representation class itself (a
+ * {@code Class} object). This allows a client to examine the doc flavors a Java
+ * Print Service instance supports without having to load the representation
+ * classes, which may be problematic for limited-resource clients.
- * <LI>
- * The implementation of class {@code java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor}
- * includes a human presentable name as part of the serialized representation.
- * This is not appropriate as part of a service matching constraint.
- * </OL>
- * <P>
- * Class DocFlavor's serialized representation uses the following
- * canonical form of a MIME type string. Thus, two doc flavors with MIME types
- * that are not identical but that are equivalent (that have the same
- * canonical form) may be considered equal.
- * <UL>
- * <LI> The media type, media subtype, and parameters are retained, but all
- *      comments and whitespace characters are discarded.
- * <LI> The media type, media subtype, and parameter names are converted to
- *      lowercase.
- * <LI> The parameter values retain their original case, except a charset
- *      parameter value for a text media type is converted to lowercase.
- * <LI> Quote characters surrounding parameter values are removed.
- * <LI> Quoting backslash characters inside parameter values are removed.
- * <LI> The parameters are arranged in ascending order of parameter name.
- * </UL>
- * <P>
- * Class DocFlavor's serialized representation also contains the
- * fully-qualified class <I>name</I> of the representation class
- * (a String object), rather than the representation class itself
- * (a Class object). This allows a client to examine the doc flavors a
- * Java Print Service instance supports without having
- * to load the representation classes, which may be problematic for
- * limited-resource clients.
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class DocFlavor implements Serializable, Cloneable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -4512080796965449721L;
-     * A String representing the host operating system encoding.
-     * This will follow the conventions documented in
+     * A string representing the host operating system encoding. This will
+     * follow the conventions documented in
      * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2278.txt">
      * <i>RFC&nbsp;2278:&nbsp;IANA Charset Registration Procedures</i></a>
      * except where historical names are returned for compatibility with
-     * previous versions of the Java platform.
-     * The value returned from method is valid only for the VM which
-     * returns it, for use in a DocFlavor.
-     * This is the charset for all the "HOST" pre-defined DocFlavors in
+     * previous versions of the Java platform. The value returned from method is
+     * valid only for the VM which returns it, for use in a {@code DocFlavor}.
+     * This is the charset for all the "HOST" pre-defined {@code DocFlavors} in
      * the executing VM.
     public static final String hostEncoding;
@@ -488,6 +417,7 @@
      * Representation class name.
+     *
      * @serial
     private String myClassName;
@@ -497,21 +427,17 @@
     private transient String myStringValue = null;
      * Constructs a new doc flavor object from the given MIME type and
      * representation class name. The given MIME type is converted into
      * canonical form and stored internally.
-     * @param  mimeType   MIME media type string.
-     * @param  className  Fully-qualified representation class name.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} is null or
-     *     {@code className} is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} does not
-     *     obey the syntax for a MIME media type string.
+     * @param  mimeType MIME media type string
+     * @param  className fully-qualified representation class name
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code mimeType} or {@code className} is
+     *         {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mimeType} does not obey the
+     *         syntax for a MIME media type string
     public DocFlavor(String mimeType, String className) {
         if (className == null) {
@@ -522,8 +448,9 @@
-     * Returns this doc flavor object's MIME type string based on the
-     * canonical form. Each parameter value is enclosed in quotes.
+     * Returns this doc flavor object's MIME type string based on the canonical
+     * form. Each parameter value is enclosed in quotes.
+     *
      * @return the mime type
     public String getMimeType() {
@@ -532,6 +459,7 @@
      * Returns this doc flavor object's media type (from the MIME type).
+     *
      * @return the media type
     public String getMediaType() {
@@ -540,6 +468,7 @@
      * Returns this doc flavor object's media subtype (from the MIME type).
+     *
      * @return the media sub-type
     public String getMediaSubtype() {
@@ -547,19 +476,18 @@
-     * Returns a {@code String} representing a MIME
-     * parameter.
-     * Mime types may include parameters which are usually optional.
-     * The charset for text types is a commonly useful example.
-     * This convenience method will return the value of the specified
-     * parameter if one was specified in the mime type for this flavor.
+     * Returns a {@code String} representing a MIME parameter. Mime types may
+     * include parameters which are usually optional. The charset for text types
+     * is a commonly useful example. This convenience method will return the
+     * value of the specified parameter if one was specified in the mime type
+     * for this flavor.
-     * @param paramName the name of the paramater. This name is internally
-     * converted to the canonical lower case format before performing
-     * the match.
-     * @return String representing a mime parameter, or
-     * null if that parameter is not in the mime type string.
-     * @exception NullPointerException if paramName is null.
+     * @param  paramName the name of the parameter. This name is internally
+     *         converted to the canonical lower case format before performing
+     *         the match.
+     * @return a string representing a mime parameter, or {@code null} if that
+     *         parameter is not in the mime type string
+     * @throws NullPointerException if paramName is {@code null}
     public String getParameter(String paramName) {
         return myMimeType.getParameterMap().get(paramName.toLowerCase());
@@ -567,7 +495,8 @@
      * Returns the name of this doc flavor object's representation class.
-     * @return the name of the representation class.
+     *
+     * @return the name of the representation class
     public String getRepresentationClassName() {
         return myClassName;
@@ -576,10 +505,9 @@
      * Converts this {@code DocFlavor} to a string.
-     * @return  MIME type string based on the canonical form. Each parameter
-     *          value is enclosed in quotes.
-     *          A "class=" parameter is appended to the
-     *          MIME type string to indicate the representation class name.
+     * @return MIME type string based on the canonical form. Each parameter
+     *         value is enclosed in quotes. A "class=" parameter is appended to
+     *         the MIME type string to indicate the representation class name.
     public String toString() {
         return getStringValue();
@@ -593,22 +521,21 @@
-     * Determines if this doc flavor object is equal to the given object.
-     * The two are equal if the given object is not null, is an instance
-     * of {@code DocFlavor}, has a MIME type equivalent to this doc
-     * flavor object's MIME type (that is, the MIME types have the same media
-     * type, media subtype, and parameters), and has the same representation
-     * class name as this doc flavor object. Thus, if two doc flavor objects'
-     * MIME types are the same except for comments, they are considered equal.
-     * However, two doc flavor objects with MIME types of "text/plain" and
-     * "text/plain; charset=US-ASCII" are not considered equal, even though
-     * they represent the same media type (because the default character
-     * set for plain text is US-ASCII).
+     * Determines if this doc flavor object is equal to the given object. The
+     * two are equal if the given object is not {@code null}, is an instance of
+     * {@code DocFlavor}, has a MIME type equivalent to this doc flavor object's
+     * MIME type (that is, the MIME types have the same media type, media
+     * subtype, and parameters), and has the same representation class name as
+     * this doc flavor object. Thus, if two doc flavor objects' MIME types are
+     * the same except for comments, they are considered equal. However, two doc
+     * flavor objects with MIME types of "text/plain" and "text/plain;
+     * charset=US-ASCII" are not considered equal, even though they represent
+     * the same media type (because the default character set for plain text is
+     * US-ASCII).
-     * @param  obj  Object to test.
-     *
-     * @return  True if this doc flavor object equals {@code obj}, false
-     *          otherwise.
+     * @param  obj {@code Object} to test
+     * @return {@code true} if this doc flavor object equals {@code obj},
+     *         {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
@@ -619,6 +546,8 @@
      * Returns this doc flavor object's string value.
+     *
+     * @return the string value
     private String getStringValue() {
         if (myStringValue == null) {
@@ -630,8 +559,9 @@
      * Write the instance to a stream (ie serialize the object).
+     * @param  s the output stream
      * @throws IOException if I/O errors occur while writing to the underlying
-     * stream
+     *         stream
     private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {
@@ -642,14 +572,15 @@
      * Reconstitute an instance from a stream (that is, deserialize it).
+     * @param  s the input stream
      * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class of a serialized object could
-     * not be found.
+     *         not be found
      * @throws IOException if I/O errors occur while reading from the underlying
-     * stream
-     * @serialData
-     * The serialised form of a DocFlavor is the String naming the
-     * representation class followed by the String representing the canonical
-     * form of the mime type.
+     *         stream
+     * @serialData The serialised form of a {@code DocFlavor} is the
+     *             {@code String} naming the representation class followed by
+     *             the {@code String} representing the canonical form of the
+     *             mime type
     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
         throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
@@ -659,167 +590,140 @@
-     * Class DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY provides predefined static constant
-     * DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors using a byte array
+     * Class {@code DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY} provides predefined static constant
+     * {@code DocFlavor} objects for example doc flavors using a byte array
      * ({@code byte[]}) as the print data representation class.
-     * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+     * @author Alan Kaminsky
     public static class BYTE_ARRAY extends DocFlavor {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -9065578006593857475L;
-         * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print
-         * data representation class name of {@code "[B"} (byte array).
-         *
-         * @param  mimeType   MIME media type string.
+         * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print data
+         * representation class name of {@code "[B"} (byte array).
-         * @exception  NullPointerException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} is null.
-         * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} does not
-         *     obey the syntax for a MIME media type string.
+         * @param  mimeType MIME media type string
+         * @throws NullPointerException if {@code mimeType} is {@code null}
+         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mimeType} does not obey
+         *         the syntax for a MIME media type string
         public BYTE_ARRAY (String mimeType) {
             super (mimeType, "[B");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain"},
-         * encoded in the host platform encoding.
-         * See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding}
-         * Print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "[B"} (byte array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain"}, encoded in the host
+         * platform encoding. See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding}.
+         * Print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN_HOST =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset="+hostEncoding);
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-8"},
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte
-         * array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-8"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8 =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset=utf-8");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16"},
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte
-         * array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16 =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset=utf-16");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16be"}
-         * (big-endian byte ordering),
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte
-         * array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16be"}
+         * (big-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name =
+         * {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16BE =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset=utf-16be");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16le"}
-         * (little-endian byte ordering),
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte
-         * array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16le"}
+         * (little-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name =
+         * {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16LE =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset=utf-16le");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=us-ascii"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "[B"} (byte array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=us-ascii"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN_US_ASCII =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset=us-ascii");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html"},
-         * encoded in the host platform encoding.
-         * See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding}
-         * Print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "[B"} (byte array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html"}, encoded in the host
+         * platform encoding. See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding}.
+         * Print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_HTML_HOST =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/html; charset="+hostEncoding);
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=utf-8"},
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte
-         * array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-8"}, print
+         * data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_HTML_UTF_8 =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/html; charset=utf-8");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16"},
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte
-         * array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_HTML_UTF_16 =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/html; charset=utf-16");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16be"}
-         * (big-endian byte ordering),
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte
-         * array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16be"}
+         * (big-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name =
+         * {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_HTML_UTF_16BE =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/html; charset=utf-16be");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16le"}
-         * (little-endian byte ordering),
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte
-         * array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16le"}
+         * (little-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name =
+         * {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_HTML_UTF_16LE =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/html; charset=utf-16le");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=us-ascii"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "[B"} (byte array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=us-ascii"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_HTML_US_ASCII =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/html; charset=us-ascii");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/pdf"}, print
-         * data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/pdf"}, print data
+         * representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY PDF = new BYTE_ARRAY ("application/pdf");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/postscript"},
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte
-         * array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/postscript"}, print
+         * data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY POSTSCRIPT =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("application/postscript");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/vnd.hp-PCL"},
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte
-         * array).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/vnd.hp-PCL"}, print
+         * data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array).
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY PCL =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("application/vnd.hp-PCL");
@@ -843,376 +747,337 @@
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY PNG = new BYTE_ARRAY ("image/png");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "application/octet-stream"},
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte
-         * array). The client must determine that data described
-         * using this DocFlavor is valid for the printer.
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/octet-stream"}, print
+         * data representation class name = {@code "[B"} (byte array). The
+         * client must determine that data described using this
+         * {@code DocFlavor} is valid for the printer.
         public static final BYTE_ARRAY AUTOSENSE =
             new BYTE_ARRAY ("application/octet-stream");
-     * Class DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM provides predefined static constant
-     * DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors using a byte stream ({@link
-     * java.io.InputStream java.io.InputStream}) as the print
-     * data representation class.
+     * Class {@code DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM} provides predefined static constant
+     * {@code DocFlavor} objects for example doc flavors using a byte stream
+     * ({@link java.io.InputStream java.io.InputStream}) as the print data
+     * representation class.
-     * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+     * @author Alan Kaminsky
     public static class INPUT_STREAM extends DocFlavor {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -7045842700749194127L;
-         * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print
-         * data representation class name of
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
-         *
-         * @param  mimeType   MIME media type string.
+         * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print data
+         * representation class name of {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte
+         * stream).
-         * @exception  NullPointerException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} is null.
-         * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} does not
-         *     obey the syntax for a MIME media type string.
+         * @param  mimeType MIME media type string
+         * @throws NullPointerException if {@code mimeType} is {@code null}
+         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mimeType} does not obey
+         *         the syntax for a MIME media type string.
         public INPUT_STREAM (String mimeType) {
             super (mimeType, "java.io.InputStream");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain"},
-         * encoded in the host platform encoding.
-         * See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding}
-         * Print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain"}, encoded in the host
+         * platform encoding. See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding}.
+         * Print data representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"}
+         * (byte stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_PLAIN_HOST =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("text/plain; charset="+hostEncoding);
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-8"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-8"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"}
+         * (byte stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8 =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("text/plain; charset=utf-8");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"}
+         * (byte stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16 =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("text/plain; charset=utf-16");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16be"}
-         * (big-endian byte ordering),
-         * print data representation class name =
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16be"}
+         * (big-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name =
          * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16BE =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("text/plain; charset=utf-16be");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16le"}
-         * (little-endian byte ordering),
-         * print data representation class name =
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16le"}
+         * (little-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name =
          * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16LE =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("text/plain; charset=utf-16le");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=us-ascii"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=us-ascii"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"}
+         * (byte stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_PLAIN_US_ASCII =
                 new INPUT_STREAM ("text/plain; charset=us-ascii");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html"},
-         * encoded in the host platform encoding.
-         * See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding}
-         * Print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html"}, encoded in the host
+         * platform encoding. See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding}.
+         * Print data representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"}
+         * (byte stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_HTML_HOST =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("text/html; charset="+hostEncoding);
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=utf-8"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-8"}, print
+         * data representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_HTML_UTF_8 =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("text/html; charset=utf-8");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"}
+         * (byte stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_HTML_UTF_16 =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("text/html; charset=utf-16");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16be"}
-         * (big-endian byte ordering),
-         * print data representation class name =
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16be"}
+         * (big-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name =
          * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_HTML_UTF_16BE =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("text/html; charset=utf-16be");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16le"}
-         * (little-endian byte ordering),
-         * print data representation class name =
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16le"}
+         * (little-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name =
          * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_HTML_UTF_16LE =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("text/html; charset=utf-16le");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=us-ascii"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=us-ascii"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"}
+         * (byte stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_HTML_US_ASCII =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("text/html; charset=us-ascii");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/pdf"}, print
-         * data representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"}
-         * (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/pdf"}, print data
+         * representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM PDF = new INPUT_STREAM ("application/pdf");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/postscript"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/postscript"}, print
+         * data representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM POSTSCRIPT =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("application/postscript");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/vnd.hp-PCL"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/vnd.hp-PCL"}, print
+         * data representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM PCL =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("application/vnd.hp-PCL");
          * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "image/gif"}, print data
-         * representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM GIF = new INPUT_STREAM ("image/gif");
          * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "image/jpeg"}, print data
-         * representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM JPEG = new INPUT_STREAM ("image/jpeg");
          * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "image/png"}, print data
-         * representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
+         * representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final INPUT_STREAM PNG = new INPUT_STREAM ("image/png");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "application/octet-stream"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte stream).
-         * The client must determine that data described
-         * using this DocFlavor is valid for the printer.
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/octet-stream"}, print
+         * data representation class name = {@code "java.io.InputStream"} (byte
+         * stream). The client must determine that data described using this
+         * {@code DocFlavor} is valid for the printer.
         public static final INPUT_STREAM AUTOSENSE =
             new INPUT_STREAM ("application/octet-stream");
-     * Class DocFlavor.URL provides predefined static constant DocFlavor
-     * objects.
-     * For example doc flavors using a Uniform Resource Locator ({@link
-     * java.net.URL java.net.URL}) as the print data
+     * Class {@code DocFlavor.URL} provides predefined static constant
+     * {@code DocFlavor} objects. For example doc flavors using a Uniform
+     * Resource Locator ({@link java.net.URL java.net.URL}) as the print data
      * representation class.
-     * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+     * @author Alan Kaminsky
     public static class URL extends DocFlavor {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 2936725788144902062L;
-         * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print
-         * data representation class name of {@code "java.net.URL"}.
-         *
-         * @param  mimeType   MIME media type string.
+         * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print data
+         * representation class name of {@code "java.net.URL"}.
-         * @exception  NullPointerException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} is null.
-         * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} does not
-         *     obey the syntax for a MIME media type string.
+         * @param  mimeType MIME media type string
+         * @throws NullPointerException if {@code mimeType} is {@code null}
+         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mimeType} does not obey
+         *         the syntax for a MIME media type string
         public URL (String mimeType) {
             super (mimeType, "java.net.URL");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain"},
-         * encoded in the host platform encoding.
-         * See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding}
-         * Print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain"}, encoded in the host
+         * platform encoding. See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding}.
+         * Print data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final URL TEXT_PLAIN_HOST =
             new URL ("text/plain; charset="+hostEncoding);
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-8"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-8"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final URL TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8 =
             new URL ("text/plain; charset=utf-8");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code java.net.URL""} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code java.net.URL""} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final URL TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16 =
             new URL ("text/plain; charset=utf-16");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16be"}
-         * (big-endian byte ordering),
-         * print data representation class name =
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16be"}
+         * (big-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name =
          * {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte stream).
         public static final URL TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16BE =
             new URL ("text/plain; charset=utf-16be");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16le"}
-         * (little-endian byte ordering),
-         * print data representation class name =
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16le"}
+         * (little-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name =
          * {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte stream).
         public static final URL TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16LE =
             new URL ("text/plain; charset=utf-16le");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/plain; charset=us-ascii"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=us-ascii"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final URL TEXT_PLAIN_US_ASCII =
             new URL ("text/plain; charset=us-ascii");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html"},
-         * encoded in the host platform encoding.
-         * See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding}
-         * Print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html"}, encoded in the host
+         * platform encoding. See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding}.
+         * Print data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final URL TEXT_HTML_HOST =
             new URL ("text/html; charset="+hostEncoding);
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=utf-8"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-8"}, print
+         * data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final URL TEXT_HTML_UTF_8 =
             new URL ("text/html; charset=utf-8");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final URL TEXT_HTML_UTF_16 =
             new URL ("text/html; charset=utf-16");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16be"}
-         * (big-endian byte ordering),
-         * print data representation class name =
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16be"}
+         * (big-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name =
          * {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte stream).
         public static final URL TEXT_HTML_UTF_16BE =
             new URL ("text/html; charset=utf-16be");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16le"}
-         * (little-endian byte ordering),
-         * print data representation class name =
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16le"}
+         * (little-endian byte ordering), print data representation class name =
          * {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte stream).
         public static final URL TEXT_HTML_UTF_16LE =
             new URL ("text/html; charset=utf-16le");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "text/html; charset=us-ascii"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte stream).
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=us-ascii"},
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"} (byte
+         * stream).
         public static final URL TEXT_HTML_US_ASCII =
             new URL ("text/html; charset=us-ascii");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/pdf"}, print
-         * data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"}.
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/pdf"}, print data
+         * representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"}.
         public static final URL PDF = new URL ("application/pdf");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/postscript"},
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"}.
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/postscript"}, print
+         * data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"}.
         public static final URL POSTSCRIPT = new URL ("application/postscript");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/vnd.hp-PCL"},
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"}.
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/vnd.hp-PCL"}, print
+         * data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"}.
         public static final URL PCL = new URL ("application/vnd.hp-PCL");
@@ -1235,42 +1100,39 @@
         public static final URL PNG = new URL ("image/png");
-         * Doc flavor with MIME type =
-         * {@code "application/octet-stream"},
-         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"}.
-         *  The client must determine that data described
-         * using this DocFlavor is valid for the printer.
+         * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "application/octet-stream"}, print
+         * data representation class name = {@code "java.net.URL"}. The client
+         * must determine that data described using this {@code DocFlavor} is
+         * valid for the printer.
         public static final URL AUTOSENSE = new URL ("application/octet-stream");
-     * Class DocFlavor.CHAR_ARRAY provides predefined static constant
-     * DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors using a character array
-     * ({@code char[]}) as the print data representation class. As such,
-     * the character set is Unicode.
+     * Class {@code DocFlavor.CHAR_ARRAY} provides predefined static constant
+     * {@code DocFlavor} objects for example doc flavors using a character array
+     * ({@code char[]}) as the print data representation class. As such, the
+     * character set is Unicode.
-     * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+     * @author Alan Kaminsky
     public static class CHAR_ARRAY extends DocFlavor {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -8720590903724405128L;
-         * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print
-         * data representation class name of
-         * {@code "[C"} (character array).
+         * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print data
+         * representation class name of {@code "[C"} (character array).
-         * @param  mimeType  MIME media type string. If it is a text media
-         *                      type, it is assumed to contain a
-         *                      {@code "charset=utf-16"} parameter.
-         *
-         * @exception  NullPointerException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} is null.
-         * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} does not
-         *     obey the syntax for a MIME media type string.
+         * @param  mimeType MIME media type string. If it is a text media type,
+         *         it is assumed to contain a {@code "charset=utf-16"}
+         *         parameter.
+         * @throws NullPointerException if {@code mimeType} is {@code null}
+         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mimeType} does not obey
+         *         the syntax for a MIME media type string
         public CHAR_ARRAY (String mimeType) {
             super (mimeType, "[C");
@@ -1278,47 +1140,46 @@
          * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "[C"} (character array).
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "[C"} (character
+         * array).
         public static final CHAR_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN =
             new CHAR_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset=utf-16");
          * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "[C"} (character array).
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "[C"} (character
+         * array).
         public static final CHAR_ARRAY TEXT_HTML =
             new CHAR_ARRAY ("text/html; charset=utf-16");
-     * Class DocFlavor.STRING provides predefined static constant DocFlavor
-     * objects for example doc flavors using a string ({@link java.lang.String
-     * java.lang.String}) as the print data representation class.
+     * Class {@code DocFlavor.STRING} provides predefined static constant
+     * {@code DocFlavor} objects for example doc flavors using a string
+     * ({@link String java.lang.String}) as the print data representation class.
      * As such, the character set is Unicode.
-     * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+     * @author Alan Kaminsky
     public static class STRING extends DocFlavor {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 4414407504887034035L;
-         * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print
-         * data representation class name of {@code "java.lang.String"}.
+         * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print data
+         * representation class name of {@code "java.lang.String"}.
-         * @param  mimeType  MIME media type string. If it is a text media
-         *                      type, it is assumed to contain a
-         *                      {@code "charset=utf-16"} parameter.
-         *
-         * @exception  NullPointerException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} is null.
-         * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} does not
-         *     obey the syntax for a MIME media type string.
+         * @param  mimeType MIME media type string. If it is a text media type,
+         *         it is assumed to contain a {@code "charset=utf-16"}
+         *         parameter.
+         * @throws NullPointerException if {@code mimeType} is {@code null}
+         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mimeType} does not obey
+         *         the syntax for a MIME media type string
         public STRING (String mimeType) {
             super (mimeType, "java.lang.String");
@@ -1326,47 +1187,45 @@
          * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.lang.String"}.
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.lang.String"}.
         public static final STRING TEXT_PLAIN =
             new STRING ("text/plain; charset=utf-16");
          * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.lang.String"}.
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.lang.String"}.
         public static final STRING TEXT_HTML =
             new STRING ("text/html; charset=utf-16");
-     * Class DocFlavor.READER provides predefined static constant DocFlavor
-     * objects for example doc flavors using a character stream ({@link
-     * java.io.Reader java.io.Reader}) as the print data
+     * Class {@code DocFlavor.READER} provides predefined static constant
+     * {@code DocFlavor} objects for example doc flavors using a character
+     * stream ({@link java.io.Reader java.io.Reader}) as the print data
      * representation class. As such, the character set is Unicode.
-     * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+     * @author Alan Kaminsky
     public static class READER extends DocFlavor {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 7100295812579351567L;
-         * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print
-         * data representation class name of\
-         * {@code "java.io.Reader"} (character stream).
+         * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print data
+         * representation class name of {@code "java.io.Reader"} (character
+         * stream).
-         * @param  mimeType  MIME media type string. If it is a text media
-         *                      type, it is assumed to contain a
-         *                      {@code "charset=utf-16"} parameter.
-         *
-         * @exception  NullPointerException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} is null.
-         * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code mimeType} does not
-         *     obey the syntax for a MIME media type string.
+         * @param  mimeType MIME media type string. If it is a text media type,
+         *         it is assumed to contain a {@code "charset=utf-16"}
+         *         parameter.
+         * @throws NullPointerException if {@code mimeType} is {@code null}
+         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mimeType} does not obey
+         *         the syntax for a MIME media type string
         public READER (String mimeType) {
             super (mimeType, "java.io.Reader");
@@ -1374,16 +1233,16 @@
          * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/plain; charset=utf-16"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.Reader"} (character stream).
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.io.Reader"}
+         * (character stream).
         public static final READER TEXT_PLAIN =
             new READER ("text/plain; charset=utf-16");
          * Doc flavor with MIME type = {@code "text/html; charset=utf-16"},
-         * print data representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.io.Reader"} (character stream).
+         * print data representation class name = {@code "java.io.Reader"}
+         * (character stream).
         public static final READER TEXT_HTML =
             new READER ("text/html; charset=utf-16");
@@ -1391,27 +1250,27 @@
-     * Class DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED provides predefined static constant
-     * DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors for service formatted print
-     * data.
+     * Class {@code DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED} provides predefined static
+     * constant {@code DocFlavor} objects for example doc flavors for service
+     * formatted print data.
-     * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+     * @author Alan Kaminsky
     public static class SERVICE_FORMATTED extends DocFlavor {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 6181337766266637256L;
          * Constructs a new doc flavor with a MIME type of
-         * {@code "application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref"} indicating
-         * service formatted print data and the given print data
-         * representation class name.
+         * {@code "application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref"} indicating service
+         * formatted print data and the given print data representation class
+         * name.
-         * @param  className  Fully-qualified representation class name.
-         *
-         * @exception  NullPointerException
-         *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code className} is
-         *     null.
+         * @param  className fully-qualified representation class name
+         * @throws NullPointerException if {@code className} is {@code null}
         public SERVICE_FORMATTED (String className) {
             super ("application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref", className);
@@ -1420,8 +1279,8 @@
          * Service formatted print data doc flavor with print data
          * representation class name =
-         * {@code "java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage"}
-         * (renderable image object).
+         * {@code "java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage"} (renderable image
+         * object).
         public static final SERVICE_FORMATTED RENDERABLE_IMAGE =
             new SERVICE_FORMATTED("java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage");
@@ -1443,5 +1302,4 @@
             new SERVICE_FORMATTED ("java.awt.print.Pageable");
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/DocPrintJob.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/DocPrintJob.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -29,146 +29,132 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet;
 import javax.print.event.PrintJobAttributeListener;
 import javax.print.event.PrintJobListener;
-import javax.print.PrintException;
- *
- * This interface represents a print job that can print a specified
- * document with a set of job attributes.  An object implementing
- * this interface is obtained from a print service.
- *
+ * This interface represents a print job that can print a specified document
+ * with a set of job attributes. An object implementing this interface is
+ * obtained from a print service.
 public interface DocPrintJob {
-     * Determines the {@link PrintService} object to which this print job
-     * object is bound.
+     * Determines the {@link PrintService} object to which this print job object
+     * is bound.
-     * @return  {@code PrintService} object.
-     *
+     * @return {@code PrintService} object
     public PrintService getPrintService();
-     * Obtains this Print Job's set of printing attributes.
-     * The returned attribute set object is unmodifiable.
-     * The returned attribute set object is a "snapshot" of this Print Job's
-     * attribute set at the time of the {@link #getAttributes()} method
-     * call; that is, the returned attribute set's object's contents will
-     * not be updated if this Print Job's attribute set's contents change
-     * in the future. To detect changes in attribute values, call
-     * {@code getAttributes()} again and compare the new attribute
-     * set to the previous attribute set; alternatively, register a
-     * listener for print job events.
-     * The returned value may be an empty set but should not be null.
+     * Obtains this Print Job's set of printing attributes. The returned
+     * attribute set object is unmodifiable. The returned attribute set object
+     * is a "snapshot" of this Print Job's attribute set at the time of the
+     * {@code getAttributes()} method call; that is, the returned attribute
+     * set's object's contents will not be updated if this Print Job's attribute
+     * set's contents change in the future. To detect changes in attribute
+     * values, call {@code getAttributes()} again and compare the new attribute
+     * set to the previous attribute set; alternatively, register a listener for
+     * print job events. The returned value may be an empty set but should not
+     * be {@code null}.
+     *
      * @return the print job attributes
      public PrintJobAttributeSet getAttributes();
-     * Registers a listener for event occurring during this print job.
-     * If listener is null, no exception is thrown and no action is
-     * performed.
-     * If listener is already registered, it will be registered again.
+     * Registers a listener for event occurring during this print job. If
+     * listener is {@code null}, no exception is thrown and no action is
+     * performed. If listener is already registered, it will be registered
+     * again.
+     *
+     * @param  listener the object implementing the listener interface
      * @see #removePrintJobListener
-     *
-     * @param listener  The object implementing the listener interface
-     *
     public void addPrintJobListener(PrintJobListener listener);
-     * Removes a listener from this print job.
-     * This method performs no function, nor does it throw an exception,
-     * if the listener specified by the argument was not previously added
-     * to this component. If listener is null, no exception is thrown and
-     * no action is performed. If a listener was registered more than once
-     * only one of the registrations will be removed.
+     * Removes a listener from this print job. This method performs no function,
+     * nor does it throw an exception, if the listener specified by the argument
+     * was not previously added to this print job. If listener is {@code null},
+     * no exception is thrown and no action is performed. If a listener was
+     * registered more than once only one of the registrations will be removed.
+     *
+     * @param  listener the object implementing the listener interface
      * @see #addPrintJobListener
-     *
-     * @param listener  The object implementing the listener interface
     public void removePrintJobListener(PrintJobListener listener);
-     * Registers a listener for changes in the specified attributes.
-     * If listener is null, no exception is thrown and no action is
-     * performed.
-     * To determine the attribute updates that may be reported by this job,
-     * a client can call {@code getAttributes()} and identify the
-     * subset that are interesting and likely to be reported to the
-     * listener. Clients expecting to be updated about changes in a
-     * specific job attribute should verify it is in that set, but
-     * updates about an attribute will be made only if it changes and this
-     * is detected by the job. Also updates may be subject to batching
-     * by the job. To minimize overhead in print job processing it is
-     * recommended to listen on only that subset of attributes which
-     * are likely to change.
-     * If the specified set is empty no attribute updates will be reported
-     * to the listener.
-     * If the attribute set is null, then this means to listen on all
-     * dynamic attributes that the job supports. This may result in no
-     * update notifications if a job can not report any attribute updates.
+     * Registers a listener for changes in the specified attributes. If listener
+     * is {@code null}, no exception is thrown and no action is performed. To
+     * determine the attribute updates that may be reported by this job, a
+     * client can call {@code getAttributes()} and identify the subset that are
+     * interesting and likely to be reported to the listener. Clients expecting
+     * to be updated about changes in a specific job attribute should verify it
+     * is in that set, but updates about an attribute will be made only if it
+     * changes and this is detected by the job. Also updates may be subject to
+     * batching by the job. To minimize overhead in print job processing it is
+     * recommended to listen on only that subset of attributes which are likely
+     * to change. If the specified set is empty no attribute updates will be
+     * reported to the listener. If the attribute set is {@code null}, then this
+     * means to listen on all dynamic attributes that the job supports. This may
+     * result in no update notifications if a job can not report any attribute
+     * updates.
+     * <p>
+     * If listener is already registered, it will be registered again.
-     * If listener is already registered, it will be registered again.
+     * @param  listener the object implementing the listener interface
+     * @param  attributes the attributes to listen on, or {@code null} to mean
+     *         all attributes that can change, as determined by the job
      * @see #removePrintJobAttributeListener
-     *
-     * @param listener  The object implementing the listener interface
-     * @param attributes The attributes to listen on, or null to mean
-     * all attributes that can change, as determined by the job.
     public void addPrintJobAttributeListener(
                                   PrintJobAttributeListener listener,
                                   PrintJobAttributeSet attributes);
-     * Removes an attribute listener from this print job.
-     * This method performs no function, nor does it throw an exception,
-     * if the listener specified by the argument was not previously added
-     * to this component. If the listener is null, no exception is thrown
-     * and no action is performed.
-     * If a listener is registered more than once, even for a different
-     * set of attributes, no guarantee is made which listener is removed.
+     * Removes an attribute listener from this print job. This method performs
+     * no function, nor does it throw an exception, if the listener specified by
+     * the argument was not previously added to this print job. If the listener
+     * is {@code null}, no exception is thrown and no action is performed. If a
+     * listener is registered more than once, even for a different set of
+     * attributes, no guarantee is made which listener is removed.
+     *
+     * @param  listener the object implementing the listener interface
      * @see #addPrintJobAttributeListener
-     *
-     * @param listener  The object implementing the listener interface
-     *
     public void removePrintJobAttributeListener(
                                       PrintJobAttributeListener listener);
-     * Prints a document with the specified job attributes.
-     * This method should only be called once for a given print job.
-     * Calling it again will not result in a new job being spooled to
-     * the printer. The service implementation will define policy
-     * for service interruption and recovery.
+     * Prints a document with the specified job attributes. This method should
+     * only be called once for a given print job. Calling it again will not
+     * result in a new job being spooled to the printer. The service
+     * implementation will define policy for service interruption and recovery.
      * When the print method returns, printing may not yet have completed as
      * printing may happen asynchronously, perhaps in a different thread.
-     * Application clients which  want to monitor the success or failure
-     * should register a PrintJobListener.
+     * Application clients which want to monitor the success or failure should
+     * register a {@code PrintJobListener}.
      * <p>
      * Print service implementors should close any print data streams (ie
-     * Reader or InputStream implementations) that they obtain
-     * from the client doc. Robust clients may still wish to verify this.
-     * An exception is always generated if a {@code DocFlavor} cannot
-     * be printed.
-     *
-     * @param doc       The document to be printed. If must be a flavor
-     *                                  supported by this PrintJob.
+     * {@code Reader} or {@code InputStream} implementations) that they obtain
+     * from the client doc. Robust clients may still wish to verify this. An
+     * exception is always generated if a {@code DocFlavor} cannot be printed.
-     * @param attributes The job attributes to be applied to this print job.
-     *        If this parameter is null then the default attributes are used.
-     * @throws PrintException The exception additionally may implement
-     * an interface that more precisely describes the cause of the
-     * exception
-     * <ul>
-     * <li>FlavorException.
-     *  If the document has a flavor not supported by this print job.
-     * <li>AttributeException.
-     *  If one or more of the attributes are not valid for this print job.
-     * </ul>
+     * @param  doc the document to be printed. It must be a flavor supported by
+     *         this PrintJob.
+     * @param  attributes the job attributes to be applied to this print job. If
+     *         this parameter is {@code null} then the default attributes are
+     *         used.
+     * @throws PrintException the exception additionally may implement an
+     *         interface that more precisely describes the cause of the
+     *         exception
+     *         <ul>
+     *           <li>{@code FlavorException}. If the document has a flavor not
+     *           supported by this print job.
+     *           <li>{@code AttributeException}. If one or more of the
+     *           attributes are not valid for this print job.
+     *         </ul>
     public void print(Doc doc, PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes)
           throws PrintException;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/FlavorException.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/FlavorException.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -25,23 +25,20 @@
 package javax.print;
-import javax.print.DocFlavor;
- * Interface FlavorException is a mixin interface which a subclass of {@link
- * PrintException PrintException} can implement to report an error condition
- * involving a doc flavor or flavors (class {@link javax.print.DocFlavor
- * DocFlavor}). The Print Service API does not define any print exception
- * classes that implement interface FlavorException, that being left to the
- * Print Service implementor's discretion.
- *
+ * Interface {@code FlavorException} is a mixin interface which a subclass of
+ * {@link PrintException PrintException} can implement to report an error
+ * condition involving a doc flavor or flavors (class {@link DocFlavor}). The
+ * Print Service API does not define any print exception classes that implement
+ * interface {@code FlavorException}, that being left to the Print Service
+ * implementor's discretion.
 public interface FlavorException {
      * Returns the unsupported flavors.
-     * @return the unsupported doc flavors.
+     *
+     * @return the unsupported doc flavors
     public DocFlavor[] getUnsupportedFlavors();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/MimeType.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/MimeType.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 package javax.print;
 import java.io.Serializable;
 import java.util.AbstractMap;
 import java.util.AbstractSet;
 import java.util.Iterator;
@@ -36,63 +35,63 @@
 import java.util.Vector;
- * Class MimeType encapsulates a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
- * media type as defined in <A HREF="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt">RFC
- * 2045</A> and <A HREF="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2046.txt">RFC 2046</A>. A
- * MIME type object is part of a {@link DocFlavor DocFlavor} object and
- * specifies the format of the print data.
- * <P>
- * Class MimeType is similar to the like-named
- * class in package {@link java.awt.datatransfer java.awt.datatransfer}. Class
- * java.awt.datatransfer.MimeType is not used in the Jini Print Service API
- * for two reasons:
- * <OL TYPE=1>
- * <LI>
- * Since not all Java profiles include the AWT, the Jini Print Service should
- * not depend on an AWT class.
- * <LI>
- * The implementation of class java.awt.datatransfer.MimeType does not
- * guarantee
- * that equivalent MIME types will have the same serialized representation.
- * Thus, since the Jini Lookup Service (JLUS) matches service attributes based
- * on equality of serialized representations, JLUS searches involving MIME
- * types encapsulated in class java.awt.datatransfer.MimeType may incorrectly
- * fail to match.
- * </OL>
- * <P>
+ * Class {@code MimeType} encapsulates a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
+ * (MIME) media type as defined in
+ * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt">RFC 2045</a> and
+ * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2046.txt">RFC 2046</a>. A MIME type
+ * object is part of a {@link DocFlavor DocFlavor} object and specifies the
+ * format of the print data.
+ * <p>
+ * Class {@code MimeType} is similar to the like-named class in package
+ * {@link java.awt.datatransfer java.awt.datatransfer}. Class
+ * {@link java.awt.datatransfer.MimeType} is not used in the Jini Print Service
+ * API for two reasons:
+ * <ol type=1>
+ *   <li>Since not all Java profiles include the AWT, the Jini Print Service
+ *   should not depend on an AWT class.
+ *   <li>The implementation of class {@code java.awt.datatransfer.MimeType} does
+ *   not guarantee that equivalent MIME types will have the same serialized
+ *   representation. Thus, since the Jini Lookup Service (JLUS) matches service
+ *   attributes based on equality of serialized representations, JLUS searches
+ *   involving MIME types encapsulated in class
+ *   {@code java.awt.datatransfer.MimeType} may incorrectly fail to match.
+ * </ol>
  * Class MimeType's serialized representation is based on the following
  * canonical form of a MIME type string. Thus, two MIME types that are not
- * identical but that are equivalent (that have the same canonical form) will
- * be considered equal by the JLUS's matching algorithm.
- * <UL>
- * <LI> The media type, media subtype, and parameters are retained, but all
- *      comments and whitespace characters are discarded.
- * <LI> The media type, media subtype, and parameter names are converted to
- *      lowercase.
- * <LI> The parameter values retain their original case, except a charset
- *      parameter value for a text media type is converted to lowercase.
- * <LI> Quote characters surrounding parameter values are removed.
- * <LI> Quoting backslash characters inside parameter values are removed.
- * <LI> The parameters are arranged in ascending order of parameter name.
- * </UL>
+ * identical but that are equivalent (that have the same canonical form) will be
+ * considered equal by the JLUS's matching algorithm.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>The media type, media subtype, and parameters are retained, but all
+ *   comments and whitespace characters are discarded.
+ *   <li>The media type, media subtype, and parameter names are converted to
+ *   lowercase.
+ *   <li>The parameter values retain their original case, except a charset
+ *   parameter value for a text media type is converted to lowercase.
+ *   <li>Quote characters surrounding parameter values are removed.
+ *   <li>Quoting backslash characters inside parameter values are removed.
+ *   <li>The parameters are arranged in ascending order of parameter name.
+ * </ul>
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 class MimeType implements Serializable, Cloneable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -2785720609362367683L;
-     * Array of strings that hold pieces of this MIME type's canonical form.
-     * If the MIME type has <I>n</I> parameters, <I>n</I> &gt;= 0, then the
+     * Array of strings that hold pieces of this MIME type's canonical form. If
+     * the MIME type has <i>n</i> parameters, <i>n</i> &gt;= 0, then the
      * strings in the array are:
-     * <BR>Index 0 -- Media type.
-     * <BR>Index 1 -- Media subtype.
-     * <BR>Index 2<I>i</I>+2 -- Name of parameter <I>i</I>,
-     * <I>i</I>=0,1,...,<I>n</I>-1.
-     * <BR>Index 2<I>i</I>+3 -- Value of parameter <I>i</I>,
-     * <I>i</I>=0,1,...,<I>n</I>-1.
-     * <BR>Parameters are arranged in ascending order of parameter name.
+     * <br>Index 0 -- Media type.
+     * <br>Index 1 -- Media subtype.
+     * <br>Index 2<i>i</i>+2 -- Name of parameter <i>i</i>,
+     * <i>i</i>=0,1,...,<i>n</i>-1.
+     * <br>Index 2<i>i</i>+3 -- Value of parameter <i>i</i>,
+     * <i>i</i>=0,1,...,<i>n</i>-1.
+     * <br>Parameters are arranged in ascending order of parameter name.
      * @serial
     private String[] myPieces;
@@ -116,7 +115,17 @@
      * Parameter map entry.
     private class ParameterMapEntry implements Map.Entry<String, String> {
+        /**
+         * The index of the entry.
+         */
         private int myIndex;
+        /**
+         * Constructs a new parameter map entry.
+         *
+         * @param  theIndex the index of the entry
+         */
         public ParameterMapEntry(int theIndex) {
             myIndex = theIndex;
@@ -144,6 +153,10 @@
      * Parameter map entry set iterator.
     private class ParameterMapEntrySetIterator implements Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> {
+        /**
+         * The current index of the iterator.
+         */
         private int myIndex = 2;
         public boolean hasNext() {
             return myIndex < myPieces.length;
@@ -187,16 +200,13 @@
-     * Construct a new MIME type object from the given string. The given
-     * string is converted into canonical form and stored internally.
-     *
-     * @param  s  MIME media type string.
+     * Construct a new MIME type object from the given string. The given string
+     * is converted into canonical form and stored internally.
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code s} is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code s} does not obey the
-     *     syntax for a MIME media type string.
+     * @param  s MIME media type string
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code s} is {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code s} does not obey the syntax
+     *         for a MIME media type string
     public MimeType(String s) {
         parse (s);
@@ -205,6 +215,8 @@
      * Returns this MIME type object's MIME type string based on the canonical
      * form. Each parameter value is enclosed in quotes.
+     *
+     * @return the mime type
     public String getMimeType() {
         return getStringValue();
@@ -212,6 +224,8 @@
      * Returns this MIME type object's media type.
+     *
+     * @return the media type
     public String getMediaType() {
         return myPieces[0];
@@ -219,6 +233,8 @@
      * Returns this MIME type object's media subtype.
+     *
+     * @return the media subtype
     public String getMediaSubtype() {
         return myPieces[1];
@@ -226,11 +242,11 @@
      * Returns an unmodifiable map view of the parameters in this MIME type
-     * object. Each entry in the parameter map view consists of a parameter
-     * name String (key) mapping to a parameter value String. If this MIME
-     * type object has no parameters, an empty map is returned.
+     * object. Each entry in the parameter map view consists of a parameter name
+     * {@code String} (key) mapping to a parameter value {@code String}. If this
+     * MIME type object has no parameters, an empty map is returned.
-     * @return  Parameter map for this MIME type object.
+     * @return parameter map for this MIME type object
     public Map<String, String> getParameterMap() {
         if (myParameterMap == null) {
@@ -242,8 +258,8 @@
      * Converts this MIME type object to a string.
-     * @return  MIME type string based on the canonical form. Each parameter
-     *          value is enclosed in quotes.
+     * @return MIME type string based on the canonical form. Each parameter
+     *         value is enclosed in quotes.
     public String toString() {
         return getStringValue();
@@ -258,19 +274,18 @@
      * Determine if this MIME type object is equal to the given object. The two
-     * are equal if the given object is not null, is an instance of class
-     * net.jini.print.data.MimeType, and has the same canonical form as this
-     * MIME type object (that is, has the same type, subtype, and parameters).
-     * Thus, if two MIME type objects are the same except for comments, they are
-     * considered equal. However, "text/plain" and "text/plain;
-     * charset=us-ascii" are not considered equal, even though they represent
-     * the same media type (because the default character set for plain text is
-     * US-ASCII).
+     * are equal if the given object is not {@code null}, is an instance of
+     * class {@code javax.print.data.MimeType}, and has the same canonical form
+     * as this MIME type object (that is, has the same type, subtype, and
+     * parameters). Thus, if two MIME type objects are the same except for
+     * comments, they are considered equal. However, "text/plain" and
+     * "text/plain; charset=us-ascii" are not considered equal, even though they
+     * represent the same media type (because the default character set for
+     * plain text is US-ASCII).
-     * @param  obj  Object to test.
-     *
-     * @return  True if this MIME type object equals {@code obj}, false
-     *          otherwise.
+     * @param  obj {@code object} to test
+     * @return {@code true} if this MIME type object equals {@code obj},
+     *         {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals (Object obj) {
         return(obj != null &&
@@ -280,6 +295,8 @@
      * Returns this MIME type's string value in canonical form.
+     *
+     * @return the MIME type's string value in canonical form
     private String getStringValue() {
         if (myStringValue == null) {
@@ -300,8 +317,8 @@
         return myStringValue;
-// Hidden classes, constants, and operations for parsing a MIME media type
-// string.
+    // Hidden classes, constants, and operations for parsing a MIME media type
+    // string.
     // Lexeme types.
     private static final int TOKEN_LEXEME         = 0;
@@ -310,7 +327,9 @@
     private static final int EOF_LEXEME           = 3;
     private static final int ILLEGAL_LEXEME       = 4;
-    // Class for a lexical analyzer.
+    /**
+     *Class for a lexical analyzer.
+     */
     private static class LexicalAnalyzer {
         protected String mySource;
         protected int mySourceLength;
@@ -459,18 +478,19 @@
-     * Returns a lowercase version of the given string. The lowercase version
-     * is constructed by applying Character.toLowerCase() to each character of
-     * the given string, which maps characters to lowercase using the rules of
-     * Unicode. This mapping is the same regardless of locale, whereas the
-     * mapping of String.toLowerCase() may be different depending on the
+     * Returns a lowercase version of the given string. The lowercase version is
+     * constructed by applying {@code Character.toLowerCase()} to each character
+     * of the given string, which maps characters to lowercase using the rules
+     * of Unicode. This mapping is the same regardless of locale, whereas the
+     * mapping of {@code String.toLowerCase()} may be different depending on the
      * default locale.
+     *
+     * @param  s the string
+     * @return the lowercase version of the string
     private static String toUnicodeLowerCase(String s) {
         int n = s.length();
@@ -483,6 +503,9 @@
      * Returns a version of the given string with backslashes removed.
+     *
+     * @param  s the string
+     * @return the string with backslashes removed
     private static String removeBackslashes(String s) {
         int n = s.length();
@@ -503,6 +526,10 @@
      * Returns a version of the string surrounded by quotes and with interior
      * quotes preceded by a backslash.
+     *
+     * @param  s the string
+     * @return the string surrounded by quotes and with interior quotes preceded
+     *         by a backslash
     private static String addQuotes(String s) {
         int n = s.length();
@@ -524,20 +551,17 @@
      * Parses the given string into canonical pieces and stores the pieces in
      * {@link #myPieces myPieces}.
-     * <P>
+     * <p>
      * Special rules applied:
-     * <UL>
-     * <LI> If the media type is text, the value of a charset parameter is
-     *      converted to lowercase.
-     * </UL>
+     * <ul>
+     *   <li>If the media type is text, the value of a charset parameter is
+     *   converted to lowercase.
+     * </ul>
-     * @param  s  MIME media type string.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code s} is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code s} does not obey the
-     *     syntax for a MIME media type string.
+     * @param  s MIME media type string
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code s} is {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code s} does not obey the syntax
+     *         for a MIME media type string
     private void parse(String s) {
         // Initialize.
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/MultiDoc.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/MultiDoc.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,54 +28,52 @@
 import java.io.IOException;
- * Interface MultiDoc specifies the interface for an object that supplies more
- * than one piece of print data for a Print Job. "Doc" is a short,
+ * Interface {@code MultiDoc} specifies the interface for an object that
+ * supplies more than one piece of print data for a Print Job. "Doc" is a short,
  * easy-to-pronounce term that means "a piece of print data," and a "multidoc"
- * is a group of several docs. The client passes to the Print Job an object
- * that implements interface MultiDoc, and the Print Job calls methods on
- *  that object to obtain the print data.
- * <P>
- * Interface MultiDoc provides an abstraction similar to a "linked list" of
- * docs. A multidoc object is like a node in the linked list, containing the
+ * is a group of several docs. The client passes to the Print Job an object that
+ * implements interface {@code MultiDoc}, and the Print Job calls methods on
+ * that object to obtain the print data.
+ * <p>
+ * Interface {@code MultiDoc} provides an abstraction similar to a "linked list"
+ * of docs. A multidoc object is like a node in the linked list, containing the
  * current doc in the list and a pointer to the next node (multidoc) in the
- * list. The Print Job can call the multidoc's {@link #getDoc()
- * getDoc()} method to get the current doc. When it's ready to go
- * on to the next doc, the Print Job can call the multidoc's {@link #next()
- * next()} method to get the next multidoc, which contains the
- * next doc. So Print Job code for accessing a multidoc might look like this:
- * <PRE>
+ * list. The Print Job can call the multidoc's {@link #getDoc() getDoc()} method
+ * to get the current doc. When it's ready to go on to the next doc, the Print
+ * Job can call the multidoc's {@link #next() next()} method to get the next
+ * multidoc, which contains the next doc. So Print Job code for accessing a
+ * multidoc might look like this:
+ *
+ * <pre>
  *      void processMultiDoc(MultiDoc theMultiDoc) {
  *          MultiDoc current = theMultiDoc;
+ *
  *          while (current != null) {
  *              processDoc (current.getDoc());
  *              current = current.next();
  *          }
  *      }
- * </PRE>
- * <P>
- * Of course, interface MultiDoc can be implemented in any way that fulfills
- * the contract; it doesn't have to use a linked list in the implementation.
- * <P>
- * To get all the print data for a multidoc print job, a Print Service
- * proxy could use either of two patterns:
- * <OL TYPE=1>
- * <LI>
- * The <B>interleaved</B> pattern: Get the doc from the current multidoc. Get
- * the print data representation object from the current doc. Get all the print
- * data from the print data representation object. Get the next multidoc from
- * the current multidoc, and repeat until there are no more. (The code example
- * above uses the interleaved pattern.)
- *
- * <LI>
- * The <B>all-at-once</B> pattern: Get the doc from the current multidoc, and
- * save the doc in a list. Get the next multidoc from the current multidoc, and
- * repeat until there are no more. Then iterate over the list of saved docs. Get
- * the print data representation object from the current doc. Get all the print
- * data from the print data representation object. Go to the next doc in the
- * list, and repeat until there are no more.
- * </OL>
+ * </pre>
+ * Of course, interface {@code MultiDoc} can be implemented in any way that
+ * fulfills the contract; it doesn't have to use a linked list in the
+ * implementation.
+ * <p>
+ * To get all the print data for a multidoc print job, a Print Service proxy
+ * could use either of two patterns:
+ * <ol type=1>
+ *   <li>The <b>interleaved</b> pattern: Get the doc from the current multidoc.
+ *   Get the print data representation object from the current doc. Get all the
+ *   print data from the print data representation object. Get the next multidoc
+ *   from the current multidoc, and repeat until there are no more. (The code
+ *   example above uses the interleaved pattern.)
+ *   <li>The <b>all-at-once</b> pattern: Get the doc from the current multidoc,
+ *   and save the doc in a list. Get the next multidoc from the current
+ *   multidoc, and repeat until there are no more. Then iterate over the list of
+ *   saved docs. Get the print data representation object from the current doc.
+ *   Get all the print data from the print data representation object. Go to the
+ *   next doc in the list, and repeat until there are no more.
+ * </ol>
  * Now, consider a printing client that is generating print data on the fly and
  * does not have the resources to store more than one piece of print data at a
  * time. If the print service proxy used the all-at-once pattern to get the
@@ -83,41 +81,37 @@
  * to keep all the docs' print data around until the print service proxy comes
  * back and asks for them, which the client is not able to do. To work with such
  * a client, the print service proxy must use the interleaved pattern.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * To address this problem, and to simplify the design of clients providing
-* multiple docs to a Print Job, every Print Service proxy that supports
- * multidoc print jobs is required to access a MultiDoc object using the
- * interleaved pattern. That is, given a MultiDoc object, the print service
- * proxy will call {@link #getDoc() getDoc()} one or more times
- * until it successfully obtains the current Doc object. The print service proxy
+ * multiple docs to a Print Job, every Print Service proxy that supports
+ * multidoc print jobs is required to access a {@code MultiDoc} object using the
+ * interleaved pattern. That is, given a {@code MultiDoc} object, the print
+ * service proxy will call {@link #getDoc() getDoc()} one or more times until it
+ * successfully obtains the current {@code Doc} object. The print service proxy
  * will then obtain the current doc's print data, not proceeding until all the
  * print data is obtained or an unrecoverable error occurs. If it is able to
- * continue, the print service proxy will then call {@link #next()
- * next()} one or more times until it successfully obtains either
- * the next MultiDoc object or an indication that there are no more. An
- * implementation of interface MultiDoc can assume the print service proxy will
- * follow this interleaved pattern; for any other pattern of usage, the MultiDoc
- * implementation's behavior is unspecified.
- * <P>
+ * continue, the print service proxy will then call {@link #next() next()} one
+ * or more times until it successfully obtains either the next {@code MultiDoc}
+ * object or an indication that there are no more. An implementation of
+ * interface {@code MultiDoc} can assume the print service proxy will follow
+ * this interleaved pattern; for any other pattern of usage, the
+ * {@code MultiDoc} implementation's behavior is unspecified.
+ * <p>
  * There is no restriction on the number of client threads that may be
  * simultaneously accessing the same multidoc. Therefore, all implementations of
  * interface MultiDoc must be designed to be multiple thread safe. In fact, a
  * client thread could be adding docs to the end of the (conceptual) list while
  * a Print Job thread is simultaneously obtaining docs from the beginning of the
  * list; provided the multidoc object synchronizes the threads properly, the two
- * threads will not interfere with each other
+ * threads will not interfere with each other.
 public interface MultiDoc {
      * Obtain the current doc object.
-     * @return  Current doc object.
-     *
-     * @exception  IOException
-     *     Thrown if a error occurred reading the document.
+     * @return current doc object
+     * @throws IOException if an error occurred when reading the document
     public Doc getDoc() throws IOException;
@@ -125,12 +119,9 @@
      * Go to the multidoc object that contains the next doc object in the
      * sequence of doc objects.
-     * @return  Multidoc object containing the next doc object, or null if
-     * there are no further doc objects.
-     *
-     * @exception  IOException
-     *     Thrown if an error occurred locating the next document
+     * @return multidoc object containing the next doc object, or {@code null}
+     *         if there are no further doc objects
+     * @throws IOException if an error occurred locating the next document
     public MultiDoc next() throws IOException;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/MultiDocPrintJob.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/MultiDocPrintJob.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,39 +28,35 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet;
- *
- * Obtained from a MultiDocPrintService, a MultiDocPrintJob can print a
- * specified collection of documents as a single print job with a set of
+ * Obtained from a {@code MultiDocPrintService}, a {@code MultiDocPrintJob} can
+ * print a specified collection of documents as a single print job with a set of
  * job attributes.
 public interface MultiDocPrintJob extends DocPrintJob {
-   /**
-     * Print a MultiDoc with the specified job attributes.
-     * This method should only be called once for a given print job.
-     * Calling it again will not result in a new job being spooled to
-     * the printer. The service implementation will define policy
-     * for service interruption and recovery. Application clients which
-     * want to monitor the success or failure should register a
-     * PrintJobListener.
-     *
-     * @param multiDoc The documents to be printed. ALL must be a flavor
-     *        supported by the PrintJob {@literal &} PrintService.
+    /**
+     * Print a {@code MultiDoc} with the specified job attributes. This method
+     * should only be called once for a given print job. Calling it again will
+     * not result in a new job being spooled to the printer. The service
+     * implementation will define policy for service interruption and recovery.
+     * Application clients which want to monitor the success or failure should
+     * register a {@code PrintJobListener}.
-     * @param attributes The job attributes to be applied to this print job.
-     *        If this parameter is null then the default attributes are used.
-     *
-     * @throws PrintException The exception additionally may implement
-     * an interfaces which more precisely describes the cause of the exception
-     * <ul>
-     * <li>FlavorException.
-     *  If the document has a flavor not supported by this print job.
-     * <li>AttributeException.
-     *  If one or more of the attributes are not valid for this print job.
-     * </ul>
+     * @param  multiDoc the documents to be printed. ALL must be a flavor
+     *         supported by the PrintJob {@literal &} PrintService.
+     * @param  attributes the job attributes to be applied to this print job. If
+     *         this parameter is {@code null} then the default attributes are
+     *         used.
+     * @throws PrintException the exception additionally may implement an
+     *         interfaces which more precisely describes the cause of the
+     *         exception
+     *         <ul>
+     *           <li>{@code FlavorException}. If the document has a flavor not
+     *           supported by this print job.
+     *           <li>{@code AttributeException}. If one or more of the
+     *           attributes are not valid for this print job.
+     *         </ul>
     public void print(MultiDoc multiDoc, PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes)
                 throws PrintException;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/MultiDocPrintService.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/MultiDocPrintService.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@
 package javax.print;
- /** Interface MultiPrintService is the factory for a MultiDocPrintJob.
-  * A MultiPrintService
-  * describes the capabilities of a Printer and can be queried regarding
-  * a printer's supported attributes.
-  */
+ * Interface {@code MultiPrintService} is the factory for a
+ * {@code MultiDocPrintJob}. A {@code MultiPrintService} describes the
+ * capabilities of a printer and can be queried regarding a printer's supported
+ * attributes.
+ */
 public interface MultiDocPrintService extends PrintService {
      * Create a job which can print a multiDoc.
-     * @return a MultiDocPrintJob
+     *
+     * @return a {@code MultiDocPrintJob}
     public MultiDocPrintJob createMultiDocPrintJob();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/PrintException.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/PrintException.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,13 +26,16 @@
 package javax.print;
- * Class PrintException encapsulates a printing-related error condition that
- * occurred while using a Print Service instance. This base class
- * furnishes only a string description of the error. Subclasses furnish more
- * detailed information if applicable.
- *
+ * Class {@code PrintException} encapsulates a printing-related error condition
+ * that occurred while using a Print Service instance. This base class furnishes
+ * only a string description of the error. Subclasses furnish more detailed
+ * information if applicable.
 public class PrintException extends Exception {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -5932531546705242471L;
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@
      * Construct a print exception with the given detail message.
-     * @param  s  Detail message, or null if no detail message.
+     * @param  s detail message, or {@code null} if no detail message
     public PrintException (String s) {
         super (s);
@@ -54,20 +57,20 @@
      * Construct a print exception chaining the supplied exception.
-     * @param  e  Chained exception.
+     * @param  e chained exception
     public PrintException (Exception e) {
         super ( e);
-     * Construct a print exception with the given detail message
-     * and chained exception.
-     * @param  s  Detail message, or null if no detail message.
-     * @param  e  Chained exception.
+     * Construct a print exception with the given detail message and chained
+     * exception.
+     *
+     * @param  s detail message, or {@code null} if no detail message
+     * @param  e chained exception
     public PrintException (String s, Exception e) {
         super (s, e);
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/PrintService.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/PrintService.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -25,22 +25,19 @@
 package javax.print;
-import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttributeSet;
 import javax.print.event.PrintServiceAttributeListener;
- * Interface PrintService is the factory for a DocPrintJob. A PrintService
- * describes the capabilities of a Printer and can be queried regarding
- * a printer's supported attributes.
- * <P>
+ * Interface {@code PrintService} is the factory for a {@code DocPrintJob}. A
+ * {@code PrintService} describes the capabilities of a printer and can be
+ * queried regarding a printer's supported attributes.
+ * <p>
  * Example:
- *   <PRE>{@code
+ *   <pre>{@code
  *   DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.POSTSCRIPT;
  *   PrintRequestAttributeSet aset = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
  *   aset.add(MediaSizeName.ISO_A4);
@@ -56,299 +53,263 @@
  *        } catch (PrintException e) {
  *        }
  *   }
- *   }</PRE>
+ *   }</pre>
 public interface PrintService {
-    /** Returns a String name for this print service which may be used
-      * by applications to request a particular print service.
-      * In a suitable context, such as a name service, this name must be
-      * unique.
-      * In some environments this unique name may be the same as the user
-      * friendly printer name defined as the
-      * {@link javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterName PrinterName}
-      * attribute.
-      * @return name of the service.
-      */
+    /**
+     * Returns a string name for this print service which may be used by
+     * applications to request a particular print service. In a suitable
+     * context, such as a name service, this name must be unique. In some
+     * environments this unique name may be the same as the user friendly
+     * printer name defined as the
+     * {@link javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterName PrinterName} attribute.
+     *
+     * @return name of the service
+     */
     public String getName();
-     * Creates and returns a PrintJob capable of handling data from
-     * any of the supported document flavors.
-     * @return a DocPrintJob object
+     * Creates and returns a {@code PrintJob} capable of handling data from any
+     * of the supported document flavors.
+     *
+     * @return a {@code DocPrintJob} object
     public DocPrintJob createPrintJob();
-     * Registers a listener for events on this PrintService.
-     * @param listener  a PrintServiceAttributeListener, which
-     *        monitors the status of a print service
+     * Registers a listener for events on this {@code PrintService}.
+     *
+     * @param  listener a PrintServiceAttributeListener, which monitors the
+     *         status of a print service
      * @see #removePrintServiceAttributeListener
     public void addPrintServiceAttributeListener(
                                        PrintServiceAttributeListener listener);
-     * Removes the print-service listener from this print service.
-     * This means the listener is no longer interested in
-     * {@code PrintService} events.
-     * @param listener  a PrintServiceAttributeListener object
+     * Removes the print-service listener from this print service. This means
+     * the listener is no longer interested in {@code PrintService} events.
+     *
+     * @param  listener a {@code PrintServiceAttributeListener} object
      * @see #addPrintServiceAttributeListener
     public void removePrintServiceAttributeListener(
                                        PrintServiceAttributeListener listener);
-     * Obtains this print service's set of printer description attributes
-     * giving this Print Service's status. The returned attribute set object
-     * is unmodifiable. The returned attribute set object is a "snapshot" of
-     * this Print Service's attribute set at the time of the
-     * {@code getAttributes()} method call: that is, the returned
-     * attribute set's contents will <I>not</I> be updated if this print
-     * service's attribute set's contents change in the future. To detect
-     * changes in attribute values, call {@code getAttributes()} again
-     * and compare the new attribute set to the previous attribute set;
-     * alternatively, register a listener for print service events.
+     * Obtains this print service's set of printer description attributes giving
+     * this Print Service's status. The returned attribute set object is
+     * unmodifiable. The returned attribute set object is a "snapshot" of this
+     * Print Service's attribute set at the time of the {@code getAttributes()}
+     * method call: that is, the returned attribute set's contents will
+     * <i>not</i> be updated if this print service's attribute set's contents
+     * change in the future. To detect changes in attribute values, call
+     * {@code getAttributes()} again and compare the new attribute set to the
+     * previous attribute set; alternatively, register a listener for print
+     * service events.
-     * @return  Unmodifiable snapshot of this Print Service's attribute set.
-     *          May be empty, but not null.
+     * @return unmodifiable snapshot of this Print Service's attribute set. May
+     *         be empty, but not {@code null}.
     public PrintServiceAttributeSet getAttributes();
-     * Gets the value of the single specified service attribute.
-     * This may be useful to clients which only need the value of one
-     * attribute and want to minimize overhead.
-     * @param <T> the type of the specified service attribute
-     * @param category the category of a PrintServiceAttribute supported
-     * by this service - may not be null.
-     * @return the value of the supported attribute or null if the
-     * attribute is not supported by this service.
-     * @exception NullPointerException if the category is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) if {@code category} is not a
-     *     {@code Class} that implements interface
-     *{@link javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute PrintServiceAttribute}.
+     * Gets the value of the single specified service attribute. This may be
+     * useful to clients which only need the value of one attribute and want to
+     * minimize overhead.
+     *
+     * @param  <T> the type of the specified service attribute
+     * @param  category the category of a {@code PrintServiceAttribute}
+     *         supported by this service - may not be {@code null}
+     * @return the value of the supported attribute or {@code null} if the
+     *         attribute is not supported by this service
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the category is {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code category} is not a
+     *         {@code Class} that implements interface
+     *         {@link PrintServiceAttribute PrintServiceAttribute}
     public <T extends PrintServiceAttribute>
         T getAttribute(Class<T> category);
-     * Determines the print data formats a client can specify when setting
-     * up a job for this {@code PrintService}. A print data format is
-     * designated by a "doc
-     * flavor" (class {@link javax.print.DocFlavor DocFlavor})
-     * consisting of a MIME type plus a print data representation class.
-     * <P>
-     * Note that some doc flavors may not be supported in combination
-     * with all attributes. Use {@code getUnsupportedAttributes(..)}
-     * to validate specific combinations.
+     * Determines the print data formats a client can specify when setting up a
+     * job for this {@code PrintService}. A print data format is designated by a
+     * "doc flavor" (class {@link DocFlavor DocFlavor}) consisting of a MIME
+     * type plus a print data representation class.
+     * <p>
+     * Note that some doc flavors may not be supported in combination with all
+     * attributes. Use {@code getUnsupportedAttributes(..)} to validate specific
+     * combinations.
-     * @return  Array of supported doc flavors, should have at least
-     *          one element.
-     *
+     * @return array of supported doc flavors, should have at least one element
     public DocFlavor[] getSupportedDocFlavors();
-     * Determines if this print service supports a specific
-     * {@code DocFlavor}.  This is a convenience method to determine
-     * if the {@code DocFlavor} would be a member of the result of
-     * {@code getSupportedDocFlavors()}.
+     * Determines if this print service supports a specific {@code DocFlavor}.
+     * This is a convenience method to determine if the {@code DocFlavor} would
+     * be a member of the result of {@code getSupportedDocFlavors()}.
      * <p>
-     * Note that some doc flavors may not be supported in combination
-     * with all attributes. Use {@code getUnsupportedAttributes(..)}
-     * to validate specific combinations.
+     * Note that some doc flavors may not be supported in combination with all
+     * attributes. Use {@code getUnsupportedAttributes(..)} to validate specific
+     * combinations.
-     * @param flavor the {@code DocFlavor} to query for support.
-     * @return  {@code true} if this print service supports the
-     * specified {@code DocFlavor}; {@code false} otherwise.
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code flavor} is null.
+     * @param  flavor the {@code DocFlavor} to query for support
+     * @return {@code true} if this print service supports the specified
+     *         {@code DocFlavor}; {@code false} otherwise
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code flavor} is {@code null}
     public boolean isDocFlavorSupported(DocFlavor flavor);
-     * Determines the printing attribute categories a client can specify
-     * when setting up a job for this print service.
-     * A printing attribute category is
+     * Determines the printing attribute categories a client can specify when
+     * setting up a job for this print service. A printing attribute category is
      * designated by a {@code Class} that implements interface
-     * {@link javax.print.attribute.Attribute Attribute}. This method returns
-     * just the attribute <I>categories</I> that are supported; it does not
-     * return the particular attribute <I>values</I> that are supported.
-     * <P>
-     * This method returns all the printing attribute
-     * categories this print service supports for any possible job.
-     * Some categories may not be supported in a particular context (ie
-     * for a particular {@code DocFlavor}).
-     * Use one of the methods that include a {@code DocFlavor} to
-     * validate the request before submitting it, such as
+     * {@link Attribute Attribute}. This method returns just the attribute
+     * <i>categories</i> that are supported; it does not return the particular
+     * attribute <i>values</i> that are supported.
+     * <p>
+     * This method returns all the printing attribute categories this print
+     * service supports for any possible job. Some categories may not be
+     * supported in a particular context (ie for a particular
+     * {@code DocFlavor}). Use one of the methods that include a
+     * {@code DocFlavor} to validate the request before submitting it, such as
      * {@code getSupportedAttributeValues(..)}.
-     * @return  Array of printing attribute categories that the client can
-     *          specify as a doc-level or job-level attribute in a Print
-     *          Request. Each element in the array is a {@link java.lang.Class
-     *          Class} that implements interface {@link
-     *          javax.print.attribute.Attribute Attribute}.
-     *          The array is empty if no categories are supported.
+     * @return array of printing attribute categories that the client can
+     *         specify as a doc-level or job-level attribute in a Print Request.
+     *         Each element in the array is a {@link Class Class} that
+     *         implements interface {@link Attribute Attribute}. The array is
+     *         empty if no categories are supported.
     public Class<?>[] getSupportedAttributeCategories();
-     * Determines whether a client can specify the given printing
-     * attribute category when setting up a job for this print service. A
-     * printing attribute category is designated by a {@code Class}
-     * that implements interface {@link javax.print.attribute.Attribute
-     * Attribute}. This method tells whether the attribute <I>category</I> is
-     * supported; it does not tell whether a particular attribute <I>value</I>
-     * is supported.
+     * Determines whether a client can specify the given printing attribute
+     * category when setting up a job for this print service. A printing
+     * attribute category is designated by a {@code Class} that implements
+     * interface {@link Attribute Attribute}. This method
+     * tells whether the attribute <i>category</i> is supported; it does not
+     * tell whether a particular attribute <i>value</i> is supported.
      * <p>
-     * Some categories may not be supported in a particular context (ie
-     * for a particular {@code DocFlavor}).
-     * Use one of the methods which include a {@code DocFlavor} to
-     * validate the request before submitting it, such as
+     * Some categories may not be supported in a particular context (ie for a
+     * particular {@code DocFlavor}). Use one of the methods which include a
+     * {@code DocFlavor} to validate the request before submitting it, such as
      * {@code getSupportedAttributeValues(..)}.
-     * <P>
-     * This is a convenience method to determine if the category
-     * would be a member of the result of
-     * {@code getSupportedAttributeCategories()}.
-     *
-     * @param  category    Printing attribute category to test. It must be a
-     *                        {@code Class} that implements
-     *                        interface
-     *                {@link javax.print.attribute.Attribute Attribute}.
+     * <p>
+     * This is a convenience method to determine if the category would be a
+     * member of the result of {@code getSupportedAttributeCategories()}.
-     * @return  {@code true} if this print service supports
-     *          specifying a doc-level or
-     *          job-level attribute in {@code category} in a Print
-     *          Request; {@code false} if it doesn't.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code category} is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code category} is not a
-     *     {@code Class} that implements interface
-     *     {@link javax.print.attribute.Attribute Attribute}.
+     * @param  category printing attribute category to test. It must be a
+     *         {@code Class} that implements interface
+     *         {@link Attribute Attribute}.
+     * @return {@code true} if this print service supports specifying a
+     *         doc-level or job-level attribute in {@code category} in a Print
+     *         Request; {@code false} if it doesn't
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code category} is {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code category} is not a
+     *         {@code Class} that implements interface
+     *         {@link Attribute Attribute}
     public boolean
         isAttributeCategorySupported(Class<? extends Attribute> category);
-     * Determines this print service's default printing attribute value in
-     * the given category. A printing attribute value is an instance of
-     * a class that implements interface
-     * {@link javax.print.attribute.Attribute Attribute}. If a client sets
-     * up a print job and does not specify any attribute value in the
-     * given category, this Print Service will use the
-     * default attribute value instead.
+     * Determines this print service's default printing attribute value in the
+     * given category. A printing attribute value is an instance of a class that
+     * implements interface {@link Attribute Attribute}. If a client sets up a
+     * print job and does not specify any attribute value in the given category,
+     * this Print Service will use the default attribute value instead.
      * <p>
-     * Some attributes may not be supported in a particular context (ie
-     * for a particular {@code DocFlavor}).
-     * Use one of the methods that include a {@code DocFlavor} to
-     * validate the request before submitting it, such as
+     * Some attributes may not be supported in a particular context (ie for a
+     * particular {@code DocFlavor}). Use one of the methods that include a
+     * {@code DocFlavor} to validate the request before submitting it, such as
      * {@code getSupportedAttributeValues(..)}.
-     * <P>
-     * Not all attributes have a default value. For example the
-     * service will not have a defaultvalue for {@code RequestingUser}
-     * i.e. a null return for a supported category means there is no
-     * service default value for that category. Use the
-     * {@code isAttributeCategorySupported(Class)} method to
-     * distinguish these cases.
+     * <p>
+     * Not all attributes have a default value. For example the service will not
+     * have a default value for {@code RequestingUser} i.e. a {@code null}
+     * return for a supported category means there is no service default value
+     * for that category. Use the {@code isAttributeCategorySupported(Class)}
+     * method to distinguish these cases.
-     * @param  category    Printing attribute category for which the default
-     *                     attribute value is requested. It must be a {@link
-     *                        java.lang.Class Class} that implements interface
-     *                        {@link javax.print.attribute.Attribute
-     *                        Attribute}.
-     *
-     * @return  Default attribute value for {@code category}, or null
-     *       if this Print Service does not support specifying a doc-level or
-     *          job-level attribute in {@code category} in a Print
-     *          Request, or the service does not have a default value
-     *          for this attribute.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code category} is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code category} is not a
-     *     {@link java.lang.Class Class} that implements interface {@link
-     *     javax.print.attribute.Attribute Attribute}.
+     * @param  category printing attribute category for which the default
+     *         attribute value is requested. It must be a {@link Class Class}
+     *         that implements interface {@link Attribute Attribute}.
+     * @return default attribute value for {@code category}, or {@code null} if
+     *         this Print Service does not support specifying a doc-level or
+     *         job-level attribute in {@code category} in a Print Request, or
+     *         the service does not have a default value for this attribute
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code category} is {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code category} is not a
+     *         {@link Class Class} that implements interface
+     *         {@link Attribute Attribute}
     public Object
         getDefaultAttributeValue(Class<? extends Attribute> category);
-     * Determines the printing attribute values a client can specify in
-     * the given category when setting up a job for this print service. A
-     * printing
+     * Determines the printing attribute values a client can specify in the
+     * given category when setting up a job for this print service. A printing
      * attribute value is an instance of a class that implements interface
-     * {@link javax.print.attribute.Attribute Attribute}.
-     * <P>
-     * If {@code flavor} is null and {@code attributes} is null
-     * or is an empty set, this method returns all the printing attribute
-     * values this Print Service supports for any possible job. If
-     * {@code flavor} is not null or {@code attributes} is not
-     * an empty set, this method returns just the printing attribute values
-     * that are compatible with the given doc flavor and/or set of attributes.
-     * That is, a null return value may indicate that specifying this attribute
-     * is incompatible with the specified DocFlavor.
-     * Also if DocFlavor is not null it must be a flavor supported by this
-     * PrintService, else IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
-     * <P>
-     * If the {@code attributes} parameter contains an Attribute whose
-     * category is the same as the {@code category} parameter, the service
-     * must ignore this attribute in the AttributeSet.
+     * {@link Attribute Attribute}.
      * <p>
-     * {@code DocAttribute}s which are to be specified on the
-     * {@code Doc} must be included in this set to accurately
-     * represent the context.
+     * If {@code flavor} is {@code null} and {@code attributes} is {@code null}
+     * or is an empty set, this method returns all the printing attribute values
+     * this Print Service supports for any possible job. If {@code flavor} is not
+     * {@code null} or {@code attributes} is not an empty set, this method
+     * returns just the printing attribute values that are compatible with the
+     * given doc flavor and/or set of attributes. That is, a {@code null} return
+     * value may indicate that specifying this attribute is incompatible with
+     * the specified DocFlavor. Also if {@code DocFlavor} is not {@code null} it
+     * must be a flavor supported by this {@code PrintService}, else
+     * {@code IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
      * <p>
-     * This method returns an Object because different printing attribute
-     * categories indicate the supported attribute values in different ways.
-     * The documentation for each printing attribute in package {@link
-     * javax.print.attribute.standard javax.print.attribute.standard}
+     * If the {@code attributes} parameter contains an {@code Attribute} whose
+     * category is the same as the {@code category} parameter, the service must
+     * ignore this attribute in the {@code AttributeSet}.
+     * <p>
+     * {@code DocAttribute}s which are to be specified on the {@code Doc} must
+     * be included in this set to accurately represent the context.
+     * <p>
+     * This method returns an {@code Object} because different printing
+     * attribute categories indicate the supported attribute values in different
+     * ways. The documentation for each printing attribute in package
+     * {@link javax.print.attribute.standard javax.print.attribute.standard}
      * describes how each attribute indicates its supported values. Possible
      * ways of indicating support include:
-     * <UL>
-     * <LI>
-     * Return a single instance of the attribute category to indicate that any
-     * value is legal -- used, for example, by an attribute whose value is an
-     * arbitrary text string. (The value of the returned attribute object is
-     * irrelevant.)
-     * <LI>
-     * Return an array of one or more instances of the attribute category,
-     * containing the legal values -- used, for example, by an attribute with
-     * a list of enumerated values. The type of the array is an array of the
-     * specified attribute category type as returned by its
-     * {@code getCategory(Class)}.
-     * <LI>
-     * Return a single object (of some class other than the attribute category)
-     * that indicates bounds on the legal values -- used, for example, by an
-     * integer-valued attribute that must lie within a certain range.
-     * </UL>
+     * <ul>
+     *   <li>Return a single instance of the attribute category to indicate that
+     *   any value is legal -- used, for example, by an attribute whose value is
+     *   an arbitrary text string. (The value of the returned attribute object
+     *   is irrelevant.)
+     *   <li>Return an array of one or more instances of the attribute category,
+     *   containing the legal values -- used, for example, by an attribute with
+     *   a list of enumerated values. The type of the array is an array of the
+     *   specified attribute category type as returned by its
+     *   {@code getCategory(Class)}.
+     *   <li>Return a single object (of some class other than the attribute
+     *   category) that indicates bounds on the legal values -- used, for
+     *   example, by an integer-valued attribute that must lie within a certain
+     *   range.
+     * </ul>
-     * @param  category    Printing attribute category to test. It must be a
-     *                        {@link java.lang.Class Class} that implements
-     *                        interface {@link
-     *                        javax.print.attribute.Attribute Attribute}.
-     * @param  flavor      Doc flavor for a supposed job, or null.
-     * @param  attributes  Set of printing attributes for a supposed job
-     *                        (both job-level attributes and document-level
-     *                        attributes), or null.
-     *
-     * @return  Object indicating supported values for {@code category},
-     *          or null if this Print Service does not support specifying a
-     *          doc-level or job-level attribute in {@code category} in
-     *          a Print Request.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code category} is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code category} is not a
-     *     {@link java.lang.Class Class} that implements interface {@link
-     *     javax.print.attribute.Attribute Attribute}, or
-     *     {@code DocFlavor} is not supported by this service.
+     * @param  category printing attribute category to test. It must be a
+     *         {@link Class Class} that implements interface
+     *         {@link Attribute Attribute}.
+     * @param  flavor doc flavor for a supposed job, or {@code null}
+     * @param  attributes set of printing attributes for a supposed job (both
+     *         job-level attributes and document-level attributes), or
+     *         {@code null}
+     * @return object indicating supported values for {@code category}, or
+     *         {@code null} if this Print Service does not support specifying a
+     *         doc-level or job-level attribute in {@code category} in a Print
+     *         Request
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code category} is {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code category} is not a
+     *         {@link Class Class} that implements interface
+     *         {@link Attribute Attribute}, or {@code DocFlavor} is not
+     *         supported by this service
     public Object
         getSupportedAttributeValues(Class<? extends Attribute> category,
@@ -356,133 +317,121 @@
                                     AttributeSet attributes);
-     * Determines whether a client can specify the given printing
-     * attribute
-     * value when setting up a job for this Print Service. A printing
-     * attribute value is an instance of a class that implements interface
-     *  {@link javax.print.attribute.Attribute Attribute}.
-     * <P>
-     * If {@code flavor} is null and {@code attributes} is null or
-     * is an empty set, this method tells whether this Print Service supports
+     * Determines whether a client can specify the given printing attribute
+     * value when setting up a job for this Print Service. A printing attribute
+     * value is an instance of a class that implements interface
+     * {@link Attribute Attribute}.
