6967434: Round joins/caps of scaled up lines have poor quality.
Summary: eliminated flattening from the rendering engine.
Reviewed-by: flar
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/Curve.java Tue Oct 26 10:39:23 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package sun.java2d.pisces;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+class Curve {
+ float ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy;
+ float dax, day, dbx, dby;
+ Curve() {
+ }
+ void set(float[] points, int type) {
+ switch(type) {
+ case 8:
+ set(points[0], points[1],
+ points[2], points[3],
+ points[4], points[5],
+ points[6], points[7]);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ set(points[0], points[1],
+ points[2], points[3],
+ points[4], points[5]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new InternalError("Curves can only be cubic or quadratic");
+ }
+ }
+ void set(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2,
+ float x3, float y3,
+ float x4, float y4)
+ {
+ ax = 3 * (x2 - x3) + x4 - x1;
+ ay = 3 * (y2 - y3) + y4 - y1;
+ bx = 3 * (x1 - 2 * x2 + x3);
+ by = 3 * (y1 - 2 * y2 + y3);
+ cx = 3 * (x2 - x1);
+ cy = 3 * (y2 - y1);
+ dx = x1;
+ dy = y1;
+ dax = 3 * ax; day = 3 * ay;
+ dbx = 2 * bx; dby = 2 * by;
+ }
+ void set(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2,
+ float x3, float y3)
+ {
+ ax = ay = 0f;
+ bx = x1 - 2 * x2 + x3;
+ by = y1 - 2 * y2 + y3;
+ cx = 2 * (x2 - x1);
+ cy = 2 * (y2 - y1);
+ dx = x1;
+ dy = y1;
+ dax = 0; day = 0;
+ dbx = 2 * bx; dby = 2 * by;
+ }
+ float xat(float t) {
+ return t * (t * (t * ax + bx) + cx) + dx;
+ }
+ float yat(float t) {
+ return t * (t * (t * ay + by) + cy) + dy;
+ }
+ float dxat(float t) {
+ return t * (t * dax + dbx) + cx;
+ }
+ float dyat(float t) {
+ return t * (t * day + dby) + cy;
+ }
+ private float ddxat(float t) {
+ return 2 * dax * t + dbx;
+ }
+ private float ddyat(float t) {
+ return 2 * day * t + dby;
+ }
+ int dxRoots(float[] roots, int off) {
+ return Helpers.quadraticRoots(dax, dbx, cx, roots, off);
+ }
+ int dyRoots(float[] roots, int off) {
+ return Helpers.quadraticRoots(day, dby, cy, roots, off);
+ }
+ int infPoints(float[] pts, int off) {
+ // inflection point at t if -f'(t)x*f''(t)y + f'(t)y*f''(t)x == 0
+ // Fortunately, this turns out to be quadratic, so there are at
+ // most 2 inflection points.
+ final float a = dax * dby - dbx * day;
+ final float b = 2 * (cy * dax - day * cx);
+ final float c = cy * dbx - cx * dby;
+ return Helpers.quadraticRoots(a, b, c, pts, off);
+ }
+ // finds points where the first and second derivative are
+ // perpendicular. This happens when g(t) = f'(t)*f''(t) == 0 (where
+ // * is a dot product). Unfortunately, we have to solve a cubic.
+ private int perpendiculardfddf(float[] pts, int off, final float err) {
+ assert pts.length >= off + 4;
+ // these are the coefficients of g(t):
+ final float a = 2*(dax*dax + day*day);
+ final float b = 3*(dax*dbx + day*dby);
+ final float c = 2*(dax*cx + day*cy) + dbx*dbx + dby*dby;
+ final float d = dbx*cx + dby*cy;
+ // TODO: We might want to divide the polynomial by a to make the
+ // coefficients smaller. This won't change the roots.
+ return Helpers.cubicRootsInAB(a, b, c, d, pts, off, err, 0f, 1f);
+ }
+ // Tries to find the roots of the function ROC(t)-w in [0, 1). It uses
+ // a variant of the false position algorithm to find the roots. False
+ // position requires that 2 initial values x0,x1 be given, and that the
+ // function must have opposite signs at those values. To find such
+ // values, we need the local extrema of the ROC function, for which we
+ // need the roots of its derivative; however, it's harder to find the
+ // roots of the derivative in this case than it is to find the roots
+ // of the original function. So, we find all points where this curve's
+ // first and second derivative are perpendicular, and we pretend these
+ // are our local extrema. There are at most 3 of these, so we will check
+ // at most 4 sub-intervals of (0,1). ROC has asymptotes at inflection
+ // points, so roc-w can have at least 6 roots. This shouldn't be a
+ // problem for what we're trying to do (draw a nice looking curve).
+ int rootsOfROCMinusW(float[] roots, int off, final float w, final float err) {
+ // no OOB exception, because by now off<=6, and roots.length >= 10
+ assert off <= 6 && roots.length >= 10;
+ int ret = off;
+ int numPerpdfddf = perpendiculardfddf(roots, off, err);
+ float t0 = 0, ft0 = ROCsq(t0) - w*w;
+ roots[off + numPerpdfddf] = 1f; // always check interval end points
+ numPerpdfddf++;
+ for (int i = off; i < off + numPerpdfddf; i++) {
+ float t1 = roots[i], ft1 = ROCsq(t1) - w*w;
+ if (ft0 == 0f) {
+ roots[ret++] = t0;
+ } else if (ft1 * ft0 < 0f) { // have opposite signs
+ // (ROC(t)^2 == w^2) == (ROC(t) == w) is true because
+ // ROC(t) >= 0 for all t.
+ roots[ret++] = falsePositionROCsqMinusX(t0, t1, w*w, err);
+ }
+ t0 = t1;
+ ft0 = ft1;
+ }
+ return ret - off;
+ }
+ private static float eliminateInf(float x) {
+ return (x == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? Float.MAX_VALUE :
+ (x == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ? Float.MIN_VALUE : x));
+ }
+ // A slight modification of the false position algorithm on wikipedia.
+ // This only works for the ROCsq-x functions. It might be nice to have
+ // the function as an argument, but that would be awkward in java6.
+ // It is something to consider for java7, depending on how closures
+ // and function objects turn out. Same goes for the newton's method
+ // algorithm in Helpers.java
+ private float falsePositionROCsqMinusX(float x0, float x1,
+ final float x, final float err)
+ {
+ final int iterLimit = 100;
+ int side = 0;
+ float t = x1, ft = eliminateInf(ROCsq(t) - x);
+ float s = x0, fs = eliminateInf(ROCsq(s) - x);
+ float r = s, fr;
+ for (int i = 0; i < iterLimit && Math.abs(t - s) > err * Math.abs(t + s); i++) {
+ r = (fs * t - ft * s) / (fs - ft);
+ fr = ROCsq(r) - x;
+ if (fr * ft > 0) {// have the same sign
+ ft = fr; t = r;
+ if (side < 0) {
+ fs /= (1 << (-side));
+ side--;
+ } else {
+ side = -1;
+ }
+ } else if (fr * fs > 0) {
+ fs = fr; s = r;
+ if (side > 0) {
+ ft /= (1 << side);
+ side++;
+ } else {
+ side = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ // returns the radius of curvature squared at t of this curve
+ // see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radius_of_curvature_(applications)
+ private float ROCsq(final float t) {
+ final float dx = dxat(t);
+ final float dy = dyat(t);
+ final float ddx = ddxat(t);
+ final float ddy = ddyat(t);
+ final float dx2dy2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
+ final float ddx2ddy2 = ddx*ddx + ddy*ddy;
+ final float ddxdxddydy = ddx*dx + ddy*dy;
+ float ret = ((dx2dy2*dx2dy2) / (dx2dy2 * ddx2ddy2 - ddxdxddydy*ddxdxddydy))*dx2dy2;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // curve to be broken should be in pts[0]
+ // this will change the contents of both pts and Ts
+ // TODO: There's no reason for Ts to be an array. All we need is a sequence
+ // of t values at which to subdivide. An array statisfies this condition,
+ // but is unnecessarily restrictive. Ts should be an Iterator<Float> instead.
+ // Doing this will also make dashing easier, since we could easily make
+ // LengthIterator an Iterator<Float> and feed it to this function to simplify
+ // the loop in Dasher.somethingTo.
+ static Iterator<float[]> breakPtsAtTs(final float[][] pts, final int type,
+ final float[] Ts, final int numTs)
+ {
+ assert pts.length >= 2 && pts[0].length >= 8 && numTs <= Ts.length;
+ return new Iterator<float[]>() {
+ int nextIdx = 0;
+ int nextCurveIdx = 0;
+ float prevT = 0;
+ @Override public boolean hasNext() {
+ return nextCurveIdx < numTs + 1;
+ }
+ @Override public float[] next() {
+ float[] ret;
+ if (nextCurveIdx < numTs) {
+ float curT = Ts[nextCurveIdx];
+ float splitT = (curT - prevT) / (1 - prevT);
+ Helpers.subdivideAt(splitT,
+ pts[nextIdx], 0,
+ pts[nextIdx], 0,
+ pts[1-nextIdx], 0, type);
+ updateTs(Ts, Ts[nextCurveIdx], nextCurveIdx + 1, numTs - nextCurveIdx - 1);
+ ret = pts[nextIdx];
+ nextIdx = 1 - nextIdx;
+ } else {
+ ret = pts[nextIdx];
+ }
+ nextCurveIdx++;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ @Override public void remove() {}
+ };
+ }
+ // precondition: ts[off]...ts[off+len-1] must all be greater than t.
+ private static void updateTs(float[] ts, final float t, final int off, final int len) {
+ for (int i = off; i < off + len; i++) {
+ ts[i] = (ts[i] - t) / (1 - t);
+ }
+ }
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/Dasher.java Fri Oct 22 16:57:41 2010 +0400
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/Dasher.java Tue Oct 26 10:39:23 2010 -0400
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
package sun.java2d.pisces;
+import sun.awt.geom.PathConsumer2D;
* The <code>Dasher</code> class takes a series of linear commands
* (<code>moveTo</code>, <code>lineTo</code>, <code>close</code> and
@@ -36,18 +38,16 @@
* semantics are unclear.
-public class Dasher implements LineSink {
- private final LineSink output;
+public class Dasher implements sun.awt.geom.PathConsumer2D {
+ private final PathConsumer2D out;
private final float[] dash;
private final float startPhase;
private final boolean startDashOn;
private final int startIdx;
- private final float m00, m10, m01, m11;
- private final float det;
- private boolean firstDashOn;
private boolean starting;
+ private boolean needsMoveTo;
private int idx;
private boolean dashOn;
@@ -55,28 +55,23 @@
private float sx, sy;
private float x0, y0;
- private float sx1, sy1;
+ // temporary storage for the current curve
+ private float[] curCurvepts;
* Constructs a <code>Dasher</code>.
- * @param output an output <code>LineSink</code>.
- * @param dash an array of <code>int</code>s containing the dash pattern
- * @param phase an <code>int</code> containing the dash phase
- * @param transform a <code>Transform4</code> object indicating
- * the transform that has been previously applied to all incoming
- * coordinates. This is required in order to compute dash lengths
- * properly.
+ * @param out an output <code>PathConsumer2D</code>.
+ * @param dash an array of <code>float</code>s containing the dash pattern
+ * @param phase a <code>float</code> containing the dash phase
- public Dasher(LineSink output,
- float[] dash, float phase,
- float a00, float a01, float a10, float a11) {
+ public Dasher(PathConsumer2D out, float[] dash, float phase) {
if (phase < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("phase < 0 !");
- this.output = output;
+ this.out = out;
// Normalize so 0 <= phase < dash[0]
int idx = 0;
@@ -92,16 +87,19 @@
this.startPhase = this.phase = phase;
this.startDashOn = dashOn;
this.startIdx = idx;
+ this.starting = true;
- m00 = a00;
- m01 = a01;
- m10 = a10;
- m11 = a11;
- det = m00 * m11 - m01 * m10;
+ // we need curCurvepts to be able to contain 2 curves because when
+ // dashing curves, we need to subdivide it
+ curCurvepts = new float[8 * 2];
public void moveTo(float x0, float y0) {
- output.moveTo(x0, y0);
+ if (firstSegidx > 0) {
+ out.moveTo(sx, sy);
+ emitFirstSegments();
+ }
+ needsMoveTo = true;
this.idx = startIdx;
this.dashOn = this.startDashOn;
this.phase = this.startPhase;
@@ -110,88 +108,108 @@
this.starting = true;
- public void lineJoin() {
- output.lineJoin();
+ private void emitSeg(float[] buf, int off, int type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case 8:
+ out.curveTo(buf[off+0], buf[off+1],
+ buf[off+2], buf[off+3],
+ buf[off+4], buf[off+5]);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ out.quadTo(buf[off+0], buf[off+1],
+ buf[off+2], buf[off+3]);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ out.lineTo(buf[off], buf[off+1]);
+ }
- private void goTo(float x1, float y1) {
+ private void emitFirstSegments() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < firstSegidx; ) {
+ emitSeg(firstSegmentsBuffer, i+1, (int)firstSegmentsBuffer[i]);
+ i += (((int)firstSegmentsBuffer[i]) - 1);
+ }
+ firstSegidx = 0;
+ }
+ // We don't emit the first dash right away. If we did, caps would be
+ // drawn on it, but we need joins to be drawn if there's a closePath()
+ // So, we store the path elements that make up the first dash in the
+ // buffer below.
+ private float[] firstSegmentsBuffer = new float[7];
+ private int firstSegidx = 0;
+ // precondition: pts must be in relative coordinates (relative to x0,y0)
+ // fullCurve is true iff the curve in pts has not been split.
+ private void goTo(float[] pts, int off, final int type) {
+ float x = pts[off + type - 4];
+ float y = pts[off + type - 3];
if (dashOn) {
if (starting) {
- this.sx1 = x1;
- this.sy1 = y1;
- firstDashOn = true;
- starting = false;
+ firstSegmentsBuffer = Helpers.widenArray(firstSegmentsBuffer,
+ firstSegidx, type - 2);
+ firstSegmentsBuffer[firstSegidx++] = type;
+ System.arraycopy(pts, off, firstSegmentsBuffer, firstSegidx, type - 2);
+ firstSegidx += type - 2;
+ } else {
+ if (needsMoveTo) {
+ out.moveTo(x0, y0);
+ needsMoveTo = false;
+ }
+ emitSeg(pts, off, type);
- output.lineTo(x1, y1);
} else {
- if (starting) {
- firstDashOn = false;
- starting = false;
- }
- output.moveTo(x1, y1);
+ starting = false;
+ needsMoveTo = true;
- this.x0 = x1;
- this.y0 = y1;
+ this.x0 = x;
+ this.y0 = y;
public void lineTo(float x1, float y1) {
- // The widened line is squished to a 0 width one, so no drawing is done
- if (det == 0) {
- goTo(x1, y1);
- return;
- }
float dx = x1 - x0;
float dy = y1 - y0;
- // Compute segment length in the untransformed
- // coordinate system
+ float len = (float) Math.hypot(dx, dy);
- float la = (dy*m00 - dx*m10)/det;
- float lb = (dy*m01 - dx*m11)/det;
- float origLen = (float) Math.hypot(la, lb);
- if (origLen == 0) {
- // Let the output LineSink deal with cases where dx, dy are 0.
- goTo(x1, y1);
+ if (len == 0) {
// The scaling factors needed to get the dx and dy of the
// transformed dash segments.
- float cx = dx / origLen;
- float cy = dy / origLen;
+ float cx = dx / len;
+ float cy = dy / len;
while (true) {
float leftInThisDashSegment = dash[idx] - phase;
- if (origLen < leftInThisDashSegment) {
- goTo(x1, y1);
+ if (len <= leftInThisDashSegment) {
+ curCurvepts[0] = x1;
+ curCurvepts[1] = y1;
+ goTo(curCurvepts, 0, 4);
// Advance phase within current dash segment
- phase += origLen;
- return;
- } else if (origLen == leftInThisDashSegment) {
- goTo(x1, y1);
- phase = 0f;
- idx = (idx + 1) % dash.length;
- dashOn = !dashOn;
+ phase += len;
+ if (len == leftInThisDashSegment) {
+ phase = 0f;
+ idx = (idx + 1) % dash.length;
+ dashOn = !dashOn;
+ }
- float dashx, dashy;
float dashdx = dash[idx] * cx;
float dashdy = dash[idx] * cy;
if (phase == 0) {
- dashx = x0 + dashdx;
- dashy = y0 + dashdy;
+ curCurvepts[0] = x0 + dashdx;
+ curCurvepts[1] = y0 + dashdy;
} else {
- float p = (leftInThisDashSegment) / dash[idx];
- dashx = x0 + p * dashdx;
- dashy = y0 + p * dashdy;
+ float p = leftInThisDashSegment / dash[idx];
+ curCurvepts[0] = x0 + p * dashdx;
+ curCurvepts[1] = y0 + p * dashdy;
- goTo(dashx, dashy);
+ goTo(curCurvepts, 0, 4);
- origLen -= (dash[idx] - phase);
+ len -= leftInThisDashSegment;
// Advance to next dash segment
idx = (idx + 1) % dash.length;
dashOn = !dashOn;
@@ -199,15 +217,289 @@
+ private LengthIterator li = null;
- public void close() {
- lineTo(sx, sy);
- if (firstDashOn) {
- output.lineTo(sx1, sy1);
+ // preconditions: curCurvepts must be an array of length at least 2 * type,
+ // that contains the curve we want to dash in the first type elements
+ private void somethingTo(int type) {
+ if (pointCurve(curCurvepts, type)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (li == null) {
+ li = new LengthIterator(4, 0.0001f);
+ }
+ li.initializeIterationOnCurve(curCurvepts, type);
+ int curCurveoff = 0; // initially the current curve is at curCurvepts[0...type]
+ float lastSplitT = 0;
+ float t = 0;
+ float leftInThisDashSegment = dash[idx] - phase;
+ while ((t = li.next(leftInThisDashSegment)) < 1) {
+ if (t != 0) {
+ Helpers.subdivideAt((t - lastSplitT) / (1 - lastSplitT),
+ curCurvepts, curCurveoff,
+ curCurvepts, 0,
+ curCurvepts, type, type);
+ lastSplitT = t;
+ goTo(curCurvepts, 2, type);
+ curCurveoff = type;
+ }
+ // Advance to next dash segment
+ idx = (idx + 1) % dash.length;
+ dashOn = !dashOn;
+ phase = 0;
+ leftInThisDashSegment = dash[idx];
+ }
+ goTo(curCurvepts, curCurveoff+2, type);
+ phase += li.lastSegLen();
+ if (phase >= dash[idx]) {
+ phase = 0f;
+ idx = (idx + 1) % dash.length;
+ dashOn = !dashOn;
- public void end() {
- output.end();
+ private static boolean pointCurve(float[] curve, int type) {
+ for (int i = 2; i < type; i++) {
+ if (curve[i] != curve[i-2]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Objects of this class are used to iterate through curves. They return
+ // t values where the left side of the curve has a specified length.
+ // It does this by subdividing the input curve until a certain error
+ // condition has been met. A recursive subdivision procedure would
+ // return as many as 1<<limit curves, but this is an iterator and we
+ // don't need all the curves all at once, so what we carry out a
+ // lazy inorder traversal of the recursion tree (meaning we only move
+ // through the tree when we need the next subdivided curve). This saves
+ // us a lot of memory because at any one time we only need to store
+ // limit+1 curves - one for each level of the tree + 1.
+ // NOTE: the way we do things here is not enough to traverse a general
+ // tree; however, the trees we are interested in have the property that
+ // every non leaf node has exactly 2 children
+ private static class LengthIterator {
+ private enum Side {LEFT, RIGHT};
+ // Holds the curves at various levels of the recursion. The root
+ // (i.e. the original curve) is at recCurveStack[0] (but then it
+ // gets subdivided, the left half is put at 1, so most of the time
+ // only the right half of the original curve is at 0)
+ private float[][] recCurveStack;
+ // sides[i] indicates whether the node at level i+1 in the path from
+ // the root to the current leaf is a left or right child of its parent.
+ private Side[] sides;
+ private int curveType;
+ private final int limit;
+ private final float ERR;
+ private final float minTincrement;
+ // lastT and nextT delimit the current leaf.
+ private float nextT;
+ private float lenAtNextT;
+ private float lastT;
+ private float lenAtLastT;
+ private float lenAtLastSplit;
+ private float lastSegLen;
+ // the current level in the recursion tree. 0 is the root. limit
+ // is the deepest possible leaf.
+ private int recLevel;
+ private boolean done;
+ public LengthIterator(int reclimit, float err) {
+ this.limit = reclimit;
+ this.minTincrement = 1f / (1 << limit);
+ this.ERR = err;
+ this.recCurveStack = new float[reclimit+1][8];
+ this.sides = new Side[reclimit];
+ // if any methods are called without first initializing this object on
+ // a curve, we want it to fail ASAP.
+ this.nextT = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ this.lenAtNextT = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ this.lenAtLastSplit = Float.MIN_VALUE;
+ this.recLevel = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+ this.lastSegLen = Float.MAX_VALUE;
+ this.done = true;
+ }
+ public void initializeIterationOnCurve(float[] pts, int type) {
+ System.arraycopy(pts, 0, recCurveStack[0], 0, type);
+ this.curveType = type;
+ this.recLevel = 0;
+ this.lastT = 0;
+ this.lenAtLastT = 0;
+ this.nextT = 0;
+ this.lenAtNextT = 0;
+ goLeft(); // initializes nextT and lenAtNextT properly
+ this.lenAtLastSplit = 0;
+ if (recLevel > 0) {
+ this.sides[0] = Side.LEFT;
+ this.done = false;
+ } else {
+ // the root of the tree is a leaf so we're done.
