2016-01-19 ehelin 8147012: Fix includes in internalVMTests.cpp
2012-02-02 never 7013347: allow crypto functions to be called inline to enhance performance
2011-12-14 stefank 7121373: Clean up CollectedHeap::is_in
2011-10-31 brutisso 7102044: G1: VM crashes with assert(old_end != new_end) failed: don't call this otherwise
2011-04-05 trims 7010070: Update all 2010 Oracle-changed OpenJDK files to have the proper copyright dates - second pass
2011-01-28 coleenp 6990754: Use native memory and reference counting to implement SymbolTable
2010-11-23 stefank 6989984: Use standard include model for Hospot
2010-05-28 trims 6941466: Oracle rebranding changes for Hotspot repositories
2007-12-01 duke Initial load
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