+     * <p>
+     * If {@code flavor} is {@code null} and {@code attributes} is {@code null}
+     * or is an empty set, this method tells whether this Print Service supports
      * the given printing attribute value for some possible combination of doc
-     * flavor and set of attributes. If {@code flavor} is not null or
-     * {@code attributes} is not an empty set, this method tells whether
-     * this Print Service supports the given printing attribute value in
-     * combination with the given doc flavor and/or set of attributes.
+     * flavor and set of attributes. If {@code flavor} is not {@code null} or
+     * {@code attributes} is not an empty set, this method tells whether this
+     * Print Service supports the given printing attribute value in combination
+     * with the given doc flavor and/or set of attributes.
      * <p>
-     * Also if DocFlavor is not null it must be a flavor supported by this
-     * PrintService, else IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
+     * Also if {@code DocFlavor} is not {@code null} it must be a flavor
+     * supported by this {@code PrintService}, else
+     * {@code IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
      * <p>
-     * {@code DocAttribute}s which are to be specified on the
-     * {@code Doc} must be included in this set to accurately
-     * represent the context.
+     * {@code DocAttribute}s which are to be specified on the {@code Doc} must
+     * be included in this set to accurately represent the context.
      * <p>
-     * This is a convenience method to determine if the value
-     * would be a member of the result of
-     * {@code getSupportedAttributeValues(...)}.
+     * This is a convenience method to determine if the value would be a member
+     * of the result of {@code getSupportedAttributeValues(...)}.
-     * @param  attrval       Printing attribute value to test.
-     * @param  flavor      Doc flavor for a supposed job, or null.
-     * @param  attributes  Set of printing attributes for a supposed job
-     *                        (both job-level attributes and document-level
-     *                        attributes), or null.
-     *
-     * @return  True if this Print Service supports specifying
-     *        {@code attrval} as a doc-level or job-level attribute in a
-     *          Print Request, false if it doesn't.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception)  if {@code attrval} is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException if flavor is not supported by
-     *      this PrintService.
+     * @param  attrval printing attribute value to test
+     * @param  flavor doc flavor for a supposed job, or {@code null}
+     * @param  attributes set of printing attributes for a supposed job (both
+     *         job-level attributes and document-level attributes), or
+     *         {@code null}
+     * @return {@code true} if this Print Service supports specifying
+     *         {@code attrval} as a doc-level or job-level attribute in a Print
+     *         Request, {@code false} if it doesn't
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attrval} is {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if flavor is not supported by this
+     *         {@code PrintService}
     public boolean isAttributeValueSupported(Attribute attrval,
                                              DocFlavor flavor,
                                              AttributeSet attributes);
-     * Identifies the attributes that are unsupported for a print request
-     * in the context of a particular DocFlavor.
-     * This method is useful for validating a potential print job and
-     * identifying the specific attributes which cannot be supported.
-     * It is important to supply only a supported DocFlavor or an
-     * IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If the
-     * return value from this method is null, all attributes are supported.
+     * Identifies the attributes that are unsupported for a print request in the
+     * context of a particular {@code DocFlavor}. This method is useful for
+     * validating a potential print job and identifying the specific attributes
+     * which cannot be supported. It is important to supply only a supported
+     * {@code DocFlavor} or an {@code IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
+     * If the return value from this method is {@code null}, all attributes are
+     * supported.
      * <p>
-     * {@code DocAttribute}s which are to be specified on the
-     * {@code Doc} must be included in this set to accurately
-     * represent the context.
+     * {@code DocAttribute}s which are to be specified on the {@code Doc} must
+     * be included in this set to accurately represent the context.
      * <p>
-     * If the return value is non-null, all attributes in the returned
-     * set are unsupported with this DocFlavor. The returned set does not
-     * distinguish attribute categories that are unsupported from
+     * If the return value is {@code non-null}, all attributes in the returned
+     * set are unsupported with this {@code DocFlavor}. The returned set does
+     * not distinguish attribute categories that are unsupported from
      * unsupported attribute values.
      * <p>
-     * A supported print request can then be created by removing
-     * all unsupported attributes from the original attribute set,
-     * except in the case that the DocFlavor is unsupported.
+     * A supported print request can then be created by removing all unsupported
+     * attributes from the original attribute set, except in the case that the
+     * {@code DocFlavor} is unsupported.
      * <p>
-     * If any attributes are unsupported only because they are in conflict
-     * with other attributes then it is at the discretion of the service
-     * to select the attribute(s) to be identified as the cause of the
-     * conflict.
+     * If any attributes are unsupported only because they are in conflict with
+     * other attributes then it is at the discretion of the service to select
+     * the attribute(s) to be identified as the cause of the conflict.
      * <p>
-     * Use {@code isDocFlavorSupported()} to verify that a DocFlavor
-     * is supported before calling this method.
+     * Use {@code isDocFlavorSupported()} to verify that a {@code DocFlavor} is
+     * supported before calling this method.
-     * @param  flavor      Doc flavor to test, or null
-     * @param  attributes  Set of printing attributes for a supposed job
-     *                        (both job-level attributes and document-level
-     *                        attributes), or null.
-     *
-     * @return  null if this Print Service supports the print request
-     * specification, else the unsupported attributes.
-     *
-     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if {@code flavor} is
-     *             not supported by this PrintService.
+     * @param  flavor doc flavor to test, or {@code null}
+     * @param  attributes set of printing attributes for a supposed job (both
+     *         job-level attributes and document-level attributes), or
+     *         {@code null}
+     * @return {@code null} if this Print Service supports the print request
+     *         specification, else the unsupported attributes
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code flavor} is not supported by
+     *         this {@code PrintService}
     public AttributeSet getUnsupportedAttributes(DocFlavor flavor,
                                            AttributeSet attributes);
-     * Returns a factory for UI components which allow users to interact
-     * with the service in various roles.
-     * Services which do not provide any UI should return null.
-     * Print Services which do provide UI but want to be supported in
-     * an environment with no UI support should ensure that the factory
-     * is not initialised unless the application calls this method to
-     * obtain the factory.
-     * See {@code ServiceUIFactory} for more information.
-     * @return null or a factory for UI components.
+     * Returns a factory for UI components which allow users to interact with
+     * the service in various roles. Services which do not provide any UI should
+     * return {@code null}. Print Services which do provide UI but want to be
+     * supported in an environment with no UI support should ensure that the
+     * factory is not initialised unless the application calls this method to
+     * obtain the factory. See {@code ServiceUIFactory} for more information.
+     *
+     * @return {@code null} or a factory for UI components
     public ServiceUIFactory getServiceUIFactory();
-     * Determines if two services are referring to the same underlying
-     * service.  Objects encapsulating a print service may not exhibit
-     * equality of reference even though they refer to the same underlying
-     * service.
+     * Determines if two services are referring to the same underlying service.
+     * Objects encapsulating a print service may not exhibit equality of
+     * reference even though they refer to the same underlying service.
      * <p>
      * Clients should call this method to determine if two services are
      * referring to the same underlying service.
      * <p>
-     * Services must implement this method and return true only if the
-     * service objects being compared may be used interchangeably by the
-     * client.
+     * Services must implement this method and return {@code true} only if the
+     * service objects being compared may be used interchangeably by the client.
      * Services are free to return the same object reference to an underlying
      * service if that, but clients must not depend on equality of reference.
-     * @param obj the reference object with which to compare.
-     * @return true if this service is the same as the obj argument,
-     * false otherwise.
+     *
+     * @param  obj the reference object with which to compare
+     * @return {@code true} if this service is the same as the obj argument,
+     *         {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object obj);
      * This method should be implemented consistently with
      * {@code equals(Object)}.
-     * @return hash code of this object.
+     *
+     * @return hash code of this object
     public int hashCode();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/PrintServiceLookup.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/PrintServiceLookup.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,56 +23,69 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.ServiceConfigurationError;
+import java.util.ServiceLoader;
 import javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet;
 import sun.awt.AppContext;
-import java.util.ServiceLoader;
-import java.util.ServiceConfigurationError;
-/** Implementations of this class provide lookup services for
-  * print services (typically equivalent to printers) of a particular type.
-  * <p>
-  * Multiple implementations may be installed concurrently.
-  * All implementations must be able to describe the located printers
-  * as instances of a PrintService.
-  * Typically implementations of this service class are located
-  * automatically in JAR files (see the SPI JAR file specification).
-  * These classes must be instantiable using a default constructor.
-  * Alternatively applications may explicitly register instances
-  * at runtime.
-  * <p>
-  * Applications use only the static methods of this abstract class.
-  * The instance methods are implemented by a service provider in a subclass
-  * and the unification of the results from all installed lookup classes
-  * are reported by the static methods of this class when called by
-  * the application.
-  * <p>
-  * A PrintServiceLookup implementor is recommended to check for the
-  * SecurityManager.checkPrintJobAccess() to deny access to untrusted code.
-  * Following this recommended policy means that untrusted code may not
-  * be able to locate any print services. Downloaded applets are the most
-  * common example of untrusted code.
-  * <p>
-  * This check is made on a per lookup service basis to allow flexibility in
-  * the policy to reflect the needs of different lookup services.
-  * <p>
-  * Services which are registered by registerService(PrintService)
-  * will not be included in lookup results if a security manager is
-  * installed and its checkPrintJobAccess() method denies access.
-  */
+ * Implementations of this class provide lookup services for print services
+ * (typically equivalent to printers) of a particular type.
+ * <p>
+ * Multiple implementations may be installed concurrently. All implementations
+ * must be able to describe the located printers as instances of a
+ * {@code PrintService}. Typically implementations of this service class are
+ * located automatically in JAR files (see the SPI JAR file specification).
+ * These classes must be instantiable using a default constructor. Alternatively
+ * applications may explicitly register instances at runtime.
+ * <p>
+ * Applications use only the static methods of this abstract class. The instance
+ * methods are implemented by a service provider in a subclass and the
+ * unification of the results from all installed lookup classes are reported by
+ * the static methods of this class when called by the application.
+ * <p>
+ * A {@code PrintServiceLookup} implementor is recommended to check for the
+ * {@code SecurityManager.checkPrintJobAccess()} to deny access to untrusted
+ * code. Following this recommended policy means that untrusted code may not be
+ * able to locate any print services. Downloaded applets are the most common
+ * example of untrusted code.
+ * <p>
+ * This check is made on a per lookup service basis to allow flexibility in the
+ * policy to reflect the needs of different lookup services.
+ * <p>
+ * Services which are registered by {@link #registerService(PrintService)} will
+ * not be included in lookup results if a security manager is installed and its
+ * {@code checkPrintJobAccess()} method denies access.
+ */
 public abstract class PrintServiceLookup {
+    /**
+     * Contains a lists of services.
+     */
     static class Services {
+        /**
+         * The list of lookup services.
+         */
         private ArrayList<PrintServiceLookup> listOfLookupServices = null;
+        /**
+         * The list of registered services.
+         */
         private ArrayList<PrintService> registeredServices = null;
+    /**
+     * Returns the services from the current appcontext.
+     *
+     * @return the services
+     */
     private static Services getServicesForContext() {
         Services services =
@@ -83,21 +96,40 @@
         return services;
+    /**
+     * Returns the list of lookup services.
+     *
+     * @return the list of lookup services
+     */
     private static ArrayList<PrintServiceLookup> getListOfLookupServices() {
         return getServicesForContext().listOfLookupServices;
+    /**
+     * Initialize the list of lookup services.
+     *
+     * @return the list of lookup services
+     */
     private static ArrayList<PrintServiceLookup> initListOfLookupServices() {
         ArrayList<PrintServiceLookup> listOfLookupServices = new ArrayList<>();
         getServicesForContext().listOfLookupServices = listOfLookupServices;
         return listOfLookupServices;
+    /**
+     * Returns the list of registered services.
+     *
+     * @return the list of registered services
+     */
     private static ArrayList<PrintService> getRegisteredServices() {
         return getServicesForContext().registeredServices;
+    /**
+     * Initialize the list of registered services.
+     *
+     * @return the list of registered services
+     */
     private static ArrayList<PrintService> initRegisteredServices() {
         ArrayList<PrintService> registeredServices = new ArrayList<>();
         getServicesForContext().registeredServices = registeredServices;
@@ -108,14 +140,13 @@
      * Locates print services capable of printing the specified
      * {@link DocFlavor}.
-     * @param flavor the flavor to print. If null, this constraint is not
-     *        used.
-     * @param attributes attributes that the print service must support.
-     * If null this constraint is not used.
-     *
-     * @return array of matching {@code PrintService} objects
-     * representing print services that support the specified flavor
-     * attributes.  If no services match, the array is zero-length.
+     * @param  flavor the flavor to print. If {@code null}, this constraint is
+     *         not used.
+     * @param  attributes attributes that the print service must support. If
+     *         {@code null} this constraint is not used.
+     * @return array of matching {@code PrintService} objects representing print
+     *         services that support the specified flavor attributes. If no
+     *         services match, the array is zero-length.
     public static final PrintService[]
         lookupPrintServices(DocFlavor flavor,
@@ -124,26 +155,23 @@
         return list.toArray(new PrintService[list.size()]);
-     * Locates MultiDoc print Services capable of printing MultiDocs
-     * containing all the specified doc flavors.
-     * <P> This method is useful to help locate a service that can print
-     * a {@code MultiDoc} in which the elements may be different
-     * flavors. An application could perform this itself by multiple lookups
-     * on each {@code DocFlavor} in turn and collating the results,
-     * but the lookup service may be able to do this more efficiently.
+     * Locates {@code MultiDoc} print {@code Services} capable of printing
+     * {@code MultiDocs} containing all the specified doc flavors.
+     * <p>
+     * This method is useful to help locate a service that can print a
+     * {@code MultiDoc} in which the elements may be different flavors. An
+     * application could perform this itself by multiple lookups on each
+     * {@code DocFlavor} in turn and collating the results, but the lookup
+     * service may be able to do this more efficiently.
-     * @param flavors the flavors to print. If null or empty this
-     *        constraint is not used.
-     * Otherwise return only multidoc print services that can print all
-     * specified doc flavors.
-     * @param attributes attributes that the print service must
-     * support.  If null this constraint is not used.
-     *
-     * @return array of matching {@link MultiDocPrintService} objects.
-     * If no services match, the array is zero-length.
-     *
+     * @param  flavors the flavors to print. If {@code null} or empty this
+     *         constraint is not used. Otherwise return only multidoc print
+     *         services that can print all specified doc flavors.
+     * @param  attributes attributes that the print service must support. If
+     *         {@code null} this constraint is not used.
+     * @return array of matching {@link MultiDocPrintService} objects. If no
+     *         services match, the array is zero-length.
     public static final MultiDocPrintService[]
         lookupMultiDocPrintServices(DocFlavor[] flavors,
@@ -152,28 +180,23 @@
         return list.toArray(new MultiDocPrintService[list.size()]);
-     * Locates the default print service for this environment.
-     * This may return null.
-     * If multiple lookup services each specify a default, the
-     * chosen service is not precisely defined, but a
-     * platform native service, rather than an installed service,
-     * is usually returned as the default.  If there is no clearly
-     * identifiable
-     * platform native default print service, the default is the first
-     * to be located in an implementation-dependent manner.
+     * Locates the default print service for this environment. This may return
+     * {@code null}. If multiple lookup services each specify a default, the
+     * chosen service is not precisely defined, but a platform native service,
+     * rather than an installed service, is usually returned as the default. If
+     * there is no clearly identifiable platform native default print service,
+     * the default is the first to be located in an implementation-dependent
+     * manner.
      * <p>
-     * This may include making use of any preferences API that is available
-     * as part of the Java or native platform.
-     * This algorithm may be overridden by a user setting the property
-     * javax.print.defaultPrinter.
-     * A service specified must be discovered to be valid and currently
-     * available to be returned as the default.
+     * This may include making use of any preferences API that is available as
+     * part of the Java or native platform. This algorithm may be overridden by
+     * a user setting the property {@code javax.print.defaultPrinter}. A service
+     * specified must be discovered to be valid and currently available to be
+     * returned as the default.
-     * @return the default PrintService.
+     * @return the default {@code PrintService}
     public static final PrintService lookupDefaultPrintService() {
         Iterator<PrintServiceLookup> psIterator = getAllLookupServices().iterator();
@@ -190,19 +213,16 @@
         return null;
-     * Allows an application to explicitly register a class that
-     * implements lookup services. The registration will not persist
-     * across VM invocations.
-     * This is useful if an application needs to make a new service
-     * available that is not part of the installation.
-     * If the lookup service is already registered, or cannot be registered,
-     * the method returns false.
+     * Allows an application to explicitly register a class that implements
+     * lookup services. The registration will not persist across VM invocations.
+     * This is useful if an application needs to make a new service available
+     * that is not part of the installation. If the lookup service is already
+     * registered, or cannot be registered, the method returns {@code false}.
-     * @param sp an implementation of a lookup service.
-     * @return {@code true} if the new lookup service is newly
-     *         registered; {@code false} otherwise.
+     * @param  sp an implementation of a lookup service
+     * @return {@code true} if the new lookup service is newly registered;
+     *         {@code false} otherwise
     public static boolean registerServiceProvider(PrintServiceLookup sp) {
         synchronized (PrintServiceLookup.class) {
@@ -220,29 +240,24 @@
             return true;
-     * Allows an application to directly register an instance of a
-     * class which implements a print service.
-     * The lookup operations for this service will be
-     * performed by the PrintServiceLookup class using the attribute
-     * values and classes reported by the service.
-     * This may be less efficient than a lookup
-     * service tuned for that service.
-     * Therefore registering a {@code PrintServiceLookup} instance
-     * instead is recommended.
-     * The method returns true if this service is not previously
-     * registered and is now successfully registered.
-     * This method should not be called with StreamPrintService instances.
-     * They will always fail to register and the method will return false.
-     * @param service an implementation of a print service.
-     * @return {@code true} if the service is newly
-     *         registered; {@code false} otherwise.
+     * Allows an application to directly register an instance of a class which
+     * implements a print service. The lookup operations for this service will
+     * be performed by the {@code PrintServiceLookup} class using the attribute
+     * values and classes reported by the service. This may be less efficient
+     * than a lookup service tuned for that service. Therefore registering a
+     * {@code PrintServiceLookup} instance instead is recommended. The method
+     * returns {@code true} if this service is not previously registered and is
+     * now successfully registered. This method should not be called with
+     * {@code StreamPrintService} instances. They will always fail to register
+     * and the method will return {@code false}.
+     *
+     * @param  service an implementation of a print service
+     * @return {@code true} if the service is newly registered; {@code false}
+     *         otherwise
     public static boolean registerService(PrintService service) {
         synchronized (PrintServiceLookup.class) {
             if (service == null || service instanceof StreamPrintService) {
@@ -262,68 +277,72 @@
-   /**
-    * Locates services that can be positively confirmed to support
-    * the combination of attributes and DocFlavors specified.
-    * This method is not called directly by applications.
-    * <p>
-    * Implemented by a service provider, used by the static methods
-    * of this class.
-    * <p>
-    * The results should be the same as obtaining all the PrintServices
-    * and querying each one individually on its support for the
-    * specified attributes and flavors, but the process can be more
-    * efficient by taking advantage of the capabilities of lookup services
-    * for the print services.
-    *
-    * @param flavor of document required.  If null it is ignored.
-    * @param attributes required to be supported. If null this
-    * constraint is not used.
-    * @return array of matching PrintServices. If no services match, the
-    * array is zero-length.
-    */
+    /**
+     * Locates services that can be positively confirmed to support the
+     * combination of attributes and {@code DocFlavors} specified. This method
+     * is not called directly by applications.
+     * <p>
+     * Implemented by a service provider, used by the static methods of this
+     * class.
+     * <p>
+     * The results should be the same as obtaining all the {@code PrintServices}
+     * and querying each one individually on its support for the specified
+     * attributes and flavors, but the process can be more efficient by taking
+     * advantage of the capabilities of lookup services for the print services.
+     *
+     * @param  flavor of document required. If {@code null} it is ignored.
+     * @param  attributes required to be supported. If {@code null} this
+     *         constraint is not used.
+     * @return array of matching {@code PrintServices}. If no services match,
+     *         the array is zero-length.
+     */
     public abstract PrintService[] getPrintServices(DocFlavor flavor,
                                                     AttributeSet attributes);
-     * Not called directly by applications.
-     * Implemented by a service provider, used by the static methods
-     * of this class.
-     * @return array of all PrintServices known to this lookup service
-     * class. If none are found, the array is zero-length.
+     * Not called directly by applications. Implemented by a service provider,
+     * used by the static methods of this class.
+     *
+     * @return array of all {@code PrintServices} known to this lookup service
+     *         class. If none are found, the array is zero-length.
     public abstract PrintService[] getPrintServices() ;
-   /**
-    * Not called directly by applications.
-    * <p>
-    * Implemented by a service provider, used by the static methods
-    * of this class.
-    * <p>
-    * Locates MultiDoc print services which can be positively confirmed
-    * to support the combination of attributes and DocFlavors specified.
-    *
-    * @param flavors of documents required. If null or empty it is ignored.
-    * @param attributes required to be supported. If null this
-     * constraint is not used.
-    * @return array of matching PrintServices. If no services match, the
-    * array is zero-length.
-    */
+    /**
+     * Not called directly by applications.
+     * <p>
+     * Implemented by a service provider, used by the static methods of this
+     * class.
+     * <p>
+     * Locates {@code MultiDoc} print services which can be positively confirmed
+     * to support the combination of attributes and {@code DocFlavors}
+     * specified.
+     *
+     * @param  flavors of documents required. If {@code null} or empty it is
+     *         ignored.
+     * @param  attributes required to be supported. If {@code null} this
+     *         constraint is not used.
+     * @return array of matching {@code PrintServices}. If no services match,
+     *         the array is zero-length.
+     */
     public abstract MultiDocPrintService[]
         getMultiDocPrintServices(DocFlavor[] flavors,
                                  AttributeSet attributes);
-     * Not called directly by applications.
-     * Implemented by a service provider, and called by the print lookup
-     * service
-     * @return the default PrintService for this lookup service.
-     * If there is no default, returns null.
+     * Not called directly by applications. Implemented by a service provider,
+     * and called by the print lookup service.
+     *
+     * @return the default {@code PrintService} for this lookup service. If
+     *         there is no default, returns {@code null}.
     public abstract PrintService getDefaultPrintService();
+    /**
+     * Returns all lookup services for this environment.
+     *
+     * @return all lookup services for this environment
+     */
     private static ArrayList<PrintServiceLookup> getAllLookupServices() {
         synchronized (PrintServiceLookup.class) {
             ArrayList<PrintServiceLookup> listOfLookupServices = getListOfLookupServices();
@@ -362,6 +381,18 @@
+    /**
+     * Locates print services capable of printing the specified
+     * {@link DocFlavor}.
+     *
+     * @param  flavor the flavor to print. If {@code null}, this constraint is
+     *         not used.
+     * @param  attributes attributes that the print service must support. If
+     *         {@code null} this constraint is not used.
+     * @return list of matching {@code PrintService} objects representing print
+     *         services that support the specified flavor attributes. If no
+     *         services match, the empty list is returned.
+     */
     private static ArrayList<PrintService> getServices(DocFlavor flavor,
                                                        AttributeSet attributes) {
@@ -388,7 +419,9 @@
             } catch (Exception e) {
-        /* add any directly registered services */
+        /*
+         * add any directly registered services
+         */
         ArrayList<PrintService> registeredServices = null;
         try {
           SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
@@ -418,6 +451,18 @@
         return listOfServices;
+    /**
+     * Locates {@code MultiDoc} print {@code Services} capable of printing
+     * {@code MultiDocs} containing all the specified doc flavors.
+     *
+     * @param  flavors the flavors to print. If {@code null} or empty this
+     *         constraint is not used. Otherwise return only multidoc print
+     *         services that can print all specified doc flavors.
+     * @param  attributes attributes that the print service must support. If
+     *         {@code null} this constraint is not used.
+     * @return list of matching {@link MultiDocPrintService} objects. If no
+     *         services match, the empty list is returned.
+     */
     private static ArrayList<MultiDocPrintService> getMultiDocServices(DocFlavor[] flavors,
                                                                        AttributeSet attributes) {
@@ -438,7 +483,9 @@
             } catch (Exception e) {
-        /* add any directly registered services */
+        /*
+         * add any directly registered services
+         */
         ArrayList<PrintService> registeredServices = null;
         try {
           SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
@@ -480,5 +527,4 @@
         return listOfServices;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/ServiceUI.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/ServiceUI.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -25,99 +25,93 @@
 package javax.print;
+import java.awt.Dialog;
+import java.awt.Frame;
 import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
-import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
 import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
 import java.awt.HeadlessException;
-import java.awt.Dialog;
-import java.awt.Frame;
-import java.awt.Point;
 import java.awt.Rectangle;
 import java.awt.Window;
-import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet;
 import javax.print.attribute.standard.Destination;
 import javax.print.attribute.standard.Fidelity;
 import sun.print.DialogOwner;
 import sun.print.ServiceDialog;
 import sun.print.SunAlternateMedia;
-/** This class is a collection of UI convenience methods which provide a
+ * This class is a collection of UI convenience methods which provide a
  * graphical user dialog for browsing print services looked up through the Java
  * Print Service API.
  * <p>
  * The dialogs follow a standard pattern of acting as a continue/cancel option
- *for a user as well as allowing the user to select the print service to use
- *and specify choices such as paper size and number of copies.
+ * for a user as well as allowing the user to select the print service to use
+ * and specify choices such as paper size and number of copies.
  * <p>
  * The dialogs are designed to work with pluggable print services though the
  * public APIs of those print services.
  * <p>
  * If a print service provides any vendor extensions these may be made
- * accessible to the user through a vendor supplied tab panel Component.
+ * accessible to the user through a vendor supplied tab panel {@code Component}.
  * Such a vendor extension is encouraged to use Swing! and to support its
- * accessibility APIs.
- * The vendor extensions should return the settings as part of the
- * AttributeSet.
- * Applications which want to preserve the user settings should use those
- * settings to specify the print job.
- * Note that this class is not referenced by any other part of the Java
- * Print Service and may not be included in profiles which cannot depend
- * on the presence of the AWT packages.
+ * accessibility APIs. The vendor extensions should return the settings as part
+ * of the {@code AttributeSet}. Applications which want to preserve the user
+ * settings should use those settings to specify the print job. Note that this
+ * class is not referenced by any other part of the Java Print Service and may
+ * not be included in profiles which cannot depend on the presence of the AWT
+ * packages.
 public class ServiceUI {
-     * Presents a dialog to the user for selecting a print service (printer).
-     * It is displayed at the location specified by the application and
-     * is modal.
+     * Presents a dialog to the user for selecting a print service (printer). It
+     * is displayed at the location specified by the application and is modal.
      * If the specification is invalid or would make the dialog not visible it
-     * will be displayed at a location determined by the implementation.
-     * The dialog blocks its calling thread and is application modal.
+     * will be displayed at a location determined by the implementation. The
+     * dialog blocks its calling thread and is application modal.
      * <p>
      * The dialog may include a tab panel with custom UI lazily obtained from
-     * the PrintService's ServiceUIFactory when the PrintService is browsed.
-     * The dialog will attempt to locate a MAIN_UIROLE first as a JComponent,
-     * then as a Panel. If there is no ServiceUIFactory or no matching role
-     * the custom tab will be empty or not visible.
+     * the {@code PrintService}'s {@code ServiceUIFactory} when the
+     * {@code PrintService} is browsed. The dialog will attempt to locate a
+     * {@code MAIN_UIROLE} first as a {@code JComponent}, then as a
+     * {@code Panel}. If there is no {@code ServiceUIFactory} or no matching
+     * role the custom tab will be empty or not visible.
      * <p>
      * The dialog returns the print service selected by the user if the user
-     * OK's the dialog and null if the user cancels the dialog.
+     * OK's the dialog and {@code null} if the user cancels the dialog.
      * <p>
-     * An application must pass in an array of print services to browse.
-     * The array must be non-null and non-empty.
-     * Typically an application will pass in only PrintServices capable
-     * of printing a particular document flavor.
+     * An application must pass in an array of print services to browse. The
+     * array must be {@code non-null} and non-empty. Typically an application
+     * will pass in only {@code PrintServices} capable of printing a particular
+     * document flavor.
      * <p>
-     * An application may pass in a PrintService to be initially displayed.
-     * A non-null parameter must be included in the array of browsable
-     * services.
-     * If this parameter is null a service is chosen by the implementation.
+     * An application may pass in a {@code PrintService} to be initially
+     * displayed. A {@code non-null} parameter must be included in the array of
+     * browsable services. If this parameter is {@code null} a service is chosen
+     * by the implementation.
      * <p>
-     * An application may optionally pass in the flavor to be printed.
-     * If this is non-null choices presented to the user can be better
-     * validated against those supported by the services.
-     * An application must pass in a PrintRequestAttributeSet for returning
-     * user choices.
-     * On calling the PrintRequestAttributeSet may be empty, or may contain
+     * An application may optionally pass in the flavor to be printed. If this
+     * is {@code non-null} choices presented to the user can be better validated
+     * against those supported by the services. An application must pass in a
+     * {@code PrintRequestAttributeSet} for returning user choices. On calling
+     * the {@code PrintRequestAttributeSet} may be empty, or may contain
      * application-specified values.
      * <p>
-     * These are used to set the initial settings for the initially
-     * displayed print service. Values which are not supported by the print
-     * service are ignored. As the user browses print services, attributes
-     * and values are copied to the new display. If a user browses a
-     * print service which does not support a particular attribute-value, the
-     * default for that service is used as the new value to be copied.
+     * These are used to set the initial settings for the initially displayed
+     * print service. Values which are not supported by the print service are
+     * ignored. As the user browses print services, attributes and values are
+     * copied to the new display. If a user browses a print service which does
+     * not support a particular attribute-value, the default for that service is
+     * used as the new value to be copied.
      * <p>
      * If the user cancels the dialog, the returned attributes will not reflect
      * any changes made by the user.
-     *
-     * A typical basic usage of this method may be :
+     * <p>
+     * A typical basic usage of this method may be:
      * <pre>{@code
      * PrintService[] services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(
      *                            DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.JPEG, null);
@@ -133,24 +127,25 @@
      * }
      * }</pre>
-     * @param gc used to select screen. null means primary or default screen.
-     * @param x location of dialog including border in screen coordinates
-     * relative to the origin of {@code gc}.
-     * @param y location of dialog including border in screen coordinates
-     * relative to the origin of {@code gc}.
-     * @param services to be browsable, must be non-null.
-     * @param defaultService initial PrintService to display.
-     * @param flavor the flavor to be printed, or null.
-     * @param attributes on input is the initial application supplied
-     * preferences. This cannot be null but may be empty.
-     * On output the attributes reflect changes made by the user.
-     * @return print service selected by the user, or null if the user
-     * cancelled the dialog.
-     * @throws HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
-     * returns true.
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if services is null or empty,
-     * or attributes is null, or the initial PrintService is not in the
-     * list of browsable services.
+     * @param  gc used to select screen, {@code null} means primary or default
+     *         screen
+     * @param  x location of dialog including border in screen coordinates
+     *         relative to the origin of {@code gc}
+     * @param  y location of dialog including border in screen coordinates
+     *         relative to the origin of {@code gc}
+     * @param  services to be browsable, must be {@code non-null}
+     * @param  defaultService initial {@code PrintService} to display
+     * @param  flavor the flavor to be printed, or {@code null}
+     * @param  attributes on input is the initial application supplied
+     *         preferences. This cannot be {@code null} but may be empty. On
+     *         output the attributes reflect changes made by the user.
+     * @return print service selected by the user, or {@code null} if the user
+     *         cancelled the dialog
+     * @throws HeadlessException if {@code GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()}
+     *         returns {@code true}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if services is {@code null} or empty, or
+     *         attributes is {@code null}, or the initial {@code PrintService}
+     *         is not in the list of browsable services
     public static PrintService printDialog(GraphicsConfiguration gc,
@@ -220,8 +215,8 @@
             // check if dialog exceed window bounds at left or bottom
             // Then position the dialog by moving it by the amount it exceeds
             // the window bounds
-            // If it results in dialog moving beyond the window bounds at top/left
-            // then position it at window top/left
+            // If it results in dialog moving beyond the window bounds at
+            // top/left then position it at window top/left
             if (dlgBounds.x + dlgBounds.width > gcBounds.x + gcBounds.width) {
                 if ((gcBounds.x + gcBounds.width - dlgBounds.width) > gcBounds.x) {
                     x = (gcBounds.x + gcBounds.width) - dlgBounds.width;
@@ -315,8 +310,8 @@
-     * Removes any attributes from the given AttributeSet that are
-     * unsupported by the given PrintService/DocFlavor combination.
+     * Removes any attributes from the given {@code AttributeSet} that are
+     * unsupported by the given {@code PrintService/DocFlavor} combination.
     private static void removeUnsupportedAttributes(PrintService ps,
                                                     DocFlavor flavor,
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/ServiceUIFactory.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/ServiceUIFactory.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,21 +26,20 @@
 package javax.print;
- * Services may optionally provide UIs which allow different styles
- * of interaction in different roles.
- * One role may be end-user browsing and setting of print options.
- * Another role may be administering the print service.
+ * Services may optionally provide UIs which allow different styles of
+ * interaction in different roles. One role may be end-user browsing and setting
+ * of print options. Another role may be administering the print service.
  * <p>
  * Although the Print Service API does not presently provide standardised
- * support for administering a print service, monitoring of the print
- * service is possible and a UI may provide for private update mechanisms.
+ * support for administering a print service, monitoring of the print service is
+ * possible and a UI may provide for private update mechanisms.
  * <p>
  * The basic design intent is to allow applications to lazily locate and
- * initialize services only when needed without any API dependencies
- * except in an environment in which they are used.
+ * initialize services only when needed without any API dependencies except in
+ * an environment in which they are used.
  * <p>
- * Swing UIs are preferred as they provide a more consistent {@literal L&F}
- * and can support accessibility APIs.
+ * Swing UIs are preferred as they provide a more consistent {@literal L&F} and
+ * can support accessibility APIs.
  * <p>
  * Example usage:
  * <pre>
@@ -55,34 +54,29 @@
  *  }
  * </pre>
 public abstract class ServiceUIFactory {
-     * Denotes a UI implemented as a Swing component.
-     * The value of the String is the fully qualified classname :
-     * "javax.swing.JComponent".
+     * Denotes a UI implemented as a Swing component. The value of the string is
+     * the fully qualified classname : "javax.swing.JComponent".
     public static final String JCOMPONENT_UI = "javax.swing.JComponent";
-     * Denotes a UI implemented as an AWT panel.
-     * The value of the String is the fully qualified classname :
-     * "java.awt.Panel"
+     * Denotes a UI implemented as an AWT panel. The value of the string is the
+     * fully qualified classname : "java.awt.Panel"
     public static final String PANEL_UI = "java.awt.Panel";
-     * Denotes a UI implemented as an AWT dialog.
-     * The value of the String is the fully qualified classname :
-     * "java.awt.Dialog"
+     * Denotes a UI implemented as an AWT dialog. The value of the string is the
+     * fully qualified classname : "java.awt.Dialog"
     public static final String DIALOG_UI = "java.awt.Dialog";
-     * Denotes a UI implemented as a Swing dialog.
-     * The value of the String is the fully qualified classname :
-     * "javax.swing.JDialog"
+     * Denotes a UI implemented as a Swing dialog. The value of the string is
+     * the fully qualified classname : "javax.swing.JDialog"
     public static final String JDIALOG_UI = "javax.swing.JDialog";
@@ -102,41 +96,38 @@
     public static final int MAIN_UIROLE = 3;
-     * Not a valid role but role id's greater than this may be used
-     * for private roles supported by a service. Knowledge of the
-     * function performed by this role is required to make proper use
-     * of it.
+     * Not a valid role but role id's greater than this may be used for private
+     * roles supported by a service. Knowledge of the function performed by this
+     * role is required to make proper use of it.
     public static final int RESERVED_UIROLE = 99;
-     * Get a UI object which may be cast to the requested UI type
-     * by the application and used in its user interface.
+     * Get a UI object which may be cast to the requested UI type by the
+     * application and used in its user interface.
-     * @param role requested. Must be one of the standard roles or
-     * a private role supported by this factory.
-     * @param ui type in which the role is requested.
-     * @return the UI role or null if the requested UI role is not available
-     * from this factory
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the role or ui is neither
-     * one of the standard ones, nor a private one
-     * supported by the factory.
+     * @param  role requested. Must be one of the standard roles or a private
+     *         role supported by this factory.
+     * @param  ui type in which the role is requested
+     * @return the UI role or {@code null} if the requested UI role is not
+     *         available from this factory
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the role or ui is neither one of the
+     *         standard ones, nor a private one supported by the factory
     public abstract Object getUI(int role, String ui) ;
-     * Given a UI role obtained from this factory obtain the UI
-     * types available from this factory which implement this role.
-     * The returned Strings should refer to the static variables defined
-     * in this class so that applications can use equality of reference
-     * ("==").
-     * @param role to be looked up.
+     * Given a UI role obtained from this factory obtain the UI types available
+     * from this factory which implement this role. The returned {@code Strings}
+     * should refer to the static variables defined in this class so that
+     * applications can use equality of reference ("==").
+     *
+     * @param  role to be looked up
      * @return the UI types supported by this class for the specified role,
-     * null if no UIs are available for the role.
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException is the role is a non-standard
-     * role not supported by this factory.
+     *         {@code null} if no UIs are available for the role
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException is the role is a non-standard role not
+     *         supported by this factory
     public abstract String[] getUIClassNamesForRole(int role) ;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/SimpleDoc.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/SimpleDoc.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -27,60 +27,76 @@
 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
 import java.io.CharArrayReader;
-import java.io.StringReader;
+import java.io.IOException;
 import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
 import java.io.Reader;
+import java.io.StringReader;
 import javax.print.attribute.AttributeSetUtilities;
 import javax.print.attribute.DocAttributeSet;
- * This class is an implementation of interface {@code Doc} that can
- * be used in many common printing requests.
- * It can handle all of the presently defined "pre-defined" doc flavors
- * defined as static variables in the DocFlavor class.
+ * This class is an implementation of interface {@code Doc} that can be used in
+ * many common printing requests. It can handle all of the presently defined
+ * "pre-defined" doc flavors defined as static variables in the
+ * {@code DocFlavor} class.
  * <p>
  * In particular this class implements certain required semantics of the
- * Doc specification as follows:
+ * {@code Doc} specification as follows:
  * <ul>
- * <li>constructs a stream for the service if requested and appropriate.
- * <li>ensures the same object is returned for each call on a method.
- * <li>ensures multiple threads can access the Doc
- * <li>performs some validation of that the data matches the doc flavor.
+ *   <li>constructs a stream for the service if requested and appropriate.
+ *   <li>ensures the same object is returned for each call on a method.
+ *   <li>ensures multiple threads can access the {@code Doc}
+ *   <li>performs some validation of that the data matches the doc flavor.
  * </ul>
- * Clients who want to re-use the doc object in other jobs,
- * or need a MultiDoc will not want to use this class.
+ * Clients who want to re-use the doc object in other jobs, or need a
+ * {@code MultiDoc} will not want to use this class.
  * <p>
- * If the print data is a stream, or a print job requests data as a
- * stream, then {@code SimpleDoc} does not monitor if the service
- * properly closes the stream after data transfer completion or job
- * termination.
- * Clients may prefer to use provide their own implementation of doc that
- * adds a listener to monitor job completion and to validate that
- * resources such as streams are freed (ie closed).
+ * If the print data is a stream, or a print job requests data as a stream, then
+ * {@code SimpleDoc} does not monitor if the service properly closes the stream
+ * after data transfer completion or job termination. Clients may prefer to use
+ * provide their own implementation of doc that adds a listener to monitor job
+ * completion and to validate that resources such as streams are freed (ie
+ * closed).
 public final class SimpleDoc implements Doc {
+    /**
+     * The doc flavor in which this doc will supply its piece of print data.
+     */
     private DocFlavor flavor;
+    /**
+     * The set of printing attributes for this doc.
+     */
     private DocAttributeSet attributes;
+    /**
+     * The print data.
+     */
     private Object printData;
+    /**
+     * The reader for extracting character print data from this doc.
+     */
     private Reader reader;
+    /**
+     * The input stream for extracting byte print data from this doc.
+     */
     private InputStream inStream;
-     * Constructs a {@code SimpleDoc} with the specified
-     * print data, doc flavor and doc attribute set.
-     * @param printData the print data object
-     * @param flavor the {@code DocFlavor} object
-     * @param attributes a {@code DocAttributeSet}, which can
-     *                   be {@code null}
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code flavor} or
-     *         {@code printData} is {@code null}, or the
-     *         {@code printData} does not correspond
-     *         to the specified doc flavor--for example, the data is
-     *         not of the type specified as the representation in the
-     *         {@code DocFlavor}.
+     * Constructs a {@code SimpleDoc} with the specified print data, doc flavor
+     * and doc attribute set.
+     *
+     * @param  printData the print data object
+     * @param  flavor the {@code DocFlavor} object
+     * @param  attributes a {@code DocAttributeSet}, which can be {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code flavor} or {@code printData}
+     *         is {@code null}, or the {@code printData} does not correspond to
+     *         the specified doc flavor--for example, the data is not of the
+     *         type specified as the representation in the {@code DocFlavor}
     public SimpleDoc(Object printData,
                      DocFlavor flavor, DocAttributeSet attributes) {
@@ -110,11 +126,11 @@
        this.printData = printData;
-   /**
-     * Determines the doc flavor in which this doc object will supply its
-     * piece of print data.
+    /**
+     * Determines the doc flavor in which this doc object will supply its piece
+     * of print data.
-     * @return  Doc flavor.
+     * @return doc flavor
     public DocFlavor getDocFlavor() {
         return flavor;
@@ -123,67 +139,60 @@
      * Obtains the set of printing attributes for this doc object. If the
      * returned attribute set includes an instance of a particular attribute
-     * <I>X,</I> the printer must use that attribute value for this doc,
-     * overriding any value of attribute <I>X</I> in the job's attribute set.
-     * If the returned attribute set does not include an instance
-     * of a particular attribute <I>X</I> or if null is returned, the printer
-     * must consult the job's attribute set to obtain the value for
-     * attribute <I>X,</I> and if not found there, the printer must use an
+     * <i>X,</i> the printer must use that attribute value for this doc,
+     * overriding any value of attribute <i>X</i> in the job's attribute set. If
+     * the returned attribute set does not include an instance of a particular
+     * attribute <i>X</i> or if {@code null} is returned, the printer must
+     * consult the job's attribute set to obtain the value for attribute
+     * <i>X,</i> and if not found there, the printer must use an
      * implementation-dependent default value. The returned attribute set is
      * unmodifiable.
-     * @return  Unmodifiable set of printing attributes for this doc, or null
-     *          to obtain all attribute values from the job's attribute
-     *          set.
+     * @return unmodifiable set of printing attributes for this doc, or
+     *         {@code null} to obtain all attribute values from the job's
+     *         attribute set
     public DocAttributeSet getAttributes() {
         return attributes;
-    /*
+    /**
      * Obtains the print data representation object that contains this doc
-     * object's piece of print data in the format corresponding to the
-     * supported doc flavor.
-     * The {@code getPrintData()} method returns an instance of
-     * the representation class whose name is given by
-     * {@link DocFlavor#getRepresentationClassName() getRepresentationClassName},
-     * and the return value can be cast
-     * from class Object to that representation class.
+     * object's piece of print data in the format corresponding to the supported
+     * doc flavor. The {@code getPrintData()} method returns an instance of the
+     * representation class whose name is given by {@link #getDocFlavor()
+     * getDocFlavor()}.{@link DocFlavor#getRepresentationClassName()
+     * getRepresentationClassName()}, and the return value can be cast from
+     * class {@code Object} to that representation class.
-     * @return  Print data representation object.
-     *
-     * @exception  IOException if the representation class is a stream and
-     *     there was an I/O error while constructing the stream.
+     * @return print data representation object
+     * @throws IOException if the representation class is a stream and there was
+     *         an I/O error while constructing the stream
     public Object getPrintData() throws IOException {
         return printData;
-     * Obtains a reader for extracting character print data from this doc.
-     * The {@code Doc} implementation is required to support this
-     * method if the {@code DocFlavor} has one of the following print
-     * data representation classes, and return {@code null}
-     * otherwise:
-     * <UL>
-     * <LI> {@code char[]}
-     * <LI> {@code java.lang.String}
-     * <LI> {@code java.io.Reader}
-     * </UL>
+     * Obtains a reader for extracting character print data from this doc. The
+     * {@code Doc} implementation is required to support this method if the
+     * {@code DocFlavor} has one of the following print data representation
+     * classes, and return {@code null} otherwise:
+     * <ul>
+     *   <li>{@code char[]}
+     *   <li>{@code java.lang.String}
+     *   <li>{@code java.io.Reader}
+     * </ul>
      * The doc's print data representation object is used to construct and
-     * return a {@code Reader} for reading the print data as a stream
-     * of characters from the print data representation object.
-     * However, if the print data representation object is itself a
-     * {@code Reader} then the print data representation object is
-     * simply returned.
+     * return a {@code Reader} for reading the print data as a stream of
+     * characters from the print data representation object. However, if the
+     * print data representation object is itself a {@code Reader} then the
+     * print data representation object is simply returned.
-     * @return  a {@code Reader} for reading the print data
-     *          characters from this doc.
-     *          If a reader cannot be provided because this doc does not meet
-     *          the criteria stated above, {@code null} is returned.
-     *
-     * @exception  IOException if there was an I/O error while creating
-     *             the reader.
+     * @return a {@code Reader} for reading the print data characters from this
+     *         doc. If a reader cannot be provided because this doc does not
+     *         meet the criteria stated above, {@code null} is returned.
+     * @throws IOException if there was an I/O error while creating the reader
     public Reader getReaderForText() throws IOException {
@@ -207,31 +216,25 @@
-     * Obtains an input stream for extracting byte print data from
-     * this doc.
-     * The {@code Doc} implementation is required to support this
-     * method if the {@code DocFlavor} has one of the following print
-     * data representation classes; otherwise this method
-     * returns {@code null}:
-     * <UL>
-     * <LI> {@code byte[]}
-     * <LI> {@code java.io.InputStream}
-     * </UL>
-     * The doc's print data representation object is obtained.  Then, an
-     * input stream for reading the print data
-     * from the print data representation object as a stream of bytes is
-     * created and returned.
-     * However, if the print data representation object is itself an
-     * input stream then the print data representation object is simply
-     * returned.
+     * Obtains an input stream for extracting byte print data from this doc. The
+     * {@code Doc} implementation is required to support this method if the
+     * {@code DocFlavor} has one of the following print data representation
+     * classes; otherwise this method returns {@code null}:
+     * <ul>
+     *   <li>{@code byte[]}
+     *   <li>{@code java.io.InputStream}
+     * </ul>
+     * The doc's print data representation object is obtained. Then, an input
+     * stream for reading the print data from the print data representation
+     * object as a stream of bytes is created and returned. However, if the
+     * print data representation object is itself an input stream then the print
+     * data representation object is simply returned.
-     * @return  an {@code InputStream} for reading the print data
-     *          bytes from this doc.  If an input stream cannot be
-     *          provided because this doc does not meet
-     *          the criteria stated above, {@code null} is returned.
-     *
-     * @exception  IOException
-     *     if there was an I/O error while creating the input stream.
+     * @return an {@code InputStream} for reading the print data bytes from this
+     *         doc. If an input stream cannot be provided because this doc does
+     *         not meet the criteria stated above, {@code null} is returned.
+     * @throws IOException if there was an I/O error while creating the input
+     *         stream
     public InputStream getStreamForBytes() throws IOException {
@@ -250,5 +253,4 @@
         return inStream;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/StreamPrintService.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/StreamPrintService.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,43 +28,47 @@
 import java.io.OutputStream;
- * This class extends {@link PrintService} and represents a
- * print service that prints data in different formats to a
- * client-provided output stream.
- * This is principally intended for services where
- * the output format is a document type suitable for viewing
- * or archiving.
- * The output format must be declared as a mime type.
- * This is equivalent to an output document flavor where the
- * representation class is always "java.io.OutputStream"
- * An instance of the {@code StreamPrintService} class is
- * obtained from a {@link StreamPrintServiceFactory} instance.
+ * This class extends {@link PrintService} and represents a print service that
+ * prints data in different formats to a client-provided output stream. This is
+ * principally intended for services where the output format is a document type
+ * suitable for viewing or archiving. The output format must be declared as a
+ * mime type. This is equivalent to an output document flavor where the
+ * representation class is always "java.io.OutputStream" An instance of the
+ * {@code StreamPrintService} class is obtained from a
+ * {@link StreamPrintServiceFactory} instance.
  * <p>
  * Note that a {@code StreamPrintService} is different from a
  * {@code PrintService}, which supports a
- * {@link javax.print.attribute.standard.Destination Destination}
- * attribute.  A {@code StreamPrintService} always requires an output
- * stream, whereas a {@code PrintService} optionally accepts a
- * {@code Destination}. A {@code StreamPrintService}
- * has no default destination for its formatted output.
- * Additionally a {@code StreamPrintService} is expected to generate
-output in
- * a format useful in other contexts.
- * StreamPrintService's are not expected to support the Destination attribute.
+ * {@link javax.print.attribute.standard.Destination Destination} attribute. A
+ * {@code StreamPrintService} always requires an output stream, whereas a
+ * {@code PrintService} optionally accepts a {@code Destination}. A
+ * {@code StreamPrintService} has no default destination for its formatted
+ * output. Additionally a {@code StreamPrintService} is expected to generate
+ * output in a format useful in other contexts. {@code StreamPrintService}'s are
+ * not expected to support the {@code Destination} attribute.
 public abstract class StreamPrintService implements PrintService {
+    /**
+     * The output stream to which this service will send formatted print data.
+     */
     private OutputStream outStream;
+    /**
+     * Whether or not this {@code StreamPrintService} has been disposed.
+     */
     private boolean disposed = false;
+    /**
+     * Constructs a {@code StreamPrintService} object.
+     */
     private StreamPrintService() {
-     * Constructs a StreamPrintService object.
+     * Constructs a {@code StreamPrintService} object.
-     * @param out  stream to which to send formatted print data.
+     * @param  out stream to which to send formatted print data
     protected StreamPrintService(OutputStream out) {
         this.outStream = out;
@@ -73,42 +77,44 @@
      * Gets the output stream.
-     * @return the stream to which this service will send formatted print data.
+     * @return the stream to which this service will send formatted print data
     public OutputStream getOutputStream() {
         return outStream;
-     * Returns the document format emitted by this print service.
-     * Must be in mimetype format, compatible with the mime type
-     * components of DocFlavors @see DocFlavor.
-     * @return mime type identifying the output format.
+     * Returns the document format emitted by this print service. Must be in
+     * mimetype format, compatible with the mime type components of
+     * {@code DocFlavors}
+     *
+     * @return mime type identifying the output format
+     * @see DocFlavor
     public abstract String getOutputFormat();
-     * Disposes this {@code StreamPrintService}.
-     * If a stream service cannot be re-used, it must be disposed
-     * to indicate this. Typically the client will call this method.
-     * Services which write data which cannot meaningfully be appended to
-     * may also dispose the stream. This does not close the stream. It
-     * just marks it as not for further use by this service.
+     * Disposes this {@code StreamPrintService}. If a stream service cannot be
+     * re-used, it must be disposed to indicate this. Typically the client will
+     * call this method. Services which write data which cannot meaningfully be
+     * appended to may also dispose the stream. This does not close the stream.
+     * It just marks it as not for further use by this service.
     public void dispose() {
         disposed = true;
-     * Returns a {@code boolean} indicating whether or not
-     * this {@code StreamPrintService} has been disposed.
-     * If this object has been disposed, will return true.
-     * Used by services and client applications to recognize streams
-     * to which no further data should be written.
-     * @return if this {@code StreamPrintService} has been disposed
+     * Returns a {@code boolean} indicating whether or not this
+     * {@code StreamPrintService} has been disposed. If this object has been
+     * disposed, will return {@code true}. Used by services and client
+     * applications to recognize streams to which no further data should be
+     * written.
+     *
+     * @return {@code true} if this {@code StreamPrintService} has been
+     *         disposed; {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean isDisposed() {
         return disposed;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/StreamPrintServiceFactory.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/StreamPrintServiceFactory.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -26,40 +26,48 @@
 package javax.print;
 import java.io.OutputStream;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.ServiceConfigurationError;
+import java.util.ServiceLoader;
-import javax.print.DocFlavor;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet;
 import sun.awt.AppContext;
-import java.util.ServiceLoader;
-import java.util.ServiceConfigurationError;
  * A {@code StreamPrintServiceFactory} is the factory for
- * {@link StreamPrintService} instances,
- * which can print to an output stream in a particular
- * document format described as a mime type.
- * A typical output document format may be Postscript(TM).
+ * {@link StreamPrintService} instances, which can print to an output stream in
+ * a particular document format described as a mime type. A typical output
+ * document format may be Postscript(TM).
  * <p>
- * This class is implemented by a service and located by the
- * implementation using the {@link java.util.ServiceLoader} facility.
+ * This class is implemented by a service and located by the implementation
+ * using the {@link ServiceLoader} facility.
  * <p>
  * Applications locate instances of this class by calling the
  * {@link #lookupStreamPrintServiceFactories(DocFlavor, String)} method.
  * <p>
- * Applications can use a {@code StreamPrintService} obtained from a
- * factory in place of a {@code PrintService} which represents a
- * physical printer device.
+ * Applications can use a {@code StreamPrintService} obtained from a factory in
+ * place of a {@code PrintService} which represents a physical printer device.
 public abstract class StreamPrintServiceFactory {
+    /**
+     * Contains a list of factories.
+     */
     static class Services {
+        /**
+         * The list of factories which will be stored per appcontext.
+         */
         private ArrayList<StreamPrintServiceFactory> listOfFactories = null;
+    /**
+     * Returns the services from the current appcontext.
+     *
+     * @return the services
+     */
     private static Services getServices() {
         Services services =
@@ -70,10 +78,20 @@
         return services;
+    /**
+     * Returns the list of factories.
+     *
+     * @return the list of factories
+     */
     private static ArrayList<StreamPrintServiceFactory> getListOfFactories() {
         return getServices().listOfFactories;
+    /**
+     * Initialize the list of factories.
+     *
+     * @return the list of factories
+     */
     private static ArrayList<StreamPrintServiceFactory> initListOfFactories() {
         ArrayList<StreamPrintServiceFactory> listOfFactories = new ArrayList<>();
         getServices().listOfFactories = listOfFactories;
@@ -81,26 +99,26 @@
-     * Locates factories for print services that can be used with
-     * a print job to output a stream of data in the
-     * format specified by {@code outputMimeType}.
+     * Locates factories for print services that can be used with a print job to
+     * output a stream of data in the format specified by
+     * {@code outputMimeType}.
      * <p>
-     * The {@code outputMimeType} parameter describes the document type that
-     * you want to create, whereas the {@code flavor} parameter describes the
-     * format in which the input data will be provided by the application
-     * to the {@code StreamPrintService}.
+     * The {@code outputMimeType} parameter describes the document type that you
+     * want to create, whereas the {@code flavor} parameter describes the format
+     * in which the input data will be provided by the application to the
+     * {@code StreamPrintService}.
      * <p>
-     * Although null is an acceptable value to use in the lookup of stream
-     * printing services, it's typical to search for a particular
-     * desired format, such as Postscript(TM).
+     * Although {@code null} is an acceptable value to use in the lookup of
+     * stream printing services, it's typical to search for a particular desired
+     * format, such as Postscript(TM).
-     * @param flavor of the input document type - null means match all
-     * types.
-     * @param outputMimeType representing the required output format, used to
-     * identify suitable stream printer factories. A value of null means
-     * match all formats.
-     * @return   matching factories for stream print service instance,
-     *           empty if no suitable factories could be located.
+     * @param  flavor of the input document type - {@code null} means match all
+     *         types
+     * @param  outputMimeType representing the required output format, used to
+     *         identify suitable stream printer factories. A value of
+     *         {@code null} means match all formats.
+     * @return matching factories for stream print service instance, empty if no
+     *         suitable factories could be located
      public static StreamPrintServiceFactory[]
          lookupStreamPrintServiceFactories(DocFlavor flavor,
@@ -110,55 +128,56 @@
          return list.toArray(new StreamPrintServiceFactory[list.size()]);
-    /** Queries the factory for the document format that is emitted
-     * by printers obtained from this factory.
+    /**
+     * Queries the factory for the document format that is emitted by printers
+     * obtained from this factory.
-     * @return the output format described as a mime type.
+     * @return the output format described as a mime type
     public abstract String getOutputFormat();
-     * Queries the factory for the document flavors that can be accepted
-     * by printers obtained from this factory.
-     * @return array of supported doc flavors.
+     * Queries the factory for the document flavors that can be accepted by
+     * printers obtained from this factory.
+     *
+     * @return array of supported doc flavors
     public abstract DocFlavor[] getSupportedDocFlavors();
-     * Returns a {@code StreamPrintService} that can print to
-     * the specified output stream.
-     * The output stream is created and managed by the application.
-     * It is the application's responsibility to close the stream and
-     * to ensure that this Printer is not reused.
-     * The application should not close this stream until any print job
-     * created from the printer is complete. Doing so earlier may generate
-     * a {@code PrinterException} and an event indicating that the
-     * job failed.
+     * Returns a {@code StreamPrintService} that can print to the specified
+     * output stream. The output stream is created and managed by the
+     * application. It is the application's responsibility to close the stream
+     * and to ensure that this {@code Printer} is not reused. The application
+     * should not close this stream until any print job created from the printer
+     * is complete. Doing so earlier may generate a {@code PrinterException} and
+     * an event indicating that the job failed.
      * <p>
-     * Whereas a {@code PrintService} connected to a physical printer
-     * can be reused,
-     * a {@code StreamPrintService} connected to a stream cannot.
-     * The underlying {@code StreamPrintService} may be disposed by
-     * the print system with
-     * the {@link StreamPrintService#dispose() dispose} method
-     * before returning from the
-     * {@link DocPrintJob#print(Doc, javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet) print}
-     * method of {@code DocPrintJob} so that the print system knows
-     * this printer is no longer usable.
-     * This is equivalent to a physical printer going offline - permanently.
-     * Applications may supply a null print stream to create a queryable
-     * service. It is not valid to create a PrintJob for such a stream.
-     * Implementations which allocate resources on construction should examine
-     * the stream and may wish to only allocate resources if the stream is
-     * non-null.
+     * Whereas a {@code PrintService} connected to a physical printer can be
+     * reused, a {@code StreamPrintService} connected to a stream cannot. The
+     * underlying {@code StreamPrintService} may be disposed by the print system
+     * with the {@link StreamPrintService#dispose() dispose} method before
+     * returning from the
+     * {@link DocPrintJob#print(Doc, PrintRequestAttributeSet) print} method of
+     * {@code DocPrintJob} so that the print system knows this printer is no
+     * longer usable. This is equivalent to a physical printer going offline -
+     * permanently. Applications may supply a {@code null} print stream to
+     * create a queryable service. It is not valid to create a {@code PrintJob}
+     * for such a stream. Implementations which allocate resources on
+     * construction should examine the stream and may wish to only allocate
+     * resources if the stream is {@code non-null}.
-     * @param out destination stream for generated output.
-     * @return a PrintService which will generate the format specified by the
-     * DocFlavor supported by this Factory.
+     * @param  out destination stream for generated output
+     * @return a {@code PrintService} which will generate the format specified
+     *         by the {@code DocFlavor} supported by this factory
     public abstract StreamPrintService getPrintService(OutputStream out);
+    /**
+     * Returns all factories for print services.
+     *
+     * @return all factories
+     */
     private static ArrayList<StreamPrintServiceFactory> getAllFactories() {
         synchronized (StreamPrintServiceFactory.class) {
@@ -198,6 +217,15 @@
+    /**
+     * Checks if the array of {@code flavors} contains the {@code flavor}
+     * object.
+     *
+     * @param  flavor the flavor
+     * @param  flavors the array of flavors
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code flavors} contains the {@code flavor}
+     *         object; {@code false} otherwise
+     */
     private static boolean isMember(DocFlavor flavor, DocFlavor[] flavors) {
         for (int f=0; f<flavors.length; f++ ) {
             if (flavor.equals(flavors[f])) {
@@ -207,6 +235,21 @@
         return false;
+    /**
+     * Utility method for {@link #lookupStreamPrintServiceFactories}.
+     * <p>
+     * Locates factories for print services that can be used with a print job to
+     * output a stream of data in the format specified by
+     * {@code outputMimeType}.
+     *
+     * @param  flavor of the input document type - {@code null} means match all
+     *         types
+     * @param  outType representing the required output format, used to identify
+     *         suitable stream printer factories. A value of {@code null} means
+     *         match all formats.
+     * @return matching factories for stream print service instance, empty if no
+     *         suitable factories could be located
+     */
     private static ArrayList<StreamPrintServiceFactory> getFactories(DocFlavor flavor, String outType) {
         if (flavor == null && outType == null) {
@@ -227,5 +270,4 @@
         return list;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/URIException.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/URIException.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,46 +28,45 @@
 import java.net.URI;
- * Interface URIException is a mixin interface which a subclass of {@link
- * PrintException PrintException} can implement to report an error condition
- * involving a URI address. The Print Service API does not define any print
- * exception classes that implement interface URIException, that being left to
- * the Print Service implementor's discretion.
- *
+ * Interface {@code URIException} is a mixin interface which a subclass of
+ * {@link PrintException PrintException} can implement to report an error
+ * condition involving a {@code URI} address. The Print Service API does not
+ * define any print exception classes that implement interface
+ * {@code URIException}, that being left to the Print Service implementor's
+ * discretion.
 public interface URIException {
-     * Indicates that the printer cannot access the URI address.
-     * For example, the printer might report this error if it goes to get
-     * the print data and cannot even establish a connection to the
-     * URI address.
+     * Indicates that the printer cannot access the {@code URI} address. For
+     * example, the printer might report this error if it goes to get the print
+     * data and cannot even establish a connection to the {@code URI} address.
     public static final int URIInaccessible = 1;
-     * Indicates that the printer does not support the URI
-     * scheme ("http", "ftp", etc.) in the URI address.
+     * Indicates that the printer does not support the {@code URI} scheme
+     * ("http", "ftp", etc.) in the {@code URI} address.
     public static final int URISchemeNotSupported = 2;
-     * Indicates any kind of problem not specifically identified
-     * by the other reasons.
+     * Indicates any kind of problem not specifically identified by the other
+     * reasons.
     public static final int URIOtherProblem = -1;
-     * Return the URI.
-     * @return the URI that is the cause of this exception.
+     * Returns the {@code URI}.
+     *
+     * @return the {@code URI} that is the cause of this exception
     public URI getUnsupportedURI();
-     * Return the reason for the event.
-     * @return one of the predefined reasons enumerated in this interface.
+     * Returns the reason of this exception.
+     *
+     * @return one of the predefined reasons enumerated in this interface
     public int getReason();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/Attribute.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/Attribute.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,35 +28,34 @@
 import java.io.Serializable;
- * Interface Attribute is the base interface implemented by any and every
- * printing attribute class to indicate that the class represents a
+ * Interface {@code Attribute} is the base interface implemented by any and
+ * every printing attribute class to indicate that the class represents a
  * printing attribute. All printing attributes are serializable.
- * @author  David Mendenhall
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author David Mendenhall
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public interface Attribute extends Serializable {
-  /**
-   * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
-   * for this printing attribute value when it is added to an attribute set.
-   *
-   * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-   *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
-   */
-  public Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory();
+    /**
+     * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
+     * for this printing attribute value when it is added to an attribute set.
+     *
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
+     */
+    public Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory();
-  /**
-   * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
-   * instance.
-   * <P>
-   * <I>Note:</I> This method is intended to provide a default, nonlocalized
-   * string for the attribute's category. If two attribute objects return the
-   * same category from the {@code getCategory()} method, they should
-   * return the same name from the {@code getName()} method.
-   *
-   * @return  Attribute category name.
-   */
-  public String getName();
+    /**
+     * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
+     * instance.
+     * <p>
+     * <i>Note:</i> This method is intended to provide a default, nonlocalized
+     * string for the attribute's category. If two attribute objects return the
+     * same category from the {@code getCategory()} method, they should return
+     * the same name from the {@code getName()} method.
+     *
+     * @return attribute category name
+     */
+    public String getName();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/AttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/AttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,284 +26,240 @@
 package javax.print.attribute;
- * Interface AttributeSet specifies the interface for a set of printing
+ * Interface {@code AttributeSet} specifies the interface for a set of printing
  * attributes. A printing attribute is an object whose class implements
  * interface {@link Attribute Attribute}.
- * <P>
- * An attribute set contains a group of <I>attribute values,</I>
- * where duplicate values are not allowed in the set.
- * Furthermore, each value in an attribute set is
- * a member of some <I>category,</I> and at most one value in any particular
- * category is allowed in the set. For an attribute set, the values are {@link
- * Attribute Attribute} objects, and the categories are {@link java.lang.Class
- * Class} objects. An attribute's category is the class (or interface) at the
- * root of the class hierarchy for that kind of attribute. Note that an
- * attribute object's category may be a superclass of the attribute object's
- * class rather than the attribute object's class itself. An attribute
- * object's
- * category is determined by calling the {@link Attribute#getCategory()
- * getCategory()} method defined in interface {@link Attribute
- * Attribute}.
- * <P>
- * The interfaces of an AttributeSet resemble those of the Java Collections
- * API's java.util.Map interface, but is more restrictive in the types
- * it will accept, and combines keys and values into an Attribute.
- * <P>
- * Attribute sets are used in several places in the Print Service API. In
- * each context, only certain kinds of attributes are allowed to appear in the
+ * <p>
+ * An attribute set contains a group of <i>attribute values,</i> where duplicate
+ * values are not allowed in the set. Furthermore, each value in an attribute
+ * set is a member of some <i>category,</i> and at most one value in any
+ * particular category is allowed in the set. For an attribute set, the values
+ * are {@link Attribute Attribute} objects, and the categories are
+ * {@link Class Class} objects. An attribute's category is the class (or
+ * interface) at the root of the class hierarchy for that kind of attribute.
+ * Note that an attribute object's category may be a superclass of the attribute
+ * object's class rather than the attribute object's class itself. An attribute
+ * object's category is determined by calling the
+ * {@link Attribute#getCategory() getCategory()} method defined in interface
+ * {@link Attribute Attribute}.
+ * <p>
+ * The interfaces of an {@code AttributeSet} resemble those of the Java
+ * Collections API's {@code java.util.Map} interface, but is more restrictive in
+ * the types it will accept, and combines keys and values into an
+ * {@code Attribute}.
+ * <p>
+ * Attribute sets are used in several places in the Print Service API. In each
+ * context, only certain kinds of attributes are allowed to appear in the
  * attribute set, as determined by the tagging interfaces which the attribute
- * class implements -- {@link DocAttribute DocAttribute}, {@link
- * PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute}, {@link PrintJobAttribute
- * PrintJobAttribute}, and {@link PrintServiceAttribute
- * PrintServiceAttribute}.
+ * class implements -- {@link DocAttribute DocAttribute},
+ * {@link PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute},
+ * {@link PrintJobAttribute PrintJobAttribute}, and
+ * {@link PrintServiceAttribute PrintServiceAttribute}.
  * There are four specializations of an attribute set that are restricted to
- * contain just one of the four kinds of attribute -- {@link DocAttributeSet
- * DocAttributeSet}, {@link PrintRequestAttributeSet
- * PrintRequestAttributeSet},
- * {@link PrintJobAttributeSet PrintJobAttributeSet}, and {@link
- * PrintServiceAttributeSet PrintServiceAttributeSet}, respectively. Note that
- * many attribute classes implement more than one tagging interface and so may
- * appear in more than one context.
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * A {@link DocAttributeSet DocAttributeSet}, containing {@link DocAttribute
- * DocAttribute}s, specifies the characteristics of an individual doc and the
- * print job settings to be applied to an individual doc.
- *
- * <LI>
- * A {@link PrintRequestAttributeSet PrintRequestAttributeSet}, containing
- * {@link PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute}s, specifies the
- * settings
- * to be applied to a whole print job and to all the docs in the print job.
- *
- * <LI>
- * A {@link PrintJobAttributeSet PrintJobAttributeSet}, containing {@link
- * PrintJobAttribute PrintJobAttribute}s, reports the status of a print job.
- *
- * <LI>
- * A {@link PrintServiceAttributeSet PrintServiceAttributeSet}, containing
- * {@link PrintServiceAttribute PrintServiceAttribute}s, reports the status of
- *  a Print Service instance.
- * </UL>
- * <P>
+ * contain just one of the four kinds of attribute --
+ * {@link DocAttributeSet DocAttributeSet},
+ * {@link PrintRequestAttributeSet PrintRequestAttributeSet},
+ * {@link PrintJobAttributeSet PrintJobAttributeSet}, and
+ * {@link PrintServiceAttributeSet PrintServiceAttributeSet}, respectively. Note
+ * that many attribute classes implement more than one tagging interface and so
+ * may appear in more than one context.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>A {@link DocAttributeSet DocAttributeSet}, containing
+ *   {@link DocAttribute DocAttribute}s, specifies the characteristics of an
+ *   individual doc and the print job settings to be applied to an individual
+ *   doc.
+ *   <li>A {@link PrintRequestAttributeSet PrintRequestAttributeSet}, containing
+ *   {@link PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute}s, specifies the
+ *   settings to be applied to a whole print job and to all the docs in the
+ *   print job.
+ *   <li>A {@link PrintJobAttributeSet PrintJobAttributeSet}, containing
+ *   {@link PrintJobAttribute PrintJobAttribute}s, reports the status of a print
+ *   job.
+ *   <li>A {@link PrintServiceAttributeSet PrintServiceAttributeSet}, containing
+ *   {@link PrintServiceAttribute PrintServiceAttribute}s, reports the status of
+ *   a Print Service instance.
+ * </ul>
  * In some contexts, the client is only allowed to examine an attribute set's
  * contents but not change them (the set is read-only). In other places, the
  * client is allowed both to examine and to change an attribute set's contents
  * (the set is read-write). For a read-only attribute set, calling a mutating
- * operation throws an UnmodifiableSetException.
- * <P>
+ * operation throws an {@code UnmodifiableSetException}.
+ * <p>
  * The Print Service API provides one implementation of interface
- * AttributeSet, class {@link HashAttributeSet HashAttributeSet}.
- * A client can use class {@link
- * HashAttributeSet HashAttributeSet} or provide its own implementation of
- * interface AttributeSet. The Print Service API also provides
- * implementations of interface AttributeSet's subinterfaces -- classes {@link
- * HashDocAttributeSet HashDocAttributeSet},
- * {@link HashPrintRequestAttributeSet
- * HashPrintRequestAttributeSet}, {@link HashPrintJobAttributeSet
- * HashPrintJobAttributeSet}, and {@link HashPrintServiceAttributeSet
- * HashPrintServiceAttributeSet}.
+ * {@code AttributeSet}, class {@link HashAttributeSet HashAttributeSet}. A
+ * client can use class {@link HashAttributeSet HashAttributeSet} or provide its
+ * own implementation of interface {@code AttributeSet}. The Print Service API
+ * also provides implementations of interface {@code AttributeSet}'s
+ * subinterfaces -- classes
+ * {@link HashDocAttributeSet HashDocAttributeSet},
+ * {@link HashPrintRequestAttributeSet HashPrintRequestAttributeSet},
+ * {@link HashPrintJobAttributeSet HashPrintJobAttributeSet}, and
+ * {@link HashPrintServiceAttributeSet HashPrintServiceAttributeSet}.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public interface AttributeSet {
      * Returns the attribute value which this attribute set contains in the
-     * given attribute category. Returns {@code null} if this attribute set
-     * does not contain any attribute value in the given attribute category.
-     *
-     * @param  category  Attribute category whose associated attribute value
-     *                   is to be returned. It must be a
-     *                   {@link java.lang.Class Class}
-     *                   that implements interface {@link Attribute
-     *                   Attribute}.
+     * given attribute category. Returns {@code null} if this attribute set does
+     * not contain any attribute value in the given attribute category.
-     * @return  The attribute value in the given attribute category contained
-     *          in this attribute set, or {@code null} if this attribute set
-     *          does not contain any attribute value in the given attribute
-     *          category.
-     *
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code category} is null.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code category} is not a
-     *     {@link java.lang.Class Class} that implements interface {@link
-     *     Attribute Attribute}.
+     * @param  category attribute category whose associated attribute value is
+     *         to be returned. It must be a {@link Class Class} that implements
+     *         interface {@link Attribute Attribute}.
+     * @return the attribute value in the given attribute category contained in
+     *         this attribute set, or {@code null} if this attribute set does
+     *         not contain any attribute value in the given attribute category
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code category} is {@code null}
+     * @throws ClassCastException if the {@code category} is not a
+     *         {@link Class Class} that implements interface
+     *         {@link Attribute Attribute}
     public Attribute get(Class<?> category);
-     * Adds the specified attribute to this attribute set if it is not
-     * already present, first removing any existing value in the same
-     * attribute category as the specified attribute value.
-     *
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value to be added to this attribute set.
+     * Adds the specified attribute to this attribute set if it is not already
+     * present, first removing any existing value in the same attribute category
+     * as the specified attribute value.
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
-     *          call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a member
-     *          of this attribute set.
-     *
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code attribute} is null.
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not support
-     *     the {@code add()} operation.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to be added to this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a member of
+     *         this attribute set
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code attribute} is {@code null}
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code add()} operation
     public boolean add(Attribute attribute);
      * Removes any attribute for this category from this attribute set if
-     * present. If {@code category} is null, then
-     * {@code remove()} does nothing and returns {@code false}.
-     *
-     * @param  category Attribute category to be removed from this
-     *                  attribute set.
+     * present. If {@code category} is {@code null}, then {@code remove()} does
+     * nothing and returns {@code false}.
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     * @param  category attribute category to be removed from this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
      *         call, i.e., the given attribute value had been a member of this
-     *          attribute set.
-     *
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not support
-     *     the {@code remove()} operation.
+     *         attribute set
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code remove()} operation
     public boolean remove(Class<?> category);
-     * Removes the specified attribute from this attribute set if
-     * present. If {@code attribute} is null, then
-     * {@code remove()} does nothing and returns {@code false}.
-     *
-     * @param  attribute Attribute value to be removed from this attribute set.
+     * Removes the specified attribute from this attribute set if present. If
+     * {@code attribute} is {@code null}, then {@code remove()} does nothing and
+     * returns {@code false}.
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to be removed from this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
      *         call, i.e., the given attribute value had been a member of this
-     *          attribute set.
-     *
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not support
-     *     the {@code remove()} operation.
+     *         attribute set
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code remove()} operation
     public boolean remove(Attribute attribute);
-     * Returns {@code true} if this attribute set contains an
-     * attribute for the specified category.
+     * Returns {@code true} if this attribute set contains an attribute for the
+     * specified category.
-     * @param  category whose presence in this attribute set is
-     *            to be tested.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set contains an attribute
-     *         value for the specified category.
+     * @param  category whose presence in this attribute set is to be tested
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set contains an attribute value
+     *         for the specified category
     public boolean containsKey(Class<?> category);
-     * Returns {@code true} if this attribute set contains the given
-     * attribute value.
+     * Returns {@code true} if this attribute set contains the given attribute
+     * value.
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value whose presence in this
-     * attribute set is to be tested.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set contains the given
-     *      attribute  value.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value whose presence in this attribute set is
+     *         to be tested
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set contains the given attribute
+     *         value
     public boolean containsValue(Attribute attribute);
-     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute.
-     * The outcome is the same as if the =
-     * {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}
+     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute. The
+     * outcome is the same as if the = {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}
      * operation had been applied to this attribute set successively with each
-     * element from the specified set.
-     * The behavior of the {@code addAll(AttributeSet)}
-     * operation is unspecified if the specified set is modified while
-     * the operation is in progress.
-     * <P>
-     * If the {@code addAll(AttributeSet)} operation throws an exception,
-     * the effect on this attribute set's state is implementation dependent;
-     * elements from the specified set before the point of the exception may
-     * or may not have been added to this attribute set.
+     * element from the specified set. The behavior of the
+     * {@code addAll(AttributeSet)} operation is unspecified if the specified
+     * set is modified while the operation is in progress.
+     * <p>
+     * If the {@code addAll(AttributeSet)} operation throws an exception, the
+     * effect on this attribute set's state is implementation dependent;
+     * elements from the specified set before the point of the exception may or
+     * may not have been added to this attribute set.
-     * @param  attributes  whose elements are to be added to this attribute
-     *            set.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
-     *          call.
-     *
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not support
-     *     the {@code addAll(AttributeSet)} method.
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if some element in the specified
-     *     set is null.
-     *
+     * @param  attributes whose elements are to be added to this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code addAll(AttributeSet)} method
+     * @throws NullPointerException if some element in the specified set is
+     *         {@code null}
      * @see #add(Attribute)
     public boolean addAll(AttributeSet attributes);
-     * Returns the number of attributes in this attribute set. If this
-     * attribute set contains more than {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE} elements,
-     * returns  {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}.
+     * Returns the number of attributes in this attribute set. If this attribute
+     * set contains more than {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE} elements, returns
+     * {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}.
-     * @return  The number of attributes in this attribute set.
+     * @return the number of attributes in this attribute set
     public int size();
      * Returns an array of the attributes contained in this set.
-     * @return the Attributes contained in this set as an array, zero length
-     * if the AttributeSet is empty.
+     *
+     * @return the {@code Attributes} contained in this set as an array, zero
+     *         length if the {@code AttributeSet} is empty
     public Attribute[] toArray();
      * Removes all attributes from this attribute set.
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *   (unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not support
-     *     the {@code clear()} operation.
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code clear()} operation
     public void clear();
-     * Returns true if this attribute set contains no attributes.
+     * Returns {@code true} if this attribute set contains no attributes.
-     * @return true if this attribute set contains no attributes.
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set contains no attributes
     public boolean isEmpty();
      * Compares the specified object with this attribute set for equality.
-     * Returns {@code true} if the given object is also an attribute set and
-     * the two attribute sets contain the same attribute category-attribute
-     * value mappings. This ensures that the
-     * {@code equals()} method works properly across different
-     * implementations of the AttributeSet interface.
+     * Returns {@code true} if the given object is also an attribute set and the
+     * two attribute sets contain the same attribute category-attribute value
+     * mappings. This ensures that the {@code equals()} method works properly
+     * across different implementations of the {@code AttributeSet} interface.
-     * @param  object to be compared for equality with this attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if the specified object is equal to this
-     *       attribute   set.
+     * @param  object to be compared for equality with this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if the specified object is equal to this attribute
+     *         set
     public boolean equals(Object object);
      * Returns the hash code value for this attribute set. The hash code of an
-     * attribute set is defined to be the sum of the hash codes of each entry
-     * in the AttributeSet.
-     * This ensures that {@code t1.equals(t2)} implies that
-     * {@code t1.hashCode()==t2.hashCode()} for any two attribute sets
+     * attribute set is defined to be the sum of the hash codes of each entry in
+     * the {@code AttributeSet}. This ensures that {@code t1.equals(t2)} implies
+     * that {@code t1.hashCode()==t2.hashCode()} for any two attribute sets
      * {@code t1} and {@code t2}, as required by the general contract of
-     * {@link java.lang.Object#hashCode() Object.hashCode()}.
+     * {@link Object#hashCode() Object.hashCode()}.
-     * @return  The hash code value for this attribute set.
+     * @return the hash code value for this attribute set
     public int hashCode();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/AttributeSetUtilities.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/AttributeSetUtilities.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,65 +23,75 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
 import java.io.Serializable;
- * Class AttributeSetUtilities provides static methods for manipulating
- * AttributeSets.
+ * Class {@code AttributeSetUtilities} provides static methods for manipulating
+ * {@code AttributeSets}.
  * <ul>
- * <li>Methods for creating unmodifiable and synchronized views of attribute
- * sets.
- * <li>operations useful for building
- * implementations of interface {@link AttributeSet AttributeSet}
+ *   <li>Methods for creating unmodifiable and synchronized views of attribute
+ *   sets.
+ *   <li>operations useful for building implementations of interface
+ *   {@link AttributeSet AttributeSet}
  * </ul>
- * <P>
- * An <B>unmodifiable view</B> <I>U</I> of an AttributeSet <I>S</I> provides a
- * client with "read-only" access to <I>S</I>. Query operations on <I>U</I>
- * "read through" to <I>S</I>; thus, changes in <I>S</I> are reflected in
- * <I>U</I>. However, any attempt to modify <I>U</I>,
- *  results in an UnmodifiableSetException.
- * The unmodifiable view object <I>U</I> will be serializable if the
- * attribute set object <I>S</I> is serializable.
- * <P>
- * A <B>synchronized view</B> <I>V</I> of an attribute set <I>S</I> provides a
- * client with synchronized (multiple thread safe) access to <I>S</I>. Each
- * operation of <I>V</I> is synchronized using <I>V</I> itself as the lock
- * object and then merely invokes the corresponding operation of <I>S</I>. In
- * order to guarantee mutually exclusive access, it is critical that all
- * access to <I>S</I> is accomplished through <I>V</I>. The synchronized view
- * object <I>V</I> will be serializable if the attribute set object <I>S</I>
- * is serializable.