+ this.sides[0] = Side.RIGHT;
+ this.done = true;
+ }
+ this.lastSegLen = 0;
+ }
+ // returns the t value where the remaining curve should be split in
+ // order for the left subdivided curve to have length len. If len
+ // is >= than the length of the uniterated curve, it returns 1.
+ public float next(float len) {
+ float targetLength = lenAtLastSplit + len;
+ while(lenAtNextT < targetLength) {
+ if (done) {
+ lastSegLen = lenAtNextT - lenAtLastSplit;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ goToNextLeaf();
+ }
+ lenAtLastSplit = targetLength;
+ float t = binSearchForLen(lenAtLastSplit - lenAtLastT,
+ recCurveStack[recLevel], curveType, lenAtNextT - lenAtLastT, ERR);
+ // t is relative to the current leaf, so we must make it a valid parameter
+ // of the original curve.
+ t = t * (nextT - lastT) + lastT;
+ if (t >= 1) {
+ t = 1;
+ done = true;
+ }
+ // even if done = true, if we're here, that means targetLength
+ // is equal to, or very, very close to the total length of the
+ // curve, so lastSegLen won't be too high. In cases where len
+ // overshoots the curve, this method will exit in the while
+ // loop, and lastSegLen will still be set to the right value.
+ lastSegLen = len;
+ return t;
+ }
+ public float lastSegLen() {
+ return lastSegLen;
+ }
+ // Returns t such that if leaf is subdivided at t the left
+ // curve will have length len. leafLen must be the length of leaf.
+ private static Curve bsc = new Curve();
+ private static float binSearchForLen(float len, float[] leaf, int type,
+ float leafLen, float err)
+ {
+ assert len <= leafLen;
+ bsc.set(leaf, type);
+ float errBound = err*len;
+ float left = 0, right = 1;
+ while (left < right) {
+ float m = (left + right) / 2;
+ if (m == left || m == right) {
+ return m;
+ }
+ float x = bsc.xat(m);
+ float y = bsc.yat(m);
+ float leftLen = Helpers.linelen(leaf[0], leaf[1], x, y);
+ if (Math.abs(leftLen - len) < errBound) {
+ return m;
+ }
+ if (leftLen < len) {
+ left = m;
+ } else {
+ right = m;
+ }
+ }
+ return left;
+ }
+ // go to the next leaf (in an inorder traversal) in the recursion tree
+ // preconditions: must be on a leaf, and that leaf must not be the root.
+ private void goToNextLeaf() {
+ // We must go to the first ancestor node that has an unvisited
+ // right child.
+ recLevel--;
+ while(sides[recLevel] == Side.RIGHT) {
+ if (recLevel == 0) {
+ done = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ recLevel--;
+ }
+ sides[recLevel] = Side.RIGHT;
+ System.arraycopy(recCurveStack[recLevel], 0, recCurveStack[recLevel+1], 0, curveType);
+ recLevel++;
+ goLeft();
+ }
+ // go to the leftmost node from the current node. Return its length.
+ private void goLeft() {
+ float len = onLeaf();
+ if (len >= 0) {
+ lastT = nextT;
+ lenAtLastT = lenAtNextT;
+ nextT += (1 << (limit - recLevel)) * minTincrement;
+ lenAtNextT += len;
+ } else {
+ Helpers.subdivide(recCurveStack[recLevel], 0,
+ recCurveStack[recLevel+1], 0,
+ recCurveStack[recLevel], 0, curveType);
+ sides[recLevel] = Side.LEFT;
+ recLevel++;
+ goLeft();
+ }
+ }
+ // this is a bit of a hack. It returns -1 if we're not on a leaf, and
+ // the length of the leaf if we are on a leaf.
+ private float onLeaf() {
+ float polylen = Helpers.polyLineLength(recCurveStack[recLevel], 0, curveType);
+ float linelen = Helpers.linelen(recCurveStack[recLevel][0], recCurveStack[recLevel][1],
+ recCurveStack[recLevel][curveType - 2], recCurveStack[recLevel][curveType - 1]);
+ return (polylen - linelen < ERR || recLevel == limit) ?
+ (polylen + linelen)/2 : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void curveTo(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2,
+ float x3, float y3)
+ {
+ curCurvepts[0] = x0; curCurvepts[1] = y0;
+ curCurvepts[2] = x1; curCurvepts[3] = y1;
+ curCurvepts[4] = x2; curCurvepts[5] = y2;
+ curCurvepts[6] = x3; curCurvepts[7] = y3;
+ somethingTo(8);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
+ curCurvepts[0] = x0; curCurvepts[1] = y0;
+ curCurvepts[2] = x1; curCurvepts[3] = y1;
+ curCurvepts[4] = x2; curCurvepts[5] = y2;
+ somethingTo(6);
+ }
+ public void closePath() {
+ lineTo(sx, sy);
+ if (firstSegidx > 0) {
+ if (!dashOn || needsMoveTo) {
+ out.moveTo(sx, sy);
+ }
+ emitFirstSegments();
+ }
+ moveTo(sx, sy);
+ }
+ public void pathDone() {
+ if (firstSegidx > 0) {
+ out.moveTo(sx, sy);
+ emitFirstSegments();
+ }
+ out.pathDone();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public long getNativeConsumer() {
+ throw new InternalError("Dasher does not use a native consumer");
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/Helpers.java Tue Oct 26 10:39:23 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package sun.java2d.pisces;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+final class Helpers {
+ private Helpers() {
+ throw new Error("This is a non instantiable class");
+ }
+ static boolean within(final float x, final float y, final float err) {
+ final float d = y - x;
+ return (d <= err && d >= -err);
+ }
+ static boolean within(final double x, final double y, final double err) {
+ final double d = y - x;
+ return (d <= err && d >= -err);
+ }
+ static int quadraticRoots(final float a, final float b,
+ final float c, float[] zeroes, final int off)
+ {
+ int ret = off;
+ float t;
+ if (a != 0f) {
+ final float dis = b*b - 4*a*c;
+ if (dis > 0) {
+ final float sqrtDis = (float)Math.sqrt(dis);
+ // depending on the sign of b we use a slightly different
+ // algorithm than the traditional one to find one of the roots
+ // so we can avoid adding numbers of different signs (which
+ // might result in loss of precision).
+ if (b >= 0) {
+ zeroes[ret++] = (2 * c) / (-b - sqrtDis);
+ zeroes[ret++] = (-b - sqrtDis) / (2 * a);
+ } else {
+ zeroes[ret++] = (-b + sqrtDis) / (2 * a);
+ zeroes[ret++] = (2 * c) / (-b + sqrtDis);
+ }
+ } else if (dis == 0f) {
+ t = (-b) / (2 * a);
+ zeroes[ret++] = t;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (b != 0f) {
+ t = (-c) / b;
+ zeroes[ret++] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret - off;
+ }
+ // find the roots of g(t) = a*t^3 + b*t^2 + c*t + d in [A,B)
+ // We will not use Cardano's method, since it is complicated and
+ // involves too many square and cubic roots. We will use Newton's method.
+ // TODO: this should probably return ALL roots. Then the user can do
+ // his own filtering of roots outside [A,B).
+ static int cubicRootsInAB(final float a, final float b,
+ final float c, final float d,
+ float[] pts, final int off, final float E,
+ final float A, final float B)
+ {
+ if (a == 0) {
+ return quadraticRoots(b, c, d, pts, off);
+ }
+ // the coefficients of g'(t). no dc variable because dc=c
+ // we use these to get the critical points of g(t), which
+ // we then use to chose starting points for Newton's method. These
+ // should be very close to the actual roots.
+ final float da = 3 * a;
+ final float db = 2 * b;
+ int numCritPts = quadraticRoots(da, db, c, pts, off+1);
+ numCritPts = filterOutNotInAB(pts, off+1, numCritPts, A, B) - off - 1;
+ // need them sorted.
+ if (numCritPts == 2 && pts[off+1] > pts[off+2]) {
+ float tmp = pts[off+1];
+ pts[off+1] = pts[off+2];
+ pts[off+2] = tmp;
+ }
+ int ret = off;
+ // we don't actually care much about the extrema themselves. We
+ // only use them to ensure that g(t) is monotonic in each
+ // interval [pts[i],pts[i+1] (for i in off...off+numCritPts+1).
+ // This will allow us to determine intervals containing exactly
+ // one root.
+ // The end points of the interval are always local extrema.
+ pts[off] = A;
+ pts[off + numCritPts + 1] = B;
+ numCritPts += 2;
+ float x0 = pts[off], fx0 = evalCubic(a, b, c, d, x0);
+ for (int i = off; i < off + numCritPts - 1; i++) {
+ float x1 = pts[i+1], fx1 = evalCubic(a, b, c, d, x1);
+ if (fx0 == 0f) {
+ pts[ret++] = x0;
+ } else if (fx1 * fx0 < 0f) { // have opposite signs
+ pts[ret++] = CubicNewton(a, b, c, d,
+ x0 + fx0 * (x1 - x0) / (fx0 - fx1), E);
+ }
+ x0 = x1;
+ fx0 = fx1;
+ }
+ return ret - off;
+ }
+ // precondition: the polynomial to be evaluated must not be 0 at x0.
+ static float CubicNewton(final float a, final float b,
+ final float c, final float d,
+ float x0, final float err)
+ {
+ // considering how this function is used, 10 should be more than enough
+ final int itlimit = 10;
+ float fx0 = evalCubic(a, b, c, d, x0);
+ float x1;
+ int count = 0;
+ while(true) {
+ x1 = x0 - (fx0 / evalCubic(0, 3 * a, 2 * b, c, x0));
+ if (Math.abs(x1 - x0) < err * Math.abs(x1 + x0) || count == itlimit) {
+ break;
+ }
+ x0 = x1;
+ fx0 = evalCubic(a, b, c, d, x0);
+ count++;
+ }
+ return x1;
+ }
+ // fills the input array with numbers 0, INC, 2*INC, ...
+ static void fillWithIdxes(final float[] data, final int[] idxes) {
+ if (idxes.length > 0) {
+ idxes[0] = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i < idxes.length; i++) {
+ idxes[i] = idxes[i-1] + (int)data[idxes[i-1]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void fillWithIdxes(final int[] idxes, final int inc) {
+ if (idxes.length > 0) {
+ idxes[0] = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i < idxes.length; i++) {
+ idxes[i] = idxes[i-1] + inc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // These use a hardcoded factor of 2 for increasing sizes. Perhaps this
+ // should be provided as an argument.
+ static float[] widenArray(float[] in, final int cursize, final int numToAdd) {
+ if (in == null) {
+ return new float[5 * numToAdd];
+ }
+ if (in.length >= cursize + numToAdd) {
+ return in;
+ }
+ return Arrays.copyOf(in, 2 * (cursize + numToAdd));
+ }
+ static int[] widenArray(int[] in, final int cursize, final int numToAdd) {
+ if (in.length >= cursize + numToAdd) {
+ return in;
+ }
+ return Arrays.copyOf(in, 2 * (cursize + numToAdd));
+ }
+ static float evalCubic(final float a, final float b,
+ final float c, final float d,
+ final float t)
+ {
+ return t * (t * (t * a + b) + c) + d;
+ }
+ static float evalQuad(final float a, final float b,
+ final float c, final float t)
+ {
+ return t * (t * a + b) + c;
+ }
+ // returns the index 1 past the last valid element remaining after filtering
+ static int filterOutNotInAB(float[] nums, final int off, final int len,
+ final float a, final float b)
+ {
+ int ret = off;
+ for (int i = off; i < off + len; i++) {
+ if (nums[i] > a && nums[i] < b) {
+ nums[ret++] = nums[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ static float polyLineLength(float[] poly, final int off, final int nCoords) {
+ assert nCoords % 2 == 0 && poly.length >= off + nCoords : "";
+ float acc = 0;
+ for (int i = off + 2; i < off + nCoords; i += 2) {
+ acc += linelen(poly[i], poly[i+1], poly[i-2], poly[i-1]);
+ }
+ return acc;
+ }
+ static float linelen(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
+ return (float)Math.hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+ }
+ static void subdivide(float[] src, int srcoff, float[] left, int leftoff,
+ float[] right, int rightoff, int type)
+ {
+ switch(type) {
+ case 6:
+ Helpers.subdivideQuad(src, srcoff, left, leftoff, right, rightoff);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ Helpers.subdivideCubic(src, srcoff, left, leftoff, right, rightoff);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new InternalError("Unsupported curve type");
+ }
+ }
+ static void isort(float[] a, int off, int len) {
+ for (int i = off + 1; i < off + len; i++) {
+ float ai = a[i];
+ int j = i - 1;
+ for (; j >= off && a[j] > ai; j--) {
+ a[j+1] = a[j];
+ }
+ a[j+1] = ai;
+ }
+ }
+ // Most of these are copied from classes in java.awt.geom because we need
+ // float versions of these functions, and Line2D, CubicCurve2D,
+ // QuadCurve2D don't provide them.
+ /**
+ * Subdivides the cubic curve specified by the coordinates
+ * stored in the <code>src</code> array at indices <code>srcoff</code>
+ * through (<code>srcoff</code> + 7) and stores the
+ * resulting two subdivided curves into the two result arrays at the
+ * corresponding indices.
+ * Either or both of the <code>left</code> and <code>right</code>
+ * arrays may be <code>null</code> or a reference to the same array
+ * as the <code>src</code> array.
+ * Note that the last point in the first subdivided curve is the
+ * same as the first point in the second subdivided curve. Thus,
+ * it is possible to pass the same array for <code>left</code>
+ * and <code>right</code> and to use offsets, such as <code>rightoff</code>
+ * equals (<code>leftoff</code> + 6), in order
+ * to avoid allocating extra storage for this common point.
+ * @param src the array holding the coordinates for the source curve
+ * @param srcoff the offset into the array of the beginning of the
+ * the 6 source coordinates
+ * @param left the array for storing the coordinates for the first
+ * half of the subdivided curve
+ * @param leftoff the offset into the array of the beginning of the
+ * the 6 left coordinates
+ * @param right the array for storing the coordinates for the second
+ * half of the subdivided curve
+ * @param rightoff the offset into the array of the beginning of the
+ * the 6 right coordinates
+ * @since 1.7
+ */
+ static void subdivideCubic(float src[], int srcoff,
+ float left[], int leftoff,
+ float right[], int rightoff)
+ {
+ float x1 = src[srcoff + 0];
+ float y1 = src[srcoff + 1];
+ float ctrlx1 = src[srcoff + 2];
+ float ctrly1 = src[srcoff + 3];
+ float ctrlx2 = src[srcoff + 4];
+ float ctrly2 = src[srcoff + 5];
+ float x2 = src[srcoff + 6];
+ float y2 = src[srcoff + 7];
+ if (left != null) {
+ left[leftoff + 0] = x1;
+ left[leftoff + 1] = y1;
+ }
+ if (right != null) {
+ right[rightoff + 6] = x2;
+ right[rightoff + 7] = y2;
+ }
+ x1 = (x1 + ctrlx1) / 2.0f;
+ y1 = (y1 + ctrly1) / 2.0f;
+ x2 = (x2 + ctrlx2) / 2.0f;
+ y2 = (y2 + ctrly2) / 2.0f;
+ float centerx = (ctrlx1 + ctrlx2) / 2.0f;
+ float centery = (ctrly1 + ctrly2) / 2.0f;
+ ctrlx1 = (x1 + centerx) / 2.0f;
+ ctrly1 = (y1 + centery) / 2.0f;
+ ctrlx2 = (x2 + centerx) / 2.0f;
+ ctrly2 = (y2 + centery) / 2.0f;
+ centerx = (ctrlx1 + ctrlx2) / 2.0f;
+ centery = (ctrly1 + ctrly2) / 2.0f;
+ if (left != null) {
+ left[leftoff + 2] = x1;
+ left[leftoff + 3] = y1;
+ left[leftoff + 4] = ctrlx1;
+ left[leftoff + 5] = ctrly1;
+ left[leftoff + 6] = centerx;
+ left[leftoff + 7] = centery;
+ }
+ if (right != null) {
+ right[rightoff + 0] = centerx;
+ right[rightoff + 1] = centery;
+ right[rightoff + 2] = ctrlx2;
+ right[rightoff + 3] = ctrly2;
+ right[rightoff + 4] = x2;
+ right[rightoff + 5] = y2;
+ }
+ }
+ static void subdivideCubicAt(float t, float src[], int srcoff,
+ float left[], int leftoff,
+ float right[], int rightoff)
+ {
+ float x1 = src[srcoff + 0];
+ float y1 = src[srcoff + 1];
+ float ctrlx1 = src[srcoff + 2];
+ float ctrly1 = src[srcoff + 3];
+ float ctrlx2 = src[srcoff + 4];
+ float ctrly2 = src[srcoff + 5];
+ float x2 = src[srcoff + 6];
+ float y2 = src[srcoff + 7];
+ if (left != null) {
+ left[leftoff + 0] = x1;
+ left[leftoff + 1] = y1;
+ }
+ if (right != null) {
+ right[rightoff + 6] = x2;
+ right[rightoff + 7] = y2;
+ }
+ x1 = x1 + t * (ctrlx1 - x1);
+ y1 = y1 + t * (ctrly1 - y1);
+ x2 = ctrlx2 + t * (x2 - ctrlx2);
+ y2 = ctrly2 + t * (y2 - ctrly2);
+ float centerx = ctrlx1 + t * (ctrlx2 - ctrlx1);
+ float centery = ctrly1 + t * (ctrly2 - ctrly1);
+ ctrlx1 = x1 + t * (centerx - x1);
+ ctrly1 = y1 + t * (centery - y1);
+ ctrlx2 = centerx + t * (x2 - centerx);
+ ctrly2 = centery + t * (y2 - centery);
+ centerx = ctrlx1 + t * (ctrlx2 - ctrlx1);
+ centery = ctrly1 + t * (ctrly2 - ctrly1);
+ if (left != null) {
+ left[leftoff + 2] = x1;
+ left[leftoff + 3] = y1;
+ left[leftoff + 4] = ctrlx1;
+ left[leftoff + 5] = ctrly1;
+ left[leftoff + 6] = centerx;
+ left[leftoff + 7] = centery;
+ }
+ if (right != null) {
+ right[rightoff + 0] = centerx;
+ right[rightoff + 1] = centery;
+ right[rightoff + 2] = ctrlx2;
+ right[rightoff + 3] = ctrly2;
+ right[rightoff + 4] = x2;
+ right[rightoff + 5] = y2;
+ }
+ }
+ static void subdivideQuad(float src[], int srcoff,
+ float left[], int leftoff,
+ float right[], int rightoff)
+ {
+ float x1 = src[srcoff + 0];
+ float y1 = src[srcoff + 1];
+ float ctrlx = src[srcoff + 2];
+ float ctrly = src[srcoff + 3];
+ float x2 = src[srcoff + 4];
+ float y2 = src[srcoff + 5];
+ if (left != null) {
+ left[leftoff + 0] = x1;
+ left[leftoff + 1] = y1;
+ }
+ if (right != null) {
+ right[rightoff + 4] = x2;
+ right[rightoff + 5] = y2;
+ }
+ x1 = (x1 + ctrlx) / 2.0f;
+ y1 = (y1 + ctrly) / 2.0f;
+ x2 = (x2 + ctrlx) / 2.0f;
+ y2 = (y2 + ctrly) / 2.0f;
+ ctrlx = (x1 + x2) / 2.0f;
+ ctrly = (y1 + y2) / 2.0f;
+ if (left != null) {
+ left[leftoff + 2] = x1;
+ left[leftoff + 3] = y1;
+ left[leftoff + 4] = ctrlx;
+ left[leftoff + 5] = ctrly;
+ }
+ if (right != null) {
+ right[rightoff + 0] = ctrlx;
+ right[rightoff + 1] = ctrly;
+ right[rightoff + 2] = x2;
+ right[rightoff + 3] = y2;
+ }
+ }
+ static void subdivideQuadAt(float t, float src[], int srcoff,
+ float left[], int leftoff,
+ float right[], int rightoff)
+ {
+ float x1 = src[srcoff + 0];
+ float y1 = src[srcoff + 1];
+ float ctrlx = src[srcoff + 2];
+ float ctrly = src[srcoff + 3];
+ float x2 = src[srcoff + 4];
+ float y2 = src[srcoff + 5];
+ if (left != null) {
+ left[leftoff + 0] = x1;
+ left[leftoff + 1] = y1;
+ }
+ if (right != null) {
+ right[rightoff + 4] = x2;
+ right[rightoff + 5] = y2;
+ }
+ x1 = x1 + t * (ctrlx - x1);
+ y1 = y1 + t * (ctrly - y1);
+ x2 = ctrlx + t * (x2 - ctrlx);
+ y2 = ctrly + t * (y2 - ctrly);
+ ctrlx = x1 + t * (x2 - x1);
+ ctrly = y1 + t * (y2 - y1);
+ if (left != null) {
+ left[leftoff + 2] = x1;
+ left[leftoff + 3] = y1;
+ left[leftoff + 4] = ctrlx;
+ left[leftoff + 5] = ctrly;
+ }
+ if (right != null) {
+ right[rightoff + 0] = ctrlx;
+ right[rightoff + 1] = ctrly;
+ right[rightoff + 2] = x2;
+ right[rightoff + 3] = y2;
+ }
+ }
+ static void subdivideAt(float t, float src[], int srcoff,
+ float left[], int leftoff,
+ float right[], int rightoff, int size)
+ {
+ switch(size) {
+ case 8:
+ subdivideCubicAt(t, src, srcoff, left, leftoff, right, rightoff);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ subdivideQuadAt(t, src, srcoff, left, leftoff, right, rightoff);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/LineSink.java Fri Oct 22 16:57:41 2010 +0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package sun.java2d.pisces;
- * The <code>LineSink</code> interface accepts a series of line
- * drawing commands: <code>moveTo</code>, <code>lineTo</code>,
- * <code>close</code> (equivalent to a <code>lineTo</code> command
- * with an argument equal to the argument of the last
- * <code>moveTo</code> command), and <code>end</code>.
- *
- * <p> A <code>Flattener</code> may be used to connect a general path
- * source to a <code>LineSink</code>.
- *
- * <p> The <code>Renderer</code> class implements the
- * <code>LineSink</code> interface.
- *
- */
-public interface LineSink {
- /**
- * Moves the current drawing position to the point <code>(x0,
- * y0)</code>.
- *
- * @param x0 the X coordinate
- * @param y0 the Y coordinate
- */
- public void moveTo(float x0, float y0);
- /**
- * Provides a hint that the current segment should be joined to
- * the following segment using an explicit miter or round join if
- * required.
- *
- * <p> An application-generated path will generally have no need
- * to contain calls to this method; they are typically introduced
- * by a <code>Flattener</code> to mark segment divisions that
- * appear in its input, and consumed by a <code>Stroker</code>
- * that is responsible for emitting the miter or round join
- * segments.
- *
- * <p> Other <code>LineSink</code> classes should simply pass this
- * hint to their output sink as needed.
- */
- public void lineJoin();
- /**
- * Draws a line from the current drawing position to the point
- * <code>(x1, y1)</code> and sets the current drawing position to
- * <code>(x1, y1)</code>.
- *
- * @param x1 the X coordinate
- * @param y1 the Y coordinate
- */
- public void lineTo(float x1, float y1);
- /**
- * Closes the current path by drawing a line from the current
- * drawing position to the point specified by the moset recent
- * <code>moveTo</code> command.
- */
- public void close();
- /**
- * Ends the current path. It may be necessary to end a path in
- * order to allow end caps to be drawn.
- */
- public void end();
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/PiscesCache.java Fri Oct 22 16:57:41 2010 +0400
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/PiscesCache.java Tue Oct 26 10:39:23 2010 -0400
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
package sun.java2d.pisces;
+import java.util.Arrays;
* An object used to cache pre-rendered complex paths.
@@ -32,115 +34,153 @@
public final class PiscesCache {
- int bboxX0, bboxY0, bboxX1, bboxY1;
+ final int bboxX0, bboxY0, bboxX1, bboxY1;
+ // rowAARLE[i] holds the encoding of the pixel row with y = bboxY0+i.
+ // The format of each of the inner arrays is: rowAARLE[i][0,1] = (x0, n)
+ // where x0 is the first x in row i with nonzero alpha, and n is the
+ // number of RLE entries in this row. rowAARLE[i][j,j+1] for j>1 is
+ // (val,runlen)
+ final int[][] rowAARLE;
- byte[] rowAARLE;
- int alphaRLELength;
+ // RLE encodings are added in increasing y rows and then in increasing
+ // x inside those rows. Therefore, at any one time there is a well
+ // defined position (x,y) where a run length is about to be added (or
+ // the row terminated). x0,y0 is this (x,y)-(bboxX0,bboxY0). They
+ // are used to get indices into the current tile.
+ private int x0 = Integer.MIN_VALUE, y0 = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+ // touchedTile[i][j] is the sum of all the alphas in the tile with
+ // y=i*TILE_SIZE+bboxY0 and x=j*TILE_SIZE+bboxX0.
+ private final int[][] touchedTile;
- int[] rowOffsetsRLE;
- int[] minTouched;
- int alphaRows;
+ static final int TILE_SIZE_LG = 5;
+ static final int TILE_SIZE = 1 << TILE_SIZE_LG; // 32
+ private static final int INIT_ROW_SIZE = 8; // enough for 3 run lengths
- private PiscesCache() {}
+ PiscesCache(int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy) {
+ assert maxy >= miny && maxx >= minx;
+ bboxX0 = minx;
+ bboxY0 = miny;
+ bboxX1 = maxx + 1;
+ bboxY1 = maxy + 1;
+ // we could just leave the inner arrays as null and allocate them
+ // lazily (which would be beneficial for shapes with gaps), but we
+ // assume there won't be too many of those so we allocate everything
+ // up front (which is better for other cases)
+ rowAARLE = new int[bboxY1 - bboxY0 + 1][INIT_ROW_SIZE];
+ x0 = 0;
+ y0 = -1; // -1 makes the first assert in startRow succeed
+ // the ceiling of (maxy - miny + 1) / TILE_SIZE;
+ int nyTiles = (maxy - miny + TILE_SIZE) >> TILE_SIZE_LG;
+ int nxTiles = (maxx - minx + TILE_SIZE) >> TILE_SIZE_LG;
- public static PiscesCache createInstance() {
- return new PiscesCache();
+ touchedTile = new int[nyTiles][nxTiles];
- private static final float ROWAA_RLE_FACTOR = 1.5f;
- private static final float TOUCHED_FACTOR = 1.5f;
- private static final int MIN_TOUCHED_LEN = 64;
- private void reallocRowAARLE(int newLength) {
- if (rowAARLE == null) {
- rowAARLE = new byte[newLength];
- } else if (rowAARLE.length < newLength) {
- int len = Math.max(newLength,
- (int)(rowAARLE.length*ROWAA_RLE_FACTOR));
- byte[] newRowAARLE = new byte[len];
- System.arraycopy(rowAARLE, 0, newRowAARLE, 0, rowAARLE.length);
- rowAARLE = newRowAARLE;
- }
- }
- private void reallocRowInfo(int newHeight) {
- if (minTouched == null) {
- int len = Math.max(newHeight, MIN_TOUCHED_LEN);
- minTouched = new int[len];
- rowOffsetsRLE = new int[len];
- } else if (minTouched.length < newHeight) {
- int len = Math.max(newHeight,
- (int)(minTouched.length*TOUCHED_FACTOR));
- int[] newMinTouched = new int[len];
- int[] newRowOffsetsRLE = new int[len];
- System.arraycopy(minTouched, 0, newMinTouched, 0,
- alphaRows);
- System.arraycopy(rowOffsetsRLE, 0, newRowOffsetsRLE, 0,
- alphaRows);
- minTouched = newMinTouched;
- rowOffsetsRLE = newRowOffsetsRLE;
+ void addRLERun(int val, int runLen) {
+ if (runLen > 0) {
+ addTupleToRow(y0, val, runLen);
+ if (val != 0) {
+ // the x and y of the current row, minus bboxX0, bboxY0
+ int tx = x0 >> TILE_SIZE_LG;
+ int ty = y0 >> TILE_SIZE_LG;
+ int tx1 = (x0 + runLen - 1) >> TILE_SIZE_LG;
+ // while we forbid rows from starting before bboxx0, our users
+ // can still store rows that go beyond bboxx1 (although this
+ // shouldn't happen), so it's a good idea to check that i
+ // is not going out of bounds in touchedTile[ty]
+ if (tx1 >= touchedTile[ty].length) {
+ tx1 = touchedTile[ty].length - 1;
+ }
+ if (tx <= tx1) {
+ int nextTileXCoord = (tx + 1) << TILE_SIZE_LG;
+ if (nextTileXCoord > x0+runLen) {
+ touchedTile[ty][tx] += val * runLen;
+ } else {
+ touchedTile[ty][tx] += val * (nextTileXCoord - x0);
+ }
+ tx++;
+ }
+ // don't go all the way to tx1 - we need to handle the last
+ // tile as a special case (just like we did with the first
+ for (; tx < tx1; tx++) {
+// try {
+ touchedTile[ty][tx] += (val << TILE_SIZE_LG);
+// } catch (RuntimeException e) {
+// System.out.println("x0, y0: " + x0 + ", " + y0);
+// System.out.printf("tx, ty, tx1: %d, %d, %d %n", tx, ty, tx1);
+// System.out.printf("bboxX/Y0/1: %d, %d, %d, %d %n",
+// bboxX0, bboxY0, bboxX1, bboxY1);
+// throw e;
+// }
+ }
+ // they will be equal unless x0>>TILE_SIZE_LG == tx1
+ if (tx == tx1) {
+ int lastXCoord = Math.min(x0 + runLen, (tx + 1) << TILE_SIZE_LG);
+ int txXCoord = tx << TILE_SIZE_LG;
+ touchedTile[ty][tx] += val * (lastXCoord - txXCoord);
+ }
+ }
+ x0 += runLen;
- void addRLERun(byte val, int runLen) {
- reallocRowAARLE(alphaRLELength + 2);
- rowAARLE[alphaRLELength++] = val;
- rowAARLE[alphaRLELength++] = (byte)runLen;
+ void startRow(int y, int x) {
+ // rows are supposed to be added by increasing y.
+ assert y - bboxY0 > y0;
+ assert y <= bboxY1; // perhaps this should be < instead of <=
+ y0 = y - bboxY0;
+ // this should be a new, uninitialized row.
+ assert rowAARLE[y0][1] == 0;
+ x0 = x - bboxX0;
+ assert x0 >= 0 : "Input must not be to the left of bbox bounds";
+ // the way addTupleToRow is implemented it would work for this but it's
+ // not a good idea to use it because it is meant for adding
+ // RLE tuples, not the first tuple (which is special).
+ rowAARLE[y0][0] = x;
+ rowAARLE[y0][1] = 2;
- void startRow(int y, int x0, int x1) {
- if (alphaRows == 0) {
- bboxY0 = y;
- bboxY1 = y+1;
- bboxX0 = x0;
- bboxX1 = x1+1;
- } else {
- if (bboxX0 > x0) bboxX0 = x0;
- if (bboxX1 < x1 + 1) bboxX1 = x1 + 1;
- while (bboxY1++ < y) {
- reallocRowInfo(alphaRows+1);
- minTouched[alphaRows] = 0;
- // Assuming last 2 entries in rowAARLE are 0,0
- rowOffsetsRLE[alphaRows] = alphaRLELength-2;
- alphaRows++;
- }
- }
- reallocRowInfo(alphaRows+1);
- minTouched[alphaRows] = x0;
- rowOffsetsRLE[alphaRows] = alphaRLELength;
- alphaRows++;
+ int alphaSumInTile(int x, int y) {
+ x -= bboxX0;
+ y -= bboxY0;
+ return touchedTile[y>>TILE_SIZE_LG][x>>TILE_SIZE_LG];
+ }
+ int minTouched(int rowidx) {
+ return rowAARLE[rowidx][0];
- public synchronized void dispose() {
- rowAARLE = null;
- alphaRLELength = 0;
+ int rowLength(int rowidx) {
+ return rowAARLE[rowidx][1];
+ }
- minTouched = null;
- rowOffsetsRLE = null;
- alphaRows = 0;
- bboxX0 = bboxY0 = bboxX1 = bboxY1 = 0;
+ private void addTupleToRow(int row, int a, int b) {
+ int end = rowAARLE[row][1];
+ rowAARLE[row] = Helpers.widenArray(rowAARLE[row], end, 2);
+ rowAARLE[row][end++] = a;
+ rowAARLE[row][end++] = b;
+ rowAARLE[row][1] = end;
- public void print(java.io.PrintStream out) {
- synchronized (out) {
- out.println("bbox = ["+
- bboxX0+", "+bboxY0+" => "+
- bboxX1+", "+bboxY1+"]");
- out.println("alphRLELength = "+alphaRLELength);
- for (int y = bboxY0; y < bboxY1; y++) {
- int i = y-bboxY0;
- out.println("row["+i+"] == {"+
- "minX = "+minTouched[i]+
- ", off = "+rowOffsetsRLE[i]+"}");
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ String ret = "bbox = ["+
+ bboxX0+", "+bboxY0+" => "+
+ bboxX1+", "+bboxY1+"]\n";
+ for (int[] row : rowAARLE) {
+ if (row != null) {
+ ret += ("minTouchedX=" + row[0] +
+ "\tRLE Entries: " + Arrays.toString(
+ Arrays.copyOfRange(row, 2, row[1])) + "\n");
+ } else {
+ ret += "[]\n";
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < alphaRLELength; i += 2) {
- out.println("rle["+i+"] = "+
- (rowAARLE[i+1]&0xff)+" of "+(rowAARLE[i]&0xff));
- }
- }
+ return ret;
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/PiscesRenderingEngine.java Fri Oct 22 16:57:41 2010 +0400
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/PiscesRenderingEngine.java Tue Oct 26 10:39:23 2010 -0400
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
-import java.awt.geom.FlatteningPathIterator;
+import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@
import sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator;
public class PiscesRenderingEngine extends RenderingEngine {
- public static double defaultFlat = 0.1;
private static enum NormMode {OFF, ON_NO_AA, ON_WITH_AA}
@@ -78,20 +76,29 @@
- new LineSink() {
+ new PathConsumer2D() {
public void moveTo(float x0, float y0) {
p2d.moveTo(x0, y0);
- public void lineJoin() {}
public void lineTo(float x1, float y1) {
p2d.lineTo(x1, y1);
- public void close() {
+ public void closePath() {
- public void end() {}
+ public void pathDone() {}
+ public void curveTo(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2,
+ float x3, float y3) {
+ p2d.curveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
+ }
+ public void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
+ p2d.quadTo(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ }
+ public long getNativeConsumer() {
+ throw new InternalError("Not using a native peer");
+ }
return p2d;
@@ -133,22 +140,7 @@
NormMode norm = (normalize) ?
((antialias) ? NormMode.ON_WITH_AA : NormMode.ON_NO_AA)
: NormMode.OFF;
- strokeTo(src, at, bs, thin, norm, antialias,
- new LineSink() {
- public void moveTo(float x0, float y0) {
- consumer.moveTo(x0, y0);
- }
- public void lineJoin() {}
- public void lineTo(float x1, float y1) {
- consumer.lineTo(x1, y1);
- }
- public void close() {
- consumer.closePath();
- }
- public void end() {
- consumer.pathDone();
- }
- });
+ strokeTo(src, at, bs, thin, norm, antialias, consumer);
void strokeTo(Shape src,
@@ -157,7 +149,7 @@
boolean thin,
NormMode normalize,
boolean antialias,
- LineSink lsink)
+ PathConsumer2D pc2d)
float lw;
if (thin) {
@@ -178,7 +170,7 @@
- lsink);
+ pc2d);
private float userSpaceLineWidth(AffineTransform at, float lw) {
@@ -256,28 +248,113 @@
float miterlimit,
float dashes[],
float dashphase,
- LineSink lsink)
+ PathConsumer2D pc2d)
- float a00 = 1f, a01 = 0f, a10 = 0f, a11 = 1f;
+ // We use inat and outat so that in Stroker and Dasher we can work only
+ // with the pre-transformation coordinates. This will repeat a lot of
+ // computations done in the path iterator, but the alternative is to
+ // work with transformed paths and compute untransformed coordinates
+ // as needed. This would be faster but I do not think the complexity
+ // of working with both untransformed and transformed coordinates in
+ // the same code is worth it.
+ // However, if a path's width is constant after a transformation,
+ // we can skip all this untransforming.
+ // If normalization is off we save some transformations by not
+ // transforming the input to pisces. Instead, we apply the
+ // transformation after the path processing has been done.
+ // We can't do this if normalization is on, because it isn't a good
+ // idea to normalize before the transformation is applied.
+ AffineTransform inat = null;
+ AffineTransform outat = null;
+ PathIterator pi = null;
if (at != null && !at.isIdentity()) {
- a00 = (float)at.getScaleX();
- a01 = (float)at.getShearX();
- a10 = (float)at.getShearY();
- a11 = (float)at.getScaleY();
+ final double a = at.getScaleX();
+ final double b = at.getShearX();
+ final double c = at.getShearY();
+ final double d = at.getScaleY();
+ final double det = a * d - c * b;
+ if (Math.abs(det) <= 2 * Float.MIN_VALUE) {
+ // this rendering engine takes one dimensional curves and turns
+ // them into 2D shapes by giving them width.
+ // However, if everything is to be passed through a singular
+ // transformation, these 2D shapes will be squashed down to 1D
+ // again so, nothing can be drawn.
+ // Every path needs an initial moveTo and a pathDone. If these
+ // aren't there this causes a SIGSEV in libawt.so (at the time
+ // of writing of this comment (September 16, 2010)). Actually,
+ // I'm not sure if the moveTo is necessary to avoid the SIGSEV
+ // but the pathDone is definitely needed.
+ pc2d.moveTo(0, 0);
+ pc2d.pathDone();
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the transform is a constant multiple of an orthogonal transformation
+ // then every length is just multiplied by a constant, so we just
+ // need to transform input paths to stroker and tell stroker
+ // the scaled width. This condition is satisfied if
+ // a*b == -c*d && a*a+c*c == b*b+d*d. In the actual check below, we
+ // leave a bit of room for error.
+ if (nearZero(a*b + c*d, 2) && nearZero(a*a+c*c - (b*b+d*d), 2)) {
+ double scale = Math.sqrt(a*a + c*c);
+ if (dashes != null) {
+ dashes = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(dashes, dashes.length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < dashes.length; i++) {
+ dashes[i] = (float)(scale * dashes[i]);
+ }
+ dashphase = (float)(scale * dashphase);
+ }
+ width = (float)(scale * width);
+ pi = src.getPathIterator(at);
+ if (normalize != NormMode.OFF) {
+ pi = new NormalizingPathIterator(pi, normalize);
+ }
+ // leave inat and outat null.
+ } else {
+ // We only need the inverse if normalization is on. Otherwise
+ // we just don't transform the input paths, do all the stroking
+ // and then transform out output (instead of making PathIterator
+ // apply the transformation, us applying the inverse, and then
+ // us applying the transform again to our output).
+ outat = at;
+ if (normalize != NormMode.OFF) {
+ try {
+ inat = outat.createInverse();
+ } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
+ // we made sure this can't happen
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ pi = src.getPathIterator(at);
+ pi = new NormalizingPathIterator(pi, normalize);
+ } else {
+ pi = src.getPathIterator(null);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // either at is null or it's the identity. In either case
+ // we don't transform the path.
+ pi = src.getPathIterator(null);
+ if (normalize != NormMode.OFF) {
+ pi = new NormalizingPathIterator(pi, normalize);
+ }
- lsink = new Stroker(lsink, width, caps, join, miterlimit, a00, a01, a10, a11);
+ pc2d = TransformingPathConsumer2D.transformConsumer(pc2d, outat);
+ pc2d = new Stroker(pc2d, width, caps, join, miterlimit);
if (dashes != null) {
- lsink = new Dasher(lsink, dashes, dashphase, a00, a01, a10, a11);
+ pc2d = new Dasher(pc2d, dashes, dashphase);
- PathIterator pi;
- if (normalize != NormMode.OFF) {
- pi = new FlatteningPathIterator(
- new NormalizingPathIterator(src.getPathIterator(at), normalize),
- defaultFlat);
- } else {
- pi = src.getPathIterator(at, defaultFlat);
- }
- pathTo(pi, lsink);
+ pc2d = TransformingPathConsumer2D.transformConsumer(pc2d, inat);
+ pathTo(pi, pc2d);
+ }
+ private static boolean nearZero(double num, int nulps) {
+ return Math.abs(num) < nulps * Math.ulp(num);
private static class NormalizingPathIterator implements PathIterator {
@@ -337,10 +414,10 @@
// normalize endpoint
- float x_adjust = (float)Math.floor(coords[lastCoord] + lval) + rval -
- coords[lastCoord];
- float y_adjust = (float)Math.floor(coords[lastCoord+1] + lval) + rval -
- coords[lastCoord + 1];
+ float x_adjust = (float)Math.floor(coords[lastCoord] + lval) +
+ rval - coords[lastCoord];
+ float y_adjust = (float)Math.floor(coords[lastCoord+1] + lval) +
+ rval - coords[lastCoord + 1];
coords[lastCoord ] += x_adjust;
coords[lastCoord + 1] += y_adjust;
@@ -393,27 +470,9 @@
- void pathTo(PathIterator pi, LineSink lsink) {
- float coords[] = new float[2];
- while (!pi.isDone()) {
- switch (pi.currentSegment(coords)) {
- case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
- lsink.moveTo(coords[0], coords[1]);
- break;
- case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
- lsink.lineJoin();
- lsink.lineTo(coords[0], coords[1]);
- break;
- case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
- lsink.lineJoin();
- lsink.close();
- break;
- default:
- throw new InternalError("unknown flattened segment type");
- }
- pi.next();
- }
- lsink.end();
+ static void pathTo(PathIterator pi, PathConsumer2D pc2d) {
+ RenderingEngine.feedConsumer(pi, pc2d);
+ pc2d.pathDone();
@@ -471,32 +530,29 @@
boolean normalize,
int bbox[])
- PiscesCache pc = PiscesCache.createInstance();
Renderer r;
NormMode norm = (normalize) ? NormMode.ON_WITH_AA : NormMode.OFF;
if (bs == null) {
PathIterator pi;
if (normalize) {
- pi = new FlatteningPathIterator(
- new NormalizingPathIterator(s.getPathIterator(at), norm),
- defaultFlat);
+ pi = new NormalizingPathIterator(s.getPathIterator(at), norm);
} else {
- pi = s.getPathIterator(at, defaultFlat);
+ pi = s.getPathIterator(at);
r = new Renderer(3, 3,
clip.getLoX(), clip.getLoY(),
clip.getWidth(), clip.getHeight(),
- pi.getWindingRule(), pc);
+ pi.getWindingRule());
pathTo(pi, r);
} else {
r = new Renderer(3, 3,
clip.getLoX(), clip.getLoY(),
clip.getWidth(), clip.getHeight(),
- PathIterator.WIND_NON_ZERO, pc);
+ PathIterator.WIND_NON_ZERO);
strokeTo(s, at, bs, thin, norm, true, r);
- PiscesTileGenerator ptg = new PiscesTileGenerator(pc, r.MAX_AA_ALPHA);
+ PiscesTileGenerator ptg = new PiscesTileGenerator(r, r.MAX_AA_ALPHA);
return ptg;
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/PiscesTileGenerator.java Fri Oct 22 16:57:41 2010 +0400
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/PiscesTileGenerator.java Tue Oct 26 10:39:23 2010 -0400
@@ -25,40 +25,54 @@
package sun.java2d.pisces;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator;
-public class PiscesTileGenerator implements AATileGenerator {
- public static final int TILE_SIZE = 32;
+public final class PiscesTileGenerator implements AATileGenerator {
+ public static final int TILE_SIZE = PiscesCache.TILE_SIZE;
+ // perhaps we should be using weak references here, but right now
+ // that's not necessary. The way the renderer is, this map will
+ // never contain more than one element - the one with key 64, since
+ // we only do 8x8 supersampling.