- * <P>
- * As mentioned in the package description of javax.print, a null reference
- * parameter to methods is
- * incorrect unless explicitly documented on the method as having a meaningful
- * interpretation.  Usage to the contrary is incorrect coding and may result in
- * a run time exception either immediately
- * or at some later time. IllegalArgumentException and NullPointerException
- * are examples of typical and acceptable run time exceptions for such cases.
+ * An <b>unmodifiable view</b> <i>U</i> of an {@code AttributeSet} <i>S</i>
+ * provides a client with "read-only" access to <i>S</i>. Query operations on
+ * <i>U</i> "read through" to <i>S</i>; thus, changes in <i>S</i> are reflected
+ * in <i>U</i>. However, any attempt to modify <i>U</i>, results in an
+ * {@code UnmodifiableSetException}. The unmodifiable view object <i>U</i> will
+ * be serializable if the attribute set object <i>S</i> is serializable.
+ * <p>
+ * A <b>synchronized view</b> <i>V</i> of an attribute set <i>S</i> provides a
+ * client with synchronized (multiple thread safe) access to <i>S</i>. Each
+ * operation of <i>V</i> is synchronized using <i>V</i> itself as the lock
+ * object and then merely invokes the corresponding operation of <i>S</i>. In
+ * order to guarantee mutually exclusive access, it is critical that all access
+ * to <i>S</i> is accomplished through <i>V</i>. The synchronized view object
+ * <i>V</i> will be serializable if the attribute set object <i>S</i> is
+ * serializable.
+ * <p>
+ * As mentioned in the package description of {@code javax.print}, a
+ * {@code null} reference parameter to methods is incorrect unless explicitly
+ * documented on the method as having a meaningful interpretation. Usage to the
+ * contrary is incorrect coding and may result in a run time exception either
+ * immediately or at some later time. {@code IllegalArgumentException} and
+ * {@code NullPointerException} are examples of typical and acceptable run time
+ * exceptions for such cases.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class AttributeSetUtilities {
-    /* Suppress default constructor, ensuring non-instantiability.
+    /**
+     * Suppress default constructor, ensuring non-instantiability.
     private AttributeSetUtilities() {
-      * @serial include
-      */
+     * Unmodifiable view of {@code AttributeSet}.
+     *
+     * @serial include
+     */
     private static class UnmodifiableAttributeSet
         implements AttributeSet, Serializable {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -6131802583863447813L;
+        /**
+         * The attribute set.
+         */
         private AttributeSet attrset;
-        /* Unmodifiable view of the underlying attribute set.
+        /**
+         * Constructs unmodifiable view of the underlying attribute set.
+         *
+         * @param  attributeSet the attribute set
         public UnmodifiableAttributeSet(AttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -139,17 +149,27 @@
         public int hashCode() {
             return attrset.hashCode();
-      * @serial include
-      */
+     * Unmodifiable view of {@code DocAttributeSet}.
+     *
+     * @serial include
+     */
     private static class UnmodifiableDocAttributeSet
         extends UnmodifiableAttributeSet
         implements DocAttributeSet, Serializable {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -6349408326066898956L;
+        /**
+         * Constructs a new unmodifiable doc attribute set.
+         *
+         * @param  attributeSet the doc attribute set
+         */
         public UnmodifiableDocAttributeSet(DocAttributeSet attributeSet) {
             super (attributeSet);
@@ -157,13 +177,25 @@
-      * @serial include
-      */
+     * Unmodifiable view of {@code PrintRequestAttributeSet}.
+     *
+     * @serial include
+     */
     private static class UnmodifiablePrintRequestAttributeSet
         extends UnmodifiableAttributeSet
         implements PrintRequestAttributeSet, Serializable
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 7799373532614825073L;
+        /**
+         * Constructs a new unmodifiable print request attribute set.
+         *
+         * @param  attributeSet the print request attribute set
+         */
         public UnmodifiablePrintRequestAttributeSet
             (PrintRequestAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -172,13 +204,24 @@
-      * @serial include
-      */
+     * Unmodifiable view of {@code PrintJobAttributeSet}.
+     *
+     * @serial include
+     */
     private static class UnmodifiablePrintJobAttributeSet
         extends UnmodifiableAttributeSet
         implements PrintJobAttributeSet, Serializable
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -8002245296274522112L;
+        /**
+         * Constructs a new unmodifiable print job attribute set.
+         *
+         * @param  attributeSet the print job attribute set
+         */
         public UnmodifiablePrintJobAttributeSet
             (PrintJobAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -187,13 +230,24 @@
-      * @serial include
-      */
+     * Unmodifiable view of {@code PrintServiceAttributeSet}.
+     *
+     * @serial include
+     */
     private static class UnmodifiablePrintServiceAttributeSet
         extends UnmodifiableAttributeSet
         implements PrintServiceAttributeSet, Serializable
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -7112165137107826819L;
+        /**
+         * Constructs a new unmodifiable print service attribute set.
+         *
+         * @param  attributeSet the print service attribute set
+         */
         public UnmodifiablePrintServiceAttributeSet
             (PrintServiceAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -204,12 +258,9 @@
      * Creates an unmodifiable view of the given attribute set.
-     * @param  attributeSet  Underlying attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  Unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet}.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     Thrown if {@code attributeSet} is null. Null is never a
+     * @param  attributeSet underlying attribute set
+     * @return unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null}
     public static AttributeSet unmodifiableView(AttributeSet attributeSet) {
         if (attributeSet == null) {
@@ -222,12 +273,9 @@
      * Creates an unmodifiable view of the given doc attribute set.
-     * @param  attributeSet  Underlying doc attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  Unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet}.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     Thrown if {@code attributeSet} is null.
+     * @param  attributeSet underlying doc attribute set
+     * @return unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null}
     public static DocAttributeSet unmodifiableView
         (DocAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -240,12 +288,9 @@
      * Creates an unmodifiable view of the given print request attribute set.
-     * @param  attributeSet  Underlying print request attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  Unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet}.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     Thrown if {@code attributeSet} is null.
+     * @param  attributeSet underlying print request attribute set
+     * @return unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null}
     public static PrintRequestAttributeSet
         unmodifiableView(PrintRequestAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -258,12 +303,9 @@
      * Creates an unmodifiable view of the given print job attribute set.
-     * @param  attributeSet  Underlying print job attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  Unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet}.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     Thrown if {@code attributeSet} is null.
+     * @param  attributeSet underlying print job attribute set
+     * @return unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null}
     public static PrintJobAttributeSet
         unmodifiableView(PrintJobAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -276,12 +318,9 @@
      * Creates an unmodifiable view of the given print service attribute set.
-     * @param  attributeSet  Underlying print service attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  Unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet}.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     Thrown if {@code attributeSet} is null.
+     * @param  attributeSet underlying print service attribute set
+     * @return unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null}
     public static PrintServiceAttributeSet
         unmodifiableView(PrintServiceAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -292,14 +331,28 @@
-      * @serial include
-      */
+     * Synchronized view of {@code AttributeSet}.
+     *
+     * @serial include
+     */
     private static class SynchronizedAttributeSet
                         implements AttributeSet, Serializable {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 8365731020128564925L;
+        /**
+         * The attribute set.
+         */
         private AttributeSet attrset;
+        /**
+         * Constructs a new synchronized attribute set.
+         *
+         * @param  attributeSet the attribute set
+         */
         public SynchronizedAttributeSet(AttributeSet attributeSet) {
             attrset = attributeSet;
@@ -358,26 +411,48 @@
-      * @serial include
-      */
+     * Synchronized view of {@code DocAttributeSet}.
+     *
+     * @serial include
+     */
     private static class SynchronizedDocAttributeSet
         extends SynchronizedAttributeSet
         implements DocAttributeSet, Serializable {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 6455869095246629354L;
+        /**
+         * Constructs a new synchronized doc attribute set.
+         *
+         * @param  attributeSet the doc attribute set
+         */
         public SynchronizedDocAttributeSet(DocAttributeSet attributeSet) {
-      * @serial include
-      */
+     * Synchronized view of {@code PrintRequestAttributeSet}.
+     *
+     * @serial include
+     */
     private static class SynchronizedPrintRequestAttributeSet
         extends SynchronizedAttributeSet
         implements PrintRequestAttributeSet, Serializable {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 5671237023971169027L;
+        /**
+         * Constructs a new synchronized print request attribute set.
+         *
+         * @param  attributeSet the print request attribute set
+         */
         public SynchronizedPrintRequestAttributeSet
             (PrintRequestAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -385,13 +460,24 @@
-      * @serial include
-      */
+     * Synchronized view of {@code PrintJobAttributeSet}.
+     *
+     * @serial include
+     */
     private static class SynchronizedPrintJobAttributeSet
         extends SynchronizedAttributeSet
         implements PrintJobAttributeSet, Serializable {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 2117188707856965749L;
+        /**
+         * Constructs a new synchronized print job attribute set.
+         *
+         * @param  attributeSet the print job attribute set
+         */
         public SynchronizedPrintJobAttributeSet
             (PrintJobAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -399,13 +485,24 @@
-      * @serial include
-      */
+     * Synchronized view of {@code PrintServiceAttributeSet}.
+     *
+     * @serial include
+     */
     private static class SynchronizedPrintServiceAttributeSet
         extends SynchronizedAttributeSet
         implements PrintServiceAttributeSet, Serializable {
+        /**
+         * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+         */
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -2830705374001675073L;
+        /**
+         * Constructs a new synchronized print service attribute set.
+         *
+         * @param  attributeSet the print service attribute set
+         */
         public SynchronizedPrintServiceAttributeSet
             (PrintServiceAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -415,12 +512,9 @@
      * Creates a synchronized view of the given attribute set.
-     * @param  attributeSet  Underlying attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  Synchronized view of {@code attributeSet}.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     Thrown if {@code attributeSet} is null.
+     * @param  attributeSet underlying attribute set
+     * @return synchronized view of {@code attributeSet}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null}
     public static AttributeSet synchronizedView
         (AttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -433,12 +527,9 @@
      * Creates a synchronized view of the given doc attribute set.
-     * @param  attributeSet  Underlying doc attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  Synchronized view of {@code attributeSet}.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     Thrown if {@code attributeSet} is null.
+     * @param  attributeSet underlying doc attribute set
+     * @return synchronized view of {@code attributeSet}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null}
     public static DocAttributeSet
         synchronizedView(DocAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -451,12 +542,9 @@
      * Creates a synchronized view of the given print request attribute set.
-     * @param  attributeSet  Underlying print request attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  Synchronized view of {@code attributeSet}.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     Thrown if {@code attributeSet} is null.
+     * @param  attributeSet underlying print request attribute set
+     * @return synchronized view of {@code attributeSet}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null}
     public static PrintRequestAttributeSet
         synchronizedView(PrintRequestAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -469,12 +557,9 @@
      * Creates a synchronized view of the given print job attribute set.
-     * @param  attributeSet  Underlying print job attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  Synchronized view of {@code attributeSet}.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     Thrown if {@code attributeSet} is null.
+     * @param  attributeSet underlying print job attribute set
+     * @return synchronized view of {@code attributeSet}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null}
     public static PrintJobAttributeSet
         synchronizedView(PrintJobAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -487,9 +572,9 @@
      * Creates a synchronized view of the given print service attribute set.
-     * @param  attributeSet  Underlying print service attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  Synchronized view of {@code attributeSet}.
+     * @param  attributeSet underlying print service attribute set
+     * @return synchronized view of {@code attributeSet}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null}
     public static PrintServiceAttributeSet
         synchronizedView(PrintServiceAttributeSet attributeSet) {
@@ -499,26 +584,19 @@
         return new SynchronizedPrintServiceAttributeSet(attributeSet);
-     * Verify that the given object is a {@link java.lang.Class Class} that
-     * implements the given interface, which is assumed to be interface {@link
-     * Attribute Attribute} or a subinterface thereof.
-     *
-     * @param  object     Object to test.
-     * @param  interfaceName  Interface the object must implement.
+     * Verify that the given object is a {@link Class Class} that implements the
+     * given interface, which is assumed to be interface
+     * {@link Attribute Attribute} or a subinterface thereof.
-     * @return  If {@code object} is a {@link java.lang.Class Class}
-     *          that implements {@code interfaceName},
-     *          {@code object} is returned downcast to type {@link
-     *          java.lang.Class Class}; otherwise an exception is thrown.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code object} is null.
-     * @exception  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code object} is not a
-     *     {@link java.lang.Class Class} that implements
-     *     {@code interfaceName}.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to test
+     * @param  interfaceName interface the object must implement
+     * @return if {@code object} is a {@link Class Class} that implements
+     *         {@code interfaceName}, {@code object} is returned downcast to
+     *         type {@link Class Class}; otherwise an exception is thrown
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code object} is {@code null}
+     * @throws ClassCastException if {@code object} is not a
+     *         {@link Class Class} that implements {@code interfaceName}
     public static Class<?>
         verifyAttributeCategory(Object object, Class<?> interfaceName) {
@@ -537,19 +615,14 @@
      * is assumed to be interface {@link Attribute Attribute} or a subinterface
      * thereof.
-     * @param  object     Object to test.
-     * @param  interfaceName  Interface of which the object must be an instance.
-     *
-     * @return  If {@code object} is an instance of
-     *          {@code interfaceName}, {@code object} is returned
-     *          downcast to type {@link Attribute Attribute}; otherwise an
-     *          exception is thrown.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code object} is null.
-     * @exception  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code object} is not an
-     *     instance of {@code interfaceName}.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to test
+     * @param  interfaceName interface of which the object must be an instance
+     * @return if {@code object} is an instance of {@code interfaceName},
+     *         {@code object} is returned downcast to type
+     *         {@link Attribute Attribute}; otherwise an exception is thrown
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code object} is {@code null}
+     * @throws ClassCastException if {@code object} is not an instance of
+     *         {@code interfaceName}
     public static Attribute
         verifyAttributeValue(Object object, Class<?> interfaceName) {
@@ -565,19 +638,16 @@
-     * Verify that the given attribute category object is equal to the
-     * category of the given attribute value object. If so, this method
-     * returns doing nothing. If not, this method throws an exception.
-     *
-     * @param  category   Attribute category to test.
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value to test.
+     * Verify that the given attribute category object is equal to the category
+     * of the given attribute value object. If so, this method returns doing
+     * nothing. If not, this method throws an exception.
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code category} is
-     *     null or if the {@code attribute} is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code category} is not
-     *     equal to the category of the {@code attribute}.
+     * @param  category attribute category to test
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to test
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code category} or {@code attribute}
+     *         are {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code category} is not equal to
+     *         the category of the {@code attribute}
     public static void
         verifyCategoryForValue(Class<?> category, Attribute attribute) {
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/DateTimeSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/DateTimeSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,47 +23,48 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
 import java.io.Serializable;
 import java.util.Date;
- * Class DateTimeSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common
+ * Class {@code DateTimeSyntax} is an abstract base class providing the common
  * implementation of all attributes whose value is a date and time.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * Under the hood, a date-time attribute is stored as a value of class
- * {@code java.util.Date}. You can get a date-time attribute's Date value by
- * calling {@link #getValue() getValue()}. A date-time attribute's
- * Date value is established when it is constructed (see {@link
- * #DateTimeSyntax(Date) DateTimeSyntax(Date)}). Once
- * constructed, a date-time attribute's value is immutable.
- * <P>
+ * {@code java.util.Date}. You can get a date-time attribute's {@code Date}
+ * value by calling {@link #getValue() getValue()}. A date-time attribute's
+ * {@code Date} value is established when it is constructed (see
+ * {@link #DateTimeSyntax(Date) DateTimeSyntax(Date)}). Once constructed, a
+ * date-time attribute's value is immutable.
+ * <p>
  * To construct a date-time attribute from separate values of the year, month,
- * day, hour, minute, and so on, use a {@code java.util.Calendar}
- * object to construct a {@code java.util.Date} object, then use the
- * {@code java.util.Date} object to construct the date-time attribute.
- * To convert
- * a date-time attribute to separate values of the year, month, day, hour,
- * minute, and so on, create a {@code java.util.Calendar} object and
- * set it to the {@code java.util.Date} from the date-time attribute. Class
- * DateTimeSyntax stores its value in the form of a {@code java.util.Date}
- * rather than a {@code java.util.Calendar} because it typically takes
- * less memory to store and less time to compare a {@code java.util.Date}
- * than a {@code java.util.Calendar}.
+ * day, hour, minute, and so on, use a {@code java.util.Calendar} object to
+ * construct a {@code java.util.Date} object, then use the
+ * {@code java.util.Date} object to construct the date-time attribute. To
+ * convert a date-time attribute to separate values of the year, month, day,
+ * hour, minute, and so on, create a {@code java.util.Calendar} object and set
+ * it to the {@code java.util.Date} from the date-time attribute. Class
+ * {@code DateTimeSyntax} stores its value in the form of a
+ * {@code java.util.Date} rather than a {@code java.util.Calendar} because it
+ * typically takes less memory to store and less time to compare a
+ * {@code java.util.Date} than a {@code java.util.Calendar}.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public abstract class DateTimeSyntax implements Serializable, Cloneable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -1400819079791208582L;
     // Hidden data members.
      * This date-time attribute's {@code java.util.Date} value.
+     *
      * @serial
     private Date value;
@@ -71,13 +72,11 @@
     // Hidden constructors.
-     * Construct a new date-time attribute with the given
-     * {@code java.util.Date} value.
+     * Construct a new date-time attribute with the given {@code java.util.Date}
+     * value.
-     * @param  value   {@code java.util.Date} value.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code theValue} is null.
+     * @param  value {@code java.util.Date} value
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code value} is {@code null}
     protected DateTimeSyntax(Date value) {
         if (value == null) {
@@ -89,9 +88,9 @@
     // Exported operations.
-     * Returns this date-time attribute's {@code java.util.Date}
-     * value.
-     * @return the Date.
+     * Returns this date-time attribute's {@code java.util.Date} value.
+     *
+     * @return the {@code Date}
     public Date getValue() {
         return new Date (value.getTime());
@@ -102,20 +101,16 @@
      * Returns whether this date-time attribute is equivalent to the passed in
      * object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class DateTimeSyntax.
-     * <LI>
-     * This date-time attribute's {@code java.util.Date} value and
-     * {@code object}'s {@code java.util.Date} value are
-     * equal. </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code DateTimeSyntax}.
+     *   <li>This date-time attribute's {@code java.util.Date} value and
+     *   {@code object}'s {@code java.util.Date} value are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this date-time
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this date-time
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (object != null &&
@@ -132,13 +127,11 @@
-     * Returns a string value corresponding to this date-time attribute.
-     * The string value is just this attribute's
-     * {@code java.util.Date}  value
+     * Returns a string value corresponding to this date-time attribute. The
+     * string value is just this attribute's {@code java.util.Date} value
      * converted to a string.
     public String toString() {
         return "" + value;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/DocAttribute.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/DocAttribute.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,25 +23,22 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
- * Interface DocAttribute is a tagging interface which a printing attribute
- * class implements to indicate the attribute denotes a setting for a doc.
- * ("Doc" is a short, easy-to-pronounce term that means "a piece of print
- * data.") The client may include a DocAttribute in a {@code Doc}'s
- * attribute set to specify a characteristic of
- * that doc. If an attribute implements {@link PrintRequestAttribute
- * PrintRequestAttribute} as well as DocAttribute, the client may include the
- * attribute in a attribute set which specifies a print job
- * to specify a characteristic for all the docs in that job.
+ * Interface {@code DocAttribute} is a tagging interface which a printing
+ * attribute class implements to indicate the attribute denotes a setting for a
+ * doc. ("Doc" is a short, easy-to-pronounce term that means "a piece of print
+ * data.") The client may include a {@code DocAttribute} in a {@code Doc}'s
+ * attribute set to specify a characteristic of that doc. If an attribute
+ * implements {@link PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute} as well as
+ * {@code DocAttribute}, the client may include the attribute in a attribute set
+ * which specifies a print job to specify a characteristic for all the docs in
+ * that job.
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
  * @see DocAttributeSet
  * @see PrintRequestAttributeSet
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
 public interface DocAttribute extends Attribute {
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/DocAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/DocAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,88 +23,70 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
- * Interface DocAttributeSet specifies the interface for a set of doc
- * attributes, i.e. printing attributes that implement interface {@link
- * DocAttribute DocAttribute}. In the Print Service API, the client uses a
- * DocAttributeSet to specify the characteristics of an individual doc and
- * the print job settings to be applied to an individual doc.
- * <P>
- * A DocAttributeSet is just an {@link AttributeSet AttributeSet} whose
+ * Interface {@code DocAttributeSet} specifies the interface for a set of doc
+ * attributes, i.e. printing attributes that implement interface
+ * {@link DocAttribute DocAttribute}. In the Print Service API, the client uses
+ * a {@code DocAttributeSet} to specify the characteristics of an individual doc
+ * and the print job settings to be applied to an individual doc.
+ * <p>
+ * A {@code DocAttributeSet} is just an {@link AttributeSet AttributeSet} whose
  * constructors and mutating operations guarantee an additional invariant,
- * namely that all attribute values in the DocAttributeSet must be instances
- * of interface {@link DocAttribute DocAttribute}.
- * The {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}, and
- * {@link #addAll(AttributeSet) addAll(AttributeSet)} operations
- * are respecified below to guarantee this additional invariant.
+ * namely that all attribute values in the {@code DocAttributeSet} must be
+ * instances of interface {@link DocAttribute DocAttribute}. The
+ * {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}, and
+ * {@link #addAll(AttributeSet) addAll(AttributeSet)} operations are respecified
+ * below to guarantee this additional invariant.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public interface DocAttributeSet extends AttributeSet {
      * Adds the specified attribute value to this attribute set if it is not
-     * already present, first removing any existing value in the same
-     * attribute category as the specified attribute value (optional
-     * operation).
-     *
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value to be added to this attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of
-     *          the call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a
-     *          member of this attribute set.
+     * already present, first removing any existing value in the same attribute
+     * category as the specified attribute value (optional operation).
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not
-     *     support the {@code add()} operation.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code attribute} is
-     *     not an instance of interface
-     *     {@link DocAttribute DocAttribute}.
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *    (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code attribute} is null.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to be added to this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a member of
+     *         this attribute set
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code add()} operation
+     * @throws ClassCastException if the {@code attribute} is not an instance of
+     *         interface {@link DocAttribute DocAttribute}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code attribute} is {@code null}
     public boolean add(Attribute attribute);
-     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute.
-     * The outcome is  the same as if the
-     * {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}
-     * operation had been applied to this attribute set successively with
-     * each element from the specified set. If none of the categories in the
-     * specified set  are the same as any categories in this attribute set,
-     * the {@code addAll()} operation effectively modifies this attribute
-     * set so that its value is the <i>union</i> of the two sets.
-     * <P>
-     * The behavior of the {@code addAll()} operation is unspecified if
-     * the specified set is modified while the operation is in progress.
-     * <P>
-     * If the {@code addAll()} operation throws an exception, the effect
-     * on this attribute set's state is implementation dependent; elements
-     * from the specified set before the point of the exception may or
-     * may not have been added to this attribute set.
+     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute. The
+     * outcome is the same as if the {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}
+     * operation had been applied to this attribute set successively with each
+     * element from the specified set. If none of the categories in the
+     * specified set are the same as any categories in this attribute set, the
+     * {@code addAll()} operation effectively modifies this attribute set so
+     * that its value is the <i>union</i> of the two sets.
+     * <p>
+     * The behavior of the {@code addAll()} operation is unspecified if the
+     * specified set is modified while the operation is in progress.
+     * <p>
+     * If the {@code addAll()} operation throws an exception, the effect on this
+     * attribute set's state is implementation dependent; elements from the
+     * specified set before the point of the exception may or may not have been
+     * added to this attribute set.
-     * @param  attributes  whose elements are to be added to this attribute
-     *            set.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of
-     *          the call.
-     *
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not
-     *     support the {@code addAll()} method.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if some element in the specified
-     *     set is not an instance of interface {@link DocAttribute
-     *     DocAttribute}.
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if the specified  set is null.
-     *
+     * @param  attributes whose elements are to be added to this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code addAll()} method
+     * @throws ClassCastException if some element in the specified set is not an
+     *         instance of interface {@link DocAttribute DocAttribute}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified set is {@code null}
      * @see #add(Attribute)
-   public boolean addAll(AttributeSet attributes);
+    public boolean addAll(AttributeSet attributes);
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/EnumSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/EnumSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
 import java.io.InvalidObjectException;
@@ -31,11 +30,13 @@
 import java.io.Serializable;
- * Class EnumSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common
+ * Class {@code EnumSyntax} is an abstract base class providing the common
  * implementation of all "type safe enumeration" objects. An enumeration class
- * (which extends class EnumSyntax) provides a group of enumeration values
- * (objects) that are singleton instances of the enumeration class; for example:
- * <PRE>
+ * (which extends class {@code EnumSyntax}) provides a group of enumeration
+ * values (objects) that are singleton instances of the enumeration class; for
+ * example:
+ *
+ * <pre>
  *     public class Bach extends EnumSyntax {
  *         public static final Bach JOHANN_SEBASTIAN     = new Bach(0);
  *         public static final Bach WILHELM_FRIEDEMANN   = new Bach(1);
@@ -67,51 +68,54 @@
  *             return enumValueTable;
  *         }
  *     }
- * </PRE>
- * You can then write code that uses the {@code ==} and {@code !=}
- * operators to test enumeration values; for example:
- * <PRE>
+ * </pre>
+ * You can then write code that uses the {@code ==} and {@code !=} operators to
+ * test enumeration values; for example:
+ * <pre>
  *     Bach theComposer;
  *     . . .
  *     if (theComposer == Bach.JOHANN_SEBASTIAN) {
  *         System.out.println ("The greatest composer of all time!");
  *     }
- * </PRE>
- * The {@code equals()} method for an enumeration class just does a test
- * for identical objects ({@code ==}).
- * <P>
- * You can convert an enumeration value to a string by calling {@link
- * #toString() toString()}. The string is obtained from a table
- * supplied by the enumeration class.
- * <P>
+ * </pre>
+ * The {@code equals()} method for an enumeration class just does a test for
+ * identical objects ({@code ==}).
+ * <p>
+ * You can convert an enumeration value to a string by calling
+ * {@link #toString() toString()}. The string is obtained from a table supplied
+ * by the enumeration class.
+ * <p>
  * Under the hood, an enumeration value is just an integer, a different integer
  * for each enumeration value within an enumeration class. You can get an
- * enumeration value's integer value by calling {@link #getValue()
- * getValue()}. An enumeration value's integer value is established
- * when it is constructed (see {@link #EnumSyntax(int)
- * EnumSyntax(int)}). Since the constructor is protected, the only
- * possible enumeration values are the singleton objects declared in the
- * enumeration class; additional enumeration values cannot be created at run
- * time.
- * <P>
+ * enumeration value's integer value by calling {@link #getValue() getValue()}.
+ * An enumeration value's integer value is established when it is constructed
+ * (see {@link #EnumSyntax(int) EnumSyntax(int)}). Since the constructor is
+ * protected, the only possible enumeration values are the singleton objects
+ * declared in the enumeration class; additional enumeration values cannot be
+ * created at run time.
+ * <p>
  * You can define a subclass of an enumeration class that extends it with
  * additional enumeration values. The subclass's enumeration values' integer
  * values need not be distinct from the superclass's enumeration values' integer
- * values; the {@code ==}, {@code !=}, {@code equals()}, and
- * {@code toString()} methods will still work properly even if the subclass
- * uses some of the same integer values as the superclass. However, the
- * application in which the enumeration class and subclass are used may need to
- * have distinct integer values in the superclass and subclass.
+ * values; the {@code ==}, {@code !=}, {@code equals()}, and {@code toString()}
+ * methods will still work properly even if the subclass uses some of the same
+ * integer values as the superclass. However, the application in which the
+ * enumeration class and subclass are used may need to have distinct integer
+ * values in the superclass and subclass.
- * @author  David Mendenhall
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author David Mendenhall
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public abstract class EnumSyntax implements Serializable, Cloneable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -2739521845085831642L;
      * This enumeration value's integer value.
+     *
      * @serial
     private int value;
@@ -119,7 +123,7 @@
      * Construct a new enumeration value with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected EnumSyntax(int value) {
         this.value = value;
@@ -127,6 +131,7 @@
      * Returns this enumeration value's integer value.
+     *
      * @return the value
     public int getValue() {
@@ -167,22 +172,20 @@
      * During object input, convert this deserialized enumeration instance to
      * the proper enumeration value defined in the enumeration attribute class.
-     * @return  The enumeration singleton value stored at index
-     *          <I>i</I>-<I>L</I> in the enumeration value table returned by
-     *          {@link #getEnumValueTable() getEnumValueTable()},
-     *          where <I>i</I> is this enumeration value's integer value and
-     *          <I>L</I> is the value returned by {@link #getOffset()
-     *          getOffset()}.
-     *
+     * @return The enumeration singleton value stored at index <i>i</i>-<i>L</i>
+     *         in the enumeration value table returned by
+     *         {@link #getEnumValueTable() getEnumValueTable()}, where <i>i</i>
+     *         is this enumeration value's integer value and <i>L</i> is the
+     *         value returned by {@link #getOffset() getOffset()}
      * @throws ObjectStreamException if the stream can't be deserialised
-     * @throws  InvalidObjectException
-     *     Thrown if the enumeration value table is null, this enumeration
-     *     value's integer value does not correspond to an element in the
-     *     enumeration value table, or the corresponding element in the
-     *     enumeration value table is null. (Note: {@link
-     *     java.io.InvalidObjectException InvalidObjectException} is a subclass
-     *     of {@link java.io.ObjectStreamException ObjectStreamException}, which
-     *     {@code readResolve()} is declared to throw.)
+     * @throws InvalidObjectException if the enumeration value table is
+     *         {@code null}, this enumeration value's integer value does not
+     *         correspond to an element in the enumeration value table, or the
+     *         corresponding element in the enumeration value table is
+     *         {@code null}. (Note:
+     *         {@link InvalidObjectException InvalidObjectException} is a
+     *         subclass of {@link ObjectStreamException ObjectStreamException},
+     *         which {@code readResolve()} is declared to throw.)
     protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException {
@@ -218,20 +221,21 @@
      * Returns the string table for this enumeration value's enumeration class.
      * The enumeration class's integer values are assumed to lie in the range
-     * <I>L</I>..<I>L</I>+<I>N</I>-1, where <I>L</I> is the value returned by
-     * {@link #getOffset() getOffset()} and <I>N</I> is the length
-     * of the string table. The element in the string table at index
-     * <I>i</I>-<I>L</I> is the value returned by {@link #toString()
-     * toString()} for the enumeration value whose integer value
-     * is <I>i</I>. If an integer within the above range is not used by any
-     * enumeration value, leave the corresponding table element null.
-     * <P>
-     * The default implementation returns null. If the enumeration class (a
-     * subclass of class EnumSyntax) does not override this method to return a
-     * non-null string table, and the subclass does not override the {@link
-     * #toString() toString()} method, the base class {@link
-     * #toString() toString()} method will return just a string
+     * <i>L</i>..<i>L</i>+<i>N</i>-1, where <i>L</i> is the value returned by
+     * {@link #getOffset() getOffset()} and <i>N</i> is the length of the string
+     * table. The element in the string table at index <i>i</i>-<i>L</i> is the
+     * value returned by {@link #toString() toString()} for the enumeration
+     * value whose integer value is <i>i</i>. If an integer within the above
+     * range is not used by any enumeration value, leave the corresponding table
+     * element {@code null}.
+     * <p>
+     * The default implementation returns {@code null}. If the enumeration class
+     * (a subclass of class {@code EnumSyntax}) does not override this method to
+     * return a {@code non-null} string table, and the subclass does not
+     * override the {@link #toString() toString()} method, the base class
+     * {@link #toString() toString()} method will return just a string
      * representation of this enumeration value's integer value.
+     *
      * @return the string table
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
@@ -241,23 +245,24 @@
      * Returns the enumeration value table for this enumeration value's
      * enumeration class. The enumeration class's integer values are assumed to
-     * lie in the range <I>L</I>..<I>L</I>+<I>N</I>-1, where <I>L</I> is the
-     * value returned by {@link #getOffset() getOffset()} and
-     * <I>N</I> is the length of the enumeration value table. The element in the
-     * enumeration value table at index <I>i</I>-<I>L</I> is the enumeration
-     * value object whose integer value is <I>i</I>; the {@link #readResolve()
-     * readResolve()} method needs this to preserve singleton
-     * semantics during deserialization of an enumeration instance. If an
-     * integer within the above range is not used by any enumeration value,
-     * leave the corresponding table element null.
-     * <P>
-     * The default implementation returns null. If the enumeration class (a
-     * subclass of class EnumSyntax) does not override this method to return
-     * a non-null enumeration value table, and the subclass does not override
-     * the {@link #readResolve() readResolve()} method, the base
-     * class {@link #readResolve() readResolve()} method will throw
-     * an exception whenever an enumeration instance is deserialized from an
-     * object input stream.
+     * lie in the range <i>L</i>..<i>L</i>+<i>N</i>-1, where <i>L</i> is the
+     * value returned by {@link #getOffset() getOffset()} and <i>N</i> is the
+     * length of the enumeration value table. The element in the enumeration
+     * value table at index <i>i</i>-<i>L</i> is the enumeration value object
+     * whose integer value is <i>i</i>; the {@link #readResolve() readResolve()}
+     * method needs this to preserve singleton semantics during deserialization
+     * of an enumeration instance. If an integer within the above range is not
+     * used by any enumeration value, leave the corresponding table element
+     * {@code null}.
+     * <p>
+     * The default implementation returns {@code null}. If the enumeration class
+     * (a subclass of class EnumSyntax) does not override this method to return
+     * a {@code non-null} enumeration value table, and the subclass does not
+     * override the {@link #readResolve() readResolve()} method, the base class
+     * {@link #readResolve() readResolve()} method will throw an exception
+     * whenever an enumeration instance is deserialized from an object input
+     * stream.
+     *
      * @return the value table
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
@@ -267,14 +272,14 @@
      * Returns the lowest integer value used by this enumeration value's
      * enumeration class.
-     * <P>
+     * <p>
      * The default implementation returns 0. If the enumeration class (a
-     * subclass of class EnumSyntax) uses integer values starting at other than
-     * 0, override this method in the subclass.
-     * @return the offset of the lowest enumeration value.
+     * subclass of class {@code EnumSyntax}) uses integer values starting at
+     * other than 0, override this method in the subclass.
+     *
+     * @return the offset of the lowest enumeration value
     protected int getOffset() {
         return 0;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/HashAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/HashAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -32,37 +32,42 @@
 import java.util.HashMap;
- * Class HashAttributeSet provides an {@code AttributeSet}
+ * Class {@code HashAttributeSet} provides an {@code AttributeSet}
  * implementation with characteristics of a hash map.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class HashAttributeSet implements AttributeSet, Serializable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 5311560590283707917L;
      * The interface of which all members of this attribute set must be an
-     * instance. It is assumed to be interface {@link Attribute Attribute}
-     * or a subinterface thereof.
+     * instance. It is assumed to be interface {@link Attribute Attribute} or a
+     * subinterface thereof.
+     *
      * @serial
     private Class<?> myInterface;
-    /*
-     * A HashMap used by the implementation.
-     * The serialised form doesn't include this instance variable.
+    /**
+     * A {@code HashMap} used by the implementation. The serialised form doesn't
+     * include this instance variable.
     private transient HashMap<Class<?>, Attribute> attrMap = new HashMap<>();
-     * Write the instance to a stream (ie serialize the object)
+     * Write the instance to a stream (ie serialize the object).
-     * @serialData
-     * The serialized form of an attribute set explicitly writes the
-     * number of attributes in the set, and each of the attributes.
-     * This does not guarantee equality of serialized forms since
-     * the order in which the attributes are written is not defined.
+     * @param  s the output stream
+     * @throws IOException if an I/O exception has occurred
+     * @serialData The serialized form of an attribute set explicitly writes the
+     *             number of attributes in the set, and each of the attributes.
+     *             This does not guarantee equality of serialized forms since
+     *             the order in which the attributes are written is not defined.
     private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {
@@ -76,6 +81,10 @@
      * Reconstitute an instance from a stream that is, deserialize it).
+     *
+     * @param  s the input stream
+     * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class is not found
+     * @throws IOException if an I/O exception has occurred
     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
         throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
@@ -98,59 +107,51 @@
-     * Construct a new attribute set,
-     * initially populated with the given attribute.
+     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the given
+     * attribute.
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value to add to the set.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code attribute} is null.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to add to the set
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attribute} is {@code null}
     public HashAttributeSet(Attribute attribute) {
         this (attribute, Attribute.class);
-     * Construct a new attribute set,
-     * initially populated with the values from the
-     * given array. The new attribute set is populated by
-     * adding the elements of {@code attributes} array to the set in
-     * sequence, starting at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace
-     * earlier array elements if the array contains duplicate attribute
-     * values or attribute categories.
+     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the values from
+     * the given array. The new attribute set is populated by adding the
+     * elements of {@code attributes} array to the set in sequence, starting at
+     * index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace earlier array elements if
+     * the array contains duplicate attribute values or attribute categories.
-     * @param  attributes  Array of attribute values to add to the set.
-     *                    If null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if any element of
-     *     {@code attributes} is null.
+     * @param  attributes array of attribute values to add to the set. If
+     *         {@code null}, an empty attribute set is constructed.
+     * @throws NullPointerException if any element of {@code attributes} is
+     *         {@code null}
     public HashAttributeSet(Attribute[] attributes) {
         this (attributes, Attribute.class);
-     * Construct a new attribute set,
-     * initially populated with the values from the  given set.
+     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the values from
+     * the given set.
-     * @param  attributes Set of attributes from which to initialise this set.
-     *                 If null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
-     *
+     * @param  attributes set of attributes from which to initialise this set.
+     *         If {@code null}, an empty attribute set is constructed.
     public HashAttributeSet(AttributeSet attributes) {
         this (attributes, Attribute.class);
-     * Construct a new, empty attribute set, where the members of
-     * the attribute set are restricted to the given interface.
+     * Construct a new, empty attribute set, where the members of the attribute
+     * set are restricted to the given interface.
-     * @param  interfaceName  The interface of which all members of this
-     *                     attribute set must be an instance. It is assumed to
-     *                     be interface {@link Attribute Attribute} or a
-     *                     subinterface thereof.
-     * @exception NullPointerException if interfaceName is null.
+     * @param  interfaceName the interface of which all members of this
+     *         attribute set must be an instance. It is assumed to be interface
+     *         {@link Attribute Attribute} or a subinterface thereof.
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code interfaceName} is {@code null}
     protected HashAttributeSet(Class<?> interfaceName) {
         if (interfaceName == null) {
@@ -164,18 +165,14 @@
      * attribute, where the members of the attribute set are restricted to the
      * given interface.
-     * @param  attribute      Attribute value to add to the set.
-     * @param  interfaceName  The interface of which all members of this
-     *                    attribute set must be an instance. It is assumed to
-     *                    be interface {@link Attribute Attribute} or a
-     *                    subinterface thereof.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code attribute} is null.
-     * @exception NullPointerException if interfaceName is null.
-     * @exception  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code attribute} is not an
-     *     instance of {@code interfaceName}.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to add to the set
+     * @param  interfaceName the interface of which all members of this
+     *         attribute set must be an instance. It is assumed to be interface
+     *         {@link Attribute Attribute} or a subinterface thereof.
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attribute} or
+     *         {@code interfaceName} are {@code null}
+     * @throws ClassCastException if {@code attribute} is not an instance of
+     *         {@code interfaceName}
     protected HashAttributeSet(Attribute attribute, Class<?> interfaceName) {
         if (interfaceName == null) {
@@ -186,29 +183,22 @@
-     * Construct a new attribute set, where the members of the attribute
-     * set are restricted to the given interface.
-     * The new attribute set is populated
-     * by adding the elements of {@code attributes} array to the set in
-     * sequence, starting at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace
-     * earlier array elements if the array contains duplicate attribute
-     * values or attribute categories.
+     * Construct a new attribute set, where the members of the attribute set are
+     * restricted to the given interface. The new attribute set is populated by
+     * adding the elements of {@code attributes} array to the set in sequence,
+     * starting at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace earlier array
+     * elements if the array contains duplicate attribute values or attribute
+     * categories.
-     * @param  attributes Array of attribute values to add to the set. If
-     *                    null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
-     * @param  interfaceName  The interface of which all members of this
-     *                    attribute set must be an instance. It is assumed to
-     *                    be interface {@link Attribute Attribute} or a
-     *                    subinterface thereof.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if any element of
-     * {@code attributes} is null.
-     * @exception NullPointerException if interfaceName is null.
-     * @exception  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if any element of
-     * {@code attributes} is not an instance of
-     * {@code interfaceName}.
+     * @param  attributes array of attribute values to add to the set. If
+     *         {@code null}, an empty attribute set is constructed.
+     * @param  interfaceName the interface of which all members of this
+     *         attribute set must be an instance. It is assumed to be interface
+     *         {@link Attribute Attribute} or a subinterface thereof.
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code interfaceName} is {@code null}, or
+     *         if any element of {@code attributes} is {@code null}
+     * @throws ClassCastException if any element of {@code attributes} is not an
+     *         instance of {@code interfaceName}
     protected HashAttributeSet(Attribute[] attributes, Class<?> interfaceName) {
         if (interfaceName == null) {
@@ -222,21 +212,17 @@
-     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the
-     * values from the  given set where the members of the attribute
-     * set are restricted to the given interface.
+     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the values from
+     * the given set where the members of the attribute set are restricted to
+     * the given interface.
      * @param  attributes set of attribute values to initialise the set. If
-     *                    null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
-     * @param  interfaceName  The interface of which all members of this
-     *                    attribute set must be an instance. It is assumed to
-     *                    be interface {@link Attribute Attribute} or a
-     *                    subinterface thereof.
-     *
-     * @exception  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if any element of
-     * {@code attributes} is not an instance of
-     * {@code interfaceName}.
+     *         {@code null}, an empty attribute set is constructed.
+     * @param  interfaceName The interface of which all members of this
+     *         attribute set must be an instance. It is assumed to be interface
+     *         {@link Attribute Attribute} or a subinterface thereof.
+     * @throws ClassCastException if any element of {@code attributes} is not an
+     *         instance of {@code interfaceName}
     protected HashAttributeSet(AttributeSet attributes, Class<?> interfaceName) {
       myInterface = interfaceName;
@@ -251,26 +237,19 @@
      * Returns the attribute value which this attribute set contains in the
-     * given attribute category. Returns {@code null} if this attribute set
-     * does not contain any attribute value in the given attribute category.
-     *
-     * @param  category  Attribute category whose associated attribute value
-     *                   is to be returned. It must be a
-     *                   {@link java.lang.Class Class}
-     *                   that implements interface {@link Attribute
-     *                   Attribute}.
+     * given attribute category. Returns {@code null} if this attribute set does
+     * not contain any attribute value in the given attribute category.
-     * @return  The attribute value in the given attribute category contained
-     *          in this attribute set, or {@code null} if this attribute set
-     *          does not contain any attribute value in the given attribute
-     *          category.
-     *
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code category} is null.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code category} is not a
-     *     {@link java.lang.Class Class} that implements interface {@link
-     *     Attribute Attribute}.
+     * @param  category attribute category whose associated attribute value is
+     *         to be returned. It must be a {@link Class Class} that implements
+     *         interface {@link Attribute Attribute}.
+     * @return the attribute value in the given attribute category contained in
+     *         this attribute set, or {@code null} if this attribute set does
+     *         not contain any attribute value in the given attribute category
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code category} is {@code null}
+     * @throws ClassCastException if the {@code category} is not a
+     *         {@link Class Class} that implements interface
+     *         {@link Attribute Attribute}
     public Attribute get(Class<?> category) {
         return attrMap.get(AttributeSetUtilities.
@@ -279,21 +258,17 @@
-     * Adds the specified attribute to this attribute set if it is not
-     * already present, first removing any existing in the same
-     * attribute category as the specified attribute value.
-     *
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value to be added to this attribute set.
+     * Adds the specified attribute to this attribute set if it is not already
+     * present, first removing any existing in the same attribute category as
+     * the specified attribute value.
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
-     *          call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a
-     *          member of this attribute set.
-     *
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *    (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code attribute} is null.
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *    (unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not support
-     *     the {@code add()} operation.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to be added to this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a member of
+     *         this attribute set
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code attribute} is {@code null}
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code add()} operation
     public boolean add(Attribute attribute) {
         Object oldAttribute =
@@ -305,19 +280,15 @@
      * Removes any attribute for this category from this attribute set if
-     * present. If {@code category} is null, then
-     * {@code remove()} does nothing and returns {@code false}.
-     *
-     * @param  category Attribute category to be removed from this
-     *                  attribute set.
+     * present. If {@code category} is {@code null}, then {@code remove()} does
+     * nothing and returns {@code false}.
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     * @param  category attribute category to be removed from this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
      *         call, i.e., the given attribute category had been a member of
-     *         this attribute set.
-     *
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not
-     *     support the {@code remove()} operation.
+     *         this attribute set
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code remove()} operation
     public boolean remove(Class<?> category) {
@@ -328,19 +299,16 @@
-     * Removes the specified attribute from this attribute set if
-     * present. If {@code attribute} is null, then
-     * {@code remove()} does nothing and returns {@code false}.
-     *
-     * @param attribute Attribute value to be removed from this attribute set.
+     * Removes the specified attribute from this attribute set if present. If
+     * {@code attribute} is {@code null}, then {@code remove()} does nothing and
+     * returns {@code false}.
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
-     *         call, i.e., the given attribute value had been a member of
-     *         this attribute set.
-     *
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not
-     *     support the {@code remove()} operation.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to be removed from this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call, i.e., the given attribute value had been a member of this
+     *         attribute set
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code remove()} operation
     public boolean remove(Attribute attribute) {
@@ -349,14 +317,12 @@
-     * Returns {@code true} if this attribute set contains an
-     * attribute for the specified category.
+     * Returns {@code true} if this attribute set contains an attribute for the
+     * specified category.
-     * @param  category whose presence in this attribute set is
-     *            to be tested.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set contains an attribute
-     *         value for the specified category.
+     * @param  category whose presence in this attribute set is to be tested
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set contains an attribute value
+     *         for the specified category
     public boolean containsKey(Class<?> category) {
@@ -367,14 +333,12 @@
-     * Returns {@code true} if this attribute set contains the given
-     * attribute.
+     * Returns {@code true} if this attribute set contains the given attribute.
-     * @param  attribute  value whose presence in this attribute set is
-     *            to be tested.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set contains the given
-     *      attribute    value.
+     * @param  attribute value whose presence in this attribute set is to be
+     *         tested
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set contains the given attribute
+     *         value
     public boolean containsValue(Attribute attribute) {
@@ -384,33 +348,25 @@
-     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute.
-     * The outcome is the same as if the
-     * {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}
-     * operation had been applied to this attribute set successively with
-     * each element from the specified set.
-     * The behavior of the {@code addAll(AttributeSet)}
-     * operation is unspecified if the specified set is modified while
-     * the operation is in progress.
-     * <P>
-     * If the {@code addAll(AttributeSet)} operation throws an exception,
-     * the effect on this attribute set's state is implementation dependent;
-     * elements from the specified set before the point of the exception may
-     * or may not have been added to this attribute set.
+     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute. The
+     * outcome is the same as if the {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}
+     * operation had been applied to this attribute set successively with each
+     * element from the specified set. The behavior of the
+     * {@code addAll(AttributeSet)} operation is unspecified if the specified
+     * set is modified while the operation is in progress.
+     * <p>
+     * If the {@code addAll(AttributeSet)} operation throws an exception, the
+     * effect on this attribute set's state is implementation dependent;
+     * elements from the specified set before the point of the exception may or
+     * may not have been added to this attribute set.
-     * @param  attributes  whose elements are to be added to this attribute
-     *            set.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
-     *          call.
-     *
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *    (Unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not
-     *     support the {@code addAll(AttributeSet)} method.
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if some element in the specified
-     *     set is null, or the set is null.
-     *
+     * @param  attributes whose elements are to be added to this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code addAll(AttributeSet)} method
+     * @throws NullPointerException if some element in the specified set is
+     *         {@code null}, or the set is {@code null}
      * @see #add(Attribute)
     public boolean addAll(AttributeSet attributes) {
@@ -428,20 +384,21 @@
-     * Returns the number of attributes in this attribute set. If this
-     * attribute set contains more than {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE} elements,
-     * returns  {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}.
+     * Returns the number of attributes in this attribute set. If this attribute
+     * set contains more than {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE} elements, returns
+     * {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}.
-     * @return  The number of attributes in this attribute set.
+     * @return the number of attributes in this attribute set
     public int size() {
         return attrMap.size();
+     * Returns an array of the attributes contained in this set.
-     * @return the Attributes contained in this set as an array, zero length
-     * if the AttributeSet is empty.
+     * @return the attributes contained in this set as an array, zero length if
+     *         the {@code AttributeSet} is empty
     public Attribute[] toArray() {
         Attribute []attrs = new Attribute[size()];
@@ -449,22 +406,20 @@
         return attrs;
      * Removes all attributes from this attribute set.
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *   (unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not support
-     *     the {@code clear()} operation.
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code clear()} operation
     public void clear() {
-   /**
-     * Returns true if this attribute set contains no attributes.
+    /**
+     * Returns {@code true} if this attribute set contains no attributes.
-     * @return true if this attribute set contains no attributes.
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set contains no attributes
     public boolean isEmpty() {
         return attrMap.isEmpty();
@@ -472,18 +427,15 @@
      * Compares the specified object with this attribute set for equality.
-     * Returns {@code true} if the given object is also an attribute set and
-     * the two attribute sets contain the same attribute category-attribute
-     * value mappings. This ensures that the
-     * {@code equals()} method works properly across different
-     * implementations of the AttributeSet interface.
+     * Returns {@code true} if the given object is also an attribute set and the
+     * two attribute sets contain the same attribute category-attribute value
+     * mappings. This ensures that the {@code equals()} method works properly
+     * across different implementations of the {@code AttributeSet} interface.
-     * @param  object to be compared for equality with this attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if the specified object is equal to this
-     *       attribute   set.
+     * @param  object to be compared for equality with this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if the specified object is equal to this attribute
+     *         set
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         if (object == null || !(object instanceof AttributeSet)) {
             return false;
@@ -504,15 +456,14 @@
-     * Returns the hash code value for this attribute set.
-     * The hash code of an attribute set is defined to be the sum
-     * of the hash codes of each entry in the AttributeSet.
-     * This ensures that {@code t1.equals(t2)} implies that
-     * {@code t1.hashCode()==t2.hashCode()} for any two attribute sets
+     * Returns the hash code value for this attribute set. The hash code of an
+     * attribute set is defined to be the sum of the hash codes of each entry in
+     * the {@code AttributeSet}. This ensures that {@code t1.equals(t2)} implies
+     * that {@code t1.hashCode()==t2.hashCode()} for any two attribute sets
      * {@code t1} and {@code t2}, as required by the general contract of
-     * {@link java.lang.Object#hashCode() Object.hashCode()}.
+     * {@link Object#hashCode() Object.hashCode()}.
-     * @return  The hash code value for this attribute set.
+     * @return the hash code value for this attribute set
     public int hashCode() {
         int hcode = 0;
@@ -522,5 +473,4 @@
         return hcode;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/HashDocAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/HashDocAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,22 +23,24 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
 import java.io.Serializable;
- * Class HashDocAttributeSet provides an attribute set which
- * inherits its implementation from class {@link HashAttributeSet
- * HashAttributeSet} and enforces the semantic restrictions of interface {@link
- * DocAttributeSet DocAttributeSet}.
+ * Class {@code HashDocAttributeSet} provides an attribute set which inherits
+ * its implementation from class {@link HashAttributeSet HashAttributeSet} and
+ * enforces the semantic restrictions of interface
+ * {@link DocAttributeSet DocAttributeSet}.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class HashDocAttributeSet extends HashAttributeSet
     implements DocAttributeSet, Serializable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -1128534486061432528L;
@@ -49,53 +51,43 @@
-     * Construct a new hash doc attribute set,
-     * initially populated with the given value.
+     * Construct a new hash doc attribute set, initially populated with the
+     * given value.
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value to add to the set.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code attribute} is null.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to add to the set
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attribute} is {@code null}
     public HashDocAttributeSet(DocAttribute attribute) {
         super (attribute, DocAttribute.class);
-     * Construct a new hash doc attribute set,
-     * initially populated with the values from the given array.
-     * The new attribute set is populated by
-     * adding the elements of {@code attributes} array to the set in
-     * sequence, starting at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace
-     * earlier array elements if the array contains duplicate attribute
-     * values or attribute categories.
+     * Construct a new hash doc attribute set, initially populated with the
+     * values from the given array. The new attribute set is populated by adding
+     * the elements of {@code attributes} array to the set in sequence, starting
+     * at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace earlier array elements
+     * if the array contains duplicate attribute values or attribute categories.
-     * @param  attributes  Array of attribute values to add to the set.
-     *                     If null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *  (unchecked exception)
-     * Thrown if any element of {@code attributes} is null.
+     * @param  attributes array of attribute values to add to the set. If
+     *         {@code null}, an empty attribute set is constructed.
+     * @throws NullPointerException if any element of {@code attributes} is
+     *         {@code null}
     public HashDocAttributeSet(DocAttribute[] attributes) {
         super (attributes, DocAttribute.class);
-     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the
-     * values from the  given set where the members of the attribute set
-     * are restricted to the {@code DocAttribute} interface.
+     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the values from
+     * the given set where the members of the attribute set are restricted to
+     * the {@code DocAttribute} interface.
      * @param  attributes set of attribute values to initialise the set. If
-     *                    null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
-     *
-     * @exception  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if any element of
-     * {@code attributes} is not an instance of
-     * {@code DocAttribute}.
+     *         {@code null}, an empty attribute set is constructed.
+     * @throws ClassCastException if any element of {@code attributes} is not an
+     *         instance of {@code DocAttribute}
     public HashDocAttributeSet(DocAttributeSet attributes) {
         super(attributes, DocAttribute.class);
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/HashPrintJobAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/HashPrintJobAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,22 +23,24 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
 import java.io.Serializable;
- * Class HashPrintJobAttributeSet provides an attribute set
- * which inherits its implementation from class {@link HashAttributeSet
- * HashAttributeSet} and enforces the semantic restrictions of interface
- * {@link PrintJobAttributeSet PrintJobAttributeSet}.
+ * Class {@code HashPrintJobAttributeSet} provides an attribute set which
+ * inherits its implementation from class
+ * {@link HashAttributeSet HashAttributeSet} and enforces the semantic
+ * restrictions of interface {@link PrintJobAttributeSet PrintJobAttributeSet}.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class HashPrintJobAttributeSet extends HashAttributeSet
     implements PrintJobAttributeSet, Serializable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -4204473656070350348L;
@@ -49,49 +51,42 @@
-     * Construct a new hash print job attribute set,
-     * initially populated with the given value.
+     * Construct a new hash print job attribute set, initially populated with
+     * the given value.
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value to add to the set.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code attribute} is null.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to add to the set
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attribute} is {@code null}
     public HashPrintJobAttributeSet(PrintJobAttribute attribute) {
         super(attribute, PrintJobAttribute.class);
-     * Construct a new hash print job attribute set,
-     * initially populated with the values from the given array.
-     * The new attribute set is populated
-     * by adding the elements of {@code attributes} array to the set in
-     * sequence, starting at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace
-     * earlier array elements if the array contains duplicate attribute
-     * values or attribute categories.
+     * Construct a new hash print job attribute set, initially populated with
+     * the values from the given array. The new attribute set is populated by
+     * adding the elements of {@code attributes} array to the set in sequence,
+     * starting at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace earlier array
+     * elements if the array contains duplicate attribute values or attribute
+     * categories.
-     * @param  attributes Array of attribute values to add to the set.
-     *                    If null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException (unchecked exception)
-     * Thrown if any element of {@code attributes}  is null.
+     * @param  attributes array of attribute values to add to the set. If
+     *         {@code null}, an empty attribute set is constructed.
+     * @throws NullPointerException if any element of {@code attributes} is
+     *         {@code null}
     public HashPrintJobAttributeSet(PrintJobAttribute[] attributes) {
         super (attributes, PrintJobAttribute.class);
-     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the
-     * values from the  given set where the members of the attribute set
-     * are restricted to the {@code PrintJobAttribute} interface.
+     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the values from
+     * the given set where the members of the attribute set are restricted to
+     * the {@code PrintJobAttribute} interface.
      * @param  attributes set of attribute values to initialise the set. If
-     *                    null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
-     *
-     * @exception  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if any element of
-     * {@code attributes} is not an instance of
-     * {@code PrintJobAttribute}.
+     *         {@code null}, an empty attribute set is constructed.
+     * @throws ClassCastException if any element of {@code attributes} is not an
+     *         instance of {@code PrintJobAttribute}
     public HashPrintJobAttributeSet(PrintJobAttributeSet attributes) {
         super(attributes, PrintJobAttribute.class);
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/HashPrintRequestAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/HashPrintRequestAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,22 +23,24 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
 import java.io.Serializable;
- * Class HashPrintRequestAttributeSet inherits its implementation from
- * class {@link HashAttributeSet HashAttributeSet} and enforces the
- * semantic restrictions of interface
+ * Class {@code HashPrintRequestAttributeSet} inherits its implementation from
+ * class {@link HashAttributeSet HashAttributeSet} and enforces the semantic
+ * restrictions of interface
  * {@link PrintRequestAttributeSet PrintRequestAttributeSet}.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class HashPrintRequestAttributeSet extends HashAttributeSet
     implements PrintRequestAttributeSet, Serializable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2364756266107751933L;
@@ -49,55 +51,44 @@
-     * Construct a new print request attribute set,
-     * initially populated with the given value.
+     * Construct a new print request attribute set, initially populated with the
+     * given value.
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value to add to the set.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code attribute} is null.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to add to the set
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attribute} is {@code null}
     public HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(PrintRequestAttribute attribute) {
         super (attribute, PrintRequestAttribute.class);
-     * Construct a new print request attribute set, initially populated with
-     * the values from the given array. The new attribute set is populated
-     * by adding the elements of {@code attributes} array to the set in
-     * sequence, starting at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace
-     * earlier array elements if the array contains duplicate attribute
-     * values or attribute categories.
+     * Construct a new print request attribute set, initially populated with the
+     * values from the given array. The new attribute set is populated by adding
+     * the elements of {@code attributes} array to the set in sequence, starting
+     * at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace earlier array elements
+     * if the array contains duplicate attribute values or attribute categories.
-     * @param  attributes  Array of attribute values to add to the set.
-     *                     If null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception)
-     * Thrown if any element of {@code attributes} is null.
+     * @param  attributes array of attribute values to add to the set. If
+     *         {@code null}, an empty attribute set is constructed.
+     * @throws NullPointerException if any element of {@code attributes} is
+     *         {@code null}
     public HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(PrintRequestAttribute[] attributes) {
         super (attributes, PrintRequestAttribute.class);
-     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the
-     * values from the  given set where the members of the attribute set
-     * are restricted to the {@code (PrintRequestAttributeSe} interface.
+     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the values from
+     * the given set where the members of the attribute set are restricted to
+     * the {@code (PrintRequestAttributeSe} interface.
      * @param  attributes set of attribute values to initialise the set. If
-     *                    null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
-     *
-     * @exception  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if any element of
-     * {@code attributes} is not an instance of
-     * {@code (PrintRequestAttributeSe}.
+     *         {@code null}, an empty attribute set is constructed.
+     * @throws ClassCastException if any element of {@code attributes} is not an
+     *         instance of {@code PrintRequestAttributeSe}
     public HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes)
         super(attributes, PrintRequestAttribute.class);
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/HashPrintServiceAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/HashPrintServiceAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,16 +28,20 @@
 import java.io.Serializable;
- * Class HashPrintServiceAttributeSet provides an attribute set
- * which inherits its implementation from class {@link HashAttributeSet
- * HashAttributeSet} and enforces the semantic restrictions of interface
+ * Class {@code HashPrintServiceAttributeSet} provides an attribute set which
+ * inherits its implementation from class
+ * {@link HashAttributeSet HashAttributeSet} and enforces the semantic
+ * restrictions of interface
  * {@link PrintServiceAttributeSet PrintServiceAttributeSet}.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class HashPrintServiceAttributeSet extends HashAttributeSet
     implements PrintServiceAttributeSet, Serializable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 6642904616179203070L;
@@ -47,52 +51,42 @@
         super (PrintServiceAttribute.class);
-     * Construct a new hash print service attribute set,
-     *  initially populated with the given value.
+     * Construct a new hash print service attribute set, initially populated
+     * with the given value.
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value to add to the set.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code attribute} is null.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to add to the set
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attribute} is {@code null}
     public HashPrintServiceAttributeSet(PrintServiceAttribute attribute) {
         super (attribute, PrintServiceAttribute.class);
-     * Construct a new print service attribute set, initially populated with
-     * the values from the given array. The new attribute set is populated
-     * by adding the elements of {@code attributes} array to the set in
-     * sequence, starting at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace
-     * earlier array elements if the array contains duplicate attribute
-     * values or attribute categories.
+     * Construct a new print service attribute set, initially populated with the
+     * values from the given array. The new attribute set is populated by adding
+     * the elements of {@code attributes} array to the set in sequence, starting
+     * at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace earlier array elements
+     * if the array contains duplicate attribute values or attribute categories.
-     * @param  attributes  Array of attribute values to add to the set.
-     *                    If null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception)
-     *      Thrown if any element of {@code attributes} is null.
+     * @param  attributes array of attribute values to add to the set. If
+     *         {@code null}, an empty attribute set is constructed.
+     * @throws NullPointerException if any element of {@code attributes} is
+     *         {@code null}
     public HashPrintServiceAttributeSet(PrintServiceAttribute[] attributes) {
         super (attributes, PrintServiceAttribute.class);
-     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the
-     * values from the  given set where the members of the attribute set
-     * are restricted to the {@code PrintServiceAttribute} interface.
+     * Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the values from
+     * the given set where the members of the attribute set are restricted to
+     * the {@code PrintServiceAttribute} interface.
      * @param  attributes set of attribute values to initialise the set. If
-     *                    null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
-     *
-     * @exception  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if any element of
-     * {@code attributes} is not an instance of
-     * {@code PrintServiceAttribute}.
+     *         {@code null}, an empty attribute set is constructed.
+     * @throws ClassCastException if any element of {@code attributes} is not an
+     *         instance of {@code PrintServiceAttribute}
     public HashPrintServiceAttributeSet(PrintServiceAttributeSet attributes)
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/IntegerSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/IntegerSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,25 +28,28 @@
 import java.io.Serializable;
- * Class IntegerSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common
+ * Class {@code IntegerSyntax} is an abstract base class providing the common
  * implementation of all attributes with integer values.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * Under the hood, an integer attribute is just an integer. You can get an
- * integer attribute's integer value by calling {@link #getValue()
- * getValue()}. An integer attribute's integer value is
- * established when it is constructed (see {@link #IntegerSyntax(int)
- * IntegerSyntax(int)}). Once constructed, an integer attribute's
- * value is immutable.
+ * integer attribute's integer value by calling {@link #getValue() getValue()}.
+ * An integer attribute's integer value is established when it is constructed
+ * (see {@link #IntegerSyntax(int) IntegerSyntax(int)}). Once constructed, an
+ * integer attribute's value is immutable.
- * @author  David Mendenhall
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author David Mendenhall
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public abstract class IntegerSyntax implements Serializable, Cloneable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 3644574816328081943L;
      * This integer attribute's integer value.
+     *
      * @serial
     private int value;
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@
      * Construct a new integer attribute with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected IntegerSyntax(int value) {
         this.value = value;
@@ -64,14 +67,11 @@
      * Construct a new integer attribute with the given integer value, which
      * must lie within the given range.
-     * @param  value       Integer value.
-     * @param  lowerBound  Lower bound.
-     * @param  upperBound  Upper bound.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than
-     *     {@code lowerBound} or greater than
-     *     {@code upperBound}.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @param  lowerBound Lower bound
+     * @param  upperBound Upper bound
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is less than
+     *         {@code lowerBound} or greater than {@code upperBound}
     protected IntegerSyntax(int value, int lowerBound, int upperBound) {
         if (lowerBound > value || value > upperBound) {
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
      * Returns this integer attribute's integer value.
+     *
      * @return the integer value
     public int getValue() {
@@ -93,20 +94,16 @@
      * Returns whether this integer attribute is equivalent to the passed in
      * object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class IntegerSyntax.
-     * <LI>
-     * This integer attribute's value and {@code object}'s value are
-     * equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code IntegerSyntax}.
+     *   <li>This integer attribute's value and {@code object}'s value are
+     *   equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this integer
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this integer
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/PrintJobAttribute.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/PrintJobAttribute.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,19 +26,18 @@
 package javax.print.attribute;
- * PrintJobAttribute is a tagging interface which a printing attribute
+ * {@code PrintJobAttribute} is a tagging interface which a printing attribute
  * class implements to indicate the attribute describes the status of a Print
- * Job or some other characteristic of a Print Job. A Print Service
- * instance adds a number of PrintJobAttributes to a Print Job's attribute set
- * to report the Print Job's status. If an attribute implements {@link
- * PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute} as well as PrintJobAttribute,
- * the client may include the attribute in a attribute set to
- * specify the attribute's value for the Print Job.
+ * Job or some other characteristic of a Print Job. A Print Service instance
+ * adds a number of {@code PrintJobAttributes} to a Print Job's attribute set to
+ * report the Print Job's status. If an attribute implements
+ * {@link PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute} as well as
+ * {@code PrintJobAttribute}, the client may include the attribute in a
+ * attribute set to specify the attribute's value for the Print Job.
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
  * @see PrintRequestAttributeSet
  * @see PrintJobAttributeSet
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
 public interface PrintJobAttribute extends Attribute {
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/PrintJobAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/PrintJobAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,85 +23,69 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
- * Interface PrintJobAttributeSet specifies the interface for a set of print
- * job attributes, i.e. printing attributes that implement interface {@link
- * PrintJobAttribute PrintJobAttribute}. In the Print Service API, a
- * service uses a PrintJobAttributeSet to report the status of a print job.
- * <P>
- * A PrintJobAttributeSet is just an {@link AttributeSet AttributeSet} whose
- * constructors and mutating operations guarantee an additional invariant,
- * namely that all attribute values in the PrintJobAttributeSet must be
- * instances of interface {@link PrintJobAttribute PrintJobAttribute}.
- * The {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}, and
- * {@link #addAll(AttributeSet) >addAll(AttributeSet)} operations
- * are respecified below to guarantee this additional invariant.
+ * Interface {@code PrintJobAttributeSet} specifies the interface for a set of
+ * print job attributes, i.e. printing attributes that implement interface
+ * {@link PrintJobAttribute PrintJobAttribute}. In the Print Service API, a
+ * service uses a {@code PrintJobAttributeSet} to report the status of a print
+ * job.
+ * <p>
+ * A {@code PrintJobAttributeSet} is just an {@link AttributeSet AttributeSet}
+ * whose constructors and mutating operations guarantee an additional invariant,
+ * namely that all attribute values in the {@code PrintJobAttributeSet} must be
+ * instances of interface {@link PrintJobAttribute PrintJobAttribute}. The
+ * {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}, and
+ * {@link #addAll(AttributeSet) addAll(AttributeSet)} operations are respecified
+ * below to guarantee this additional invariant.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public interface PrintJobAttributeSet extends AttributeSet {
      * Adds the specified attribute value to this attribute set if it is not
-     * already present, first removing any existing value in the same
-     * attribute category as the specified attribute value (optional
-     * operation).
-     *
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value to be added to this attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of
-     *          the call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a
-     *          member of this attribute set.
+     * already present, first removing any existing value in the same attribute
+     * category as the specified attribute value (optional operation).
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not
-     *     support the {@code add()} operation.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code attribute} is
-     *     not an instance of interface
-     *     {@link PrintJobAttribute PrintJobAttribute}.
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *    (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code attribute} is null.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to be added to this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a member of
+     *         this attribute set
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code add()} operation
+     * @throws ClassCastException if the {@code attribute} is not an instance of
+     *         interface {@link PrintJobAttribute PrintJobAttribute}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code attribute} is {@code null}
     public boolean add(Attribute attribute);
-     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute.
-     * The outcome is  the same as if the
-     * {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}
-     * operation had been applied to this attribute set successively with
-     * each element from the specified set. If none of the categories in the
-     * specified set  are the same as any categories in this attribute set,
-     * the {@code addAll()} operation effectively modifies this attribute
-     * set so that its value is the <i>union</i> of the two sets.
-     * <P>
-     * The behavior of the {@code addAll()} operation is unspecified if
-     * the specified set is modified while the operation is in progress.
-     * <P>
-     * If the {@code addAll()} operation throws an exception, the effect
-     * on this attribute set's state is implementation dependent; elements
-     * from the specified set before the point of the exception may or
-     * may not have been added to this attribute set.
+     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute. The
+     * outcome is the same as if the {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}
+     * operation had been applied to this attribute set successively with each
+     * element from the specified set. If none of the categories in the
+     * specified set are the same as any categories in this attribute set, the
+     * {@code addAll()} operation effectively modifies this attribute set so
+     * that its value is the <i>union</i> of the two sets.
+     * <p>
+     * The behavior of the {@code addAll()} operation is unspecified if the
+     * specified set is modified while the operation is in progress.
+     * <p>
+     * If the {@code addAll()} operation throws an exception, the effect on this
+     * attribute set's state is implementation dependent; elements from the
+     * specified set before the point of the exception may or may not have been
+     * added to this attribute set.
-     * @param  attributes  whose elements are to be added to this attribute
-     *            set.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of
-     *          the call.
-     *
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not
-     *     support the {@code addAll()} method.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if some element in the specified
-     *     set is not an instance of interface {@link PrintJobAttribute
-     *     PrintJobAttribute}.
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if the specified  set is null.
-     *
+     * @param  attributes whose elements are to be added to this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code addAll()} method
+     * @throws ClassCastException if some element in the specified set is not an
+     *         instance of interface {@link PrintJobAttribute PrintJobAttribute}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified set is {@code null}
      * @see #add(Attribute)
     public boolean addAll(AttributeSet attributes);
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/PrintRequestAttribute.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/PrintRequestAttribute.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,28 +23,25 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
- * Interface PrintRequestAttribute is a tagging interface which a printing
- * attribute class implements to indicate the attribute denotes a
+ * Interface {@code PrintRequestAttribute} is a tagging interface which a
+ * printing attribute class implements to indicate the attribute denotes a
  * requested setting for a print job.
  * <p>
- * Attributes which are tagged with PrintRequestAttribute and are also tagged
- * as PrintJobAttribute, represent the subset of job attributes which
- * can be part of the specification of a job request.
+ * Attributes which are tagged with {@code PrintRequestAttribute} and are also
+ * tagged as {@code PrintJobAttribute}, represent the subset of job attributes
+ * which can be part of the specification of a job request.
  * <p>
- * If an attribute implements {@link DocAttribute  DocAttribute}
- * as well as PrintRequestAttribute, the client may include the
- * attribute in a {@code Doc}'s attribute set to specify
- * a job setting which pertains just to that doc.
+ * If an attribute implements {@link DocAttribute DocAttribute} as well as
+ * {@code PrintRequestAttribute}, the client may include the attribute in a
+ * {@code Doc}'s attribute set to specify a job setting which pertains just to
+ * that doc.
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
  * @see DocAttributeSet
  * @see PrintRequestAttributeSet
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
 public interface PrintRequestAttribute extends Attribute {
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/PrintRequestAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/PrintRequestAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,88 +23,72 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
- * Interface PrintRequestAttributeSet specifies the interface for a set of
- * print request attributes, i.e. printing attributes that implement interface
- * {@link PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute}.
- * The client uses a PrintRequestAttributeSet to specify the settings to be
- * applied to a whole print job and to all the docs in the print job.
- * <P>
- * PrintRequestAttributeSet is just an {@link AttributeSet AttributeSet} whose
- * constructors and mutating operations guarantee an additional invariant,
- * namely that all attribute values in the PrintRequestAttributeSet must be
- * instances of interface {@link PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute}.
- * The {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}, and
- * {@link #addAll(AttributeSet) addAll(AttributeSet)} operations
- * are respecified below to guarantee this additional invariant.
+ * Interface {@code PrintRequestAttributeSet} specifies the interface for a set
+ * of print request attributes, i.e. printing attributes that implement
+ * interface {@link PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute}. The client
+ * uses a {@code PrintRequestAttributeSet} to specify the settings to be applied
+ * to a whole print job and to all the docs in the print job.
+ * <p>
+ * {@code PrintRequestAttributeSet} is just an {@link AttributeSet AttributeSet}
+ * whose constructors and mutating operations guarantee an additional invariant,
+ * namely that all attribute values in the {@code PrintRequestAttributeSet} must
+ * be instances of interface
+ * {@link PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute}. The
+ * {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}, and
+ * {@link #addAll(AttributeSet) addAll(AttributeSet)} operations are respecified
+ * below to guarantee this additional invariant.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public interface PrintRequestAttributeSet extends AttributeSet {
      * Adds the specified attribute value to this attribute set if it is not
-     * already present, first removing any existing value in the same
-     * attribute category as the specified attribute value (optional
-     * operation).
-     *
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value to be added to this attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of
-     *          the call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a
-     *          member of this attribute set.
+     * already present, first removing any existing value in the same attribute
+     * category as the specified attribute value (optional operation).
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not
-     *     support the {@code add()} operation.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code attribute} is
-     *     not an instance of interface
-     *     {@link PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute}.
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code attribute} is null.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to be added to this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a member of
+     *         this attribute set
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code add()} operation
+     * @throws ClassCastException if the {@code attribute} is not an instance of
+     *         interface {@link PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code attribute} is {@code null}
     public boolean add(Attribute attribute);
-     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute.
-     * The outcome is  the same as if the
-     * {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}
-     * operation had been applied to this attribute set successively with
-     * each element from the specified set. If none of the categories in the
-     * specified set  are the same as any categories in this attribute set,
-     * the {@code addAll()} operation effectively modifies this attribute
-     * set so that its value is the <i>union</i> of the two sets.
-     * <P>
-     * The behavior of the {@code addAll()} operation is unspecified if
-     * the specified set is modified while the operation is in progress.
-     * <P>
-     * If the {@code addAll()} operation throws an exception, the effect
-     * on this attribute set's state is implementation dependent; elements
-     * from the specified set before the point of the exception may or
-     * may not have been added to this attribute set.
+     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute. The
+     * outcome is the same as if the {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}
+     * operation had been applied to this attribute set successively with each
+     * element from the specified set. If none of the categories in the
+     * specified set are the same as any categories in this attribute set, the
+     * {@code addAll()} operation effectively modifies this attribute set so
+     * that its value is the <i>union</i> of the two sets.
+     * <p>
+     * The behavior of the {@code addAll()} operation is unspecified if the
+     * specified set is modified while the operation is in progress.
+     * <p>
+     * If the {@code addAll()} operation throws an exception, the effect on this
+     * attribute set's state is implementation dependent; elements from the
+     * specified set before the point of the exception may or may not have been
+     * added to this attribute set.
-     * @param  attributes  whose elements are to be added to this attribute
-     *            set.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of
-     *          the call.
-     *
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not
-     *     support the {@code addAll()} method.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if some element in the specified
-     *     set is not an instance of interface {@link PrintRequestAttribute
-     *     PrintRequestAttribute}.
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if the specified  set is null.
-     *
+     * @param  attributes whose elements are to be added to this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code addAll()} method
+     * @throws ClassCastException if some element in the specified set is not an
+     *         instance of interface
+     *         {@link PrintRequestAttribute PrintRequestAttribute}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified set is {@code null}
      * @see #add(Attribute)
     public boolean addAll(AttributeSet attributes);
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/PrintServiceAttribute.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/PrintServiceAttribute.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,15 +26,14 @@
 package javax.print.attribute;
- * Interface PrintServiceAttribute is a tagging interface which a printing
- * attribute class implements to indicate the attribute describes the status
- * of a Print Service or some other characteristic of a Print Service. A Print
- * Service instance adds a number of PrintServiceAttributes to a Print
- * service's attribute set to report the Print Service's status.
+ * Interface {@code PrintServiceAttribute} is a tagging interface which a
+ * printing attribute class implements to indicate the attribute describes the
+ * status of a Print Service or some other characteristic of a Print Service. A
+ * Print Service instance adds a number of {@code PrintServiceAttributes} to a
+ * Print service's attribute set to report the Print Service's status.
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
  * @see PrintServiceAttributeSet
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
 public interface PrintServiceAttribute extends Attribute {
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/PrintServiceAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/PrintServiceAttributeSet.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,90 +23,71 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
- * Interface PrintServiceAttributeSet specifies the interface for a set of
- * print job attributes, i.e. printing attributes that implement interface
- * {@link
- * PrintServiceAttribute PrintServiceAttribute}. In the Print Service API,
- * the Print Service instance uses a PrintServiceAttributeSet to report the
- * status of the print service.
- * <P>
- * A PrintServiceAttributeSet is just an {@link AttributeSet AttributeSet}
- * whose constructors and mutating operations guarantee an additional
- * invariant,
- * namely that all attribute values in the PrintServiceAttributeSet must be
- * instances of interface {@link PrintServiceAttribute PrintServiceAttribute}.
- * The {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}, and
- * {@link #addAll(AttributeSet) addAll(AttributeSet)} operations
- * are respecified below to guarantee this additional invariant.
+ * Interface {@code PrintServiceAttributeSet} specifies the interface for a set
+ * of print job attributes, i.e. printing attributes that implement interface
+ * {@link PrintServiceAttribute PrintServiceAttribute}. In the Print Service
+ * API, the Print Service instance uses a {@code PrintServiceAttributeSet} to
+ * report the status of the print service.
+ * <p>
+ * A {@code PrintServiceAttributeSet} is just an
+ * {@link AttributeSet AttributeSet} whose constructors and mutating operations
+ * guarantee an additional invariant, namely that all attribute values in the
+ * {@code PrintServiceAttributeSet} must be instances of interface
+ * {@link PrintServiceAttribute PrintServiceAttribute}. The
+ * {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}, and
+ * {@link #addAll(AttributeSet) addAll(AttributeSet)} operations are respecified
+ * below to guarantee this additional invariant.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public interface PrintServiceAttributeSet extends AttributeSet {
      * Adds the specified attribute value to this attribute set if it is not
-     * already present, first removing any existing value in the same
-     * attribute category as the specified attribute value (optional
-     * operation).
-     *
-     * @param  attribute  Attribute value to be added to this attribute set.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of
-     *          the call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a
-     *          member of this attribute set.
+     * already present, first removing any existing value in the same attribute
+     * category as the specified attribute value (optional operation).
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not
-     *     support the {@code add()} operation.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code attribute} is
-     *     not an instance of interface
-     *     {@link PrintServiceAttribute PrintServiceAttribute}.
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *    (unchecked exception) Thrown if the {@code attribute} is null.
+     * @param  attribute attribute value to be added to this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a member of
+     *         this attribute set
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code add()} operation
+     * @throws ClassCastException if the {@code attribute} is not an instance of
+     *         interface {@link PrintServiceAttribute PrintServiceAttribute}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code attribute} is {@code null}
     public boolean add(Attribute attribute);
-     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute.
-     * The outcome is  the same as if the
-     * {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}
-     * operation had been applied to this attribute set successively with
-     * each element from the specified set. If none of the categories in the
-     * specified set  are the same as any categories in this attribute set,
-     * the {@code addAll()} operation effectively modifies this attribute
-     * set so that its value is the <i>union</i> of the two sets.
-     * <P>
-     * The behavior of the {@code addAll()} operation is unspecified if
-     * the specified set is modified while the operation is in progress.
-     * <P>
-     * If the {@code addAll()} operation throws an exception, the effect
-     * on this attribute set's state is implementation dependent; elements
-     * from the specified set before the point of the exception may or
-     * may not have been added to this attribute set.
+     * Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute. The
+     * outcome is the same as if the {@link #add(Attribute) add(Attribute)}
+     * operation had been applied to this attribute set successively with each
+     * element from the specified set. If none of the categories in the
+     * specified set are the same as any categories in this attribute set, the
+     * {@code addAll()} operation effectively modifies this attribute set so
+     * that its value is the <i>union</i> of the two sets.
+     * <p>
+     * The behavior of the {@code addAll()} operation is unspecified if the
+     * specified set is modified while the operation is in progress.
+     * <p>
+     * If the {@code addAll()} operation throws an exception, the effect on this
+     * attribute set's state is implementation dependent; elements from the
+     * specified set before the point of the exception may or may not have been
+     * added to this attribute set.
-     * @param  attributes  whose elements are to be added to this attribute
-     *            set.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of
-     *          the call.
-     *
-     * @throws  UnmodifiableSetException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if this attribute set does not
-     *     support the {@code addAll()} method.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if some element in the specified
-     *     set is not an instance of interface {@link PrintServiceAttribute
-     *     PrintServiceAttribute}.
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if the specified  set is null.