+ private static final Map<Integer, byte[]> alphaMapsCache = new
+ ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, byte[]>();
PiscesCache cache;
int x, y;
- int maxalpha;
+ final int maxalpha;
+ private final int maxTileAlphaSum;
+ // The alpha map used by this object (taken out of our map cache) to convert
+ // pixel coverage counts gotten from PiscesCache (which are in the range
+ // [0, maxalpha]) into alpha values, which are in [0,256).
byte alphaMap[];
- public PiscesTileGenerator(PiscesCache cache, int maxalpha) {
- this.cache = cache;
+ public PiscesTileGenerator(Renderer r, int maxalpha) {
+ this.cache = r.getCache();
this.x = cache.bboxX0;
this.y = cache.bboxY0;
this.alphaMap = getAlphaMap(maxalpha);
this.maxalpha = maxalpha;
+ this.maxTileAlphaSum = TILE_SIZE*TILE_SIZE*maxalpha;
- static int prevMaxAlpha;
- static byte prevAlphaMap[];
+ private static byte[] buildAlphaMap(int maxalpha) {
+ byte[] alMap = new byte[maxalpha+1];
+ int halfmaxalpha = maxalpha>>2;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= maxalpha; i++) {
+ alMap[i] = (byte) ((i * 255 + halfmaxalpha) / maxalpha);
+ }
+ return alMap;
+ }
- public synchronized static byte[] getAlphaMap(int maxalpha) {
- if (maxalpha != prevMaxAlpha) {
- prevAlphaMap = new byte[maxalpha+300];
- int halfmaxalpha = maxalpha>>2;
- for (int i = 0; i <= maxalpha; i++) {
- prevAlphaMap[i] = (byte) ((i * 255 + halfmaxalpha) / maxalpha);
- }
- for (int i = maxalpha; i < prevAlphaMap.length; i++) {
- prevAlphaMap[i] = (byte) 255;
- }
- prevMaxAlpha = maxalpha;
+ public static byte[] getAlphaMap(int maxalpha) {
+ if (!alphaMapsCache.containsKey(maxalpha)) {
+ alphaMapsCache.put(maxalpha, buildAlphaMap(maxalpha));
- return prevAlphaMap;
+ return alphaMapsCache.get(maxalpha);
public void getBbox(int bbox[]) {
@@ -96,53 +110,24 @@
* value for partial coverage of the tile
public int getTypicalAlpha() {
- if (true) return 0x80;
- // Decode run-length encoded alpha mask data
- // The data for row j begins at cache.rowOffsetsRLE[j]
- // and is encoded as a set of 2-byte pairs (val, runLen)
- // terminated by a (0, 0) pair.
- int x0 = this.x;
- int x1 = x0 + TILE_SIZE;
- int y0 = this.y;
- int y1 = y0 + TILE_SIZE;
- if (x1 > cache.bboxX1) x1 = cache.bboxX1;
- if (y1 > cache.bboxY1) y1 = cache.bboxY1;
- y0 -= cache.bboxY0;
- y1 -= cache.bboxY0;
- int ret = -1;
- for (int cy = y0; cy < y1; cy++) {
- int pos = cache.rowOffsetsRLE[cy];
- int cx = cache.minTouched[cy];
- if (cx > x0) {
- if (ret > 0) return 0x80;
- ret = 0x00;
- }
- while (cx < x1) {
- int runLen = cache.rowAARLE[pos + 1] & 0xff;
- if (runLen == 0) {
- if (ret > 0) return 0x80;
- ret = 0x00;
- break;
- }
- cx += runLen;
- if (cx > x0) {
- int val = cache.rowAARLE[pos] & 0xff;
- if (ret != val) {
- if (ret < 0) {
- if (val != 0x00 && val != maxalpha) return 0x80;
- ret = val;
- } else {
- return 0x80;
- }
- }
- }
- pos += 2;
- }
- }
- return ret;
+ int al = cache.alphaSumInTile(x, y);
+ // Note: if we have a filled rectangle that doesn't end on a tile
+ // border, we could still return 0xff, even though al!=maxTileAlphaSum
+ // This is because if we return 0xff, our users will fill a rectangle
+ // starting at x,y that has width = Math.min(TILE_SIZE, bboxX1-x),
+ // and height min(TILE_SIZE,bboxY1-y), which is what should happen.
+ // However, to support this, we would have to use 2 Math.min's
+ // and 2 multiplications per tile, instead of just 2 multiplications
+ // to compute maxTileAlphaSum. The savings offered would probably
+ // not be worth it, considering how rare this case is.
+ // Note: I have not tested this, so in the future if it is determined
+ // that it is worth it, it should be implemented. Perhaps this method's
+ // interface should be changed to take arguments the width and height
+ // of the current tile. This would eliminate the 2 Math.min calls that
+ // would be needed here, since our caller needs to compute these 2
+ // values anyway.
+ return (al == 0x00 ? 0x00 :
+ (al == maxTileAlphaSum ? 0xff : 0x80));
@@ -179,22 +164,24 @@
int idx = offset;
for (int cy = y0; cy < y1; cy++) {
- int pos = cache.rowOffsetsRLE[cy];
- int cx = cache.minTouched[cy];
+ int[] row = cache.rowAARLE[cy];
+ assert row != null;
+ int cx = cache.minTouched(cy);
if (cx > x1) cx = x1;
- if (cx > x0) {
- //System.out.println("L["+(cx-x0)+"]");
- for (int i = x0; i < cx; i++) {
- tile[idx++] = 0x00;
- }
+ for (int i = x0; i < cx; i++) {
+ tile[idx++] = 0x00;
- while (cx < x1) {
+ int pos = 2;
+ while (cx < x1 && pos < row[1]) {
byte val;
int runLen = 0;
+ assert row[1] > 2;
try {
- val = alphaMap[cache.rowAARLE[pos] & 0xff];
- runLen = cache.rowAARLE[pos + 1] & 0xff;
+ val = alphaMap[row[pos]];
+ runLen = row[pos + 1];
+ assert runLen > 0;
} catch (RuntimeException e0) {
System.out.println("maxalpha = "+maxalpha);
System.out.println("tile["+x0+", "+y0+
@@ -202,14 +189,12 @@
System.out.println("cx = "+cx+", cy = "+cy);
System.out.println("idx = "+idx+", pos = "+pos);
System.out.println("len = "+runLen);
- cache.print(System.out);
+ System.out.print(cache.toString());
- if (runLen == 0) {
- break;
- }
int rx0 = cx;
cx += runLen;
int rx1 = cx;
@@ -228,7 +213,7 @@
System.out.println("idx = "+idx+", pos = "+pos);
System.out.println("rx0 = "+rx0+", rx1 = "+rx1);
System.out.println("len = "+runLen);
- cache.print(System.out);
+ System.out.print(cache.toString());
@@ -265,4 +250,4 @@
* No further calls will be made on this instance.
public void dispose() {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/Renderer.java Fri Oct 22 16:57:41 2010 +0400
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/Renderer.java Tue Oct 26 10:39:23 2010 -0400
@@ -26,250 +26,552 @@
package sun.java2d.pisces;
import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Iterator;
-public class Renderer implements LineSink {
+import sun.awt.geom.PathConsumer2D;
-// Scan line iterator and edge crossing data.
+public class Renderer implements PathConsumer2D {
- private int[] crossings;
+ private class ScanlineIterator {
+ private int[] crossings;
- // This is an array of indices into the edge array. It is initialized to
- // [i * SIZEOF_STRUCT_EDGE for i in range(0, edgesSize/SIZEOF_STRUCT_EDGE)]
- // (where range(i, j) is i,i+1,...,j-1 -- just like in python).
- // The reason for keeping this is because we need the edges array sorted
- // by y0, but we don't want to move all that data around, so instead we
- // sort the indices into the edge array, and use edgeIndices to access
- // the edges array. This is meant to simulate a pointer array (hence the name)
- private int[] edgePtrs;
+ // crossing bounds. The bounds are not necessarily tight (the scan line
+ // at minY, for example, might have no crossings). The x bounds will
+ // be accumulated as crossings are computed.
+ private int minY, maxY;
+ private int nextY;
- // crossing bounds. The bounds are not necessarily tight (the scan line
- // at minY, for example, might have no crossings). The x bounds will
- // be accumulated as crossings are computed.
- private int minY, maxY;
- private int minX, maxX;
- private int nextY;
+ // indices into the segment pointer lists. They indicate the "active"
+ // sublist in the segment lists (the portion of the list that contains
+ // all the segments that cross the next scan line).
+ private int elo, ehi;
+ private final int[] edgePtrs;
+ private int qlo, qhi;
+ private final int[] quadPtrs;
+ private int clo, chi;
+ private final int[] curvePtrs;
+ private static final int INIT_CROSSINGS_SIZE = 10;
+ private ScanlineIterator() {
+ crossings = new int[INIT_CROSSINGS_SIZE];
- // indices into the edge pointer list. They indicate the "active" sublist in
- // the edge list (the portion of the list that contains all the edges that
- // cross the next scan line).
- private int lo, hi;
+ edgePtrs = new int[numEdges];
+ Helpers.fillWithIdxes(edgePtrs, SIZEOF_EDGE);
+ qsort(edges, edgePtrs, YMIN, 0, numEdges - 1);
- private static final int INIT_CROSSINGS_SIZE = 50;
- private void ScanLineItInitialize() {
- crossings = new int[INIT_CROSSINGS_SIZE];
- edgePtrs = new int[edgesSize / SIZEOF_STRUCT_EDGE];
- for (int i = 0; i < edgePtrs.length; i++) {
- edgePtrs[i] = i * SIZEOF_STRUCT_EDGE;
- }
+ quadPtrs = new int[numQuads];
+ Helpers.fillWithIdxes(quadPtrs, SIZEOF_QUAD);
+ qsort(quads, quadPtrs, YMIN, 0, numQuads - 1);
+ curvePtrs = new int[numCurves];
+ Helpers.fillWithIdxes(curvePtrs, SIZEOF_CURVE);
+ qsort(curves, curvePtrs, YMIN, 0, numCurves - 1);
- qsort(0, edgePtrs.length - 1);
+ // We don't care if we clip some of the line off with ceil, since
+ // no scan line crossings will be eliminated (in fact, the ceil is
+ // the y of the first scan line crossing).
+ nextY = minY = Math.max(boundsMinY, (int)Math.ceil(edgeMinY));
+ maxY = Math.min(boundsMaxY, (int)Math.ceil(edgeMaxY));
- // We don't care if we clip some of the line off with ceil, since
- // no scan line crossings will be eliminated (in fact, the ceil is
- // the y of the first scan line crossing).
- nextY = minY = Math.max(boundsMinY, (int)Math.ceil(edgeMinY));
- maxY = Math.min(boundsMaxY, (int)Math.ceil(edgeMaxY));
+ for (elo = 0; elo < numEdges && edges[edgePtrs[elo]+YMAX] <= minY; elo++)
+ ;
+ // the active list is *edgePtrs[lo] (inclusive) *edgePtrs[hi] (exclusive)
+ for (ehi = elo; ehi < numEdges && edges[edgePtrs[ehi]+YMIN] <= minY; ehi++)
+ edgeSetCurY(edgePtrs[ehi], minY);// TODO: make minY a float to avoid casts
- for (lo = 0; lo < edgePtrs.length && edges[edgePtrs[lo]+Y1] <= nextY; lo++)
- ;
- for (hi = lo; hi < edgePtrs.length && edges[edgePtrs[hi]+CURY] <= nextY; hi++)
- ; // the active list is *edgePtrs[lo] (inclusive) *edgePtrs[hi] (exclusive)
- for (int i = lo; i < hi; i++) {
- setCurY(edgePtrs[i], nextY);
+ for (qlo = 0; qlo < numQuads && quads[quadPtrs[qlo]+YMAX] <= minY; qlo++)
+ ;
+ for (qhi = qlo; qhi < numQuads && quads[quadPtrs[qhi]+YMIN] <= minY; qhi++)
+ quadSetCurY(quadPtrs[qhi], minY);
+ for (clo = 0; clo < numCurves && curves[curvePtrs[clo]+YMAX] <= minY; clo++)
+ ;
+ for (chi = clo; chi < numCurves && curves[curvePtrs[chi]+YMIN] <= minY; chi++)
+ curveSetCurY(curvePtrs[chi], minY);
- // We accumulate X in the iterator because accumulating it in addEdge
- // like we do with Y does not do much good: if there's an edge
- // (0,0)->(1000,10000), and if y gets clipped to 1000, then the x
- // bound should be 100, but the accumulator from addEdge would say 1000,
- // so we'd still have to accumulate the X bounds as we add crossings.
- minX = boundsMinX;
- maxX = boundsMaxX;
- }
+ private int next() {
+ // we go through the active lists and remove segments that don't cross
+ // the nextY scanline.
+ int crossingIdx = 0;
+ for (int i = elo; i < ehi; i++) {
+ if (edges[edgePtrs[i]+YMAX] <= nextY) {
+ edgePtrs[i] = edgePtrs[elo++];
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = qlo; i < qhi; i++) {
+ if (quads[quadPtrs[i]+YMAX] <= nextY) {
+ quadPtrs[i] = quadPtrs[qlo++];
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = clo; i < chi; i++) {
+ if (curves[curvePtrs[i]+YMAX] <= nextY) {
+ curvePtrs[i] = curvePtrs[clo++];
+ }
+ }
- private int ScanLineItCurrentY() {
- return nextY - 1;
- }
+ crossings = Helpers.widenArray(crossings, 0, ehi-elo+qhi-qlo+chi-clo);
- private int ScanLineItGoToNextYAndComputeCrossings() {
- // we go through the active list and remove the ones that don't cross
- // the nextY scanline.
- int crossingIdx = 0;
- for (int i = lo; i < hi; i++) {
- if (edges[edgePtrs[i]+Y1] <= nextY) {
- edgePtrs[i] = edgePtrs[lo++];
+ // Now every edge between lo and hi crosses nextY. Compute it's
+ // crossing and put it in the crossings array.
+ for (int i = elo; i < ehi; i++) {
+ int ptr = edgePtrs[i];
+ addCrossing(nextY, (int)edges[ptr+CURX], edges[ptr+OR], crossingIdx);
+ edgeGoToNextY(ptr);
+ crossingIdx++;
+ }
+ for (int i = qlo; i < qhi; i++) {
+ int ptr = quadPtrs[i];
+ addCrossing(nextY, (int)quads[ptr+CURX], quads[ptr+OR], crossingIdx);
+ quadGoToNextY(ptr);
+ crossingIdx++;
- }
- if (hi - lo > crossings.length) {
- int newSize = Math.max(hi - lo, crossings.length * 2);
- crossings = Arrays.copyOf(crossings, newSize);
- }
- // Now every edge between lo and hi crosses nextY. Compute it's
- // crossing and put it in the crossings array.
- for (int i = lo; i < hi; i++) {
- addCrossing(nextY, getCurCrossing(edgePtrs[i]), (int)edges[edgePtrs[i]+OR], crossingIdx);
- gotoNextY(edgePtrs[i]);
- crossingIdx++;
+ for (int i = clo; i < chi; i++) {
+ int ptr = curvePtrs[i];
+ addCrossing(nextY, (int)curves[ptr+CURX], curves[ptr+OR], crossingIdx);
+ curveGoToNextY(ptr);
+ crossingIdx++;
+ }
+ nextY++;
+ // Expand active lists to include new edges.
+ for (; ehi < numEdges && edges[edgePtrs[ehi]+YMIN] <= nextY; ehi++) {
+ edgeSetCurY(edgePtrs[ehi], nextY);
+ }
+ for (; qhi < numQuads && quads[quadPtrs[qhi]+YMIN] <= nextY; qhi++) {
+ quadSetCurY(quadPtrs[qhi], nextY);
+ }
+ for (; chi < numCurves && curves[curvePtrs[chi]+YMIN] <= nextY; chi++) {
+ curveSetCurY(curvePtrs[chi], nextY);
+ }
+ Arrays.sort(crossings, 0, crossingIdx);
+ return crossingIdx;
- nextY++;
- // Expand active list to include new edges.
- for (; hi < edgePtrs.length && edges[edgePtrs[hi]+CURY] <= nextY; hi++) {
- setCurY(edgePtrs[hi], nextY);
+ private boolean hasNext() {
+ return nextY < maxY;
- Arrays.sort(crossings, 0, crossingIdx);
- return crossingIdx;
- }
- private boolean ScanLineItHasNext() {
- return nextY < maxY;
- }
+ private int curY() {
+ return nextY - 1;
+ }
- private void addCrossing(int y, int x, int or, int idx) {
- if (x < minX) {
- minX = x;
+ private void addCrossing(int y, int x, float or, int idx) {
+ x <<= 1;
+ crossings[idx] = ((or > 0) ? (x | 0x1) : x);
- if (x > maxX) {
- maxX = x;
- }
- x <<= 1;
- crossings[idx] = ((or == 1) ? (x | 0x1) : x);
// quicksort implementation for sorting the edge indices ("pointers")
// by increasing y0. first, last are indices into the "pointer" array
// It sorts the pointer array from first (inclusive) to last (inclusive)
- private void qsort(int first, int last) {
+ private static void qsort(final float[] data, final int[] ptrs,
+ final int fieldForCmp, int first, int last)
+ {
if (last > first) {
- int p = partition(first, last);
+ int p = partition(data, ptrs, fieldForCmp, first, last);
if (first < p - 1) {
- qsort(first, p - 1);
+ qsort(data, ptrs, fieldForCmp, first, p - 1);
if (p < last) {
- qsort(p, last);
+ qsort(data, ptrs, fieldForCmp, p, last);
// i, j are indices into edgePtrs.
- private int partition(int i, int j) {
- int pivotVal = edgePtrs[i];
+ private static int partition(final float[] data, final int[] ptrs,
+ final int fieldForCmp, int i, int j)
+ {
+ int pivotValFieldForCmp = ptrs[i]+fieldForCmp;
while (i <= j) {
// edges[edgePtrs[i]+1] is equivalent to (*(edgePtrs[i])).y0 in C
- while (edges[edgePtrs[i]+CURY] < edges[pivotVal+CURY]) { i++; }
- while (edges[edgePtrs[j]+CURY] > edges[pivotVal+CURY]) { j--; }
+ while (data[ptrs[i]+fieldForCmp] < data[pivotValFieldForCmp])
+ i++;
+ while (data[ptrs[j]+fieldForCmp] > data[pivotValFieldForCmp])
+ j--;
if (i <= j) {
- int tmp = edgePtrs[i];
- edgePtrs[i] = edgePtrs[j];
- edgePtrs[j] = tmp;
+ int tmp = ptrs[i];
+ ptrs[i] = ptrs[j];
+ ptrs[j] = tmp;
return i;
+// TODO(maybe): very tempting to use fixed point here. A lot of opportunities
+// for shifts and just removing certain operations altogether.
+// TODO: it might be worth it to make an EdgeList class. It would probably
+// clean things up a bit and not impact performance much.
- private static final int INIT_NUM_EDGES = 1000;
- private static final int SIZEOF_STRUCT_EDGE = 5;
+ // common to all types of input path segments.
+ private static final int YMIN = 0;
+ private static final int YMAX = 1;
+ private static final int CURX = 2;
+ // this and OR are meant to be indeces into "int" fields, but arrays must
+ // be homogenous, so every field is a float. However floats can represent
+ // exactly up to 26 bit ints, so we're ok.
+ private static final int CURY = 3;
+ private static final int OR = 4;
+ // for straight lines only:
+ private static final int SLOPE = 5;
+ // for quads and cubics:
+ private static final int X0 = 5;
+ private static final int Y0 = 6;
+ private static final int XL = 7;
+ private static final int COUNT = 8;
+ private static final int CURSLOPE = 9;
+ private static final int DX = 10;
+ private static final int DY = 11;
+ private static final int DDX = 12;
+ private static final int DDY = 13;
+ // for cubics only
+ private static final int DDDX = 14;
+ private static final int DDDY = 15;
+ private float edgeMinY = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ private float edgeMaxY = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ private float edgeMinX = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ private float edgeMaxX = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ private static final int SIZEOF_EDGE = 6;
+ private float[] edges = null;
+ private int numEdges;
+ // these are static because we need them to be usable from ScanlineIterator
+ private void edgeSetCurY(final int idx, int y) {
+ edges[idx+CURX] += (y - edges[idx+CURY]) * edges[idx+SLOPE];
+ edges[idx+CURY] = y;
+ }
+ private void edgeGoToNextY(final int idx) {
+ edges[idx+CURY] += 1;
+ edges[idx+CURX] += edges[idx+SLOPE];
+ }
+ private static final int SIZEOF_QUAD = 14;
+ private float[] quads = null;
+ private int numQuads;
+ // This function should be called exactly once, to set the first scanline
+ // of the curve. Before it is called, the curve should think its first
+ // scanline is CEIL(YMIN).