-     *
+     * @param  attributes whose elements are to be added to this attribute set
+     * @return {@code true} if this attribute set changed as a result of the
+     *         call
+     * @throws UnmodifiableSetException if this attribute set does not support
+     *         the {@code addAll()} method
+     * @throws ClassCastException if some element in the specified set is not an
+     *         instance of interface
+     *         {@link PrintServiceAttribute PrintServiceAttribute}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified set is {@code null}
      * @see #add(Attribute)
     public boolean addAll(AttributeSet attributes);
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/ResolutionSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/ResolutionSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,29 +23,27 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
 import java.io.Serializable;
- * Class ResolutionSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common
+ * Class {@code ResolutionSyntax} is an abstract base class providing the common
  * implementation of all attributes denoting a printer resolution.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * A resolution attribute's value consists of two items, the cross feed
  * direction resolution and the feed direction resolution. A resolution
  * attribute may be constructed by supplying the two values and indicating the
  * units in which the values are measured. Methods are provided to return a
  * resolution attribute's values, indicating the units in which the values are
  * to be returned. The two most common resolution units are dots per inch (dpi)
- * and dots per centimeter (dpcm), and exported constants {@link #DPI
- * DPI} and {@link #DPCM DPCM} are provided for
- * indicating those units.
- * <P>
+ * and dots per centimeter (dpcm), and exported constants {@link #DPI DPI} and
+ * {@link #DPCM DPCM} are provided for indicating those units.
+ * <p>
  * Once constructed, a resolution attribute's value is immutable.
- * <P>
- * <B>Design</B>
- * <P>
+ * <p>
+ * <b>Design</b>
+ * <p>
  * A resolution attribute's cross feed direction resolution and feed direction
  * resolution values are stored internally using units of dots per 100 inches
  * (dphi). Storing the values in dphi rather than, say, metric units allows
@@ -57,43 +55,47 @@
  * resolution attribute's values are created in one units and retrieved in
  * different units; for example, 600 dpi will be rounded to 236 dpcm, whereas
  * the true value (to five figures) is 236.22 dpcm.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * Storing the values internally in common units of dphi lets two resolution
  * attributes be compared without regard to the units in which they were
  * created; for example, 300 dpcm will compare equal to 762 dpi, as they both
- * are stored as 76200 dphi. In particular, a lookup service can
- * match resolution attributes based on equality of their serialized
- * representations regardless of the units in which they were created. Again,
- * using integers for internal storage allows precise equality comparisons to be
- * done, which would not be guaranteed if a floating point representation were
- * used.
- * <P>
- * The exported constant {@link #DPI DPI} is actually the
- * conversion factor by which to multiply a value in dpi to get the value in
- * dphi. Likewise, the exported constant {@link #DPCM DPCM} is the
- * conversion factor by which to multiply a value in dpcm to get the value in
- * dphi. A client can specify a resolution value in units other than dpi or dpcm
- * by supplying its own conversion factor. However, since the internal units of
- * dphi was chosen with supporting only the external units of dpi and dpcm in
- * mind, there is no guarantee that the conversion factor for the client's units
- * will be an exact integer. If the conversion factor isn't an exact integer,
- * resolution values in the client's units won't be stored precisely.
+ * are stored as 76200 dphi. In particular, a lookup service can match
+ * resolution attributes based on equality of their serialized representations
+ * regardless of the units in which they were created. Again, using integers for
+ * internal storage allows precise equality comparisons to be done, which would
+ * not be guaranteed if a floating point representation were used.
+ * <p>
+ * The exported constant {@link #DPI DPI} is actually the conversion factor by
+ * which to multiply a value in dpi to get the value in dphi. Likewise, the
+ * exported constant {@link #DPCM DPCM} is the conversion factor by which to
+ * multiply a value in dpcm to get the value in dphi. A client can specify a
+ * resolution value in units other than dpi or dpcm by supplying its own
+ * conversion factor. However, since the internal units of dphi was chosen with
+ * supporting only the external units of dpi and dpcm in mind, there is no
+ * guarantee that the conversion factor for the client's units will be an exact
+ * integer. If the conversion factor isn't an exact integer, resolution values
+ * in the client's units won't be stored precisely.
- * @author  David Mendenhall
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author David Mendenhall
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public abstract class ResolutionSyntax implements Serializable, Cloneable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2706743076526672017L;
      * Cross feed direction resolution in units of dots per 100 inches (dphi).
+     *
      * @serial
     private int crossFeedResolution;
      * Feed direction resolution in units of dots per 100 inches (dphi).
+     *
      * @serial
     private int feedResolution;
@@ -105,26 +107,20 @@
     public static final int DPI = 100;
-     * Value to indicate units of dots per centimeter (dpcm). It is actually
-     * the conversion factor by which to multiply dpcm to yield dphi (254).
+     * Value to indicate units of dots per centimeter (dpcm). It is actually the
+     * conversion factor by which to multiply dpcm to yield dphi (254).
     public static final int DPCM = 254;
      * Construct a new resolution attribute from the given items.
-     * @param  crossFeedResolution
-     *     Cross feed direction resolution.
-     * @param  feedResolution
-     *     Feed direction resolution.
-     * @param units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #DPI DPI} or
-     * {@link    #DPCM DPCM}.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code crossFeedResolution < 1}
-     *     or {@code feedResolution < 1} or {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  crossFeedResolution cross feed direction resolution
+     * @param  feedResolution feed direction resolution
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #DPI DPI} or
+     *         {@link #DPCM DPCM}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code crossFeedResolution < 1} or
+     *         {@code feedResolution < 1} or {@code units < 1}
     public ResolutionSyntax(int crossFeedResolution, int feedResolution,
                             int units) {
@@ -147,16 +143,11 @@
      * Convert a value from dphi to some other units. The result is rounded to
      * the nearest integer.
-     * @param  dphi
-     *     Value (dphi) to convert.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #DPI DPI} or
-     *     {@link #DPCM DPCM}.
-     *
-     * @return  The value of {@code dphi} converted to the desired units.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units} < 1.
+     * @param  dphi value (dphi) to convert
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #DPI DPI} or
+     *        {@link #DPCM DPCM}
+     * @return the value of {@code dphi} converted to the desired units
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
     private static int convertFromDphi(int dphi, int units) {
         if (units < 1) {
@@ -167,18 +158,14 @@
-     * Get this resolution attribute's resolution values in the given units.
-     * The values are rounded to the nearest integer.
+     * Get this resolution attribute's resolution values in the given units. The
+     * values are rounded to the nearest integer.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #DPI DPI} or
-     * {@link   #DPCM DPCM}.
-     *
-     * @return  A two-element array with the cross feed direction resolution
-     *          at index 0 and the feed direction resolution at index 1.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #DPI DPI} or
+     *         {@link #DPCM DPCM}
+     * @return a two-element array with the cross feed direction resolution at
+     *         index 0 and the feed direction resolution at index 1
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
     public int[] getResolution(int units) {
         return new int[] { getCrossFeedResolution(units),
@@ -190,14 +177,10 @@
      * Returns this resolution attribute's cross feed direction resolution in
      * the given units. The value is rounded to the nearest integer.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #DPI DPI} or
-     * {@link  #DPCM DPCM}.
-     *
-     * @return  Cross feed direction resolution.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #DPI DPI} or
+     *         {@link #DPCM DPCM}
+     * @return cross feed direction resolution
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
     public int getCrossFeedResolution(int units) {
         return convertFromDphi (crossFeedResolution, units);
@@ -207,14 +190,10 @@
      * Returns this resolution attribute's feed direction resolution in the
      * given units. The value is rounded to the nearest integer.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #DPI DPI} or {@link
-     *     #DPCM DPCM}.
-     *
-     * @return  Feed direction resolution.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #DPI DPI} or
+     *         {@link #DPCM DPCM}
+     * @return feed direction resolution
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
     public int getFeedResolution(int units) {
         return convertFromDphi (feedResolution, units);
@@ -222,22 +201,18 @@
      * Returns a string version of this resolution attribute in the given units.
-     * The string takes the form <code>"<I>C</I>x<I>F</I> <I>U</I>"</code>,
-     * where <I>C</I> is the cross feed direction resolution, <I>F</I> is the
-     * feed direction resolution, and <I>U</I> is the units name. The values are
+     * The string takes the form <code>"<i>C</i>x<i>F</i> <i>U</i>"</code>,
+     * where <i>C</i> is the cross feed direction resolution, <i>F</i> is the
+     * feed direction resolution, and <i>U</i> is the units name. The values are
      * rounded to the nearest integer.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #DPI CODE>DPI} or {@link
-     *     #DPCM DPCM}.
-     * @param  unitsName
-     *     Units name string, e.g. {@code "dpi"} or {@code "dpcm"}. If
-     *     null, no units name is appended to the result.
-     *
-     * @return  String version of this resolution attribute.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #DPI CODE>DPI} or
+     *         {@link #DPCM DPCM}
+     * @param  unitsName units name string, e.g. {@code "dpi"} or
+     *         {@code "dpcm"}. If {@code null}, no units name is appended to the
+     *         result.
+     * @return string version of this resolution attribute
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
     public String toString(int units, String unitsName) {
         StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
@@ -251,54 +226,43 @@
         return result.toString();
-     * Determine whether this resolution attribute's value is less than or
-     * equal to the given resolution attribute's value. This is true if all
-     * of the following conditions are true:
-     * <UL>
-     * <LI>
-     * This attribute's cross feed direction resolution is less than or equal to
-     * the {@code other} attribute's cross feed direction resolution.
-     * <LI>
-     * This attribute's feed direction resolution is less than or equal to the
-     * {@code other} attribute's feed direction resolution.
-     * </UL>
+     * Determine whether this resolution attribute's value is less than or equal
+     * to the given resolution attribute's value. This is true if all of the
+     * following conditions are true:
+     * <ul>
+     *   <li>This attribute's cross feed direction resolution is less than or
+     *   equal to the {@code other} attribute's cross feed direction resolution.
+     *   <li>This attribute's feed direction resolution is less than or equal to
+     *   the {@code other} attribute's feed direction resolution.
+     * </ul>
-     * @param  other  Resolution attribute to compare with.
-     *
-     * @return  True if this resolution attribute is less than or equal to the
-     *          {@code other} resolution attribute, false otherwise.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code other} is null.
+     * @param  other resolution attribute to compare with
+     * @return {@code true} if this resolution attribute is less than or equal
+     *         to the {@code other} resolution attribute, {@code false}
+     *         otherwise
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code other} is {@code null}
     public boolean lessThanOrEquals(ResolutionSyntax other) {
         return (this.crossFeedResolution <= other.crossFeedResolution &&
                 this.feedResolution <= other.feedResolution);
      * Returns whether this resolution attribute is equivalent to the passed in
      * object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class ResolutionSyntax.
-     * <LI>
-     * This attribute's cross feed direction resolution is equal to
-     * {@code object}'s cross feed direction resolution.
-     * <LI>
-     * This attribute's feed direction resolution is equal to
-     * {@code object}'s feed direction resolution.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code ResolutionSyntax}.
+     *   <li>This attribute's cross feed direction resolution is equal to
+     *   {@code object}'s cross feed direction resolution.
+     *   <li>This attribute's feed direction resolution is equal to
+     *   {@code object}'s feed direction resolution.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this resolution
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this resolution
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
@@ -320,8 +284,8 @@
      * Returns a string version of this resolution attribute. The string takes
-     * the form <code>"<I>C</I>x<I>F</I> dphi"</code>, where <I>C</I> is the
-     * cross feed direction resolution and <I>F</I> is the feed direction
+     * the form <code>"<i>C</i>x<i>F</i> dphi"</code>, where <i>C</i> is the
+     * cross feed direction resolution and <i>F</i> is the feed direction
      * resolution. The values are reported in the internal units of dphi.
     public String toString() {
@@ -333,25 +297,23 @@
         return result.toString();
      * Returns this resolution attribute's cross feed direction resolution in
      * units of dphi. (For use in a subclass.)
-     * @return  Cross feed direction resolution.
+     * @return cross feed direction resolution
     protected int getCrossFeedResolutionDphi() {
         return crossFeedResolution;
-     * Returns this resolution attribute's feed direction resolution in units
-     * of dphi. (For use in a subclass.)
+     * Returns this resolution attribute's feed direction resolution in units of
+     * dphi. (For use in a subclass.)
-     * @return  Feed direction resolution.
+     * @return feed direction resolution
     protected int getFeedResolutionDphi() {
         return feedResolution;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/SetOfIntegerSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/SetOfIntegerSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,82 +23,82 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
 import java.io.Serializable;
 import java.util.Vector;
- * Class SetOfIntegerSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common
- * implementation of all attributes whose value is a set of nonnegative
+ * Class {@code SetOfIntegerSyntax} is an abstract base class providing the
+ * common implementation of all attributes whose value is a set of nonnegative
  * integers. This includes attributes whose value is a single range of integers
  * and attributes whose value is a set of ranges of integers.
- * <P>
- * You can construct an instance of SetOfIntegerSyntax by giving it in "string
- * form." The string consists of zero or more comma-separated integer groups.
- * Each integer group consists of either one integer, two integers separated by
- * a hyphen ({@code -}), or two integers separated by a colon
- * ({@code :}). Each integer consists of one or more decimal digits
- * ({@code 0} through {@code 9}). Whitespace characters cannot
- * appear within an integer but are otherwise ignored. For example:
- * {@code ""}, {@code "1"}, {@code "5-10"}, {@code "1:2, 4"}.
- * <P>
- * You can also construct an instance of SetOfIntegerSyntax by giving it in
- * "array form." Array form consists of an array of zero or more integer groups
- * where each integer group is a length-1 or length-2 array of
- * {@code int}s; for example, {@code int[0][]},
- * {@code int[][]{{1}}}, {@code int[][]{{5,10}}},
- * {@code int[][]{{1,2},{4}}}.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
+ * You can construct an instance of {@code SetOfIntegerSyntax} by giving it in
+ * "string form." The string consists of zero or more comma-separated integer
+ * groups. Each integer group consists of either one integer, two integers
+ * separated by a hyphen ({@code -}), or two integers separated by a colon
+ * ({@code :}). Each integer consists of one or more decimal digits ({@code 0}
+ * through {@code 9}). Whitespace characters cannot appear within an integer but
+ * are otherwise ignored. For example: {@code ""}, {@code "1"}, {@code "5-10"},
+ * {@code "1:2, 4"}.
+ * <p>
+ * You can also construct an instance of {@code SetOfIntegerSyntax} by giving it
+ * in "array form." Array form consists of an array of zero or more integer
+ * groups where each integer group is a length-1 or length-2 array of
+ * {@code int}s; for example, {@code int[0][]}, {@code int[][]{{1}}},
+ * {@code int[][]{{5,10}}}, {@code int[][]{{1,2},{4}}}.
+ * <p>
  * In both string form and array form, each successive integer group gives a
  * range of integers to be included in the set. The first integer in each group
  * gives the lower bound of the range; the second integer in each group gives
  * the upper bound of the range; if there is only one integer in the group, the
  * upper bound is the same as the lower bound. If the upper bound is less than
- * the lower bound, it denotes a null range (no values). If the upper bound is
- * equal to the lower bound, it denotes a range consisting of a single value. If
- * the upper bound is greater than the lower bound, it denotes a range
+ * the lower bound, it denotes a {@code null} range (no values). If the upper
+ * bound is equal to the lower bound, it denotes a range consisting of a single
+ * value. If the upper bound is greater than the lower bound, it denotes a range
  * consisting of more than one value. The ranges may appear in any order and are
  * allowed to overlap. The union of all the ranges gives the set's contents.
- * Once a SetOfIntegerSyntax instance is constructed, its value is immutable.
- * <P>
- * The SetOfIntegerSyntax object's value is actually stored in "<I>canonical</I>
- * array form." This is the same as array form, except there are no null ranges;
- * the members of the set are represented in as few ranges as possible (i.e.,
- * overlapping ranges are coalesced); the ranges appear in ascending order; and
- * each range is always represented as a length-two array of {@code int}s
- * in the form {lower bound, upper bound}. An empty set is represented as a
- * zero-length array.
- * <P>
- * Class SetOfIntegerSyntax has operations to return the set's members in
- * canonical array form, to test whether a given integer is a member of the
+ * Once a {@code SetOfIntegerSyntax} instance is constructed, its value is
+ * immutable.
+ * <p>
+ * The {@code SetOfIntegerSyntax} object's value is actually stored in
+ * "<i>canonical</i> array form." This is the same as array form, except there
+ * are no {@code null} ranges; the members of the set are represented in as few
+ * ranges as possible (i.e., overlapping ranges are coalesced); the ranges
+ * appear in ascending order; and each range is always represented as a
+ * length-two array of {@code int}s in the form {lower bound, upper bound}. An
+ * empty set is represented as a zero-length array.
+ * <p>
+ * Class {@code SetOfIntegerSyntax} has operations to return the set's members
+ * in canonical array form, to test whether a given integer is a member of the
  * set, and to iterate through the members of the set.
- * @author  David Mendenhall
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author David Mendenhall
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public abstract class SetOfIntegerSyntax implements Serializable, Cloneable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 3666874174847632203L;
      * This set's members in canonical array form.
+     *
      * @serial
     private int[][] members;
-     * Construct a new set-of-integer attribute with the given members in
-     * string form.
+     * Construct a new set-of-integer attribute with the given members in string
+     * form.
-     * @param  members  Set members in string form. If null, an empty set is
-     *                     constructed.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code members} does not
-     *    obey  the proper syntax.
+     * @param  members set members in string form. If {@code null}, an empty set
+     *         is constructed.
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code members} does not obey the
+     *         proper syntax
     protected SetOfIntegerSyntax(String members) {
         this.members = parse (members);
@@ -106,6 +106,9 @@
      * Parse the given string, returning canonical array form.
+     *
+     * @param  members the string
+     * @return the canonical array form
     private static int[][] parse(String members) {
         // Create vector to hold int[] elements, each element being one range
@@ -238,8 +241,8 @@
-     * Accumulate the given range (lb .. ub) into the canonical array form
-     * into the given vector of int[] objects.
+     * Accumulate the given range (lb .. ub) into the canonical array form into
+     * the given vector of int[] objects.
     private static void accumulate(Vector<int[]> ranges, int lb,int ub) {
         // Make sure range is non-null.
@@ -257,12 +260,12 @@
                 int[] rangeb = ranges.elementAt (j+1);
                 int lbb = rangeb[0];
                 int ubb = rangeb[1];
-                /* If the two ranges overlap or are adjacent, coalesce them.
-                 * The two ranges overlap if the larger lower bound is less
-                 * than or equal to the smaller upper bound. The two ranges
-                 * are adjacent if the larger lower bound is one greater
-                 * than the smaller upper bound.
+                /*
+                 * If the two ranges overlap or are adjacent, coalesce them. The
+                 * two ranges overlap if the larger lower bound is less than or
+                 * equal to the smaller upper bound. The two ranges are adjacent
+                 * if the larger lower bound is one greater than the smaller
+                 * upper bound.
                 if (Math.max(lba, lbb) - Math.min(uba, ubb) <= 1) {
                     // The coalesced range is from the smaller lower bound to
@@ -279,9 +282,10 @@
                     ranges.setElementAt (rangeb, j);
                     ranges.setElementAt (rangea, j+1);
                 } else {
-                /* If the two ranges don't overlap and aren't adjacent and
-                 * aren't out of order, we're done early.
-                 */
+                    /*
+                     * If the two ranges don't overlap and aren't adjacent and
+                     * aren't out of order, we're done early.
+                     */
@@ -296,20 +300,16 @@
-     * Construct a new set-of-integer attribute with the given members in
-     * array form.
-     *
-     * @param  members  Set members in array form. If null, an empty set is
-     *                     constructed.
+     * Construct a new set-of-integer attribute with the given members in array
+     * form.
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if any element of
-     *     {@code members} is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if any element of
-     *     {@code members} is not a length-one or length-two array or if
-     *     any non-null range in {@code members} has a lower bound less
-     *     than zero.
+     * @param  members set members in array form. If {@code null}, an empty set
+     *         is constructed.
+     * @throws NullPointerException if any element of {@code members} is
+     *         {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any element of {@code members} is not
+     *         a length-one or length-two array or if any {@code non-null} range
+     *         in {@code members} has a lower bound less than zero
     protected SetOfIntegerSyntax(int[][] members) {
         this.members = parse (members);
@@ -353,11 +353,8 @@
      * Construct a new set-of-integer attribute containing a single integer.
-     * @param  member  Set member.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code member} is less than
-     *     zero.
+     * @param  member set member
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code member} is negative
     protected SetOfIntegerSyntax(int member) {
         if (member < 0) {
@@ -371,12 +368,10 @@
      * integers. If the lower bound is greater than the upper bound (a null
      * range), an empty set is constructed.
-     * @param  lowerBound  Lower bound of the range.
-     * @param  upperBound  Upper bound of the range.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if the range is non-null and
-     *     {@code lowerBound} is less than zero.
+     * @param  lowerBound Lower bound of the range
+     * @param  upperBound Upper bound of the range
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the range is {@code non-null} and
+     *         {@code lowerBound} is less than zero
     protected SetOfIntegerSyntax(int lowerBound, int upperBound) {
         if (lowerBound <= upperBound && lowerBound < 0) {
@@ -387,13 +382,12 @@
             new int[0][];
      * Obtain this set-of-integer attribute's members in canonical array form.
      * The returned array is "safe;" the client may alter it without affecting
      * this set-of-integer attribute.
-     * @return  This set-of-integer attribute's members in canonical array form.
+     * @return this set-of-integer attribute's members in canonical array form
     public int[][] getMembers() {
         int n = members.length;
@@ -407,10 +401,9 @@
      * Determine if this set-of-integer attribute contains the given value.
-     * @param  x  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @return  True if this set-of-integer attribute contains the value
-     *          {@code x}, false otherwise.
+     * @param  x the Integer value
+     * @return {@code true} if this set-of-integer attribute contains the value
+     *         {@code x}, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean contains(int x) {
         // Do a linear search to find the range that contains x, if any.
@@ -429,10 +422,9 @@
      * Determine if this set-of-integer attribute contains the given integer
      * attribute's value.
-     * @param  attribute  Integer attribute.
-     *
-     * @return  True if this set-of-integer attribute contains
-     *          {@code theAttribute}'s value, false otherwise.
+     * @param  attribute the Integer attribute
+     * @return {@code true} if this set-of-integer attribute contains
+     *         {@code attribute}'s value, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean contains(IntegerSyntax attribute) {
         return contains (attribute.getValue());
@@ -446,20 +438,19 @@
      * values, {@code -1} will never appear in the set.) You can use the
      * {@code next()} method to iterate through the integer values in a
      * set-of-integer attribute in ascending order, like this:
-     * <PRE>
+     * <pre>
      *     SetOfIntegerSyntax attribute = . . .;
      *     int i = -1;
      *     while ((i = attribute.next (i)) != -1)
      *         {
      *         foo (i);
      *         }
-     * </PRE>
-     *
-     * @param  x  Integer value.
+     * </pre>
-     * @return  The smallest integer in this set-of-integer attribute that is
-     *          greater than {@code x}, or {@code -1} if no integer in
-     *          this set-of-integer attribute is greater than {@code x}.
+     * @param  x the Integer value
+     * @return the smallest integer in this set-of-integer attribute that is
+     *         greater than {@code x}, or {@code -1} if no integer in this
+     *         set-of-integer attribute is greater than {@code x}.
     public int next(int x) {
         // Do a linear search to find the range that contains x, if any.
@@ -478,20 +469,16 @@
      * Returns whether this set-of-integer attribute is equivalent to the passed
      * in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be
      * true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class SetOfIntegerSyntax.
-     * <LI>
-     * This set-of-integer attribute's members and {@code object}'s
-     * members are the same.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code SetOfIntegerSyntax}.
+     *   <li>This set-of-integer attribute's members and {@code object}'s
+     *   members are the same.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this
-     *          set-of-integer attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this
+     *         set-of-integer attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         if (object != null && object instanceof SetOfIntegerSyntax) {
@@ -533,9 +520,9 @@
      * Returns a string value corresponding to this set-of-integer attribute.
      * The string value is a zero-length string if this set is empty. Otherwise,
      * the string value is a comma-separated list of the ranges in the canonical
-     * array form, where each range is represented as <code>"<I>i</I>"</code> if
+     * array form, where each range is represented as <code>"<i>i</i>"</code> if
      * the lower bound equals the upper bound or
-     * <code>"<I>i</I>-<I>j</I>"</code> otherwise.
+     * <code>"<i>i</i>-<i>j</i>"</code> otherwise.
     public String toString() {
         StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
@@ -552,5 +539,4 @@
         return result.toString();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/Size2DSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/Size2DSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,75 +23,78 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
 import java.io.Serializable;
- * Class Size2DSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common
+ * Class {@code Size2DSyntax} is an abstract base class providing the common
  * implementation of all attributes denoting a size in two dimensions.
- * <P>
- * A two-dimensional size attribute's value consists of two items, the X
- * dimension and the Y dimension. A two-dimensional size attribute may be
- * constructed by supplying the two values and indicating the units in which the
- * values are measured. Methods are provided to return a two-dimensional size
- * attribute's values, indicating the units in which the values are to be
+ * <p>
+ * A two-dimensional size attribute's value consists of two items, the {@code X}
+ * dimension and the {@code Y} dimension. A two-dimensional size attribute may
+ * be constructed by supplying the two values and indicating the units in which
+ * the values are measured. Methods are provided to return a two-dimensional
+ * size attribute's values, indicating the units in which the values are to be
  * returned. The two most common size units are inches (in) and millimeters
- * (mm), and exported constants {@link #INCH INCH} and {@link #MM
- * MM} are provided for indicating those units.
- * <P>
+ * (mm), and exported constants {@link #INCH INCH} and {@link #MM MM} are
+ * provided for indicating those units.
+ * <p>
  * Once constructed, a two-dimensional size attribute's value is immutable.
- * <P>
- * <B>Design</B>
- * <P>
- * A two-dimensional size attribute's X and Y dimension values are stored
- * internally as integers in units of micrometers (&#181;m), where 1 micrometer
- * = 10<SUP>-6</SUP> meter = 1/1000 millimeter = 1/25400 inch. This permits
- * dimensions to be represented exactly to a precision of 1/1000 mm (= 1
+ * <p>
+ * <b>Design</b>
+ * <p>
+ * A two-dimensional size attribute's {@code X} and {@code Y} dimension values
+ * are stored internally as integers in units of micrometers (&#181;m), where 1
+ * micrometer = 10<SUP>-6</SUP> meter = 1/1000 millimeter = 1/25400 inch. This
+ * permits dimensions to be represented exactly to a precision of 1/1000 mm (= 1
  * &#181;m) or 1/100 inch (= 254 &#181;m). If fractional inches are expressed in
  * negative powers of two, this permits dimensions to be represented exactly to
  * a precision of 1/8 inch (= 3175 &#181;m) but not 1/16 inch (because 1/16 inch
  * does not equal an integral number of &#181;m).
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * Storing the dimensions internally in common units of &#181;m lets two size
  * attributes be compared without regard to the units in which they were
  * created; for example, 8.5 in will compare equal to 215.9 mm, as they both are
- * stored as 215900 &#181;m. For example, a lookup service can
- * match resolution attributes based on equality of their serialized
- * representations regardless of the units in which they were created. Using
- * integers for internal storage allows precise equality comparisons to be done,
- * which would not be guaranteed if an internal floating point representation
- * were used. Note that if you're looking for U.S. letter sized media in metric
- * units, you have to search for a media size of 215.9 x 279.4 mm; rounding off
- * to an integral 216 x 279 mm will not match.
- * <P>
- * The exported constant {@link #INCH INCH} is actually the
- * conversion factor by which to multiply a value in inches to get the value in
- * &#181;m. Likewise, the exported constant {@link #MM MM} is the
- * conversion factor by which to multiply a value in mm to get the value in
- * &#181;m. A client can specify a resolution value in units other than inches
- * or mm by supplying its own conversion factor. However, since the internal
- * units of &#181;m was chosen with supporting only the external units of inch
- * and mm in mind, there is no guarantee that the conversion factor for the
- * client's units will be an exact integer. If the conversion factor isn't an
- * exact integer, resolution values in the client's units won't be stored
- * precisely.
+ * stored as 215900 &#181;m. For example, a lookup service can match resolution
+ * attributes based on equality of their serialized representations regardless
+ * of the units in which they were created. Using integers for internal storage
+ * allows precise equality comparisons to be done, which would not be guaranteed
+ * if an internal floating point representation were used. Note that if you're
+ * looking for {@code U.S. letter} sized media in metric units, you have to
+ * search for a media size of 215.9 x 279.4 mm; rounding off to an integral
+ * 216 x 279 mm will not match.
+ * <p>
+ * The exported constant {@link #INCH INCH} is actually the conversion factor by
+ * which to multiply a value in inches to get the value in &#181;m. Likewise,
+ * the exported constant {@link #MM MM} is the conversion factor by which to
+ * multiply a value in mm to get the value in &#181;m. A client can specify a
+ * resolution value in units other than inches or mm by supplying its own
+ * conversion factor. However, since the internal units of &#181;m was chosen
+ * with supporting only the external units of inch and mm in mind, there is no
+ * guarantee that the conversion factor for the client's units will be an exact
+ * integer. If the conversion factor isn't an exact integer, resolution values
+ * in the client's units won't be stored precisely.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public abstract class Size2DSyntax implements Serializable, Cloneable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 5584439964938660530L;
-     * X dimension in units of micrometers (&#181;m).
+     * {@code X} dimension in units of micrometers (&#181;m).
+     *
      * @serial
     private int x;
-     * Y dimension in units of micrometers (&#181;m).
+     * {@code Y} dimension in units of micrometers (&#181;m).
+     *
      * @serial
     private int y;
@@ -108,20 +111,16 @@
     public static final int MM = 1000;
      * Construct a new two-dimensional size attribute from the given
      * floating-point values.
-     * @param  x  X dimension.
-     * @param  y  Y dimension.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
-     *     {@link #MM MM}.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
-     *     {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  x {@code X} dimension
+     * @param  y {@code Y} dimension
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *         {@link #MM MM}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
+     *         {@code units < 1}
     protected Size2DSyntax(float x, float y, int units) {
         if (x < 0.0f) {
@@ -141,15 +140,12 @@
      * Construct a new two-dimensional size attribute from the given integer
      * values.
-     * @param  x  X dimension.
-     * @param  y  Y dimension.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
-     *     {@link #MM MM}.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *   (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0}
-     *    or {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  x {@code X} dimension
+     * @param  y {@code Y} dimension
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *         {@link #MM MM}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
+     *         {@code units < 1}
     protected Size2DSyntax(int x, int y, int units) {
         if (x < 0) {
@@ -169,16 +165,11 @@
      * Convert a value from micrometers to some other units. The result is
      * returned as a floating-point number.
-     * @param  x
-     *     Value (micrometers) to convert.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
-     *     {@link #MM MM}.
-     *
-     * @return  The value of {@code x} converted to the desired units.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units} < 1.
+     * @param  x value (micrometers) to convert
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *         {@link #MM MM}
+     * @return the value of {@code x} converted to the desired units
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
     private static float convertFromMicrometers(int x, int units) {
         if (units < 1) {
@@ -191,46 +182,37 @@
      * Get this two-dimensional size attribute's dimensions in the given units
      * as floating-point values.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or {@link #MM MM}.
-     *
-     * @return  A two-element array with the X dimension at index 0 and the Y
-     *          dimension at index 1.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *         {@link #MM MM}
+     * @return a two-element array with the {@code X} dimension at index 0 and
+     *         the {@code Y} dimension at index 1
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
     public float[] getSize(int units) {
         return new float[] {getX(units), getY(units)};
-     * Returns this two-dimensional size attribute's X dimension in the given
-     * units as a floating-point value.
+     * Returns this two-dimensional size attribute's {@code X} dimension in the
+     * given units as a floating-point value.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or {@link #MM MM}.
-     *
-     * @return  X dimension.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *         {@link #MM MM}
+     * @return {@code X} dimension
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
     public float getX(int units) {
         return convertFromMicrometers(x, units);
-     * Returns this two-dimensional size attribute's Y dimension in the given
-     * units as a floating-point value.
+     * Returns this two-dimensional size attribute's {@code Y} dimension in the
+     * given units as a floating-point value.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or {@link #MM MM}.
-     *
-     * @return  Y dimension.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *         {@link #MM MM}
+     * @return {@code Y} dimension
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
     public float getY(int units) {
         return convertFromMicrometers(y, units);
@@ -238,22 +220,17 @@
      * Returns a string version of this two-dimensional size attribute in the
-     * given units. The string takes the form <code>"<I>X</I>x<I>Y</I>
-     * <I>U</I>"</code>, where <I>X</I> is the X dimension, <I>Y</I> is the Y
-     * dimension, and <I>U</I> is the units name. The values are displayed in
-     * floating point.
-     *
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or {@link #MM MM}.
+     * given units. The string takes the form <code>"<i>X</i>x<i>Y</i>
+     * <i>U</i>"</code>, where <i>X</i> is the {@code X} dimension, <i>Y</i> is
+     * the {@code Y} dimension, and <i>U</i> is the units name. The values are
+     * displayed in floating point.
-     * @param  unitsName
-     *     Units name string, e.g. {@code in} or {@code mm}. If
-     *     null, no units name is appended to the result.
-     *
-     * @return  String version of this two-dimensional size attribute.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *         {@link #MM MM}
+     * @param  unitsName units name string, e.g. {@code in} or {@code mm}. If
+     *         {@code null}, no units name is appended to the result
+     * @return {@code String} version of this two-dimensional size attribute
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
     public String toString(int units, String unitsName) {
         StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
@@ -271,23 +248,18 @@
      * Returns whether this two-dimensional size attribute is equivalent to the
      * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must
      * be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class Size2DSyntax.
-     * <LI>
-     * This attribute's X dimension is equal to {@code object}'s X
-     * dimension.
-     * <LI>
-     * This attribute's Y dimension is equal to {@code object}'s Y
-     * dimension.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code Size2DSyntax}
+     *   <li>This attribute's {@code X} dimension is equal to {@code object}'s
+     *   {@code X} dimension.
+     *   <li>This attribute's {@code Y} dimension is equal to {@code object}'s
+     *   {@code Y} dimension.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this
-     *          two-dimensional size attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this
+     *         two-dimensional size attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return(object != null &&
@@ -306,9 +278,9 @@
      * Returns a string version of this two-dimensional size attribute. The
-     * string takes the form <code>"<I>X</I>x<I>Y</I> um"</code>, where
-     * <I>X</I> is the X dimension and <I>Y</I> is the Y dimension.
-     * The values are reported in the internal units of micrometers.
+     * string takes the form <code>"<i>X</i>x<i>Y</i> um"</code>, where <i>X</i>
+     * is the {@code X} dimension and <i>Y</i> is the {@code Y} dimension. The
+     * values are reported in the internal units of micrometers.
     public String toString() {
         StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
@@ -320,23 +292,22 @@
-     * Returns this two-dimensional size attribute's X dimension in units of
-     * micrometers (&#181;m). (For use in a subclass.)
+     * Returns this two-dimensional size attribute's {@code X} dimension in
+     * units of micrometers (&#181;m). (For use in a subclass.)
-     * @return  X dimension (&#181;m).
+     * @return {@code X} dimension (&#181;m)
     protected int getXMicrometers(){
         return x;
-     * Returns this two-dimensional size attribute's Y dimension in units of
-     * micrometers (&#181;m). (For use in a subclass.)
+     * Returns this two-dimensional size attribute's {@code Y} dimension in
+     * units of micrometers (&#181;m). (For use in a subclass.)
-     * @return  Y dimension (&#181;m).
+     * @return {@code Y} dimension (&#181;m)
     protected int getYMicrometers() {
         return y;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/SupportedValuesAttribute.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/SupportedValuesAttribute.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,21 +23,20 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
- * Interface SupportedValuesAttribute is a tagging interface which a printing
- * attribute class implements to indicate the attribute describes the supported
- * values for another attribute. For example, if a Print Service instance
- * supports the {@link javax.print.attribute.standard.Copies Copies}
- * attribute, the Print Service instance will have a {@link
- * javax.print.attribute.standard.CopiesSupported CopiesSupported} attribute,
- * which is a SupportedValuesAttribute giving the legal values a client may
- * specify for the {@link javax.print.attribute.standard.Copies Copies}
- * attribute.
+ * Interface {@code SupportedValuesAttribute} is a tagging interface which a
+ * printing attribute class implements to indicate the attribute describes the
+ * supported values for another attribute. For example, if a Print Service
+ * instance supports the {@link javax.print.attribute.standard.Copies Copies}
+ * attribute, the Print Service instance will have a
+ * {@link javax.print.attribute.standard.CopiesSupported CopiesSupported}
+ * attribute, which is a {@code SupportedValuesAttribute} giving the legal
+ * values a client may specify for the
+ * {@link javax.print.attribute.standard.Copies Copies} attribute.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public interface SupportedValuesAttribute extends Attribute {
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/TextSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/TextSyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,48 +23,50 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
 import java.io.Serializable;
 import java.util.Locale;
- * Class TextSyntax is an abstract base class providing the common
+ * Class {@code TextSyntax} is an abstract base class providing the common
  * implementation of all attributes whose value is a string. The text attribute
  * includes a locale to indicate the natural language. Thus, a text attribute
  * always represents a localized string. Once constructed, a text attribute's
  * value is immutable.
- * @author  David Mendenhall
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author David Mendenhall
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public abstract class TextSyntax implements Serializable, Cloneable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -8130648736378144102L;
      * String value of this text attribute.
+     *
      * @serial
     private String value;
      * Locale of this text attribute.
+     *
      * @serial
     private Locale locale;
-     * Constructs a TextAttribute with the specified string and locale.
+     * Constructs a {@code TextAttribute} with the specified string and locale.
-     * @param  value   Text string.
-     * @param  locale  Natural language of the text string. null
-     * is interpreted to mean the default locale for as returned
-     * by {@code Locale.getDefault()}
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is null.
+     * @param  value text string
+     * @param  locale natural language of the text string. {@code null} is
+     *         interpreted to mean the default locale for as returned by
+     *         {@code Locale.getDefault()}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code value} is {@code null}
     protected TextSyntax(String value, Locale locale) {
         this.value = verify (value);
@@ -87,7 +89,8 @@
      * Returns this text attribute's text string.
-     * @return the text string.
+     *
+     * @return the text string
     public String getValue() {
         return value;
@@ -95,6 +98,7 @@
      * Returns this text attribute's text string's natural language (locale).
+     *
      * @return the locale
     public Locale getLocale() {
@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@
      * Returns a hashcode for this text attribute.
-     * @return  A hashcode value for this object.
+     * @return a hashcode value for this object
     public int hashCode() {
         return value.hashCode() ^ locale.hashCode();
@@ -113,23 +117,17 @@
      * Returns whether this text attribute is equivalent to the passed in
      * object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class TextSyntax.
-     * <LI>
-     * This text attribute's underlying string and {@code object}'s
-     * underlying string are equal.
-     * <LI>
-     * This text attribute's locale and {@code object}'s locale are
-     * equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code TextSyntax}.
+     *   <li>This text attribute's underlying string and {@code object}'s
+     *   underlying string are equal.
+     *   <li>This text attribute's locale and {@code object}'s locale are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this text
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this text
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return(object != null &&
@@ -139,13 +137,12 @@
-     * Returns a String identifying this text attribute. The String is
-     * the attribute's underlying text string.
+     * Returns a {@code String} identifying this text attribute. The
+     * {@code String} is the attribute's underlying text string.
-     * @return  A String identifying this object.
+     * @return a {@code String} identifying this object
     public String toString(){
         return value;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/URISyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/URISyntax.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -23,36 +23,37 @@
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute;
 import java.io.Serializable;
 import java.net.URI;
- * Class URISyntax is an abstract base class providing the common
- * implementation of all attributes whose value is a Uniform Resource
- * Identifier (URI). Once constructed, a URI attribute's value is immutable.
+ * Class {@code URISyntax} is an abstract base class providing the common
+ * implementation of all attributes whose value is a Uniform Resource Identifier
+ * (URI). Once constructed, a {@code URI} attribute's value is immutable.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public abstract class URISyntax implements Serializable, Cloneable {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -7842661210486401678L;
-     * URI value of this URI attribute.
+     * {@code URI} value of this {@code URI} attribute.
+     *
      * @serial
     private URI uri;
-     * Constructs a URI attribute with the specified URI.
+     * Constructs a {@code URI} attribute with the specified {@code URI}.
-     * @param  uri  URI.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code uri} is null.
+     * @param  uri the {@code URI}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code uri} is {@code null}
     protected URISyntax(URI uri) {
         this.uri = verify (uri);
@@ -66,40 +67,36 @@
-     * Returns this URI attribute's URI value.
-     * @return the URI.
+     * Returns this {@code URI} attribute's {@code URI} value.
+     *
+     * @return the {@code URI}
     public URI getURI()  {
         return uri;
-     * Returns a hashcode for this URI attribute.
+     * Returns a hashcode for this {@code URI} attribute.
-     * @return  A hashcode value for this object.
+     * @return a hashcode value for this object
     public int hashCode() {
         return uri.hashCode();
-     * Returns whether this URI attribute is equivalent to the passed in
-     * object.
-     * To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class URISyntax.
-     * <LI>
-     * This URI attribute's underlying URI and {@code object}'s
-     * underlying URI are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * Returns whether this {@code URI} attribute is equivalent to the passed in
+     * object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code URISyntax}.
+     *   <li>This {@code URI} attribute's underlying {@code URI} and
+     *   {@code object}'s underlying {@code URI} are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this URI
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this {@code URI}
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return(object != null &&
@@ -108,13 +105,13 @@
-     * Returns a String identifying this URI attribute. The String is the
-     * string representation of the attribute's underlying URI.
+     * Returns a {@code String} identifying this {@code URI} attribute. The
+     * {@code String} is the string representation of the attribute's underlying
+     * {@code URI}.
-     * @return  A String identifying this object.
+     * @return a {@code String} identifying this object
     public String toString() {
         return uri.toString();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/UnmodifiableSetException.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/UnmodifiableSetException.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,26 +26,31 @@
 package javax.print.attribute;
- * Thrown to indicate that the requested operation cannot be performed
- * because the set is unmodifiable.
+ * Thrown to indicate that the requested operation cannot be performed because
+ * the set is unmodifiable.
- * @author  Phil Race
- * @since   1.4
+ * @author Phil Race
+ * @since 1.4
 public class UnmodifiableSetException extends RuntimeException {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2255250308571511731L;
-     * Constructs an UnsupportedOperationException with no detail message.
+     * Constructs an {@code UnsupportedOperationException} with no detail
+     * message.
     public UnmodifiableSetException() {
-     * Constructs an UnmodifiableSetException with the specified
-     * detail message.
+     * Constructs an {@code UnmodifiableSetException} with the specified detail
+     * message.
-     * @param message the detail message
+     * @param  message the detail message
     public UnmodifiableSetException(String message) {
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/package-info.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/package-info.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -39,19 +39,20 @@
  * The print data and the processing instructions are separate entities. This
  * means that:
  * <ul>
- *     <li>You can print the same print data at different times using different
- *     processing instructions.<br>For example, you can print a slide
- *     presentation on US letter-sized white paper, double-sided, stapled, 20
- *     copies to make handouts for a talk; and you could print the same slide
- *     presentation on US letter-sized transparencies, single-sided, one copy to
- *     make the actual slides for the talk.</li>
- *     <li>You can use the same processing instructions at different times to
- *     print different data. For example, you could set your default processing
- *     instructions to: US letter-sized paper, double sided, stapled. Whenever
- *     you print a job, it prints with these settings, unless you explicitly
- *     override them.</li>
+ *   <li>You can print the same print data at different times using different
+ *   processing instructions.
+ *   <br>
+ *   For example, you can print a slide presentation on US letter-sized white
+ *   paper, double-sided, stapled, 20 copies to make handouts for a talk; and
+ *   you could print the same slide presentation on US letter-sized
+ *   transparencies, single-sided, one copy to make the actual slides for the
+ *   talk.
+ *   <li>You can use the same processing instructions at different times to
+ *   print different data. For example, you could set your default processing
+ *   instructions to: US letter-sized paper, double sided, stapled. Whenever you
+ *   print a job, it prints with these settings, unless you explicitly override
+ *   them.
  * </ul>
- * <p>
  * The processing instruction does not specify how the print job processes the
  * request; each processing instruction is only a description of the results of
  * a print job. The print job determines the manner in which it achieves the
@@ -97,18 +98,18 @@
  * The Java Print Service API defines these different kinds of attributes with
  * five subinterfaces of {@code Attribute}:
  * <ul>
- *     <li><a href="DocAttribute.html">DocAttribute</a> specifies a
- *     characteristic of an individual document and the print job settings to be
- *     applied to an individual document.</li>
- *     <li><a href="PrintRequestAttribute.html">PrintRequestAttribute</a>
- *     specifies a setting applied to a whole print job and to all the documents
- *     in the print job.</li>
- *     <li><a href="PrintJobAttribute.html">PrintJobAttribute</a> reports the
- *     status of a print job.</li>
- *     <li><a href="PrintServiceAttribute.html">PrintServiceAttribute</a>
- *     reports the status of a print service.</li>
- *     <li><a href="SupportedValuesAttribute.html">SupportedValuesAttribute</a>
- *     gives the supported values for another attribute.</li>
+ *   <li><a href="DocAttribute.html">DocAttribute</a> specifies a characteristic
+ *   of an individual document and the print job settings to be applied to an
+ *   individual document.
+ *   <li><a href="PrintRequestAttribute.html">PrintRequestAttribute</a>
+ *   specifies a setting applied to a whole print job and to all the documents
+ *   in the print job.
+ *   <li><a href="PrintJobAttribute.html">PrintJobAttribute</a> reports the
+ *   status of a print job.
+ *   <li><a href="PrintServiceAttribute.html">PrintServiceAttribute</a> reports
+ *   the status of a print service.
+ *   <li><a href="SupportedValuesAttribute.html">SupportedValuesAttribute</a>
+ *   gives the supported values for another attribute.
  * </ul>
  * Each attribute class implements one or more of these tagging subinterfaces to
  * indicate where the attribute can be used in the API. If an attribute class
@@ -123,40 +124,39 @@
  * The Java Print Service API defines a group of standard attribute classes
  * modeled upon the attributes in the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) version
  * 1.1. The standard attribute classes are in the subpackage
- * javax.print.attribute.standard to keep the actual attribute classes
+ * {@code javax.print.attribute.standard} to keep the actual attribute classes
  * conceptually separate from the generic apparatus defined in package
- * javax.print.attribute.
+ * {@code javax.print.attribute}.
  * <h3>Attribute Sets</h3>
  * A client usually needs to provide more than one processing instruction when
- * submitting a print job. For example, the client might need to specify a
- * media size of A4 and a landscape orientation. To send more than one
- * processing instruction, the client collects the attributes into an attribute
- * set, which the Java Print Service API represents with the
+ * submitting a print job. For example, the client might need to specify a media
+ * size of A4 and a landscape orientation. To send more than one processing
+ * instruction, the client collects the attributes into an attribute set, which
+ * the Java Print Service API represents with the
  * <a href="AttributeSet.html">AttributeSet</a> interface.
  * <p>
  * The {@code AttributeSet} interface is similar to the
  * <a href="../../../java/util/Map.html">Map</a> interface: it provides a map of
  * key to values, in which each key is unique and can contain no more than one
  * value. However, the {@code AttributeSet} interface is designed to
- * specifically support the needs of the Java Print Service API. An {@code
- * AttributeSet} requires that:
+ * specifically support the needs of the Java Print Service API. An
+ * {@code AttributeSet} requires that:
  * <ol type=1>
- *     <li>Each key in an {@code AttributeSet} corresponds to a category, and
- *     the value of the key can only be  one of the attribute values that belong
- *     to the category represented by the key. Thus, unlike a {@code Map}, an
- *     {@code AttributeSet} restricts the possible values of a key: an attribute
- *     category cannot be set to an attribute value that does not belong to that
- *     category.</li>
- *     <li>No two attributes from the same category can exist in the same set.
- *     For example, an attribute collection must not contain both a "one-sided"
- *     attribute and a "two-sided" attribute because these two attributes give
- *     the printer conflicting instructions.</li>
- *     <li>Only attributes implementing the {@code Attribute} interface can be
- *     added to the set.</li>
+ *   <li>Each key in an {@code AttributeSet} corresponds to a category, and the
+ *   value of the key can only be one of the attribute values that belong to the
+ *   category represented by the key. Thus, unlike a {@code Map}, an
+ *   {@code AttributeSet} restricts the possible values of a key: an attribute
+ *   category cannot be set to an attribute value that does not belong to that
+ *   category.
+ *   <li>No two attributes from the same category can exist in the same set. For
+ *   example, an attribute collection must not contain both a "one-sided"
+ *   attribute and a "two-sided" attribute because these two attributes give the
+ *   printer conflicting instructions.
+ *   <li>Only attributes implementing the {@code Attribute} interface can be
+ *   added to the set.
  * </ol>
- * <p>
- * The javax.print.attribute package includes
+ * The {@code javax.print.attribute} package includes
  * <a href="HashAttributeSet.html">HashAttributeSet</a> as a concrete
  * implementation of the attribute set interface. {@code HashAttributeSet}
  * provides an attribute set based on a hash map. You can use this
@@ -167,18 +167,15 @@
  * that are restricted to contain just one of the four kinds of attributes, as
  * discussed in the <a href="#role">Attribute Roles</a> section:
  * <ul>
- *     <li><a href="DocAttributeSet.html">DocAttributeSet</a></li>
- *     <li><a href="PrintRequestAttributeSet.html">
- *         PrintRequestAttributeSet</a></li>
- *     <li><a href="PrintJobAttributeSet.html">
- *         PrintJobAttributeSet</a></li>
- *     <li><a href="PrintServiceAttributeSet.html">
- *         PrintServiceAttributeSet</a></li>
+ *   <li><a href="DocAttributeSet.html">DocAttributeSet</a>
+ *   <li><a href="PrintRequestAttributeSet.html">PrintRequestAttributeSet</a>
+ *   <li><a href="PrintJobAttributeSet.html"> PrintJobAttributeSet</a>
+ *   <li><a href="PrintServiceAttributeSet.html">PrintServiceAttributeSet</a>
  * </ul>
  * Notice that only four kinds of attribute sets are listed here, but there are
  * five kinds of attributes. Interface
- * <a href="SupportedValuesAttribute.html">SupportedValuesAttribute</a>
- * denotes an attribute that gives the supported values for another attribute.
+ * <a href="SupportedValuesAttribute.html">SupportedValuesAttribute</a> denotes
+ * an attribute that gives the supported values for another attribute.
  * Supported-values attributes are never aggregated into attribute sets, so
  * there is no attribute set subinterface defined for them.
  * <p>
@@ -189,17 +186,15 @@
  * For a read-only attribute set, calling a mutating operation throws an
  * {@code UnmodifiableSetException}.
  * <p>
- * Package javax.print.attribute includes one concrete implementation of each of
- * the attribute set subinterfaces:
+ * Package {@code javax.print.attribute} includes one concrete implementation of
+ * each of the attribute set subinterfaces:
  * <ul>
- *     <li><a href="HashDocAttributeSet.html">
- *         HashDocAttributeSet</a></li>
- *     <li><a href="HashPrintRequestAttributeSet.html">
- *         HashPrintRequestAttributeSet</a>,</li>
- *     <li><a href="HashPrintJobAttributeSet.html">
- *         HashPrintJobAttributeSet</a>,</li>
- *     <li><a href="HashPrintServiceAttributeSet.html">
- *         HashPrintServiceAttributeSet</a>.</li>
+ *   <li><a href="HashDocAttributeSet.html"> HashDocAttributeSet</a>
+ *   <li><a href="HashPrintRequestAttributeSet.html">
+ *   HashPrintRequestAttributeSet</a>,
+ *   <li><a href="HashPrintJobAttributeSet.html">HashPrintJobAttributeSet</a>,
+ *   <li><a href="HashPrintServiceAttributeSet.html">
+ *   HashPrintServiceAttributeSet</a>.
  * </ul>
  * All of these classes extend
  * <a href="HashAttributeSet.html">HashAttributeSet</a> and enforce the
@@ -211,12 +206,11 @@
  * enumerated value. The Java Print Service API does not use primitive data
  * types, such as int, to represent attribute values for these reasons:
  * <ul>
- *     <li>Primitive data types are not type-safe. For example, a compiler
- *     should not allow a "copies" attribute value to be used for a "sides"
- *     attribute.</li>
- *     <li>Some attributes must be represented as a record of several values.
- *     One example is printer resolution, which requires two numbers, such as
- *     600 and 300 representing 600 x 300 dpi.</li>
+ *   <li>Primitive data types are not type-safe. For example, a compiler should
+ *   not allow a "copies" attribute value to be used for a "sides" attribute.
+ *   <li>Some attributes must be represented as a record of several values. One
+ *   example is printer resolution, which requires two numbers, such as 600 and
+ *   300 representing 600 x 300 dpi.
  * </ul>
  * For type-safety and to represent all attributes uniformly, the Java Print
  * Service API defines each attribute category as a class, such as class
@@ -240,27 +234,27 @@
  * represent each abstract syntax, and these classes are used as the parent of
  * standard attributes whenever possible. The abstract syntax classes are:
  * <ul>
- *     <li><a href="EnumSyntax.html">EnumSyntax</a> provides a type-safe
- *     enumeration in which enumerated values are represented as singleton
- *     objects. Each enumeration singleton is an instance of the enumeration
- *     class that wraps a hidden int value.</li>
- *     <li><a href="IntegerSyntax.html">IntegerSyntax</a> is the abstract syntax
- *     for integer-valued attributes.</li>
- *     <li><a href="TextSyntax.html">TextSyntax</a> is the abstract syntax for
- *     text-valued attributes, and includes a locale giving the text string's
- *     natural language.</li>
- *     <li><a href="SetOfIntegerSyntax.html">SetOfIntegerSyntax</a> is the
- *     abstract syntax for attributes representing a range or set of integers
- *     <li><a href="ResolutionSyntax.html">ResolutionSyntax</a> is the abstract
- *     syntax for attributes representing resolution values, such as 600x300
- *     dpi.</li>
- *     <li><a href="Size2DSyntax.html">Size2DSyntax</a> is the abstract syntax
- *     for attributes representing a two-dimensional size, such as a paper size
- *     of 8.5 x 11 inches.</li>
- *     <li><a href="DateTimeSyntax.html">DateTimeSyntax</a> is the abstract
- *     syntax for attributes whose value is a date and time.</li>
- *     <li><a href="URISyntax.html">URISyntax</a> is the abstract syntax for
- *     attributes whose value is a Uniform Resource Indicator.</li>
+ *   <li><a href="EnumSyntax.html">EnumSyntax</a> provides a type-safe
+ *   enumeration in which enumerated values are represented as singleton
+ *   objects. Each enumeration singleton is an instance of the enumeration class
+ *   that wraps a hidden int value.
+ *   <li><a href="IntegerSyntax.html">IntegerSyntax</a> is the abstract syntax
+ *   for integer-valued attributes.
+ *   <li><a href="TextSyntax.html">TextSyntax</a> is the abstract syntax for
+ *   text-valued attributes, and includes a locale giving the text string's
+ *   natural language.
+ *   <li><a href="SetOfIntegerSyntax.html">SetOfIntegerSyntax</a> is the
+ *   abstract syntax for attributes representing a range or set of integers
+ *   <li><a href="ResolutionSyntax.html">ResolutionSyntax</a> is the abstract
+ *   syntax for attributes representing resolution values, such as 600x300
+ *   dpi.
+ *   <li><a href="Size2DSyntax.html">Size2DSyntax</a> is the abstract syntax for
+ *   attributes representing a two-dimensional size, such as a paper size of
+ *   8.5 x 11 inches.
+ *   <li><a href="DateTimeSyntax.html">DateTimeSyntax</a> is the abstract syntax
+ *   for attributes whose value is a date and time.
+ *   <li><a href="URISyntax.html">URISyntax</a> is the abstract syntax for
+ *   attributes whose value is a Uniform Resource Indicator.
  * </ul>
  * The abstract syntax classes are independent of the attributes that use them.
  * In fact, applications that have nothing to do with printing can use the
@@ -304,12 +298,10 @@
  * <h3>Attribute Vendors</h3>
  * The Java Print Service API is designed so that vendors can:
  * <ul>
- *     <li>define new vendor-specific values for any standard attribute defined
- *     in <a href="standard/package-summary.html">javax.print.attribute.standard
- *     </a>.</li>
- *     <li>define new attribute categories representing the vendor printer's
- *     proprietary capabilities not already supported by the standard
- *     attributes.</li>
+ *   <li>define new vendor-specific values for any standard attribute defined in
+ *   <a href="standard/package-summary.html">javax.print.attribute.standard</a>.
+ *   <li>define new attribute categories representing the vendor printer's
+ *   proprietary capabilities not already supported by the standard attributes.
  * </ul>
  * To define a new value for an attribute, a client can construct instances of
  * such attributes with arbitrary values at runtime. However, an enumerated
@@ -364,12 +356,12 @@
  * }</pre>
  * </blockquote>
  * <p>
- * Please note: In the javax.print APIs, a null reference parameter to methods
- * is incorrect unless explicitly documented on the method as having a
- * meaningful interpretation. Usage to the contrary is incorrect coding and may
- * result in a run time exception either immediately or at some later time.
- * IllegalArgumentException and NullPointerException are examples of typical and
- * acceptable run time exceptions for such cases.
+ * Please note: In the {@code javax.print} APIs, a {@code null} reference
+ * parameter to methods is incorrect unless explicitly documented on the method
+ * as having a meaningful interpretation. Usage to the contrary is incorrect
+ * coding and may result in a run time exception either immediately or at some
+ * later time. {@code IllegalArgumentException} and {@code NullPointerException}
+ * are examples of typical and acceptable run time exceptions for such cases.
  * @since 1.4
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Chromaticity.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Chromaticity.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -22,75 +22,57 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class Chromaticity is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
- * specifies monochrome or color printing. This is used by a print client
+ * Class {@code Chromaticity} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
+ * that specifies monochrome or color printing. This is used by a print client
  * to specify how the print data should be generated or processed. It is not
  * descriptive of the color capabilities of the device. Query the service's
  * {@link ColorSupported ColorSupported} attribute to determine if the device
  * can be verified to support color printing.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * The table below shows the effects of specifying a Chromaticity attribute of
- * for a monochrome or color document.
- *
+ * {@link #MONOCHROME MONOCHROME} or {@link #COLOR COLOR} for a monochrome or
+ * color document.
  * <table class="striped">
- * <caption>Shows effects of specifying MONOCHROME or COLOR Chromaticity
- * attributes</caption>
+ * <caption>Shows effects of specifying {@code MONOCHROME} or {@code COLOR}
+ * Chromaticity attributes</caption>
  * <thead>
- * <TR>
- * <TH>
- * Chromaticity<BR>Attribute
- * </TH>
- * <TH>
- * Effect on<BR>Monochrome Document
- * </TH>
- * <TH>
- * Effect on<BR>Color Document
- * </TH>
- * </TR>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <th>Chromaticity<br>Attribute
+ *     <th>Effect on<br>Monochrome Document
+ *     <th>Effect on<br>Color Document
  * </thead>
  * <tbody>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>
- * </TD>
- * <TD>
- * Printed as is, in monochrome
- * </TD>
- * <TD>
- * Printed in monochrome, with colors converted to shades of gray
- * </TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>
- * {@link #COLOR COLOR}
- * </TD>
- * <TD>
- * Printed as is, in monochrome
- * </TD>
- * <TD>
- * Printed as is, in color
- * </TD>
- * </TR>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>{@link #MONOCHROME MONOCHROME}
+ *     <td>Printed as is, in monochrome
+ *     <td>Printed in monochrome, with colors converted to shades of gray
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>{@link #COLOR COLOR}
+ *     <td>Printed as is, in monochrome
+ *     <td>Printed as is, in color
  * </tbody>
- * </TABLE>
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> Chromaticity is not an IPP attribute at present.
+ * </table>
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> Chromaticity is not an IPP attribute at present.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class Chromaticity extends EnumSyntax
     implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 4660543931355214012L;
@@ -103,32 +85,37 @@
     public static final Chromaticity COLOR = new Chromaticity(1);
      * Construct a new chromaticity enumeration value with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected Chromaticity(int value) {
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code Chromaticity}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {"monochrome",
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code Chromaticity}.
+     */
     private static final Chromaticity[] myEnumValueTable = {MONOCHROME,
-     * Returns the string table for class Chromaticity.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code Chromaticity}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable;
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class Chromaticity.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code Chromaticity}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return myEnumValueTable;
@@ -137,11 +124,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Chromaticity, the category is the class Chromaticity itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Chromaticity}, the category is the class
+     * {@code Chromaticity} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return Chromaticity.class;
@@ -150,13 +138,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Chromaticity, the category name is {@code "chromaticity"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Chromaticity}, the category name is
+     * {@code "chromaticity"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
-        public final String getName() {
-            return "chromaticity";
-        }
-        }
+    public final String getName() {
+        return "chromaticity";
+    }
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/ColorSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/ColorSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,35 +30,39 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class ColorSupported is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
- * identifies whether the device is capable of any type of color printing at
- * all, including highlight color as well as full process color. All document
+ * Class {@code ColorSupported} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
+ * that identifies whether the device is capable of any type of color printing
+ * at all, including highlight color as well as full process color. All document
  * instructions having to do with color are embedded within the print data (none
  * are attributes attached to the job outside the print data).
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * Note: End users are able to determine the nature and details of the color
- * support by querying the {@link PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer
- * PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer} attribute.
- * <P>
- * Don't confuse the ColorSupported attribute with the {@link Chromaticity
- * Chromaticity} attribute. {@link Chromaticity Chromaticity} is an attribute
- * the client can specify for a job to tell the printer whether to print a
- * document in monochrome or color, possibly causing the printer to print a
- * color document in monochrome. ColorSupported is a printer description
- * attribute that tells whether the printer can print in color regardless of how
- * the client specifies to print any particular document.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The IPP boolean value is "true" for SUPPORTED and
- * "false" for NOT_SUPPORTED. The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
+ * support by querying the
+ * {@link PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer} attribute.
+ * <p>
+ * Don't confuse the {@code ColorSupported} attribute with the
+ * {@link Chromaticity Chromaticity} attribute.
+ * {@link Chromaticity Chromaticity} is an attribute the client can specify for
+ * a job to tell the printer whether to print a document in monochrome or color,
+ * possibly causing the printer to print a color document in monochrome.
+ * {@code ColorSupported} is a printer description attribute that tells whether
+ * the printer can print in color regardless of how the client specifies to
+ * print any particular document.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The IPP boolean value is "true" for SUPPORTED and
+ * "false" for NOT_SUPPORTED. The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class ColorSupported extends EnumSyntax
     implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -2700555589688535545L;
@@ -66,36 +71,42 @@
     public static final ColorSupported NOT_SUPPORTED = new ColorSupported(0);
-     * The printer is capable of some type of color printing, such as
-     * highlight color or full process color.
+     * The printer is capable of some type of color printing, such as highlight
+     * color or full process color.
     public static final ColorSupported SUPPORTED = new ColorSupported(1);
-     * Construct a new color supported enumeration value with the given
-     * integer value.
+     * Construct a new color supported enumeration value with the given integer
+     * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected ColorSupported(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code ColorSupported}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {"not-supported",
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code ColorSupported}.
+     */
     private static final ColorSupported[] myEnumValueTable = {NOT_SUPPORTED,
-     * Returns the string table for class ColorSupported.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code ColorSupported}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable;
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class ColorSupported.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code ColorSupported}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return myEnumValueTable;
@@ -104,11 +115,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class ColorSupported, the category is class ColorSupported itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code ColorSupported}, the category is class
+     * {@code ColorSupported} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return ColorSupported.class;
@@ -117,13 +129,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class ColorSupported, the category name is {@code "color-supported"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code ColorSupported}, the category name is
+     * {@code "color-supported"}
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "color-supported";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Compression.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Compression.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,29 +22,33 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
- * Class Compression is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
- * specifies how print data is compressed. Compression is an attribute of the
- * print data (the doc), not of the Print Job. If a Compression attribute is not
- * specified for a doc, the printer assumes the doc's print data is uncompressed
- * (i.e., the default Compression value is always {@link #NONE
- * NONE}).
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
+ * Class {@code Compression} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
+ * specifies how print data is compressed. {@code Compression} is an attribute
+ * of the print data (the doc), not of the Print Job. If a {@code Compression}
+ * attribute is not specified for a doc, the printer assumes the doc's print
+ * data is uncompressed (i.e., the default Compression value is always
+ * {@link #NONE NONE}).
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class Compression extends EnumSyntax implements DocAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -5716748913324997674L;
@@ -59,7 +63,7 @@
      * GNU zip compression technology described in
-     * <A HREF="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1952.txt">RFC 1952</A>.
+     * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1952.txt">RFC 1952</a>.
     public static final Compression GZIP = new Compression(2);
@@ -72,32 +76,37 @@
      * Construct a new compression enumeration value with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected Compression(int value) {
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code Compression}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {"none",
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code Compression}.
+     */
     private static final Compression[] myEnumValueTable = {NONE,
-     * Returns the string table for class Compression.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code Compression}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable.clone();
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class Compression.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code Compression}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
@@ -106,12 +115,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Compression and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category is
-     * class Compression itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Compression} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category is class {@code Compression} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return Compression.class;
@@ -120,14 +129,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Compression and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category
-     * name is {@code "compression"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Compression} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category name is {@code "compression"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "compression";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Copies.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Copies.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,64 +22,60 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.IntegerSyntax;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class Copies is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies the
- * number of copies to be printed.
- * <P>
+ * Class {@code Copies} is an integer valued printing attribute class that
+ * specifies the number of copies to be printed.
+ * <p>
  * On many devices the supported number of collated copies will be limited by
  * the number of physical output bins on the device, and may be different from
  * the number of uncollated copies which can be supported.
- * <P>
- * The effect of a Copies attribute with a value of <I>n</I> on a multidoc print
- * job (a job with multiple documents) depends on the (perhaps defaulted) value
- * of the {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT -- The result will be <I>n</I> copies of a single output
- * document comprising all the input docs.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET -- The result will be <I>n</I> copies of a single
- * output document comprising all the input docs, and the first impression of
- * each input doc will always start on a new media sheet.
+ * <p>
+ * The effect of a {@code Copies} attribute with a value of <i>n</i> on a
+ * multidoc print job (a job with multiple documents) depends on the (perhaps
+ * defaulted) value of the
+ * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute:
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT} -- The result will be <i>n</i> copies of a
+ *   single output document comprising all the input docs.
+ *   <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET} -- The result will be <i>n</i> copies
+ *   of a single output document comprising all the input docs, and the first
+ *   impression of each input doc will always start on a new media sheet.
+ *   <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES} -- The result will be
+ *   <i>n</i> copies of the first input document, followed by <i>n</i> copies of
+ *   the second input document, . . . followed by <i>n</i> copies of the last
+ *   input document.
+ *   <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES} -- The result will be the
+ *   first input document, the second input document, . . . the last input
+ *   document, the group of documents being repeated <i>n</i> times.
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- The result will be <I>n</I> copies of
- * the first input document, followed by <I>n</I> copies of the second input
- * document, . . . followed by <I>n</I> copies of the last input document.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- The result will be the first input
- * document, the second input document, . . . the last input document, the group
- * of documents being repeated <I>n</I> times.
- * </UL>
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
- *
- * @author  David Mendenhall
- * @author  Alan Kamihensky
+ * @author David Mendenhall
+ * @author Alan Kamihensky
 public final class Copies extends IntegerSyntax
         implements PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -6426631521680023833L;
      * Construct a new copies attribute with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *  (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 1.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value < 1}
     public Copies(int value) {
         super (value, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@@ -88,20 +84,15 @@
      * Returns whether this copies attribute is equivalent to the passed in
      * object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class Copies.
-     * <LI>
-     * This copies attribute's value and {@code object}'s value are
-     * equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code Copies}.
+     *   <li>This copies attribute's value and {@code object}'s value are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this copies
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this copies
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return super.equals (object) && object instanceof Copies;
@@ -110,11 +101,11 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Copies, the category is class Copies itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Copies}, the category is class {@code Copies} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return Copies.class;
@@ -123,13 +114,12 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Copies, the category name is {@code "copies"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Copies}, the category name is {@code "copies"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "copies";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/CopiesSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/CopiesSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,33 +30,34 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.SupportedValuesAttribute;
- * Class CopiesSupported is a printing attribute class, a set of integers, that
- * gives the supported values for a {@link Copies Copies} attribute. It is
- * restricted to a single contiguous range of integers; multiple non-overlapping
- * ranges are not allowed.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The CopiesSupported attribute's canonical array
+ * Class {@code CopiesSupported} is a printing attribute class, a set of
+ * integers, that gives the supported values for a {@link Copies Copies}
+ * attribute. It is restricted to a single contiguous range of integers;
+ * multiple non-overlapping ranges are not allowed.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The CopiesSupported attribute's canonical array
  * form gives the lower and upper bound for the range of copies to be included
- * in an IPP "copies-supported" attribute. See class {@link
- * javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an
- * explanation of canonical array form. The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * in an IPP "copies-supported" attribute. See class
+ * {@link SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an explanation of canonical
+ * array form. The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
+ * attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class CopiesSupported extends SetOfIntegerSyntax
         implements SupportedValuesAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 6927711687034846001L;
      * Construct a new copies supported attribute containing a single integer.
-     * That is, only the one value of Copies is supported.
+     * That is, only the one value of {@code Copies} is supported.
-     * @param  member  Set member.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *  (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code member} is less than 1.
+     * @param  member set member
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code member < 1}
     public CopiesSupported(int member) {
         super (member);
@@ -66,16 +68,14 @@
      * Construct a new copies supported attribute containing a single range of
-     * integers. That is, only those values of Copies in the one range are
-     * supported.
+     * integers. That is, only those values of {@code Copies} in the one range
+     * are supported.
-     * @param  lowerBound  Lower bound of the range.
-     * @param  upperBound  Upper bound of the range.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if a null range is specified or if a
-     *     non-null range is specified with {@code lowerBound} less than
-     *     1.
+     * @param  lowerBound Lower bound of the range
+     * @param  upperBound Upper bound of the range
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a {@code null} range is specified or
+     *         if a {@code non-null} range is specified with {@code lowerBound}
+     *         less than 1
     public CopiesSupported(int lowerBound, int upperBound) {
         super(lowerBound, upperBound);
@@ -91,20 +91,16 @@
      * Returns whether this copies supported attribute is equivalent to the
      * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must
      * be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class CopiesSupported.
-     * <LI>
-     * This copies supported attribute's members and {@code object}'s
-     * members are the same.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code CopiesSupported}.
+     *   <li>This copies supported attribute's members and {@code object}'s
+     *   members are the same.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this copies
-     *          supported attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this copies
+     *         supported attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return super.equals (object) && object instanceof CopiesSupported;
@@ -113,12 +109,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class CopiesSupported, the category
-     * is class CopiesSupported itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code CopiesSupported}, the category is class
+     * {@code CopiesSupported} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return CopiesSupported.class;
@@ -127,14 +123,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class CopiesSupported, the category
-     * name is {@code "copies-supported"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code CopiesSupported}, the category name is
+     * {@code "copies-supported"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "copies-supported";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/DateTimeAtCompleted.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/DateTimeAtCompleted.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,47 +22,50 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
+import java.util.Calendar;
 import java.util.Date;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.DateTimeSyntax;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class DateTimeAtCompleted is a printing attribute class, a date-time
+ * Class {@code DateTimeAtCompleted} is a printing attribute class, a date-time
  * attribute, that indicates the date and time at which the Print Job completed
  * (or was canceled or aborted).
- * <P>
- * To construct a DateTimeAtCompleted attribute from separate values of the
- * year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, use a {@link java.util.Calendar
- * Calendar} object to construct a {@link java.util.Date Date} object, then use
- * the {@link java.util.Date Date} object to construct the DateTimeAtCompleted
- * attribute. To convert a DateTimeAtCompleted attribute to separate values of
- * the year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, create a {@link
- * java.util.Calendar Calendar} object and set it to the {@link java.util.Date
- * Date} from the DateTimeAtCompleted attribute.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The information needed to construct an IPP
+ * <p>
+ * To construct a {@code DateTimeAtCompleted} attribute from separate values of
+ * the year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, use a
+ * {@link Calendar Calendar} object to construct a {@link Date Date} object,
+ * then use the {@link Date Date} object to construct the DateTimeAtCompleted
+ * attribute. To convert a {@code DateTimeAtCompleted} attribute to separate
+ * values of the year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, create a
+ * {@link Calendar Calendar} object and set it to the {@link Date Date} from the
+ * {@code DateTimeAtCompleted} attribute.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The information needed to construct an IPP
  * "date-time-at-completed" attribute can be obtained as described above. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class DateTimeAtCompleted extends DateTimeSyntax
     implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 6497399708058490000L;
-     * Construct a new date-time at completed attribute with the given {@link
-     * java.util.Date Date} value.
+     * Construct a new date-time at completed attribute with the given
+     * {@link Date Date} value.
-     * @param  dateTime  {@link java.util.Date Date} value.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code dateTime} is null.
+     * @param  dateTime {@link Date Date} value
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code dateTime} is {@code null}
     public DateTimeAtCompleted(Date dateTime) {
         super (dateTime);
@@ -72,38 +75,34 @@
      * Returns whether this date-time at completed attribute is equivalent to
      * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
      * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class DateTimeAtCompleted.
-     * <LI>
-     * This date-time at completed attribute's {@link java.util.Date Date} value
-     * and {@code object}'s {@link java.util.Date Date} value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code DateTimeAtCompleted}.
+     *   <li>This date-time at completed attribute's {@link Date Date}
+     *   value and {@code object}'s {@link Date Date} value are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this date-time
-     *          at completed attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this date-time at
+     *         completed attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return(super.equals (object) &&
                object instanceof DateTimeAtCompleted);
-// Exported operations inherited and implemented from interface Attribute.
+    // Exported operations inherited and implemented from interface Attribute.
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-         * <P>
-         * For class DateTimeAtCompleted, the category is class
-         * DateTimeAtCompleted itself.
-         *
-         * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-         *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
-         */
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code DateTimeAtCompleted}, the category is class
+     * {@code DateTimeAtCompleted} itself.
+     *
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
+     */
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return DateTimeAtCompleted.class;
@@ -111,14 +110,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class DateTimeAtCompleted, the category name is
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code DateTimeAtCompleted}, the category name is
      * {@code "date-time-at-completed"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "date-time-at-completed";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/DateTimeAtCreation.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/DateTimeAtCreation.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,70 +22,69 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
+import java.util.Calendar;
 import java.util.Date;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.DateTimeSyntax;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class DateTimeAtCreation is a printing attribute class, a date-time
+ * Class {@code DateTimeAtCreation} is a printing attribute class, a date-time
  * attribute, that indicates the date and time at which the Print Job was
  * created.
- * <P>
- * To construct a DateTimeAtCreation attribute from separate values of the year,
- * month, day, hour, minute, and so on, use a {@link java.util.Calendar
- * Calendar} object to construct a {@link java.util.Date Date} object, then use
- * the {@link java.util.Date Date} object to construct the DateTimeAtCreation
- * attribute. To convert a DateTimeAtCreation attribute to separate values of
- * the year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, create a {@link
- * java.util.Calendar Calendar} object and set it to the {@link java.util.Date
- * Date} from the DateTimeAtCreation attribute.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The information needed to construct an IPP
+ * <p>
+ * To construct a {@code DateTimeAtCreation} attribute from separate values of
+ * the year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, use a
+ * {@link Calendar Calendar} object to construct a {@link Date Date} object,
+ * then use the {@link Date Date} object to construct the DateTimeAtCreation
+ * attribute. To convert a {@code DateTimeAtCreation} attribute to separate
+ * values of the year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, create a
+ * {@link Calendar Calendar} object and set it to the {@link Date Date} from the
+ * {@code DateTimeAtCreation} attribute.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The information needed to construct an IPP
  * "date-time-at-creation" attribute can be obtained as described above. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class DateTimeAtCreation   extends DateTimeSyntax
         implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -2923732231056647903L;
-     * Construct a new date-time at creation attribute with the given {@link
-     * java.util.Date Date} value.
+     * Construct a new date-time at creation attribute with the given
+     * {@link Date Date} value.
-     * @param  dateTime  {@link java.util.Date Date} value.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code dateTime} is null.
+     * @param  dateTime {@link Date Date} value
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code dateTime} is {@code null}
     public DateTimeAtCreation(Date dateTime) {
         super (dateTime);
-     * Returns whether this date-time at creation attribute is equivalent to
-     * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
-     * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class DateTimeAtCreation.
-     * <LI>
-     * This date-time at creation attribute's {@link java.util.Date Date} value
-     * and {@code object}'s {@link java.util.Date Date} value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * Returns whether this date-time at creation attribute is equivalent to the
+     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must
+     * be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code DateTimeAtCreation}.
+     *   <li>This date-time at creation attribute's {@link Date Date}
+     *   value and {@code object}'s {@link Date Date} value are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this date-time
-     *          at creation attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this date-time at
+     *         creation attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return(super.equals (object) &&
@@ -95,12 +94,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class DateTimeAtCreation, the category is class
-     * DateTimeAtCreation itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code DateTimeAtCreation}, the category is class
+     * {@code DateTimeAtCreation} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return DateTimeAtCreation.class;
@@ -109,14 +108,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class DateTimeAtCreation, the category name is
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code DateTimeAtCreation}, the category name is
      * {@code "date-time-at-creation"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "date-time-at-creation";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/DateTimeAtProcessing.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/DateTimeAtProcessing.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,47 +22,50 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
+import java.util.Calendar;
 import java.util.Date;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.DateTimeSyntax;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class DateTimeAtProcessing is a printing attribute class, a date-time
+ * Class {@code DateTimeAtProcessing} is a printing attribute class, a date-time
  * attribute, that indicates the date and time at which the Print Job first
  * began processing.
- * <P>
- * To construct a DateTimeAtProcessing attribute from separate values of the
- * year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, use a {@link java.util.Calendar
- * Calendar} object to construct a {@link java.util.Date Date} object, then use
- * the {@link java.util.Date Date} object to construct the DateTimeAtProcessing
- * attribute. To convert a DateTimeAtProcessing attribute to separate values of
- * the year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, create a {@link
- * java.util.Calendar Calendar} object and set it to the {@link java.util.Date
- * Date} from the DateTimeAtProcessing attribute.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The information needed to construct an IPP
+ * <p>
+ * To construct a {@code DateTimeAtProcessing} attribute from separate values of
+ * the year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, use a
+ * {@link Calendar Calendar} object to construct a {@link Date Date} object,
+ * then use the {@link Date Date} object to construct the DateTimeAtProcessing
+ * attribute. To convert a {@code DateTimeAtProcessing} attribute to separate
+ * values of the year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, create a
+ * {@link Calendar Calendar} object and set it to the {@link Date Date} from the
+ * {@code DateTimeAtProcessing} attribute.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The information needed to construct an IPP
  * "date-time-at-processing" attribute can be obtained as described above. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class DateTimeAtProcessing extends DateTimeSyntax
         implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -3710068197278263244L;
-     * Construct a new date-time at processing attribute with the given {@link
-     * java.util.Date Date} value.
+     * Construct a new date-time at processing attribute with the given
+     * {@link Date Date} value.
-     * @param  dateTime  {@link java.util.Date Date} value.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code dateTime} is null.
+     * @param  dateTime {@link Date Date} value
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code dateTime} is {@code null}
     public DateTimeAtProcessing(Date dateTime) {
         super (dateTime);
@@ -72,21 +75,17 @@
      * Returns whether this date-time at processing attribute is equivalent to
      * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
      * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class DateTimeAtProcessing.
-     * <LI>
-     * This date-time at processing attribute's {@link java.util.Date Date}
-     * value and {@code object}'s {@link java.util.Date Date} value
-     * are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class
+     *   {@code DateTimeAtProcessing}.
+     *   <li>This date-time at processing attribute's {@link Date Date}
+     *   value and {@code object}'s {@link Date Date} value are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this date-time
-     *          at processing attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this date-time at
+     *         processing attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return(super.equals (object) &&
@@ -96,12 +95,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class DateTimeAtProcessing, the category is class
-     * DateTimeAtProcessing itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code DateTimeAtProcessing}, the category is class
+     * {@code DateTimeAtProcessing} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return DateTimeAtProcessing.class;
@@ -110,14 +109,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class DateTimeAtProcessing, the category name is
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code DateTimeAtProcessing}, the category name is
      * {@code "date-time-at-processing"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "date-time-at-processing";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Destination.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Destination.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,72 +22,70 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
+import java.io.File;
 import java.net.URI;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.URISyntax;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.URISyntax;
- * Class Destination is a printing attribute class, a URI, that is used to
- * indicate an alternate destination for the spooled printer formatted
- * data. Many PrintServices will not support the notion of a destination
- * other than the printer device, and so will not support this attribute.
+ * Class {@code Destination} is a printing attribute class, a {@code URI}, that
+ * is used to indicate an alternate destination for the spooled printer
+ * formatted data. Many {@code PrintServices} will not support the notion of a
+ * destination other than the printer device, and so will not support this
+ * attribute.