+ private void quadSetCurY(final int idx, final int y) {
+ assert y < quads[idx+YMAX];
+ assert (quads[idx+CURY] > y);
+ assert (quads[idx+CURY] == Math.ceil(quads[idx+CURY]));
- // The following array is a poor man's struct array:
- // it simulates a struct array by having
- // edges[SIZEOF_STRUCT_EDGE * i + j] be the jth field in the ith element
- // of an array of edge structs.
- private float[] edges;
- private int edgesSize; // size of the edge list.
- private static final int Y1 = 0;
- private static final int SLOPE = 1;
- private static final int OR = 2; // the orientation. This can be -1 or 1.
- // -1 means up, 1 means down.
- private static final int CURY = 3; // j = 5 corresponds to the "current Y".
- // Each edge keeps track of the last scanline
- // crossing it computed, and this is the y coord of
- // that scanline.
- private static final int CURX = 4; //the x coord of the current crossing.
+ while (quads[idx+CURY] < ((float)y)) {
+ quadGoToNextY(idx);
+ }
+ }
+ private void quadGoToNextY(final int idx) {
+ quads[idx+CURY] += 1;
+ // this will get overriden if the while executes.
+ quads[idx+CURX] += quads[idx+CURSLOPE];
+ int count = (int)quads[idx+COUNT];
+ // this loop should never execute more than once because our
+ // curve is monotonic in Y. Still we put it in because you can
+ // never be too sure when dealing with floating point.
+ while(quads[idx+CURY] >= quads[idx+Y0] && count > 0) {
+ float x0 = quads[idx+X0], y0 = quads[idx+Y0];
+ count = executeQuadAFDIteration(idx);
+ float x1 = quads[idx+X0], y1 = quads[idx+Y0];
+ // our quads are monotonic, so this shouldn't happen, but
+ // it is conceivable that for very flat quads with different
+ // y values at their endpoints AFD might give us a horizontal
+ // segment.
+ if (y1 == y0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ quads[idx+CURSLOPE] = (x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0);
+ quads[idx+CURX] = x0 + (quads[idx+CURY] - y0) * quads[idx+CURSLOPE];
+ }
+ }
- // Note that while the array is declared as a float[] not all of it's
- // elements should be floats. currentY and Orientation should be ints (or int and
- // byte respectively), but they all need to be the same type. This isn't
- // really a problem because floats can represent exactly all 23 bit integers,
- // which should be more than enough.
- // Note, also, that we only need x1 for slope computation, so we don't need
- // to store it. x0, y0 don't need to be stored either. They can be put into
- // curx, cury, and it's ok if they're lost when curx and cury are changed.
- // We take this undeniably ugly and error prone approach (instead of simply
- // making an Edge class) for performance reasons. Also, it would probably be nicer
- // to have one array for each field, but that would defeat the purpose because
- // it would make poor use of the processor cache, since we tend to access
- // all the fields for one edge at a time.
+ private static final int SIZEOF_CURVE = 16;
+ private float[] curves = null;
+ private int numCurves;
+ private void curveSetCurY(final int idx, final int y) {
+ assert y < curves[idx+YMAX];
+ assert (curves[idx+CURY] > y);
+ assert (curves[idx+CURY] == Math.ceil(curves[idx+CURY]));
- private float edgeMinY;
- private float edgeMaxY;
+ while (curves[idx+CURY] < ((float)y)) {
+ curveGoToNextY(idx);
+ }
+ }
+ private void curveGoToNextY(final int idx) {
+ curves[idx+CURY] += 1;
+ // this will get overriden if the while executes.
+ curves[idx+CURX] += curves[idx+CURSLOPE];
+ int count = (int)curves[idx+COUNT];
+ // this loop should never execute more than once because our
+ // curve is monotonic in Y. Still we put it in because you can
+ // never be too sure when dealing with floating point.
+ while(curves[idx+CURY] >= curves[idx+Y0] && count > 0) {
+ float x0 = curves[idx+X0], y0 = curves[idx+Y0];
+ count = executeCurveAFDIteration(idx);
+ float x1 = curves[idx+X0], y1 = curves[idx+Y0];
+ // our curves are monotonic, so this shouldn't happen, but
+ // it is conceivable that for very flat curves with different
+ // y values at their endpoints AFD might give us a horizontal
+ // segment.
+ if (y1 == y0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ curves[idx+CURSLOPE] = (x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0);
+ curves[idx+CURX] = x0 + (curves[idx+CURY] - y0) * curves[idx+CURSLOPE];
+ }
+ }
- private void addEdge(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) {
- float or = (y0 < y1) ? 1f : -1f; // orientation: 1 = UP; -1 = DOWN
- if (or == -1) {
- float tmp = y0;
- y0 = y1;
- y1 = tmp;
- tmp = x0;
- x0 = x1;
- x1 = tmp;
+ private static final float DEC_BND = 20f;
+ private static final float INC_BND = 8f;
+ // Flattens using adaptive forward differencing. This only carries out
+ // one iteration of the AFD loop. All it does is update AFD variables (i.e.
+ // X0, Y0, D*[X|Y], COUNT; not variables used for computing scanline crossings).
+ private int executeQuadAFDIteration(int idx) {
+ int count = (int)quads[idx+COUNT];
+ float ddx = quads[idx+DDX];
+ float ddy = quads[idx+DDY];
+ float dx = quads[idx+DX];
+ float dy = quads[idx+DY];
+ while (Math.abs(ddx) > DEC_BND || Math.abs(ddy) > DEC_BND) {
+ ddx = ddx / 4;
+ ddy = ddy / 4;
+ dx = (dx - ddx) / 2;
+ dy = (dy - ddy) / 2;
+ count <<= 1;
+ }
+ // can only do this on even "count" values, because we must divide count by 2
+ while (count % 2 == 0 && Math.abs(dx) <= INC_BND && Math.abs(dy) <= INC_BND) {
+ dx = 2 * dx + ddx;
+ dy = 2 * dy + ddy;
+ ddx = 4 * ddx;
+ ddy = 4 * ddy;
+ count >>= 1;
+ }
+ count--;
+ if (count > 0) {
+ quads[idx+X0] += dx;
+ dx += ddx;
+ quads[idx+Y0] += dy;
+ dy += ddy;
+ } else {
+ quads[idx+X0] = quads[idx+XL];
+ quads[idx+Y0] = quads[idx+YMAX];
+ }
+ quads[idx+COUNT] = count;
+ quads[idx+DDX] = ddx;
+ quads[idx+DDY] = ddy;
+ quads[idx+DX] = dx;
+ quads[idx+DY] = dy;
+ return count;
+ }
+ private int executeCurveAFDIteration(int idx) {
+ int count = (int)curves[idx+COUNT];
+ float ddx = curves[idx+DDX];
+ float ddy = curves[idx+DDY];
+ float dx = curves[idx+DX];
+ float dy = curves[idx+DY];
+ float dddx = curves[idx+DDDX];
+ float dddy = curves[idx+DDDY];
+ while (Math.abs(ddx) > DEC_BND || Math.abs(ddy) > DEC_BND) {
+ dddx /= 8;
+ dddy /= 8;
+ ddx = ddx/4 - dddx;
+ ddy = ddy/4 - dddy;
+ dx = (dx - ddx) / 2;
+ dy = (dy - ddy) / 2;
+ count <<= 1;
+ }
+ // can only do this on even "count" values, because we must divide count by 2
+ while (count % 2 == 0 && Math.abs(dx) <= INC_BND && Math.abs(dy) <= INC_BND) {
+ dx = 2 * dx + ddx;
+ dy = 2 * dy + ddy;
+ ddx = 4 * (ddx + dddx);
+ ddy = 4 * (ddy + dddy);
+ dddx = 8 * dddx;
+ dddy = 8 * dddy;
+ count >>= 1;
+ }
+ count--;
+ if (count > 0) {
+ curves[idx+X0] += dx;
+ dx += ddx;
+ ddx += dddx;
+ curves[idx+Y0] += dy;
+ dy += ddy;
+ ddy += dddy;
+ } else {
+ curves[idx+X0] = curves[idx+XL];
+ curves[idx+Y0] = curves[idx+YMAX];
- // skip edges that don't cross a scanline
- if (Math.ceil(y0) >= Math.ceil(y1)) {
+ curves[idx+COUNT] = count;
+ curves[idx+DDDX] = dddx;
+ curves[idx+DDDY] = dddy;
+ curves[idx+DDX] = ddx;
+ curves[idx+DDY] = ddy;
+ curves[idx+DX] = dx;
+ curves[idx+DY] = dy;
+ return count;
+ }
+ private void initLine(final int idx, float[] pts, int or) {
+ edges[idx+SLOPE] = (pts[2] - pts[0]) / (pts[3] - pts[1]);
+ edges[idx+CURX] = pts[0] + (edges[idx+CURY] - pts[1]) * edges[idx+SLOPE];
+ }
+ private void initQuad(final int idx, float[] points, int or) {
+ final int countlg = 3;
+ final int count = 1 << countlg;
+ // the dx and dy refer to forward differencing variables, not the last
+ // coefficients of the "points" polynomial
+ final float ddx, ddy, dx, dy;
+ c.set(points, 6);
+ ddx = c.dbx / (1 << (2 * countlg));
+ ddy = c.dby / (1 << (2 * countlg));
+ dx = c.bx / (1 << (2 * countlg)) + c.cx / (1 << countlg);
+ dy = c.by / (1 << (2 * countlg)) + c.cy / (1 << countlg);
+ quads[idx+DDX] = ddx;
+ quads[idx+DDY] = ddy;
+ quads[idx+DX] = dx;
+ quads[idx+DY] = dy;
+ quads[idx+COUNT] = count;
+ quads[idx+XL] = points[4];
+ quads[idx+X0] = points[0];
+ quads[idx+Y0] = points[1];
+ executeQuadAFDIteration(idx);
+ float x1 = quads[idx+X0], y1 = quads[idx+Y0];
+ quads[idx+CURSLOPE] = (x1 - points[0]) / (y1 - points[1]);
+ quads[idx+CURX] = points[0] + (quads[idx+CURY] - points[1])*quads[idx+CURSLOPE];
+ }
+ private void initCurve(final int idx, float[] points, int or) {
+ final int countlg = 3;
+ final int count = 1 << countlg;
+ // the dx and dy refer to forward differencing variables, not the last
+ // coefficients of the "points" polynomial
+ final float dddx, dddy, ddx, ddy, dx, dy;
+ c.set(points, 8);
+ dddx = 2f * c.dax / (1 << (3 * countlg));
+ dddy = 2f * c.day / (1 << (3 * countlg));
+ ddx = dddx + c.dbx / (1 << (2 * countlg));
+ ddy = dddy + c.dby / (1 << (2 * countlg));
+ dx = c.ax / (1 << (3 * countlg)) + c.bx / (1 << (2 * countlg)) + c.cx / (1 << countlg);
+ dy = c.ay / (1 << (3 * countlg)) + c.by / (1 << (2 * countlg)) + c.cy / (1 << countlg);
+ curves[idx+DDDX] = dddx;
+ curves[idx+DDDY] = dddy;
+ curves[idx+DDX] = ddx;
+ curves[idx+DDY] = ddy;
+ curves[idx+DX] = dx;
+ curves[idx+DY] = dy;
+ curves[idx+COUNT] = count;
+ curves[idx+XL] = points[6];
+ curves[idx+X0] = points[0];
+ curves[idx+Y0] = points[1];
+ executeCurveAFDIteration(idx);
+ float x1 = curves[idx+X0], y1 = curves[idx+Y0];
+ curves[idx+CURSLOPE] = (x1 - points[0]) / (y1 - points[1]);
+ curves[idx+CURX] = points[0] + (curves[idx+CURY] - points[1])*curves[idx+CURSLOPE];
+ }
+ private void addPathSegment(float[] pts, final int type, final int or) {
+ int idx;
+ float[] addTo;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 4:
+ idx = numEdges * SIZEOF_EDGE;
+ addTo = edges = Helpers.widenArray(edges, numEdges*SIZEOF_EDGE, SIZEOF_EDGE);
+ numEdges++;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ idx = numQuads * SIZEOF_QUAD;
+ addTo = quads = Helpers.widenArray(quads, numQuads*SIZEOF_QUAD, SIZEOF_QUAD);
+ numQuads++;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ idx = numCurves * SIZEOF_CURVE;
+ addTo = curves = Helpers.widenArray(curves, numCurves*SIZEOF_CURVE, SIZEOF_CURVE);
+ numCurves++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new InternalError();
+ }
+ // set the common fields, except CURX, for which we must know the kind
+ // of curve. NOTE: this must be done before the type specific fields
+ // are initialized, because those depend on the common ones.
+ addTo[idx+YMIN] = pts[1];
+ addTo[idx+YMAX] = pts[type-1];
+ addTo[idx+OR] = or;
+ addTo[idx+CURY] = (float)Math.ceil(pts[1]);
+ switch (type) {
+ case 4:
+ initLine(idx, pts, or);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ initQuad(idx, pts, or);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ initCurve(idx, pts, or);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new InternalError();
+ }
+ }
+ // precondition: the curve in pts must be monotonic and increasing in y.
+ private void somethingTo(float[] pts, final int type, final int or) {
+ // NOTE: it's very important that we check for or >= 0 below (as
+ // opposed to or == 1, or or > 0, or anything else). That's
+ // because if we check for or==1, when the curve being added
+ // is a horizontal line, or will be 0 so or==1 will be false and
+ // x0 and y0 will be updated to pts[0] and pts[1] instead of pts[type-2]
+ // and pts[type-1], which is the correct thing to do.
+ this.x0 = or >= 0 ? pts[type - 2] : pts[0];
+ this.y0 = or >= 0 ? pts[type - 1] : pts[1];
+ float minY = pts[1], maxY = pts[type - 1];
+ if (Math.ceil(minY) >= Math.ceil(maxY) ||
+ Math.ceil(minY) >= boundsMaxY || maxY < boundsMinY)
+ {
- int newSize = edgesSize + SIZEOF_STRUCT_EDGE;
- if (edges.length < newSize) {
- edges = Arrays.copyOf(edges, newSize * 2);
- }
- edges[edgesSize+CURX] = x0;
- edges[edgesSize+CURY] = y0;
- edges[edgesSize+Y1] = y1;
- edges[edgesSize+SLOPE] = (x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0);
- edges[edgesSize+OR] = or;
- // the crossing values can't be initialized meaningfully yet. This
- // will have to wait until setCurY is called
- edgesSize += SIZEOF_STRUCT_EDGE;
+ if (minY < edgeMinY) { edgeMinY = minY; }
+ if (maxY > edgeMaxY) { edgeMaxY = maxY; }
- // Accumulate edgeMinY and edgeMaxY
- if (y0 < edgeMinY) { edgeMinY = y0; }
- if (y1 > edgeMaxY) { edgeMaxY = y1; }
+ int minXidx = (pts[0] < pts[type-2] ? 0 : type - 2);
+ float minX = pts[minXidx];
+ float maxX = pts[type - 2 - minXidx];
+ if (minX < edgeMinX) { edgeMinX = minX; }
+ if (maxX > edgeMaxX) { edgeMaxX = maxX; }
+ addPathSegment(pts, type, or);
- // As far as the following methods care, this edges extends to infinity.
- // They can compute the x intersect of any horizontal line.
- // precondition: idx is the index to the start of the desired edge.
- // So, if the ith edge is wanted, idx should be SIZEOF_STRUCT_EDGE * i
- private void setCurY(int idx, int y) {
- // compute the x crossing of edge at idx and horizontal line y
- // currentXCrossing = (y - y0)*slope + x0
- edges[idx + CURX] = (y - edges[idx + CURY]) * edges[idx + SLOPE] + edges[idx+CURX];
- edges[idx + CURY] = (float)y;
- }
- private void gotoNextY(int idx) {
- edges[idx + CURY] += 1f; // i.e. curY += 1
- edges[idx + CURX] += edges[idx + SLOPE]; // i.e. curXCrossing += slope
- }
- private int getCurCrossing(int idx) {
- return (int)edges[idx + CURX];
- }
public static final int WIND_EVEN_ODD = 0;
public static final int WIND_NON_ZERO = 1;
@@ -284,16 +586,13 @@
final int MAX_AA_ALPHA;
// Cache to store RLE-encoded coverage mask of the current primitive
- final PiscesCache cache;
+ PiscesCache cache;
// Bounds of the drawing region, at subpixel precision.
- final private int boundsMinX, boundsMinY, boundsMaxX, boundsMaxY;
- // Pixel bounding box for current primitive
- private int pix_bboxX0, pix_bboxY0, pix_bboxX1, pix_bboxY1;
+ private final int boundsMinX, boundsMinY, boundsMaxX, boundsMaxY;
// Current winding rule
- final private int windingRule;
+ private final int windingRule;
// Current drawing position, i.e., final point of last segment
private float x0, y0;
@@ -304,8 +603,8 @@
public Renderer(int subpixelLgPositionsX, int subpixelLgPositionsY,
int pix_boundsX, int pix_boundsY,
int pix_boundsWidth, int pix_boundsHeight,
- int windingRule,
- PiscesCache cache) {
+ int windingRule)
+ {
this.SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X = subpixelLgPositionsX;
this.SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_Y = subpixelLgPositionsY;
@@ -314,23 +613,12 @@
- this.edges = new float[SIZEOF_STRUCT_EDGE * INIT_NUM_EDGES];
- edgesSize = 0;
this.windingRule = windingRule;
- this.cache = cache;
this.boundsMinX = pix_boundsX * SUBPIXEL_POSITIONS_X;
this.boundsMinY = pix_boundsY * SUBPIXEL_POSITIONS_Y;
this.boundsMaxX = (pix_boundsX + pix_boundsWidth) * SUBPIXEL_POSITIONS_X;
this.boundsMaxY = (pix_boundsY + pix_boundsHeight) * SUBPIXEL_POSITIONS_Y;
- this.pix_bboxX0 = pix_boundsX;
- this.pix_bboxY0 = pix_boundsY;
- this.pix_bboxX1 = pix_boundsX + pix_boundsWidth;
- this.pix_bboxY1 = pix_boundsY + pix_boundsHeight;
private float tosubpixx(float pix_x) {
@@ -341,7 +629,7 @@
public void moveTo(float pix_x0, float pix_y0) {
- close();
+ closePath();
this.pix_sx0 = pix_x0;
this.pix_sy0 = pix_y0;
this.y0 = tosubpixy(pix_y0);
@@ -350,39 +638,102 @@
public void lineJoin() { /* do nothing */ }
- public void lineTo(float pix_x1, float pix_y1) {
- float x1 = tosubpixx(pix_x1);
- float y1 = tosubpixy(pix_y1);
+ private final float[][] pts = new float[2][8];
+ private final float[] ts = new float[4];
+ private static void invertPolyPoints(float[] pts, int off, int type) {
+ for (int i = off, j = off + type - 2; i < j; i += 2, j -= 2) {
+ float tmp = pts[i];
+ pts[i] = pts[j];
+ pts[j] = tmp;
+ tmp = pts[i+1];
+ pts[i+1] = pts[j+1];
+ pts[j+1] = tmp;
+ }
+ }
- // Ignore horizontal lines
- if (y0 == y1) {
- this.x0 = x1;
- return;
+ // return orientation before making the curve upright.
+ private static int makeMonotonicCurveUpright(float[] pts, int off, int type) {
+ float y0 = pts[off + 1];
+ float y1 = pts[off + type - 1];
+ if (y0 > y1) {
+ invertPolyPoints(pts, off, type);
+ return -1;
+ } else if (y0 < y1) {
+ return 1;
- addEdge(x0, y0, x1, y1);
+ return 0;
+ }
- this.x0 = x1;
- this.y0 = y1;
+ public void lineTo(float pix_x1, float pix_y1) {
+ pts[0][0] = x0; pts[0][1] = y0;
+ pts[0][2] = tosubpixx(pix_x1); pts[0][3] = tosubpixy(pix_y1);
+ int or = makeMonotonicCurveUpright(pts[0], 0, 4);
+ somethingTo(pts[0], 4, or);
- public void close() {
+ Curve c = new Curve();
+ private void curveOrQuadTo(int type) {
+ c.set(pts[0], type);
+ int numTs = c.dxRoots(ts, 0);
+ numTs += c.dyRoots(ts, numTs);
+ numTs = Helpers.filterOutNotInAB(ts, 0, numTs, 0, 1);
+ Helpers.isort(ts, 0, numTs);
+ Iterator<float[]> it = Curve.breakPtsAtTs(pts, type, ts, numTs);
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ float[] curCurve = it.next();
+ int or = makeMonotonicCurveUpright(curCurve, 0, type);
+ somethingTo(curCurve, type, or);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override public void curveTo(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2,
+ float x3, float y3)
+ {
+ pts[0][0] = x0; pts[0][1] = y0;
+ pts[0][2] = tosubpixx(x1); pts[0][3] = tosubpixy(y1);
+ pts[0][4] = tosubpixx(x2); pts[0][5] = tosubpixy(y2);
+ pts[0][6] = tosubpixx(x3); pts[0][7] = tosubpixy(y3);
+ curveOrQuadTo(8);
+ }
+ @Override public void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
+ pts[0][0] = x0; pts[0][1] = y0;
+ pts[0][2] = tosubpixx(x1); pts[0][3] = tosubpixy(y1);
+ pts[0][4] = tosubpixx(x2); pts[0][5] = tosubpixy(y2);
+ curveOrQuadTo(6);
+ }
+ public void closePath() {
// lineTo expects its input in pixel coordinates.
lineTo(pix_sx0, pix_sy0);
- public void end() {
- close();
+ public void pathDone() {
+ closePath();
- private void _endRendering() {
+ @Override
+ public long getNativeConsumer() {
+ throw new InternalError("Renderer does not use a native consumer.");
+ }
+ private void _endRendering(final int pix_bboxx0, final int pix_bboxy0,
+ final int pix_bboxx1, final int pix_bboxy1)
+ {
// Mask to determine the relevant bit of the crossing sum
// 0x1 if EVEN_ODD, all bits if NON_ZERO
int mask = (windingRule == WIND_EVEN_ODD) ? 0x1 : ~0x0;
// add 1 to better deal with the last pixel in a pixel row.
- int width = ((boundsMaxX - boundsMinX) >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X) + 1;
- byte[] alpha = new byte[width+1];
+ int width = pix_bboxx1 - pix_bboxx0 + 1;
+ int[] alpha = new int[width+1];
+ int bboxx0 = pix_bboxx0 << SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X;
+ int bboxx1 = pix_bboxx1 << SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X;
// Now we iterate through the scanlines. We must tell emitRow the coord
// of the first non-transparent pixel, so we must keep accumulators for
@@ -394,33 +745,34 @@
int pix_minX = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int y = boundsMinY; // needs to be declared here so we emit the last row properly.
- ScanLineItInitialize();
- for ( ; ScanLineItHasNext(); ) {
- int numCrossings = ScanLineItGoToNextYAndComputeCrossings();
- y = ScanLineItCurrentY();
+ ScanlineIterator it = this.new ScanlineIterator();
+ for ( ; it.hasNext(); ) {
+ int numCrossings = it.next();
+ int[] crossings = it.crossings;
+ y = it.curY();
if (numCrossings > 0) {
int lowx = crossings[0] >> 1;
int highx = crossings[numCrossings - 1] >> 1;
- int x0 = Math.max(lowx, boundsMinX);
- int x1 = Math.min(highx, boundsMaxX);
+ int x0 = Math.max(lowx, bboxx0);
+ int x1 = Math.min(highx, bboxx1);
pix_minX = Math.min(pix_minX, x0 >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X);
pix_maxX = Math.max(pix_maxX, x1 >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X);
int sum = 0;
- int prev = boundsMinX;
+ int prev = bboxx0;
for (int i = 0; i < numCrossings; i++) {
int curxo = crossings[i];
int curx = curxo >> 1;
int crorientation = ((curxo & 0x1) == 0x1) ? 1 : -1;
if ((sum & mask) != 0) {
- int x0 = Math.max(prev, boundsMinX);
- int x1 = Math.min(curx, boundsMaxX);
+ int x0 = Math.max(prev, bboxx0);
+ int x1 = Math.min(curx, bboxx1);
if (x0 < x1) {
- x0 -= boundsMinX; // turn x0, x1 from coords to indeces
- x1 -= boundsMinX; // in the alpha array.
+ x0 -= bboxx0; // turn x0, x1 from coords to indeces
+ x1 -= bboxx0; // in the alpha array.
int pix_x = x0 >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X;
int pix_xmaxm1 = (x1 - 1) >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X;
@@ -442,6 +794,9 @@
prev = curx;
+ // even if this last row had no crossings, alpha will be zeroed
+ // from the last emitRow call. But this doesn't matter because
+ // maxX < minX, so no row will be emitted to the cache.
emitRow(alpha, y >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_Y, pix_minX, pix_maxX);
pix_minX = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
@@ -453,47 +808,53 @@
if (pix_maxX >= pix_minX) {
emitRow(alpha, y >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_Y, pix_minX, pix_maxX);
- pix_bboxX0 = minX >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X;
- pix_bboxX1 = maxX >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X;
- pix_bboxY0 = minY >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_Y;
- pix_bboxY1 = maxY >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_Y;
public void endRendering() {
- // Set up the cache to accumulate the bounding box
- if (cache != null) {
- cache.bboxX0 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
- cache.bboxY0 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
- cache.bboxX1 = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
- cache.bboxY1 = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+ final int bminx = boundsMinX >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X;
+ final int bmaxx = boundsMaxX >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X;
+ final int bminy = boundsMinY >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_Y;
+ final int bmaxy = boundsMaxY >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_Y;
+ final int eminx = ((int)Math.floor(edgeMinX)) >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X;
+ final int emaxx = ((int)Math.ceil(edgeMaxX)) >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X;
+ final int eminy = ((int)Math.floor(edgeMinY)) >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_Y;
+ final int emaxy = ((int)Math.ceil(edgeMaxY)) >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_Y;
+ final int minX = Math.max(bminx, eminx);
+ final int maxX = Math.min(bmaxx, emaxx);
+ final int minY = Math.max(bminy, eminy);
+ final int maxY = Math.min(bmaxy, emaxy);
+ if (minX > maxX || minY > maxY) {
+ this.cache = new PiscesCache(bminx, bminy, bmaxx, bmaxy);
+ return;
- _endRendering();
+ this.cache = new PiscesCache(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
+ _endRendering(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
- public void getBoundingBox(int[] pix_bbox) {
- pix_bbox[0] = pix_bboxX0;
- pix_bbox[1] = pix_bboxY0;
- pix_bbox[2] = pix_bboxX1 - pix_bboxX0;
- pix_bbox[3] = pix_bboxY1 - pix_bboxY0;
+ public PiscesCache getCache() {
+ if (cache == null) {
+ throw new InternalError("cache not yet initialized");
+ }
+ return cache;
- private void emitRow(byte[] alphaRow, int pix_y, int pix_from, int pix_to) {
+ private void emitRow(int[] alphaRow, int pix_y, int pix_from, int pix_to) {
// Copy rowAA data into the cache if one is present
if (cache != null) {
if (pix_to >= pix_from) {
- cache.startRow(pix_y, pix_from, pix_to);
+ cache.startRow(pix_y, pix_from);
// Perform run-length encoding and store results in the cache
- int from = pix_from - (boundsMinX >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X);
- int to = pix_to - (boundsMinX >> SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X);
+ int from = pix_from - cache.bboxX0;
+ int to = pix_to - cache.bboxX0;
int runLen = 1;
- byte startVal = alphaRow[from];
+ int startVal = alphaRow[from];
for (int i = from + 1; i <= to; i++) {
- byte nextVal = (byte)(startVal + alphaRow[i]);
- if (nextVal == startVal && runLen < 255) {
+ int nextVal = startVal + alphaRow[i];
+ if (nextVal == startVal) {
} else {
cache.addRLERun(startVal, runLen);
@@ -502,9 +863,8 @@
cache.addRLERun(startVal, runLen);
- cache.addRLERun((byte)0, 0);
- java.util.Arrays.fill(alphaRow, (byte)0);
+ java.util.Arrays.fill(alphaRow, 0);
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/Stroker.java Fri Oct 22 16:57:41 2010 +0400
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/Stroker.java Tue Oct 26 10:39:23 2010 -0400
@@ -25,10 +25,18 @@
package sun.java2d.pisces;
-public class Stroker implements LineSink {
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import sun.awt.geom.PathConsumer2D;
+// TODO: some of the arithmetic here is too verbose and prone to hard to
+// debug typos. We should consider making a small Point/Vector class that
+// has methods like plus(Point), minus(Point), dot(Point), cross(Point)and such
+public class Stroker implements PathConsumer2D {
private static final int MOVE_TO = 0;
- private static final int LINE_TO = 1;
+ private static final int DRAWING_OP_TO = 1; // ie. curve, line, or quad
private static final int CLOSE = 2;
@@ -61,57 +69,37 @@
public static final int CAP_SQUARE = 2;
- private final LineSink output;
+ private final PathConsumer2D out;
private final int capStyle;
private final int joinStyle;
- private final float m00, m01, m10, m11, det;
private final float lineWidth2;
- private final float scaledLineWidth2;
- // For any pen offset (pen_dx, pen_dy) that does not depend on
- // the line orientation, the pen should be transformed so that:
- //
- // pen_dx' = m00*pen_dx + m01*pen_dy
- // pen_dy' = m10*pen_dx + m11*pen_dy
- //
- // For a round pen, this means:
- //
- // pen_dx(r, theta) = r*cos(theta)
- // pen_dy(r, theta) = r*sin(theta)
- //
- // pen_dx'(r, theta) = r*(m00*cos(theta) + m01*sin(theta))
- // pen_dy'(r, theta) = r*(m10*cos(theta) + m11*sin(theta))
- private int numPenSegments;
- private final float[] pen_dx;
- private final float[] pen_dy;
- private boolean[] penIncluded;
- private final float[] join;
- private final float[] offset = new float[2];
- private float[] reverse = new float[100];
+ private final float[][] offset = new float[3][2];
private final float[] miter = new float[2];
private final float miterLimitSq;
private int prev;
- private int rindex;
- private boolean started;
- private boolean lineToOrigin;
- private boolean joinToOrigin;
- private float sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1, x0, y0, px0, py0;
- private float mx0, my0, omx, omy;
+ // The starting point of the path, and the slope there.
+ private float sx0, sy0, sdx, sdy;
+ // the current point and the slope there.
+ private float cx0, cy0, cdx, cdy; // c stands for current
+ // vectors that when added to (sx0,sy0) and (cx0,cy0) respectively yield the
+ // first and last points on the left parallel path. Since this path is
+ // parallel, it's slope at any point is parallel to the slope of the
+ // original path (thought they may have different directions), so these
+ // could be computed from sdx,sdy and cdx,cdy (and vice versa), but that
+ // would be error prone and hard to read, so we keep these anyway.
+ private float smx, smy, cmx, cmy;
- private float m00_2_m01_2;
- private float m10_2_m11_2;
- private float m00_m10_m01_m11;
+ private final PolyStack reverse = new PolyStack();
* Constructs a <code>Stroker</code>.
- * @param output an output <code>LineSink</code>.
+ * @param pc2d an output <code>PathConsumer2D</code>.
* @param lineWidth the desired line width in pixels
* @param capStyle the desired end cap style, one of
* <code>CAP_BUTT</code>, <code>CAP_ROUND</code> or
@@ -120,183 +108,61 @@
* <code>JOIN_MITER</code>, <code>JOIN_ROUND</code> or
* <code>JOIN_BEVEL</code>.
* @param miterLimit the desired miter limit
- * @param transform a <code>Transform4</code> object indicating
- * the transform that has been previously applied to all incoming
- * coordinates. This is required in order to produce consistently
- * shaped end caps and joins.
- public Stroker(LineSink output,
+ public Stroker(PathConsumer2D pc2d,
float lineWidth,
int capStyle,
int joinStyle,
- float miterLimit,
- float m00, float m01, float m10, float m11) {
- this.output = output;
+ float miterLimit)
+ {
+ this.out = pc2d;
this.lineWidth2 = lineWidth / 2;
- this.scaledLineWidth2 = m00 * lineWidth2;
this.capStyle = capStyle;
this.joinStyle = joinStyle;
- m00_2_m01_2 = m00*m00 + m01*m01;
- m10_2_m11_2 = m10*m10 + m11*m11;
- m00_m10_m01_m11 = m00*m10 + m01*m11;
- this.m00 = m00;
- this.m01 = m01;
- this.m10 = m10;
- this.m11 = m11;
- det = m00*m11 - m01*m10;
- float limit = miterLimit * lineWidth2 * det;
+ float limit = miterLimit * lineWidth2;
this.miterLimitSq = limit*limit;
- this.numPenSegments = (int)(3.14159f * lineWidth);
- this.pen_dx = new float[numPenSegments];
- this.pen_dy = new float[numPenSegments];
- this.penIncluded = new boolean[numPenSegments];
- this.join = new float[2*numPenSegments];
- for (int i = 0; i < numPenSegments; i++) {
- double theta = (i * 2.0 * Math.PI)/numPenSegments;
- double cos = Math.cos(theta);
- double sin = Math.sin(theta);
- pen_dx[i] = (float)(lineWidth2 * (m00*cos + m01*sin));
- pen_dy[i] = (float)(lineWidth2 * (m10*cos + m11*sin));
- }
- prev = CLOSE;
- rindex = 0;
- started = false;
- lineToOrigin = false;
+ this.prev = CLOSE;
- private void computeOffset(float x0, float y0,
- float x1, float y1, float[] m) {
- float lx = x1 - x0;
- float ly = y1 - y0;
- float dx, dy;
- if (m00 > 0 && m00 == m11 && m01 == 0 & m10 == 0) {
- float ilen = (float)Math.hypot(lx, ly);
- if (ilen == 0) {
- dx = dy = 0;
- } else {
- dx = (ly * scaledLineWidth2)/ilen;
- dy = -(lx * scaledLineWidth2)/ilen;
- }
+ private static void computeOffset(final float lx, final float ly,
+ final float w, final float[] m)
+ {
+ final float len = (float)Math.hypot(lx, ly);
+ if (len == 0) {
+ m[0] = m[1] = 0;
} else {
- int sdet = (det > 0) ? 1 : -1;
- float a = ly * m00 - lx * m10;
- float b = ly * m01 - lx * m11;
- float dh = (float)Math.hypot(a, b);
- float div = sdet * lineWidth2/dh;
- float ddx = ly * m00_2_m01_2 - lx * m00_m10_m01_m11;
- float ddy = ly * m00_m10_m01_m11 - lx * m10_2_m11_2;
- dx = ddx*div;
- dy = ddy*div;
- }
- m[0] = dx;
- m[1] = dy;
- }
- private void ensureCapacity(int newrindex) {
- if (reverse.length < newrindex) {
- reverse = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(reverse, 6*reverse.length/5);
+ m[0] = (ly * w)/len;
+ m[1] = -(lx * w)/len;
- private boolean isCCW(float x0, float y0,
- float x1, float y1,
- float x2, float y2) {
- return (x1 - x0) * (y2 - y1) < (y1 - y0) * (x2 - x1);
- }
- private boolean side(float x, float y,
- float x0, float y0,
- float x1, float y1) {
- return (y0 - y1)*x + (x1 - x0)*y + (x0*y1 - x1*y0) > 0;
- }
- private int computeRoundJoin(float cx, float cy,
- float xa, float ya,
- float xb, float yb,
- int side,
- boolean flip,
- float[] join) {
- float px, py;
- int ncoords = 0;
- boolean centerSide;
- if (side == 0) {
- centerSide = side(cx, cy, xa, ya, xb, yb);
- } else {
- centerSide = (side == 1);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < numPenSegments; i++) {
- px = cx + pen_dx[i];
- py = cy + pen_dy[i];
- boolean penSide = side(px, py, xa, ya, xb, yb);
- penIncluded[i] = (penSide != centerSide);
- }
- int start = -1, end = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < numPenSegments; i++) {
- if (penIncluded[i] &&
- !penIncluded[(i + numPenSegments - 1) % numPenSegments]) {
- start = i;
- }
- if (penIncluded[i] &&
- !penIncluded[(i + 1) % numPenSegments]) {
- end = i;
- }
- }
- if (end < start) {
- end += numPenSegments;
- }
- if (start != -1 && end != -1) {
- float dxa = cx + pen_dx[start] - xa;
- float dya = cy + pen_dy[start] - ya;
- float dxb = cx + pen_dx[start] - xb;
- float dyb = cy + pen_dy[start] - yb;
- boolean rev = (dxa*dxa + dya*dya > dxb*dxb + dyb*dyb);
- int i = rev ? end : start;
- int incr = rev ? -1 : 1;
- while (true) {
- int idx = i % numPenSegments;
- px = cx + pen_dx[idx];
- py = cy + pen_dy[idx];
- join[ncoords++] = px;
- join[ncoords++] = py;
- if (i == (rev ? start : end)) {
- break;
- }
- i += incr;
- }
- }
- return ncoords/2;
+ // Returns true if the vectors (dx1, dy1) and (dx2, dy2) are
+ // clockwise (if dx1,dy1 needs to be rotated clockwise to close
+ // the smallest angle between it and dx2,dy2).
+ // This is equivalent to detecting whether a point q is on the right side
+ // of a line passing through points p1, p2 where p2 = p1+(dx1,dy1) and
+ // q = p2+(dx2,dy2), which is the same as saying p1, p2, q are in a
+ // clockwise order.
+ // NOTE: "clockwise" here assumes coordinates with 0,0 at the bottom left.
+ private static boolean isCW(final float dx1, final float dy1,
+ final float dx2, final float dy2)
+ {
+ return dx1 * dy2 <= dy1 * dx2;
// pisces used to use fixed point arithmetic with 16 decimal digits. I
- // didn't want to change the values of the constants below when I converted
+ // didn't want to change the values of the constant below when I converted
// it to floating point, so that's why the divisions by 2^16 are there.
private static final float ROUND_JOIN_THRESHOLD = 1000/65536f;
- private static final float ROUND_JOIN_INTERNAL_THRESHOLD = 1000000000/65536f;
private void drawRoundJoin(float x, float y,
float omx, float omy, float mx, float my,
- int side,
- boolean flip,
boolean rev,
- float threshold) {
+ float threshold)
+ {
if ((omx == 0 && omy == 0) || (mx == 0 && my == 0)) {
@@ -314,54 +180,148 @@
mx = -mx;
my = -my;
+ drawRoundJoin(x, y, omx, omy, mx, my, rev);
+ }
- float bx0 = x + omx;
- float by0 = y + omy;
- float bx1 = x + mx;
- float by1 = y + my;
+ private void drawRoundJoin(float cx, float cy,
+ float omx, float omy,
+ float mx, float my,
+ boolean rev)
+ {
+ // The sign of the dot product of mx,my and omx,omy is equal to the
+ // the sign of the cosine of ext
+ // (ext is the angle between omx,omy and mx,my).
+ double cosext = omx * mx + omy * my;
+ // If it is >=0, we know that abs(ext) is <= 90 degrees, so we only
+ // need 1 curve to approximate the circle section that joins omx,omy
+ // and mx,my.
+ final int numCurves = cosext >= 0 ? 1 : 2;
- int npoints = computeRoundJoin(x, y,
- bx0, by0, bx1, by1, side, flip,
- join);
- for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
- emitLineTo(join[2*i], join[2*i + 1], rev);
+ switch (numCurves) {
+ case 1:
+ drawBezApproxForArc(cx, cy, omx, omy, mx, my, rev);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // we need to split the arc into 2 arcs spanning the same angle.
+ // The point we want will be one of the 2 intersections of the
+ // perpendicular bisector of the chord (omx,omy)->(mx,my) and the
+ // circle. We could find this by scaling the vector
+ // (omx+mx, omy+my)/2 so that it has length=lineWidth2 (and thus lies
+ // on the circle), but that can have numerical problems when the angle
+ // between omx,omy and mx,my is close to 180 degrees. So we compute a
+ // normal of (omx,omy)-(mx,my). This will be the direction of the
+ // perpendicular bisector. To get one of the intersections, we just scale
+ // this vector that its length is lineWidth2 (this works because the
+ // perpendicular bisector goes through the origin). This scaling doesn't
+ // have numerical problems because we know that lineWidth2 divided by
+ // this normal's length is at least 0.5 and at most sqrt(2)/2 (because
+ // we know the angle of the arc is > 90 degrees).
+ float nx = my - omy, ny = omx - mx;
+ float nlen = (float)Math.sqrt(nx*nx + ny*ny);
+ float scale = lineWidth2/nlen;
+ float mmx = nx * scale, mmy = ny * scale;
+ // if (isCW(omx, omy, mx, my) != isCW(mmx, mmy, mx, my)) then we've
+ // computed the wrong intersection so we get the other one.
+ // The test above is equivalent to if (rev).
+ if (rev) {
+ mmx = -mmx;
+ mmy = -mmy;
+ }
+ drawBezApproxForArc(cx, cy, omx, omy, mmx, mmy, rev);
+ drawBezApproxForArc(cx, cy, mmx, mmy, mx, my, rev);
+ break;
- // Return the intersection point of the lines (ix0, iy0) -> (ix1, iy1)
- // and (ix0p, iy0p) -> (ix1p, iy1p) in m[0] and m[1]
- private void computeMiter(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1,
- float x0p, float y0p, float x1p, float y1p,
- float[] m) {
+ // the input arc defined by omx,omy and mx,my must span <= 90 degrees.
+ private void drawBezApproxForArc(final float cx, final float cy,
+ final float omx, final float omy,
+ final float mx, final float my,
+ boolean rev)
+ {
+ float cosext2 = (omx * mx + omy * my) / (2 * lineWidth2 * lineWidth2);
+ // cv is the length of P1-P0 and P2-P3 divided by the radius of the arc
+ // (so, cv assumes the arc has radius 1). P0, P1, P2, P3 are the points that
+ // define the bezier curve we're computing.
+ // It is computed using the constraints that P1-P0 and P3-P2 are parallel
+ // to the arc tangents at the endpoints, and that |P1-P0|=|P3-P2|.
+ float cv = (float)((4.0 / 3.0) * Math.sqrt(0.5-cosext2) /
+ (1.0 + Math.sqrt(cosext2+0.5)));
+ // if clockwise, we need to negate cv.
+ if (rev) { // rev is equivalent to isCW(omx, omy, mx, my)
+ cv = -cv;
+ }
+ final float x1 = cx + omx;
+ final float y1 = cy + omy;
+ final float x2 = x1 - cv * omy;
+ final float y2 = y1 + cv * omx;
+ final float x4 = cx + mx;
+ final float y4 = cy + my;
+ final float x3 = x4 + cv * my;
+ final float y3 = y4 - cv * mx;
+ emitCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, rev);
+ }
+ private void drawRoundCap(float cx, float cy, float mx, float my) {
+ final float C = 0.5522847498307933f;
+ // the first and second arguments of the following two calls
+ // are really will be ignored by emitCurveTo (because of the false),
+ // but we put them in anyway, as opposed to just giving it 4 zeroes,
+ // because it's just 4 additions and it's not good to rely on this
+ // sort of assumption (right now it's true, but that may change).