  * <p>
- * A common use for this attribute will be applications which want
- * to redirect output to a local disk file : eg."file:out.prn".
- * Note that proper construction of "file:" scheme URI instances should
- * be performed using the {@code toURI()} method of class
- * {@link java.io.File File}.
- * See the documentation on that class for more information.
+ * A common use for this attribute will be applications which want to redirect
+ * output to a local disk file : eg."file:out.prn". Note that proper
+ * construction of "file:" scheme {@code URI} instances should be performed
+ * using the {@code toURI()} method of class {@link File File}. See the
+ * documentation on that class for more information.
  * <p>
- * If a destination URI is specified in a PrintRequest and it is not
- * accessible for output by the PrintService, a PrintException will be thrown.
- * The PrintException may implement URIException to provide a more specific
- * cause.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> Destination is not an IPP attribute.
+ * If a destination {@code URI} is specified in a PrintRequest and it is not
+ * accessible for output by the {@code PrintService}, a {@code PrintException}
+ * will be thrown. The {@code PrintException} may implement {@code URIException}
+ * to provide a more specific cause.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> Destination is not an IPP attribute.
- * @author  Phil Race.
+ * @author Phil Race
 public final class Destination extends URISyntax
         implements PrintJobAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 6776739171700415321L;
-     * Constructs a new destination attribute with the specified URI.
+     * Constructs a new destination attribute with the specified {@code URI}.
-     * @param  uri  URI.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code uri} is null.
+     * @param  uri {@code URI}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code uri} is {@code null}
     public Destination(URI uri) {
         super (uri);
-     * Returns whether this destination attribute is equivalent to the
-     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
-     * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class Destination.
-     * <LI>
-     * This destination attribute's URI and {@code object}'s URI
-     * are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * Returns whether this destination attribute is equivalent to the passed in
+     * object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code Destination}.
+     *   <li>This destination attribute's {@code URI} and {@code object}'s
+     *   {@code URI} are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this destination
-     *         attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this destination
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) &&
@@ -97,11 +95,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Destination, the category is class Destination itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Destination}, the category is class {@code Destination}
+     * itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return Destination.class;
@@ -110,13 +109,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Destination, the category name is {@code "spool-data-destination"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Destination}, the category name is
+     * {@code "spool-data-destination"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "spool-data-destination";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/DialogTypeSelection.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/DialogTypeSelection.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -25,107 +25,112 @@
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
+import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
- * Class DialogTypeSelection is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
- * that indicates the user dialog type to be used for specifying
- * printing options.
- * If {@code NATIVE} is specified, then where available, a native
- * platform dialog is displayed.
- * If {@code COMMON} is specified, a cross-platform print dialog is displayed.
- *
- * This option to specify a native dialog for use with an IPP attribute
- * set provides a standard way to reflect back of the setting and option
- * changes made by a user to the calling application, and integrates
- * the native dialog into the Java printing APIs.
- * But note that some options and settings in a native dialog may not
- * necessarily map to IPP attributes as they may be non-standard platform,
- * or even printer specific options.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> This is not an IPP attribute.
+ * Class {@code DialogTypeSelection} is a printing attribute class, an
+ * enumeration, that indicates the user dialog type to be used for specifying
+ * printing options. If {@code NATIVE} is specified, then where available, a
+ * native platform dialog is displayed. If {@code COMMON} is specified, a
+ * cross-platform print dialog is displayed.
+ * <p>
+ * This option to specify a native dialog for use with an IPP attribute set
+ * provides a standard way to reflect back of the setting and option changes
+ * made by a user to the calling application, and integrates the native dialog
+ * into the Java printing APIs. But note that some options and settings in a
+ * native dialog may not necessarily map to IPP attributes as they may be
+ * non-standard platform, or even printer specific options.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> This is not an IPP attribute.
  * @since 1.7
 public final class DialogTypeSelection extends EnumSyntax
         implements PrintRequestAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.7 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 7518682952133256029L;
-     *
+     * The native platform print dialog should be used.
     public static final DialogTypeSelection
         NATIVE = new DialogTypeSelection(0);
-     *
+     * The cross-platform print dialog should be used.
     public static final DialogTypeSelection
         COMMON = new DialogTypeSelection(1);
-     * Constructs a new dialog type selection enumeration value with the
-     * given integer value.
+     * Constructs a new dialog type selection enumeration value with the given
+     * integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected DialogTypeSelection(int value) {
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code DialogTypeSelection}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
         "native", "common"};
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class
+     * {@code DialogTypeSelection}.
+     */
     private static final DialogTypeSelection[] myEnumValueTable = {
-     * Returns the string table for class DialogTypeSelection.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code DialogTypeSelection}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable;
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class DialogTypeSelection.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class
+     * {@code DialogTypeSelection}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return myEnumValueTable;
-   /**
+    /**
      * Gets the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class DialogTypeSelection the category is class
-     * DialogTypeSelection itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code DialogTypeSelection} the category is class
+     * {@code DialogTypeSelection} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return DialogTypeSelection.class;
      * Gets the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class DialogTypeSelection the category name is
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code DialogTypeSelection} the category name is
      * {@code "dialog-type-selection"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "dialog-type-selection";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/DocumentName.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/DocumentName.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,71 +22,67 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
- * Class DocumentName is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that
- * specifies the name of a document. DocumentName is an attribute of the print
- * data (the doc), not of the Print Job. A document's name is an arbitrary
- * string defined by the client.
- * However if a JobName is not specified, the DocumentName should be used
- * instead, which implies that supporting specification of DocumentName
- * requires reporting of JobName and vice versa.
- * See {@link JobName JobName} for more information.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
+ * Class {@code DocumentName} is a printing attribute class, a text attribute,
+ * that specifies the name of a document. {@code DocumentName} is an attribute
+ * of the print data (the doc), not of the Print Job. A document's name is an
+ * arbitrary string defined by the client. However if a JobName is not
+ * specified, the {@code DocumentName} should be used instead, which implies
+ * that supporting specification of {@code DocumentName} requires reporting of
+ * JobName and vice versa. See {@link JobName JobName} for more information.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
  * locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by
  * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class DocumentName extends TextSyntax implements DocAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 7883105848533280430L;
-     * Constructs a new document name attribute with the given document name
-     * and locale.
+     * Constructs a new document name attribute with the given document name and
+     * locale.
-     * @param  documentName  Document name.
-     * @param  locale        Natural language of the text string. null
-     * is interpreted to mean the default locale as returned
-     * by {@code Locale.getDefault()}
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *   (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code documentName} is null.
+     * @param  documentName document name
+     * @param  locale natural language of the text string. {@code null} is
+     *         interpreted to mean the default locale as returned by
+     *         {@code Locale.getDefault()}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code documentName} is {@code null}
     public DocumentName(String documentName, Locale locale) {
         super (documentName, locale);
-     * Returns whether this document name attribute is equivalent to the
-     * passed in object.
-     * To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class DocumentName.
-     * <LI>
-     * This document name attribute's underlying string and
-     * {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
-     * <LI>
-     * This document name attribute's locale and {@code object}'s locale
-     * are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * Returns whether this document name attribute is equivalent to the passed
+     * in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be
+     * true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code DocumentName}.
+     *   <li>This document name attribute's underlying string and
+     *   {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
+     *   <li>This document name attribute's locale and {@code object}'s locale
+     *   are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this document
-     *          name attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this document
+     *         name attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) && object instanceof DocumentName);
@@ -95,11 +91,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class DocumentName, the category is class DocumentName itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code DocumentName}, the category is class
+     * {@code DocumentName} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return DocumentName.class;
@@ -108,13 +105,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class DocumentName, the category name is {@code "document-name"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code DocumentName}, the category name is
+     * {@code "document-name"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "document-name";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Fidelity.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Fidelity.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -30,27 +31,27 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
- * Class Fidelity is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
- * that indicates whether total fidelity to client supplied print request
- * attributes is required.
- * If FIDELITY_TRUE is specified and a service cannot print the job exactly
- * as specified it must reject the job.
- * If FIDELITY_FALSE is specified a reasonable attempt to print the job is
- * acceptable. If not supplied the default is FIDELITY_FALSE.
- *
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The IPP boolean value is "true" for FIDELITY_TRUE
- * and "false" for FIDELITY_FALSE. The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
- * See <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt">RFC 2911</a> Section 15.1 for
- * a fuller description of the IPP fidelity attribute.
- *
+ * Class {@code Fidelity} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
+ * indicates whether total fidelity to client supplied print request attributes
+ * is required. If {@code FIDELITY_TRUE} is specified and a service cannot print
+ * the job exactly as specified it must reject the job. If
+ * {@code FIDELITY_FALSE} is specified a reasonable attempt to print the job is
+ * acceptable. If not supplied the default is {@code FIDELITY_FALSE}.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The IPP boolean value is "true" for
+ * {@code FIDELITY_TRUE} and "false" for {@code FIDELITY_FALSE}. The category
+ * name returned by {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name. The
+ * enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum value. The {@code toString()}
+ * method returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value. See
+ * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt">RFC 2911</a> Section 15.1 for a
+ * fuller description of the IPP fidelity attribute.
 public final class Fidelity extends EnumSyntax
         implements PrintJobAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 6320827847329172308L;
@@ -60,53 +61,60 @@
         FIDELITY_TRUE = new Fidelity(0);
-     * The printer should make reasonable attempts to print the job,
-     * even if it cannot print it exactly as specified.
+     * The printer should make reasonable attempts to print the job, even if it
+     * cannot print it exactly as specified.
     public static final Fidelity
         FIDELITY_FALSE = new Fidelity(1);
-     * Construct a new fidelity enumeration value with the
-     * given integer value.
+     * Construct a new fidelity enumeration value with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected Fidelity(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code Fidelity}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code Fidelity}.
+     */
     private static final Fidelity[] myEnumValueTable = {
-     * Returns the string table for class Fidelity.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code Fidelity}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable;
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class Fidelity.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code Fidelity}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return myEnumValueTable;
-    }   /**
+    }
+    /**
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Fidelity the category is class Fidelity itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Fidelity} the category is class
+     * {@code Fidelity} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return Fidelity.class;
@@ -115,14 +123,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Fidelity the category name is
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Fidelity} the category name is
      * {@code "ipp-attribute-fidelity"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "ipp-attribute-fidelity";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Finishings.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Finishings.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -22,209 +22,134 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class Finishings is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
- * identifies whether the printer applies a finishing operation of some kind
- * of binding to each copy of each printed document in the job. For multidoc
- * print jobs (jobs with multiple documents), the
- * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute determines what constitutes a "copy"
- * for purposes of finishing.
- * <P>
+ * Class {@code Finishings} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
+ * identifies whether the printer applies a finishing operation of some kind of
+ * binding to each copy of each printed document in the job. For multidoc print
+ * jobs (jobs with multiple documents), the
+ * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute
+ * determines what constitutes a "copy" for purposes of finishing.
+ * <p>
  * Standard Finishings values are:
  * <table class="borderless" style="width:100%;margin: 0px auto">
  * <caption>Standard Finishings values</caption>
- * <TR>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:10%">
- * &nbsp;
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * {@link #NONE NONE}
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * {@link #STAPLE STAPLE}
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:36%">
- * </TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>
- * &nbsp;
- * </TD>
- * <TD>
- * {@link #BIND BIND}
- * </TD>
- * <TD>
- * </TD>
- * <TD>
- * {@link #COVER COVER}
- * </TD>
- * <TD>
- * &nbsp;
- * </TD>
- * </TR>
- * </TABLE>
- * <P>
- * The following Finishings values are more specific; they indicate a
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td style="width:10%">&nbsp;
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #NONE NONE}
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #STAPLE STAPLE}
+ *     <td style="width:36%">{@link #EDGE_STITCH EDGE_STITCH}
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>{@link #BIND BIND}
+ *     <td>{@link #SADDLE_STITCH SADDLE_STITCH}
+ *     <td>{@link #COVER COVER}
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ * </table>
+ * <p>
+ * The following {@code Finishings} values are more specific; they indicate a
  * corner or an edge as if the document were a portrait document:
  * <table class="borderless" style="width:100%;margin: 0px auto">
  * <caption>Specific Finishings values</caption>
- * <TR>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:10%">
- * &nbsp;
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:9%">
- * &nbsp;
- * </TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:10%">
- * &nbsp;
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:9%">
- * &nbsp;
- * </TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:10%">
- * &nbsp;
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:9%">
- * &nbsp;
- * </TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:10%">
- * &nbsp;
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
- * </TD>
- * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:9%">
- * &nbsp;
- * </TD>
- * </TR>
- * </TABLE>
- * <P>
- * The STAPLE_<I>XXX</I> values are specified with respect to the
- * document as if the document were a portrait document. If the document is
- * actually a landscape or a reverse-landscape document, the client supplies the
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td style="width:10%">&nbsp;
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #STAPLE_TOP_LEFT STAPLE_TOP_LEFT}
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #EDGE_STITCH_LEFT EDGE_STITCH_LEFT}
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #STAPLE_DUAL_LEFT STAPLE_DUAL_LEFT}
+ *     <td style="width:9%">&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td style="width:10%">&nbsp;
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #STAPLE_BOTTOM_LEFT STAPLE_BOTTOM_LEFT}
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #EDGE_STITCH_TOP EDGE_STITCH_TOP}
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #STAPLE_DUAL_TOP STAPLE_DUAL_TOP}
+ *     <td style="width:9%">&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td style="width:10%">&nbsp;
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #STAPLE_TOP_RIGHT STAPLE_TOP_RIGHT}
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #EDGE_STITCH_RIGHT EDGE_STITCH_RIGHT}
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #STAPLE_DUAL_RIGHT STAPLE_DUAL_RIGHT}
+ *     <td style="width:9%">&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td style="width:10%">&nbsp;
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #STAPLE_BOTTOM_RIGHT STAPLE_BOTTOM_RIGHT}
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #EDGE_STITCH_BOTTOM EDGE_STITCH_BOTTOM}
+ *     <td style="width:27%">{@link #STAPLE_DUAL_BOTTOM STAPLE_DUAL_BOTTOM}
+ *     <td style="width:9%">&nbsp;
+ * </table>
+ * <p>
+ * The STAPLE_<i>XXX</i> values are specified with respect to the document as if
+ * the document were a portrait document. If the document is actually a
+ * landscape or a reverse-landscape document, the client supplies the
  * appropriate transformed value. For example, to position a staple in the upper
  * left hand corner of a landscape document when held for reading, the client
- * supplies the STAPLE_BOTTOM_LEFT value (since landscape is
- * defined as a +90 degree rotation from portrait, i.e., anti-clockwise). On the
- * other hand, to position a staple in the upper left hand corner of a
+ * supplies the {@code STAPLE_BOTTOM_LEFT} value (since landscape is defined as
+ * a +90 degree rotation from portrait, i.e., anti-clockwise). On the other
+ * hand, to position a staple in the upper left hand corner of a
  * reverse-landscape document when held for reading, the client supplies the
- * STAPLE_TOP_RIGHT value (since reverse-landscape is defined as a
- * -90 degree rotation from portrait, i.e., clockwise).
- * <P>
+ * {@code STAPLE_TOP_RIGHT} value (since reverse-landscape is defined as a -90
+ * degree rotation from portrait, i.e., clockwise).
+ * <p>
  * The angle (vertical, horizontal, angled) of each staple with respect to the
  * document depends on the implementation which may in turn depend on the value
  * of the attribute.
- * <P>
- * The effect of a Finishings attribute on a multidoc print job (a job
+ * <p>
+ * The effect of a {@code Finishings} attribute on a multidoc print job (a job
  * with multiple documents) depends on whether all the docs have the same
  * binding specified or whether different docs have different bindings
- * specified, and on the (perhaps defaulted) value of the {@link
- * MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute.
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * If all the docs have the same binding specified, then any value of {@link
- * MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} makes sense, and the
- * printer's processing depends on the {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} value:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT -- All the input docs will be bound together as one output
- * document with the specified binding.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET -- All the input docs will be bound together as one
- * output document with the specified binding, and the first impression of each
- * input doc will always start on a new media sheet.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- Each input doc will be bound
- * separately with the specified binding.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- Each input doc will be bound separately
- * with the specified binding.
- * </UL>
+ * specified, and on the (perhaps defaulted) value of the
+ * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>If all the docs have the same binding specified, then any value of
+ *   {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} makes sense, and
+ *   the printer's processing depends on the
+ *   {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} value:
+ *   <ul>
+ *     <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT} -- All the input docs will be bound together
+ *     as one output document with the specified binding.
+ *     <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET} -- All the input docs will be bound
+ *     together as one output document with the specified binding, and the first
+ *     impression of each input doc will always start on a new media sheet.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES} -- Each input doc will
+ *     be bound separately with the specified binding.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES} -- Each input doc will be
+ *     bound separately with the specified binding.
+ *   </ul>
+ *   <li>If different docs have different bindings specified, then only two
+ *   values of {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} make
+ *   sense, and the printer reports an error when the job is submitted if any
+ *   other value is specified:
+ *   <ul>
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES} -- Each input doc will
+ *     be bound separately with its own specified binding.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES} -- Each input doc will be
+ *     bound separately with its own specified binding.
+ *   </ul>
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> Class Finishings encapsulates some of the IPP enum
+ * values that can be included in an IPP "finishings" attribute, which is a set
+ * of enums. The category name returned by {@code getName()} is the IPP
+ * attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum value. The
+ * {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of the
+ * attribute value. In IPP Finishings is a multi-value attribute, this API
+ * currently allows only one binding to be specified.
- * <LI>
- * If different docs have different bindings specified, then only two values of
- * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} make sense, and the
- * printer reports an error when the job is submitted if any other value is
- * specified:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- Each input doc will be bound
- * separately with its own specified binding.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- Each input doc will be bound separately
- * with its own specified binding.
- * </UL>
- * </UL>
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> Class Finishings encapsulates some of the
- * IPP enum values that can be included in an IPP "finishings" attribute, which
- * is a set of enums. The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
- * In IPP Finishings is a multi-value attribute, this API currently allows
- * only one binding to be specified.
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class Finishings extends EnumSyntax
     implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -627840419548391754L;
@@ -241,21 +166,21 @@
      * This value is specified when it is desired to select a non-printed (or
      * pre-printed) cover for the document. This does not supplant the
-     * specification of a printed cover (on cover stock medium) by the
-     * document  itself.
+     * specification of a printed cover (on cover stock medium) by the document
+     * itself.
     public static final Finishings COVER = new Finishings(6);
-     * This value indicates that a binding is to be applied to the document;
-     * the type and placement of the binding is site-defined.
+     * This value indicates that a binding is to be applied to the document; the
+     * type and placement of the binding is site-defined.
     public static final Finishings BIND = new Finishings(7);
      * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples (wire stitches) along the
-     * middle fold. The exact number and placement of the staples and the
-     * middle fold is implementation- and/or site-defined.
+     * middle fold. The exact number and placement of the staples and the middle
+     * fold is implementation- and/or site-defined.
     public static final Finishings SADDLE_STITCH =
         new Finishings(8);
@@ -275,8 +200,7 @@
         new Finishings(20);
-     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples in the bottom left
-     * corner.
+     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples in the bottom left corner.
     public static final Finishings STAPLE_BOTTOM_LEFT =
         new Finishings(21);
@@ -288,8 +212,7 @@
         new Finishings(22);
-     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples in the bottom right
-     * corner.
+     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples in the bottom right corner.
     public static final Finishings STAPLE_BOTTOM_RIGHT =
         new Finishings(23);
@@ -327,15 +250,15 @@
         new Finishings(27);
-     * Bind the document(s) with two staples (wire stitches) along the left
-     * edge assuming a portrait document (see above).
+     * Bind the document(s) with two staples (wire stitches) along the left edge
+     * assuming a portrait document (see above).
     public static final Finishings STAPLE_DUAL_LEFT =
         new Finishings(28);
-     * Bind the document(s) with two staples (wire stitches) along the top
-     * edge assuming a portrait document (see above).
+     * Bind the document(s) with two staples (wire stitches) along the top edge
+     * assuming a portrait document (see above).
     public static final Finishings STAPLE_DUAL_TOP =
         new Finishings(29);
@@ -358,12 +281,15 @@
      * Construct a new finishings binding enumeration value with the given
      * integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected Finishings(int value) {
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code Finishings}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable =
@@ -396,6 +322,9 @@
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code Finishings}.
+     */
     private static final Finishings[] myEnumValueTable =
@@ -429,21 +358,21 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class Finishings.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code Finishings}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable.clone();
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class Finishings.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code Finishings}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
-     * Returns the lowest integer value used by class Finishings.
+     * Returns the lowest integer value used by class {@code Finishings}.
     protected int getOffset() {
         return 3;
@@ -452,12 +381,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Finishings and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
-     * category is class Finishings itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Finishings} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category is class {@code Finishings} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return Finishings.class;
@@ -466,14 +395,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Finishings and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Finishings} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
      * category name is {@code "finishings"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "finishings";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobHoldUntil.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobHoldUntil.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,116 +22,118 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
+import java.util.Calendar;
 import java.util.Date;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.DateTimeSyntax;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class JobHoldUntil is a printing attribute class, a date-time attribute, that
- * specifies the exact date and time at which the job must become a candidate
- * for printing.
- * <P>
+ * Class {@code JobHoldUntil} is a printing attribute class, a date-time
+ * attribute, that specifies the exact date and time at which the job must
+ * become a candidate for printing.
+ * <p>
  * If the value of this attribute specifies a date-time that is in the future,
  * the printer should add the {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason} value of
- * JOB_HOLD_UNTIL_SPECIFIED to the job's {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons}
- * attribute, must move the job to the PENDING_HELD state, and must not schedule
- * the job for printing until the specified date-time arrives.
- * <P>
- * When the specified date-time arrives, the printer must remove the {@link
- * JobStateReason JobStateReason} value of JOB_HOLD_UNTIL_SPECIFIED from the
- * job's {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute, if present. If there
- * are no other job state reasons that keep the job in the PENDING_HELD state,
- * the printer must consider the job as a candidate for processing by moving the
- * job to the PENDING state.
- * <P>
+ * {@code JOB_HOLD_UNTIL_SPECIFIED} to the job's
+ * {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute, must move the job to the
+ * {@code PENDING_HELD} state, and must not schedule the job for printing until
+ * the specified date-time arrives.
+ * <p>
+ * When the specified date-time arrives, the printer must remove the
+ * {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason} value of
+ * {@code JOB_HOLD_UNTIL_SPECIFIED} from the job's
+ * {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute, if present. If there are
+ * no other job state reasons that keep the job in the {@code PENDING_HELD}
+ * state, the printer must consider the job as a candidate for processing by
+ * moving the job to the PENDING state.
+ * <p>
  * If the specified date-time has already passed, the job must be a candidate
  * for processing immediately. Thus, one way to make the job immediately become
- * a candidate for processing is to specify a JobHoldUntil attribute constructed
- * like this (denoting a date-time of January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT):
- * <PRE>
+ * a candidate for processing is to specify a {@code JobHoldUntil} attribute
+ * constructed like this
+ * (denoting a date-time of January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT):
+ * <pre>
  *     JobHoldUntil immediately = new JobHoldUntil (new Date (0L));
- * </PRE>
- * <P>
+ * </pre>
+ * <p>
  * If the client does not supply this attribute in a Print Request and the
  * printer supports this attribute, the printer must use its
- * (implementation-dependent) default JobHoldUntil value at job submission time
- * (unlike most job template attributes that are used if necessary at job
- * processing time).
- * <P>
- * To construct a JobHoldUntil attribute from separate values of the year,
- * month, day, hour, minute, and so on, use a {@link java.util.Calendar
- * Calendar} object to construct a {@link java.util.Date Date} object, then use
- * the {@link java.util.Date Date} object to construct the JobHoldUntil
- * attribute. To convert a JobHoldUntil attribute to separate values of the
- * year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, create a {@link java.util.Calendar
- * Calendar} object and set it to the {@link java.util.Date Date} from the
- * JobHoldUntil attribute.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> Although IPP supports a "job-hold-until" attribute
+ * (implementation-dependent) default {@code JobHoldUntil} value at job
+ * submission time (unlike most job template attributes that are used if
+ * necessary at job processing time).
+ * <p>
+ * To construct a {@code JobHoldUntil} attribute from separate values of the
+ * year, month, day, hour, minute, and so on, use a {@link Calendar Calendar}
+ * object to construct a {@link Date Date} object, then use the
+ * {@link Date Date} object to construct the {@code JobHoldUntil} attribute. To
+ * convert a {@code JobHoldUntil} attribute to separate values of the year,
+ * month, day, hour, minute, and so on, create a {@link Calendar Calendar}
+ * object and set it to the {@link Date Date} from the {@code JobHoldUntil}
+ * attribute.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> Although IPP supports a "job-hold-until" attribute
  * specified as a keyword, IPP does not at this time support a "job-hold-until"
  * attribute specified as a date and time. However, the date and time can be
  * converted to one of the standard IPP keywords with some loss of precision;
- * for example, a JobHoldUntil value with today's date and 9:00pm local time
- * might be converted to the standard IPP keyword "night". The category name
- * returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * for example, a {@code JobHoldUntil} value with today's date and 9:00pm local
+ * time might be converted to the standard IPP keyword "night". The category
+ * name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobHoldUntil extends DateTimeSyntax
         implements PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -1664471048860415024L;
      * Construct a new job hold until date-time attribute with the given
-     * {@link java.util.Date Date} value.
+     * {@link Date Date} value.
-     * @param  dateTime  {@link java.util.Date Date} value.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code dateTime} is null.
+     * @param  dateTime {@link Date Date} value
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code dateTime} is {@code null}
     public JobHoldUntil(Date dateTime) {
         super (dateTime);
-     * Returns whether this job hold until attribute is equivalent to the
-     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
-     * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobHoldUntil.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job hold until attribute's {@link java.util.Date Date} value and
-     * {@code object}'s {@link java.util.Date Date} value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * Returns whether this job hold until attribute is equivalent to the passed
+     * in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be
+     * true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code JobHoldUntil}.
+     *   <li>This job hold until attribute's {@link Date Date} value and
+     *   {@code object}'s {@link Date Date} value are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job hold
-     *          until attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job hold
+     *         until attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) && object instanceof JobHoldUntil);
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobHoldUntil, the category is class JobHoldUntil itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobHoldUntil}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobHoldUntil} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobHoldUntil.class;
@@ -140,13 +142,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobHoldUntil, the category name is {@code "job-hold-until"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobHoldUntil}, the category name is
+     * {@code "job-hold-until"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-hold-until";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressions.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressions.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,70 +22,71 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.IntegerSyntax;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class JobImpressions is an integer valued printing attribute class that
- * specifies the total size in number of impressions of the document(s) being
- * submitted. An "impression" is the image (possibly many print-stream pages in
- * different configurations) imposed onto a single media page.
- * <P>
- * The JobImpressions attribute describes the size of the job. This attribute is
- * not intended to be a counter; it is intended to be useful routing and
- * scheduling information if known. The printer may try to compute the
- * JobImpressions attribute's value if it is not supplied in the Print Request.
- * Even if the client does supply a value for the JobImpressions attribute in
- * the Print Request, the printer may choose to change the value if the printer
- * is able to compute a value which is more accurate than the client supplied
- * value. The printer may be able to determine the correct value for the
- * JobImpressions attribute either right at job submission time or at any later
- * point in time.
- * <P>
- * As with {@link JobKOctets JobKOctets}, the JobImpressions value must not
- * include the multiplicative factors contributed by the number of copies
+ * Class {@code JobImpressions} is an integer valued printing attribute class
+ * that specifies the total size in number of impressions of the document(s)
+ * being submitted. An "impression" is the image (possibly many print-stream
+ * pages in different configurations) imposed onto a single media page.
+ * <p>
+ * The {@code JobImpressions} attribute describes the size of the job. This
+ * attribute is not intended to be a counter; it is intended to be useful
+ * routing and scheduling information if known. The printer may try to compute
+ * the {@code JobImpressions} attribute's value if it is not supplied in the
+ * Print Request. Even if the client does supply a value for the
+ * {@code JobImpressions} attribute in the Print Request, the printer may choose
+ * to change the value if the printer is able to compute a value which is more
+ * accurate than the client supplied value. The printer may be able to determine
+ * the correct value for the {@code JobImpressions} attribute either right at
+ * job submission time or at any later point in time.
+ * <p>
+ * As with {@link JobKOctets JobKOctets}, the {@code JobImpressions} value must
+ * not include the multiplicative factors contributed by the number of copies
  * specified by the {@link Copies Copies} attribute, independent of whether the
  * device can process multiple copies without making multiple passes over the
  * job or document data and independent of whether the output is collated or
  * not. Thus the value is independent of the implementation and reflects the
  * size of the document(s) measured in impressions independent of the number of
  * copies.
- * <P>
- * As with {@link JobKOctets JobKOctets}, the JobImpressions value must also not
- * include the multiplicative factor due to a copies instruction embedded in the
- * document data. If the document data actually includes replications of the
- * document data, this value will include such replication. In other words, this
- * value is always the number of impressions in the source document data, rather
- * than a measure of the number of impressions to be produced by the job.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * <p>
+ * As with {@link JobKOctets JobKOctets}, the {@code JobImpressions} value must
+ * also not include the multiplicative factor due to a copies instruction
+ * embedded in the document data. If the document data actually includes
+ * replications of the document data, this value will include such replication.
+ * In other words, this value is always the number of impressions in the source
+ * document data, rather than a measure of the number of impressions to be
+ * produced by the job.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
  * @see JobImpressionsSupported
  * @see JobImpressionsCompleted
  * @see JobKOctets
  * @see JobMediaSheets
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobImpressions extends IntegerSyntax
     implements PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 8225537206784322464L;
      * Construct a new job impressions attribute with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is negative
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *  (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 0.
     public JobImpressions(int value) {
         super(value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@@ -95,20 +96,16 @@
      * Returns whether this job impressions attribute is equivalent to the
      * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must
      * be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobImpressions.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job impressions attribute's value and {@code object}'s value
-     * are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code JobImpressions}.
+     *   <li>This job impressions attribute's value and {@code object}'s value
+     *   are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job
-     *          impressions attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job
+     *         impressions attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return super.equals (object) && object instanceof JobImpressions;
@@ -117,11 +114,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobImpressions, the category is class JobImpressions itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobImpressions}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobImpressions} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobImpressions.class;
@@ -130,14 +128,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobImpressions, the category name is
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobImpressions}, the category name is
      * {@code "job-impressions"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-impressions";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressionsCompleted.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressionsCompleted.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,68 +30,66 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class JobImpressionsCompleted is an integer valued printing attribute class
- * that specifies the number of impressions completed for the job so far. For
- * printing devices, the impressions completed includes interpreting, marking,
- * and stacking the output.
- * <P>
- * The JobImpressionsCompleted attribute describes the progress of the job. This
- * attribute is intended to be a counter. That is, the JobImpressionsCompleted
- * value for a job that has not started processing must be 0. When the job's
- * {@link JobState JobState} is PROCESSING or PROCESSING_STOPPED, the
- * JobImpressionsCompleted value is intended to increase as the job is
+ * Class {@code JobImpressionsCompleted} is an integer valued printing attribute
+ * class that specifies the number of impressions completed for the job so far.
+ * For printing devices, the impressions completed includes interpreting,
+ * marking, and stacking the output.
+ * <p>
+ * The {@code JobImpressionsCompleted} attribute describes the progress of the
+ * job. This attribute is intended to be a counter. That is, the
+ * {@code JobImpressionsCompleted} value for a job that has not started
+ * processing must be 0. When the job's {@link JobState JobState} is
+ * {@code PROCESSING} or {@code PROCESSING_STOPPED}, the
+ * {@code JobImpressionsCompleted} value is intended to increase as the job is
  * processed; it indicates the amount of the job that has been processed at the
  * time the Print Job's attribute set is queried or at the time a print job
- * event is reported. When the job enters the COMPLETED, CANCELED, or ABORTED
- * states, the JobImpressionsCompleted value is the final value for the job.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * event is reported. When the job enters the {@code COMPLETED},
+ * {@code CANCELED}, or {@code ABORTED} states, the
+ * {@code JobImpressionsCompleted} value is the final value for the job.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
  * @see JobImpressions
  * @see JobImpressionsSupported
  * @see JobKOctetsProcessed
  * @see JobMediaSheetsCompleted
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobImpressionsCompleted extends IntegerSyntax
         implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 6722648442432393294L;
      * Construct a new job impressions completed attribute with the given
      * integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *  (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 0.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is negative
     public JobImpressionsCompleted(int value) {
         super (value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-     * Returns whether this job impressions completed attribute is equivalent
-     * tp the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following
-     * conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobImpressionsCompleted.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job impressions completed attribute's value and
-     * {@code object}'s value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * Returns whether this job impressions completed attribute is equivalent tp
+     * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
+     * must be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class
+     *   {@code JobImpressionsCompleted}.
+     *   <li>This job impressions completed attribute's value and
+     *   {@code object}'s value are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job
-     *          impressions completed attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job
+     *         impressions completed attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return(super.equals (object) &&
@@ -100,12 +99,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobImpressionsCompleted, the category is class
-     * JobImpressionsCompleted itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobImpressionsCompleted}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobImpressionsCompleted} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobImpressionsCompleted.class;
@@ -114,14 +113,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobImpressionsCompleted, the category name is
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobImpressionsCompleted}, the category name is
      * {@code "job-impressions-completed"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-impressions-completed";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressionsSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressionsSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,40 +30,40 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.SupportedValuesAttribute;
- * Class JobImpressionsSupported is a printing attribute class, a set of
- * integers, that gives the supported values for a {@link JobImpressions
- * JobImpressions} attribute. It is restricted to a single contiguous range of
- * integers; multiple non-overlapping ranges are not allowed. This gives the
- * lower and upper bounds of the total sizes of print jobs in number of
- * impressions that the printer will accept.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The JobImpressionsSupported attribute's canonical
- * array form gives the lower and upper bound for the range of values to be
- * included in an IPP "job-impressions-supported" attribute. See class {@link
- * javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an
- * explanation of canonical array form. The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * Class {@code JobImpressionsSupported} is a printing attribute class, a set of
+ * integers, that gives the supported values for a
+ * {@link JobImpressions JobImpressions} attribute. It is restricted to a single
+ * contiguous range of integers; multiple non-overlapping ranges are not
+ * allowed. This gives the lower and upper bounds of the total sizes of print
+ * jobs in number of impressions that the printer will accept.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The {@code JobImpressionsSupported} attribute's
+ * canonical array form gives the lower and upper bound for the range of values
+ * to be included in an IPP "job-impressions-supported" attribute. See class
+ * {@link SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an explanation of canonical
+ * array form. The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
+ * attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobImpressionsSupported extends SetOfIntegerSyntax
         implements SupportedValuesAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -4887354803843173692L;
      * Construct a new job impressions supported attribute containing a single
-     * range of integers. That is, only those values of JobImpressions in the
-     * one range are supported.
+     * range of integers. That is, only those values of {@code JobImpressions}
+     * in the one range are supported.
-     * @param  lowerBound  Lower bound of the range.
-     * @param  upperBound  Upper bound of the range.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if a null range is specified or if a
-     *     non-null range is specified with {@code lowerBound} less than
-     *     0.
+     * @param  lowerBound lower bound of the range
+     * @param  upperBound upper bound of the range
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a {@code null} range is specified or
+     *         if a {@code non-null} range is specified with {@code lowerBound}
+     *         less than zero
     public JobImpressionsSupported(int lowerBound, int upperBound) {
         super (lowerBound, upperBound);
@@ -74,25 +75,21 @@
-     * Returns whether this job impressions supported attribute is equivalent
-     * to the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following
-     * conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobImpressionsSupported.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job impressions supported attribute's members and
-     * {@code object}'s members are the same.
-     * </OL>
+     * Returns whether this job impressions supported attribute is equivalent to
+     * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
+     * must be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class
+     *   {@code JobImpressionsSupported}.
+     *   <li>This job impressions supported attribute's members and
+     *   {@code object}'s members are the same.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job
-     *          impressions supported attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job
+     *         impressions supported attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -102,12 +99,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobImpressionsSupported, the category is class
-     * JobImpressionsSupported itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobImpressionsSupported}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobImpressionsSupported} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobImpressionsSupported.class;
@@ -116,14 +113,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobImpressionsSupported, the category name is
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobImpressionsSupported}, the category name is
      * {@code "job-impressions-supported"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-impressions-supported";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobKOctets.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobKOctets.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -22,126 +22,119 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.IntegerSyntax;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class JobKOctets is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies
- * the total size of the document(s) in K octets, i.e., in units of 1024 octets
- * requested to be processed in the job. The value must be rounded up, so that a
- * job between 1 and 1024 octets must be indicated as being 1K octets, 1025 to
- * 2048 must be 2K octets, etc. For a multidoc print job (a job with multiple
- * documents), the JobKOctets value is computed by adding up the individual
- * documents' sizes in octets, then rounding up to the next K octets value.
- * <P>
- * The JobKOctets attribute describes the size of the job. This attribute is not
- * intended to be a counter; it is intended to be useful routing and scheduling
- * information if known. The printer may try to compute the JobKOctets
- * attribute's value if it is not supplied in the Print Request. Even if the
- * client does supply a value for the JobKOctets attribute in the Print Request,
- * the printer may choose to change the value if the printer is able to compute
- * a value which is more accurate than the client supplied value. The printer
- * may be able to determine the correct value for the JobKOctets attribute
- * either right at job submission time or at any later point in time.
- * <P>
- * The JobKOctets value must not include the multiplicative factors contributed
- * by the number of copies specified by the {@link Copies Copies} attribute,
- * independent of whether the device can process multiple copies without making
- * multiple passes over the job or document data and independent of whether the
- * output is collated or not. Thus the value is independent of the
- * implementation and indicates the size of the document(s) measured in K octets
- * independent of the number of copies.
- * <P>
- * The JobKOctets value must also not include the multiplicative factor due to a
- * copies instruction embedded in the document data. If the document data
- * actually includes replications of the document data, this value will include
- * such replication. In other words, this value is always the size of the source
- * document data, rather than a measure of the hardcopy output to be produced.
- * <P>
+ * Class {@code JobKOctets} is an integer valued printing attribute class that
+ * specifies the total size of the document(s) in K octets, i.e., in units of
+ * 1024 octets requested to be processed in the job. The value must be rounded
+ * up, so that a job between 1 and 1024 octets must be indicated as being 1K
+ * octets, 1025 to 2048 must be 2K octets, etc. For a multidoc print job (a job
+ * with multiple documents), the {@code JobKOctets} value is computed by adding
+ * up the individual documents' sizes in octets, then rounding up to the next K
+ * octets value.
+ * <p>
+ * The {@code JobKOctets} attribute describes the size of the job. This
+ * attribute is not intended to be a counter; it is intended to be useful
+ * routing and scheduling information if known. The printer may try to compute
+ * the {@code JobKOctets} attribute's value if it is not supplied in the Print
+ * Request. Even if the client does supply a value for the {@code JobKOctets}
+ * attribute in the Print Request, the printer may choose to change the value if
+ * the printer is able to compute a value which is more accurate than the client
+ * supplied value. The printer may be able to determine the correct value for
+ * the {@code JobKOctets} attribute either right at job submission time or at
+ * any later point in time.
+ * <p>
+ * The {@code JobKOctets} value must not include the multiplicative factors
+ * contributed by the number of copies specified by the {@link Copies Copies}
+ * attribute, independent of whether the device can process multiple copies
+ * without making multiple passes over the job or document data and independent
+ * of whether the output is collated or not. Thus the value is independent of
+ * the implementation and indicates the size of the document(s) measured in K
+ * octets independent of the number of copies.
+ * <p>
+ * The {@code JobKOctets} value must also not include the multiplicative factor
+ * due to a copies instruction embedded in the document data. If the document
+ * data actually includes replications of the document data, this value will
+ * include such replication. In other words, this value is always the size of
+ * the source document data, rather than a measure of the hardcopy output to be
+ * produced.
+ * <p>
  * The size of a doc is computed based on the print data representation class as
- * specified by the doc's {@link javax.print.DocFlavor DocFlavor}, as
- * shown in the table below.
- *
+ * specified by the doc's {@link javax.print.DocFlavor DocFlavor}, as shown in
+ * the table below.
  * <table class="striped">
  * <caption>Table showing computation of doc sizes</caption>
  * <thead>
- * <TR>
- * <TH>Representation Class</TH>
- * <TH>Document Size</TH>
- * </TR>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <th>Representation Class
+ *     <th>Document Size
  * </thead>
  * <tbody>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>byte[]</TD>
- * <TD>Length of the byte array</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>java.io.InputStream</TD>
- * <TD>Number of bytes read from the stream</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>char[]</TD>
- * <TD>Length of the character array x 2</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>java.lang.String</TD>
- * <TD>Length of the string x 2</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>java.io.Reader</TD>
- * <TD>Number of characters read from the stream x 2</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>java.net.URL</TD>
- * <TD>Number of bytes read from the file at the given URL address</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage</TD>
- * <TD>Implementation dependent&#42;</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>java.awt.print.Printable</TD>
- * <TD>Implementation dependent&#42;</TD>
- * </TR>
- * <TR>
- * <TD>java.awt.print.Pageable</TD>
- * <TD>Implementation dependent&#42;</TD>
- * </TR>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>{@code byte[]}
+ *     <td>Length of the byte array
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>{@code java.io.InputStream}
+ *     <td>Number of bytes read from the stream
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>{@code char[]}
+ *     <td>Length of the character array x 2
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>{@code java.lang.String}
+ *     <td>Length of the string x 2
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>{@code java.io.Reader}
+ *     <td>Number of characters read from the stream x 2
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>{@code java.net.URL}
+ *     <td>Number of bytes read from the file at the given {@code URL} address
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>{@code java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage}
+ *     <td>Implementation dependent&#42;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>{@code java.awt.print.Printable}
+ *     <td>Implementation dependent&#42;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>{@code java.awt.print.Pageable}
+ *     <td>Implementation dependent&#42;
  * </tbody>
- * </TABLE>
- * <P>
+ * </table>
+ * <p>
  * &#42; In these cases the Print Service itself generates the print data sent
- * to the printer. If the Print Service supports the JobKOctets attribute, for
- * these cases the Print Service itself must calculate the size of the print
- * data, replacing any JobKOctets value the client specified.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * to the printer. If the Print Service supports the {@code JobKOctets}
+ * attribute, for these cases the Print Service itself must calculate the size
+ * of the print data, replacing any {@code JobKOctets} value the client
+ * specified.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
  * @see JobKOctetsSupported
  * @see JobKOctetsProcessed
  * @see JobImpressions
  * @see JobMediaSheets
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobKOctets   extends IntegerSyntax
         implements PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -8959710146498202869L;
      * Construct a new job K octets attribute with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *  (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 0.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is negative
     public JobKOctets(int value) {
         super (value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@@ -151,20 +144,16 @@
      * Returns whether this job K octets attribute is equivalent to the passed
      * in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be
      * true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobKOctets.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job K octets attribute's value and {@code object}'s value
-     * are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code JobKOctets}.
+     *   <li>This job K octets attribute's value and {@code object}'s value are
+     *   equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job K
-     *          octets attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job K octets
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return super.equals(object) && object instanceof JobKOctets;
@@ -173,11 +162,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobKOctets, the category is class JobKOctets itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobKOctets}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobKOctets} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobKOctets.class;
@@ -186,13 +176,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobKOctets, the category name is {@code "job-k-octets"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobKOctets}, the category name is
+     * {@code "job-k-octets"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-k-octets";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobKOctetsProcessed.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobKOctetsProcessed.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,57 +30,57 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class JobKOctetsProcessed is an integer valued printing attribute class that
- * specifies the total number of print data octets processed so far in K octets,
- * i.e., in units of 1024 octets. The value must be rounded up, so that a job
- * between 1 and 1024 octets inclusive must be indicated as being 1K octets,
- * 1025 to 2048 inclusive must be 2K, etc. For a multidoc print job (a job with
- * multiple documents), the JobKOctetsProcessed value is computed by adding up
- * the individual documents' number of octets processed so far, then rounding up
- * to the next K octets value.
- * <P>
- * The JobKOctetsProcessed attribute describes the progress of the job. This
- * attribute is intended to be a counter. That is, the JobKOctetsProcessed value
- * for a job that has not started processing must be 0. When the job's {@link
- * JobState JobState} is PROCESSING or PROCESSING_STOPPED, the
- * JobKOctetsProcessed value is intended to increase as the job is processed; it
- * indicates the amount of the job that has been processed at the time the Print
- * Job's attribute set is queried or at the time a print job event is reported.
- * When the job enters the COMPLETED, CANCELED, or ABORTED states, the
- * JobKOctetsProcessed value is the final value for the job.
- * <P>
+ * Class {@code JobKOctetsProcessed} is an integer valued printing attribute
+ * class that specifies the total number of print data octets processed so far
+ * in K octets, i.e., in units of 1024 octets. The value must be rounded up, so
+ * that a job between 1 and 1024 octets inclusive must be indicated as being 1K
+ * octets, 1025 to 2048 inclusive must be 2K, etc. For a multidoc print job (a
+ * job with multiple documents), the JobKOctetsProcessed value is computed by
+ * adding up the individual documents' number of octets processed so far, then
+ * rounding up to the next K octets value.
+ * <p>
+ * The {@code JobKOctetsProcessed} attribute describes the progress of the job.
+ * This attribute is intended to be a counter. That is, the JobKOctetsProcessed
+ * value for a job that has not started processing must be 0. When the job's
+ * {@link JobState JobState} is {@code PROCESSING} or
+ * {@code PROCESSING_STOPPED}, the {@code JobKOctetsProcessed} value is intended
+ * to increase as the job is processed; it indicates the amount of the job that
+ * has been processed at the time the Print Job's attribute set is queried or at
+ * the time a print job event is reported. When the job enters the
+ * {@code COMPLETED}, {@code CANCELED}, or {@code ABORTED} states, the
+ * {@code JobKOctetsProcessed} value is the final value for the job.
+ * <p>
  * For implementations where multiple copies are produced by the interpreter
  * with only a single pass over the data, the final value of the
- * JobKOctetsProcessed attribute must be equal to the value of the {@link
- * JobKOctets JobKOctets} attribute. For implementations where multiple copies
- * are produced by the interpreter by processing the data for each copy, the
- * final value must be a multiple of the value of the {@link JobKOctets
- * JobKOctets} attribute.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * JobKOctetsProcessed attribute must be equal to the value of the
+ * {@link JobKOctets JobKOctets} attribute. For implementations where multiple
+ * copies are produced by the interpreter by processing the data for each copy,
+ * the final value must be a multiple of the value of the
+ * {@link JobKOctets JobKOctets} attribute.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
  * @see JobKOctets
  * @see JobKOctetsSupported
  * @see JobImpressionsCompleted
  * @see JobMediaSheetsCompleted
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobKOctetsProcessed extends IntegerSyntax
         implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -6265238509657881806L;
      * Construct a new job K octets processed attribute with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *  (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 0.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is negative
     public JobKOctetsProcessed(int value) {
         super (value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@@ -89,20 +90,16 @@
      * Returns whether this job K octets processed attribute is equivalent to
      * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
      * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobKOctetsProcessed.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job K octets processed attribute's value and
-     * {@code object}'s value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code JobKOctetsProcessed}.
+     *   <li>This job K octets processed attribute's value and {@code object}'s
+     *   value are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job K
-     *          octets processed attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job K octets
+     *         processed attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return(super.equals (object) &&
@@ -112,12 +109,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobKOctetsProcessed, the category is class
-     * JobKOctetsProcessed itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobKOctetsProcessed}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobKOctetsProcessed} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobKOctetsProcessed.class;
@@ -126,14 +123,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobKOctetsProcessed, the category name is
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobKOctetsProcessed}, the category name is
      * {@code "job-k-octets-processed"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-k-octets-processed";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobKOctetsSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobKOctetsSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,25 +30,28 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.SupportedValuesAttribute;
- * Class JobKOctetsSupported is a printing attribute class, a set of integers,
- * that gives the supported values for a {@link JobKOctets JobKOctets}
+ * Class {@code JobKOctetsSupported} is a printing attribute class, a set of
+ * integers, that gives the supported values for a {@link JobKOctets JobKOctets}
  * attribute. It is restricted to a single contiguous range of integers;
  * multiple non-overlapping ranges are not allowed. This gives the lower and
  * upper bounds of the total sizes of print jobs in units of K octets (1024
  * octets) that the printer will accept.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The JobKOctetsSupported attribute's canonical array
- * form gives the lower and upper bound for the range of values to be included
- * in an IPP "job-k-octets-supported" attribute. See class {@link
- * javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an
- * explanation of canonical array form. The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The {@code JobKOctetsSupported} attribute's
+ * canonical array form gives the lower and upper bound for the range of values
+ * to be included in an IPP "job-k-octets-supported" attribute. See class
+ * {@link SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an explanation of canonical
+ * array form. The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
+ * attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobKOctetsSupported extends SetOfIntegerSyntax
     implements SupportedValuesAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -2867871140549897443L;
@@ -55,13 +59,11 @@
      * range of integers. That is, only those values of JobKOctets in the one
      * range are supported.
-     * @param  lowerBound  Lower bound of the range.
-     * @param  upperBound  Upper bound of the range.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *  (Unchecked exception) Thrown if a null range is specified or if a
-     *  non-null range is specified with {@code lowerBound} less than
-     *   0.
+     * @param  lowerBound Lower bound of the range
+     * @param  upperBound Upper bound of the range
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a {@code null} range is specified or
+     *         if a {@code non-null} range is specified with {@code lowerBound}
+     *         less than zero
     public JobKOctetsSupported(int lowerBound, int upperBound) {
         super (lowerBound, upperBound);
@@ -77,20 +79,16 @@
      * Returns whether this job K octets supported attribute is equivalent to
      * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
      * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobKOctetsSupported.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job K octets supported attribute's members and
-     * {@code object}'s members are the same.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code JobKOctetsSupported}.
+     *   <li>This job K octets supported attribute's members and
+     *   {@code object}'s members are the same.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job K
-     *          octets supported attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job K octets
+     *         supported attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -100,12 +98,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobKOctetsSupported, the category is class
-     * JobKOctetsSupported itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobKOctetsSupported}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobKOctetsSupported} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobKOctetsSupported.class;
@@ -114,14 +112,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobKOctetsSupported, the category name is
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobKOctetsSupported}, the category name is
      * {@code "job-k-octets-supported"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-k-octets-supported";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMediaSheets.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMediaSheets.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,63 +22,62 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.IntegerSyntax;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class JobMediaSheets is an integer valued printing attribute class that
- * specifies the total number of media sheets to be produced for this job.
- * <P>
- * The JobMediaSheets attribute describes the size of the job. This attribute is
- * not intended to be a counter; it is intended to be useful routing and
- * scheduling information if known. The printer may try to compute the
- * JobMediaSheets attribute's value if it is not supplied in the Print Request.
- * Even if the client does supply a value for the JobMediaSheets attribute in
- * the Print Request, the printer may choose to change the value if the printer
- * is able to compute a value which is more accurate than the client supplied
- * value. The printer may be able to determine the correct value for the
- * JobMediaSheets attribute either right at job submission time or at any later
- * point in time.
- * <P>
- * Unlike the {@link JobKOctets JobKOctets} and {@link JobImpressions
- * JobImpressions} attributes, the JobMediaSheets value must include the
- * multiplicative factors contributed by the number of copies specified by the
- * {@link Copies Copies} attribute and a "number of copies" instruction embedded
- * in the document data, if any. This difference allows the system administrator
- * to control the lower and upper bounds of both (1) the size of the document(s)
- * with {@link JobKOctetsSupported JobKOctetsSupported} and {@link
- * JobImpressionsSupported JobImpressionsSupported} and (2) the size of the job
- * with {@link JobMediaSheetsSupported JobMediaSheetsSupported}.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * Class {@code JobMediaSheets} is an integer valued printing attribute class
+ * that specifies the total number of media sheets to be produced for this job.
+ * <p>
+ * The {@code JobMediaSheets} attribute describes the size of the job. This
+ * attribute is not intended to be a counter; it is intended to be useful
+ * routing and scheduling information if known. The printer may try to compute
+ * the {@code JobMediaSheets} attribute's value if it is not supplied in the
+ * Print Request. Even if the client does supply a value for the
+ * {@code JobMediaSheets} attribute in the Print Request, the printer may choose
+ * to change the value if the printer is able to compute a value which is more
+ * accurate than the client supplied value. The printer may be able to determine
+ * the correct value for the {@code JobMediaSheets} attribute either right at
+ * job submission time or at any later point in time.
+ * <p>
+ * Unlike the {@link JobKOctets JobKOctets} and
+ * {@link JobImpressions JobImpressions} attributes, the {@code JobMediaSheets}
+ * value must include the multiplicative factors contributed by the number of
+ * copies specified by the {@link Copies Copies} attribute and a "number of
+ * copies" instruction embedded in the document data, if any. This difference
+ * allows the system administrator to control the lower and upper bounds of both
+ * (1) the size of the document(s) with
+ * {@link JobKOctetsSupported JobKOctetsSupported} and
+ * {@link JobImpressionsSupported JobImpressionsSupported} and (2) the size of
+ * the job with {@link JobMediaSheetsSupported JobMediaSheetsSupported}.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
  * @see JobMediaSheetsSupported
  * @see JobMediaSheetsCompleted
  * @see JobKOctets
  * @see JobImpressions
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
 public class JobMediaSheets extends IntegerSyntax
         implements PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 408871131531979741L;
-     * Construct a new job media sheets attribute with the given integer
-     * value.
+     * Construct a new job media sheets attribute with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *   (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 0.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is negative
     public JobMediaSheets(int value) {
         super (value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@@ -88,20 +87,16 @@
      * Returns whether this job media sheets attribute is equivalent to the
      * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must
      * be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobMediaSheets.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job media sheets attribute's value and {@code object}'s
-     * value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code JobMediaSheets}.
+     *   <li>This job media sheets attribute's value and {@code object}'s value
+     *   are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job media
-     *          sheets attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job media
+     *         sheets attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return super.equals(object) && object instanceof JobMediaSheets;
@@ -110,12 +105,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobMediaSheets and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category
-     * is class JobMediaSheets itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobMediaSheets} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category is class {@code JobMediaSheets} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobMediaSheets.class;
@@ -124,14 +119,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobMediaSheets and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobMediaSheets} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
      * category name is {@code "job-media-sheets"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-media-sheets";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMediaSheetsCompleted.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMediaSheetsCompleted.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,46 +30,46 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class JobMediaSheetsCompleted is an integer valued printing attribute class
- * that specifies the number of media sheets which have completed marking and
- * stacking for the entire job so far, whether those sheets have been processed
- * on one side or on both.
- * <P>
- * The JobMediaSheetsCompleted attribute describes the progress of the job. This
- * attribute is intended to be a counter. That is, the JobMediaSheetsCompleted
- * value for a job that has not started processing must be 0. When the job's
- * {@link JobState JobState} is PROCESSING or PROCESSING_STOPPED, the
- * JobMediaSheetsCompleted value is intended to increase as the job is
+ * Class {@code JobMediaSheetsCompleted} is an integer valued printing attribute
+ * class that specifies the number of media sheets which have completed marking
+ * and stacking for the entire job so far, whether those sheets have been
+ * processed on one side or on both.
+ * <p>
+ * The {@code JobMediaSheetsCompleted} attribute describes the progress of the
+ * job. This attribute is intended to be a counter. That is, the
+ * {@code JobMediaSheetsCompleted} value for a job that has not started
+ * processing must be 0. When the job's {@link JobState JobState} is
+ * {@code PROCESSING} or {@code PROCESSING_STOPPED}, the
+ * {@code JobMediaSheetsCompleted} value is intended to increase as the job is
  * processed; it indicates the amount of the job that has been processed at the
  * time the Print Job's attribute set is queried or at the time a print job
- * event is reported. When the job enters the COMPLETED, CANCELED, or ABORTED
- * states, the JobMediaSheetsCompleted value is the final value for the job.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * event is reported. When the job enters the {@code COMPLETED},
+ * {@code CANCELED}, or {@code ABORTED} states, the
+ * {@code JobMediaSheetsCompleted} value is the final value for the job.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
  * @see JobMediaSheets
  * @see JobMediaSheetsSupported
  * @see JobKOctetsProcessed
  * @see JobImpressionsCompleted
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobMediaSheetsCompleted extends IntegerSyntax
         implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1739595973810840475L;
      * Construct a new job media sheets completed attribute with the given
      * integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *   (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 0.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is negative
     public JobMediaSheetsCompleted(int value) {
         super (value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@@ -78,20 +79,17 @@
      * Returns whether this job media sheets completed attribute is equivalent
      * to the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following
      * conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobMediaSheetsCompleted.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job media sheets completed attribute's value and
-     * {@code object}'s value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class
+     *   {@code JobMediaSheetsCompleted}.
+     *   <li>This job media sheets completed attribute's value and
+     *   {@code object}'s value are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job media
-     *          sheets completed attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job media
+     *         sheets completed attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -101,12 +99,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobMediaSheetsCompleted, the category is class
-     * JobMediaSheetsCompleted itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobMediaSheetsCompleted}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobMediaSheetsCompleted} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobMediaSheetsCompleted.class;
@@ -115,11 +113,11 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobMediaSheetsCompleted, the category name is
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobMediaSheetsCompleted}, the category name is
      * {@code "job-media-sheets-completed"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-media-sheets-completed";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMediaSheetsSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMediaSheetsSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,39 +30,40 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.SupportedValuesAttribute;
- * Class JobMediaSheetsSupported is a printing attribute class, a set of
- * integers, that gives the supported values for a {@link JobMediaSheets
- * JobMediaSheets} attribute. It is restricted to a single contiguous range of
- * integers; multiple non-overlapping ranges are not allowed. This gives the
- * lower and upper bounds of the total sizes of print jobs in number of media
- * sheets that the printer will accept.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The JobMediaSheetsSupported attribute's canonical
- * array form gives the lower and upper bound for the range of values to be
- * included in an IPP "job-media-sheets-supported" attribute. See class {@link
- * javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an
- * explanation of canonical array form. The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * Class {@code JobMediaSheetsSupported} is a printing attribute class, a set of
+ * integers, that gives the supported values for a
+ * {@link JobMediaSheets JobMediaSheets} attribute. It is restricted to a single
+ * contiguous range of integers; multiple non-overlapping ranges are not
+ * allowed. This gives the lower and upper bounds of the total sizes of print
+ * jobs in number of media sheets that the printer will accept.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The {@code JobMediaSheetsSupported} attribute's
+ * canonical array form gives the lower and upper bound for the range of values
+ * to be included in an IPP "job-media-sheets-supported" attribute. See class
+ * {@link SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an explanation of canonical
+ * array form. The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
+ * attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobMediaSheetsSupported extends SetOfIntegerSyntax
         implements SupportedValuesAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2953685470388672940L;
      * Construct a new job media sheets supported attribute containing a single
-     * range of integers. That is, only those values of JobMediaSheets in the
-     * one range are supported.
+     * range of integers. That is, only those values of {@code JobMediaSheets}
+     * in the one range are supported.
-     * @param  lowerBound  Lower bound of the range.
-     * @param  upperBound  Upper bound of the range.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *  (Unchecked exception) Thrown if a null range is specified or if a
-     *   non-null range is specified with {@code lowerBound} less than
-     *    0.
+     * @param  lowerBound lower bound of the range
+     * @param  upperBound upper bound of the range
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a {@code null} range is specified or
+     *         if a {@code non-null} range is specified with {@code lowerBound}
+     *         less than zero
     public JobMediaSheetsSupported(int lowerBound, int upperBound) {
         super (lowerBound, upperBound);
@@ -77,20 +79,17 @@
      * Returns whether this job media sheets supported attribute is equivalent
      * to the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following
      * conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobMediaSheetsSupported.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job media sheets supported attribute's members and
-     * {@code object}'s members are the same.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class
+     *   {@code JobMediaSheetsSupported}.
+     *   <li>This job media sheets supported attribute's members and
+     *   {@code object}'s members are the same.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job media
-     *          sheets supported attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job media
+     *         sheets supported attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -100,12 +99,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobMediaSheetsSupported, the
-     * category is class JobMediaSheetsSupported itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobMediaSheetsSupported}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobMediaSheetsSupported} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobMediaSheetsSupported.class;
@@ -114,14 +113,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobMediaSheetsSupported, the
-     * category name is {@code "job-media-sheets-supported"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobMediaSheetsSupported}, the category name is
+     * {@code "job-media-sheets-supported"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-media-sheets-supported";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMessageFromOperator.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMessageFromOperator.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,50 +22,53 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class JobMessageFromOperator is a printing attribute class, a text attribute,
- * that provides a message from an operator, system administrator, or
+ * Class {@code JobMessageFromOperator} is a printing attribute class, a text
+ * attribute, that provides a message from an operator, system administrator, or
  * "intelligent" process to indicate to the end user the reasons for
  * modification or other management action taken on a job.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * A Print Job's attribute set includes zero instances or one instance of a
- * JobMessageFromOperator attribute, not more than one instance. A new
- * JobMessageFromOperator attribute replaces an existing JobMessageFromOperator
- * attribute, if any. In other words, JobMessageFromOperator is not intended to
- * be a history log. If it wishes, the client can detect changes to a Print
- * Job's JobMessageFromOperator attribute and maintain the client's own history
- * log of the JobMessageFromOperator attribute values.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
+ * {@code JobMessageFromOperator} attribute, not more than one instance. A new
+ * {@code JobMessageFromOperator} attribute replaces an existing
+ * {@code JobMessageFromOperator} attribute, if any. In other words,
+ * {@code JobMessageFromOperator} is not intended to be a history log. If it
+ * wishes, the client can detect changes to a Print Job's
+ * {@code JobMessageFromOperator} attribute and maintain the client's own
+ * history log of the {@code JobMessageFromOperator} attribute values.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
  * locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by
  * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobMessageFromOperator extends TextSyntax
         implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -4620751846003142047L;
      * Constructs a new job message from operator attribute with the given
      * message and locale.
-     * @param  message  Message.
-     * @param  locale   Natural language of the text string. null
-     * is interpreted to mean the default locale as returned
-     * by {@code Locale.getDefault()}
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code message} is null.
+     * @param  message the message
+     * @param  locale Natural language of the text string. {@code null} is
+     *         interpreted to mean the default locale as returned by
+     *         {@code Locale.getDefault()}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code message} is {@code null}
     public JobMessageFromOperator(String message, Locale locale) {
         super (message, locale);
@@ -75,23 +78,19 @@
      * Returns whether this job message from operator attribute is equivalent to
      * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
      * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobMessageFromOperator.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job message from operator attribute's underlying string and
-     * {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job message from operator attribute's locale and
-     * {@code object}'s locale are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class
+     *   {@code JobMessageFromOperator}.
+     *   <li>This job message from operator attribute's underlying string and
+     *   {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
+     *   <li>This job message from operator attribute's locale and
+     *   {@code object}'s locale are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job
-     *          message from operator attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job message
+     *         from operator attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -101,12 +100,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobMessageFromOperator, the
-     * category is class JobMessageFromOperator itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobMessageFromOperator}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobMessageFromOperator} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobMessageFromOperator.class;
@@ -115,14 +114,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobMessageFromOperator, the
-     * category name is {@code "job-message-from-operator"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobMessageFromOperator}, the category name is
+     * {@code "job-message-from-operator"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-message-from-operator";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobName.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobName.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,50 +22,53 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax;
- * Class JobName is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that specifies
- * the name of a print job. A job's name is an arbitrary string defined by the
- * client. It does not need to be unique between different jobs. A Print Job's
- * JobName attribute is set to the value supplied by the client in the Print
- * Request's attribute set. If, however, the client does not supply a JobName
- * attribute in the Print Request, the printer, when it creates the Print Job,
- * must generate a JobName. The printer should generate the value of the Print
- * Job's JobName attribute from the first of the following sources that produces
- * a value: (1) the {@link DocumentName DocumentName} attribute of the first (or
- * only) doc in the job, (2) the URL of the first (or only) doc in the job, if
- * the doc's print data representation object is a URL, or (3) any other piece
- * of Print Job specific and/or document content information.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
+ * Class {@code JobName} is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that
+ * specifies the name of a print job. A job's name is an arbitrary string
+ * defined by the client. It does not need to be unique between different jobs.
+ * A Print Job's {@code JobName} attribute is set to the value supplied by the
+ * client in the Print Request's attribute set. If, however, the client does not
+ * supply a {@code JobName} attribute in the Print Request, the printer, when it
+ * creates the Print Job, must generate a {@code JobName}. The printer should
+ * generate the value of the Print Job's {@code JobName} attribute from the
+ * first of the following sources that produces a value: (1) the
+ * {@link DocumentName DocumentName} attribute of the first (or only) doc in the
+ * job, (2) the {@code URL} of the first (or only) doc in the job, if the doc's
+ * print data representation object is a {@code URL}, or (3) any other piece of
+ * Print Job specific and/or document content information.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
  * locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by
  * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobName extends TextSyntax
         implements PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 4660359192078689545L;
      * Constructs a new job name attribute with the given job name and locale.
-     * @param  jobName  Job name.
-     * @param  locale   Natural language of the text string. null
-     * is interpreted to mean the default locale as returned
-     * by {@code Locale.getDefault()}
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code jobName} is null.
+     * @param  jobName job name
+     * @param  locale natural language of the text string. {@code null} is
+     *         interpreted to mean the default locale as returned by
+     *         {@code Locale.getDefault()}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code jobName} is {@code null}
     public JobName(String jobName, Locale locale) {
         super (jobName, locale);
@@ -74,23 +77,18 @@
      * Returns whether this job name attribute is equivalent to the passed in
      * object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobName.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job name attribute's underlying string and {@code object}'s
-     * underlying string are equal.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job name attribute's locale and {@code object}'s locale are
-     * equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code JobName}.
+     *   <li>This job name attribute's underlying string and {@code object}'s
+     *   underlying string are equal.
+     *   <li>This job name attribute's locale and {@code object}'s locale are
+     *   equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job name
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job name
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) && object instanceof JobName);
@@ -99,11 +97,11 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobName, the category is class JobName itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobName}, the category is class {@code JobName} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobName.class;
@@ -112,13 +110,12 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobName, the category name is {@code "job-name"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobName}, the category name is {@code "job-name"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-name";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobOriginatingUserName.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobOriginatingUserName.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,50 +22,50 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class JobOriginatingUserName is a printing attribute class, a text
- * attribute, that contains the name of the end user that submitted the
- * print job. If possible, the printer sets this attribute to the most
- * authenticated printable user name that it can obtain from the
- * authentication service that authenticated the submitted Print Request.
- * If such is not available, the printer uses the value of the
- * {@link RequestingUserName RequestingUserName}
- * attribute supplied by the client in the Print Request's attribute set.
- * If no authentication service is available, and the client did not supply
- * a {@link RequestingUserName RequestingUserName} attribute,
- * the printer sets the JobOriginatingUserName attribute to an empty
- * (zero-length) string.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
+ * Class {@code JobOriginatingUserName} is a printing attribute class, a text
+ * attribute, that contains the name of the end user that submitted the print
+ * job. If possible, the printer sets this attribute to the most authenticated
+ * printable user name that it can obtain from the authentication service that
+ * authenticated the submitted Print Request. If such is not available, the
+ * printer uses the value of the {@link RequestingUserName RequestingUserName}
+ * attribute supplied by the client in the Print Request's attribute set. If no
+ * authentication service is available, and the client did not supply a
+ * {@link RequestingUserName RequestingUserName} attribute, the printer sets the
+ * JobOriginatingUserName attribute to an empty (zero-length) string.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
  * locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by
  * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobOriginatingUserName extends TextSyntax
         implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -8052537926362933477L;
-     * Constructs a new job originating user name attribute with the given
-     * user name and locale.
+     * Constructs a new job originating user name attribute with the given user
+     * name and locale.
-     * @param  userName  User name.
-     * @param  locale    Natural language of the text string. null
-     * is interpreted to mean the default locale as returned
-     * by {@code Locale.getDefault()}
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code userName} is null.
+     * @param  userName user name
+     * @param  locale natural language of the text string. {@code null} is
+     *         interpreted to mean the default locale as returned by
+     *         {@code Locale.getDefault()}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code userName} is {@code null}
     public JobOriginatingUserName(String userName, Locale locale) {
         super (userName, locale);
@@ -75,23 +75,19 @@
      * Returns whether this job originating user name attribute is equivalent to
      * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
      * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobOriginatingUserName.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job originating user name attribute's underlying string and
-     * {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job originating user name attribute's locale and
-     * {@code object}'s locale are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class
+     *   {@code JobOriginatingUserName}.
+     *   <li>This job originating user name attribute's underlying string and
+     *   {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
+     *   <li>This job originating user name attribute's locale and
+     *   {@code object}'s locale are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job
-     *          originating user name attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job
+     *         originating user name attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -101,12 +97,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobOriginatingUserName, the
-     * category is class JobOriginatingUserName itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobOriginatingUserName}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobOriginatingUserName} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobOriginatingUserName.class;
@@ -115,14 +111,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobOriginatingUserName, the
-     * category name is {@code "job-originating-user-name"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobOriginatingUserName}, the category name is
+     * {@code "job-originating-user-name"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-originating-user-name";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobPriority.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobPriority.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,54 +22,55 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.IntegerSyntax;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class JobPriority is an integer valued printing attribute class that
+ * Class {@code JobPriority} is an integer valued printing attribute class that
  * specifies a print job's priority.
- * <P>
- * If a JobPriority attribute is specified for a Print Job, it specifies a
- * priority for scheduling the job. A higher value specifies a higher priority.
- * The value 1 indicates the lowest possible priority. The value 100 indicates
- * the highest possible priority. Among those jobs that are ready to print, a
- * printer must print all jobs with a priority value of <I>n</I> before printing
- * those with a priority value of <I>n</I>-1 for all <I>n.</I>
- * <P>
- * If the client does not specify a JobPriority attribute for a Print Job and
- * the printer does support the JobPriority attribute, the printer must use an
- * implementation-defined default JobPriority value.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
+ * If a {@code JobPriority} attribute is specified for a Print Job, it specifies
+ * a priority for scheduling the job. A higher value specifies a higher
+ * priority. The value 1 indicates the lowest possible priority. The value 100
+ * indicates the highest possible priority. Among those jobs that are ready to
+ * print, a printer must print all jobs with a priority value of <i>n</i> before
+ * printing those with a priority value of <i>n</i>-1 for all <i>n.</i>
+ * <p>
+ * If the client does not specify a {@code JobPriority} attribute for a Print
+ * Job and the printer does support the JobPriority attribute, the printer must
+ * use an implementation-defined default JobPriority value.
+ * <p>
  * The client can always specify any job priority value from 1 to 100 for a job.
- * However, a Print Service instance may support fewer than 100 different
- * job priority levels. If this is the case, the Print Service instance
+ * However, a Print Service instance may support fewer than 100 different job
+ * priority levels. If this is the case, the Print Service instance
  * automatically maps the client-specified job priority value to one of the
  * supported job priority levels, dividing the 100 job priority values equally
  * among the available job priority levels.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobPriority extends IntegerSyntax
     implements PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -4599900369040602769L;
      * Construct a new job priority attribute with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 1
-     *     or greater than 100.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is less than 1 or
+     *         greater than 100
     public JobPriority(int value) {
         super (value, 1, 100);
@@ -79,20 +80,16 @@
      * Returns whether this job priority attribute is equivalent to the passed
      * in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be
      * true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobPriority.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job priority attribute's value and {@code object}'s value
-     * are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code JobPriority}.
+     *   <li>This job priority attribute's value and {@code object}'s value are
+     *   equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job
-     *          priority attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job priority
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) && object instanceof JobPriority);
@@ -101,11 +98,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobPriority, the category is class JobPriority itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobPriority}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobPriority} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobPriority.class;
@@ -114,13 +112,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobPriority, the category name is {@code "job-priority"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobPriority}, the category name is
+     * {@code "job-priority"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-priority";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobPrioritySupported.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobPrioritySupported.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,39 +30,38 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.SupportedValuesAttribute;
- * Class JobPrioritySupported is an integer valued printing attribute class
- * that specifies whether a Print Service instance supports the {@link
- * JobPriority JobPriority} attribute and the number of different job priority
- * levels supported.
- * <P>
- * The client can always specify any {@link JobPriority JobPriority} value
- * from 1 to 100 for a job. However, the Print Service instance may support
- * fewer than 100 different job priority levels. If this is the case, the
- * Print Service instance automatically maps the client-specified job priority
- * value to one of the supported job priority levels, dividing the 100 job
- * priority values equally among the available job priority levels.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value.
- * The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
- * attribute name.
+ * Class {@code JobPrioritySupported} is an integer valued printing attribute
+ * class that specifies whether a Print Service instance supports the
+ * {@link JobPriority JobPriority} attribute and the number of different job
+ * priority levels supported.
+ * <p>
+ * The client can always specify any {@link JobPriority JobPriority} value from
+ * 1 to 100 for a job. However, the Print Service instance may support fewer
+ * than 100 different job priority levels. If this is the case, the Print
+ * Service instance automatically maps the client-specified job priority value
+ * to one of the supported job priority levels, dividing the 100 job priority
+ * values equally among the available job priority levels.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobPrioritySupported extends IntegerSyntax
     implements SupportedValuesAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2564840378013555894L;
      * Construct a new job priority supported attribute with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Number of different job priority levels supported.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 1
-     *     or greater than 100.
+     * @param  value number of different job priority levels supported
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is less than 1 or
+     *         greater than 100
     public JobPrioritySupported(int value) {
         super (value, 1, 100);
@@ -71,20 +71,17 @@
      * Returns whether this job priority supported attribute is equivalent to
      * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
      * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class JobPrioritySupported.
-     * <LI>
-     * This job priority supported attribute's value and
-     * {@code object}'s value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class
+     *   {@code JobPrioritySupported}.
+     *   <li>This job priority supported attribute's value and {@code object}'s
+     *   value are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this job
-     *          priority supported attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this job priority
+     *         supported attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals (Object object) {
@@ -92,16 +89,15 @@
                object instanceof JobPrioritySupported);
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobPrioritySupported, the
-     * category is class JobPrioritySupported itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobPrioritySupported}, the category is class
+     * {@code JobPrioritySupported} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobPrioritySupported.class;
@@ -110,14 +106,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobPrioritySupported, the
-     * category name is {@code "job-priority-supported"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobPrioritySupported}, the category name is
+     * {@code "job-priority-supported"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-priority-supported";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobSheets.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobSheets.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,39 +22,40 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
-import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class JobSheets is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
+ * Class {@code JobSheets} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
  * determines which job start and end sheets, if any, must be printed with a
- * job. Class JobSheets declares keywords for standard job sheets values.
- * Implementation- or site-defined names for a job sheets attribute may also be
- * created by defining a subclass of class JobSheets.
- * <P>
- * The effect of a JobSheets attribute on multidoc print jobs (jobs with
- * multiple documents) may be affected by the {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} job attribute, depending on the meaning of the
- * particular JobSheets value.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B>  The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The
- * enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum value.  The
- * {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
- * the attribute value. For a subclass, the attribute value must be
- * localized to give the IPP name and natural language values.
+ * job. Class {@code JobSheets} declares keywords for standard job sheets
+ * values. Implementation- or site-defined names for a job sheets attribute may
+ * also be created by defining a subclass of class {@code JobSheets}.
+ * <p>
+ * The effect of a {@code JobSheets} attribute on multidoc print jobs (jobs with
+ * multiple documents) may be affected by the
+ * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} job attribute,
+ * depending on the meaning of the particular {@code JobSheets} value.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value. For a subclass, the attribute value must be localized to
+ * give the IPP name and natural language values.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class JobSheets extends EnumSyntax
         implements PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -4735258056132519759L;
@@ -63,9 +64,8 @@
     public static final JobSheets NONE = new JobSheets(0);
-     * One or more site specific standard job sheets are printed. e.g. a
-     * single start sheet is printed, or both start and end sheets are
-     * printed.
+     * One or more site specific standard job sheets are printed. e.g. a single
+     * start sheet is printed, or both start and end sheets are printed.
     public static final JobSheets STANDARD = new JobSheets(1);
@@ -73,31 +73,37 @@
      * Construct a new job sheets enumeration value with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected JobSheets(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code JobSheets}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code JobSheets}.
+     */
     private static final JobSheets[] myEnumValueTable = {
-     * Returns the string table for class JobSheets.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code JobSheets}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable.clone();
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class JobSheets.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code JobSheets}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
@@ -106,12 +112,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobSheets and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category is
-     * class JobSheets itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobSheets} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category is class {@code JobSheets} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobSheets.class;
@@ -120,14 +126,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobSheets and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category
-     * name is {@code "job-sheets"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobSheets} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category name is {@code "job-sheets"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-sheets";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobState.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobState.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -30,24 +30,27 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * JobState is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that identifies
- * the current state of a print job. Class JobState defines standard job state
- * values. A  Print Service implementation only needs to report those job
- * states which are appropriate for the particular implementation; it does not
- * have to report every defined job state. The {@link JobStateReasons
- * JobStateReasons} attribute augments the JobState attribute to give more
- * detailed information about the job in the given job state.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
+ * {@code JobState} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
+ * identifies the current state of a print job. Class {@code JobState} defines
+ * standard job state values. A Print Service implementation only needs to
+ * report those job states which are appropriate for the particular
+ * implementation; it does not have to report every defined job state. The
+ * {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute augments the
+ * {@code JobState} attribute to give more detailed information about the job in
+ * the given job state.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class JobState extends EnumSyntax implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 400465010094018920L;
@@ -62,61 +65,57 @@
      * The job is not a candidate for processing for any number of reasons but
-     * will return to the PENDING state as soon as the reasons are no longer
-     * present. The job's {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute must
-     * indicate why the job is no longer a candidate for processing.
+     * will return to the {@code PENDING} state as soon as the reasons are no
+     * longer present. The job's {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons}
+     * attribute must indicate why the job is no longer a candidate for
+     * processing.
     public static final JobState PENDING_HELD = new JobState(4);
      * The job is processing. One or more of the following activities is
      * occurring:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * The job is using, or is attempting to use, one or more purely software
-     * processes that are analyzing, creating, or interpreting a PDL, etc.
-     *
-     * <LI>
-     * The job is using, or is attempting to use, one or more hardware
-     * devices that are interpreting a PDL, making marks on a medium, and/or
-     * performing finishing, such as stapling, etc.
-     *
-     * <LI>
-     * The printer has made the job ready for printing, but the output
-     * device is not yet printing it, either because the job hasn't reached the
-     * output device or because the job is queued in the output device or some
-     * other spooler, awaiting the output device to print it.
-     * </OL>
-     * <P>
-     * When the job is in the PROCESSING state, the entire job state includes
-     * the detailed status represented in the printer's {@link PrinterState
-     * PrinterState} and {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons}
-     * attributes.
-     * <P>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>The job is using, or is attempting to use, one or more purely
+     *   software processes that are analyzing, creating, or interpreting a PDL,
+     *   etc.
+     *   <li>The job is using, or is attempting to use, one or more hardware
+     *   devices that are interpreting a PDL, making marks on a medium, and/or
+     *   performing finishing, such as stapling, etc.
+     *   <li>The printer has made the job ready for printing, but the output
+     *   device is not yet printing it, either because the job hasn't reached
+     *   the output device or because the job is queued in the output device or
+     *   some other spooler, awaiting the output device to print it.
+     * </ol>
+     * When the job is in the {@code PROCESSING} state, the entire job state
+     * includes the detailed status represented in the printer's
+     * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} and
+     * {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attributes.
+     * <p>
      * Implementations may, though they need not, include additional values in
      * the job's {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute to indicate
-     * the progress of the job, such as adding the JOB_PRINTING value to
+     * the progress of the job, such as adding the {@code JOB_PRINTING} value to
      * indicate when the output device is actually making marks on paper and/or
-     * the PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT value to indicate that the printer is in the
-     * process of canceling or aborting the job.
+     * the {@code PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT} value to indicate that the printer
+     * is in the process of canceling or aborting the job.
     public static final JobState PROCESSING = new JobState (5);
      * The job has stopped while processing for any number of reasons and will
-     * return to the PROCESSING state as soon as the reasons are no longer
-     * present.
-     * <P>
+     * return to the {@code PROCESSING} state as soon as the reasons are no
+     * longer present.
+     * <p>
      * The job's {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute may indicate
      * why the job has stopped processing. For example, if the output device is
-     * stopped, the PRINTER_STOPPED value may be included in the job's {@link
-     * JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute.
-     * <P>
-     * <I>Note:</I> When an output device is stopped, the device usually
+     * stopped, the {@code PRINTER_STOPPED} value may be included in the job's
+     * {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute.
+     * <p>
+     * <i>Note:</i> When an output device is stopped, the device usually
      * indicates its condition in human readable form locally at the device. A
      * client can obtain more complete device status remotely by querying the
-     * printer's {@link PrinterState PrinterState} and {@link
-     * PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attributes.
+     * printer's {@link PrinterState PrinterState} and
+     * {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attributes.
     public static final JobState PROCESSING_STOPPED = new JobState (6);
@@ -125,24 +124,27 @@
      * canceling the job, and all job status attributes have reached their final
      * values for the job. While the printer is canceling the job, the job
      * remains in its current state, but the job's {@link JobStateReasons
-     * JobStateReasons} attribute should contain the PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT
-     * value and one of the CANCELED_BY_USER, CANCELED_BY_OPERATOR, or
-     * CANCELED_AT_DEVICE values. When the job moves to the CANCELED state, the
-     * PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT value, if present, must be removed, but the
-     * CANCELED_BY_<I>xxx</I> value, if present, must remain.
+     * JobStateReasons} attribute should contain the
+     * {@code PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT} value and one of the
+     * {@code CANCELED_BY_USER}, {@code CANCELED_BY_OPERATOR}, or
+     * {@code CANCELED_AT_DEVICE} values. When the job moves to the
+     * {@code CANCELED} state, the {@code PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT} value, if
+     * present, must be removed, but the CANCELED_BY_<i>xxx</i> value, if
+     * present, must remain.
     public static final JobState CANCELED = new JobState (7);
      * The job has been aborted by the system (usually while the job was in the
-     * PROCESSING or PROCESSING_STOPPED state), the printer has completed
-     * aborting the job, and all job status attributes have reached their final
-     * values for the job. While the printer is aborting the job, the job
-     * remains in its current state, but the job's {@link JobStateReasons
-     * JobStateReasons} attribute should contain the PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT
-     * and ABORTED_BY_SYSTEM values. When the job moves to the ABORTED state,
-     * the PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT value, if present, must be removed, but the
-     * ABORTED_BY_SYSTEM value, if present, must remain.
+     * {@code PROCESSING} or {@code PROCESSING_STOPPED} state), the printer has
+     * completed aborting the job, and all job status attributes have reached
+     * their final values for the job. While the printer is aborting the job,
+     * the job remains in its current state, but the job's
+     * {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute should contain the
+     * {@code PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT} and {@code ABORTED_BY_SYSTEM} values.
+     * When the job moves to the {@code ABORTED} state, the
+     * {@code PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT} value, if present, must be removed, but
+     * the {@code ABORTED_BY_SYSTEM} value, if present, must remain.
     public static final JobState ABORTED = new JobState (8);
@@ -150,10 +152,10 @@
      * The job has completed successfully or with warnings or errors after
      * processing, all of the job media sheets have been successfully stacked in
      * the appropriate output bin(s), and all job status attributes have reached
-     * their final values for the job. The job's {@link JobStateReasons
-     * JobStateReasons} attribute should contain one of these values:
+     * their final values for the job. The job's
+     * {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute should contain one of
+     * these values: {@code COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY},
     public static final JobState COMPLETED = new JobState (9);
@@ -162,12 +164,15 @@
      * Construct a new job state enumeration value with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected JobState(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code JobState}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable =
@@ -180,6 +185,9 @@
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code JobState}.
+     */
     private static final JobState[] myEnumValueTable =
@@ -193,14 +201,14 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class JobState.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code JobState}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable;
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class JobState.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code JobState}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return myEnumValueTable;
@@ -209,12 +217,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobState and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category is
-     * class JobState itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobState} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category is class {@code JobState} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobState.class;
@@ -223,14 +231,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobState and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category
-     * name is {@code "job-state"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobState} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category name is {@code "job-state"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-state";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobStateReason.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobStateReason.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,40 +22,45 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
+import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
- * Class JobStateReason is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
- * provides additional information about the job's current state, i.e.,
+ * Class {@code JobStateReason} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
+ * that provides additional information about the job's current state, i.e.,
  * information that augments the value of the job's {@link JobState JobState}
- * attribute. Class JobStateReason defines standard job state reason values. A
- * Print Service implementation only needs to report those job state
+ * attribute. Class {@code JobStateReason} defines standard job state reason
+ * values. A Print Service implementation only needs to report those job state
  * reasons which are appropriate for the particular implementation; it does not
  * have to report every defined job state reason.
- * <P>
- * Instances of JobStateReason do not appear in a Print Job's attribute set
- * directly. Rather, a {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute appears
- * in the Print Job's attribute set. The {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons}
- * attribute contains zero, one, or more than one JobStateReason objects which
- * pertain to the Print Job's status. The printer adds a JobStateReason object
- * to the Print Job's {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute when the
- * corresponding condition becomes true of the Print Job, and the printer
- * removes the JobStateReason object again when the corresponding condition
- * becomes false, regardless of whether the Print Job's overall {@link JobState
- * JobState} also changed.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
+ * <p>
+ * Instances of {@code JobStateReason} do not appear in a Print Job's attribute
+ * set directly. Rather, a {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute
+ * appears in the Print Job's attribute set. The
+ * {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute contains zero, one, or more
+ * than one {@code JobStateReason} objects which pertain to the Print Job's
+ * status. The printer adds a JobStateReason object to the Print Job's
+ * {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute when the corresponding
+ * condition becomes true of the Print Job, and the printer removes the
+ * {@code JobStateReason} object again when the corresponding condition becomes
+ * false, regardless of whether the Print Job's overall
+ * {@link JobState JobState} also changed.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class JobStateReason extends EnumSyntax implements Attribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -8765894420449009168L;
@@ -67,27 +72,29 @@
      * The printer has created the Print Job, but the printer is expecting
-     * additional print data before it can move the job into the PROCESSING
-     * state. If a printer starts processing before it has received all data,
-     * the printer removes the JOB_DATA_INSUFFICIENT reason, but the
-     * JOB_INCOMING reason remains. If a printer starts processing after it
-     * has received all data, the printer removes the JOB_DATA_INSUFFICIENT
-     * and JOB_INCOMING reasons at the same time.
+     * additional print data before it can move the job into the
+     * {@code PROCESSING} state. If a printer starts processing before it has
+     * received all data, the printer removes the {@code JOB_DATA_INSUFFICIENT}
+     * reason, but the {@code JOB_INCOMING} reason remains. If a printer starts
+     * processing after it has received all data, the printer removes the
+     * {@code JOB_DATA_INSUFFICIENT} and {@code JOB_INCOMING} reasons at the
+     * same time.
     public static final JobStateReason
         JOB_DATA_INSUFFICIENT = new JobStateReason(1);
-     * The Printer could not access one or more documents passed by reference
-     * (i.e., the print data representation object is a URL). This reason is
-     * intended to cover any file access problem,including file does not exist
-     * and access denied because of an access control problem. Whether the
-     * printer aborts the job and moves the job to the ABORTED job state or
-     * prints all documents that are accessible and moves the job to the
-     * COMPLETED job state and adds the COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS reason to the
-     * job's {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute depends on
-     * implementation and/or site policy. This value should be supported if
-     * the printer supports doc flavors with URL print data representation
+     * The printer could not access one or more documents passed by reference
+     * (i.e., the print data representation object is a {@code URL}). This
+     * reason is intended to cover any file access problem,including file does
+     * not exist and access denied because of an access control problem. Whether
+     * the printer aborts the job and moves the job to the {@code ABORTED} job
+     * state or prints all documents that are accessible and moves the job to
+     * the {@code COMPLETED} job state and adds the
+     * {@code COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS} reason to the job's
+     * {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute depends on
+     * implementation and/or site policy. This value should be supported if the
+     * printer supports doc flavors with {@code URL} print data representation
      * objects.
     public static final JobStateReason
@@ -112,9 +119,8 @@
      * The value of the job's {@link JobHoldUntil JobHoldUntil} attribute was
-     * specified with a date-time that is still in the future. The job must
-     * not be a candidate for processing until this reason is removed and
-     * there are
+     * specified with a date-time that is still in the future. The job must not
+     * be a candidate for processing until this reason is removed and there are
      * no other reasons to hold the job. This value should be supported if the
      * {@link JobHoldUntil JobHoldUntil} job template attribute is supported.
@@ -123,63 +129,64 @@
      * At least one of the resources needed by the job, such as media, fonts,
-     * resource objects, etc., is not ready on any of the physical printers
-     * for which the job is a candidate. This condition may be detected
-     * when the job is accepted, or subsequently while the job is pending
-     * or processing, depending on implementation.
-     * The job may remain in its current state or
-     * be moved to the PENDING_HELD state, depending on implementation and/or
-     * job scheduling policy.
+     * resource objects, etc., is not ready on any of the physical printers for
+     * which the job is a candidate. This condition may be detected when the job
+     * is accepted, or subsequently while the job is pending or processing,
+     * depending on implementation. The job may remain in its current state or
+     * be moved to the {@code PENDING_HELD} state, depending on implementation
+     * and/or job scheduling policy.
     public static final JobStateReason
         RESOURCES_ARE_NOT_READY = new JobStateReason(6);
      * The value of the printer's {@link PrinterStateReasons
-     * PrinterStateReasons} attribute contains a {@link PrinterStateReason
-     * PrinterStateReason} value of STOPPED_PARTLY.
+     * PrinterStateReasons} attribute contains a
+     * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} value of
+     * {@code STOPPED_PARTLY}.
     public static final JobStateReason
         PRINTER_STOPPED_PARTLY = new JobStateReason(7);
-     * The value of the printer's {@link PrinterState PrinterState} attribute
-     * ia STOPPED.
+     * The value of the printer's {@link PrinterState PrinterState} attribute ia
+     * {@code STOPPED}.
     public static final JobStateReason
         PRINTER_STOPPED = new JobStateReason(8);
-     * The job is in the PROCESSING state, but more specifically, the printer
-     * ia interpreting the document data.
+     * The job is in the {@code PROCESSING} state, but more specifically, the
+     * printer ia interpreting the document data.
     public static final JobStateReason
         JOB_INTERPRETING = new JobStateReason(9);
-     * The job is in the PROCESSING state, but more specifically, the printer
-     * has queued the document data.
+     * The job is in the {@code PROCESSING} state, but more specifically, the
+     * printer has queued the document data.
     public static final JobStateReason JOB_QUEUED = new JobStateReason(10);
-     * The job is in the PROCESSING state, but more specifically, the printer
-     * is interpreting document data and producing another electronic
+     * The job is in the {@code PROCESSING} state, but more specifically, the
+     * printer is interpreting document data and producing another electronic
      * representation.
     public static final JobStateReason
         JOB_TRANSFORMING = new JobStateReason(11);
-     * The job is in the PENDING_HELD, PENDING, or PROCESSING state, but more
-     * specifically, the printer has completed enough processing of the document
-     * to be able to start marking and the job is waiting for the marker.
-     * Systems that require human intervention to release jobs put the job into
-     * the PENDING_HELD job state. Systems that automatically select a job to
-     * use the marker put the job into the PENDING job state or keep the job
-     * in the PROCESSING job state while waiting for the marker, depending on
+     * The job is in the {@code PENDING_HELD}, {@code PENDING}, or
+     * {@code PROCESSING} state, but more specifically, the printer has
+     * completed enough processing of the document to be able to start marking
+     * and the job is waiting for the marker. Systems that require human
+     * intervention to release jobs put the job into the {@code PENDING_HELD}
+     * job state. Systems that automatically select a job to use the marker put
+     * the job into the {@code PENDING} job state or keep the job in the
+     * {@code PROCESSING} job state while waiting for the marker, depending on
      * implementation. All implementations put the job into (or back into) the
-     * PROCESSING state when marking does begin.
+     * {@code PROCESSING} state when marking does begin.
     public static final JobStateReason
         JOB_QUEUED_FOR_MARKER = new JobStateReason(12);
@@ -189,8 +196,9 @@
      * which spend a great deal of time processing (1) when no marking is
      * happening and then want to show that marking is now happening or (2) when
      * the job is in the process of being canceled or aborted while the job
-     * remains in the PROCESSING state, but the marking has not yet stopped so
-     * that impression or sheet counts are still increasing for the job.
+     * remains in the {@code PROCESSING} state, but the marking has not yet
+     * stopped so that impression or sheet counts are still increasing for the
+     * job.
     public static final JobStateReason
         JOB_PRINTING = new JobStateReason(13);
@@ -229,9 +237,9 @@
      * The job was aborted by the system. Either the job (1) is in the process
      * of being aborted, (2) has been aborted by the system and placed in the
-     * ABORTED state, or (3) has been aborted by the system and placed in the
-     * PENDING_HELD state, so that a user or operator can manually try the job
-     * again. This value should be supported.
+     * {@code ABORTED} state, or (3) has been aborted by the system and placed
+     * in the {@code PENDING_HELD} state, so that a user or operator can
+     * manually try the job again. This value should be supported.
     public static final JobStateReason
         ABORTED_BY_SYSTEM = new JobStateReason(17);
@@ -250,7 +258,7 @@
      * The job was aborted by the system because the printer encountered an
      * error in the document data while decompressing it. If the printer posts
      * this reason, the document data has already passed any tests that would
-     * have led to the UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION job state reason.
+     * have led to the {@code UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION} job state reason.
     public static final JobStateReason
         COMPRESSION_ERROR = new JobStateReason(19);
@@ -259,8 +267,8 @@
      * The job was aborted by the system because the document data's document
      * format (doc flavor) is not among those supported by the printer. If the
      * client specifies a doc flavor with a MIME type of
-     * {@code "application/octet-stream"}, the printer may abort the job if
-     * the printer cannot determine the document data's actual format through
+     * {@code "application/octet-stream"}, the printer may abort the job if the
+     * printer cannot determine the document data's actual format through
      * auto-sensing (even if the printer supports the document format if
      * specified explicitly). This value must be supported, since a doc flavor
      * is required to be specified for each doc.
@@ -272,7 +280,7 @@
      * The job was aborted by the system because the printer encountered an
      * error in the document data while processing it. If the printer posts this
      * reason, the document data has already passed any tests that would have
-     * led to the UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT_FORMAT job state reason.
+     * led to the {@code UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT_FORMAT} job state reason.
     public static final JobStateReason
         DOCUMENT_FORMAT_ERROR = new JobStateReason(21);
@@ -281,22 +289,23 @@
      * The requester has canceled the job or the printer has aborted the job,
      * but the printer is still performing some actions on the job until a
      * specified stop point occurs or job termination/cleanup is completed.
-     * <P>
+     * <p>
      * If the implementation requires some measurable time to cancel the job in
-     * the PROCESSING or PROCESSING_STOPPED job states, the printer must use
-     * this reason to indicate that the printer is still performing some actions
-     * on the job while the job remains in the PROCESSING or PROCESSING_STOPPED
-     * state. After all the job's job description attributes have stopped
-     * incrementing, the printer moves the job from the PROCESSING state to the
-     * CANCELED or ABORTED job states.
+     * the {@code PROCESSING} or {@code PROCESSING_STOPPED} job states, the
+     * printer must use this reason to indicate that the printer is still
+     * performing some actions on the job while the job remains in the
+     * {@code PROCESSING} or {@code PROCESSING_STOPPED} state. After all the
+     * job's job description attributes have stopped incrementing, the printer
+     * moves the job from the PROCESSING state to the {@code CANCELED} or
+     * {@code ABORTED} job states.
     public static final JobStateReason
         PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT = new JobStateReason(22);
-     * The printer is off-line and accepting no jobs. All PENDING jobs are put
-     * into the PENDING_HELD state. This situation could be true if the
-     * service's or document transform's input is impaired or broken.
+     * The printer is off-line and accepting no jobs. All {@code PENDING} jobs
+     * are put into the {@code PENDING_HELD} state. This situation could be true
+     * if the service's or document transform's input is impaired or broken.
     public static final JobStateReason
         SERVICE_OFF_LINE = new JobStateReason(23);
@@ -323,11 +332,11 @@
      * This job is retained and is currently able to be restarted. If
-     * JOB_RESTARTABLE is contained in the job's {@link JobStateReasons
-     * JobStateReasons} attribute, then the printer must accept a request to
-     * restart that job. This value should be supported if restarting jobs is
-     * supported. <I>[The capability for restarting jobs is not in the Java
-     * Print Service API at present.]</I>
+     * {@code JOB_RESTARTABLE} is contained in the job's
+     * {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute, then the printer must
+     * accept a request to restart that job. This value should be supported if
+     * restarting jobs is supported. <i>[The capability for restarting jobs is
+     * not in the Java Print Service API at present.]</i>
     public static final JobStateReason
         JOB_RESTARTABLE = new JobStateReason(27);
@@ -335,24 +344,27 @@
      * The job has been forwarded to a device or print system that is unable to
      * send back status. The printer sets the job's {@link JobState JobState}
-     * attribute to COMPLETED and adds the QUEUED_IN_DEVICE reason to the job's
-     * {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute to indicate that the
-     * printer has no additional information about the job and never will have
-     * any better information.
+     * attribute to {@code COMPLETED} and adds the {@code QUEUED_IN_DEVICE}
+     * reason to the job's {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute to
+     * indicate that the printer has no additional information about the job and
+     * never will have any better information.
     public static final JobStateReason
         QUEUED_IN_DEVICE = new JobStateReason(28);
-     * Construct a new job state reason enumeration value with the given
-     * integer  value.
+     * Construct a new job state reason enumeration value with the given integer
+     * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected JobStateReason(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code JobStateReason}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
@@ -384,6 +396,9 @@
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code JobStateReason}.
+     */
     private static final JobStateReason[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -416,29 +431,28 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class JobStateReason.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code JobStateReason}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable.clone();
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class JobStateReason.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code JobStateReason}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobStateReason and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
-     * category  is class JobStateReason itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobStateReason} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category is class {@code JobStateReason} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobStateReason.class;
@@ -447,14 +461,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobStateReason and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobStateReason} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
      * category name is {@code "job-state-reason"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-state-reason";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobStateReasons.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/JobStateReasons.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.Collection;
@@ -31,43 +32,47 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class JobStateReasons is a printing attribute class, a set of enumeration
- * values, that provides additional information about the job's current state,
- * i.e., information that augments the value of the job's {@link JobState
- * JobState} attribute.
- * <P>
+ * Class {@code JobStateReasons} is a printing attribute class, a set of
+ * enumeration values, that provides additional information about the job's
+ * current state, i.e., information that augments the value of the job's
+ * {@link JobState JobState} attribute.
+ * <p>
  * Instances of {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason} do not appear in a Print
- * Job's attribute set directly. Rather, a JobStateReasons attribute appears in
- * the Print Job's attribute set. The JobStateReasons attribute contains zero,
- * one, or more than one {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason} objects which
- * pertain to the Print Job's status. The printer adds a {@link JobStateReason
- * JobStateReason} object to the Print Job's JobStateReasons attribute when the
- * corresponding condition becomes true of the Print Job, and the printer
- * removes the {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason} object again when the
- * corresponding condition becomes false, regardless of whether the Print Job's
- * overall {@link JobState JobState} also changed.
- * <P>
- * Class JobStateReasons inherits its implementation from class {@link
- * java.util.HashSet java.util.HashSet}. Unlike most printing attributes which
- * are immutable once constructed, class JobStateReasons is designed to be
- * mutable; you can add {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason} objects to an
- * existing JobStateReasons object and remove them again. However, like class
- * {@link java.util.HashSet java.util.HashSet}, class JobStateReasons is not
- * multiple thread safe. If a JobStateReasons object will be used by multiple
- * threads, be sure to synchronize its operations (e.g., using a synchronized
- * set view obtained from class {@link java.util.Collections
- * java.util.Collections}).
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string value returned by each individual {@link
- * JobStateReason JobStateReason} object's {@code toString()} method gives
- * the IPP keyword value. The category name returned by {@code getName()}
+ * Job's attribute set directly. Rather, a {@code JobStateReasons} attribute
+ * appears in the Print Job's attribute set. The {@code JobStateReasons}
+ * attribute contains zero, one, or more than one
+ * {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason} objects which pertain to the Print
+ * Job's status. The printer adds a {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason} object
+ * to the Print Job's JobStateReasons attribute when the corresponding condition
+ * becomes true of the Print Job, and the printer removes the
+ * {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason} object again when the corresponding
+ * condition becomes false, regardless of whether the Print Job's overall
+ * {@link JobState JobState} also changed.
+ * <p>
+ * Class {@code JobStateReasons} inherits its implementation from class
+ * {@link HashSet java.util.HashSet}. Unlike most printing attributes
+ * which are immutable once constructed, class {@code JobStateReasons} is
+ * designed to be mutable; you can add {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason}
+ * objects to an existing {@code JobStateReasons} object and remove them again.
+ * However, like class {@link HashSet java.util.HashSet}, class
+ * {@code JobStateReasons} is not multiple thread safe. If a
+ * {@code JobStateReasons} object will be used by multiple threads, be sure to
+ * synchronize its operations (e.g., using a synchronized set view obtained
+ * from class {@link java.util.Collections java.util.Collections}).
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string value returned by each individual
+ * {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason} object's {@code toString()} method
+ * gives the IPP keyword value. The category name returned by {@code getName()}
  * gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class JobStateReasons
     extends HashSet<JobStateReason> implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 8849088261264331812L;
@@ -82,9 +87,8 @@
      * Construct a new, empty job state reasons attribute; the underlying hash
      * set has the given initial capacity and the default load factor.
-     * @param  initialCapacity  Initial capacity.
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is less
-     *     than zero.
+     * @param  initialCapacity initial capacity
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is negative
     public JobStateReasons(int initialCapacity) {
         super (initialCapacity);
@@ -94,10 +98,9 @@
      * Construct a new, empty job state reasons attribute; the underlying hash
      * set has the given initial capacity and load factor.
-     * @param  initialCapacity  Initial capacity.
-     * @param  loadFactor       Load factor.
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is less
-     *     than zero.
+     * @param  initialCapacity initial capacity
+     * @param  loadFactor load factor
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is negative
     public JobStateReasons(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
         super (initialCapacity, loadFactor);
@@ -107,23 +110,18 @@
      * Construct a new job state reasons attribute that contains the same
      * {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason} objects as the given collection.
      * The underlying hash set's initial capacity and load factor are as
-     * specified in the superclass constructor {@link
-     * java.util.HashSet#HashSet(java.util.Collection)
-     * HashSet(Collection)}.
-     *
-     * @param  collection  Collection to copy.
+     * specified in the superclass constructor
+     * {@link HashSet#HashSet(Collection) HashSet(Collection)}.
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code collection} is null or
-     *     if any element in {@code collection} is null.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if any element in
-     *     {@code collection} is not an instance of class {@link
-     *     JobStateReason JobStateReason}.
+     * @param  collection collection to copy
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code collection} is {@code null} or if
+     *         any element in {@code collection} is {@code null}
+     * @throws ClassCastException if any element in {@code collection} is not an
+     *         instance of class {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason}
-   public JobStateReasons(Collection<JobStateReason> collection) {
-       super (collection);
-   }
+    public JobStateReasons(Collection<JobStateReason> collection) {
+        super (collection);
+    }
      * Adds the specified element to this job state reasons attribute if it is
@@ -132,16 +130,12 @@
      * attribute already contains the specified element, the call leaves this
      * job state reasons attribute unchanged and returns {@code false}.
-     * @param  o  Element to be added to this job state reasons attribute.
-     *
-     * @return  {@code true} if this job state reasons attribute did not
-     *          already contain the specified element.
-     *
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the specified element is null.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if the specified element is not an
-     *     instance of class {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason}.
+     * @param  o element to be added to this job state reasons attribute
+     * @return {@code true} if this job state reasons attribute did not already
+     *         contain the specified element
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified element is {@code null}
+     * @throws ClassCastException if the specified element is not an instance of
+     *         class {@link JobStateReason JobStateReason}
      * @since 1.5
     public boolean add(JobStateReason o) {
@@ -154,11 +148,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobStateReasons, the category is class JobStateReasons itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code JobStateReasons}, the category is class
+     * JobStateReasons itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return JobStateReasons.class;
@@ -167,14 +162,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class JobStateReasons, the category
-     * name is {@code "job-state-reasons"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class JobStateReasons, the category name is
+     * {@code "job-state-reasons"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "job-state-reasons";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Media.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Media.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,48 +22,51 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class Media is a printing attribute class that specifies the
- * medium on which to print.
+ * Class {@code Media} is a printing attribute class that specifies the medium
+ * on which to print.
  * <p>
  * Media may be specified in different ways.
  * <ul>
- * <li> it may be specified by paper source - eg paper tray
- * <li> it may be specified by a standard size - eg "A4"
- * <li> it may be specified by a name - eg "letterhead"
+ *   <li>it may be specified by paper source - eg paper tray
+ *   <li>it may be specified by a standard size - eg "A4"
+ *   <li>it may be specified by a name - eg "letterhead"
  * </ul>
- * Each of these corresponds to the IPP "media" attribute.
- * The current API does not support describing media by characteristics
- * (eg colour, opacity).
- * This may be supported in a later revision of the specification.
+ * Each of these corresponds to the IPP "media" attribute. The current API does
+ * not support describing media by characteristics (eg colour, opacity). This
+ * may be supported in a later revision of the specification.
  * <p>
- * A Media object is constructed with a value which represents
- * one of the ways in which the Media attribute can be specified.
+ * A {@code Media} object is constructed with a value which represents one of
+ * the ways in which the Media attribute can be specified.
  * <p>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B>  The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value.
  * @author Phil Race
 public abstract class Media extends EnumSyntax
     implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -2823970704630722439L;
      * Constructs a new media attribute specified by name.
-     * @param value         a value
+     * @param  value a value
     protected Media(int value) {
            super (value);
@@ -72,19 +75,16 @@
      * Returns whether this media attribute is equivalent to the passed in
      * object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is of the same subclass of Media as this object.
-     * <LI>
-     * The values are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is of the same subclass of {@code Media} as this
+     *   object.
+     *   <li>The values are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this media
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this media
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return(object != null && object instanceof Media &&
@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Media and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category is
-     * class Media itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Media} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category
+     * is class {@code Media} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return Media.class;
@@ -109,14 +109,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Media and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category name is
-     * {@code "media"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Media} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category
+     * name is {@code "media"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "media";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaName.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaName.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,37 +22,40 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
-import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
- * Class MediaName is a subclass of Media, a printing attribute class (an
- * enumeration) that specifies the media for a print job as a name.
- * <P>
- * This attribute can be used instead of specifying MediaSize or MediaTray.
+ * Class {@code MediaName} is a subclass of {@code Media}, a printing attribute
+ * class (an enumeration) that specifies the media for a print job as a name.
+ * <p>
+ * This attribute can be used instead of specifying {@code MediaSize} or
+ * {@code MediaTray}.
  * <p>
- * Class MediaName currently declares a few standard media names.
- * Implementation- or site-defined names for a media name attribute may also
- * be created by defining a subclass of class MediaName.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> MediaName is a representation class for
+ * Class {@code MediaName} currently declares a few standard media names.
+ * Implementation- or site-defined names for a media name attribute may also be
+ * created by defining a subclass of class {@code MediaName}.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> {@code MediaName} is a representation class for
  * values of the IPP "media" attribute which names media.
- *
 public class MediaName extends Media implements Attribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 4653117714524155448L;
-     *  white letter paper.
+     * white letter paper.
     public static final MediaName NA_LETTER_WHITE = new MediaName(0);
-     *  letter transparency.
+     * letter transparency.
     public static final MediaName NA_LETTER_TRANSPARENT = new MediaName(1);
@@ -61,23 +64,24 @@
     public static final MediaName ISO_A4_WHITE = new MediaName(2);
-     *  A4 transparency.
+     * A4 transparency.
     public static final MediaName ISO_A4_TRANSPARENT= new MediaName(3);
      * Constructs a new media name enumeration value with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected MediaName(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code MediaTray}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
@@ -85,6 +89,9 @@
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code MediaTray}.
+     */
     private static final MediaName[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -93,8 +100,9 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class MediaTray.
-     * @return the String table.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code MediaTray}.
+     *
+     * @return the string table
     protected String[] getStringTable()
@@ -102,11 +110,11 @@
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class MediaTray.
-     * @return the enumeration value table.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code MediaTray}.
+     *
+     * @return the enumeration value table
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaPrintableArea.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaPrintableArea.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -22,9 +22,11 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.DocFlavor;
+import javax.print.PrintService;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet;
 import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
@@ -32,60 +34,67 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
- * Class MediaPrintableArea is a printing attribute used to distinguish
+ * Class {@code MediaPrintableArea} is a printing attribute used to distinguish
  * the printable and non-printable areas of media.
  * <p>
  * The printable area is specified to be a rectangle, within the overall
  * dimensions of a media.
  * <p>
- * Most printers cannot print on the entire surface of the media, due
- * to printer hardware limitations. This class can be used to query
- * the acceptable values for a supposed print job, and to request an area
- * within the constraints of the printable area to be used in a print job.
+ * Most printers cannot print on the entire surface of the media, due to printer
+ * hardware limitations. This class can be used to query the acceptable values
+ * for a supposed print job, and to request an area within the constraints of
+ * the printable area to be used in a print job.
  * <p>
  * To query for the printable area, a client must supply a suitable context.
- * Without specifying at the very least the size of the media being used
- * no meaningful value for printable area can be obtained.
+ * Without specifying at the very least the size of the media being used no
+ * meaningful value for printable area can be obtained.
  * <p>
- * The attribute is not described in terms of the distance from the edge
- * of the paper, in part to emphasise that this attribute is not independent
- * of a particular media, but must be described within the context of a
- * choice of other attributes. Additionally it is usually more convenient
- * for a client to use the printable area.
+ * The attribute is not described in terms of the distance from the edge of the
+ * paper, in part to emphasise that this attribute is not independent of a
+ * particular media, but must be described within the context of a choice of
+ * other attributes. Additionally it is usually more convenient for a client to
+ * use the printable area.
  * <p>
- * The hardware's minimum margins is not just a property of the printer,
- * but may be a function of the media size, orientation, media type, and
- * any specified finishings.
- * {@code PrintService} provides the method to query the supported
- * values of an attribute in a suitable context :
- * See  {@link javax.print.PrintService#getSupportedAttributeValues(Class,DocFlavor, AttributeSet) PrintService.getSupportedAttributeValues()}
+ * The hardware's minimum margins is not just a property of the printer, but may
+ * be a function of the media size, orientation, media type, and any specified
+ * finishings. {@code PrintService} provides the method to query the supported
+ * values of an attribute in a suitable context : See
+ * {@link PrintService#getSupportedAttributeValues(Class, DocFlavor, AttributeSet)
+ * PrintService.getSupportedAttributeValues()}
  * <p>
- * The rectangular printable area is defined thus:
- * The (x,y) origin is positioned at the top-left of the paper in portrait
- * mode regardless of the orientation specified in the requesting context.
- * For example a printable area for A4 paper in portrait or landscape
- * orientation will have height {@literal >} width.
+ * The rectangular printable area is defined thus: The (x,y) origin is
+ * positioned at the top-left of the paper in portrait mode regardless of the
+ * orientation specified in the requesting context. For example a printable area
+ * for A4 paper in portrait or landscape orientation will have height
+ * {@literal >} width.
  * <p>
- * A printable area attribute's values are stored
- * internally as integers in units of micrometers (&#181;m), where 1 micrometer
- * = 10<SUP>-6</SUP> meter = 1/1000 millimeter = 1/25400 inch. This permits
- * dimensions to be represented exactly to a precision of 1/1000 mm (= 1
- * &#181;m) or 1/100 inch (= 254 &#181;m). If fractional inches are expressed in
- * negative powers of two, this permits dimensions to be represented exactly to
- * a precision of 1/8 inch (= 3175 &#181;m) but not 1/16 inch (because 1/16 inch
- * does not equal an integral number of &#181;m).
+ * A printable area attribute's values are stored internally as integers in
+ * units of micrometers (&#181;m), where 1 micrometer = 10<SUP>-6</SUP> meter =
+ * 1/1000 millimeter = 1/25400 inch. This permits dimensions to be represented
+ * exactly to a precision of 1/1000 mm (= 1 &#181;m) or 1/100 inch (= 254
+ * &#181;m). If fractional inches are expressed in negative powers of two, this
+ * permits dimensions to be represented exactly to a precision of 1/8 inch
+ * (= 3175 &#181;m) but not 1/16 inch (because 1/16 inch does not equal an
+ * integral number of &#181;m).
  * <p>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> MediaPrintableArea is not an IPP attribute.
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> MediaPrintableArea is not an IPP attribute.
 public final class MediaPrintableArea
       implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Printable {@code x}, {@code y}, {@code width} and {@code height}.
+     */
     private int x, y, w, h;
+    /**
+     * The units in which the values are expressed.
+     */
     private int units;
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -1597171464050795793L;
@@ -101,18 +110,17 @@
     public static final int MM = 1000;
-      * Constructs a MediaPrintableArea object from floating point values.
-      * @param x      printable x
-      * @param y      printable y
-      * @param w      printable width
-      * @param h      printable height
-      * @param units  in which the values are expressed.
-      *
-      * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-      *     Thrown if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0}
-      *     or {@code w <= 0} or {@code h <= 0} or
-      *     {@code units < 1}.
-      */
+     * Constructs a {@code MediaPrintableArea} object from floating point
+     * values.
+     *
+     * @param  x printable x
+     * @param  y printable y
+     * @param  w printable width
+     * @param  h printable height
+     * @param  units in which the values are expressed
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
+     *         {@code w <= 0} or {@code h <= 0} or {@code units < 1}
+     */
     public MediaPrintableArea(float x, float y, float w, float h, int units) {
         if ((x < 0.0) || (y < 0.0) || (w <= 0.0) || (h <= 0.0) ||
             (units < 1)) {
@@ -127,18 +135,16 @@
-      * Constructs a MediaPrintableArea object from integer values.
-      * @param x      printable x
-      * @param y      printable y
-      * @param w      printable width
-      * @param h      printable height
-      * @param units  in which the values are expressed.
-      *
-      * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-      *     Thrown if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0}
-      *     or {@code w <= 0} or {@code h <= 0} or
-      *     {@code units < 1}.
-      */
+     * Constructs a {@code MediaPrintableArea} object from integer values.
+     *
+     * @param  x printable x
+     * @param  y printable y
+     * @param  w printable width
+     * @param  h printable height
+     * @param  units in which the values are expressed
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
+     *         {@code w <= 0} or {@code h <= 0} or {@code units < 1}
+     */
     public MediaPrintableArea(int x, int y, int w, int h, int units) {
         if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (w <= 0) || (h <= 0) ||
             (units < 1)) {
@@ -153,15 +159,13 @@
      * Get the printable area as an array of 4 values in the order
-     * x, y, w, h. The values returned are in the given units.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
-     *     {@link #MM MM}.
+     * {@code x, y, w, h}. The values returned are in the given units.
-     * @return printable area as array of x, y, w, h in the specified units.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *         {@link #MM MM}
+     * @return printable area as array of {@code x, y, w, h} in the specified
+     *         units
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
     public float[] getPrintableArea(int units) {
         return new float[] { getX(units), getY(units),
@@ -169,86 +173,70 @@
-     * Get the x location of the origin of the printable area in the
-     * specified units.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
-     *     {@link #MM MM}.
-     *
-     * @return  x location of the origin of the printable area in the
+     * Get the {@code x} location of the origin of the printable area in the
      * specified units.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *         {@link #MM MM}
+     * @return {@code x} location of the origin of the printable area in the
+     *         specified units
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
-     public float getX(int units) {
+    public float getX(int units) {
         return convertFromMicrometers(x, units);
-     }
+    }
-     * Get the y location of the origin of the printable area in the
-     * specified units.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
-     *     {@link #MM MM}.
-     *
-     * @return  y location of the origin of the printable area in the
+     * Get the {@code y} location of the origin of the printable area in the
      * specified units.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *         {@link #MM MM}
+     * @return {@code y} location of the origin of the printable area in the
+     *         specified units
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
-     public float getY(int units) {
+    public float getY(int units) {
         return convertFromMicrometers(y, units);
-     }
+    }
-     * Get the width of the printable area in the specified units.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
-     *     {@link #MM MM}.
-     *
-     * @return  width of the printable area in the specified units.
+     * Get the {@code width} of the printable area in the specified units.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *         {@link #MM MM}
+     * @return {@code width} of the printable area in the specified units
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
-     public float getWidth(int units) {
+    public float getWidth(int units) {
         return convertFromMicrometers(w, units);
-     }
+    }
-     * Get the height of the printable area in the specified units.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
-     *     {@link #MM MM}.
-     *
-     * @return  height of the printable area in the specified units.
+     * Get the {@code height} of the printable area in the specified units.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *        {@link #MM MM}
+     * @return {@code height} of the printable area in the specified units
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
-     public float getHeight(int units) {
+    public float getHeight(int units) {
         return convertFromMicrometers(h, units);
-     }
+    }
      * Returns whether this media margins attribute is equivalent to the passed
-     * in object.
-     * To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class MediaPrintableArea.
-     * <LI>
-     * The origin and dimensions are the same.
-     * </OL>
+     * in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be
+     * true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code MediaPrintableArea}.
+     *   <li>The origin and dimensions are the same.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this media margins
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this media
+     *         margins attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         boolean ret = false;
@@ -264,12 +252,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class MediaPrintableArea, the category is
-     * class MediaPrintableArea itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code MediaPrintableArea}, the category is class
+     * {@code MediaPrintableArea} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return MediaPrintableArea.class;
@@ -278,32 +266,28 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class MediaPrintableArea,
-     * the category name is {@code "media-printable-area"}.
-     * <p>This is not an IPP V1.1 attribute.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code MediaPrintableArea}, the category name is
+     * {@code "media-printable-area"}.
+     * <p>
+     * This is not an IPP V1.1 attribute.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "media-printable-area";
-     * Returns a string version of this rectangular size attribute in the
-     * given units.
+     * Returns a string version of this rectangular size attribute in the given
+     * units.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
-     *     {@link #MM MM}.
-     * @param  unitsName
-     *     Units name string, e.g. {@code "in"} or {@code "mm"}. If
-     *     null, no units name is appended to the result.
-     *
-     * @return  String version of this two-dimensional size attribute.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *         {@link #MM MM}
+     * @param  unitsName units name string, e.g. {@code "in"} or {@code "mm"}.
+     *         If {@code null}, no units name is appended to the result
+     * @return string version of this two-dimensional size attribute
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code units < 1}
     public String toString(int units, String unitsName) {
         if (unitsName == null) {
@@ -328,6 +312,14 @@
         return x + 37*y + 43*w + 47*h;
+    /**
+     * Converts the {@code x} from micrometers to {@code units}.
+     *
+     * @param  x the value
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@link #INCH INCH} or
+     *        {@link #MM MM}
+     * @return the value of {@code x} in the specified units
+     */
     private static float convertFromMicrometers(int x, int units) {
         if (units < 1) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("units is < 1");
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSize.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSize.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,37 +22,44 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Vector;
+import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.Size2DSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
- * Class MediaSize is a two-dimensional size valued printing attribute class
- * that indicates the dimensions of the medium in a portrait orientation, with
- * the X dimension running along the bottom edge and the Y dimension running
- * along the left edge. Thus, the Y dimension must be greater than or equal to
- * the X dimension. Class MediaSize declares many standard media size
- * values, organized into nested classes for ISO, JIS, North American,
- * engineering, and other media.
- * <P>
- * MediaSize is not yet used to specify media. Its current role is
- * as a mapping for named media (see {@link MediaSizeName MediaSizeName}).
- * Clients can use the mapping method
- * {@code MediaSize.getMediaSizeForName(MediaSizeName)}
- * to find the physical dimensions of the MediaSizeName instances
- * enumerated in this API. This is useful for clients which need this
- * information to format {@literal &} paginate printing.
+ * Class {@code MediaSize} is a two-dimensional size valued printing attribute
+ * class that indicates the dimensions of the medium in a portrait orientation,
+ * with the {@code X} dimension running along the bottom edge and the {@code Y}
+ * dimension running along the left edge. Thus, the {@code Y} dimension must be
+ * greater than or equal to the {@code X} dimension. Class {@code MediaSize}
+ * declares many standard media size values, organized into nested classes for
+ * ISO, JIS, North American, engineering, and other media.
+ * <p>
+ * {@code MediaSize} is not yet used to specify media. Its current role is as a
+ * mapping for named media (see {@link MediaSizeName MediaSizeName}). Clients
+ * can use the mapping method
+ * {@code MediaSize.getMediaSizeForName(MediaSizeName)} to find the physical
+ * dimensions of the {@code MediaSizeName} instances enumerated in this API.
+ * This is useful for clients which need this information to format {@literal &}
+ * paginate printing.
- * @author  Phil Race, Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Phil Race, Alan Kaminsky
 public class MediaSize extends Size2DSyntax implements Attribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -1967958664615414771L;
+    /**
+     * The media name.
+     */
     private MediaSizeName mediaName;
     private static HashMap<MediaSizeName, MediaSize> mediaMap = new HashMap<>(100, 10);
@@ -63,15 +70,12 @@
      * Construct a new media size attribute from the given floating-point
      * values.
-     * @param  x  X dimension.
-     * @param  y  Y dimension.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@code Size2DSyntax.INCH} or
-     *     {@code Size2DSyntax.MM}.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *   (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
-     *   {@code units < 1} or {@code x > y}.
+     * @param  x {@code X} dimension
+     * @param  y {@code Y} dimension
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@code Size2DSyntax.INCH} or
+     *         {@code Size2DSyntax.MM}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
+     *         {@code units < 1} or {@code x > y}
     public MediaSize(float x, float y,int units) {
         super (x, y, units);
@@ -84,15 +88,12 @@
      * Construct a new media size attribute from the given integer values.
-     * @param  x  X dimension.
-     * @param  y  Y dimension.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@code Size2DSyntax.INCH} or
-     *     {@code Size2DSyntax.MM}.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *   (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
-     *   {@code units < 1} or {@code x > y}.
+     * @param  x {@code X} dimension
+     * @param  y {@code Y} dimension
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@code Size2DSyntax.INCH} or
+     *         {@code Size2DSyntax.MM}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
+     *         {@code units < 1} or {@code x > y}
     public MediaSize(int x, int y,int units) {
         super (x, y, units);
@@ -102,20 +103,17 @@
-   /**
+    /**
      * Construct a new media size attribute from the given floating-point
      * values.
-     * @param  x  X dimension.
-     * @param  y  Y dimension.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@code Size2DSyntax.INCH} or
-     *     {@code Size2DSyntax.MM}.
-     * @param media a media name to associate with this MediaSize
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *   (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
-     *   {@code units < 1} or {@code x > y}.
+     * @param  x {@code X} dimension
+     * @param  y {@code Y} dimension
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@code Size2DSyntax.INCH} or
+     *         {@code Size2DSyntax.MM}
+     * @param  media a media name to associate with this {@code MediaSize}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
+     *         {@code units < 1} or {@code x > y}
     public MediaSize(float x, float y,int units, MediaSizeName media) {
         super (x, y, units);
@@ -132,16 +130,13 @@
      * Construct a new media size attribute from the given integer values.
-     * @param  x  X dimension.
-     * @param  y  Y dimension.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@code Size2DSyntax.INCH} or
-     *     {@code Size2DSyntax.MM}.
-     * @param media a media name to associate with this MediaSize
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *   (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
-     *   {@code units < 1} or {@code x > y}.
+     * @param  x {@code X} dimension
+     * @param  y {@code Y} dimension
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@code Size2DSyntax.INCH} or
+     *         {@code Size2DSyntax.MM}
+     * @param  media a media name to associate with this {@code MediaSize}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code x < 0} or {@code y < 0} or
+     *         {@code units < 1} or {@code x > y}
     public MediaSize(int x, int y,int units, MediaSizeName media) {
         super (x, y, units);
@@ -158,44 +153,43 @@
      * Get the media name, if any, for this size.
-     * @return the name for this media size, or null if no name was
-     * associated with this size (an anonymous size).
+     * @return the name for this media size, or {@code null} if no name was
+     *         associated with this size (an anonymous size)
     public MediaSizeName getMediaSizeName() {
         return mediaName;
-     * Get the MediaSize for the specified named media.
+     * Get the {@code MediaSize} for the specified named media.
-     * @param media the name of the media for which the size is sought
-     * @return size of the media, or null if this media is not associated
-     * with any size.
+     * @param  media the name of the media for which the size is sought
+     * @return size of the media, or {@code null} if this media is not
+     *         associated with any size
     public static MediaSize getMediaSizeForName(MediaSizeName media) {
         return mediaMap.get(media);
-     * The specified dimensions are used to locate a matching MediaSize
-     * instance from amongst all the standard MediaSize instances.
-     * If there is no exact match, the closest match is used.
+     * The specified dimensions are used to locate a matching {@code MediaSize}
+     * instance from amongst all the standard {@code MediaSize} instances. If
+     * there is no exact match, the closest match is used.
      * <p>
-     * The MediaSize is in turn used to locate the MediaSizeName object.
-     * This method may return null if the closest matching MediaSize
-     * has no corresponding Media instance.
+     * The {@code MediaSize} is in turn used to locate the {@code MediaSizeName}
+     * object. This method may return {@code null} if the closest matching
+     * {@code MediaSize} has no corresponding {@code Media} instance.
      * <p>
-     * This method is useful for clients which have only dimensions and
-     * want to find a Media which corresponds to the dimensions.
-     * @param x X dimension
-     * @param y Y dimension.
-     * @param  units
-     *     Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@code Size2DSyntax.INCH} or
-     *     {@code Size2DSyntax.MM}
-     * @return MediaSizeName matching these dimensions, or null.
-     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if {@code x <= 0},
-     *      {@code y <= 0}, or {@code units < 1}.
+     * This method is useful for clients which have only dimensions and want to
+     * find a {@code Media} which corresponds to the dimensions.
+     * @param  x {@code X} dimension
+     * @param  y {@code Y} dimension
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@code Size2DSyntax.INCH} or
+     *         {@code Size2DSyntax.MM}
+     * @return {@code MediaSizeName} matching these dimensions, or {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code x <= 0}, {@code y <= 0}, or
+     *         {@code units < 1}
     public static MediaSizeName findMedia(float x, float y, int units) {
@@ -232,26 +226,20 @@
-     * Returns whether this media size attribute is equivalent to the passed
-     * in object.
-     * To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class MediaSize.
-     * <LI>
-     * This media size attribute's X dimension is equal to
-     * {@code object}'s X dimension.
-     * <LI>
-     * This media size attribute's Y dimension is equal to
-     * {@code object}'s Y dimension.
-     * </OL>
+     * Returns whether this media size attribute is equivalent to the passed in
+     * object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code MediaSize}.
+     *   <li>This media size attribute's {@code X} dimension is equal to
+     *   {@code object}'s {@code X} dimension.
+     *   <li>This media size attribute's {@code Y} dimension is equal to
+     *   {@code object}'s {@code Y} dimension.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this media size
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this media size
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) && object instanceof MediaSize);
@@ -260,12 +248,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class MediaSize and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category is
-     * class MediaSize itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code MediaSize} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category is class {@code MediaSize} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return MediaSize.class;
@@ -274,151 +262,178 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class MediaSize and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category
-     * name is {@code "media-size"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code MediaSize} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category name is {@code "media-size"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "media-size";
-     * Class MediaSize.ISO includes {@link MediaSize MediaSize} values for ISO
-     * media.
+     * Class {@code MediaSize.ISO} includes {@link MediaSize MediaSize} values
+     * for ISO media.
     public static final class ISO {
          * Specifies the ISO A0 size, 841 mm by 1189 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             A0 = new MediaSize(841, 1189, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_A0);
          * Specifies the ISO A1 size, 594 mm by 841 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             A1 = new MediaSize(594, 841, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_A1);
          * Specifies the ISO A2 size, 420 mm by 594 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             A2 = new MediaSize(420, 594, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_A2);
          * Specifies the ISO A3 size, 297 mm by 420 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             A3 = new MediaSize(297, 420, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_A3);
          * Specifies the ISO A4 size, 210 mm by 297 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             A4 = new MediaSize(210, 297, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_A4);
          * Specifies the ISO A5 size, 148 mm by 210 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             A5 = new MediaSize(148, 210, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_A5);
          * Specifies the ISO A6 size, 105 mm by 148 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             A6 = new MediaSize(105, 148, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_A6);
          * Specifies the ISO A7 size, 74 mm by 105 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             A7 = new MediaSize(74, 105, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_A7);
          * Specifies the ISO A8 size, 52 mm by 74 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             A8 = new MediaSize(52, 74, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_A8);
          * Specifies the ISO A9 size, 37 mm by 52 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             A9 = new MediaSize(37, 52, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_A9);
          * Specifies the ISO A10 size, 26 mm by 37 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             A10 = new MediaSize(26, 37, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_A10);
          * Specifies the ISO B0 size, 1000 mm by 1414 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B0 = new MediaSize(1000, 1414, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_B0);
          * Specifies the ISO B1 size, 707 mm by 1000 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B1 = new MediaSize(707, 1000, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_B1);
          * Specifies the ISO B2 size, 500 mm by 707 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B2 = new MediaSize(500, 707, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_B2);
          * Specifies the ISO B3 size, 353 mm by 500 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B3 = new MediaSize(353, 500, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_B3);
          * Specifies the ISO B4 size, 250 mm by 353 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B4 = new MediaSize(250, 353, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_B4);
          * Specifies the ISO B5 size, 176 mm by 250 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B5 = new MediaSize(176, 250, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_B5);
          * Specifies the ISO B6 size, 125 mm by 176 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B6 = new MediaSize(125, 176, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_B6);
          * Specifies the ISO B7 size, 88 mm by 125 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B7 = new MediaSize(88, 125, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_B7);
          * Specifies the ISO B8 size, 62 mm by 88 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B8 = new MediaSize(62, 88, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_B8);
          * Specifies the ISO B9 size, 44 mm by 62 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B9 = new MediaSize(44, 62, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_B9);
          * Specifies the ISO B10 size, 31 mm by 44 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B10 = new MediaSize(31, 44, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_B10);
          * Specifies the ISO C3 size, 324 mm by 458 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             C3 = new MediaSize(324, 458, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_C3);
          * Specifies the ISO C4 size, 229 mm by 324 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             C4 = new MediaSize(229, 324, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_C4);
          * Specifies the ISO C5 size, 162 mm by 229 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             C5 = new MediaSize(162, 229, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_C5);
          * Specifies the ISO C6 size, 114 mm by 162 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             C6 = new MediaSize(114, 162, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.ISO_C6);
          * Specifies the ISO Designated Long size, 110 mm by 220 mm.
@@ -434,8 +449,8 @@
-     * Class MediaSize.JIS includes {@link MediaSize MediaSize} values for JIS
-     * (Japanese) media.      *
+     * Class {@code MediaSize.JIS} includes {@link MediaSize MediaSize} values
+     * for JIS (Japanese) media.
     public static final class JIS {
@@ -444,152 +459,188 @@
         public static final MediaSize
             B0 = new MediaSize(1030, 1456, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.JIS_B0);
          * Specifies the JIS B1 size, 728 mm by 1030 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B1 = new MediaSize(728, 1030, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.JIS_B1);
          * Specifies the JIS B2 size, 515 mm by 728 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B2 = new MediaSize(515, 728, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.JIS_B2);
          * Specifies the JIS B3 size, 364 mm by 515 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B3 = new MediaSize(364, 515, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.JIS_B3);
          * Specifies the JIS B4 size, 257 mm by 364 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B4 = new MediaSize(257, 364, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.JIS_B4);
          * Specifies the JIS B5 size, 182 mm by 257 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B5 = new MediaSize(182, 257, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.JIS_B5);
          * Specifies the JIS B6 size, 128 mm by 182 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B6 = new MediaSize(128, 182, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.JIS_B6);
          * Specifies the JIS B7 size, 91 mm by 128 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B7 = new MediaSize(91, 128, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.JIS_B7);
          * Specifies the JIS B8 size, 64 mm by 91 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B8 = new MediaSize(64, 91, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.JIS_B8);
          * Specifies the JIS B9 size, 45 mm by 64 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B9 = new MediaSize(45, 64, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.JIS_B9);
          * Specifies the JIS B10 size, 32 mm by 45 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             B10 = new MediaSize(32, 45, Size2DSyntax.MM, MediaSizeName.JIS_B10);
          * Specifies the JIS Chou ("long") #1 envelope size, 142 mm by 332 mm.
         public static final MediaSize CHOU_1 = new MediaSize(142, 332, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Chou ("long") #2 envelope size, 119 mm by 277 mm.
         public static final MediaSize CHOU_2 = new MediaSize(119, 277, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Chou ("long") #3 envelope size, 120 mm by 235 mm.
         public static final MediaSize CHOU_3 = new MediaSize(120, 235, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Chou ("long") #4 envelope size, 90 mm by 205 mm.
         public static final MediaSize CHOU_4 = new MediaSize(90, 205, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Chou ("long") #30 envelope size, 92 mm by 235 mm.
         public static final MediaSize CHOU_30 = new MediaSize(92, 235, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Chou ("long") #40 envelope size, 90 mm by 225 mm.
         public static final MediaSize CHOU_40 = new MediaSize(90, 225, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Kaku ("square") #0 envelope size, 287 mm by 382 mm.
         public static final MediaSize KAKU_0 = new MediaSize(287, 382, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Kaku ("square") #1 envelope size, 270 mm by 382 mm.
         public static final MediaSize KAKU_1 = new MediaSize(270, 382, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Kaku ("square") #2 envelope size, 240 mm by 332 mm.
         public static final MediaSize KAKU_2 = new MediaSize(240, 332, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Kaku ("square") #3 envelope size, 216 mm by 277 mm.
         public static final MediaSize KAKU_3 = new MediaSize(216, 277, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Kaku ("square") #4 envelope size, 197 mm by 267 mm.
         public static final MediaSize KAKU_4 = new MediaSize(197, 267, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Kaku ("square") #5 envelope size, 190 mm by 240 mm.
         public static final MediaSize KAKU_5 = new MediaSize(190, 240, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Kaku ("square") #6 envelope size, 162 mm by 229 mm.
         public static final MediaSize KAKU_6 = new MediaSize(162, 229, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Kaku ("square") #7 envelope size, 142 mm by 205 mm.
         public static final MediaSize KAKU_7 = new MediaSize(142, 205, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Kaku ("square") #8 envelope size, 119 mm by 197 mm.
         public static final MediaSize KAKU_8 = new MediaSize(119, 197, Size2DSyntax.MM);
-         * Specifies the JIS Kaku ("square") #20 envelope size, 229 mm by 324 mm.
+         * Specifies the JIS Kaku ("square") #20 envelope size, 229 mm by 324
+         * mm.
         public static final MediaSize KAKU_20 = new MediaSize(229, 324, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS Kaku ("square") A4 envelope size, 228 mm by 312 mm.
         public static final MediaSize KAKU_A4 = new MediaSize(228, 312, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS You ("Western") #1 envelope size, 120 mm by 176 mm.
         public static final MediaSize YOU_1 = new MediaSize(120, 176, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS You ("Western") #2 envelope size, 114 mm by 162 mm.
         public static final MediaSize YOU_2 = new MediaSize(114, 162, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS You ("Western") #3 envelope size, 98 mm by 148 mm.
         public static final MediaSize YOU_3 = new MediaSize(98, 148, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS You ("Western") #4 envelope size, 105 mm by 235 mm.
         public static final MediaSize YOU_4 = new MediaSize(105, 235, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS You ("Western") #5 envelope size, 95 mm by 217 mm.
         public static final MediaSize YOU_5 = new MediaSize(95, 217, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS You ("Western") #6 envelope size, 98 mm by 190 mm.
         public static final MediaSize YOU_6 = new MediaSize(98, 190, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Specifies the JIS You ("Western") #7 envelope size, 92 mm by 165 mm.
         public static final MediaSize YOU_7 = new MediaSize(92, 165, Size2DSyntax.MM);
          * Hide all constructors.
@@ -598,8 +649,8 @@
-     * Class MediaSize.NA includes {@link MediaSize MediaSize} values for North
-     * American media.
+     * Class {@code MediaSize.NA} includes {@link MediaSize MediaSize} values
+     * for North American media.
     public static final class NA {
@@ -609,59 +660,67 @@
         public static final MediaSize
             LETTER = new MediaSize(8.5f, 11.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the North American legal size, 8.5 inches by 14 inches.
         public static final MediaSize
             LEGAL = new MediaSize(8.5f, 14.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the North American 5 inch by 7 inch paper.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_5X7 = new MediaSize(5, 7, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the North American 8 inch by 10 inch paper.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_8X10 = new MediaSize(8, 10, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
-         * Specifies the North American Number 9 business envelope size,
-         * 3.875 inches by 8.875 inches.
+         * Specifies the North American Number 9 business envelope size, 3.875
+         * inches by 8.875 inches.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_NUMBER_9_ENVELOPE =
             new MediaSize(3.875f, 8.875f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
-         * Specifies the North American Number 10 business envelope size,
-         * 4.125 inches by 9.5 inches.
+         * Specifies the North American Number 10 business envelope size, 4.125
+         * inches by 9.5 inches.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_NUMBER_10_ENVELOPE =
             new MediaSize(4.125f, 9.5f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
-         * Specifies the North American Number 11 business envelope size,
-         * 4.5 inches by 10.375 inches.
+         * Specifies the North American Number 11 business envelope size, 4.5
+         * inches by 10.375 inches.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_NUMBER_11_ENVELOPE =
             new MediaSize(4.5f, 10.375f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
-         * Specifies the North American Number 12 business envelope size,
-         * 4.75 inches by 11 inches.
+         * Specifies the North American Number 12 business envelope size, 4.75
+         * inches by 11 inches.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_NUMBER_12_ENVELOPE =
             new MediaSize(4.75f, 11.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
-         * Specifies the North American Number 14 business envelope size,
-         * 5 inches by 11.5 inches.
+         * Specifies the North American Number 14 business envelope size, 5
+         * inches by 11.5 inches.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_NUMBER_14_ENVELOPE =
@@ -674,42 +733,49 @@
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_6X9_ENVELOPE = new MediaSize(6.0f, 9.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the North American 7 inch by 9 inch envelope size.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_7X9_ENVELOPE = new MediaSize(7.0f, 9.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the North American 9 inch by 11 inch envelope size.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_9x11_ENVELOPE = new MediaSize(9.0f, 11.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the North American 9 inch by 12 inch envelope size.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_9x12_ENVELOPE = new MediaSize(9.0f, 12.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the North American 10 inch by 13 inch envelope size.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_10x13_ENVELOPE = new MediaSize(10.0f, 13.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the North American 10 inch by 14 inch envelope size.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_10x14_ENVELOPE = new MediaSize(10.0f, 14.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the North American 10 inch by 15 inch envelope size.
         public static final MediaSize
             NA_10X15_ENVELOPE = new MediaSize(10.0f, 15.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Hide all constructors.
@@ -718,8 +784,8 @@
-     * Class MediaSize.Engineering includes {@link MediaSize MediaSize} values
-     * for engineering media.
+     * Class {@code MediaSize.Engineering} includes {@link MediaSize MediaSize}
+     * values for engineering media.
     public static final class Engineering {
@@ -729,30 +795,35 @@
         public static final MediaSize
             A = new MediaSize(8.5f, 11.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the engineering B size, 11 inch by 17 inch.
         public static final MediaSize
             B = new MediaSize(11.0f, 17.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the engineering C size, 17 inch by 22 inch.
         public static final MediaSize
             C = new MediaSize(17.0f, 22.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the engineering D size, 22 inch by 34 inch.
         public static final MediaSize
             D = new MediaSize(22.0f, 34.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the engineering E size, 34 inch by 44 inch.
         public static final MediaSize
             E = new MediaSize(34.0f, 44.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Hide all constructors.
@@ -761,16 +832,18 @@
-     * Class MediaSize.Other includes {@link MediaSize MediaSize} values for
-     * miscellaneous media.
+     * Class {@code MediaSize.Other} includes {@link MediaSize MediaSize} values
+     * for miscellaneous media.
     public static final class Other {
          * Specifies the executive size, 7.25 inches by 10.5 inches.
         public static final MediaSize
             EXECUTIVE = new MediaSize(7.25f, 10.5f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the ledger size, 11 inches by 17 inches.
@@ -780,6 +853,7 @@
          * Specifies the tabloid size, 11 inches by 17 inches.
+         *
          * @since 1.5
         public static final MediaSize
@@ -792,48 +866,56 @@
         public static final MediaSize
             INVOICE = new MediaSize(5.5f, 8.5f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the folio size, 8.5 inches by 13 inches.
         public static final MediaSize
             FOLIO = new MediaSize(8.5f, 13.0f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the quarto size, 8.5 inches by 10.83 inches.
         public static final MediaSize
             QUARTO = new MediaSize(8.5f, 10.83f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the Italy envelope size, 110 mm by 230 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
         ITALY_ENVELOPE = new MediaSize(110, 230, Size2DSyntax.MM,
          * Specifies the Monarch envelope size, 3.87 inch by 7.5 inch.
         public static final MediaSize
         MONARCH_ENVELOPE = new MediaSize(3.87f, 7.5f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the Personal envelope size, 3.625 inch by 6.5 inch.
         public static final MediaSize
         PERSONAL_ENVELOPE = new MediaSize(3.625f, 6.5f, Size2DSyntax.INCH,
          * Specifies the Japanese postcard size, 100 mm by 148 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             JAPANESE_POSTCARD = new MediaSize(100, 148, Size2DSyntax.MM,
          * Specifies the Japanese Double postcard size, 148 mm by 200 mm.
         public static final MediaSize
             JAPANESE_DOUBLE_POSTCARD = new MediaSize(148, 200, Size2DSyntax.MM,
          * Hide all constructors.
@@ -841,8 +923,9 @@
-    /* force loading of all the subclasses so that the instances
-     * are created and inserted into the hashmap.
+    /*
+     * force loading of all the subclasses so that the instances are created and
+     * inserted into the hashmap.
     static {
         MediaSize ISOA4 = ISO.A4;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSizeName.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSizeName.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,161 +22,192 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
-import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
- * Class MediaSizeName is a subclass of Media.
- * <P>
- * This attribute can be used instead of specifying MediaName or MediaTray.
+ * Class {@code MediaSizeName} is a subclass of {@code Media}.
+ * <p>
+ * This attribute can be used instead of specifying {@code MediaName} or
+ * {@code MediaTray}.
  * <p>
- * Class MediaSizeName currently declares a few standard media
- * name values.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> MediaSizeName is a representation class for
- * values of the IPP "media" attribute which names media sizes.
- * The names of the media sizes correspond to those in the IPP 1.1 RFC
- * <a HREF="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt">RFC 2911</a>
- *
+ * Class {@code MediaSizeName} currently declares a few standard media name
+ * values.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> {@code MediaSizeName} is a representation class for
+ * values of the IPP "media" attribute which names media sizes. The names of the
+ * media sizes correspond to those in the IPP 1.1 RFC
+ * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt">RFC 2911</a>
 public class MediaSizeName extends Media {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2778798329756942747L;
      * A0 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_A0 = new MediaSizeName(0);
      * A1 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_A1 = new MediaSizeName(1);
      * A2 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_A2 = new MediaSizeName(2);
      * A3 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_A3 = new MediaSizeName(3);
      * A4 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_A4 = new MediaSizeName(4);
      * A5 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_A5 = new MediaSizeName(5);
      * A6 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_A6 = new MediaSizeName(6);
      * A7 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_A7 = new MediaSizeName(7);
      * A8 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_A8 = new MediaSizeName(8);
      * A9 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_A9 = new MediaSizeName(9);
      * A10 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_A10 = new MediaSizeName(10);
-   /**
+    /**
      * ISO B0 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_B0 = new MediaSizeName(11);
      * ISO B1 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_B1 = new MediaSizeName(12);
      * ISO B2 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_B2 = new MediaSizeName(13);
      * ISO B3 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_B3 = new MediaSizeName(14);
      * ISO B4 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_B4 = new MediaSizeName(15);
      * ISO B5 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_B5 = new MediaSizeName(16);
      * ISO B6 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_B6 = new MediaSizeName(17);
      * ISO B7 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_B7 = new MediaSizeName(18);
      * ISO B8 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_B8 = new MediaSizeName(19);
      * ISO B9 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_B9 = new MediaSizeName(20);
      * ISO B10 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_B10 = new MediaSizeName(21);
-   /**
+    /**
      * JIS B0 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName JIS_B0 = new MediaSizeName(22);
      * JIS B1 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName JIS_B1 = new MediaSizeName(23);
      * JIS B2 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName JIS_B2 = new MediaSizeName(24);
      * JIS B3 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName JIS_B3 = new MediaSizeName(25);
      * JIS B4 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName JIS_B4 = new MediaSizeName(26);
      * JIS B5 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName JIS_B5 = new MediaSizeName(27);
      * JIS B6 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName JIS_B6 = new MediaSizeName(28);
      * JIS B7 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName JIS_B7 = new MediaSizeName(29);
      * JIS B8 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName JIS_B8 = new MediaSizeName(30);
      * JIS B9 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName JIS_B9 = new MediaSizeName(31);
      * JIS B10 size.
@@ -186,198 +217,216 @@
      * ISO C0 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_C0 = new MediaSizeName(33);
      * ISO C1 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_C1 = new MediaSizeName(34);
      * ISO C2 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_C2 = new MediaSizeName(35);
      * ISO C3 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_C3 = new MediaSizeName(36);
      * ISO C4 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_C4 = new MediaSizeName(37);
      * ISO C5 size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_C5 = new MediaSizeName(38);
-     *   letter size.
+     * letter size.
     public static final MediaSizeName ISO_C6 = new MediaSizeName(39);
-     *   letter size.
+     * letter size.
     public static final MediaSizeName NA_LETTER = new MediaSizeName(40);
-     *  legal size .
+     * legal size.
     public static final MediaSizeName NA_LEGAL = new MediaSizeName(41);
-     *  executive size .
+     * executive size.
     public static final MediaSizeName EXECUTIVE = new MediaSizeName(42);
-     *  ledger size .
+     * ledger size.
     public static final MediaSizeName LEDGER = new MediaSizeName(43);
-     *  tabloid size .
+     * tabloid size.
     public static final MediaSizeName TABLOID = new MediaSizeName(44);
-     *  invoice size .
+     * invoice size.
     public static final MediaSizeName INVOICE = new MediaSizeName(45);
-     *  folio size .
+     * folio size.
     public static final MediaSizeName FOLIO = new MediaSizeName(46);
-     *  quarto size .
+     * quarto size.
     public static final MediaSizeName QUARTO = new MediaSizeName(47);
-     *  Japanese Postcard size.
+     * Japanese Postcard size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         JAPANESE_POSTCARD = new MediaSizeName(48);
-   /**
-     *  Japanese Double Postcard size.
+    /**
+     * Japanese Double Postcard size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         JAPANESE_DOUBLE_POSTCARD = new MediaSizeName(49);
-     *  A size .
+     * A size.
     public static final MediaSizeName A = new MediaSizeName(50);
-     *  B size .
+     * B size.
     public static final MediaSizeName B = new MediaSizeName(51);
-     *  C size .
+     * C size.
     public static final MediaSizeName C = new MediaSizeName(52);
-     *  D size .
+     * D size.
     public static final MediaSizeName D = new MediaSizeName(53);
-     *  E size .
+     * E size.
     public static final MediaSizeName E = new MediaSizeName(54);
-     *  ISO designated long size .
+     * ISO designated long size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         ISO_DESIGNATED_LONG = new MediaSizeName(55);
-     *  Italy envelope size .
+     * Italy envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         ITALY_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(56);  // DESIGNATED_LONG?
-     *  monarch envelope size .
+     * monarch envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         MONARCH_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(57);
-     * personal envelope size .
+     * personal envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         PERSONAL_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(58);
-     *  number 9 envelope size .
+     * number 9 envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_NUMBER_9_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(59);
-     *  number 10 envelope size .
+     * number 10 envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_NUMBER_10_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(60);
-     *  number 11 envelope size .
+     * number 11 envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_NUMBER_11_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(61);
-     *  number 12 envelope size .
+     * number 12 envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_NUMBER_12_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(62);
-     *  number 14 envelope size .
+     * number 14 envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_NUMBER_14_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(63);
-   /**
-     *  6x9 North American envelope size.
+    /**
+     * 6x9 North American envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_6X9_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(64);
-   /**
-     *  7x9 North American envelope size.
+    /**
+     * 7x9 North American envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_7X9_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(65);
-   /**
-     *  9x11 North American envelope size.
+    /**
+     * 9x11 North American envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_9X11_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(66);
-     *  9x12 North American envelope size.
+     * 9x12 North American envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_9X12_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(67);
-     *  10x13 North American envelope size .
+     * 10x13 North American envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_10X13_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(68);
-     *  10x14North American  envelope size .
+     * 10x14North American envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_10X14_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(69);
-     *  10x15 North American envelope size.
+     * 10x15 North American envelope size.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_10X15_ENVELOPE = new MediaSizeName(70);
-     *  5x7 North American paper.
+     * 5x7 North American paper.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_5X7 = new MediaSizeName(71);
-     *  8x10 North American paper.
+     * 8x10 North American paper.
     public static final MediaSizeName
         NA_8X10 = new MediaSizeName(72);
@@ -386,12 +435,15 @@
      * Construct a new media size enumeration value with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected MediaSizeName(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code MediaSizeName}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
@@ -468,6 +520,9 @@
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code MediaSizeName}.
+     */
     private static final MediaSizeName[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -544,9 +599,8 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class MediaSizeName.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code MediaSizeName}.
     protected String[] getStringTable()
@@ -554,11 +608,9 @@
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class MediaSizeName.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code MediaSizeName}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaTray.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaTray.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,29 +22,30 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
-import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
- * Class MediaTray is a subclass of Media.
- * Class MediaTray is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
- * specifies the media tray or bin for the job.
- * This attribute can be used instead of specifying MediaSize or MediaName.
+ * Class {@code MediaTray} is a subclass of {@code Media}. Class
+ * {@code MediaTray} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
+ * specifies the media tray or bin for the job. This attribute can be used
+ * instead of specifying {@code MediaSize} or {@code MediaName}.
  * <p>
- * Class MediaTray declares keywords for standard media kind values.
- * Implementation- or site-defined names for a media kind attribute may also
- * be created by defining a subclass of class MediaTray.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> MediaTray is a representation class for
+ * Class {@code MediaTray} declares keywords for standard media kind values.
+ * Implementation- or site-defined names for a media kind attribute may also be
+ * created by defining a subclass of class {@code MediaTray}.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> {@code MediaTray} is a representation class for
  * values of the IPP "media" attribute which name paper trays.
 public class MediaTray extends Media implements Attribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -982503611095214703L;
@@ -91,12 +92,15 @@
      * Construct a new media tray enumeration value with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected MediaTray(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code MediaTray}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable ={
@@ -108,6 +112,9 @@
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code MediaTray}.
+     */
     private static final MediaTray[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -120,7 +127,7 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class MediaTray.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code MediaTray}.
     protected String[] getStringTable()
@@ -128,11 +135,9 @@
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class MediaTray.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code MediaTray}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/MultipleDocumentHandling.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/MultipleDocumentHandling.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -22,178 +22,162 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class MultipleDocumentHandling is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
- * that controls finishing operations and the placement of one or more
- * print-stream pages into impressions and onto media sheets. When the value of
- * the {@link Copies Copies} attribute exceeds 1, MultipleDocumentHandling also
- * controls the order in which the copies that result from processing the
- * documents are produced. This attribute is relevant only for a multidoc print
- * job consisting of two or more individual docs.
- * <P>
- * Briefly, MultipleDocumentHandling determines the relationship between the
- * multiple input (electronic) documents fed into a multidoc print job and the
- * output (physical) document or documents produced by the multidoc print job.
+ * Class {@code MultipleDocumentHandling} is a printing attribute class, an
+ * enumeration, that controls finishing operations and the placement of one or
+ * more print-stream pages into impressions and onto media sheets. When the
+ * value of the {@link Copies Copies} attribute exceeds 1,
+ * {@code MultipleDocumentHandling} also controls the order in which the copies
+ * that result from processing the documents are produced. This attribute is
+ * relevant only for a multidoc print job consisting of two or more individual
+ * docs.
+ * <p>
+ * Briefly, {@code MultipleDocumentHandling} determines the relationship between
+ * the multiple input (electronic) documents fed into a multidoc print job and
+ * the output (physical) document or documents produced by the multidoc print
+ * job.
  * There are two possibilities:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * The multiple input documents are combined into a single output document.
- * Finishing operations ({@link Finishings Finishings}),
- * are performed on this single output
- * document. The {@link Copies Copies} attribute tells how many copies of this
- * single output document to produce. The MultipleDocumentHandling values
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT and SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET specify two variations of
- * this  possibility.
- *
- * <LI>
- * The multiple input documents remain separate output documents. Finishing
- * operations ({@link Finishings Finishings}),
- * are performed on each output document
- * separately. The {@link Copies Copies} attribute tells how many copies of each
- * separate output document to produce. The MultipleDocumentHandling values
- * specify two variations of this possibility.
- * </UL>
- * <P>
- * In the detailed explanations below, if "{@code a}" represents an
- * instance of document data, then the result of processing the data in
- * document "{@code a}" is a sequence of media sheets represented by
- * "{@code a(*)}".
- * <P>
- * The standard MultipleDocumentHandling values are:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * <a id="sdfi"></a>{@link #SINGLE_DOCUMENT
- * <B>SINGLE_DOCUMENT</B>}. If a print job has multiple
- * documents -- say, the document data is called {@code a} and
- * {@code b} -- then the result of processing all the document data
- * ({@code a} and then {@code b}) must be treated as a single sequence
- * of media sheets for finishing operations; that is, finishing would be
- * performed on the concatenation of the sequences {@code a(*),b(*)}. The
- * printer must not force the data in each document instance to be formatted
- * onto a new print-stream page, nor to start a new impression on a new media
- * sheet. If more than one copy is made, the ordering of the sets of media
- * sheets resulting from processing the document data must be
- * {@code a(*),b(*),a(*),b(*),...}, and the printer object must force
- * each copy ({@code a(*),b(*)}) to start on a new media sheet.
- *
- * <LI>
- * <a id="sducfi"></a>{@link #SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES
- * has multiple documents -- say, the document data is called {@code a} and
- * {@code b} -- then the result of processing the data in each document
- * instance must be treated as a single sequence of media sheets for finishing
- * operations; that is, the sets {@code a(*)} and {@code b(*)} would
- * each be finished separately. The printer must force each copy of the result
- * of processing the data in a single document to start on a new media sheet.
- * If more than one copy is made, the ordering of the sets of media sheets
- * resulting from processing the document data must be
- * {@code a(*),a(*),...,b(*),b(*)...}.
- *
- * <LI>
- * <a id="sdccfi"></a>{@link #SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES
- * has multiple documents -- say, the document data is called {@code a} and
- * {@code b} -- then the result of processing the data in each document
- * instance must be treated as a single sequence of media sheets for finishing
- * operations; that is, the sets {@code a(*)} and {@code b(*)} would
- * each be finished separately. The printer must force each copy of the result
- * of processing the data in a single document to start on a new media sheet.
- * If more than one copy is made, the ordering of the sets of media sheets
- * resulting from processing the document data must be
- * {@code a(*),b(*),a(*),b(*),...}.
- *
- * <LI>
- * <a id="sdnsfi"></a>{@link #SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET
- * except that the printer must ensure that the first impression of each
- * document instance in the job is placed on a new media sheet. This value
- * allows multiple documents to be stapled together with a single staple where
- * each document starts on a new sheet.
- * </UL>
- * <P>
- * respect to ordering of print-stream pages, but not media sheet generation,
- * since SINGLE_DOCUMENT will put the first page of the next document on the
- * back side of a sheet if an odd number of pages have been produced so far
- * for the job, while SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES always forces the
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>The multiple input documents are combined into a single output
+ *   document. Finishing operations ({@link Finishings Finishings}), are
+ *   performed on this single output document. The {@link Copies Copies}
+ *   attribute tells how many copies of this single output document to produce.
+ *   The {@code MultipleDocumentHandling} values {@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT} and
+ *   {@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET} specify two variations of this
+ *   possibility.
+ *   <li>The multiple input documents remain separate output documents.
+ *   Finishing operations ({@link Finishings Finishings}), are performed on each
+ *   output document separately. The {@link Copies Copies} attribute tells how
+ *   many copies of each separate output document to produce. The
+ *   {@code MultipleDocumentHandling} values
+ *   {@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES} specify two variations of this
+ *   possibility.
+ * </ul>
+ * In the detailed explanations below, if "{@code a}" represents an instance of
+ * document data, then the result of processing the data in document "{@code a}"
+ * is a sequence of media sheets represented by "{@code a(*)}".
+ * <p>
+ * The standard {@code MultipleDocumentHandling} values are:
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li><a id="sdfi"></a>{@link #SINGLE_DOCUMENT <b>SINGLE_DOCUMENT</b>}. If a
+ *   print job has multiple documents -- say, the document data is called
+ *   {@code a} and {@code b} -- then the result of processing all the document
+ *   data ({@code a} and then {@code b}) must be treated as a single sequence of
+ *   media sheets for finishing operations; that is, finishing would be
+ *   performed on the concatenation of the sequences {@code a(*),b(*)}. The
+ *   printer must not force the data in each document instance to be formatted
+ *   onto a new print-stream page, nor to start a new impression on a new media
+ *   sheet. If more than one copy is made, the ordering of the sets of media
+ *   sheets resulting from processing the document data must be
+ *   {@code a(*),b(*),a(*),b(*),...}, and the printer object must force each
+ *   copy ({@code a(*),b(*)}) to start on a new media sheet.
+ *   <li><a id="sducfi"></a>{@link #SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES
+ *   <b>SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES</b>}. If a print job has multiple
+ *   documents -- say, the document data is called {@code a} and {@code b} --
+ *   then the result of processing the data in each document instance must be
+ *   treated as a single sequence of media sheets for finishing operations; that
+ *   is, the sets {@code a(*)} and {@code b(*)} would each be finished
+ *   separately. The printer must force each copy of the result of processing
+ *   the data in a single document to start on a new media sheet. If more than
+ *   one copy is made, the ordering of the sets of media sheets resulting from
+ *   processing the document data must be {@code a(*),a(*),...,b(*),b(*)...}.
+ *   <li><a id="sdccfi"></a>{@link #SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES
+ *   <b>SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES</b>}. If a print job has multiple
+ *   documents -- say, the document data is called {@code a} and {@code b} --
+ *   then the result of processing the data in each document instance must be
+ *   treated as a single sequence of media sheets for finishing operations; that
+ *   is, the sets {@code a(*)} and {@code b(*)} would each be finished
+ *   separately. The printer must force each copy of the result of processing
+ *   the data in a single document to start on a new media sheet. If more than
+ *   one copy is made, the ordering of the sets of media sheets resulting from
+ *   processing the document data must be {@code a(*),b(*),a(*),b(*),...}.
+ *   <li><a id="sdnsfi"></a>{@link #SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET
+ *   <b>SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET</b>}. Same as SINGLE_DOCUMENT, except that the
+ *   printer must ensure that the first impression of each document instance in
+ *   the job is placed on a new media sheet. This value allows multiple
+ *   documents to be stapled together with a single staple where each document
+ *   starts on a new sheet.
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * {@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT} is the same as
+ * {@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES} with respect to ordering of
+ * print-stream pages, but not media sheet generation, since
+ * {@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT} will put the first page of the next document on the
+ * back side of a sheet if an odd number of pages have been produced so far for
+ * the job, while {@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES} always forces the
  * next document or document copy on to a new sheet.
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * In addition, if a {@link Finishings Finishings} attribute of
  * {@link Finishings#STAPLE STAPLE} is specified, then:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * With SINGLE_DOCUMENT, documents {@code a} and {@code b} are
- * stapled together as a single document with no regard to new sheets.
- *
- * <LI>
- * With SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET, documents {@code a} and {@code b}
- * are stapled together as a single document, but document {@code b}
- * starts on a new sheet.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>With {@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT}, documents {@code a} and {@code b} are
+ *   stapled together as a single document with no regard to new sheets.
+ *   <li>With {@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET}, documents {@code a} and
+ *   {@code b} are stapled together as a single document, but document {@code b}
+ *   starts on a new sheet.
+ *   {@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES}, documents {@code a} and
+ *   {@code b} are stapled separately.
+ * </ul>
+ * <i>Note:</i> None of these values provide means to produce uncollated sheets
+ * within a document, i.e., where multiple copies of sheet <i>n</i> are produced
+ * before sheet <i>n</i>+1 of the same document. To specify that, see the
+ * {@link SheetCollate SheetCollate} attribute.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value.
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES, documents {@code a} and
- * {@code b} are stapled separately.
- * </UL>
- * <P>
- * <I>Note:</I> None of these values provide means to produce uncollated
- * sheets within a document, i.e., where multiple copies of sheet <I>n</I>
- * are produced before sheet <I>n</I>+1 of the same document.
- * To specify that, see the {@link SheetCollate SheetCollate} attribute.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
- *
- * @see  Copies
- * @see  Finishings
- * @see  NumberUp
- * @see  PageRanges
- * @see  SheetCollate
- * @see  Sides
- *
- * @author  David Mendenhall
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author David Mendenhall
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
+ * @see Copies
+ * @see Finishings
+ * @see NumberUp
+ * @see PageRanges
+ * @see SheetCollate
+ * @see Sides
 public class MultipleDocumentHandling extends EnumSyntax
     implements PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 8098326460746413466L;
-     * Single document -- see above for <A HREF="#sdfi">further
-     * information</A>.
+     * Single document -- see above for <a href="#sdfi">further information</a>.
     public static final MultipleDocumentHandling
         SINGLE_DOCUMENT = new MultipleDocumentHandling (0);
      * Separate documents uncollated copies -- see above for
-     * <A HREF="#sducfi">further information</A>.
+     * <a href="#sducfi">further information</a>.
     public static final MultipleDocumentHandling
        SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES = new MultipleDocumentHandling (1);
      * Separate documents collated copies -- see above for
-     * <A HREF="#sdccfi">further information</A>.
+     * <a href="#sdccfi">further information</a>.
     public static final MultipleDocumentHandling
         SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES = new MultipleDocumentHandling (2);
-     * Single document new sheet -- see above for
-     * <A HREF="#sdnsfi">further information</A>.
+     * Single document new sheet -- see above for <a href="#sdnsfi">further
+     * information</a>.
     public static final MultipleDocumentHandling
         SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET = new MultipleDocumentHandling (3);
@@ -203,12 +187,15 @@
      * Construct a new multiple document handling enumeration value with the
      * given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected MultipleDocumentHandling(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code MultipleDocumentHandling}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
@@ -216,6 +203,9 @@
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code MultipleDocumentHandling}.
+     */
     private static final MultipleDocumentHandling[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -224,14 +214,15 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class MultipleDocumentHandling.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code MultipleDocumentHandling}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable.clone();
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class MultipleDocumentHandling.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class
+     * {@code MultipleDocumentHandling}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
@@ -240,12 +231,13 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class MultipleDocumentHandling and any vendor-defined subclasses,
-     * the category is class MultipleDocumentHandling itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code MultipleDocumentHandling} and any vendor-defined
+     * subclasses, the category is class {@code MultipleDocumentHandling}
+     * itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return MultipleDocumentHandling.class;
@@ -254,14 +246,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class MultipleDocumentHandling and any vendor-defined subclasses,
-     * the category name is {@code "multiple-document-handling"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code MultipleDocumentHandling} and any vendor-defined
+     * subclasses, the category name is {@code "multiple-document-handling"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "multiple-document-handling";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberOfDocuments.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberOfDocuments.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,31 +30,30 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class NumberOfDocuments is an integer valued printing attribute that
+ * Class {@code NumberOfDocuments} is an integer valued printing attribute that
  * indicates the number of individual docs the printer has accepted for this
  * job, regardless of whether the docs' print data has reached the printer or
  * not.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class NumberOfDocuments extends IntegerSyntax
     implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 7891881310684461097L;
      * Construct a new number of documents attribute with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *   (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 0.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is negative
     public NumberOfDocuments(int value) {
         super (value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@@ -61,22 +61,18 @@
      * Returns whether this number of documents attribute is equivalent to the
-     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
-     * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class NumberOfDocuments.
-     * <LI>
-     * This number of documents attribute's value and {@code object}'s
-     * value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must
+     * be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code NumberOfDocuments}.
+     *   <li>This number of documents attribute's value and {@code object}'s
+     *   value are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this number of
-     *          documents attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this number of
+     *         documents attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -86,12 +82,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class NumberOfDocuments, the
-     * category is class NumberOfDocuments itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code NumberOfDocuments}, the category is class
+     * {@code NumberOfDocuments} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return NumberOfDocuments.class;
@@ -100,14 +96,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class NumberOfDocuments, the
-     * category name is {@code "number-of-documents"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code NumberOfDocuments}, the category name is
+     * {@code "number-of-documents"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "number-of-documents";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberOfInterveningJobs.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberOfInterveningJobs.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,30 +30,30 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class NumberOfInterveningJobs is an integer valued printing attribute that
- * indicates the number of jobs that are ahead of this job in the relative
- * chronological order of expected time to complete (i.e., the current
- * scheduled order).
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value.
- * The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
- * attribute name.
+ * Class {@code NumberOfInterveningJobs} is an integer valued printing attribute
+ * that indicates the number of jobs that are ahead of this job in the relative
+ * chronological order of expected time to complete (i.e., the current scheduled
+ * order).
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class NumberOfInterveningJobs extends IntegerSyntax
     implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2568141124844982746L;
      * Construct a new number of intervening jobs attribute with the given
      * integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *   (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 0.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is negative
     public NumberOfInterveningJobs(int value) {
         super(value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@@ -62,20 +63,17 @@
      * Returns whether this number of intervening jobs attribute is equivalent
      * to the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following
      * conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class NumberOfInterveningJobs.
-     * <LI>
-     * This number of intervening jobs attribute's value and
-     * {@code object}'s value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class
+     *   {@code NumberOfInterveningJobs}.
+     *   <li>This number of intervening jobs attribute's value and
+     *   {@code object}'s value are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this number of
-     *          intervening jobs attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this number of
+     *         intervening jobs attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -85,12 +83,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class NumberOfInterveningJobs, the
-     * category is class NumberOfInterveningJobs itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code NumberOfInterveningJobs}, the category is class
+     * {@code NumberOfInterveningJobs} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return NumberOfInterveningJobs.class;
@@ -99,14 +97,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class NumberOfInterveningJobs, the
-     * category name is {@code "number-of-intervening-jobs"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code NumberOfInterveningJobs}, the category name is
+     * {@code "number-of-intervening-jobs"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "number-of-intervening-jobs";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberUp.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberUp.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,120 +22,107 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.IntegerSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class NumberUp is an integer valued printing attribute class that specifies
- * the number of print-stream pages to impose upon a single side of an
- * instance of a selected medium. That is, if the NumberUp value is <I>n,</I>
- * the printer must place <I>n</I> print-stream pages on a single side of
- * an instance of the
- * selected medium. To accomplish this, the printer may add some sort of
- * translation, scaling, or rotation. This attribute primarily controls the
- * translation, scaling and rotation of print-stream pages.
- * <P>
- * The effect of a NumberUp attribute on a multidoc print job (a job with
- * multiple documents) depends on whether all the docs have the same number up
- * values specified or whether different docs have different number up values
- * specified, and on the (perhaps defaulted) value of the {@link
- * MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute.
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * If all the docs have the same number up value <I>n</I> specified, then any
- * value of {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} makes
- * sense, and the printer's processing depends on the {@link
- * MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} value:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT -- All the input docs will be combined together into one
- * output document. Each media impression will consist of <I>n</I>m
- *  print-stream pages from the output document.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET -- All the input docs will be combined together
- * into one output document. Each media impression will consist of <I>n</I>
- * print-stream pages from the output document. However, the first impression of
- * each input doc will always start on a new media sheet; this means the last
- * impression of an input doc may have fewer than <I>n</I> print-stream pages
- *  on it.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- The input docs will remain separate.
- * Each media impression will consist of <I>n</I> print-stream pages from the
- * input doc. Since the input docs are separate, the first impression of each
- * input doc will always start on a new media sheet; this means the last
- * impression of an input doc may have fewer than <I>n</I> print-stream pages on
- * it.
+ * Class {@code NumberUp} is an integer valued printing attribute class that
+ * specifies the number of print-stream pages to impose upon a single side of an
+ * instance of a selected medium. That is, if the NumberUp value is <i>n,</i>
+ * the printer must place <i>n</i> print-stream pages on a single side of an
+ * instance of the selected medium. To accomplish this, the printer may add some
+ * sort of translation, scaling, or rotation. This attribute primarily controls
+ * the translation, scaling and rotation of print-stream pages.
+ * <p>
+ * The effect of a {@code NumberUp} attribute on a multidoc print job (a job
+ * with multiple documents) depends on whether all the docs have the same number
+ * up values specified or whether different docs have different number up values
+ * specified, and on the (perhaps defaulted) value of the
+ * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>If all the docs have the same number up value <i>n</i> specified, then
+ *   any value of {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling}
+ *   makes sense, and the printer's processing depends on the
+ *   {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} value:
+ *   <ul>
+ *     <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT} -- All the input docs will be combined
+ *     together into one output document. Each media impression will consist of
+ *     <i>n</i>m print-stream pages from the output document.
+ *     <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET} -- All the input docs will be
+ *     combined together into one output document. Each media impression will
+ *     consist of <i>n</i> print-stream pages from the output document. However,
+ *     the first impression of each input doc will always start on a new media
+ *     sheet; this means the last impression of an input doc may have fewer than
+ *     <i>n</i> print-stream pages on it.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES} -- The input docs will
+ *     remain separate. Each media impression will consist of <i>n</i>
+ *     print-stream pages from the input doc. Since the input docs are separate,
+ *     the first impression of each input doc will always start on a new media
+ *     sheet; this means the last impression of an input doc may have fewer than
+ *     <i>n</i> print-stream pages on it.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES} -- The input docs will
+ *     remain separate. Each media impression will consist of <i>n</i>
+ *     print-stream pages from the input doc. Since the input docs are separate,
+ *     the first impression of each input doc will always start on a new media
+ *     sheet; this means the last impression of an input doc may have fewer than
+ *     <i>n</i> print-stream pages on it.
+ *   </ul>
+ *   <ul>
+ *     <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT} -- All the input docs will be combined
+ *     together into one output document. Each media impression will consist of
+ *     <i>n<sub>i</sub></i> print-stream pages from the output document, where
+ *     <i>i</i> is the number of the input doc corresponding to that point in
+ *     the output document. When the next input doc has a different number up
+ *     value from the previous input doc, the first print-stream page of the
+ *     next input doc goes at the start of the next media impression, possibly
+ *     leaving fewer than the full number of print-stream pages on the previous
+ *     media impression.
+ *     <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET} -- All the input docs will be
+ *     combined together into one output document. Each media impression will
+ *     consist of <i>n</i> print-stream pages from the output document. However,
+ *     the first impression of each input doc will always start on a new media
+ *     sheet; this means the last impression of an input doc may have fewer than
+ *     <i>n</i> print-stream pages on it.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES} -- The input docs will
+ *     remain separate. For input doc <i>i,</i> each media impression will
+ *     consist of <i>n<sub>i</sub></i> print-stream pages from the input doc.
+ *     Since the input docs are separate, the first impression of each input doc
+ *     will always start on a new media sheet; this means the last impression of
+ *     an input doc may have fewer than <i>n<sub>i</sub></i> print-stream pages
+ *     on it.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES} -- The input docs will
+ *     remain separate. For input doc <i>i,</i> each media impression will
+ *     consist of <i>n<sub>i</sub></i> print-stream pages from the input doc.
+ *     Since the input docs are separate, the first impression of each input doc
+ *     will always start on a new media sheet; this means the last impression of
+ *     an input doc may have fewer than <i>n<sub>i</sub></i> print-stream pages
+ *     on it.
+ *   </ul>
+ * </ul>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- The input docs will remain separate.
- * Each media impression will consist of <I>n</I> print-stream pages from the
- * input doc. Since the input docs are separate, the first impression of each
- * input doc will always start on a new media sheet; this means the last
- * impression of an input doc may have fewer than <I>n</I> print-stream pages
- * on it.
- * </UL>
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT -- All the input docs will be combined together into one
- * output document. Each media impression will consist of <I>n<SUB>i</SUB></I>
- * print-stream pages from the output document, where <I>i</I> is the number of
- * the input doc corresponding to that point in the output document. When the
- * next input doc has a different number up value from the previous input doc,
- * the first print-stream page of the next input doc goes at the start of the
- * next media impression, possibly leaving fewer than the full number of
- * print-stream pages on the previous media impression.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET -- All the input docs will be combined together
- * into one output document. Each media impression will consist of <I>n</I>
- * print-stream pages from the output document. However, the first impression of
- * each input doc will always start on a new media sheet; this means the last
- * impression of an input doc may have fewer than <I>n</I> print-stream pages
- * on it.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- The input docs will remain separate.
- * For input doc <I>i,</I> each media impression will consist of
- * <I>n<SUB>i</SUB></I> print-stream pages from the input doc. Since the input
- * docs are separate, the first impression of each input doc will always start
- * on a new media sheet; this means the last impression of an input doc may have
- * fewer than <I>n<SUB>i</SUB></I> print-stream pages on it.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- The input docs will remain separate.
- * For input doc <I>i,</I> each media impression will consist of
- * <I>n<SUB>i</SUB></I> print-stream pages from the input doc. Since the input
- * docs are separate, the first impression of each input doc will always start
- * on a new media sheet; this means the last impression of an input doc may
- * have fewer than <I>n<SUB>i</SUB></I> print-stream pages on it.
- * </UL>
- * </UL>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value.
- * The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
- * attribute name.
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class NumberUp extends IntegerSyntax
     implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -3040436486786527811L;
      * Construct a new number up attribute with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *   (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 1.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value < 1}
     public NumberUp(int value) {
         super (value, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@@ -144,20 +131,16 @@
      * Returns whether this number up attribute is equivalent to the passed in
      * object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class NumberUp.
-     * <LI>
-     * This number up attribute's value and {@code object}'s value are
-     * equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code NumberUp}.
+     *   <li>This number up attribute's value and {@code object}'s value are
+     *   equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this number up
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this number up
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) && object instanceof NumberUp);
@@ -166,11 +149,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class NumberUp, the category is class NumberUp itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code NumberUp}, the category is class {@code NumberUp}
+     * itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return NumberUp.class;
@@ -179,13 +163,12 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class NumberUp, the category name is {@code "number-up"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code NumberUp}, the category name is {@code "number-up"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "number-up";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberUpSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberUpSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,41 +30,39 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.SupportedValuesAttribute;
- * Class NumberUpSupported is a printing attribute class, a set of integers,
- * that gives the supported values for a {@link NumberUp NumberUp} attribute.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The NumberUpSupported attribute's canonical array
+ * Class {@code NumberUpSupported} is a printing attribute class, a set of
+ * integers, that gives the supported values for a {@link NumberUp NumberUp}
+ * attribute.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The NumberUpSupported attribute's canonical array
  * form gives the lower and upper bound for each range of number-up to be
- * included in an IPP "number-up-supported" attribute. See class {@link
- * javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an
- * explanation of canonical array form. The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * included in an IPP "number-up-supported" attribute. See class
+ * {@link SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an explanation of canonical
+ * array form. The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
+ * attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class NumberUpSupported    extends SetOfIntegerSyntax
         implements SupportedValuesAttribute {
-     private static final long serialVersionUID = -1041573395759141805L;
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1041573395759141805L;
-     * Construct a new number up supported attribute with the given members.
-     * The supported values for NumberUp are specified in "array form;" see
-     * class
-     * {@link javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax}
-     * for an explanation of array form.
-     *
-     * @param  members  Set members in array form.
+     * Construct a new number up supported attribute with the given members. The
+     * supported values for NumberUp are specified in "array form;" see class
+     * {@link SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for
+     * an explanation of array form.
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code members} is null or
-     *     any element of {@code members} is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if any element of
-     *   {@code members} is not a length-one or length-two array. Also
-     *    thrown if {@code members} is a zero-length array or if any
-     *    member of the set is less than 1.
+     * @param  members set members in array form
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code members} is {@code null} or any
+     *         element of {@code members} is {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any element of {@code members} is not
+     *         a length-one or length-two array. Also if {@code members} is a
+     *         zero-length array or if any member of the set is less than 1.
     public NumberUpSupported(int[][] members) {
         super (members);
@@ -86,13 +85,10 @@
      * Construct a new number up supported attribute containing a single
-     * integer. That is, only the one value of NumberUp is supported.
-     *
-     * @param  member  Set member.
+     * integer. That is, only the one value of {@code NumberUp} is supported.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code member} is less than
-     *     1.
+     * @param  member set member
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code member < 1}
     public NumberUpSupported(int member) {
         super (member);
@@ -103,16 +99,14 @@
      * Construct a new number up supported attribute containing a single range
-     * of integers. That is, only those values of NumberUp in the one range are
-     * supported.
+     * of integers. That is, only those values of {@code NumberUp} in the one
+     * range are supported.
-     * @param  lowerBound  Lower bound of the range.
-     * @param  upperBound  Upper bound of the range.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if a null range is specified or if a
-     *     non-null range is specified with {@code lowerBound} less than
-     *     1.
+     * @param  lowerBound lower bound of the range
+     * @param  upperBound upper bound of the range
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a {@code null} range is specified or
+     *         if a {@code non-null} range is specified with {@code lowerBound}
+     *         less than 1
     public NumberUpSupported(int lowerBound, int upperBound) {
         super (lowerBound, upperBound);
@@ -126,22 +120,18 @@
      * Returns whether this number up supported attribute is equivalent to the
-     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
-     * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class NumberUpSupported.
-     * <LI>
-     * This number up supported attribute's members and {@code object}'s
-     * members are the same.
-     * </OL>
+     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must
+     * be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code NumberUpSupported}.
+     *   <li>This number up supported attribute's members and {@code object}'s
+     *   members are the same.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this number up
-     *          supported attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this number up
+     *         supported attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -151,12 +141,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class NumberUpSupported, the
-     * category is class NumberUpSupported itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code NumberUpSupported}, the category is class
+     * {@code NumberUpSupported} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return NumberUpSupported.class;
@@ -165,14 +155,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class NumberUpSupported, the
-     * category name is {@code "number-up-supported"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code NumberUpSupported}, the category name is
+     * {@code "number-up-supported"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "number-up-supported";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/OrientationRequested.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/OrientationRequested.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,48 +22,51 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class OrientationRequested is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
- * that indicates the desired orientation for printed print-stream pages; it
- * does not describe the orientation of the client-supplied print-stream
- * pages.
- * <P>
- * For some document formats (such as {@code "application/postscript"}),
- * the desired orientation of the print-stream pages is specified within the
- * document data. This information is generated by a device driver prior to
- * the submission of the print job. Other document formats (such as
- * {@code "text/plain"}) do not include the notion of desired orientation
- * within the document data. In the latter case it is possible for the printer
- * to bind the desired orientation to the document data after it has been
- * submitted. It is expected that a printer would only support the
- * OrientationRequested attribute for some document formats (e.g.,
+ * Class {@code OrientationRequested} is a printing attribute class, an
+ * enumeration, that indicates the desired orientation for printed print-stream
+ * pages; it does not describe the orientation of the client-supplied
+ * print-stream pages.
+ * <p>
+ * For some document formats (such as {@code "application/postscript"}), the
+ * desired orientation of the print-stream pages is specified within the
+ * document data. This information is generated by a device driver prior to the
+ * submission of the print job. Other document formats (such as
+ * {@code "text/plain"}) do not include the notion of desired orientation within
+ * the document data. In the latter case it is possible for the printer to bind
+ * the desired orientation to the document data after it has been submitted. It
+ * is expected that a printer would only support the
+ * {@code OrientationRequested} attribute for some document formats (e.g.,
  * {@code "text/plain"} or {@code "text/html"}) but not others (e.g.
- * {@code "application/postscript"}). This is no different from any other
- * job template attribute, since a print job can always impose constraints
- * among the values of different job template attributes.
- *  However, a special mention
- * is made here since it is very likely that a printer will support the
- * OrientationRequested attribute for only a subset of the supported document
- * formats.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
+ * {@code "application/postscript"}). This is no different from any other job
+ * template attribute, since a print job can always impose constraints among the
+ * values of different job template attributes. However, a special mention is
+ * made here since it is very likely that a printer will support the
+ * {@code OrientationRequested} attribute for only a subset of the supported
+ * document formats.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class OrientationRequested extends EnumSyntax
     implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -4447437289862822276L;
@@ -73,11 +76,10 @@
         PORTRAIT = new OrientationRequested(3);
-     * The content will be imaged across the long edge of the medium.
-     * Landscape is defined to be a rotation of the print-stream page to be
-     * imaged by +90 degrees with respect to the medium
-     * (i.e. anti-clockwise) from the
-     * portrait orientation. <I>Note:</I> The +90 direction was chosen because
+     * The content will be imaged across the long edge of the medium. Landscape
+     * is defined to be a rotation of the print-stream page to be imaged by +90
+     * degrees with respect to the medium (i.e. anti-clockwise) from the
+     * portrait orientation. <i>Note:</i> The +90 direction was chosen because
      * simple finishing on the long edge is the same edge whether portrait or
      * landscape.
@@ -85,13 +87,13 @@
         LANDSCAPE = new OrientationRequested(4);
-     * The content will be imaged across the long edge of the medium, but in
-     * the opposite manner from landscape. Reverse-landscape is defined to be
-     * a rotation of the print-stream page to be imaged by -90 degrees with
+     * The content will be imaged across the long edge of the medium, but in the
+     * opposite manner from landscape. Reverse-landscape is defined to be a
+     * rotation of the print-stream page to be imaged by -90 degrees with
      * respect to the medium (i.e. clockwise) from the portrait orientation.
-     * <I>Note:</I> The REVERSE_LANDSCAPE value was added because some
-     * applications rotate landscape -90 degrees from portrait, rather than
-     * +90 degrees.
+     * <i>Note:</i> The REVERSE_LANDSCAPE value was added because some
+     * applications rotate landscape -90 degrees from portrait, rather than +90
+     * degrees.
     public static final OrientationRequested
         REVERSE_LANDSCAPE = new OrientationRequested(5);
@@ -100,14 +102,14 @@
      * The content will be imaged across the short edge of the medium, but in
      * the opposite manner from portrait. Reverse-portrait is defined to be a
      * rotation of the print-stream page to be imaged by 180 degrees with
-     * respect to the medium from the portrait orientation. <I>Note:</I> The
-     * REVERSE_PORTRAIT value was added for use with the {@link
-     * Finishings Finishings} attribute in cases where the
-     * opposite edge is desired for finishing a portrait document on simple
-     * finishing devices that have only one finishing position. Thus a
-     * {@code "text/plain"} portrait document can be stapled "on the
-     * right" by a simple finishing device as is common use with some
-     * Middle Eastern languages such as Hebrew.
+     * respect to the medium from the portrait orientation. <i>Note:</i> The
+     * REVERSE_PORTRAIT value was added for use with the
+     * {@link Finishings Finishings} attribute in cases where the opposite edge
+     * is desired for finishing a portrait document on simple finishing devices
+     * that have only one finishing position. Thus a {@code "text/plain"}
+     * portrait document can be stapled "on the right" by a simple finishing
+     * device as is common use with some Middle Eastern languages such as
+     * Hebrew.
     public static final OrientationRequested
         REVERSE_PORTRAIT = new OrientationRequested(6);
@@ -116,12 +118,15 @@
      * Construct a new orientation requested enumeration value with the given
      * integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected OrientationRequested(int value) {
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code OrientationRequested}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
@@ -129,6 +134,9 @@
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code OrientationRequested}.
+     */
     private static final OrientationRequested[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -137,21 +145,23 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class OrientationRequested.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code OrientationRequested}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable;
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class OrientationRequested.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class
+     * {@code OrientationRequested}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return myEnumValueTable;
-     * Returns the lowest integer value used by class OrientationRequested.
+     * Returns the lowest integer value used by class
+     * {@code OrientationRequested}.
     protected int getOffset() {
         return 3;
@@ -160,12 +170,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class OrientationRequested, the
-     * category is class OrientationRequested itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code OrientationRequested}, the category is class
+     * {@code OrientationRequested} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return OrientationRequested.class;
@@ -174,14 +184,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class OrientationRequested, the
-     * category name is {@code "orientation-requested"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code OrientationRequested}, the category name is
+     * {@code "orientation-requested"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "orientation-requested";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/OutputDeviceAssigned.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/OutputDeviceAssigned.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,46 +22,48 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class OutputDeviceAssigned is a printing attribute class, a text attribute,
- * that identifies the output device to which the service has assigned this
- * job. If an output device implements an embedded Print Service instance, the
- * printer need not set this attribute. If a print server implements a
- * Print Service instance, the value may be empty (zero- length string) or not
- * returned until the service assigns an output device to the job. This
- * attribute is particularly useful when a single service supports multiple
- * devices (so called "fan-out").
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
+ * Class {@code OutputDeviceAssigned} is a printing attribute class, a text
+ * attribute, that identifies the output device to which the service has
+ * assigned this job. If an output device implements an embedded Print Service
+ * instance, the printer need not set this attribute. If a print server
+ * implements a Print Service instance, the value may be empty (zero- length
+ * string) or not returned until the service assigns an output device to the
+ * job. This attribute is particularly useful when a single service supports
+ * multiple devices (so called "fan-out").
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
  * locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by
  * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class OutputDeviceAssigned extends TextSyntax
     implements PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 5486733778854271081L;
      * Constructs a new output device assigned attribute with the given device
      * name and locale.
-     * @param  deviceName  Device name.
-     * @param  locale      Natural language of the text string. null
-     * is interpreted to mean the default locale as returned
-     * by {@code Locale.getDefault()}
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *   (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code deviceName} is null.
+     * @param  deviceName device name
+     * @param  locale natural language of the text string. {@code null} is
+     *         interpreted to mean the default locale as returned by
+     *         {@code Locale.getDefault()}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code deviceName} is {@code null}
     public OutputDeviceAssigned(String deviceName, Locale locale) {
@@ -74,23 +76,19 @@
      * Returns whether this output device assigned attribute is equivalent to
      * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
      * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class OutputDeviceAssigned.
-     * <LI>
-     * This output device assigned attribute's underlying string and
-     * {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
-     * <LI>
-     * This output device assigned attribute's locale and
-     * {@code object}'s locale are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class
+     *   {@code OutputDeviceAssigned}.
+     *   <li>This output device assigned attribute's underlying string and
+     *   {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
+     *   <li>This output device assigned attribute's locale and {@code object}'s
+     *   locale are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this output
-     *          device assigned attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this output
+     *         device assigned attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -100,12 +98,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class OutputDeviceAssigned, the
-     * category is class OutputDeviceAssigned itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code OutputDeviceAssigned}, the category is class
+     * {@code OutputDeviceAssigned} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return OutputDeviceAssigned.class;
@@ -114,14 +112,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class OutputDeviceAssigned, the
-     * category name is {@code "output-device-assigned"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code OutputDeviceAssigned}, the category name is
+     * {@code "output-device-assigned"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "output-device-assigned";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PDLOverrideSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PDLOverrideSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,27 +30,29 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PDLOverrideSupported is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
- * that expresses the printer's ability to attempt to override processing
- * instructions embedded in documents' print data with processing instructions
- * specified as attributes outside the print data.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
+ * Class {@code PDLOverrideSupported} is a printing attribute class, an
+ * enumeration, that expresses the printer's ability to attempt to override
+ * processing instructions embedded in documents' print data with processing
+ * instructions specified as attributes outside the print data.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class PDLOverrideSupported extends EnumSyntax
     implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -4393264467928463934L;
      * The printer makes no attempt to make the external job attribute values
-     * take precedence over embedded instructions in the documents' print
-     * data.
+     * take precedence over embedded instructions in the documents' print data.
     public static final PDLOverrideSupported
         NOT_ATTEMPTED = new PDLOverrideSupported(0);
@@ -62,36 +65,42 @@
     public static final PDLOverrideSupported
         ATTEMPTED = new PDLOverrideSupported(1);
      * Construct a new PDL override supported enumeration value with the given
      * integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected PDLOverrideSupported(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code PDLOverrideSupported}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code PDLOverrideSupported}.
+     */
     private static final PDLOverrideSupported[] myEnumValueTable = {
-     * Returns the string table for class PDLOverrideSupported.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code PDLOverrideSupported}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable.clone();
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class PDLOverrideSupported.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class
+     * {@code PDLOverrideSupported}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
@@ -100,12 +109,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PDLOverrideSupported and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
-     * category is class PDLOverrideSupported itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PDLOverrideSupported} and any vendor-defined subclasses,
+     * the category is class {@code PDLOverrideSupported} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PDLOverrideSupported.class;
@@ -114,14 +123,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PDLOverrideSupported and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
-     * category name is {@code "pdl-override-supported"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PDLOverrideSupported} and any vendor-defined subclasses,
+     * the category name is {@code "pdl-override-supported"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "pdl-override-supported";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PageRanges.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PageRanges.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,106 +26,93 @@
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class PageRanges is a printing attribute class, a set of integers, that
- * identifies the range(s) of print-stream pages that the Printer object uses
- * for each copy of each document which are to be printed. Nothing is printed
- * for any pages identified that do not exist in the document(s). The attribute
- * is associated with <I>print-stream</I> pages, not application-numbered pages
- * (for example, the page numbers found in the headers and or footers for
- * certain word processing applications).
- * <P>
+ * Class {@code PageRanges} is a printing attribute class, a set of integers,
+ * that identifies the range(s) of print-stream pages that the Printer object
+ * uses for each copy of each document which are to be printed. Nothing is
+ * printed for any pages identified that do not exist in the document(s). The
+ * attribute is associated with <i>print-stream</i> pages, not
+ * application-numbered pages (for example, the page numbers found in the
+ * headers and or footers for certain word processing applications).
+ * <p>
  * In most cases, the exact pages to be printed will be generated by a device
  * driver and this attribute would not be required. However, when printing an
  * archived document which has already been formatted, the end user may elect to
  * print just a subset of the pages contained in the document. In this case, if
- * a page range of <code>"<I>n</I>-<I>m</I>"</code> is specified, the first page
- * to be printed will be page <I>n.</I> All subsequent pages of the document
- * will be printed through and including page <I>m.</I>
- * <P>
- * If a PageRanges attribute is not specified for a print job, all pages of
- * the document will be printed. In other words, the default value for the
- * PageRanges attribute is always {@code {{1, Integer.MAX_VALUE}}}.
- * <P>
- * The effect of a PageRanges attribute on a multidoc print job (a job with
- * multiple documents) depends on whether all the docs have the same page ranges
- * specified or whether different docs have different page ranges specified, and
- * on the (perhaps defaulted) value of the {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute.
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * If all the docs have the same page ranges specified, then any value of {@link
- * MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} makes sense, and the
- * printer's processing depends on the {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} value:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT -- All the input docs will be combined together into one
- * output document. The specified page ranges of that output document will be
- * printed.
+ * a page range of <code>"<i>n</i>-<i>m</i>"</code> is specified, the first page
+ * to be printed will be page <i>n.</i> All subsequent pages of the document
+ * will be printed through and including page <i>m.</i>
+ * <p>
+ * If a {@code PageRanges} attribute is not specified for a print job, all pages
+ * of the document will be printed. In other words, the default value for the
+ * {@code PageRanges} attribute is always {@code {{1, Integer.MAX_VALUE}}}.
+ * <p>
+ * The effect of a {@code PageRanges} attribute on a multidoc print job (a job
+ * with multiple documents) depends on whether all the docs have the same page
+ * ranges specified or whether different docs have different page ranges
+ * specified, and on the (perhaps defaulted) value of the
+ * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>If all the docs have the same page ranges specified, then any value of
+ *   {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} makes sense, and
+ *   the printer's processing depends on the
+ *   {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} value:
+ *   <ul>
+ *     <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT} -- All the input docs will be combined
+ *     together into one output document. The specified page ranges of that
+ *     output document will be printed.
+ *     <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET} -- All the input docs will be
+ *     combined together into one output document, and the first impression of
+ *     each input doc will always start on a new media sheet. The specified page
+ *     ranges of that output document will be printed.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES} -- For each separate
+ *     input doc, the specified page ranges will be printed.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES} -- For each separate input
+ *     doc, the specified page ranges will be printed.
+ *   </ul>
+ *   <ul>
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES} -- For each separate
+ *     input doc, its own specified page ranges will be printed.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES} -- For each separate input
+ *     doc, its own specified page ranges will be printed.
+ *   </ul>
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The PageRanges attribute's canonical array form
+ * gives the lower and upper bound for each range of pages to be included in and
+ * IPP "page-ranges" attribute. See class
+ * {@link SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an explanation of canonical
+ * array form. The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
+ * attribute name.
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET -- All the input docs will be combined together
- * into one output document, and the first impression of each input doc will
- * always start on a new media sheet. The specified page ranges of that output
- * document will be printed.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- For each separate input doc, the
- * specified page ranges will be printed.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- For each separate input doc, the
- * specified page ranges will be printed.
- * </UL>
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- For each separate input doc, its own
- * specified page ranges will be printed..
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- For each separate input doc, its own
- * specified page ranges will be printed..
- * </UL>
- * </UL>
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The PageRanges attribute's canonical array form
- * gives the lower and upper bound for each range of pages to be included in
- * and IPP "page-ranges" attribute. See class {@link
- * javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an
- * explanation of canonical array form. The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- *
- * @author  David Mendenhall
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author David Mendenhall
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PageRanges   extends SetOfIntegerSyntax
         implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 8639895197656148392L;
-     * Construct a new page ranges attribute with the given members. The
-     * members are specified in "array form;" see class {@link
-     * javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an
-     * explanation of array form.
-     *
-     * @param  members  Set members in array form.
+     * Construct a new page ranges attribute with the given members. The members
+     * are specified in "array form;" see class
+     * {@link SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for an explanation of array
+     * form.
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code members} is null or
-     *     any element of {@code members} is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if any element of
-     *   {@code members} is not a length-one or length-two array. Also
-     *     thrown if {@code members} is a zero-length array or if any
-     *     member of the set is less than 1.
+     * @param  members set members in array form
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code members} is {@code null} or any
+     *         element of {@code members} is {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any element of {@code members} is not
+     *         a length-one or length-two array. Also if {@code members} is a
+     *         zero-length array or if any member of the set is less than 1.
     public PageRanges(int[][] members) {
         super (members);
@@ -134,24 +121,18 @@
-     * Construct a new  page ranges attribute with the given members in
-     * string form.
-     * See class {@link javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax
-     * SetOfIntegerSyntax}
-     * for explanation of the syntax.
-     *
-     * @param  members  Set members in string form.
+     * Construct a new page ranges attribute with the given members in string
+     * form. See class {@link SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax} for
+     * explanation of the syntax.
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code members} is null or
-     *     any element of {@code members} is null.
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code members} does not
-     *    obey  the proper syntax.  Also
-     *     thrown if the constructed set-of-integer is a
-     *     zero-length array or if any
-     *     member of the set is less than 1.
+     * @param  members set members in string form
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code members} is {@code null} or any
+     * element of {@code members} is {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code members} does not obey the
+     *         proper syntax. Also if the constructed set-of-integer is a
+     *         zero-length array or if any member of the set is less than 1.
     public PageRanges(String members) {
@@ -161,6 +142,9 @@
+    /**
+     * Validates the page ranges.
+     */
     private void myPageRanges() {
         int[][] myMembers = getMembers();
         int n = myMembers.length;
@@ -179,11 +163,8 @@
      * Construct a new page ranges attribute containing a single integer. That
      * is, only the one page is to be printed.
-     * @param  member  Set member.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code member} is less than
-     *     1.
+     * @param  member set member
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code member < 1}
     public PageRanges(int member) {
         super (member);
@@ -196,13 +177,11 @@
      * Construct a new page ranges attribute containing a single range of
      * integers. That is, only those pages in the one range are to be printed.
-     * @param  lowerBound  Lower bound of the range.
-     * @param  upperBound  Upper bound of the range.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (Unchecked exception) Thrown if a null range is specified or if a
-     *     non-null range is specified with {@code lowerBound} less than
-     *     1.
+     * @param  lowerBound lower bound of the range
+     * @param  upperBound upper bound of the range
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a {@code null} range is specified or
+     *         if a {@code non-null} range is specified with {@code lowerBound}
+     *         less than 1
     public PageRanges(int lowerBound, int upperBound) {
         super (lowerBound, upperBound);
@@ -214,23 +193,18 @@
-     * Returns whether this page ranges attribute is equivalent to the passed
-     * in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be
-     * true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class PageRanges.
-     * <LI>
-     * This page ranges attribute's members and {@code object}'s members
-     * are the same.
-     * </OL>
+     * Returns whether this page ranges attribute is equivalent to the passed in
+     * object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code PageRanges}.
+     *   <li>This page ranges attribute's members and {@code object}'s members
+     *   are the same.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this page ranges
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this page ranges
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) && object instanceof PageRanges);
@@ -239,11 +213,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PageRanges, the category is class PageRanges itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PageRanges}, the category is class
+     * {@code PageRanges} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PageRanges.class;
@@ -252,13 +227,12 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PageRanges, the category name is {@code "page-ranges"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PageRanges}, the category name is {@code "page-ranges"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "page-ranges";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PagesPerMinute.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PagesPerMinute.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,32 +30,31 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PagesPerMinute is an integer valued printing attribute that indicates
- * the nominal number of pages per minute to the nearest whole number which may
- * be generated by this printer (e.g., simplex, black-and-white). This attribute
- * is informative, not a service guarantee. Generally, it is the value used in
- * the marketing literature to describe the device. A value of 0 indicates a
- * device that takes more than two minutes to process a page.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * Class {@code PagesPerMinute} is an integer valued printing attribute that
+ * indicates the nominal number of pages per minute to the nearest whole number
+ * which may be generated by this printer (e.g., simplex, black-and-white). This
+ * attribute is informative, not a service guarantee. Generally, it is the value
+ * used in the marketing literature to describe the device. A value of 0
+ * indicates a device that takes more than two minutes to process a page.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PagesPerMinute extends IntegerSyntax
         implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -6366403993072862015L;
-     * Construct a new pages per minute attribute with the given integer
-     * value.
+     * Construct a new pages per minute attribute with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *   (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 0.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is negative
     public PagesPerMinute(int value) {
         super(value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@@ -62,22 +62,18 @@
      * Returns whether this pages per minute attribute is equivalent to the
-     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
-     * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class PagesPerMinute.
-     * <LI>
-     * This pages per minute attribute's value and {@code object}'s
-     * value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must
+     * be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code PagesPerMinute}.
+     *   <li>This pages per minute attribute's value and {@code object}'s value
+     *   are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this pages per
-     *          minute attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this pages per
+     *         minute attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -87,11 +83,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PagesPerMinute, the category is class PagesPerMinute itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PagesPerMinute}, the category is class
+     * {@code PagesPerMinute} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PagesPerMinute.class;
@@ -100,14 +97,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PagesPerMinute, the
-     * category name is {@code "pages-per-minute"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PagesPerMinute}, the category name is
+     * {@code "pages-per-minute"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "pages-per-minute";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PagesPerMinuteColor.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PagesPerMinuteColor.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,43 +30,44 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PagesPerMinuteColor is an integer valued printing attribute that
- * indicates the nominal number of pages per minute to the nearest whole number
- * which may be generated by this printer when printing color (e.g., simplex,
- * color). For purposes of this attribute, "color" means the same as for the
- * {@link ColorSupported ColorSupported} attribute, namely, the device is
- * capable of any type of color printing at all, including highlight color as
+ * Class {@code PagesPerMinuteColor} is an integer valued printing attribute
+ * that indicates the nominal number of pages per minute to the nearest whole
+ * number which may be generated by this printer when printing color (e.g.,
+ * simplex, color). For purposes of this attribute, "color" means the same as
+ * for the {@link ColorSupported ColorSupported} attribute, namely, the device
+ * is capable of any type of color printing at all, including highlight color as
  * well as full process color. This attribute is informative, not a service
  * guarantee. Generally, it is the value used in the marketing literature to
  * describe the color capabilities of this device. A value of 0 indicates a
  * device that takes more than two minutes to process a page. If a color device
  * has several color modes, it may use the pages-per- minute value for this
  * attribute that corresponds to the mode that produces the highest number.
- * <P>
- * A black and white only printer must not include the PagesPerMinuteColor
- * attribute in its attribute set or service registration. If this attribute is
- * present, then the {@link ColorSupported ColorSupported} printer description
- * attribute must also be present and have a value of SUPPORTED.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
- * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute
- * name.
+ * <p>
+ * A black and white only printer must not include the
+ * {@code PagesPerMinuteColor} attribute in its attribute set or service
+ * registration. If this attribute is present, then the
+ * {@link ColorSupported ColorSupported} printer description attribute must also
+ * be present and have a value of {@code SUPPORTED}.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PagesPerMinuteColor extends IntegerSyntax
         implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     static final long serialVersionUID = 1684993151687470944L;
      * Construct a new pages per minute color attribute with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *    (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 0.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is negative
     public PagesPerMinuteColor(int value) {
         super(value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@@ -75,20 +77,16 @@
      * Returns whether this pages per minute color attribute is equivalent to
      * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
      * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class PagesPerMinuteColor.
-     * <LI>
-     * This pages per minute attribute's value and {@code object}'s
-     * value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code PagesPerMinuteColor}.
+     *   <li>This pages per minute attribute's value and {@code object}'s value
+     *   are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this pages per
-     *          minute color attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this pages per
+     *         minute color attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) &&
@@ -98,12 +96,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PagesPerMinuteColor, the
-     * category is class PagesPerMinuteColor itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PagesPerMinuteColor}, the category is class
+     * {@code PagesPerMinuteColor} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PagesPerMinuteColor.class;
@@ -112,14 +110,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PagesPerMinuteColor, the
-     * category name is {@code "pages-per-minute-color"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PagesPerMinuteColor}, the category name is
+     * {@code "pages-per-minute-color"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "pages-per-minute-color";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PresentationDirection.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PresentationDirection.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -30,81 +31,84 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
- * Class PresentationDirection is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
- * that is used in conjunction with the {@link  NumberUp NumberUp} attribute to
- * indicate the layout of multiple print-stream pages to impose upon a
- * single side of an instance of a selected medium.
- * This is useful to mirror the text layout conventions of different scripts.
- * For example, English is "toright-tobottom", Hebrew is "toleft-tobottom"
- *  and Japanese is usually "tobottom-toleft".
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B>  This attribute is not an IPP 1.1
- * attribute; it is an attribute in the Production Printing Extension
- * (<a href="ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/standards/pwg5100.3.pdf">PDF</a>)
- * of IPP 1.1.  The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
+ * Class {@code PresentationDirection} is a printing attribute class, an
+ * enumeration, that is used in conjunction with the {@link NumberUp NumberUp}
+ * attribute to indicate the layout of multiple print-stream pages to impose
+ * upon a single side of an instance of a selected medium. This is useful to
+ * mirror the text layout conventions of different scripts. For example, English
+ * is "toright-tobottom", Hebrew is "toleft-tobottom" and Japanese is usually
+ * "tobottom-toleft".
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> This attribute is not an IPP 1.1 attribute; it is
+ * an attribute in the Production Printing Extension
+ * (<a href="ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/standards/pwg5100.3.pdf">PDF</a>) of IPP
+ * 1.1. The category name returned by {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute
+ * name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum value. The
+ * {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of the
+ * attribute value.
- * @author  Phil Race.
+ * @author Phil Race
 public final class PresentationDirection extends EnumSyntax
        implements PrintJobAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute  {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 8294728067230931780L;
-     * Pages are laid out in columns starting at the top left,
-     * proceeding towards the bottom {@literal &} right.
+     * Pages are laid out in columns starting at the top left, proceeding
+     * towards the bottom {@literal &} right.
     public static final PresentationDirection TOBOTTOM_TORIGHT =
         new PresentationDirection(0);
-     * Pages are laid out in columns starting at the top right,
-     * proceeding towards the bottom {@literal &} left.
+     * Pages are laid out in columns starting at the top right, proceeding
+     * towards the bottom {@literal &} left.
     public static final PresentationDirection TOBOTTOM_TOLEFT =
         new PresentationDirection(1);
-     * Pages are laid out in columns starting at the bottom left,
-     * proceeding towards the top {@literal &} right.
+     * Pages are laid out in columns starting at the bottom left, proceeding
+     * towards the top {@literal &} right.
     public static final PresentationDirection TOTOP_TORIGHT =
         new PresentationDirection(2);
-     * Pages are laid out in columns starting at the bottom right,
-     * proceeding towards the top {@literal &} left.
+     * Pages are laid out in columns starting at the bottom right, proceeding
+     * towards the top {@literal &} left.
     public static final PresentationDirection TOTOP_TOLEFT =
         new PresentationDirection(3);
-     * Pages are laid out in rows starting at the top left,
-     * proceeding towards the right {@literal &} bottom.
+     * Pages are laid out in rows starting at the top left, proceeding towards
+     * the right {@literal &} bottom.
     public static final PresentationDirection TORIGHT_TOBOTTOM =
         new PresentationDirection(4);
-     * Pages are laid out in rows starting at the bottom left,
-     * proceeding towards the right {@literal &} top.
+     * Pages are laid out in rows starting at the bottom left, proceeding
+     * towards the right {@literal &} top.
     public static final PresentationDirection TORIGHT_TOTOP =
         new PresentationDirection(5);
-     * Pages are laid out in rows starting at the top right,
-     * proceeding towards the left {@literal &} bottom.
+     * Pages are laid out in rows starting at the top right, proceeding towards
+     * the left {@literal &} bottom.
     public static final PresentationDirection TOLEFT_TOBOTTOM =
         new PresentationDirection(6);
-     * Pages are laid out in rows starting at the bottom right,
-     * proceeding towards the left {@literal &} top.
+     * Pages are laid out in rows starting at the bottom right, proceeding
+     * towards the left {@literal &} top.
     public static final PresentationDirection TOLEFT_TOTOP =
         new PresentationDirection(7);
@@ -113,12 +117,15 @@
      * Construct a new presentation direction enumeration value with the given
      * integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     private PresentationDirection(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code PresentationDirection}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
@@ -130,6 +137,9 @@
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code PresentationDirection}.
+     */
     private static final PresentationDirection[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -142,14 +152,15 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class PresentationDirection.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code PresentationDirection}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable;
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class PresentationDirection.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class
+     * {@code PresentationDirection}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return myEnumValueTable;
@@ -158,12 +169,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PresentationDirection
-     * the category is class PresentationDirection itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PresentationDirection} the category is class
+     * {@code PresentationDirection} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PresentationDirection.class;
@@ -172,14 +183,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PresentationDirection
-     * the category name is {@code "presentation-direction"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PresentationDirection} the category name is
+     * {@code "presentation-direction"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "presentation-direction";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrintQuality.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrintQuality.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,30 +22,35 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class PrintQuality is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
+ * Class {@code PrintQuality} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
  * that specifies the print quality that the printer uses for the job.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value.
- * @author  David Mendenhall
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author David Mendenhall
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class PrintQuality extends EnumSyntax
     implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -3072341285225858365L;
      * Lowest quality available on the printer.
@@ -65,18 +70,24 @@
      * Construct a new print quality enumeration value with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected PrintQuality(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code PrintQuality}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code PrintQuality}.
+     */
     private static final PrintQuality[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -84,21 +95,21 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class PrintQuality.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code PrintQuality}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable.clone();
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class PrintQuality.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code PrintQuality}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
-     * Returns the lowest integer value used by class PrintQuality.
+     * Returns the lowest integer value used by class {@code PrintQuality}.
     protected int getOffset() {
         return 3;
@@ -107,12 +118,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrintQuality and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category is
-     * class PrintQuality itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrintQuality} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category is class {@code PrintQuality} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrintQuality.class;
@@ -121,14 +132,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrintQuality and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category
-     * name is {@code "print-quality"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrintQuality} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category name is {@code "print-quality"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "print-quality";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterInfo.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterInfo.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,45 +22,47 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PrinterInfo is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that
- * provides descriptive information about a printer. This could include things
- * like: {@code "This printer can be used for printing color transparencies for
- * HR presentations"}, or {@code "Out of courtesy for others, please
- * print only small (1-5 page) jobs at this printer"}, or even
+ * Class {@code PrinterInfo} is a printing attribute class, a text attribute,
+ * that provides descriptive information about a printer. This could include
+ * things like: {@code "This printer can be used for printing color
+ * transparencies for HR presentations"}, or {@code "Out of courtesy for others,
+ * please print only small (1-5 page) jobs at this printer"}, or even
  * {@code "This printer is going away on July 1, 1997, please find a new
  * printer"}.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
- * locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
+ * locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by {@code
+ * getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PrinterInfo extends TextSyntax
         implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 7765280618777599727L;
-     * Constructs a new printer info attribute with the given information
-     * string and locale.
+     * Constructs a new printer info attribute with the given information string
+     * and locale.
-     * @param  info    Printer information string.
-     * @param  locale  Natural language of the text string. null
-     * is interpreted to mean the default locale as returned
-     * by {@code Locale.getDefault()}
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code info} is null.
+     * @param  info printer information string
+     * @param  locale natural language of the text string. {@code null} is
+     *         interpreted to mean the default locale as returned by
+     *         {@code Locale.getDefault()}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code info} is {@code null}
     public PrinterInfo(String info, Locale locale) {
         super (info, locale);
@@ -70,23 +72,18 @@
      * Returns whether this printer info attribute is equivalent to the passed
      * in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be
      * true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class PrinterInfo.
-     * <LI>
-     * This printer info attribute's underlying string and
-     * {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
-     * <LI>
-     * This printer info attribute's locale and {@code object}'s
-     * locale are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code PrinterInfo}.
+     *   <li>This printer info attribute's underlying string and
+     *   {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
+     *   <li>This printer info attribute's locale and {@code object}'s locale
+     *   are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer
-     *          info attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer info
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) && object instanceof PrinterInfo);
@@ -95,11 +92,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterInfo, the category is class PrinterInfo itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterInfo}, the category is class
+     * {@code PrinterInfo} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterInfo.class;
@@ -108,13 +106,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterInfo, the category name is {@code "printer-info"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterInfo}, the category name is
+     * {@code "printer-info"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-info";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,26 +30,30 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PrinterIsAcceptingJobs is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
- * that indicates whether the printer is currently able to accept jobs. This
- * value is independent of the {@link PrinterState PrinterState} and {@link
- * PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attributes because its value does
- * not affect the current job; rather it affects future jobs. If the value is
- * NOT_ACCEPTING_JOBS, the printer will reject jobs even when the {@link
- * PrinterState PrinterState} is IDLE. If value is ACCEPTING_JOBS, the Printer
- * will accept jobs even when the {@link PrinterState PrinterState} is STOPPED.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The IPP boolean value is "true" for ACCEPTING_JOBS
- * and "false" for NOT_ACCEPTING_JOBS. The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
+ * Class {@code PrinterIsAcceptingJobs} is a printing attribute class, an
+ * enumeration, that indicates whether the printer is currently able to accept
+ * jobs. This value is independent of the {@link PrinterState PrinterState} and
+ * {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attributes because its value
+ * does not affect the current job; rather it affects future jobs. If the value
+ * is {@code NOT_ACCEPTING_JOBS}, the printer will reject jobs even when the
+ * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} is {@code IDLE}. If value is
+ * {@code ACCEPTING_JOBS}, the Printer will accept jobs even when the
+ * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} is {@code STOPPED}.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The IPP boolean value is "true" for
+ * {@code ACCEPTING_JOBS} and "false" for {@code NOT_ACCEPTING_JOBS}. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name. The
+ * enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum value. The {@code toString()}
+ * method returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PrinterIsAcceptingJobs extends EnumSyntax
         implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -5052010680537678061L;
@@ -67,31 +72,38 @@
      * Construct a new printer is accepting jobs enumeration value with the
      * given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected PrinterIsAcceptingJobs(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code PrinterIsAcceptingJobs}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code PrinterIsAcceptingJobs}.
+     */
     private static final PrinterIsAcceptingJobs[] myEnumValueTable = {
-     * Returns the string table for class PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code PrinterIsAcceptingJobs}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable;
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class
+     * {@code PrinterIsAcceptingJobs}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return myEnumValueTable;
@@ -100,12 +112,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterIsAcceptingJobs, the
-     * category is class PrinterIsAcceptingJobs itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterIsAcceptingJobs}, the category is class
+     * {@code PrinterIsAcceptingJobs} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.class;
@@ -114,14 +126,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterIsAcceptingJobs, the
-     * category name is {@code "printer-is-accepting-jobs"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterIsAcceptingJobs}, the category name is
+     * {@code "printer-is-accepting-jobs"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-is-accepting-jobs";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterLocation.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterLocation.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,41 +22,43 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PrinterLocation is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that
- * identifies the location of the device. This could include things like:
- * {@code "in Room 123A, second floor of building XYZ"}.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
+ * Class {@code PrinterLocation} is a printing attribute class, a text
+ * attribute, that identifies the location of the device. This could include
+ * things like: {@code "in Room 123A, second floor of building XYZ"}.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
  * locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by
  * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PrinterLocation extends TextSyntax
     implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -1598610039865566337L;
      * Constructs a new printer location attribute with the given location and
      * locale.
-     * @param  location  Printer location.
-     * @param  locale    Natural language of the text string. null
-     * is interpreted to mean the default locale as returned
-     * by {@code Locale.getDefault()}
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code location} is null.
+     * @param  location printer location
+     * @param  locale natural language of the text string. {@code null} is
+     *         interpreted to mean the default locale as returned by
+     *         {@code Locale.getDefault()}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code location} is {@code null}
     public PrinterLocation(String location, Locale locale) {
         super (location, locale);
@@ -64,25 +66,20 @@
      * Returns whether this printer location attribute is equivalent to the
-     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
-     * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class PrinterLocation.
-     * <LI>
-     * This printer location attribute's underlying string and
-     * {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
-     * <LI>
-     * This printer location attribute's locale and {@code object}'s
-     * locale are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must
+     * be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code PrinterLocation}.
+     *   <li>This printer location attribute's underlying string and
+     *   {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
+     *   <li>This printer location attribute's locale and {@code object}'s
+     *   locale are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer
-     *          location attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer
+     *         location attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) && object instanceof PrinterLocation);
@@ -91,12 +88,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterLocation, the
-     * category is class PrinterLocation itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterLocation}, the category is class
+     * {@code PrinterLocation} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterLocation.class;
@@ -105,14 +102,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterLocation, the
-     * category name is {@code "printer-location"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterLocation}, the category name is
+     * {@code "printer-location"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-location";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMakeAndModel.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMakeAndModel.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,39 +22,42 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PrinterMakeAndModel is a printing attribute class, a text attribute,
- * that the make and model of the printer.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
+ * Class {@code PrinterMakeAndModel} is a printing attribute class, a text
+ * attribute, that the make and model of the printer.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
  * locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by
  * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PrinterMakeAndModel extends TextSyntax
         implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 4580461489499351411L;
-     * Constructs a new printer make and model attribute with the given make
-     * and model string and locale.
+     * Constructs a new printer make and model attribute with the given make and
+     * model string and locale.
-     * @param  makeAndModel  Printer make and model string.
-     * @param  locale        Natural language of the text string. null
-     * is interpreted to mean the default locale as returned
-     * by {@code Locale.getDefault()}
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *    (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code makeAndModel} is null.
+     * @param  makeAndModel printer make and model string
+     * @param  locale natural language of the text string. {@code null} is
+     *         interpreted to mean the default locale as returned by
+     *         {@code Locale.getDefault()}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code makeAndModel} is {@code null}
     public PrinterMakeAndModel(String makeAndModel, Locale locale) {
         super (makeAndModel, locale);
@@ -64,23 +67,18 @@
      * Returns whether this printer make and model attribute is equivalent to
      * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
      * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class PrinterMakeAndModel.
-     * <LI>
-     * This printer make and model attribute's underlying string and
-     * {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
-     * <LI>
-     * This printer make and model attribute's locale and
-     * {@code object}'s locale are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code PrinterMakeAndModel}.
+     *   <li>This printer make and model attribute's underlying string and
+     *   {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
+     *   <li>This printer make and model attribute's locale and {@code object}'s
+     *   locale are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer
-     *          make and model attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer make
+     *         and model attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) &&
@@ -90,12 +88,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterMakeAndModel, the
-     * category is class PrinterMakeAndModel itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterMakeAndModel}, the category is class
+     * {@code PrinterMakeAndModel} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterMakeAndModel.class;
@@ -104,14 +102,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterMakeAndModel, the
-     * category name is {@code "printer-make-and-model"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterMakeAndModel}, the category name is
+     * {@code "printer-make-and-model"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-make-and-model";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMessageFromOperator.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMessageFromOperator.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,54 +22,54 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PrinterMessageFromOperator is a printing attribute class, a text
- * attribute, that provides a message from an operator, system administrator,
- * or "intelligent" process to indicate to the end user information about or
- * status of the printer, such as why it is unavailable or when it is
- * expected to be available.
- * <P>
- * A Print Service's attribute set includes zero instances or one instance of
- * a
- * PrinterMessageFromOperator attribute, not more than one instance. A new
- * PrinterMessageFromOperator attribute replaces an existing
- * PrinterMessageFromOperator attribute, if any. In other words,
- * PrinterMessageFromOperator is not intended to be a history log.
- * If it wishes, the client can detect changes to a Print Service's
- * PrinterMessageFromOperator
- * attribute and maintain the client's own history log of the
- * PrinterMessageFromOperator attribute values.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
+ * Class {@code PrinterMessageFromOperator} is a printing attribute class, a
+ * text attribute, that provides a message from an operator, system
+ * administrator, or "intelligent" process to indicate to the end user
+ * information about or status of the printer, such as why it is unavailable or
+ * when it is expected to be available.
+ * <p>
+ * A Print Service's attribute set includes zero instances or one instance of a
+ * {@code PrinterMessageFromOperator} attribute, not more than one instance. A
+ * new {@code PrinterMessageFromOperator} attribute replaces an existing
+ * {@code PrinterMessageFromOperator} attribute, if any. In other words,
+ * {@code PrinterMessageFromOperator} is not intended to be a history log. If it
+ * wishes, the client can detect changes to a Print Service's
+ * {@code PrinterMessageFromOperator} attribute and maintain the client's own
+ * history log of the {@code PrinterMessageFromOperator} attribute values.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
  * locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by
  * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PrinterMessageFromOperator   extends TextSyntax
     implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     static final long serialVersionUID = -4486871203218629318L;
-     * Constructs a new printer message from operator attribute with the
-     * given message and locale.
+     * Constructs a new printer message from operator attribute with the given
+     * message and locale.
-     * @param  message  Message.
-     * @param  locale   Natural language of the text string. null
-     * is interpreted to mean the default locale as returned
-     * by {@code Locale.getDefault()}
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code message} is null.
+     * @param  message the message
+     * @param  locale natural language of the text string. {@code null} is
+     *         interpreted to mean the default locale as returned by
+     *         {@code Locale.getDefault()}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code message} is {@code null}
     public PrinterMessageFromOperator(String message, Locale locale) {
         super (message, locale);
@@ -79,24 +79,19 @@
      * Returns whether this printer message from operator attribute is
      * equivalent to the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the
      * following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class
-     * PrinterMessageFromOperator.
-     * <LI>
-     * This printer message from operator attribute's underlying string and
-     * {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
-     * <LI>
-     * This printer message from operator attribute's locale and
-     * {@code object}'s locale are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class
+     *   {@code PrinterMessageFromOperator}.
+     *   <li>This printer message from operator attribute's underlying string
+     *   and {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
+     *   <li>This printer message from operator attribute's locale and
+     *   {@code object}'s locale are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer
-     *          message from operator attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer
+     *         message from operator attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) &&
@@ -106,12 +101,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterMessageFromOperator,
-     * the category is class PrinterMessageFromOperator itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterMessageFromOperator}, the category is class
+     * {@code PrinterMessageFromOperator} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterMessageFromOperator.class;
@@ -120,14 +115,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterMessageFromOperator,
-     * the category name is {@code "printer-message-from-operator"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterMessageFromOperator}, the category name is
+     * {@code "printer-message-from-operator"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-message-from-operator";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMoreInfo.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMoreInfo.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,48 +22,50 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.net.URI;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.URISyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PrinterMoreInfo is a printing attribute class, a URI, that is used to
- * obtain more information about this specific printer. For example, this
- * could be an HTTP type URI referencing an HTML page accessible to a web
- * browser. The information obtained from this URI is intended for end user
- * consumption. Features outside the scope of the Print Service API can be
- * accessed from this URI.
- * The information is intended to be specific to this printer instance and
- * site specific services (e.g. job pricing, services offered, end user
- * assistance).
- * <P>
- * In contrast, the {@link PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer
- * PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer} attribute is used to find out more information
- * about this general kind of printer rather than this specific printer.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string form returned by
- * {@code toString()}  gives the IPP uri value.
- * The category name returned by {@code getName()}
+ * Class {@code PrinterMoreInfo} is a printing attribute class, a {@code URI},
+ * that is used to obtain more information about this specific printer. For
+ * example, this could be an HTTP type {@code URI} referencing an HTML page
+ * accessible to a web browser. The information obtained from this {@code URI}
+ * is intended for end user consumption. Features outside the scope of the Print
+ * Service API can be accessed from this {@code URI}. The information is
+ * intended to be specific to this printer instance and site specific services
+ * (e.g. job pricing, services offered, end user assistance).
+ * <p>
+ * In contrast, the
+ * {@link PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer} attribute is
+ * used to find out more information about this general kind of printer rather
+ * than this specific printer.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string form returned by {@code toString()}
+ * gives the IPP uri value. The category name returned by {@code getName()}
  * gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PrinterMoreInfo extends URISyntax
         implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 4555850007675338574L;
-     * Constructs a new printer more info attribute with the specified URI.
+     * Constructs a new printer more info attribute with the specified
+     * {@code URI}.
-     * @param  uri  URI.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code uri} is null.
+     * @param  uri {@code URI}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code uri} is {@code null}
     public PrinterMoreInfo(URI uri) {
         super (uri);
@@ -71,22 +73,18 @@
      * Returns whether this printer more info attribute is equivalent to the
-     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
-     * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class PrinterMoreInfo.
-     * <LI>
-     * This printer more info attribute's URI and {@code object}'s URI
-     * are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must
+     * be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code PrinterMoreInfo}.
+     *   <li>This printer more info attribute's {@code URI} and {@code object}'s
+     *   {@code URI} are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer
-     *          more info attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer more
+     *         info attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) &&
@@ -96,11 +94,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterMoreInfo, the category is class PrinterMoreInfo itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterMoreInfo}, the category is class
+     * {@code PrinterMoreInfo} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterMoreInfo.class;
@@ -109,14 +108,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterMoreInfo, the
-     * category name is {@code "printer-more-info"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterMoreInfo}, the category name is
+     * {@code "printer-more-info"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-more-info";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,49 +22,49 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.net.URI;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.URISyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer is a printing attribute class, a URI,
- * that is used to obtain more information about this type of device.
- * The information obtained from this URI is intended for end user
- * consumption. Features outside the scope of the Print Service API
- * can be accessed from this URI (e.g.,
- * latest firmware, upgrades, service proxies, optional features available,
- * details on color support). The information is intended to be germane to
- * this kind of printer without regard to site specific modifications or
- * services.
- * <P>
- * In contrast, the {@link PrinterMoreInfo PrinterMoreInfo} attribute is used
- * to find out more information about this specific printer rather than this
+ * Class {@code PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer} is a printing attribute class, a
+ * {@code URI}, that is used to obtain more information about this type of
+ * device. The information obtained from this {@code URI} is intended for end
+ * user consumption. Features outside the scope of the Print Service API can be
+ * accessed from this {@code URI} (e.g., latest firmware, upgrades, service
+ * proxies, optional features available, details on color support). The
+ * information is intended to be germane to this kind of printer without regard
+ * to site specific modifications or services.
+ * <p>
+ * In contrast, the {@link PrinterMoreInfo PrinterMoreInfo} attribute is used to
+ * find out more information about this specific printer rather than this
  * general kind of printer.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string form returned by
- * {@code toString()} gives the IPP uri value.
- * The category name returned by {@code getName()}
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string form returned by {@code toString()}
+ * gives the IPP uri value. The category name returned by {@code getName()}
  * gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer extends URISyntax
         implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 3323271346485076608L;
      * Constructs a new printer more info manufacturer attribute with the
-     * specified URI.
+     * specified {@code URI}.
-     * @param  uri  URI.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code uri} is null.
+     * @param  uri {@code URI}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code uri} is {@code null}
     public PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer(URI uri) {
         super (uri);
@@ -74,21 +74,17 @@
      * Returns whether this printer more info manufacturer attribute is
      * equivalent to the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the
      * following conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class
-     * PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer.
-     * <LI>
-     * This printer more info manufacturer attribute's URI and
-     * {@code object}'s URI are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class
+     *   {@code PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer}.
+     *   <li>This printer more info manufacturer attribute's {@code URI} and
+     *   {@code object}'s {@code URI} are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer
-     *          more info manufacturer attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer more
+     *         info manufacturer attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) &&
@@ -98,12 +94,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer, the category is
-     * class PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer}, the category is class
+     * {@code PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer.class;
@@ -112,14 +108,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer, the category name is
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer}, the category name is
      * {@code "printer-more-info-manufacturer"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-more-info-manufacturer";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterName.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterName.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,43 +22,45 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PrinterName is a printing attribute class, a text attribute, that
- * specifies the name of a printer. It is a name that is more end-user friendly
- * than a URI. An administrator determines a printer's name and sets this
- * attribute to that name. This name may be the last part of the printer's URI
- * or it may be unrelated. In non-US-English locales, a name may contain
- * characters that are not allowed in a URI.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
+ * Class {@code PrinterName} is a printing attribute class, a text attribute,
+ * that specifies the name of a printer. It is a name that is more end-user
+ * friendly than a {@code URI}. An administrator determines a printer's name and
+ * sets this attribute to that name. This name may be the last part of the
+ * printer's {@code URI} or it may be unrelated. In non-US-English locales, a
+ * name may contain characters that are not allowed in a {@code URI}.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
  * locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by
  * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PrinterName extends TextSyntax
         implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 299740639137803127L;
      * Constructs a new printer name attribute with the given name and locale.
-     * @param  printerName  Printer name.
-     * @param  locale       Natural language of the text string. null
-     * is interpreted to mean the default locale as returned
-     * by {@code Locale.getDefault()}
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code printerName} is null.
+     * @param  printerName printer name
+     * @param  locale natural language of the text string. {@code null} is
+     *         interpreted to mean the default locale as returned by
+     *         {@code Locale.getDefault()}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code printerName} is {@code null}
     public PrinterName(String printerName, Locale locale) {
         super (printerName, locale);
@@ -68,23 +70,18 @@
      * Returns whether this printer name attribute is equivalent to the passed
      * in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be
      * true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class PrinterName.
-     * <LI>
-     * This printer name attribute's underlying string and
-     * {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
-     * <LI>
-     * This printer name attribute's locale and {@code object}'s locale
-     * are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code PrinterName}.
+     *   <li>This printer name attribute's underlying string and
+     *   {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
+     *   <li>This printer name attribute's locale and {@code object}'s locale
+     *   are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer
-     *          name attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer name
+     *         attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) && object instanceof PrinterName);
@@ -93,12 +90,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterName, the category is
-     * class PrinterName itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterName}, the category is class
+     * {@code PrinterName} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterName.class;
@@ -107,14 +104,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterName, the category
-     * name is {@code "printer-name"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterName}, the category name is
+     * {@code "printer-name"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-name";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterResolution.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterResolution.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,71 +22,66 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.ResolutionSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class PrinterResolution is a printing attribute class that specifies an
- * exact resolution supported by a printer or to be used for a print job.
+ * Class {@code PrinterResolution} is a printing attribute class that specifies
+ * an exact resolution supported by a printer or to be used for a print job.
  * This attribute assumes that printers have a small set of device resolutions
  * at which they can operate rather than a continuum.
  * <p>
- * PrinterResolution is used in multiple ways:
- * <OL TYPE=1>
- * <LI>
- * When a client searches looking for a printer that supports the client's
- * desired resolution exactly (no more, no less), the client specifies
- * an instance of class PrinterResolution indicating the exact resolution the
- * client wants. Only printers supporting that exact resolution will match the
- * search.
+ * {@code PrinterResolution} is used in multiple ways:
+ * <ol type=1>
+ *   <li>When a client searches looking for a printer that supports the client's
+ *   desired resolution exactly (no more, no less), the client specifies an
+ *   instance of class {@code PrinterResolution} indicating the exact resolution
+ *   the client wants. Only printers supporting that exact resolution will match
+ *   the search.
+ *   <li>When a client needs to print a job using the client's desired
+ *   resolution exactly (no more, no less), the client specifies an instance of
+ *   class {@code PrinterResolution} as an attribute of the Print Job. This will
+ *   fail if the Print Job doesn't support that exact resolution, and
+ *   {@code Fidelity} is set to true.
+ * </ol>
+ * If a client wants to locate a printer supporting a resolution greater than
+ * some required minimum, then it may be necessary to exclude this attribute
+ * from a lookup request and to directly query the set of supported resolutions,
+ * and specify the one that most closely meets the client's requirements. In
+ * some cases this may be more simply achieved by specifying a
+ * {@code PrintQuality} attribute which often controls resolution.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The information needed to construct an IPP
+ * {@code "printer-resolution"} attribute can be obtained by calling methods on
+ * the PrinterResolution object. The category name returned by {@code getName()}
+ * gives the IPP attribute name.
- * <LI>
- * When a client needs to print a job using the client's desired resolution
- * exactly (no more, no less), the client specifies an instance of class
- * PrinterResolution as an attribute of the Print Job. This will fail if the
- * Print Job doesn't support that exact resolution, and Fidelity is set to
- * true.
- * </OL>
- * If a client wants to locate a printer supporting a resolution
- * greater than some required minimum, then it may be necessary to exclude
- * this attribute from a lookup request and to directly query the set of
- * supported resolutions, and specify the one that most closely meets
- * the client's requirements.
- * In some cases this may be more simply achieved by specifying a
- * PrintQuality attribute which often controls resolution.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The information needed to construct an IPP
- * {@code "printer-resolution"} attribute can be obtained by calling
- * methods on the PrinterResolution object. The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- *
- * @author  David Mendenhall
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author David Mendenhall
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PrinterResolution    extends ResolutionSyntax
         implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 13090306561090558L;
      * Construct a new printer resolution attribute from the given items.
-     * @param  crossFeedResolution
-     *     Cross feed direction resolution.
-     * @param  feedResolution
-     *     Feed direction resolution.
-     * @param  units
-     *    Unit conversion factor, e.g. {@code ResolutionSyntax.DPI}
-     * or {@code ResolutionSyntax.DPCM}.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code crossFeedResolution < 1} or
-     *     {@code feedResolution < 1} or {@code units < 1}.
+     * @param  crossFeedResolution cross feed direction resolution
+     * @param  feedResolution feed direction resolution
+     * @param  units unit conversion factor, e.g. {@code ResolutionSyntax.DPI}
+     *         or {@code ResolutionSyntax.DPCM}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code crossFeedResolution < 1} or
+     *         {@code feedResolution < 1} or {@code units < 1}
     public PrinterResolution(int crossFeedResolution, int feedResolution,
                              int units) {
@@ -95,25 +90,20 @@
      * Returns whether this printer resolution attribute is equivalent to the
-     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
-     * must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class PrinterResolution.
-     * <LI>
-     * This attribute's cross feed direction resolution is equal to
-     * {@code object}'s cross feed direction resolution.
-     * <LI>
-     * This attribute's feed direction resolution is equal to
-     * {@code object}'s feed direction resolution.
-     * </OL>
+     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must
+     * be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code PrinterResolution}.
+     *   <li>This attribute's cross feed direction resolution is equal to
+     *   {@code object}'s cross feed direction resolution.
+     *   <li>This attribute's feed direction resolution is equal to
+     *   {@code object}'s feed direction resolution.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer
-     *          resolution attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this printer
+     *         resolution attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -123,27 +113,27 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterResolution, the category is class PrinterResolution itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterResolution}, the category is class
+     * {@code PrinterResolution} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterResolution.class;
-                }
+    }
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterResolution, the
-     * category name is {@code "printer-resolution"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterResolution}, the category name is
+     * {@code "printer-resolution"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-resolution";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterState.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterState.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,25 +30,28 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PrinterState is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
- * identifies the current state of a printer. Class PrinterState defines
- * standard printer state values. A Print Service implementation only needs
- * to report those printer states which are appropriate for the particular
+ * Class {@code PrinterState} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
+ * that identifies the current state of a printer. Class {@code PrinterState}
+ * defines standard printer state values. A Print Service implementation only
+ * needs to report those printer states which are appropriate for the particular
  * implementation; it does not have to report every defined printer state. The
  * {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attribute augments the
- * PrinterState attribute to give more detailed information about the printer
- * in  given printer state.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
+ * {@code PrinterState} attribute to give more detailed information about the
+ * printer in given printer state.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PrinterState extends EnumSyntax
 implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -649578618346507718L;
@@ -61,8 +65,7 @@
     public static final PrinterState IDLE = new PrinterState(3);
-     * Indicates that jobs are processing;
-     * new jobs will wait before processing.
+     * Indicates that jobs are processing; new jobs will wait before processing.
     public static final PrinterState PROCESSING = new PrinterState(4);
@@ -75,12 +78,15 @@
      * Construct a new printer state enumeration value with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected PrinterState(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code PrinterState}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
@@ -90,6 +96,9 @@
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code PrinterState}.
+     */
     private static final PrinterState[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -100,14 +109,14 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class PrinterState.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code PrinterState}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable;
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class PrinterState.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code PrinterState}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return myEnumValueTable;
@@ -116,11 +125,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterState, the category is class PrinterState itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterState}, the category is class
+     * {@code PrinterState} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterState.class;
@@ -129,13 +139,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterState, the category name is {@code "printer-state"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterState}, the category name is
+     * {@code "printer-state"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-state";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterStateReason.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterStateReason.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,50 +22,51 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
+import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
- * Class PrinterStateReason is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
- * that provides additional information about the printer's current state,
- * i.e., information that augments the value of the printer's
- * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} attribute.
- * Class PrinterStateReason defines standard printer
- * state reason values. A Print Service implementation only needs to report
- * those printer state reasons which are appropriate for the particular
- * implementation; it does not have to report every defined printer state
- * reason.
- * <P>
- * Instances of PrinterStateReason do not appear in a Print Service's
- * attribute set directly.
- * Rather, a {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons}
- * attribute appears in the Print Service's attribute set. The {@link
- * PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attribute contains zero, one, or
- * more than one PrinterStateReason objects which pertain to the
- * Print Service's status, and each PrinterStateReason object is
- * associated with a {@link Severity Severity} level of REPORT (least severe),
- * WARNING, or ERROR (most severe). The printer adds a PrinterStateReason
- * object to the Print Service's
+ * Class {@code PrinterStateReason} is a printing attribute class, an
+ * enumeration, that provides additional information about the printer's current
+ * state, i.e., information that augments the value of the printer's
+ * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} attribute. Class PrinterStateReason defines
+ * standard printer state reason values. A Print Service implementation only
+ * needs to report those printer state reasons which are appropriate for the
+ * particular implementation; it does not have to report every defined printer
+ * state reason.
+ * <p>
+ * Instances of {@code PrinterStateReason} do not appear in a Print Service's
+ * attribute set directly. Rather, a
+ * {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attribute appears in the
+ * Print Service's attribute set. The
+ * {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attribute contains zero, one,
+ * or more than one {@code PrinterStateReason} objects which pertain to the
+ * Print Service's status, and each PrinterStateReason object is associated with
+ * a {@link Severity Severity} level of {@code REPORT} (least severe),
+ * {@code WARNING}, or {@code ERROR} (most severe). The printer adds a
+ * {@code PrinterStateReason} object to the Print Service's
  * {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attribute when the
- * corresponding condition becomes true of the printer, and the printer
- * removes the PrinterStateReason object again when the corresponding
- * condition becomes false, regardless of whether the Print Service's overall
+ * corresponding condition becomes true of the printer, and the printer removes
+ * the {@code PrinterStateReason} object again when the corresponding condition
+ * becomes false, regardless of whether the Print Service's overall
  * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} also changed.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B>
- * The string values returned by each individual {@link PrinterStateReason} and
- * associated {@link Severity} object's {@code toString()}
- * methods, concatenated together with a hyphen ({@code "-"}) in
- * between, gives the IPP keyword value for a {@link PrinterStateReasons}.
- * The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
- * attribute name.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string values returned by each individual
+ * {@link PrinterStateReason} and associated {@link Severity} object's
+ * {@code toString()} methods, concatenated together with a hyphen ({@code "-"})
+ * in between, gives the IPP keyword value for a {@link PrinterStateReasons}.
+ * The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class PrinterStateReason extends EnumSyntax implements Attribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -1623720656201472593L;
@@ -87,51 +88,48 @@
      * Someone has paused the printer, but the device(s) are taking an
-     * appreciable time to stop. Later, when all output has stopped,
-     * the {@link  PrinterState PrinterState} becomes STOPPED,
-     * and the PAUSED value replaces
-     * the MOVING_TO_PAUSED value in the {@link PrinterStateReasons
-     * PrinterStateReasons} attribute. This value must be supported if the
-     * printer can be paused and the implementation takes significant time to
-     * pause a device in certain circumstances.
+     * appreciable time to stop. Later, when all output has stopped, the
+     * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} becomes {@code STOPPED}, and the
+     * {@code PAUSED} value replaces the {@code MOVING_TO_PAUSED} value in the
+     * {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attribute. This value
+     * must be supported if the printer can be paused and the implementation
+     * takes significant time to pause a device in certain circumstances.
     public static final PrinterStateReason
         MOVING_TO_PAUSED = new PrinterStateReason(3);
-     * Someone has paused the printer and the printer's {@link PrinterState
-     * PrinterState} is STOPPED. In this state, a printer must not produce
-     * printed output, but it must perform other operations requested by a
-     * client. If a printer had been printing a job when the printer was
-     * paused,
-     * the Printer must resume printing that job when the printer is no longer
-     * paused and leave no evidence in the printed output of such a pause.
-     * This value must be supported if the printer can be paused.
+     * Someone has paused the printer and the printer's
+     * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} is {@code STOPPED}. In this state, a
+     * printer must not produce printed output, but it must perform other
+     * operations requested by a client. If a printer had been printing a job
+     * when the printer was paused, the {@code Printer} must resume printing
+     * that job when the printer is no longer paused and leave no evidence in
+     * the printed output of such a pause. This value must be supported if the
+     * printer can be paused.
     public static final PrinterStateReason
         PAUSED = new PrinterStateReason(4);
-     * Someone has removed a printer from service, and the device may be
-     * powered down or physically removed.
-     * In this state, a printer must not produce
-     * printed output, and unless the printer is realized by a print server
-     * that is still active, the printer must perform no other operations
-     * requested by a client.
-     * If a printer had been printing a job when it was shut down,
+     * Someone has removed a printer from service, and the device may be powered
+     * down or physically removed. In this state, a printer must not produce
+     * printed output, and unless the printer is realized by a print server that
+     * is still active, the printer must perform no other operations requested
+     * by a client. If a printer had been printing a job when it was shut down,
      * the printer need not resume printing that job when the printer is no
      * longer shut down. If the printer resumes printing such a job, it may
      * leave evidence in the printed output of such a shutdown, e.g. the part
      * printed before the shutdown may be printed a second time after the
      * shutdown.
-         */
+     */
     public static final PrinterStateReason
         SHUTDOWN = new PrinterStateReason(5);
      * The printer has scheduled a job on the output device and is in the
-     * process of connecting to a shared network output device (and might not
-     * be able to actually start printing the job for an arbitrarily long time
+     * process of connecting to a shared network output device (and might not be
+     * able to actually start printing the job for an arbitrarily long time
      * depending on the usage of the output device by other servers on the
      * network).
@@ -146,14 +144,13 @@
         TIMED_OUT = new PrinterStateReason(7);
-     * The printer is in the process of stopping the device and will be
-     * stopped in a while.
-     * When the device is stopped, the printer will change the
-     * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} to STOPPED. The STOPPING reason is
-     * never an error, even for a printer with a single output device. When an
-     * output device ceases accepting jobs, the printer's {@link
-     * PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} will have this reason while
-     * the output device completes printing.
+     * The printer is in the process of stopping the device and will be stopped
+     * in a while. When the device is stopped, the printer will change the
+     * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} to {@code STOPPED}. The
+     * {@code STOPPING} reason is never an error, even for a printer with a
+     * single output device. When an output device ceases accepting jobs, the
+     * printer's {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} will have this
+     * reason while the output device completes printing.
     public static final PrinterStateReason
         STOPPING = new PrinterStateReason(8);
@@ -161,10 +158,9 @@
      * When a printer controls more than one output device, this reason
      * indicates that one or more output devices are stopped. If the reason's
-     * severity is a report, fewer than half of the output devices are
-     * stopped.
-     * If the reason's severity is a warning, half or more but fewer than
-     * all of the output devices are stopped.
+     * severity is a report, fewer than half of the output devices are stopped.
+     * If the reason's severity is a warning, half or more but fewer than all of
+     * the output devices are stopped.
     public static final PrinterStateReason
         STOPPED_PARTLY = new PrinterStateReason(9);
@@ -182,12 +178,10 @@
         TONER_EMPTY = new PrinterStateReason(11);
-     * The limit of persistent storage allocated for spooling has been
-     * reached.
+     * The limit of persistent storage allocated for spooling has been reached.
      * The printer is temporarily unable to accept more jobs. The printer will
-     * remove this reason when it is able to accept more jobs.
-     * This value should  be used by a non-spooling printer that only
-     * accepts one or a small number
+     * remove this reason when it is able to accept more jobs. This value should
+     * be used by a non-spooling printer that only accepts one or a small number
      * jobs at a time or a spooling printer that has filled the spool space.
     public static final PrinterStateReason
@@ -236,8 +230,7 @@
         OUTPUT_TRAY_MISSING = new PrinterStateReason(19);
-     * One or more output areas are almost full
-     * (e.g. tray, stacker, collator).
+     * One or more output areas are almost full (e.g. tray, stacker, collator).
     public static final PrinterStateReason
         OUTPUT_AREA_ALMOST_FULL = new PrinterStateReason(20);
@@ -317,15 +310,18 @@
         INTERPRETER_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE = new PrinterStateReason(32);
-     * Construct a new printer state reason enumeration value with
-     * the given integer value.
+     * Construct a new printer state reason enumeration value with the given
+     * integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected PrinterStateReason(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code PrinterStateReason}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
@@ -362,6 +358,9 @@
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code PrinterStateReason}.
+     */
     private static final PrinterStateReason[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -399,29 +398,28 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class PrinterStateReason.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code PrinterStateReason}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable.clone();
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class PrinterStateReason.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code PrinterStateReason}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterStateReason and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
-     * category is class PrinterStateReason itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterStateReason} and any vendor-defined subclasses,
+     * the category is class {@code PrinterStateReason} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterStateReason.class;
@@ -430,14 +428,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterStateReason and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
-     * category name is {@code "printer-state-reason"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterStateReason} and any vendor-defined subclasses,
+     * the category name is {@code "printer-state-reason"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-state-reason";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterStateReasons.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterStateReasons.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,69 +22,72 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.AbstractSet;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
-import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Set;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PrinterStateReasons is a printing attribute class, a set of
- * enumeration values, that provides additional information about the
- * printer's current state, i.e., information that augments the value of the
- * printer's {@link PrinterState PrinterState} attribute.
- * <P>
- * Instances of {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} do not appear in
- *  a Print Service's attribute set directly. Rather, a PrinterStateReasons
+ * Class {@code PrinterStateReasons} is a printing attribute class, a set of
+ * enumeration values, that provides additional information about the printer's
+ * current state, i.e., information that augments the value of the printer's
+ * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} attribute.
+ * <p>
+ * Instances of {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} do not appear in a
+ * Print Service's attribute set directly. Rather, a {@code PrinterStateReasons}
  * attribute appears in the Print Service's attribute set. The
- * PrinterStateReasons attribute contains zero, one, or more than one {@link
- * PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} objects which pertain to the Print
- * Service's status, and each {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason}
- * object is associated with a {@link Severity Severity} level of REPORT
- *  (least severe), WARNING, or ERROR (most severe). The printer adds a {@link
- * PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object to the Print Service's
- * PrinterStateReasons attribute when the corresponding condition becomes true
- * of the printer, and the printer removes the {@link PrinterStateReason
- * PrinterStateReason} object again when the corresponding condition becomes
- * false, regardless of whether the Print Service's overall
- * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} also changed.
- * <P>
- * Class PrinterStateReasons inherits its implementation from class {@link
- * java.util.HashMap java.util.HashMap}. Each entry in the map consists of a
+ * {@code PrinterStateReasons} attribute contains zero, one, or more than one
+ * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} objects which pertain to the
+ * Print Service's status, and each
+ * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object is associated with a
+ * {@link Severity Severity} level of {@code REPORT} (least severe),
+ * {@code WARNING}, or {@code ERROR} (most severe). The printer adds a
+ * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object to the Print Service's
+ * {@code PrinterStateReasons} attribute when the corresponding condition
+ * becomes true of the printer, and the printer removes the
+ * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object again when the
+ * corresponding condition becomes false, regardless of whether the Print
+ * Service's overall {@link PrinterState PrinterState} also changed.
+ * <p>
+ * Class PrinterStateReasons inherits its implementation from class
+ * {@link HashMap java.util.HashMap}. Each entry in the map consists of a
  * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object (key) mapping to a
  * {@link Severity Severity} object (value):
- * <P>
+ * <p>
  * Unlike most printing attributes which are immutable once constructed, class
- * PrinterStateReasons is designed to be mutable; you can add {@link
- * PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} objects to an existing
- * PrinterStateReasons object and remove them again. However, like class
- *  {@link java.util.HashMap java.util.HashMap}, class PrinterStateReasons is
- * not multiple thread safe. If a PrinterStateReasons object will be used by
+ * {@code PrinterStateReasons} is designed to be mutable; you can add
+ * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} objects to an existing
+ * {@code PrinterStateReasons} object and remove them again. However, like class
+ * {@link HashMap java.util.HashMap}, class {@code PrinterStateReasons} is not
+ * multiple thread safe. If a {@code PrinterStateReasons} object will be used by
  * multiple threads, be sure to synchronize its operations (e.g., using a
  * synchronized map view obtained from class {@link java.util.Collections
  * java.util.Collections}).
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string values returned by each individual
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string values returned by each individual
  * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object's and the associated
- * {@link Severity Severity} object's {@code toString()} methods,
- * concatenated
- * together with a hyphen ({@code "-"}) in between, gives the IPP keyword
- * value. The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
- * attribute name.
+ * {@link Severity Severity} object's {@code toString()} methods, concatenated
+ * together with a hyphen ({@code "-"}) in between, gives the IPP keyword value.
+ * The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class PrinterStateReasons
     extends HashMap<PrinterStateReason,Severity>
     implements PrintServiceAttribute
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -3731791085163619457L;
@@ -96,13 +99,11 @@
-     * super a new, empty printer state reasons attribute; the underlying
+     * Construct a new, empty printer state reasons attribute; the underlying
      * hash map has the given initial capacity and the default load factor.
-     * @param  initialCapacity  Initial capacity.
-     *
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is less
-     *     than zero.
+     * @param  initialCapacity initial capacity
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is negative
     public PrinterStateReasons(int initialCapacity) {
         super (initialCapacity);
@@ -112,11 +113,9 @@
      * Construct a new, empty printer state reasons attribute; the underlying
      * hash map has the given initial capacity and load factor.
-     * @param  initialCapacity  Initial capacity.
-     * @param  loadFactor       Load factor.
-     *
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is less
-     *     than zero.
+     * @param  initialCapacity initial capacity
+     * @param  loadFactor load factor
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is negative
     public PrinterStateReasons(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
         super (initialCapacity, loadFactor);
@@ -127,19 +126,15 @@
      * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason}-to-{@link Severity
      * Severity} mappings as the given map. The underlying hash map's initial
      * capacity and load factor are as specified in the superclass constructor
-     * {@link java.util.HashMap#HashMap(java.util.Map)
-     * HashMap(Map)}.
-     *
-     * @param  map  Map to copy.
+     * {@link HashMap#HashMap(Map) HashMap(Map)}.
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code map} is null or if any
-     *     key or value in {@code map} is null.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if any key in {@code map} is not
-     *   an instance of class {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} or
-     *     if any value in {@code map} is not an instance of class
-     *     {@link Severity Severity}.
+     * @param  map map to copy
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code map} is {@code null} or if any key
+     *         or value in {@code map} is {@code null}
+     * @throws ClassCastException if any key in {@code map} is not an instance
+     *         of class {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} or if any
+     *         value in {@code map} is not an instance of class
+     *         {@link Severity Severity}
     public PrinterStateReasons(Map<PrinterStateReason,Severity> map) {
@@ -149,27 +144,23 @@
      * Adds the given printer state reason to this printer state reasons
-     * attribute, associating it with the given severity level. If this
-     * printer state reasons attribute previously contained a mapping for the
-     * given printer state reason, the old value is replaced.
-     *
-     * @param  reason    Printer state reason. This must be an instance of
-     *                    class {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason}.
-     * @param  severity  Severity of the printer state reason. This must be
-     *                      an instance of class {@link Severity Severity}.
+     * attribute, associating it with the given severity level. If this printer
+     * state reasons attribute previously contained a mapping for the given
+     * printer state reason, the old value is replaced.
-     * @return  Previous severity associated with the given printer state
-     *          reason, or {@code null} if the given printer state reason was
-     *          not present.
-     *
-     * @throws  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code reason} is null or
-     *     {@code severity} is null.
-     * @throws  ClassCastException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code reason} is not an
-     *   instance of class {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} or if
-     *     {@code severity} is not an instance of class {@link Severity
-     *     Severity}.
+     * @param  reason printer state reason. This must be an instance of class
+     *         {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason}
+     * @param  severity severity of the printer state reason. This must be an
+     *         instance of class {@link Severity Severity}
+     * @return previous severity associated with the given printer state reason,
+     *         or {@code null} if the given printer state reason was not
+     *         present
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code reason} is {@code null} or
+     *         {@code severity} is {@code null}
+     * @throws ClassCastException if {@code reason} is not an instance of class
+     *         {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} or if
+     *         {@code severity} is not an instance of class
+     *         {@link Severity Severity}
      * @since 1.5
     public Severity put(PrinterStateReason reason, Severity severity) {
@@ -185,12 +176,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterStateReasons, the
-     * category is class PrinterStateReasons itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterStateReasons}, the category is class
+     * {@code PrinterStateReasons} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterStateReasons.class;
@@ -199,11 +190,11 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterStateReasons, the
-     * category name is {@code "printer-state-reasons"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterStateReasons}, the category name is
+     * {@code "printer-state-reasons"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-state-reasons";
@@ -211,24 +202,21 @@
      * Obtain an unmodifiable set view of the individual printer state reason
-     * attributes at the given severity level in this PrinterStateReasons
-     * attribute. Each element in the set view is a {@link PrinterStateReason
-     * PrinterStateReason} object. The only elements in the set view are the
-     * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} objects that map to the
-     * given severity value. The set view is backed by this
-     * PrinterStateReasons attribute, so changes to this PrinterStateReasons
-     * attribute are reflected  in the set view.
-     * The set view does not support element insertion or
-     * removal. The set view's iterator does not support element removal.
+     * attributes at the given severity level in this
+     * {@code PrinterStateReasons} attribute. Each element in the set view is a
+     * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object. The only elements
+     * in the set view are the {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason}
+     * objects that map to the given severity value. The set view is backed by
+     * this {@code PrinterStateReasons} attribute, so changes to this
+     * {@code PrinterStateReasons} attribute are reflected in the set view. The
+     * set view does not support element insertion or removal. The set view's
+     * iterator does not support element removal.
-     * @param  severity  Severity level.
-     *
-     * @return  Set view of the individual {@link PrinterStateReason
-     *          PrinterStateReason} attributes at the given {@link Severity
-     *          Severity} level.
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code severity} is null.
+     * @param  severity severity level
+     * @return set view of the individual
+     *         {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} attributes at the
+     *         given {@link Severity Severity} level
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code severity} is {@code null}
     public Set<PrinterStateReason> printerStateReasonSet(Severity severity) {
         if (severity == null) {
@@ -305,5 +293,4 @@
             throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterURI.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterURI.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,41 +22,41 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.net.URI;
-import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.URISyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class PrinterURI is a printing attribute class, a URI, that specifies the
- * globally unique name of a printer.  If it has such a name, an administrator
- * determines a printer's URI and sets this attribute to that name.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B>  This implements the
- * IPP printer-uri attribute. The string form returned by
- * {@code toString()}  gives the IPP printer-uri value.
- * The category name returned by {@code getName()}
- * gives the IPP attribute name.
+ * Class {@code PrinterURI} is a printing attribute class, a {@code URI}, that
+ * specifies the globally unique name of a printer. If it has such a name, an
+ * administrator determines a printer's {@code URI} and sets this attribute to
+ * that name.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> This implements the IPP printer-uri attribute. The
+ * string form returned by {@code toString()} gives the IPP printer-uri value.
+ * The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Robert Herriot
+ * @author Robert Herriot
 public final class PrinterURI extends URISyntax
         implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 7923912792485606497L;
-     * Constructs a new PrinterURI attribute with the specified URI.
+     * Constructs a new {@code PrinterURI} attribute with the specified
+     * {@code URI}.
-     * @param  uri  URI of the printer
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code uri} is null.
+     * @param  uri {@code URI} of the printer
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code uri} is {@code null}
     public PrinterURI(URI uri) {
         super (uri);
@@ -66,34 +66,30 @@
      * Returns whether this printer name attribute is equivalent to the passed
      * in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be
      * true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class PrinterURI.
-     * <LI>
-     * This PrinterURI attribute's underlying URI and
-     * {@code object}'s underlying URI are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code PrinterURI}.
+     *   <li>This {@code PrinterURI} attribute's underlying {@code URI} and
+     *   {@code object}'s underlying {@code URI} are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this PrinterURI
-     *          attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this
+     *         {@code PrinterURI} attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) && object instanceof PrinterURI);
-   /**
+    /**
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterURI and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category is
-     * class PrinterURI itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterURI} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category is class {@code PrinterURI} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return PrinterURI.class;
@@ -102,14 +98,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class PrinterURI and any vendor-defined subclasses, the category
-     * name is {@code "printer-uri"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code PrinterURI} and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
+     * category name is {@code "printer-uri"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "printer-uri";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/QueuedJobCount.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/QueuedJobCount.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
@@ -29,29 +30,29 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;
- * Class QueuedJobCount is an integer valued printing attribute that indicates
- * the number of jobs in the printer whose {@link JobState JobState} is either
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The integer value gives the IPP integer value.
- * The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
- * attribute name.
+ * Class {@code QueuedJobCount} is an integer valued printing attribute that
+ * indicates the number of jobs in the printer whose {@link JobState JobState}
+ * is either {@code PENDING}, {@code PENDING_HELD}, {@code PROCESSING}, or
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The
+ * category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class QueuedJobCount extends IntegerSyntax
     implements PrintServiceAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 7499723077864047742L;
-     * Construct a new queued job count attribute with the given integer
-     * value.
+     * Construct a new queued job count attribute with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
-     *
-     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
-     *   (Unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code value} is less than 0.
+     * @param  value Integer value
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is negative
     public QueuedJobCount(int value) {
         super (value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
@@ -59,22 +60,18 @@
      * Returns whether this queued job count attribute is equivalent to the
-     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions
-     * mus  be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class QueuedJobCount.
-     * <LI>
-     * This queued job count attribute's value and {@code object}'s
-     * value are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions mus
+     * be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code QueuedJobCount}.
+     *   <li>This queued job count attribute's value and {@code object}'s value
+     *   are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this queued job
-     *          count attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this queued job
+     *         count attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals (object) &&
@@ -84,11 +81,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class QueuedJobCount, the category is class QueuedJobCount itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code QueuedJobCount}, the category is class
+     * {@code QueuedJobCount} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return QueuedJobCount.class;
@@ -97,14 +95,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class QueuedJobCount, the
-     * category name is {@code "queued-job-count"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code QueuedJobCount}, the category name is
+     * {@code "queued-job-count"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "queued-job-count";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/ReferenceUriSchemesSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/ReferenceUriSchemesSupported.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,45 +22,50 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
+import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
- * Class ReferenceUriSchemesSupported is a printing attribute class
- * an enumeration, that indicates a "URI scheme," such as "http:" or "ftp:",
- * that a printer can use to retrieve print data stored at a URI location.
- * If a printer supports doc flavors with a print data representation class of
+ * Class {@code ReferenceUriSchemesSupported} is a printing attribute class an
+ * enumeration, that indicates a "URI scheme," such as "http:" or "ftp:", that a
+ * printer can use to retrieve print data stored at a {@code URI} location. If a
+ * printer supports doc flavors with a print data representation class of
  * {@code "java.net.URL"}, the printer uses instances of class
- * ReferenceUriSchemesSupported to advertise the URI schemes it can accept.
- * The acceptable URI schemes are included as service attributes in the
- * lookup service; this lets clients search the
- * for printers that can get print data using a certain URI scheme. The
- * acceptable URI schemes can also be queried using the capability methods in
- * interface {@code PrintService}. However,
- * ReferenceUriSchemesSupported attributes are used solely for determining
- * acceptable URI schemes, they are never included in a doc's,
- * print request's, print job's, or print service's attribute set.
- * <P>
+ * {@code ReferenceUriSchemesSupported} to advertise the {@code URI} schemes it
+ * can accept. The acceptable {@code URI} schemes are included as service
+ * attributes in the lookup service; this lets clients search the for printers
+ * that can get print data using a certain {@code URI} scheme. The acceptable
+ * {@code URI} schemes can also be queried using the capability methods in
+ * interface {@code PrintService}. However, {@code ReferenceUriSchemesSupported}
+ * attributes are used solely for determining acceptable {@code URI} schemes,
+ * they are never included in a doc's, print request's, print job's, or print
+ * service's attribute set.
+ * <p>
  * The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority maintains the
- * <A HREF="http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes.html">official
- * list of URI schemes</A>.
+ * <a href="http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes.html">official list of
+ * URI schemes</a>.
  * <p>
- * Class ReferenceUriSchemesSupported defines enumeration values for widely
- * used URI schemes. A printer that supports additional URI schemes
- * can define them in a subclass of class ReferenceUriSchemesSupported.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B>  The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
+ * Class {@code ReferenceUriSchemesSupported} defines enumeration values for
+ * widely used {@code URI} schemes. A printer that supports additional
+ * {@code URI} schemes can define them in a subclass of class
+ * {@code ReferenceUriSchemesSupported}.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public class ReferenceUriSchemesSupported
     extends EnumSyntax implements Attribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -8989076942813442805L;
@@ -105,15 +110,18 @@
     public static final ReferenceUriSchemesSupported FILE = new ReferenceUriSchemesSupported(7);
-     * Construct a new reference URI scheme enumeration value with the given
-     * integer value.
+     * Construct a new reference {@code URI} scheme enumeration value with the
+     * given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected ReferenceUriSchemesSupported(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code ReferenceUriSchemesSupported}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
@@ -125,6 +133,10 @@
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class
+     * {@code ReferenceUriSchemesSupported}.
+     */
     private static final ReferenceUriSchemesSupported[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -137,7 +149,7 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class ReferenceUriSchemesSupported.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code ReferenceUriSchemesSupported}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable.clone();
@@ -145,7 +157,7 @@
      * Returns the enumeration value table for class
-     * ReferenceUriSchemesSupported.
+     * {@code ReferenceUriSchemesSupported}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
@@ -154,12 +166,13 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class ReferenceUriSchemesSupported and any vendor-defined
-     * subclasses, the category is class ReferenceUriSchemesSupported itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code ReferenceUriSchemesSupported} and any vendor-defined
+     * subclasses, the category is class {@code ReferenceUriSchemesSupported}
+     * itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return ReferenceUriSchemesSupported.class;
@@ -168,15 +181,14 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class ReferenceUriSchemesSupported and any vendor-defined
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code ReferenceUriSchemesSupported} and any vendor-defined
      * subclasses, the category name is
      * {@code "reference-uri-schemes-supported"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "reference-uri-schemes-supported";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/RequestingUserName.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/RequestingUserName.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,77 +22,73 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.TextSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
- * Class RequestingUserName is a printing attribute class, a text attribute,
- * that specifies the name of the end user that submitted the print job. A
- * requesting user name is an arbitrary string defined by the client. The
- * printer does not put the client-specified RequestingUserName attribute into
- * the Print Job's attribute set; rather, the printer puts in a {@link
- * JobOriginatingUserName JobOriginatingUserName} attribute.
- * This means that services which support specifying a username with this
- * attribute should also report a JobOriginatingUserName in the job's
- * attribute set. Note that many print services may have a way to independently
- * authenticate the user name, and so may state support for a
- * requesting user name, but in practice will then report the user name
- * authenticated by the service rather than that specified via this
- * attribute.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
+ * Class {@code RequestingUserName} is a printing attribute class, a text
+ * attribute, that specifies the name of the end user that submitted the print
+ * job. A requesting user name is an arbitrary string defined by the client. The
+ * printer does not put the client-specified {@code RequestingUserName}
+ * attribute into the Print Job's attribute set; rather, the printer puts in a
+ * {@link JobOriginatingUserName JobOriginatingUserName} attribute. This means
+ * that services which support specifying a username with this attribute should
+ * also report a {@code JobOriginatingUserName} in the job's attribute set. Note
+ * that many print services may have a way to independently authenticate the
+ * user name, and so may state support for a requesting user name, but in
+ * practice will then report the user name authenticated by the service rather
+ * than that specified via this attribute.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string value gives the IPP name value. The
  * locale gives the IPP natural language. The category name returned by
  * {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class RequestingUserName   extends TextSyntax
     implements PrintRequestAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -2683049894310331454L;
-     * Constructs a new requesting user name attribute with the given user
-     * name and locale.
+     * Constructs a new requesting user name attribute with the given user name
+     * and locale.
-     * @param  userName  User name.
-     * @param  locale    Natural language of the text string. null
-     * is interpreted to mean the default locale as returned
-     * by {@code Locale.getDefault()}
-     *
-     * @exception  NullPointerException
-     *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if {@code userName} is null.
+     * @param  userName user name
+     * @param  locale natural language of the text string. {@code null} is
+     *         interpreted to mean the default locale as returned by
+     *         {@code Locale.getDefault()}
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code userName} is {@code null}
     public RequestingUserName(String userName, Locale locale) {
         super (userName, locale);
-     * Returns whether this requesting user name attribute is equivalent to
-     * the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following
-     * conditions must be true:
-     * <OL TYPE=1>
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is not null.
-     * <LI>
-     * {@code object} is an instance of class RequestingUserName.
-     * <LI>
-     * This requesting user name attribute's underlying string and
-     * {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
-     * <LI>
-     * This requesting user name attribute's locale and
-     * {@code object}'s locale are equal.
-     * </OL>
+     * Returns whether this requesting user name attribute is equivalent to the
+     * passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must
+     * be true:
+     * <ol type=1>
+     *   <li>{@code object} is not {@code null}.
+     *   <li>{@code object} is an instance of class {@code RequestingUserName}.
+     *   <li>This requesting user name attribute's underlying string and
+     *   {@code object}'s underlying string are equal.
+     *   <li>This requesting user name attribute's locale and {@code object}'s
+     *   locale are equal.
+     * </ol>
-     * @param  object  Object to compare to.
-     *
-     * @return  True if {@code object} is equivalent to this requesting
-     *          user name attribute, false otherwise.
+     * @param  object {@code Object} to compare to
+     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is equivalent to this requesting
+     *         user name attribute, {@code false} otherwise
     public boolean equals(Object object) {
         return (super.equals(object) &&
@@ -102,12 +98,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class RequestingUserName, the
-     * category is class RequestingUserName itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code RequestingUserName}, the category is class
+     * {@code RequestingUserName} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return RequestingUserName.class;
@@ -116,14 +112,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class RequestingUserName, the
-     * category name is {@code "requesting-user-name"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code RequestingUserName}, the category name is
+     * {@code "requesting-user-name"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "requesting-user-name";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Severity.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Severity.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,54 +22,53 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
+import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
- * Class Severity is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that denotes
- * the severity of a {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} attribute.
- * <P>
- * Instances of Severity do not appear in a Print Service's attribute set
- * directly. Rather, a {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons}
+ * Class {@code Severity} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
+ * denotes the severity of a {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason}
+ * attribute.
+ * <p>
+ * Instances of {@code Severity} do not appear in a Print Service's attribute
+ * set directly. Rather, a {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons}
  * attribute appears in the Print Service's attribute set.
- *  The {@link PrinterStateReasons
- * PrinterStateReasons} attribute contains zero, one, or more than one {@link
- * PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} objects which pertain to the Print
- * Service's status, and each {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason}
- * object is associated with a Severity level of REPORT (least severe),
- * WARNING, or ERROR (most severe).
- * The printer adds a {@link PrinterStateReason
- * PrinterStateReason} object to the Print Service's
+ * The {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attribute contains zero,
+ * one, or more than one {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} objects
+ * which pertain to the Print Service's status, and each
+ * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object is associated with a
+ * Severity level of {@code REPORT} (least severe), {@code WARNING}, or
+ * {@code ERROR} (most severe). The printer adds a
+ * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object to the Print Service's
  * {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attribute when the
- * corresponding condition becomes true
- * of the printer, and the printer removes the {@link PrinterStateReason
- * PrinterStateReason} object again when the corresponding condition becomes
- * false, regardless of whether the Print Service's overall
- * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} also changed.
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B>
- * {@code Severity.toString()} returns either "error", "warning", or
- * "report".  The string values returned by
- * each individual {@link PrinterStateReason} and
- * associated {@link Severity} object's {@code toString()}
- * methods, concatenated together with a hyphen ({@code "-"}) in
- * between, gives the IPP keyword value for a {@link PrinterStateReasons}.
- * The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP
- * attribute name.
+ * corresponding condition becomes true of the printer, and the printer removes
+ * the {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object again when the
+ * corresponding condition becomes false, regardless of whether the Print
+ * Service's overall {@link PrinterState PrinterState} also changed.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> {@code Severity.toString()} returns either "error",
+ * "warning", or "report". The string values returned by each individual
+ * {@link PrinterStateReason} and associated {@link Severity} object's
+ * {@code toString()} methods, concatenated together with a hyphen ({@code "-"})
+ * in between, gives the IPP keyword value for a {@link PrinterStateReasons}.
+ * The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name.
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class Severity extends EnumSyntax implements Attribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 8781881462717925380L;
      * Indicates that the {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} is a
-     * "report" (least severe). An implementation may choose to omit some or
-     * all reports.
-     * Some reports specify finer granularity about the printer state;
+     * "report" (least severe). An implementation may choose to omit some or all
+     * reports. Some reports specify finer granularity about the printer state;
      * others serve as a precursor to a warning. A report must contain nothing
      * that could affect the printed output.
@@ -78,36 +77,41 @@
      * Indicates that the {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} is a
      * "warning." An implementation may choose to omit some or all warnings.
-     * Warnings serve as a precursor to an error. A warning must contain
-     * nothing  that prevents a job from completing, though in some cases the
-     * output may be of lower quality.
+     * Warnings serve as a precursor to an error. A warning must contain nothing
+     * that prevents a job from completing, though in some cases the output may
+     * be of lower quality.
     public static final Severity WARNING = new Severity (1);
      * Indicates that the {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} is an
-     * "error" (most severe). An implementation must include all errors.
-     * If this attribute contains one or more errors, the printer's
-     * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} must be STOPPED.
+     * "error" (most severe). An implementation must include all errors. If this
+     * attribute contains one or more errors, the printer's
+     * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} must be {@code STOPPED}.
     public static final Severity ERROR = new Severity (2);
-     * Construct a new severity enumeration value with the given integer
-     * value.
+     * Construct a new severity enumeration value with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected Severity(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code Severity}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code Severity}.
+     */
     private static final Severity[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -115,28 +119,28 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class Severity.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code Severity}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable;
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class Severity.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code Severity}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return myEnumValueTable;
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Severity, the category is class Severity itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Severity}, the category is class
+     * {@code Severity} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return Severity.class;
@@ -145,13 +149,12 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Severit, the category name is {@code "severity"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Severity}, the category name is {@code "severity"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "severity";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/SheetCollate.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/SheetCollate.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,146 +22,134 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class SheetCollate is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
- * specifies whether or not the media sheets of each copy of each printed
+ * Class {@code SheetCollate} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration,
+ * that specifies whether or not the media sheets of each copy of each printed
  * document in a job are to be in sequence, when multiple copies of the document
- * are specified by the {@link Copies Copies} attribute. When SheetCollate is
- * COLLATED, each copy of each document is printed with the print-stream sheets
- * in sequence. When SheetCollate is UNCOLLATED, each print-stream sheet is
- * printed a number of times equal to the value of the {@link Copies Copies}
- * attribute in succession. For example, suppose a document produces two media
- * sheets as output, {@link Copies Copies} is 6, and SheetCollate is UNCOLLATED;
- * in this case six copies of the first media sheet are printed followed by
- * six copies of the second media sheet.
- * <P>
+ * are specified by the {@link Copies Copies} attribute. When
+ * {@code SheetCollate} is {@code COLLATED}, each copy of each document is
+ * printed with the print-stream sheets in sequence. When {@code SheetCollate}
+ * is {@code UNCOLLATED}, each print-stream sheet is printed a number of times
+ * equal to the value of the {@link Copies Copies} attribute in succession. For
+ * example, suppose a document produces two media sheets as output,
+ * {@link Copies Copies} is 6, and {@code SheetCollate} is UNCOLLATED; in this
+ * case six copies of the first media sheet are printed followed by six copies
+ * of the second media sheet.
+ * <p>
  * Whether the effect of sheet collation is achieved by placing copies of a
  * document in multiple output bins or in the same output bin with
- * implementation defined document separation is implementation dependent.
- * Also whether it is achieved by making multiple passes over the job or by
- * using an output sorter is implementation dependent.
- * <P>
- * If a printer does not support the SheetCollate attribute (meaning the client
- * cannot specify any particular sheet collation), the printer must behave as
- * though SheetCollate were always set to COLLATED.
- * <P>
- * The SheetCollate attribute interacts with the {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute. The {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute describes the collation of entire
- * documents, and the SheetCollate attribute describes the semantics of
- * collating individual pages within a document.
- * <P>
- * The effect of a SheetCollate attribute on a multidoc print job (a job with
- * multiple documents) depends on whether all the docs have the same sheet
- * collation specified or whether different docs have different sheet
- * collations specified, and on the (perhaps defaulted) value of the {@link
- * MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute.
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * If all the docs have the same sheet collation specified, then the following
- * combinations of SheetCollate and {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} are permitted, and the printer reports an error
- * when the job is submitted if any other combination is specified:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * SheetCollate = COLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} = SINGLE_DOCUMENT -- All the input docs will be
- * combined into one output document. Multiple copies of the output document
- * will be produced with pages in collated order, i.e. pages 1, 2, 3, . . .,
- * 1, 2, 3, . . .
- *
- * <LI>
- * SheetCollate = COLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} = SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET -- All the input docs
- * will be combined into one output document, and the first impression of each
- * input doc will always start on a new media sheet. Multiple copies of the
- * output document will be produced with pages in collated order, i.e. pages
- * 1, 2, 3, . . ., 1, 2, 3, . . .
- *
- * <LI>
- * SheetCollate = COLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} = SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- Each
- * input doc will remain a separate output document. Multiple copies of each
- * output document (call them A, B, . . .) will be produced with each document's
- * pages in collated order, but the documents themselves in uncollated order,
- * i.e. pages A1, A2, A3, . . ., A1, A2, A3, . . ., B1, B2, B3, . . ., B1, B2,
- * B3, . . .
+ * implementation defined document separation is implementation dependent. Also
+ * whether it is achieved by making multiple passes over the job or by using an
+ * output sorter is implementation dependent.
+ * <p>
+ * If a printer does not support the {@code SheetCollate} attribute (meaning the
+ * client cannot specify any particular sheet collation), the printer must
+ * behave as though {@code SheetCollate} were always set to {@code COLLATED}.
+ * <p>
+ * The {@code SheetCollate} attribute interacts with the
+ * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute. The
+ * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute describes
+ * the collation of entire documents, and the {@code SheetCollate} attribute
+ * describes the semantics of collating individual pages within a document.
+ * <p>
+ * The effect of a {@code SheetCollate} attribute on a multidoc print job (a job
+ * with multiple documents) depends on whether all the docs have the same sheet
+ * collation specified or whether different docs have different sheet collations
+ * specified, and on the (perhaps defaulted) value of the
+ * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>If all the docs have the same sheet collation specified, then the
+ *   following combinations of {@code SheetCollate} and
+ *   {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} are permitted,
+ *   and the printer reports an error when the job is submitted if any other
+ *   combination is specified:
+ *   <ul>
+ *     <li>SheetCollate = COLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
+ *     MultipleDocumentHandling} = SINGLE_DOCUMENT -- All the input docs will be
+ *     combined into one output document. Multiple copies of the output document
+ *     will be produced with pages in collated order, i.e. pages 1, 2, 3, . . .,
+ *     1, 2, 3, . . .
+ *     <li>SheetCollate = COLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
+ *     MultipleDocumentHandling} = SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET -- All the input
+ *     docs will be combined into one output document, and the first impression
+ *     of each input doc will always start on a new media sheet. Multiple copies
+ *     of the output document will be produced with pages in collated order,
+ *     i.e. pages 1, 2, 3, . . ., 1, 2, 3, . . .
+ *     <li>SheetCollate = COLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
+ *     MultipleDocumentHandling} = SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- Each
+ *     input doc will remain a separate output document. Multiple copies of each
+ *     output document (call them A, B, . . .) will be produced with each
+ *     document's pages in collated order, but the documents themselves in
+ *     uncollated order, i.e. pages A1, A2, A3, . . ., A1, A2, A3, . . ., B1,
+ *     B2, B3, . . ., B1, B2, B3, . . .
+ *     <li>SheetCollate = COLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
+ *     MultipleDocumentHandling} = SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- Each
+ *     input doc will remain a separate output document. Multiple copies of each
+ *     output document (call them A, B, . . .) will be produced with each
+ *     document's pages in collated order, with the documents themselves also in
+ *     collated order, i.e. pages A1, A2, A3, . . ., B1, B2, B3, . . ., A1, A2,
+ *     A3, . . ., B1, B2, B3, . . .
+ *     <li>SheetCollate = UNCOLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
+ *     MultipleDocumentHandling} = SINGLE_DOCUMENT -- All the input docs will be
+ *     combined into one output document. Multiple copies of the output document
+ *     will be produced with pages in uncollated order, i.e. pages 1, 1, . . .,
+ *     2, 2, . . ., 3, 3, . . .
+ *     <li>SheetCollate = UNCOLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
+ *     MultipleDocumentHandling} = SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET -- All the input
+ *     docs will be combined into one output document, and the first impression
+ *     of each input doc will always start on a new media sheet. Multiple copies
+ *     of the output document will be produced with pages in uncollated order,
+ *     i.e. pages 1, 1, . . ., 2, 2, . . ., 3, 3, . . .
+ *     <li>SheetCollate = UNCOLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
+ *     MultipleDocumentHandling} = SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- Each
+ *     input doc will remain a separate output document. Multiple copies of each
+ *     output document (call them A, B, . . .) will be produced with each
+ *     document's pages in uncollated order, with the documents themselves also
+ *     in uncollated order, i.e. pages A1, A1, . . ., A2, A2, . . ., A3, A3, . .
+ *     ., B1, B1, . . ., B2, B2, . . ., B3, B3, . . .
+ *   </ul>
+ *   <li>If different docs have different sheet collations specified, then only
+ *   one value of {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} is
+ *   permitted, and the printer reports an error when the job is submitted if
+ *   any other value is specified:
+ *   <ul>
+ *     <li>{@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} =
+ *     SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- Each input doc will remain a
+ *     separate output document. Multiple copies of each output document (call
+ *     them A, B, . . .) will be produced with each document's pages in collated
+ *     or uncollated order as the corresponding input doc's SheetCollate
+ *     attribute specifies, and with the documents themselves in uncollated
+ *     order. If document A had SheetCollate = UNCOLLATED and document B had
+ *     SheetCollate = COLLATED, the following pages would be produced: A1, A1, .
+ *     . ., A2, A2, . . ., A3, A3, . . ., B1, B2, B3, . . ., B1, B2, B3, . . .
+ *   </ul>
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> SheetCollate is not an IPP attribute at present.
- * <LI>
- * SheetCollate = COLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} = SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- Each input
- * doc will remain a separate output document. Multiple copies of each output
- * document (call them A, B, . . .) will be produced with each document's pages
- * in collated order, with the documents themselves also in collated order, i.e.
- * pages A1, A2, A3, . . ., B1, B2, B3, . . ., A1, A2, A3, . . ., B1, B2, B3,
- * . . .
- *
- * <LI>
- * SheetCollate = UNCOLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} = SINGLE_DOCUMENT -- All the input docs will be
- * combined into one output document. Multiple copies of the output document
- * will be produced with pages in uncollated order, i.e. pages 1, 1, . . .,
- * 2, 2, . . ., 3, 3, . . .
- *
- * <LI>
- * SheetCollate = UNCOLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} = SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET -- All the input docs
- * will be combined into one output document, and the first impression of each
- * input doc will always start on a new media sheet. Multiple copies of the
- * output document will be produced with pages in uncollated order, i.e. pages
- * 1, 1, . . ., 2, 2, . . ., 3, 3, . . .
- *
- * <LI>
- * SheetCollate = UNCOLLATED, {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} = SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- Each
- * input doc will remain a separate output document. Multiple copies of each
- * output document (call them A, B, . . .) will be produced with each document's
- * pages in uncollated order, with the documents themselves also in uncollated
- * order, i.e. pages A1, A1, . . ., A2, A2, . . ., A3, A3, . . ., B1, B1, . . .,
- * B2, B2, . . ., B3, B3, . . .
- * </UL>
- *
- * <LI>
- * If different docs have different sheet collations specified, then only one
- * value of {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} is
- * permitted, and the printer reports an error when the job is submitted if any
- * other value is specified:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} =
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- Each input doc will remain a separate
- * output document. Multiple copies of each output document (call them A, B,
- * . . .) will be produced with each document's pages in collated or uncollated
- * order as the corresponding input doc's SheetCollate attribute specifies, and
- * with the documents themselves in uncollated order. If document A had
- * SheetCollate = UNCOLLATED and document B had SheetCollate = COLLATED, the
- * following pages would be produced: A1, A1, . . ., A2, A2, . . ., A3, A3,
- * . . ., B1, B2, B3, . . ., B1, B2, B3, . . .
- * </UL>
- * </UL>
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> SheetCollate is not an IPP attribute at present.
- *
- * @see  MultipleDocumentHandling
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
+ * @see MultipleDocumentHandling
 public final class SheetCollate extends EnumSyntax
     implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 7080587914259873003L;
-     * Sheets within a document appear in uncollated order when multiple
-     * copies are printed.
+     * Sheets within a document appear in uncollated order when multiple copies
+     * are printed.
     public static final SheetCollate UNCOLLATED = new SheetCollate(0);
@@ -175,31 +163,37 @@
      * Construct a new sheet collate enumeration value with the given integer
      * value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected SheetCollate(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code SheetCollate}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code SheetCollate}.
+     */
     private static final SheetCollate[] myEnumValueTable = {
-     * Returns the string table for class SheetCollate.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code SheetCollate}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable;
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class SheetCollate.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code SheetCollate}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return myEnumValueTable;
@@ -208,11 +202,12 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class SheetCollate, the category is class SheetCollate itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code SheetCollate}, the category is class
+     * {@code SheetCollate} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return SheetCollate.class;
@@ -221,13 +216,13 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class SheetCollate, the category name is {@code "sheet-collate"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code SheetCollate}, the category name is
+     * {@code "sheet-collate"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "sheet-collate";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Sides.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/Sides.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -22,104 +22,96 @@
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
 package javax.print.attribute.standard;
 import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
-import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
+import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
-import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;
- * Class Sides is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that specifies
- * how print-stream pages are to be imposed upon the sides of an instance of a
- * selected medium, i.e., an impression.
- * <P>
- * The effect of a Sides attribute on a multidoc print job (a job with multiple
- * documents) depends on whether all the docs have the same sides values
- * specified or whether different docs have different sides values specified,
- * and on the (perhaps defaulted) value of the {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute.
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * If all the docs have the same sides value <I>n</I> specified, then any value
- * of {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} makes sense,
- * and the printer's processing depends on the {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
- * MultipleDocumentHandling} value:
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT -- All the input docs will be combined together into one
- * output document. Each media sheet will consist of <I>n</I> impressions from
- * the output document.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET -- All the input docs will be combined together
- * into one output document. Each media sheet will consist of <I>n</I>
- * impressions from the output document. However, the first impression of each
- * input doc will always start on a new media sheet; this means the last media
- * sheet of an input doc may have only one impression on it.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- The input docs will remain separate.
- * Each media sheet will consist of <I>n</I> impressions from the input doc.
- * Since the input docs are separate, the first impression of each input doc
- * will always start on a new media sheet; this means the last media sheet of
- * an input doc may have only one impression on it.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- The input docs will remain separate.
- * Each media sheet will consist of <I>n</I> impressions from the input doc.
- * Since the input docs are separate, the first impression of each input doc
- * will always start on a new media sheet; this means the last media sheet of
- * an input doc may have only one impression on it.
- * </UL>
+ * Class {@code Sides} is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
+ * specifies how print-stream pages are to be imposed upon the sides of an
+ * instance of a selected medium, i.e., an impression.
+ * <p>
+ * The effect of a {@code Sides} attribute on a multidoc print job (a job with
+ * multiple documents) depends on whether all the docs have the same sides
+ * values specified or whether different docs have different sides values
+ * specified, and on the (perhaps defaulted) value of the
+ * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute.
+ * <ul>
+ *   <li>If all the docs have the same sides value <i>n</i> specified, then any
+ *   value of {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} makes
+ *   sense, and the printer's processing depends on the
+ *   {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} value:
+ *   <ul>
+ *     <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT} -- All the input docs will be combined
+ *     together into one output document. Each media sheet will consist of
+ *     <i>n</i> impressions from the output document.
+ *     <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET} -- All the input docs will be
+ *     combined together into one output document. Each media sheet will consist
+ *     of <i>n</i> impressions from the output document. However, the first
+ *     impression of each input doc will always start on a new media sheet; this
+ *     means the last media sheet of an input doc may have only one impression
+ *     on it.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES} -- The input docs will
+ *     remain separate. Each media sheet will consist of <i>n</i> impressions
+ *     from the input doc. Since the input docs are separate, the first
+ *     impression of each input doc will always start on a new media sheet; this
+ *     means the last media sheet of an input doc may have only one impression
+ *     on it.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES} -- The input docs will
+ *     remain separate. Each media sheet will consist of <i>n</i> impressions
+ *     from the input doc. Since the input docs are separate, the first
+ *     impression of each input doc will always start on a new media sheet; this
+ *     means the last media sheet of an input doc may have only one impression
+ *     on it.
+ *   </ul>
+ *   <ul>
+ *     <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT} -- All the input docs will be combined
+ *     together into one output document. Each media sheet will consist of
+ *     <i>n<sub>i</sub></i> impressions from the output document, where <i>i</i>
+ *     is the number of the input doc corresponding to that point in the output
+ *     document. When the next input doc has a different sides value from the
+ *     previous input doc, the first print-stream page of the next input doc
+ *     goes at the start of the next media sheet, possibly leaving only one
+ *     impression on the previous media sheet.
+ *     <li>{@code SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET} -- All the input docs will be
+ *     combined together into one output document. Each media sheet will consist
+ *     of <i>n</i> impressions from the output document. However, the first
+ *     impression of each input doc will always start on a new media sheet; this
+ *     means the last impression of an input doc may have only one impression on
+ *     it.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES} -- The input docs will
+ *     remain separate. For input doc <i>i,</i> each media sheet will consist of
+ *     <i>n<sub>i</sub></i> impressions from the input doc. Since the input docs
+ *     are separate, the first impression of each input doc will always start on
+ *     a new media sheet; this means the last media sheet of an input doc may
+ *     have only one impression on it.
+ *     <li>{@code SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES} -- The input docs will
+ *     remain separate. For input doc <i>i,</i> each media sheet will consist of
+ *     <i>n<sub>i</sub></i> impressions from the input doc. Since the input docs
+ *     are separate, the first impression of each input doc will always start on
+ *     a new media sheet; this means the last media sheet of an input doc may
+ *     have only one impression on it.
+ *   </ul>
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The category name returned by {@code getName()} is
+ * the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's integer value is the IPP enum
+ * value. The {@code toString()} method returns the IPP string representation of
+ * the attribute value.
- * <UL>
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT -- All the input docs will be combined together into one
- * output document. Each media sheet will consist of <I>n<SUB>i</SUB></I>
- * impressions from the output document, where <I>i</I> is the number of the
- * input doc corresponding to that point in the output document. When the next
- * input doc has a different sides value from the previous input doc, the first
- * print-stream page of the next input doc goes at the start of the next media
- * sheet, possibly leaving only one impression on the previous media sheet.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET -- All the input docs will be combined together
- * into one output document. Each media sheet will consist of <I>n</I>
- * impressions from the output document. However, the first impression of each
- * input doc will always start on a new media sheet; this means the last
- * impression of an input doc may have only one impression on it.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- The input docs will remain separate.
- * For input doc <I>i,</I> each media sheet will consist of <I>n<SUB>i</SUB></I>
- * impressions from the input doc. Since the input docs are separate, the first
- * impression of each input doc will always start on a new media sheet; this
- * means the last media sheet of an input doc may have only one impression on
- * it.
- *
- * <LI>
- * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- The input docs will remain separate.
- * For input doc <I>i,</I> each media sheet will consist of <I>n<SUB>i</SUB></I>
- * impressions from the input doc. Since the input docs are separate, the first
- * impression of each input doc will always start on a new media sheet; this
- * means the last media sheet of an input doc may have only one impression on
- * it.
- * </UL>
- * </UL>
- * <P>
- * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The category name returned by
- * {@code getName()} is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
- * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The {@code toString()} method
- * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
- *
- * @author  Alan Kaminsky
+ * @author Alan Kaminsky
 public final class Sides extends EnumSyntax
     implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -6890309414893262822L;
@@ -130,49 +122,55 @@
      * Imposes each consecutive pair of print-stream pages upon front and back
-     * sides of consecutive media sheets, such that the orientation of each
-     * pair of print-stream pages on the medium would be correct for the
-     * reader as if for binding on the long edge. This imposition is also
-     * known as "duplex" (see {@link #DUPLEX DUPLEX}).
+     * sides of consecutive media sheets, such that the orientation of each pair
+     * of print-stream pages on the medium would be correct for the reader as if
+     * for binding on the long edge. This imposition is also known as "duplex"
+     * (see {@link #DUPLEX DUPLEX}).
     public static final Sides TWO_SIDED_LONG_EDGE = new Sides(1);
      * Imposes each consecutive pair of print-stream pages upon front and back
-     * sides of consecutive media sheets, such that the orientation of each
-     * pair of print-stream pages on the medium would be correct for the
-     * reader as if for binding on the short edge. This imposition is also
-     * known as "tumble" (see {@link #TUMBLE TUMBLE}).
+     * sides of consecutive media sheets, such that the orientation of each pair
+     * of print-stream pages on the medium would be correct for the reader as if
+     * for binding on the short edge. This imposition is also known as "tumble"
+     * (see {@link #TUMBLE TUMBLE}).
     public static final Sides TWO_SIDED_SHORT_EDGE = new Sides(2);
-     * An alias for "two sided long edge" (see {@link #TWO_SIDED_LONG_EDGE
+     * An alias for "two sided long edge" (see
     public static final Sides DUPLEX = TWO_SIDED_LONG_EDGE;
-     * An alias for "two sided short edge" (see {@link #TWO_SIDED_SHORT_EDGE
+     * An alias for "two sided short edge" (see
     public static final Sides TUMBLE = TWO_SIDED_SHORT_EDGE;
      * Construct a new sides enumeration value with the given integer value.
-     * @param  value  Integer value.
+     * @param  value Integer value
     protected Sides(int value) {
         super (value);
+    /**
+     * The string table for class {@code Sides}.
+     */
     private static final String[] myStringTable = {
+    /**
+     * The enumeration value table for class {@code Sides}.
+     */
     private static final Sides[] myEnumValueTable = {
@@ -180,14 +178,14 @@
-     * Returns the string table for class Sides.
+     * Returns the string table for class {@code Sides}.
     protected String[] getStringTable() {
         return myStringTable;
-     * Returns the enumeration value table for class Sides.
+     * Returns the enumeration value table for class {@code Sides}.
     protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
         return myEnumValueTable;
@@ -196,11 +194,11 @@
      * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
      * for this printing attribute value.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Sides, the category is class Sides itself.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Sides}, the category is class {@code Sides} itself.
-     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
-     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
+     * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
+     *         {@link Class java.lang.Class}
     public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
         return Sides.class;
@@ -209,13 +207,12 @@
      * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
      * instance.
-     * <P>
-     * For class Sides, the category name is {@code "sides"}.
+     * <p>
+     * For class {@code Sides}, the category name is {@code "sides"}.
-     * @return  Attribute category name.
+     * @return attribute category name
     public final String getName() {
         return "sides";
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/package-info.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/attribute/standard/package-info.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
- * Package javax.print.attribute.standard contains classes for specific printing
- * attributes. The parent package, <a href="../package-summary.html">
+ * Package {@code javax.print.attribute.standard} contains classes for specific
+ * printing attributes. The parent package, <a href="../package-summary.html">
  * javax.print.attribute</a>, provides classes and interfaces that describe the
  * types of Java Print Service attributes and how they can be collected into
  * attribute sets.
@@ -43,19 +43,19 @@
  * support them. These support requirements are recorded in the documentation
  * for each attribute class.
  * <p>
- * Package javax.print.attribute.standard contains standard printing attributes
- * and standard printing attribute values that are widely used in the printing
- * domain. A print service vendor can provide new vendor-specific printing
- * attributes in addition to the standard ones. A vendor can also provide
- * vendor-specific extensions (subclasses) of the standard printing attributes
- * -- for example, to provide additional vendor-specific values for an existing
- * standard attribute. Of course, if a vendor wants clients to be able to use
- * any added or extended attributes, the vendor must publish the new attribute
- * classes.
+ * Package {@code javax.print.attribute.standard} contains standard printing
+ * attributes and standard printing attribute values that are widely used in the
+ * printing domain. A print service vendor can provide new vendor-specific
+ * printing attributes in addition to the standard ones. A vendor can also
+ * provide vendor-specific extensions (subclasses) of the standard printing
+ * attributes -- for example, to provide additional vendor-specific values for
+ * an existing standard attribute. Of course, if a vendor wants clients to be
+ * able to use any added or extended attributes, the vendor must publish the new
+ * attribute classes.
  * <p>
  * Many of the standard attribute classes extend one of the abstract syntax
- * classes of the javax.print.attribute package. These abstract syntax classes
- * each represent a different type. The <a href="../EnumSyntax.html">
+ * classes of the {@code javax.print.attribute} package. These abstract syntax
+ * classes each represent a different type. The <a href="../EnumSyntax.html">
  * EnumSyntax</a> class, for example, represents a type-safe enumeration. The
  * abstract syntax class provides a wrapper for the attribute value.
  * <p>
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@
  * attribute classes in package javax.print.attribute.standard, just the ones
  * that pertain to the application.
  * <p>
- * The attribute classes in package javax.print.attribute.standard are based on
- * the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) attributes as defined in the Internet
- * RFC document, <i>RFC 2911 Internet Printing Protocol/1.1: Model and
+ * The attribute classes in package {@code javax.print.attribute.standard} are
+ * based on the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) attributes as defined in the
+ * Internet RFC document, <i>RFC 2911 Internet Printing Protocol/1.1: Model and
  * Semantics</i> dated September 2000. See
  * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt">RFC 2911</a> for more
  * information. The descriptive text for each attribute class was taken largely
@@ -152,485 +152,418 @@
  * indicates the supported values for that attribute category.
  * <table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 summary="Lists all printing
  * attributes as described in above text">
- *     <tr style="background-color:#E5E5E5">
- *         <th valign="bottom">Attribute Class</th>
- *         <th valign="bottom">Doc<br>Attribute</th>
- *         <th valign="bottom">Print<br>Request<br>Attribute</th>
- *         <th valign="bottom">Print<br>Job<br>Attribute</th>
- *         <th valign="bottom">Print<br>Service<br>Attribute</th>
- *         <th valign="bottom">SupportedValuesAttribute</th>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="Compression.html">Compression</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="DocumentName.html">DocumentName</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="Chromaticity.html">Chromaticity</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="Copies.html">Copies</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td><a href="CopiesSupported.html">CopiesSupported</a></td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="Finishings.html">Finishings</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobHoldUntil.html">JobHoldUntil</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobImpressions.html">JobImpressions</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td><a href="JobImpressionsSupported.html">
- *             JobImpressionsSupported</a></td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobKOctets.html">JobKOctets</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td><a href="JobKOctetsSupported.html">JobKOctetsSupported</a></td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobMediaSheets.html">JobMediaSheets</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td><a href="JobMediaSheetsSupported.html">
- *             JobMediaSheetsSupported</a></td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobName.html">JobName</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobPriority.html">JobPriority</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td><a href="JobPrioritySupported.html">JobPrioritySupported</a></td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobSheets.html">JobSheets</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="Media.html">Media</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="MediaSize.html">MediaSize</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="MultipleDocumentHandling.html">
- *             MultipleDocumentHandling</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="NumberUp.html">NumberUp</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td><a href="NumberUpSupported.html">NumberUpSupported</a></td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="OrientationRequested.html">OrientationRequested</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PageRanges.html">PageRanges</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PresentationDirection.html">
- *             PresentationDirection</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PrinterResolution.html">PrinterResolution</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PrintQuality.html">PrintQuality</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="RequestingUserName.html">RequestingUserName</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="SheetCollate.html">SheetCollate</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="Sides.html">Sides</a></td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="DateTimeAtCompleted.html">DateTimeAtCompleted</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="DateTimeAtCreation.html">DateTimeAtCreation</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="DateTimeAtProcessing.html">DateTimeAtProcessing</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobImpressionsCompleted.html">
- *             JobImpressionsCompleted</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobKOctetsProcessed.html">JobKOctetsProcessed</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobMediaSheetsCompleted.html">
- *             JobMediaSheetsCompleted</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobMessageFromOperator.html">
- *             JobMessageFromOperator</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobOriginatingUserName.html">
- *             JobOriginatingUserName</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobState.html">JobState</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="JobStateReasons.html">JobStateReasons</a><br>
- *             Contains zero or more --</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td>-- <a href="JobStateReason.html">JobStateReason</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="NumberOfDocuments.html">NumberOfDocuments</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="NumberOfInterveningJobs.html">
- *             NumberOfInterveningJobs</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="OutputDeviceAssigned.html">OutputDeviceAssigned</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="ColorSupported.html">ColorSupported</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PagesPerMinute.html">PagesPerMinute</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PagesPerMinuteColor.html">PagesPerMinuteColor</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PDLOverrideSupported.html">PDLOverrideSupported</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.html">
- *             PrinterIsAcceptingJobs</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PrinterInfo.html">PrinterInfo</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PrinterLocation.html">PrinterLocation</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PrinterMessageFromOperator.html">
- *             PrinterMessageFromOperator</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PrinterMakeAndModel.html">PrinterMakeAndModel</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PrinterMoreInfo.html">PrinterMoreInfo</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer.html">
- *             PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PrinterName.html">PrinterName</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PrinterState.html">PrinterState</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="PrinterStateReasons.html">PrinterStateReasons</a><br>
- *             Contains zero or more --</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td>-- <a href="PrinterStateReason.html">PrinterStateReason</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td>-- <a href="Severity.html">Severity</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="QueuedJobCount.html">QueuedJobCount</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td align="center">X</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
- *     <tr>
- *         <td><a href="ReferenceUriSchemesSupported.html">
- *             ReferenceUriSchemesSupported</a></td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *         <td>&nbsp;</td>
- *     </tr>
+ *   <tr style="background-color:#E5E5E5">
+ *     <th valign="bottom">Attribute Class
+ *     <th valign="bottom">Doc<br>Attribute
+ *     <th valign="bottom">Print<br>Request<br>Attribute
+ *     <th valign="bottom">Print<br>Job<br>Attribute
+ *     <th valign="bottom">Print<br>Service<br>Attribute
+ *     <th valign="bottom">SupportedValuesAttribute
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="Compression.html">Compression</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="DocumentName.html">DocumentName</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="Chromaticity.html">Chromaticity</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="Copies.html">Copies</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td><a href="CopiesSupported.html">CopiesSupported</a>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="Finishings.html">Finishings</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobHoldUntil.html">JobHoldUntil</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobImpressions.html">JobImpressions</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td><a href="JobImpressionsSupported.html">JobImpressionsSupported</a>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobKOctets.html">JobKOctets</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td><a href="JobKOctetsSupported.html">JobKOctetsSupported</a>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobMediaSheets.html">JobMediaSheets</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td><a href="JobMediaSheetsSupported.html">JobMediaSheetsSupported</a>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobName.html">JobName</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobPriority.html">JobPriority</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td><a href="JobPrioritySupported.html">JobPrioritySupported</a>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobSheets.html">JobSheets</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="Media.html">Media</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="MediaSize.html">MediaSize</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="MultipleDocumentHandling.html">MultipleDocumentHandling</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="NumberUp.html">NumberUp</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td><a href="NumberUpSupported.html">NumberUpSupported</a>
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="OrientationRequested.html">OrientationRequested</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PageRanges.html">PageRanges</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PresentationDirection.html">PresentationDirection</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PrinterResolution.html">PrinterResolution</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PrintQuality.html">PrintQuality</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="RequestingUserName.html">RequestingUserName</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="SheetCollate.html">SheetCollate</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="Sides.html">Sides</a>
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="DateTimeAtCompleted.html">DateTimeAtCompleted</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="DateTimeAtCreation.html">DateTimeAtCreation</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="DateTimeAtProcessing.html">DateTimeAtProcessing</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobImpressionsCompleted.html">JobImpressionsCompleted</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobKOctetsProcessed.html">JobKOctetsProcessed</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobMediaSheetsCompleted.html">JobMediaSheetsCompleted</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobMessageFromOperator.html">JobMessageFromOperator</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobOriginatingUserName.html">JobOriginatingUserName</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobState.html">JobState</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="JobStateReasons.html">JobStateReasons</a><br>
+ *             Contains zero or more --
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>-- <a href="JobStateReason.html">JobStateReason</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="NumberOfDocuments.html">NumberOfDocuments</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="NumberOfInterveningJobs.html">NumberOfInterveningJobs</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="OutputDeviceAssigned.html">OutputDeviceAssigned</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="ColorSupported.html">ColorSupported</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PagesPerMinute.html">PagesPerMinute</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PagesPerMinuteColor.html">PagesPerMinuteColor</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PDLOverrideSupported.html">PDLOverrideSupported</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.html">PrinterIsAcceptingJobs</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PrinterInfo.html">PrinterInfo</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PrinterLocation.html">PrinterLocation</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PrinterMessageFromOperator.html">
+ *             PrinterMessageFromOperator</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PrinterMakeAndModel.html">PrinterMakeAndModel</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PrinterMoreInfo.html">PrinterMoreInfo</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer.html">
+ *             PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PrinterName.html">PrinterName</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PrinterState.html">PrinterState</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="PrinterStateReasons.html">PrinterStateReasons</a><br>
+ *             Contains zero or more --
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>-- <a href="PrinterStateReason.html">PrinterStateReason</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td>-- <a href="Severity.html">Severity</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="QueuedJobCount.html">QueuedJobCount</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td align="center">X
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *   <tr>
+ *     <td><a href="ReferenceUriSchemesSupported.html">
+ *             ReferenceUriSchemesSupported</a>
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
+ *     <td>&nbsp;
  * </table>
  * <p>
- * Please note: In the javax.print APIs, a null reference parameter to methods
- * is incorrect unless explicitly documented on the method as having a
- * meaningful interpretation. Usage to the contrary is incorrect coding and may
- * result in a run time exception either immediately or at some later time.
- * IllegalArgumentException and NullPointerException are examples of typical and
- * acceptable run time exceptions for such cases.
+ * Please note: In the {@code javax.print} APIs, a {@code null} reference
+ * parameter to methods is incorrect unless explicitly documented on the method
+ * as having a meaningful interpretation. Usage to the contrary is incorrect
+ * coding and may result in a run time exception either immediately or at some
+ * later time. {@code IllegalArgumentException} and {@code NullPointerException}
+ * are examples of typical and acceptable run time exceptions for such cases.
  * @since 1.4
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintEvent.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintEvent.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,29 +26,31 @@
 package javax.print.event;
- *
- * Class PrintEvent is the super class of all Print Service API events.
+ * Class {@code PrintEvent} is the super class of all Print Service API events.
 public class PrintEvent extends java.util.EventObject {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2286914924430763847L;
-     * Constructs a PrintEvent object.
-     * @param source is the source of the event
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is
-     *         {@code null}.
+     * Constructs a {@code PrintEvent} object.
+     *
+     * @param  source is the source of the event
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is {@code null}
     public PrintEvent (Object source) {
+     * Returns a string representation of this {@code PrintEvent}.
+     *
      * @return a message describing the event
     public String toString() {
         return ("PrintEvent on " + getSource().toString());
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintJobAdapter.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintJobAdapter.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,27 +26,23 @@
 package javax.print.event;
-  * An abstract adapter class for receiving print job events.
-  * The methods in this class are empty.
-  * This class exists as a convenience for creating listener objects.
-  * Extend this class to create a {@link PrintJobEvent} listener and override
-  * the methods for the events of interest.  Unlike the
-  * {@link java.awt.event.ComponentListener ComponentListener}
-  * interface, this abstract interface provides null methods so that you
-  * only need to define the methods you need, rather than all of the methods.
-  *
-  */
+ * An abstract adapter class for receiving print job events. The methods in this
+ * class are empty. This class exists as a convenience for creating listener
+ * objects. Extend this class to create a {@link PrintJobEvent} listener and
+ * override the methods for the events of interest. Unlike the
+ * {@link java.awt.event.ComponentListener ComponentListener} interface, this
+ * abstract interface provides empty methods so that you only need to define the
+ * methods you need, rather than all of the methods.
+ */
 public abstract class PrintJobAdapter implements PrintJobListener {
-     * Called to notify the client that data has been successfully
-     * transferred to the print service, and the client may free
-     * local resources allocated for that data.  The client should
-     * not assume that the data has been completely printed after
-     * receiving this event.
+     * Called to notify the client that data has been successfully transferred
+     * to the print service, and the client may free local resources allocated
+     * for that data. The client should not assume that the data has been
+     * completely printed after receiving this event.
-     * @param pje the event being notified
+     * @param  pje the event being notified
     public void printDataTransferCompleted(PrintJobEvent pje)  {
@@ -54,52 +50,46 @@
      * Called to notify the client that the job completed successfully.
-     * @param pje the event being notified
+     * @param  pje the event being notified
     public void printJobCompleted(PrintJobEvent pje)  {
-     * Called to notify the client that the job failed to complete
-     * successfully and will have to be resubmitted.
+     * Called to notify the client that the job failed to complete successfully
+     * and will have to be resubmitted.
-     * @param pje the event being notified
+     * @param  pje the event being notified
     public void printJobFailed(PrintJobEvent pje)  {
-     * Called to notify the client that the job was canceled
-     * by user or program.
+     * Called to notify the client that the job was canceled by user or program.
-     * @param pje the event being notified
+     * @param  pje the event being notified
     public void printJobCanceled(PrintJobEvent pje) {
-     * Called to notify the client that no more events will be delivered.
-     * One cause of this event being generated is if the job
-     * has successfully completed, but the printing system
-     * is limited in capability and cannot verify this.
-     * This event is required to be delivered if none of the other
+     * Called to notify the client that no more events will be delivered. One
+     * cause of this event being generated is if the job has successfully
+     * completed, but the printing system is limited in capability and cannot
+     * verify this. This event is required to be delivered if none of the other
      * terminal events (completed/failed/canceled) are delivered.
-     * @param pje the event being notified
+     * @param  pje the event being notified
     public void printJobNoMoreEvents(PrintJobEvent pje)  {
-     * Called to notify the client that some possibly user rectifiable
-     * problem occurs (eg printer out of paper).
+     * Called to notify the client that some possibly user rectifiable problem
+     * occurs (eg printer out of paper).
-     * @param pje the event being notified
+     * @param  pje the event being notified
     public void printJobRequiresAttention(PrintJobEvent pje)  {
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintJobAttributeEvent.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintJobAttributeEvent.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -30,23 +30,28 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttributeSet;
- * Class PrintJobAttributeEvent encapsulates an event a PrintService
- * reports to let the client know that one or more printing attributes for a
- * PrintJob have changed.
+ * Class {@code PrintJobAttributeEvent} encapsulates an event a
+ * {@code PrintService} reports to let the client know that one or more printing
+ * attributes for a {@code PrintJob} have changed.
 public class PrintJobAttributeEvent extends PrintEvent {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -6534469883874742101L;
+    /**
+     * The printing service attributes that changed.
+     */
     private PrintJobAttributeSet attributes;
-     * Constructs a PrintJobAttributeEvent object.
-     * @param source the print job generating  this event
-     * @param attributes the attribute changes being reported
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is
-     *         {@code null}.
+     * Constructs a {@code PrintJobAttributeEvent} object.
+     *
+     * @param  source the print job generating this event
+     * @param  attributes the attribute changes being reported
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is {@code null}
     public PrintJobAttributeEvent (DocPrintJob source,
                                    PrintJobAttributeSet attributes)  {
@@ -55,28 +60,24 @@
         this.attributes = AttributeSetUtilities.unmodifiableView(attributes);
-     * Determine the Print Job to which this print job event pertains.
+     * Determine the {@code PrintJob} to which this print job event pertains.
-     * @return  Print Job object.
+     * @return {@code PrintJob} object
     public DocPrintJob getPrintJob() {
         return (DocPrintJob) getSource();
      * Determine the printing attributes that changed and their new values.
-     * @return  Attributes containing the new values for the print job
-     * attributes that changed. The returned set may not be modifiable.
+     * @return attributes containing the new values for the print job attributes
+     *         that changed. The returned set may not be modifiable.
     public PrintJobAttributeSet getAttributes() {
         return attributes;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintJobAttributeListener.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintJobAttributeListener.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,21 +26,19 @@
 package javax.print.event;
-  * Implementations of this interface are attached to a
-  * {@link javax.print.DocPrintJob DocPrintJob} to monitor
-  * the status of attribute changes associated with the print job.
-  *
-  */
+ * Implementations of this interface are attached to a
+ * {@link javax.print.DocPrintJob DocPrintJob} to monitor the status of
+ * attribute changes associated with the print job.
+ */
 public interface PrintJobAttributeListener {
-     * Notifies the listener of a change in some print job attributes.
-     * One example of an occurrence triggering this event is if the
-     * {@link javax.print.attribute.standard.JobState JobState}
-     * attribute changed from
-     * {@code PROCESSING} to {@code PROCESSING_STOPPED}.
-     * @param pjae the event.
+     * Notifies the listener of a change in some print job attributes. One
+     * example of an occurrence triggering this event is if the
+     * {@link javax.print.attribute.standard.JobState JobState} attribute
+     * changed from {@code PROCESSING} to {@code PROCESSING_STOPPED}.
+     *
+     * @param  pjae the event being notified
     public void attributeUpdate(PrintJobAttributeEvent pjae) ;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintJobEvent.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintJobEvent.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,98 +28,95 @@
 import javax.print.DocPrintJob;
- *
- * Class {@code PrintJobEvent} encapsulates common events a print job
- * reports to let a listener know of progress in the processing of the
- * {@link DocPrintJob}.
- *
+ * Class {@code PrintJobEvent} encapsulates common events a print job reports to
+ * let a listener know of progress in the processing of the {@link DocPrintJob}.
 public class PrintJobEvent extends PrintEvent {
-   private static final long serialVersionUID = -1711656903622072997L;
-   private int reason;
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1711656903622072997L;
-   /**
-    * The job was canceled by the {@link javax.print.PrintService PrintService}.
-    */
-   public static final int JOB_CANCELED   = 101;
+    /**
+     * The reason of this event.
+     */
+    private int reason;
-   /**
-    * The document cis completely printed.
-    */
-   public static final int JOB_COMPLETE       = 102;
+    /**
+     * The job was canceled by the
+     * {@link javax.print.PrintService PrintService}.
+     */
+    public static final int JOB_CANCELED = 101;
-   /**
-    * The print service reports that the job cannot be completed.
-    * The application must resubmit the job.
-    */
+    /**
+     * The document is completely printed.
+     */
+    public static final int JOB_COMPLETE = 102;
-   public static final int JOB_FAILED         = 103;
+    /**
+     * The print service reports that the job cannot be completed. The
+     * application must resubmit the job.
+     */
+    public static final int JOB_FAILED = 103;
-   /**
-    * The print service indicates that a - possibly transient - problem
-    * may require external intervention before the print service can
-    * continue.  One example of an event that can
-    * generate this message is when the printer runs out of paper.
-    */
-   public static final int REQUIRES_ATTENTION = 104;
+    /**
+     * The print service indicates that a - possibly transient - problem may
+     * require external intervention before the print service can continue. One
+     * example of an event that can generate this message is when the printer
+     * runs out of paper.
+     */
+    public static final int REQUIRES_ATTENTION = 104;
-   /**
-    * Not all print services may be capable of delivering interesting
-    * events, or even telling when a job is complete. This message indicates
-    * the print job has no further information or communication
-    * with the print service. This message should always be delivered
-    * if a terminal event (completed/failed/canceled) is not delivered.
-    * For example, if messages such as JOB_COMPLETE have NOT been received
-    * before receiving this message, the only inference that should be drawn
-    * is that the print service does not support delivering such an event.
-    */
-   public static final int NO_MORE_EVENTS    = 105;
+    /**
+     * Not all print services may be capable of delivering interesting events,
+     * or even telling when a job is complete. This message indicates the print
+     * job has no further information or communication with the print service.
+     * This message should always be delivered if a terminal event
+     * (completed/failed/canceled) is not delivered. For example, if messages
+     * such as {@code JOB_COMPLETE} have NOT been received before receiving this
+     * message, the only inference that should be drawn is that the print
+     * service does not support delivering such an event.
+     */
+    public static final int NO_MORE_EVENTS = 105;
-   /**
-    * The job is not necessarily printed yet, but the data has been transferred
-    * successfully from the client to the print service. The client may
-    * free data resources.
-    */
-   public static final int DATA_TRANSFER_COMPLETE    = 106;
+    /**
+     * The job is not necessarily printed yet, but the data has been transferred
+     * successfully from the client to the print service. The client may free
+     * data resources.
+     */
+    public static final int DATA_TRANSFER_COMPLETE = 106;
-   /**
+    /**
      * Constructs a {@code PrintJobEvent} object.
-     * @param source  a {@code DocPrintJob} object
-     * @param reason  an int specifying the reason.
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is
-     *         {@code null}.
+     * @param  source a {@code DocPrintJob} object
+     * @param  reason an int specifying the reason
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is {@code null}
     public PrintJobEvent( DocPrintJob source, int reason) {
         this.reason = reason;
-   }
+    }
      * Gets the reason for this event.
-     * @return  reason int.
+     *
+     * @return reason int
     public int getPrintEventType() {
         return reason;
-     * Determines the {@code DocPrintJob} to which this print job
-     * event pertains.
+     * Determines the {@code DocPrintJob} to which this print job event
+     * pertains.
-     * @return  the {@code DocPrintJob} object that represents the
-     *          print job that reports the events encapsulated by this
-     *          {@code PrintJobEvent}.
-     *
+     * @return the {@code DocPrintJob} object that represents the print job that
+     *         reports the events encapsulated by this {@code PrintJobEvent}
     public DocPrintJob getPrintJob() {
         return (DocPrintJob) getSource();
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintJobListener.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintJobListener.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,70 +26,66 @@
 package javax.print.event;
-  * Implementations of this listener interface should be attached to a
-  * {@link javax.print.DocPrintJob DocPrintJob} to monitor the status of
-  * the printer job.
-  * These callback methods may be invoked on the thread processing the
-  * print job, or a service created notification thread. In either case
-  * the client should not perform lengthy processing in these callbacks.
-  */
+ * Implementations of this listener interface should be attached to a
+ * {@link javax.print.DocPrintJob DocPrintJob} to monitor the status of the
+ * printer job. These callback methods may be invoked on the thread processing
+ * the print job, or a service created notification thread. In either case the
+ * client should not perform lengthy processing in these callbacks.
+ */
 public interface PrintJobListener {
-     * Called to notify the client that data has been successfully
-     * transferred to the print service, and the client may free
-     * local resources allocated for that data.  The client should
-     * not assume that the data has been completely printed after
-     * receiving this event.
-     * If this event is not received the client should wait for a terminal
-     * event (completed/canceled/failed) before freeing the resources.
-     * @param pje the job generating this event
+     * Called to notify the client that data has been successfully transferred
+     * to the print service, and the client may free local resources allocated
+     * for that data. The client should not assume that the data has been
+     * completely printed after receiving this event. If this event is not
+     * received the client should wait for a terminal event
+     * (completed/canceled/failed) before freeing the resources.
+     *
+     * @param  pje the job generating this event
     public void printDataTransferCompleted(PrintJobEvent pje) ;
      * Called to notify the client that the job completed successfully.
-     * @param pje the job generating this event
+     *
+     * @param  pje the job generating this event
     public void printJobCompleted(PrintJobEvent pje) ;
-     * Called to notify the client that the job failed to complete
-     * successfully and will have to be resubmitted.
-     * @param pje the job generating this event
+     * Called to notify the client that the job failed to complete successfully
+     * and will have to be resubmitted.
+     *
+     * @param  pje the job generating this event
     public void printJobFailed(PrintJobEvent pje) ;
-     * Called to notify the client that the job was canceled
-     * by a user or a program.
-     * @param pje the job generating this event
+     * Called to notify the client that the job was canceled by a user or a
+     * program.
+     *
+     * @param  pje the job generating this event
     public void printJobCanceled(PrintJobEvent pje) ;
-     * Called to notify the client that no more events will be delivered.
-     * One cause of this event being generated is if the job
-     * has successfully completed, but the printing system
-     * is limited in capability and cannot verify this.
-     * This event is required to be delivered if none of the other
+     * Called to notify the client that no more events will be delivered. One
+     * cause of this event being generated is if the job has successfully
+     * completed, but the printing system is limited in capability and cannot
+     * verify this. This event is required to be delivered if none of the other
      * terminal events (completed/failed/canceled) are delivered.
-     * @param pje the job generating this event
+     *
+     * @param  pje the job generating this event
     public void printJobNoMoreEvents(PrintJobEvent pje) ;
-     * Called to notify the client that an error has occurred that the
-     * user might be able to fix.  One example of an error that can
-     * generate this event is when the printer runs out of paper.
-     * @param pje the job generating this event
+     * Called to notify the client that an error has occurred that the user
+     * might be able to fix. One example of an error that can generate this
+     * event is when the printer runs out of paper.
+     *
+     * @param  pje the job generating this event
     public void printJobRequiresAttention(PrintJobEvent pje) ;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintServiceAttributeEvent.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintServiceAttributeEvent.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -30,25 +30,28 @@
 import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttributeSet;
- *
- * Class PrintServiceAttributeEvent encapsulates an event a
- * Print Service instance reports to let the client know of
- * changes in the print service state.
+ * Class {@code PrintServiceAttributeEvent} encapsulates an event a Print
+ * Service instance reports to let the client know of changes in the print
+ * service state.
 public class PrintServiceAttributeEvent extends PrintEvent {
+    /**
+     * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
+     */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -7565987018140326600L;
+    /**
+     * The printing service attributes that changed.
+     */
     private PrintServiceAttributeSet attributes;
-     * Constructs a PrintServiceAttributeEvent object.
+     * Constructs a {@code PrintServiceAttributeEvent} object.
-     * @param source the print job generating  this event
-     * @param attributes the attribute changes being reported
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is
-     *         {@code null}.
+     * @param  source the print job generating this event
+     * @param  attributes the attribute changes being reported
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code source} is {@code null}
     public PrintServiceAttributeEvent(PrintService source,
                                       PrintServiceAttributeSet attributes) {
@@ -57,28 +60,25 @@
         this.attributes = AttributeSetUtilities.unmodifiableView(attributes);
      * Returns the print service.
-     * @return  Print Service object.
+     *
+     * @return {@code PrintService} object
     public PrintService getPrintService() {
         return (PrintService) getSource();
      * Determine the printing service attributes that changed and their new
      * values.
-     * @return  Attributes containing the new values for the service
-     * attributes that changed. The returned set may be unmodifiable.
+     * @return attributes containing the new values for the service attributes
+     *         that changed. The returned set may be unmodifiable.
     public PrintServiceAttributeSet getAttributes() {
         return attributes;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintServiceAttributeListener.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/PrintServiceAttributeListener.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -26,23 +26,22 @@
 package javax.print.event;
-  * Implementations of this listener interface are attached to a
-  * {@link javax.print.PrintService PrintService} to monitor
-  * the status of the print service.
-  * <p>
-  * To monitor a particular job see {@link PrintJobListener} and
-  * {@link PrintJobAttributeListener}.
-  */
+ * Implementations of this listener interface are attached to a
+ * {@link javax.print.PrintService PrintService} to monitor the status of the
+ * print service.
+ * <p>
+ * To monitor a particular job see {@link PrintJobListener} and
+ * {@link PrintJobAttributeListener}.
+ */
 public interface PrintServiceAttributeListener {
-     * Called to notify a listener of an event in the print service.
-     * The service will call this method on an event notification thread.
-     * The client should not perform lengthy processing in this callback
-     * or subsequent event notifications may be blocked.
-     * @param psae the event being notified
+     * Called to notify a listener of an event in the print service. The service
+     * will call this method on an event notification thread. The client should
+     * not perform lengthy processing in this callback or subsequent event
+     * notifications may be blocked.
+     *
+     * @param  psae the event being notified
     public void attributeUpdate(PrintServiceAttributeEvent psae) ;
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/package-info.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/event/package-info.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -24,17 +24,18 @@
- * Package javax.print.event contains event classes and listener interfaces.
+ * Package {@code javax.print.event} contains event classes and listener
+ * interfaces.
  * <p>
  * They may be used to monitor both print services (such as printers going
  * on-line &amp; off-line), and the progress of a specific print job.
  * <p>
- * Please note: In the javax.print APIs, a null reference parameter to methods
- * is incorrect unless explicitly documented on the method as having a
- * meaningful interpretation. Usage to the contrary is incorrect coding and may
- * result in a run time exception either immediately or at some later time.
- * IllegalArgumentException and NullPointerException are examples of typical and
- * acceptable run time exceptions for such cases.
+ * Please note: In the {@code javax.print} APIs, a {@code null} reference
+ * parameter to methods is incorrect unless explicitly documented on the method
+ * as having a meaningful interpretation. Usage to the contrary is incorrect
+ * coding and may result in a run time exception either immediately or at some
+ * later time. {@code IllegalArgumentException} and {@code NullPointerException}
+ * are examples of typical and acceptable run time exceptions for such cases.
  * @since 1.4
--- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/package-info.java	Thu Aug 31 13:00:23 2017 -0700
+++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/print/package-info.java	Thu Aug 31 15:47:34 2017 -0700
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
  * Service API. The Java Print Service API enables client and server
  * applications to:
  * <ul>
- *     <li>Discover and select print services based on their capabilities</li>
- *     <li>Specify the format of print data</li>
- *     <li>Submit print jobs to services that support the document type to be
- *     printed.</li>
+ *   <li>Discover and select print services based on their capabilities
+ *   <li>Specify the format of print data
+ *   <li>Submit print jobs to services that support the document type to be
+ *   printed.
  * </ul>
  * <h3>Print Service Discovery</h3>
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@
  * <h3>Attribute Definitions</h3>
  * The {@link javax.print.attribute} and {@link javax.print.attribute.standard}
  * packages define print attributes, which describe the capabilities of a print
- * service, specify the requirements of a print job, and track the progress of
- * a print job.
+ * service, specify the requirements of a print job, and track the progress of a
+ * print job.
  * <p>
  * The {@code javax.print.attribute} package describes the types of attributes
  * and how they can be collected into sets. The
  * {@code javax.print.attribute.standard} package enumerates all of the standard
  * attributes supported by the API, most of which are implementations of
  * attributes specified in the IETF Specification,
- * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt"> RFC 2911 Internet Printing
+ * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt">RFC 2911 Internet Printing
  * Protocol, 1.1: Model and Semantics</a>, dated September 2000. The attributes
  * specified in {@code javax.print.attribute.standard} include common
  * capabilities, such as: resolution, copies, media sizes, job priority, and
@@ -78,16 +78,16 @@
  * A typical application using the Java Print Service API performs these steps
  * to process a print request:
  * <ol>
- *     <li>Chooses a {@code DocFlavor}.</li>
- *     <li>Creates a set of attributes.</li>
- *     <li>Locates a print service that can handle the print request as
- *     specified by the {@code DocFlavor} and the attribute set.</li>
- *     <li>Creates a {@link javax.print.Doc Doc} object encapsulating the
- *     {@code DocFlavor} and the actual print data, which can take many forms
- *     including: a Postscript file, a JPEG image, a URL, or plain text.</li>
- *     <li>Gets a print job, represented by
- *     {@link javax.print.DocPrintJob DocPrintJob}, from the print service.</li>
- *     <li>Calls the print method of the print job.</li>
+ *   <li>Chooses a {@code DocFlavor}.
+ *   <li>Creates a set of attributes.
+ *   <li>Locates a print service that can handle the print request as specified
+ *   by the {@code DocFlavor} and the attribute set.
+ *   <li>Creates a {@link javax.print.Doc Doc} object encapsulating the
+ *   {@code DocFlavor} and the actual print data, which can take many forms
+ *   including: a Postscript file, a JPEG image, a {@code URL}, or plain text.
+ *   <li>Gets a print job, represented by
+ *   {@link javax.print.DocPrintJob DocPrintJob}, from the print service.
+ *   <li>Calls the print method of the print job.
  * </ol>
  * The following code sample demonstrates a typical use of the Java Print
  * Service API: locating printers that can print five double-sided copies of a
@@ -119,13 +119,13 @@
  * }
  * }</pre>
  * </blockquote>
- * <P>
- * Please note: In the javax.print APIs, a null reference parameter to methods
- * is incorrect unless explicitly documented on the method as having a
- * meaningful interpretation. Usage to the contrary is incorrect coding and may
- * result in a run time exception either immediately or at some later time.
- * IllegalArgumentException and NullPointerException are examples of typical and
- * acceptable run time exceptions for such cases.
+ * <p>
+ * Please note: In the {@code javax.print} APIs, a {@code null} reference
+ * parameter to methods is incorrect unless explicitly documented on the method
+ * as having a meaningful interpretation. Usage to the contrary is incorrect
+ * coding and may result in a run time exception either immediately or at some
+ * later time. {@code IllegalArgumentException} and {@code NullPointerException}
+ * are examples of typical and acceptable run time exceptions for such cases.
  * @since 1.4