+ emitCurveTo(cx+mx, cy+my,
+ cx+mx-C*my, cy+my+C*mx,
+ cx-my+C*mx, cy+mx+C*my,
+ cx-my, cy+mx,
+ false);
+ emitCurveTo(cx-my, cy+mx,
+ cx-my-C*mx, cy+mx-C*my,
+ cx-mx-C*my, cy-my+C*mx,
+ cx-mx, cy-my,
+ false);
+ }
+ // Return the intersection point of the lines (x0, y0) -> (x1, y1)
+ // and (x0p, y0p) -> (x1p, y1p) in m[0] and m[1]
+ private void computeMiter(final float x0, final float y0,
+ final float x1, final float y1,
+ final float x0p, final float y0p,
+ final float x1p, final float y1p,
+ final float[] m, int off)
+ {
float x10 = x1 - x0;
float y10 = y1 - y0;
float x10p = x1p - x0p;
float y10p = y1p - y0p;
+ // if this is 0, the lines are parallel. If they go in the
+ // same direction, there is no intersection so m[off] and
+ // m[off+1] will contain infinity, so no miter will be drawn.
+ // If they go in the same direction that means that the start of the
+ // current segment and the end of the previous segment have the same
+ // tangent, in which case this method won't even be involved in
+ // miter drawing because it won't be called by drawMiter (because
+ // (mx == omx && my == omy) will be true, and drawMiter will return
+ // immediately).
float den = x10*y10p - x10p*y10;
- if (den == 0) {
- m[0] = x0;
- m[1] = y0;
- return;
- }
- float t = x1p*(y0 - y0p) - x0*y10p + x0p*(y1p - y0);
- m[0] = x0 + (t*x10)/den;
- m[1] = y0 + (t*y10)/den;
+ float t = x10p*(y0-y0p) - y10p*(x0-x0p);
+ t /= den;
+ m[off++] = x0 + t*x10;
+ m[off] = y0 + t*y10;
- private void drawMiter(float px0, float py0,
- float x0, float y0,
- float x1, float y1,
+ private void drawMiter(final float pdx, final float pdy,
+ final float x0, final float y0,
+ final float dx, final float dy,
float omx, float omy, float mx, float my,
- boolean rev) {
- if (mx == omx && my == omy) {
- return;
- }
- if (px0 == x0 && py0 == y0) {
- return;
- }
- if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) {
+ boolean rev)
+ {
+ if ((mx == omx && my == omy) ||
+ (pdx == 0 && pdy == 0) ||
+ (dx == 0 && dy == 0)) {
@@ -372,297 +332,734 @@
my = -my;
- computeMiter(px0 + omx, py0 + omy, x0 + omx, y0 + omy,
- x0 + mx, y0 + my, x1 + mx, y1 + my,
- miter);
+ computeMiter((x0 - pdx) + omx, (y0 - pdy) + omy, x0 + omx, y0 + omy,
+ (dx + x0) + mx, (dy + y0) + my, x0 + mx, y0 + my,
+ miter, 0);
- // Compute miter length in untransformed coordinates
- float dx = miter[0] - x0;
- float dy = miter[1] - y0;
- float a = dy*m00 - dx*m10;
- float b = dy*m01 - dx*m11;
- float lenSq = a*a + b*b;
+ float lenSq = (miter[0]-x0)*(miter[0]-x0) + (miter[1]-y0)*(miter[1]-y0);
if (lenSq < miterLimitSq) {
emitLineTo(miter[0], miter[1], rev);
public void moveTo(float x0, float y0) {
- // System.out.println("Stroker.moveTo(" + x0/65536.0 + ", " + y0/65536.0 + ")");
- if (lineToOrigin) {
- // not closing the path, do the previous lineTo
- lineToImpl(sx0, sy0, joinToOrigin);
- lineToOrigin = false;
- }
- if (prev == LINE_TO) {
+ if (prev == DRAWING_OP_TO) {
- this.sx0 = this.x0 = x0;
- this.sy0 = this.y0 = y0;
- this.rindex = 0;
- this.started = false;
- this.joinSegment = false;
+ this.sx0 = this.cx0 = x0;
+ this.sy0 = this.cy0 = y0;
+ this.cdx = this.sdx = 1;
+ this.cdy = this.sdy = 0;
this.prev = MOVE_TO;
- boolean joinSegment = false;
- public void lineJoin() {
- // System.out.println("Stroker.lineJoin()");
- this.joinSegment = true;
- }
public void lineTo(float x1, float y1) {
- // System.out.println("Stroker.lineTo(" + x1/65536.0 + ", " + y1/65536.0 + ")");
+ float dx = x1 - cx0;
+ float dy = y1 - cy0;
+ if (dx == 0f && dy == 0f) {
+ dx = 1;
+ }
+ computeOffset(dx, dy, lineWidth2, offset[0]);
+ float mx = offset[0][0];
+ float my = offset[0][1];
- if (lineToOrigin) {
- if (x1 == sx0 && y1 == sy0) {
- // staying in the starting point
- return;
- }
+ drawJoin(cdx, cdy, cx0, cy0, dx, dy, cmx, cmy, mx, my);
- // not closing the path, do the previous lineTo
- lineToImpl(sx0, sy0, joinToOrigin);
- lineToOrigin = false;
- } else if (x1 == x0 && y1 == y0) {
- return;
- } else if (x1 == sx0 && y1 == sy0) {
- lineToOrigin = true;
- joinToOrigin = joinSegment;
- joinSegment = false;
- return;
- }
+ emitLineTo(cx0 + mx, cy0 + my);
+ emitLineTo(x1 + mx, y1 + my);
+ emitLineTo(cx0 - mx, cy0 - my, true);
+ emitLineTo(x1 - mx, y1 - my, true);
- lineToImpl(x1, y1, joinSegment);
- joinSegment = false;
+ this.cmx = mx;
+ this.cmy = my;
+ this.cdx = dx;
+ this.cdy = dy;
+ this.cx0 = x1;
+ this.cy0 = y1;
+ this.prev = DRAWING_OP_TO;
- private void lineToImpl(float x1, float y1, boolean joinSegment) {
- computeOffset(x0, y0, x1, y1, offset);
- float mx = offset[0];
- float my = offset[1];
- if (!started) {
- emitMoveTo(x0 + mx, y0 + my);
- this.sx1 = x1;
- this.sy1 = y1;
- this.mx0 = mx;
- this.my0 = my;
- started = true;
- } else {
- boolean ccw = isCCW(px0, py0, x0, y0, x1, y1);
- if (joinSegment) {
- if (joinStyle == JOIN_MITER) {
- drawMiter(px0, py0, x0, y0, x1, y1, omx, omy, mx, my,
- ccw);
- } else if (joinStyle == JOIN_ROUND) {
- drawRoundJoin(x0, y0,
- omx, omy,
- mx, my, 0, false, ccw,
- }
- } else {
- // Draw internal joins as round
- drawRoundJoin(x0, y0,
- omx, omy,
- mx, my, 0, false, ccw,
+ public void closePath() {
+ if (prev != DRAWING_OP_TO) {
+ if (prev == CLOSE) {
+ return;
- emitLineTo(x0, y0, !ccw);
- }
- emitLineTo(x0 + mx, y0 + my, false);
- emitLineTo(x1 + mx, y1 + my, false);
- emitLineTo(x0 - mx, y0 - my, true);
- emitLineTo(x1 - mx, y1 - my, true);
- this.omx = mx;
- this.omy = my;
- this.px0 = x0;
- this.py0 = y0;
- this.x0 = x1;
- this.y0 = y1;
- this.prev = LINE_TO;
- }
- public void close() {
- // System.out.println("Stroker.close()");
- if (lineToOrigin) {
- // ignore the previous lineTo
- lineToOrigin = false;
- }
- if (!started) {
+ emitMoveTo(cx0, cy0 - lineWidth2);
+ this.cmx = this.smx = 0;
+ this.cmy = this.smy = -lineWidth2;
+ this.cdx = this.sdx = 1;
+ this.cdy = this.sdy = 0;
- computeOffset(x0, y0, sx0, sy0, offset);
- float mx = offset[0];
- float my = offset[1];
- // Draw penultimate join
- boolean ccw = isCCW(px0, py0, x0, y0, sx0, sy0);
- if (joinSegment) {
- if (joinStyle == JOIN_MITER) {
- drawMiter(px0, py0, x0, y0, sx0, sy0, omx, omy, mx, my, ccw);
- } else if (joinStyle == JOIN_ROUND) {
- drawRoundJoin(x0, y0, omx, omy, mx, my, 0, false, ccw,
- }
- } else {
- // Draw internal joins as round
- drawRoundJoin(x0, y0,
- omx, omy,
- mx, my, 0, false, ccw,
+ if (cx0 != sx0 || cy0 != sy0) {
+ lineTo(sx0, sy0);
- emitLineTo(x0 + mx, y0 + my);
- emitLineTo(sx0 + mx, sy0 + my);
- ccw = isCCW(x0, y0, sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1);
+ drawJoin(cdx, cdy, cx0, cy0, sdx, sdy, cmx, cmy, smx, smy);
- // Draw final join on the outside
- if (!ccw) {
- if (joinStyle == JOIN_MITER) {
- drawMiter(x0, y0, sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1,
- mx, my, mx0, my0, false);
- } else if (joinStyle == JOIN_ROUND) {
- drawRoundJoin(sx0, sy0, mx, my, mx0, my0, 0, false, false,
- }
- }
- emitLineTo(sx0 + mx0, sy0 + my0);
- emitLineTo(sx0 - mx0, sy0 - my0); // same as reverse[0], reverse[1]
+ emitLineTo(sx0 + smx, sy0 + smy);
- // Draw final join on the inside
- if (ccw) {
- if (joinStyle == JOIN_MITER) {
- drawMiter(x0, y0, sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1,
- -mx, -my, -mx0, -my0, false);
- } else if (joinStyle == JOIN_ROUND) {
- drawRoundJoin(sx0, sy0, -mx, -my, -mx0, -my0, 0,
- true, false,
- }
- }
+ emitMoveTo(sx0 - smx, sy0 - smy);
+ emitReverse();
- emitLineTo(sx0 - mx, sy0 - my);
- emitLineTo(x0 - mx, y0 - my);
- for (int i = rindex - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
- emitLineTo(reverse[i], reverse[i + 1]);
- }
- this.x0 = this.sx0;
- this.y0 = this.sy0;
- this.rindex = 0;
- this.started = false;
- this.joinSegment = false;
this.prev = CLOSE;
- public void end() {
- // System.out.println("Stroker.end()");
+ private void emitReverse() {
+ while(!reverse.isEmpty()) {
+ reverse.pop(out);
+ }
+ }
- if (lineToOrigin) {
- // not closing the path, do the previous lineTo
- lineToImpl(sx0, sy0, joinToOrigin);
- lineToOrigin = false;
- }
- if (prev == LINE_TO) {
+ public void pathDone() {
+ if (prev == DRAWING_OP_TO) {
- output.end();
- this.joinSegment = false;
- this.prev = MOVE_TO;
- }
- double userSpaceLineLength(double dx, double dy) {
- double a = (dy*m00 - dx*m10)/det;
- double b = (dy*m01 - dx*m11)/det;
- return Math.hypot(a, b);
+ out.pathDone();
+ // this shouldn't matter since this object won't be used
+ // after the call to this method.
+ this.prev = CLOSE;
private void finish() {
if (capStyle == CAP_ROUND) {
- drawRoundJoin(x0, y0,
- omx, omy, -omx, -omy, 1, false, false,
+ drawRoundCap(cx0, cy0, cmx, cmy);
} else if (capStyle == CAP_SQUARE) {
- float dx = px0 - x0;
- float dy = py0 - y0;
- float len = (float)userSpaceLineLength(dx, dy);
- float s = lineWidth2/len;
- float capx = x0 - dx*s;
- float capy = y0 - dy*s;
- emitLineTo(capx + omx, capy + omy);
- emitLineTo(capx - omx, capy - omy);
+ emitLineTo(cx0 - cmy + cmx, cy0 + cmx + cmy);
+ emitLineTo(cx0 - cmy - cmx, cy0 + cmx - cmy);
- for (int i = rindex - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
- emitLineTo(reverse[i], reverse[i + 1]);
- }
- this.rindex = 0;
+ emitReverse();
if (capStyle == CAP_ROUND) {
- drawRoundJoin(sx0, sy0,
- -mx0, -my0, mx0, my0, 1, false, false,
+ drawRoundCap(sx0, sy0, -smx, -smy);
} else if (capStyle == CAP_SQUARE) {
- float dx = sx1 - sx0;
- float dy = sy1 - sy0;
- float len = (float)userSpaceLineLength(dx, dy);
- float s = lineWidth2/len;
- float capx = sx0 - dx*s;
- float capy = sy0 - dy*s;
- emitLineTo(capx - mx0, capy - my0);
- emitLineTo(capx + mx0, capy + my0);
+ emitLineTo(sx0 + smy - smx, sy0 - smx - smy);
+ emitLineTo(sx0 + smy + smx, sy0 - smx + smy);
- this.joinSegment = false;
- private void emitMoveTo(float x0, float y0) {
- // System.out.println("Stroker.emitMoveTo(" + x0/65536.0 + ", " + y0/65536.0 + ")");
- output.moveTo(x0, y0);
+ private void emitMoveTo(final float x0, final float y0) {
+ out.moveTo(x0, y0);
- private void emitLineTo(float x1, float y1) {
- // System.out.println("Stroker.emitLineTo(" + x0/65536.0 + ", " + y0/65536.0 + ")");
- output.lineTo(x1, y1);
+ private void emitLineTo(final float x1, final float y1) {
+ out.lineTo(x1, y1);
- private void emitLineTo(float x1, float y1, boolean rev) {
+ private void emitLineTo(final float x1, final float y1,
+ final boolean rev)
+ {
if (rev) {
- ensureCapacity(rindex + 2);
- reverse[rindex++] = x1;
- reverse[rindex++] = y1;
+ reverse.pushLine(x1, y1);
} else {
emitLineTo(x1, y1);
+ private void emitQuadTo(final float x0, final float y0,
+ final float x1, final float y1,
+ final float x2, final float y2, final boolean rev)
+ {
+ if (rev) {
+ reverse.pushQuad(x0, y0, x1, y1);
+ } else {
+ out.quadTo(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ }
+ }
+ private void emitCurveTo(final float x0, final float y0,
+ final float x1, final float y1,
+ final float x2, final float y2,
+ final float x3, final float y3, final boolean rev)
+ {
+ if (rev) {
+ reverse.pushCubic(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ } else {
+ out.curveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
+ }
+ }
private void emitClose() {
- // System.out.println("Stroker.emitClose()");
- output.close();
+ out.closePath();
+ }
+ private void drawJoin(float pdx, float pdy,
+ float x0, float y0,
+ float dx, float dy,
+ float omx, float omy,
+ float mx, float my)
+ {
+ if (prev != DRAWING_OP_TO) {
+ emitMoveTo(x0 + mx, y0 + my);
+ this.sdx = dx;
+ this.sdy = dy;
+ this.smx = mx;
+ this.smy = my;
+ } else {
+ boolean cw = isCW(pdx, pdy, dx, dy);
+ if (joinStyle == JOIN_MITER) {
+ drawMiter(pdx, pdy, x0, y0, dx, dy, omx, omy, mx, my, cw);
+ } else if (joinStyle == JOIN_ROUND) {
+ drawRoundJoin(x0, y0,
+ omx, omy,
+ mx, my, cw,
+ }
+ emitLineTo(x0, y0, !cw);
+ }
+ prev = DRAWING_OP_TO;
+ }
+ private static boolean within(final float x1, final float y1,
+ final float x2, final float y2,
+ final float ERR)
+ {
+ assert ERR > 0 : "";
+ // compare taxicab distance. ERR will always be small, so using
+ // true distance won't give much benefit
+ return (Helpers.within(x1, x2, ERR) && // we want to avoid calling Math.abs
+ Helpers.within(y1, y2, ERR)); // this is just as good.
+ }
+ private void getLineOffsets(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2,
+ float[] left, float[] right) {
+ computeOffset(x2 - x1, y2 - y1, lineWidth2, offset[0]);
+ left[0] = x1 + offset[0][0];
+ left[1] = y1 + offset[0][1];
+ left[2] = x2 + offset[0][0];
+ left[3] = y2 + offset[0][1];
+ right[0] = x1 - offset[0][0];
+ right[1] = y1 - offset[0][1];
+ right[2] = x2 - offset[0][0];
+ right[3] = y2 - offset[0][1];
+ }
+ private int computeOffsetCubic(float[] pts, final int off,
+ float[] leftOff, float[] rightOff)
+ {
+ // if p1=p2 or p3=p4 it means that the derivative at the endpoint
+ // vanishes, which creates problems with computeOffset. Usually
+ // this happens when this stroker object is trying to winden
+ // a curve with a cusp. What happens is that curveTo splits
+ // the input curve at the cusp, and passes it to this function.
+ // because of inaccuracies in the splitting, we consider points
+ // equal if they're very close to each other.
+ final float x1 = pts[off + 0], y1 = pts[off + 1];
+ final float x2 = pts[off + 2], y2 = pts[off + 3];
+ final float x3 = pts[off + 4], y3 = pts[off + 5];
+ final float x4 = pts[off + 6], y4 = pts[off + 7];
+ float dx4 = x4 - x3;
+ float dy4 = y4 - y3;
+ float dx1 = x2 - x1;
+ float dy1 = y2 - y1;
+ // if p1 == p2 && p3 == p4: draw line from p1->p4, unless p1 == p4,
+ // in which case ignore if p1 == p2
+ final boolean p1eqp2 = within(x1,y1,x2,y2, 6 * Math.ulp(y2));
+ final boolean p3eqp4 = within(x3,y3,x4,y4, 6 * Math.ulp(y4));
+ if (p1eqp2 && p3eqp4) {
+ getLineOffsets(x1, y1, x4, y4, leftOff, rightOff);
+ return 4;
+ } else if (p1eqp2) {
+ dx1 = x3 - x1;
+ dy1 = y3 - y1;
+ } else if (p3eqp4) {
+ dx4 = x4 - x2;
+ dy4 = y4 - y2;
+ }
+ // if p2-p1 and p4-p3 are parallel, that must mean this curve is a line
+ float dotsq = (dx1 * dx4 + dy1 * dy4);
+ dotsq = dotsq * dotsq;
+ float l1sq = dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1, l4sq = dx4 * dx4 + dy4 * dy4;
+ if (Helpers.within(dotsq, l1sq * l4sq, 4 * Math.ulp(dotsq))) {
+ getLineOffsets(x1, y1, x4, y4, leftOff, rightOff);
+ return 4;
+ }
+// What we're trying to do in this function is to approximate an ideal
+// offset curve (call it I) of the input curve B using a bezier curve Bp.
+// The constraints I use to get the equations are:
+// 1. The computed curve Bp should go through I(0) and I(1). These are
+// x1p, y1p, x4p, y4p, which are p1p and p4p. We still need to find
+// 4 variables: the x and y components of p2p and p3p (i.e. x2p, y2p, x3p, y3p).
+// 2. Bp should have slope equal in absolute value to I at the endpoints. So,
+// (by the way, the operator || in the comments below means "aligned with".
+// It is defined on vectors, so when we say I'(0) || Bp'(0) we mean that
+// vectors I'(0) and Bp'(0) are aligned, which is the same as saying
+// that the tangent lines of I and Bp at 0 are parallel. Mathematically
+// this means (I'(t) || Bp'(t)) <==> (I'(t) = c * Bp'(t)) where c is some
+// nonzero constant.)
+// I'(0) || Bp'(0) and I'(1) || Bp'(1). Obviously, I'(0) || B'(0) and
+// I'(1) || B'(1); therefore, Bp'(0) || B'(0) and Bp'(1) || B'(1).
+// We know that Bp'(0) || (p2p-p1p) and Bp'(1) || (p4p-p3p) and the same
+// is true for any bezier curve; therefore, we get the equations
+// (1) p2p = c1 * (p2-p1) + p1p
+// (2) p3p = c2 * (p4-p3) + p4p
+// We know p1p, p4p, p2, p1, p3, and p4; therefore, this reduces the number
+// of unknowns from 4 to 2 (i.e. just c1 and c2).
+// To eliminate these 2 unknowns we use the following constraint:
+// 3. Bp(0.5) == I(0.5). Bp(0.5)=(x,y) and I(0.5)=(xi,yi), and I should note
+// that I(0.5) is *the only* reason for computing dxm,dym. This gives us
+// (3) Bp(0.5) = (p1p + 3 * (p2p + p3p) + p4p)/8, which is equivalent to
+// (4) p2p + p3p = (Bp(0.5)*8 - p1p - p4p) / 3
+// We can substitute (1) and (2) from above into (4) and we get:
+// (5) c1*(p2-p1) + c2*(p4-p3) = (Bp(0.5)*8 - p1p - p4p)/3 - p1p - p4p
+// which is equivalent to
+// (6) c1*(p2-p1) + c2*(p4-p3) = (4/3) * (Bp(0.5) * 2 - p1p - p4p)
+// The right side of this is a 2D vector, and we know I(0.5), which gives us
+// Bp(0.5), which gives us the value of the right side.
+// The left side is just a matrix vector multiplication in disguise. It is
+// [x2-x1, x4-x3][c1]
+// [y2-y1, y4-y3][c2]
+// which, is equal to
+// [dx1, dx4][c1]
+// [dy1, dy4][c2]
+// At this point we are left with a simple linear system and we solve it by
+// getting the inverse of the matrix above. Then we use [c1,c2] to compute
+// p2p and p3p.
+ float x = 0.125f * (x1 + 3 * (x2 + x3) + x4);
+ float y = 0.125f * (y1 + 3 * (y2 + y3) + y4);
+ // (dxm,dym) is some tangent of B at t=0.5. This means it's equal to
+ // c*B'(0.5) for some constant c.
+ float dxm = x3 + x4 - x1 - x2, dym = y3 + y4 - y1 - y2;
+ // this computes the offsets at t=0, 0.5, 1, using the property that
+ // for any bezier curve the vectors p2-p1 and p4-p3 are parallel to
+ // the (dx/dt, dy/dt) vectors at the endpoints.
+ computeOffset(dx1, dy1, lineWidth2, offset[0]);
+ computeOffset(dxm, dym, lineWidth2, offset[1]);
+ computeOffset(dx4, dy4, lineWidth2, offset[2]);
+ float x1p = x1 + offset[0][0]; // start
+ float y1p = y1 + offset[0][1]; // point
+ float xi = x + offset[1][0]; // interpolation
+ float yi = y + offset[1][1]; // point
+ float x4p = x4 + offset[2][0]; // end
+ float y4p = y4 + offset[2][1]; // point
+ float invdet43 = 4f / (3f * (dx1 * dy4 - dy1 * dx4));
+ float two_pi_m_p1_m_p4x = 2*xi - x1p - x4p;
+ float two_pi_m_p1_m_p4y = 2*yi - y1p - y4p;
+ float c1 = invdet43 * (dy4 * two_pi_m_p1_m_p4x - dx4 * two_pi_m_p1_m_p4y);
+ float c2 = invdet43 * (dx1 * two_pi_m_p1_m_p4y - dy1 * two_pi_m_p1_m_p4x);
+ float x2p, y2p, x3p, y3p;
+ x2p = x1p + c1*dx1;
+ y2p = y1p + c1*dy1;
+ x3p = x4p + c2*dx4;
+ y3p = y4p + c2*dy4;
+ leftOff[0] = x1p; leftOff[1] = y1p;
+ leftOff[2] = x2p; leftOff[3] = y2p;
+ leftOff[4] = x3p; leftOff[5] = y3p;
+ leftOff[6] = x4p; leftOff[7] = y4p;
+ x1p = x1 - offset[0][0]; y1p = y1 - offset[0][1];
+ xi = xi - 2 * offset[1][0]; yi = yi - 2 * offset[1][1];
+ x4p = x4 - offset[2][0]; y4p = y4 - offset[2][1];
+ two_pi_m_p1_m_p4x = 2*xi - x1p - x4p;
+ two_pi_m_p1_m_p4y = 2*yi - y1p - y4p;
+ c1 = invdet43 * (dy4 * two_pi_m_p1_m_p4x - dx4 * two_pi_m_p1_m_p4y);
+ c2 = invdet43 * (dx1 * two_pi_m_p1_m_p4y - dy1 * two_pi_m_p1_m_p4x);
+ x2p = x1p + c1*dx1;
+ y2p = y1p + c1*dy1;
+ x3p = x4p + c2*dx4;
+ y3p = y4p + c2*dy4;
+ rightOff[0] = x1p; rightOff[1] = y1p;
+ rightOff[2] = x2p; rightOff[3] = y2p;
+ rightOff[4] = x3p; rightOff[5] = y3p;
+ rightOff[6] = x4p; rightOff[7] = y4p;
+ return 8;
+ }
+ // compute offset curves using bezier spline through t=0.5 (i.e.
+ // ComputedCurve(0.5) == IdealParallelCurve(0.5))
+ // return the kind of curve in the right and left arrays.
+ private int computeOffsetQuad(float[] pts, final int off,
+ float[] leftOff, float[] rightOff)
+ {
+ final float x1 = pts[off + 0], y1 = pts[off + 1];
+ final float x2 = pts[off + 2], y2 = pts[off + 3];
+ final float x3 = pts[off + 4], y3 = pts[off + 5];
+ float dx3 = x3 - x2;
+ float dy3 = y3 - y2;
+ float dx1 = x2 - x1;
+ float dy1 = y2 - y1;
+ // if p1=p2 or p3=p4 it means that the derivative at the endpoint
+ // vanishes, which creates problems with computeOffset. Usually
+ // this happens when this stroker object is trying to winden
+ // a curve with a cusp. What happens is that curveTo splits
+ // the input curve at the cusp, and passes it to this function.
+ // because of inaccuracies in the splitting, we consider points
+ // equal if they're very close to each other.
+ // if p1 == p2 && p3 == p4: draw line from p1->p4, unless p1 == p4,
+ // in which case ignore.
+ final boolean p1eqp2 = within(x1,y1,x2,y2, 6 * Math.ulp(y2));
+ final boolean p2eqp3 = within(x2,y2,x3,y3, 6 * Math.ulp(y3));
+ if (p1eqp2 || p2eqp3) {
+ getLineOffsets(x1, y1, x3, y3, leftOff, rightOff);
+ return 4;
+ }
+ // if p2-p1 and p4-p3 are parallel, that must mean this curve is a line
+ float dotsq = (dx1 * dx3 + dy1 * dy3);
+ dotsq = dotsq * dotsq;
+ float l1sq = dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1, l3sq = dx3 * dx3 + dy3 * dy3;
+ if (Helpers.within(dotsq, l1sq * l3sq, 4 * Math.ulp(dotsq))) {
+ getLineOffsets(x1, y1, x3, y3, leftOff, rightOff);
+ return 4;
+ }
+ // this computes the offsets at t=0, 0.5, 1, using the property that
+ // for any bezier curve the vectors p2-p1 and p4-p3 are parallel to
+ // the (dx/dt, dy/dt) vectors at the endpoints.
+ computeOffset(dx1, dy1, lineWidth2, offset[0]);
+ computeOffset(dx3, dy3, lineWidth2, offset[1]);
+ float x1p = x1 + offset[0][0]; // start
+ float y1p = y1 + offset[0][1]; // point
+ float x3p = x3 + offset[1][0]; // end
+ float y3p = y3 + offset[1][1]; // point
+ computeMiter(x1p, y1p, x1p+dx1, y1p+dy1, x3p, y3p, x3p-dx3, y3p-dy3, leftOff, 2);
+ leftOff[0] = x1p; leftOff[1] = y1p;
+ leftOff[4] = x3p; leftOff[5] = y3p;
+ x1p = x1 - offset[0][0]; y1p = y1 - offset[0][1];
+ x3p = x3 - offset[1][0]; y3p = y3 - offset[1][1];
+ computeMiter(x1p, y1p, x1p+dx1, y1p+dy1, x3p, y3p, x3p-dx3, y3p-dy3, rightOff, 2);
+ rightOff[0] = x1p; rightOff[1] = y1p;
+ rightOff[4] = x3p; rightOff[5] = y3p;
+ return 6;
+ }
+ // This is where the curve to be processed is put. We give it
+ // enough room to store 2 curves: one for the current subdivision, the
+ // other for the rest of the curve.
+ private float[][] middle = new float[2][8];
+ private float[] lp = new float[8];
+ private float[] rp = new float[8];
+ private static final int MAX_N_CURVES = 11;
+ private float[] subdivTs = new float[MAX_N_CURVES - 1];
+ private void somethingTo(final int type) {
+ // need these so we can update the state at the end of this method
+ final float xf = middle[0][type-2], yf = middle[0][type-1];
+ float dxs = middle[0][2] - middle[0][0];
+ float dys = middle[0][3] - middle[0][1];
+ float dxf = middle[0][type - 2] - middle[0][type - 4];
+ float dyf = middle[0][type - 1] - middle[0][type - 3];
+ switch(type) {
+ case 6:
+ if ((dxs == 0f && dys == 0f) ||
+ (dxf == 0f && dyf == 0f)) {
+ dxs = dxf = middle[0][4] - middle[0][0];
+ dys = dyf = middle[0][5] - middle[0][1];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ boolean p1eqp2 = (dxs == 0f && dys == 0f);
+ boolean p3eqp4 = (dxf == 0f && dyf == 0f);
+ if (p1eqp2) {
+ dxs = middle[0][4] - middle[0][0];
+ dys = middle[0][5] - middle[0][1];
+ if (dxs == 0f && dys == 0f) {
+ dxs = middle[0][6] - middle[0][0];
+ dys = middle[0][7] - middle[0][1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (p3eqp4) {
+ dxf = middle[0][6] - middle[0][2];
+ dyf = middle[0][7] - middle[0][3];
+ if (dxf == 0f && dyf == 0f) {
+ dxf = middle[0][6] - middle[0][0];
+ dyf = middle[0][7] - middle[0][1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (dxs == 0f && dys == 0f) {
+ // this happens iff the "curve" is just a point
+ lineTo(middle[0][0], middle[0][1]);
+ return;
+ }
+ // if these vectors are too small, normalize them, to avoid future
+ // precision problems.
+ if (Math.abs(dxs) < 0.1f && Math.abs(dys) < 0.1f) {
+ double len = Math.hypot(dxs, dys);
+ dxs = (float)(dxs / len);
+ dys = (float)(dys / len);
+ }
+ if (Math.abs(dxf) < 0.1f && Math.abs(dyf) < 0.1f) {
+ double len = Math.hypot(dxf, dyf);
+ dxf = (float)(dxf / len);
+ dyf = (float)(dyf / len);
+ }
+ computeOffset(dxs, dys, lineWidth2, offset[0]);
+ final float mx = offset[0][0];
+ final float my = offset[0][1];
+ drawJoin(cdx, cdy, cx0, cy0, dxs, dys, cmx, cmy, mx, my);
+ int nSplits = findSubdivPoints(middle[0], subdivTs, type,lineWidth2);
+ int kind = 0;
+ Iterator<float[]> it = Curve.breakPtsAtTs(middle, type, subdivTs, nSplits);
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ float[] curCurve = it.next();
+ kind = 0;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 8:
+ kind = computeOffsetCubic(curCurve, 0, lp, rp);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ kind = computeOffsetQuad(curCurve, 0, lp, rp);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (kind != 0) {
+ emitLineTo(lp[0], lp[1]);
+ switch(kind) {
+ case 8:
+ emitCurveTo(lp[0], lp[1], lp[2], lp[3], lp[4], lp[5], lp[6], lp[7], false);
+ emitCurveTo(rp[0], rp[1], rp[2], rp[3], rp[4], rp[5], rp[6], rp[7], true);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ emitQuadTo(lp[0], lp[1], lp[2], lp[3], lp[4], lp[5], false);
+ emitQuadTo(rp[0], rp[1], rp[2], rp[3], rp[4], rp[5], true);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ emitLineTo(lp[2], lp[3]);
+ emitLineTo(rp[0], rp[1], true);
+ break;
+ }
+ emitLineTo(rp[kind - 2], rp[kind - 1], true);
+ }
+ }
+ this.cmx = (lp[kind - 2] - rp[kind - 2]) / 2;
+ this.cmy = (lp[kind - 1] - rp[kind - 1]) / 2;
+ this.cdx = dxf;
+ this.cdy = dyf;
+ this.cx0 = xf;
+ this.cy0 = yf;
+ this.prev = DRAWING_OP_TO;
+ }
+ // finds values of t where the curve in pts should be subdivided in order
+ // to get good offset curves a distance of w away from the middle curve.
+ // Stores the points in ts, and returns how many of them there were.
+ private static Curve c = new Curve();
+ private static int findSubdivPoints(float[] pts, float[] ts,
+ final int type, final float w)
+ {
+ final float x12 = pts[2] - pts[0];
+ final float y12 = pts[3] - pts[1];
+ // if the curve is already parallel to either axis we gain nothing
+ // from rotating it.
+ if (y12 != 0f && x12 != 0f) {
+ // we rotate it so that the first vector in the control polygon is
+ // parallel to the x-axis. This will ensure that rotated quarter
+ // circles won't be subdivided.
+ final float hypot = (float)Math.sqrt(x12 * x12 + y12 * y12);
+ final float cos = x12 / hypot;
+ final float sin = y12 / hypot;
+ final float x1 = cos * pts[0] + sin * pts[1];
+ final float y1 = cos * pts[1] - sin * pts[0];
+ final float x2 = cos * pts[2] + sin * pts[3];
+ final float y2 = cos * pts[3] - sin * pts[2];
+ final float x3 = cos * pts[4] + sin * pts[5];
+ final float y3 = cos * pts[5] - sin * pts[4];
+ switch(type) {
+ case 8:
+ final float x4 = cos * pts[6] + sin * pts[7];
+ final float y4 = cos * pts[7] - sin * pts[6];
+ c.set(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ c.set(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ c.set(pts, type);
+ }
+ int ret = 0;
+ // we subdivide at values of t such that the remaining rotated
+ // curves are monotonic in x and y.
+ ret += c.dxRoots(ts, ret);
+ ret += c.dyRoots(ts, ret);
+ // subdivide at inflection points.
+ if (type == 8) {
+ // quadratic curves can't have inflection points
+ ret += c.infPoints(ts, ret);
+ }
+ // now we must subdivide at points where one of the offset curves will have
+ // a cusp. This happens at ts where the radius of curvature is equal to w.
+ ret += c.rootsOfROCMinusW(ts, ret, w, 0.0001f);
+ ret = Helpers.filterOutNotInAB(ts, 0, ret, 0.0001f, 0.9999f);
+ Helpers.isort(ts, 0, ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ @Override public void curveTo(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2,
+ float x3, float y3)
+ {
+ middle[0][0] = cx0; middle[0][1] = cy0;
+ middle[0][2] = x1; middle[0][3] = y1;
+ middle[0][4] = x2; middle[0][5] = y2;
+ middle[0][6] = x3; middle[0][7] = y3;
+ somethingTo(8);
+ }
+ @Override public long getNativeConsumer() {
+ throw new InternalError("Stroker doesn't use a native consumer");
+ }
+ @Override public void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
+ middle[0][0] = cx0; middle[0][1] = cy0;
+ middle[0][2] = x1; middle[0][3] = y1;
+ middle[0][4] = x2; middle[0][5] = y2;
+ somethingTo(6);
+ }
+ // a stack of polynomial curves where each curve shares endpoints with
+ // adjacent ones.
+ private static final class PolyStack {
+ float[] curves;
+ int end;
+ int[] curveTypes;
+ int numCurves;
+ private static final int INIT_SIZE = 50;
+ PolyStack() {
+ curves = new float[8 * INIT_SIZE];
+ curveTypes = new int[INIT_SIZE];
+ end = 0;
+ numCurves = 0;
+ }
+ public boolean isEmpty() {
+ return numCurves == 0;
+ }
+ private void ensureSpace(int n) {
+ if (end + n >= curves.length) {
+ int newSize = (end + n) * 2;
+ curves = Arrays.copyOf(curves, newSize);
+ }
+ if (numCurves >= curveTypes.length) {
+ int newSize = numCurves * 2;
+ curveTypes = Arrays.copyOf(curveTypes, newSize);
+ }
+ }
+ public void pushCubic(float x0, float y0,
+ float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2)
+ {
+ ensureSpace(6);
+ curveTypes[numCurves++] = 8;
+ // assert(x0 == lastX && y0 == lastY)
+ // we reverse the coordinate order to make popping easier
+ curves[end++] = x2; curves[end++] = y2;
+ curves[end++] = x1; curves[end++] = y1;
+ curves[end++] = x0; curves[end++] = y0;
+ }
+ public void pushQuad(float x0, float y0,
+ float x1, float y1)
+ {
+ ensureSpace(4);
+ curveTypes[numCurves++] = 6;
+ // assert(x0 == lastX && y0 == lastY)
+ curves[end++] = x1; curves[end++] = y1;
+ curves[end++] = x0; curves[end++] = y0;
+ }
+ public void pushLine(float x, float y) {
+ ensureSpace(2);
+ curveTypes[numCurves++] = 4;
+ // assert(x0 == lastX && y0 == lastY)
+ curves[end++] = x; curves[end++] = y;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ public int pop(float[] pts) {
+ int ret = curveTypes[numCurves - 1];
+ numCurves--;
+ end -= (ret - 2);
+ System.arraycopy(curves, end, pts, 0, ret - 2);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void pop(PathConsumer2D io) {
+ numCurves--;
+ int type = curveTypes[numCurves];
+ end -= (type - 2);
+ switch(type) {
+ case 8:
+ io.curveTo(curves[end+0], curves[end+1],
+ curves[end+2], curves[end+3],
+ curves[end+4], curves[end+5]);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ io.quadTo(curves[end+0], curves[end+1],
+ curves[end+2], curves[end+3]);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ io.lineTo(curves[end], curves[end+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ String ret = "";
+ int nc = numCurves;
+ int end = this.end;
+ while (nc > 0) {
+ nc--;
+ int type = curveTypes[numCurves];
+ end -= (type - 2);
+ switch(type) {
+ case 8:
+ ret += "cubic: ";
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ ret += "quad: ";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ ret += "line: ";
+ break;
+ }
+ ret += Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(curves, end, end+type-2)) + "\n";
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/TransformingPathConsumer2D.java Tue Oct 26 10:39:23 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package sun.java2d.pisces;
+import sun.awt.geom.PathConsumer2D;
+import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
+public class TransformingPathConsumer2D {
+ public static PathConsumer2D
+ transformConsumer(PathConsumer2D out,
+ AffineTransform at)
+ {
+ if (at == null) {
+ return out;
+ }
+ float Mxx = (float) at.getScaleX();
+ float Mxy = (float) at.getShearX();
+ float Mxt = (float) at.getTranslateX();
+ float Myx = (float) at.getShearY();
+ float Myy = (float) at.getScaleY();
+ float Myt = (float) at.getTranslateY();
+ if (Mxy == 0f && Myx == 0f) {
+ if (Mxx == 1f && Myy == 1f) {
+ if (Mxt == 0f && Myt == 0f) {
+ return out;
+ } else {
+ return new TranslateFilter(out, Mxt, Myt);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return new ScaleFilter(out, Mxx, Myy, Mxt, Myt);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return new TransformFilter(out, Mxx, Mxy, Mxt, Myx, Myy, Myt);
+ }
+ }
+ static class TranslateFilter implements PathConsumer2D {
+ PathConsumer2D out;
+ float tx;
+ float ty;
+ TranslateFilter(PathConsumer2D out,
+ float tx, float ty)
+ {
+ this.out = out;
+ this.tx = tx;
+ this.ty = ty;
+ }
+ public void moveTo(float x0, float y0) {
+ out.moveTo(x0 + tx, y0 + ty);
+ }
+ public void lineTo(float x1, float y1) {
+ out.lineTo(x1 + tx, y1 + ty);
+ }
+ public void quadTo(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2)
+ {
+ out.quadTo(x1 + tx, y1 + ty,
+ x2 + tx, y2 + ty);
+ }
+ public void curveTo(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2,
+ float x3, float y3)
+ {
+ out.curveTo(x1 + tx, y1 + ty,
+ x2 + tx, y2 + ty,
+ x3 + tx, y3 + ty);
+ }
+ public void closePath() {
+ out.closePath();
+ }
+ public void pathDone() {
+ out.pathDone();
+ }
+ public long getNativeConsumer() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ static class ScaleFilter implements PathConsumer2D {
+ PathConsumer2D out;
+ float sx;
+ float sy;
+ float tx;
+ float ty;
+ ScaleFilter(PathConsumer2D out,
+ float sx, float sy, float tx, float ty)
+ {
+ this.out = out;
+ this.sx = sx;
+ this.sy = sy;
+ this.tx = tx;
+ this.ty = ty;
+ }
+ public void moveTo(float x0, float y0) {
+ out.moveTo(x0 * sx + tx, y0 * sy + ty);
+ }
+ public void lineTo(float x1, float y1) {
+ out.lineTo(x1 * sx + tx, y1 * sy + ty);
+ }
+ public void quadTo(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2)
+ {
+ out.quadTo(x1 * sx + tx, y1 * sy + ty,
+ x2 * sx + tx, y2 * sy + ty);
+ }
+ public void curveTo(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2,
+ float x3, float y3)
+ {
+ out.curveTo(x1 * sx + tx, y1 * sy + ty,
+ x2 * sx + tx, y2 * sy + ty,
+ x3 * sx + tx, y3 * sy + ty);
+ }
+ public void closePath() {
+ out.closePath();
+ }
+ public void pathDone() {
+ out.pathDone();
+ }
+ public long getNativeConsumer() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ static class TransformFilter implements PathConsumer2D {
+ PathConsumer2D out;
+ float Mxx;
+ float Mxy;
+ float Mxt;
+ float Myx;
+ float Myy;
+ float Myt;
+ TransformFilter(PathConsumer2D out,
+ float Mxx, float Mxy, float Mxt,
+ float Myx, float Myy, float Myt)
+ {
+ this.out = out;
+ this.Mxx = Mxx;
+ this.Mxy = Mxy;
+ this.Mxt = Mxt;
+ this.Myx = Myx;
+ this.Myy = Myy;
+ this.Myt = Myt;
+ }
+ public void moveTo(float x0, float y0) {
+ out.moveTo(x0 * Mxx + y0 * Mxy + Mxt,
+ x0 * Myx + y0 * Myy + Myt);
+ }
+ public void lineTo(float x1, float y1) {
+ out.lineTo(x1 * Mxx + y1 * Mxy + Mxt,
+ x1 * Myx + y1 * Myy + Myt);
+ }
+ public void quadTo(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2)
+ {
+ out.quadTo(x1 * Mxx + y1 * Mxy + Mxt,
+ x1 * Myx + y1 * Myy + Myt,
+ x2 * Mxx + y2 * Mxy + Mxt,
+ x2 * Myx + y2 * Myy + Myt);
+ }
+ public void curveTo(float x1, float y1,
+ float x2, float y2,
+ float x3, float y3)
+ {
+ out.curveTo(x1 * Mxx + y1 * Mxy + Mxt,
+ x1 * Myx + y1 * Myy + Myt,
+ x2 * Mxx + y2 * Mxy + Mxt,
+ x2 * Myx + y2 * Myy + Myt,
+ x3 * Mxx + y3 * Mxy + Mxt,
+ x3 * Myx + y3 * Myy + Myt);
+ }
+ public void closePath() {
+ out.closePath();
+ }
+ public void pathDone() {
+ out.pathDone();
+ }
+ public long getNativeConsumer() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }