changeset 1258 1cf37d8837d1
parent 939 38e24969c7e9
child 5520 86e4b9a9da40
--- a/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/parser/	Tue Sep 09 10:28:21 2008 -0700
+++ b/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/parser/	Tue Sep 09 10:40:50 2008 -0700
@@ -23,2834 +23,44 @@
  * have any questions.
-import java.util.*;
-import static;
-import static*;
-/** The parser maps a token sequence into an abstract syntax
- *  tree. It operates by recursive descent, with code derived
- *  systematically from an LL(1) grammar. For efficiency reasons, an
- *  operator precedence scheme is used for parsing binary operation
- *  expressions.
- *
- *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any API supported by Sun Microsystems.  If
- *  you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
- *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
- *  deletion without notice.</b>
- */
-public class Parser {
-    /** A factory for creating parsers. */
-    public static class Factory {
-        /** The context key for the parser factory. */
-        protected static final Context.Key<Parser.Factory> parserFactoryKey =
-            new Context.Key<Parser.Factory>();
-        /** Get the Factory instance for this context. */
-        public static Factory instance(Context context) {
-            Factory instance = context.get(parserFactoryKey);
-            if (instance == null)
-                instance = new Factory(context);
-            return instance;
-        }
-        final TreeMaker F;
-        final Log log;
-        final Keywords keywords;
-        final Source source;
-        final Name.Table names;
-        final Options options;
-        /** Create a new parser factory. */
-        protected Factory(Context context) {
-            context.put(parserFactoryKey, this);
-            this.F = TreeMaker.instance(context);
-            this.log = Log.instance(context);
-            this.names = Name.Table.instance(context);
-            this.keywords = Keywords.instance(context);
-            this.source = Source.instance(context);
-            this.options = Options.instance(context);
-        }
-        /**
-         * Create a new Parser.
-         * @param S Lexer for getting tokens while parsing
-         * @param keepDocComments true if javadoc comments should be kept
-         * @param genEndPos true if end positions should be generated
-         */
-        public Parser newParser(Lexer S, boolean keepDocComments, boolean genEndPos) {
-            if (!genEndPos)
-                return new Parser(this, S, keepDocComments);
-            else
-                return new EndPosParser(this, S, keepDocComments);
-        }
-    }
-    /** The number of precedence levels of infix operators.
-     */
-    private static final int infixPrecedenceLevels = 10;
-    /** The scanner used for lexical analysis.
-     */
-    private Lexer S;
-    /** The factory to be used for abstract syntax tree construction.
-     */
-    protected TreeMaker F;
-    /** The log to be used for error diagnostics.
-     */
-    private Log log;
-    /** The keyword table. */
-    private Keywords keywords;
-    /** The Source language setting. */
-    private Source source;
-    /** The name table. */
-    private Name.Table names;
-    /** Construct a parser from a given scanner, tree factory and log.
-     */
-    protected Parser(Factory fac,
-                     Lexer S,
-                     boolean keepDocComments) {
-        this.S = S;
-        S.nextToken(); // prime the pump
-        this.F = fac.F;
-        this.log = fac.log;
-        this.names = fac.names;
-        this.keywords = fac.keywords;
-        this.source = fac.source;
-        Options options = fac.options;
-        this.allowGenerics = source.allowGenerics();
-        this.allowVarargs = source.allowVarargs();
-        this.allowAsserts = source.allowAsserts();
-        this.allowEnums = source.allowEnums();
-        this.allowForeach = source.allowForeach();
-        this.allowStaticImport = source.allowStaticImport();
-        this.allowAnnotations = source.allowAnnotations();
-        this.keepDocComments = keepDocComments;
-        if (keepDocComments) docComments = new HashMap<JCTree,String>();
-        this.errorTree = F.Erroneous();
-    }
-    /** Switch: Should generics be recognized?
-     */
-    boolean allowGenerics;
-    /** Switch: Should varargs be recognized?
-     */
-    boolean allowVarargs;
-    /** Switch: should we recognize assert statements, or just give a warning?
-     */
-    boolean allowAsserts;
-    /** Switch: should we recognize enums, or just give a warning?
-     */
-    boolean allowEnums;
-    /** Switch: should we recognize foreach?
-     */
-    boolean allowForeach;
-    /** Switch: should we recognize foreach?
-     */
-    boolean allowStaticImport;
-    /** Switch: should we recognize annotations?
-     */
-    boolean allowAnnotations;
-    /** Switch: should we keep docComments?
-     */
-    boolean keepDocComments;
-    /** When terms are parsed, the mode determines which is expected:
-     *     mode = EXPR        : an expression
-     *     mode = TYPE        : a type
-     *     mode = NOPARAMS    : no parameters allowed for type
-     *     mode = TYPEARG     : type argument
-     */
-    static final int EXPR = 1;
-    static final int TYPE = 2;
-    static final int NOPARAMS = 4;
-    static final int TYPEARG = 8;
-    /** The current mode.
-     */
-    private int mode = 0;
-    /** The mode of the term that was parsed last.
-     */
-    private int lastmode = 0;
-/* ---------- error recovery -------------- */
-    private JCErroneous errorTree;
-    /** Skip forward until a suitable stop token is found.
-     */
-    private void skip(boolean stopAtImport, boolean stopAtMemberDecl, boolean stopAtIdentifier, boolean stopAtStatement) {
-         while (true) {
-             switch (S.token()) {
-                case SEMI:
-                    S.nextToken();
-                    return;
-                case PUBLIC:
-                case FINAL:
-                case ABSTRACT:
-                case MONKEYS_AT:
-                case EOF:
-                case CLASS:
-                case INTERFACE:
-                case ENUM:
-                    return;
-                case IMPORT:
-                    if (stopAtImport)
-                        return;
-                    break;
-                case LBRACE:
-                case RBRACE:
-                case PRIVATE:
-                case PROTECTED:
-                case STATIC:
-                case TRANSIENT:
-                case NATIVE:
-                case VOLATILE:
-                case SYNCHRONIZED:
-                case STRICTFP:
-                case LT:
-                case BYTE:
-                case SHORT:
-                case CHAR:
-                case INT:
-                case LONG:
-                case FLOAT:
-                case DOUBLE:
-                case BOOLEAN:
-                case VOID:
-                    if (stopAtMemberDecl)
-                        return;
-                    break;
-                case IDENTIFIER:
-                   if (stopAtIdentifier)
-                        return;
-                    break;
-                case CASE:
-                case DEFAULT:
-                case IF:
-                case FOR:
-                case WHILE:
-                case DO:
-                case TRY:
-                case SWITCH:
-                case RETURN:
-                case THROW:
-                case BREAK:
-                case CONTINUE:
-                case ELSE:
-                case FINALLY:
-                case CATCH:
-                    if (stopAtStatement)
-                        return;
-                    break;
-            }
-            S.nextToken();
-        }
-    }
-    private JCErroneous syntaxError(int pos, String key, Token... args) {
-        return syntaxError(pos, null, key, args);
-    }
-    private JCErroneous syntaxError(int pos, List<JCTree> errs, String key, Token... args) {
-        setErrorEndPos(pos);
-        reportSyntaxError(pos, key, (Object[])args);
-        return toP(;
-    }
-    private int errorPos = Position.NOPOS;
+ * Reads syntactic units from source code.
+ * Parsers are normally created from a ParserFactory.
+ *
+ * <p><b>This is NOT part of any API supported by Sun Microsystems.
+ * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
+ * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
+ * deletion without notice.</b>
+ */
+public interface Parser {
-     * Report a syntax error at given position using the given
-     * argument unless one was already reported at the same position.
-     */
-    private void reportSyntaxError(int pos, String key, Object... args) {
-        if (pos > S.errPos() || pos == Position.NOPOS) {
-            if (S.token() == EOF)
-                log.error(pos, "premature.eof");
-            else
-                log.error(pos, key, args);
-        }
-        S.errPos(pos);
-        if (S.pos() == errorPos)
-            S.nextToken(); // guarantee progress
-        errorPos = S.pos();
-    }
-    /** Generate a syntax error at current position unless one was already
-     *  reported at the same position.
-     */
-    private JCErroneous syntaxError(String key) {
-        return syntaxError(S.pos(), key);
-    }
-    /** Generate a syntax error at current position unless one was
-     *  already reported at the same position.
-     */
-    private JCErroneous syntaxError(String key, Token arg) {
-        return syntaxError(S.pos(), key, arg);
-    }
-    /** If next input token matches given token, skip it, otherwise report
-     *  an error.
+     * Parse a compilation unit.
+     * @return a compilation unit
-    public void accept(Token token) {
-        if (S.token() == token) {
-            S.nextToken();
-        } else {
-            setErrorEndPos(S.pos());
-            reportSyntaxError(S.prevEndPos(), "expected", token);
-        }
-    }
-    /** Report an illegal start of expression/type error at given position.
-     */
-    JCExpression illegal(int pos) {
-        setErrorEndPos(S.pos());
-        if ((mode & EXPR) != 0)
-            return syntaxError(pos, "illegal.start.of.expr");
-        else
-            return syntaxError(pos, "illegal.start.of.type");
-    }
-    /** Report an illegal start of expression/type error at current position.
-     */
-    JCExpression illegal() {
-        return illegal(S.pos());
-    }
-    /** Diagnose a modifier flag from the set, if any. */
-    void checkNoMods(long mods) {
-        if (mods != 0) {
-            long lowestMod = mods & -mods;
-            log.error(S.pos(), "",
-                      Flags.asFlagSet(lowestMod));
-        }
-    }
-/* ---------- doc comments --------- */
-    /** A hashtable to store all documentation comments
-     *  indexed by the tree nodes they refer to.
-     *  defined only if option flag keepDocComment is set.
-     */
-    Map<JCTree, String> docComments;
-    /** Make an entry into docComments hashtable,
-     *  provided flag keepDocComments is set and given doc comment is non-null.
-     *  @param tree   The tree to be used as index in the hashtable
-     *  @param dc     The doc comment to associate with the tree, or null.
-     */
-    void attach(JCTree tree, String dc) {
-        if (keepDocComments && dc != null) {
-//          System.out.println("doc comment = ");System.out.println(dc);//DEBUG
-            docComments.put(tree, dc);
-        }
-    }
-/* -------- source positions ------- */
-    private int errorEndPos = -1;
-    private void setErrorEndPos(int errPos) {
-        if (errPos > errorEndPos)
-            errorEndPos = errPos;
-    }
-    protected int getErrorEndPos() {
-        return errorEndPos;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Store ending position for a tree.
-     * @param tree   The tree.
-     * @param endpos The ending position to associate with the tree.
-     */
-    protected void storeEnd(JCTree tree, int endpos) {}
-    /**
-     * Store ending position for a tree.  The ending position should
-     * be the ending position of the current token.
-     * @param t The tree.
-     */
-    protected <T extends JCTree> T to(T t) { return t; }
-    /**
-     * Store ending position for a tree.  The ending position should
-     * be greater of the ending position of the previous token and errorEndPos.
-     * @param t The tree.
-     */
-    protected <T extends JCTree> T toP(T t) { return t; }
-    /** Get the start position for a tree node.  The start position is
-     * defined to be the position of the first character of the first
-     * token of the node's source text.
-     * @param tree  The tree node
-     */
-    public int getStartPos(JCTree tree) {
-        return TreeInfo.getStartPos(tree);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the end position for a tree node.  The end position is
-     * defined to be the position of the last character of the last
-     * token of the node's source text.  Returns Position.NOPOS if end
-     * positions are not generated or the position is otherwise not
-     * found.
-     * @param tree  The tree node
-     */
-    public int getEndPos(JCTree tree) {
-        return Position.NOPOS;
-    }
-/* ---------- parsing -------------- */
-    /**
-     * Ident = IDENTIFIER
-     */
-    Name ident() {
-        if (S.token() == IDENTIFIER) {
-            Name name =;
-            S.nextToken();
-            return name;
-        } else if (S.token() == ASSERT) {
-            if (allowAsserts) {
-                log.error(S.pos(), "");
-                S.nextToken();
-                return names.error;
-            } else {
-                log.warning(S.pos(), "");
-                Name name =;
-                S.nextToken();
-                return name;
-            }
-        } else if (S.token() == ENUM) {
-            if (allowEnums) {
-                log.error(S.pos(), "");
-                S.nextToken();
-                return names.error;
-            } else {
-                log.warning(S.pos(), "");
-                Name name =;
-                S.nextToken();
-                return name;
-            }
-        } else {
-            accept(IDENTIFIER);
-            return names.error;
-        }
-    /**
-     * Qualident = Ident { DOT Ident }
-     */
-    public JCExpression qualident() {
-        JCExpression t = toP(;
-        while (S.token() == DOT) {
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            S.nextToken();
-            t = toP(, ident()));
-        }
-        return t;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Literal =
-     *     INTLITERAL
-     *   | LONGLITERAL
-     *   | FLOATLITERAL
-     *   | CHARLITERAL
-     *   | TRUE
-     *   | FALSE
-     *   | NULL
-     */
-    JCExpression literal(Name prefix) {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        JCExpression t = errorTree;
-        switch (S.token()) {
-        case INTLITERAL:
-            try {
-                t =
-                    TypeTags.INT,
-                    Convert.string2int(strval(prefix), S.radix()));
-            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-                log.error(S.pos(), "int.number.too.large", strval(prefix));
-            }
-            break;
-        case LONGLITERAL:
-            try {
-                t =
-                    TypeTags.LONG,
-                    new Long(Convert.string2long(strval(prefix), S.radix())));
-            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-                log.error(S.pos(), "int.number.too.large", strval(prefix));
-            }
-            break;
-        case FLOATLITERAL: {
-            String proper = (S.radix() == 16 ? ("0x"+ S.stringVal()) : S.stringVal());
-            Float n;
-            try {
-                n = Float.valueOf(proper);
-            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-                // error already repoted in scanner
-                n = Float.NaN;
-            }
-            if (n.floatValue() == 0.0f && !isZero(proper))
-                log.error(S.pos(), "fp.number.too.small");
-            else if (n.floatValue() == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
-                log.error(S.pos(), "fp.number.too.large");
-            else
-                t =, n);
-            break;
-        }
-        case DOUBLELITERAL: {
-            String proper = (S.radix() == 16 ? ("0x"+ S.stringVal()) : S.stringVal());
-            Double n;
-            try {
-                n = Double.valueOf(proper);
-            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-                // error already reported in scanner
-                n = Double.NaN;
-            }
-            if (n.doubleValue() == 0.0d && !isZero(proper))
-                log.error(S.pos(), "fp.number.too.small");
-            else if (n.doubleValue() == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
-                log.error(S.pos(), "fp.number.too.large");
-            else
-                t =, n);
-            break;
-        }
-        case CHARLITERAL:
-            t =
-                TypeTags.CHAR,
-                S.stringVal().charAt(0) + 0);
-            break;
-        case STRINGLITERAL:
-            t =
-                TypeTags.CLASS,
-                S.stringVal());
-            break;
-        case TRUE: case FALSE:
-            t =
-                TypeTags.BOOLEAN,
-                (S.token() == TRUE ? 1 : 0));
-            break;
-        case NULL:
-            t =
-                TypeTags.BOT,
-                null);
-            break;
-        default:
-            assert false;
-        }
-        if (t == errorTree)
-            t =;
-        storeEnd(t, S.endPos());
-        S.nextToken();
-        return t;
-    }
-        boolean isZero(String s) {
-            char[] cs = s.toCharArray();
-            int base = ((Character.toLowerCase(s.charAt(1)) == 'x') ? 16 : 10);
-            int i = ((base==16) ? 2 : 0);
-            while (i < cs.length && (cs[i] == '0' || cs[i] == '.')) i++;
-            return !(i < cs.length && (Character.digit(cs[i], base) > 0));
-        }
-        String strval(Name prefix) {
-            String s = S.stringVal();
-            return (prefix.len == 0) ? s : prefix + s;
-        }
-    /** terms can be either expressions or types.
-     */
-    public JCExpression expression() {
-        return term(EXPR);
-    }
-    public JCExpression type() {
-        return term(TYPE);
-    }
-    JCExpression term(int newmode) {
-        int prevmode = mode;
-        mode = newmode;
-        JCExpression t = term();
-        lastmode = mode;
-        mode = prevmode;
-        return t;
-    }
+    JCCompilationUnit parseCompilationUnit();
-     *  Expression = Expression1 [ExpressionRest]
-     *  ExpressionRest = [AssignmentOperator Expression1]
-     *  AssignmentOperator = "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" |
-     *                       "&=" | "|=" | "^=" |
-     *                       "%=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | ">>>="
-     *  Type = Type1
-     *  TypeNoParams = TypeNoParams1
-     *  StatementExpression = Expression
-     *  ConstantExpression = Expression
-     */
-    JCExpression term() {
-        JCExpression t = term1();
-        if ((mode & EXPR) != 0 &&
-            S.token() == EQ || PLUSEQ.compareTo(S.token()) <= 0 && S.token().compareTo(GTGTGTEQ) <= 0)
-            return termRest(t);
-        else
-            return t;
-    }
-    JCExpression termRest(JCExpression t) {
-        switch (S.token()) {
-        case EQ: {
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            S.nextToken();
-            mode = EXPR;
-            JCExpression t1 = term();
-            return toP(, t1));
-        }
-        case PLUSEQ:
-        case SUBEQ:
-        case STAREQ:
-        case SLASHEQ:
-        case PERCENTEQ:
-        case AMPEQ:
-        case BAREQ:
-        case CARETEQ:
-        case LTLTEQ:
-        case GTGTEQ:
-        case GTGTGTEQ:
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            Token token = S.token();
-            S.nextToken();
-            mode = EXPR;
-            JCExpression t1 = term();
-            return, t, t1);
-        default:
-            return t;
-        }
-    }
-    /** Expression1   = Expression2 [Expression1Rest]
-     *  Type1         = Type2
-     *  TypeNoParams1 = TypeNoParams2
-     */
-    JCExpression term1() {
-        JCExpression t = term2();
-        if ((mode & EXPR) != 0 && S.token() == QUES) {
-            mode = EXPR;
-            return term1Rest(t);
-        } else {
-            return t;
-        }
-    }
-    /** Expression1Rest = ["?" Expression ":" Expression1]
-     */
-    JCExpression term1Rest(JCExpression t) {
-        if (S.token() == QUES) {
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            S.nextToken();
-            JCExpression t1 = term();
-            accept(COLON);
-            JCExpression t2 = term1();
-            return, t1, t2);
-        } else {
-            return t;
-        }
-    }
-    /** Expression2   = Expression3 [Expression2Rest]
-     *  Type2         = Type3
-     *  TypeNoParams2 = TypeNoParams3
-     */
-    JCExpression term2() {
-        JCExpression t = term3();
-        if ((mode & EXPR) != 0 && prec(S.token()) >= TreeInfo.orPrec) {
-            mode = EXPR;
-            return term2Rest(t, TreeInfo.orPrec);
-        } else {
-            return t;
-        }
-    }
-    /*  Expression2Rest = {infixop Expression3}
-     *                  | Expression3 instanceof Type
-     *  infixop         = "||"
-     *                  | "&&"
-     *                  | "|"
-     *                  | "^"
-     *                  | "&"
-     *                  | "==" | "!="
-     *                  | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="
-     *                  | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>"
-     *                  | "+" | "-"
-     *                  | "*" | "/" | "%"
-     */
-    JCExpression term2Rest(JCExpression t, int minprec) {
-        List<JCExpression[]> savedOd = odStackSupply.elems;
-        JCExpression[] odStack = newOdStack();
-        List<Token[]> savedOp = opStackSupply.elems;
-        Token[] opStack = newOpStack();
-        // optimization, was odStack = new Tree[...]; opStack = new Tree[...];
-        int top = 0;
-        odStack[0] = t;
-        int startPos = S.pos();
-        Token topOp = ERROR;
-        while (prec(S.token()) >= minprec) {
-            opStack[top] = topOp;
-            top++;
-            topOp = S.token();
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            S.nextToken();
-            odStack[top] = topOp == INSTANCEOF ? type() : term3();
-            while (top > 0 && prec(topOp) >= prec(S.token())) {
-                odStack[top-1] = makeOp(pos, topOp, odStack[top-1],
-                                        odStack[top]);
-                top--;
-                topOp = opStack[top];
-            }
-        }
-        assert top == 0;
-        t = odStack[0];
-        if (t.getTag() == JCTree.PLUS) {
-            StringBuffer buf = foldStrings(t);
-            if (buf != null) {
-                t = toP(, buf.toString()));
-            }
-        }
-        odStackSupply.elems = savedOd; // optimization
-        opStackSupply.elems = savedOp; // optimization
-        return t;
-    }
-        /** Construct a binary or type test node.
-         */
-        private JCExpression makeOp(int pos,
-                                    Token topOp,
-                                    JCExpression od1,
-                                    JCExpression od2)
-        {
-            if (topOp == INSTANCEOF) {
-                return, od2);
-            } else {
-                return, od1, od2);
-            }
-        }
-        /** If tree is a concatenation of string literals, replace it
-         *  by a single literal representing the concatenated string.
-         */
-        protected StringBuffer foldStrings(JCTree tree) {
-            List<String> buf = List.nil();
-            while (true) {
-                if (tree.getTag() == JCTree.LITERAL) {
-                    JCLiteral lit = (JCLiteral) tree;
-                    if (lit.typetag == TypeTags.CLASS) {
-                        StringBuffer sbuf =
-                            new StringBuffer((String)lit.value);
-                        while (buf.nonEmpty()) {
-                            sbuf.append(buf.head);
-                            buf = buf.tail;
-                        }
-                        return sbuf;
-                    }
-                } else if (tree.getTag() == JCTree.PLUS) {
-                    JCBinary op = (JCBinary)tree;
-                    if (op.rhs.getTag() == JCTree.LITERAL) {
-                        JCLiteral lit = (JCLiteral) op.rhs;
-                        if (lit.typetag == TypeTags.CLASS) {
-                            buf = buf.prepend((String) lit.value);
-                            tree = op.lhs;
-                            continue;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                return null;
-            }
-        }
-        /** optimization: To save allocating a new operand/operator stack
-         *  for every binary operation, we use supplys.
-         */
-        ListBuffer<JCExpression[]> odStackSupply = new ListBuffer<JCExpression[]>();
-        ListBuffer<Token[]> opStackSupply = new ListBuffer<Token[]>();
-        private JCExpression[] newOdStack() {
-            if (odStackSupply.elems == odStackSupply.last)
-                odStackSupply.append(new JCExpression[infixPrecedenceLevels + 1]);
-            JCExpression[] odStack = odStackSupply.elems.head;
-            odStackSupply.elems = odStackSupply.elems.tail;
-            return odStack;
-        }
-        private Token[] newOpStack() {
-            if (opStackSupply.elems == opStackSupply.last)
-                opStackSupply.append(new Token[infixPrecedenceLevels + 1]);
-            Token[] opStack = opStackSupply.elems.head;
-            opStackSupply.elems = opStackSupply.elems.tail;
-            return opStack;
-        }
-    /** Expression3    = PrefixOp Expression3
-     *                 | "(" Expr | TypeNoParams ")" Expression3
-     *                 | Primary {Selector} {PostfixOp}
-     *  Primary        = "(" Expression ")"
-     *                 | Literal
-     *                 | [TypeArguments] THIS [Arguments]
-     *                 | [TypeArguments] SUPER SuperSuffix
-     *                 | NEW [TypeArguments] Creator
-     *                 | Ident { "." Ident }
-     *                   [ "[" ( "]" BracketsOpt "." CLASS | Expression "]" )
-     *                   | Arguments
-     *                   | "." ( CLASS | THIS | [TypeArguments] SUPER Arguments | NEW [TypeArguments] InnerCreator )
-     *                   ]
-     *                 | BasicType BracketsOpt "." CLASS
-     *  PrefixOp       = "++" | "--" | "!" | "~" | "+" | "-"
-     *  PostfixOp      = "++" | "--"
-     *  Type3          = Ident { "." Ident } [TypeArguments] {TypeSelector} BracketsOpt
-     *                 | BasicType
-     *  TypeNoParams3  = Ident { "." Ident } BracketsOpt
-     *  Selector       = "." [TypeArguments] Ident [Arguments]
-     *                 | "." THIS
-     *                 | "." [TypeArguments] SUPER SuperSuffix
-     *                 | "." NEW [TypeArguments] InnerCreator
-     *                 | "[" Expression "]"
-     *  TypeSelector   = "." Ident [TypeArguments]
-     *  SuperSuffix    = Arguments | "." Ident [Arguments]
+     * Parse an expression.
+     * @return an expression
-    protected JCExpression term3() {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        JCExpression t;
-        List<JCExpression> typeArgs = typeArgumentsOpt(EXPR);
-        switch (S.token()) {
-        case QUES:
-            if ((mode & TYPE) != 0 && (mode & (TYPEARG|NOPARAMS)) == TYPEARG) {
-                mode = TYPE;
-                return typeArgument();
-            } else
-                return illegal();
-        case PLUSPLUS: case SUBSUB: case BANG: case TILDE: case PLUS: case SUB:
-            if (typeArgs == null && (mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                Token token = S.token();
-                S.nextToken();
-                mode = EXPR;
-                if (token == SUB &&
-                    (S.token() == INTLITERAL || S.token() == LONGLITERAL) &&
-                    S.radix() == 10) {
-                    mode = EXPR;
-                    t = literal(names.hyphen);
-                } else {
-                    t = term3();
-                    return, t);
-                }
-            } else return illegal();
-            break;
-        case LPAREN:
-            if (typeArgs == null && (mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                mode = EXPR | TYPE | NOPARAMS;
-                t = term3();
-                if ((mode & TYPE) != 0 && S.token() == LT) {
-                    // Could be a cast to a parameterized type
-                    int op = JCTree.LT;
-                    int pos1 = S.pos();
-                    S.nextToken();
-                    mode &= (EXPR | TYPE);
-                    mode |= TYPEARG;
-                    JCExpression t1 = term3();
-                    if ((mode & TYPE) != 0 &&
-                        (S.token() == COMMA || S.token() == GT)) {
-                        mode = TYPE;
-                        ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
-                        args.append(t1);
-                        while (S.token() == COMMA) {
-                            S.nextToken();
-                            args.append(typeArgument());
-                        }
-                        accept(GT);
-                        t =, args.toList());
-                        checkGenerics();
-                        t = bracketsOpt(toP(t));
-                    } else if ((mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                        mode = EXPR;
-                        t =, t, term2Rest(t1, TreeInfo.shiftPrec));
-                        t = termRest(term1Rest(term2Rest(t, TreeInfo.orPrec)));
-                    } else {
-                        accept(GT);
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    t = termRest(term1Rest(term2Rest(t, TreeInfo.orPrec)));
-                }
-                accept(RPAREN);
-                lastmode = mode;
-                mode = EXPR;
-                if ((lastmode & EXPR) == 0) {
-                    JCExpression t1 = term3();
-                    return, t1);
-                } else if ((lastmode & TYPE) != 0) {
-                    switch (S.token()) {
-                    /*case PLUSPLUS: case SUBSUB: */
-                    case BANG: case TILDE:
-                    case LPAREN: case THIS: case SUPER:
-                    case INTLITERAL: case LONGLITERAL: case FLOATLITERAL:
-                    case DOUBLELITERAL: case CHARLITERAL: case STRINGLITERAL:
-                    case TRUE: case FALSE: case NULL:
-                    case NEW: case IDENTIFIER: case ASSERT: case ENUM:
-                    case BYTE: case SHORT: case CHAR: case INT:
-                    case LONG: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: case BOOLEAN: case VOID:
-                        JCExpression t1 = term3();
-                        return, t1);
-                    }
-                }
-            } else return illegal();
-            t = toP(;
-            break;
-        case THIS:
-            if ((mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                mode = EXPR;
-                t = to(;
-                S.nextToken();
-                if (typeArgs == null)
-                    t = argumentsOpt(null, t);
-                else
-                    t = arguments(typeArgs, t);
-                typeArgs = null;
-            } else return illegal();
-            break;
-        case SUPER:
-            if ((mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                mode = EXPR;
-                t = to(superSuffix(typeArgs,;
-                typeArgs = null;
-            } else return illegal();
-            break;
-        case TRUE: case FALSE: case NULL:
-            if (typeArgs == null && (mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                mode = EXPR;
-                t = literal(names.empty);
-            } else return illegal();
-            break;
-        case NEW:
-            if (typeArgs != null) return illegal();
-            if ((mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                mode = EXPR;
-                S.nextToken();
-                if (S.token() == LT) typeArgs = typeArguments();
-                t = creator(pos, typeArgs);
-                typeArgs = null;
-            } else return illegal();
-            break;
-        case IDENTIFIER: case ASSERT: case ENUM:
-            if (typeArgs != null) return illegal();
-            t = toP(;
-            loop: while (true) {
-                pos = S.pos();
-                switch (S.token()) {
-                case LBRACKET:
-                    S.nextToken();
-                    if (S.token() == RBRACKET) {
-                        S.nextToken();
-                        t = bracketsOpt(t);
-                        t = toP(;
-                        t = bracketsSuffix(t);
-                    } else {
-                        if ((mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                            mode = EXPR;
-                            JCExpression t1 = term();
-                            t = to(, t1));
-                        }
-                        accept(RBRACKET);
-                    }
-                    break loop;
-                case LPAREN:
-                    if ((mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                        mode = EXPR;
-                        t = arguments(typeArgs, t);
-                        typeArgs = null;
-                    }
-                    break loop;
-                case DOT:
-                    S.nextToken();
-                    int oldmode = mode;
-                    mode &= ~NOPARAMS;
-                    typeArgs = typeArgumentsOpt(EXPR);
-                    mode = oldmode;
-                    if ((mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                        switch (S.token()) {
-                        case CLASS:
-                            if (typeArgs != null) return illegal();
-                            mode = EXPR;
-                            t = to(, names._class));
-                            S.nextToken();
-                            break loop;
-                        case THIS:
-                            if (typeArgs != null) return illegal();
-                            mode = EXPR;
-                            t = to(, names._this));
-                            S.nextToken();
-                            break loop;
-                        case SUPER:
-                            mode = EXPR;
-                            t = to(, names._super));
-                            t = superSuffix(typeArgs, t);
-                            typeArgs = null;
-                            break loop;
-                        case NEW:
-                            if (typeArgs != null) return illegal();
-                            mode = EXPR;
-                            int pos1 = S.pos();
-                            S.nextToken();
-                            if (S.token() == LT) typeArgs = typeArguments();
-                            t = innerCreator(pos1, typeArgs, t);
-                            typeArgs = null;
-                            break loop;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    // typeArgs saved for next loop iteration.
-                    t = toP(, ident()));
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    break loop;
-                }
-            }
-            if (typeArgs != null) illegal();
-            t = typeArgumentsOpt(t);
-            break;
-        case BYTE: case SHORT: case CHAR: case INT: case LONG: case FLOAT:
-        case DOUBLE: case BOOLEAN:
-            if (typeArgs != null) illegal();
-            t = bracketsSuffix(bracketsOpt(basicType()));
-            break;
-        case VOID:
-            if (typeArgs != null) illegal();
-            if ((mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                if (S.token() == DOT) {
-                    JCPrimitiveTypeTree ti = toP(;
-                    t = bracketsSuffix(ti);
-                } else {
-                    return illegal(pos);
-                }
-            } else {
-                return illegal();
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            return illegal();
-        }
-        if (typeArgs != null) illegal();
-        while (true) {
-            int pos1 = S.pos();
-            if (S.token() == LBRACKET) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                if ((mode & TYPE) != 0) {
-                    int oldmode = mode;
-                    mode = TYPE;
-                    if (S.token() == RBRACKET) {
-                        S.nextToken();
-                        t = bracketsOpt(t);
-                        t = toP(;
-                        return t;
-                    }
-                    mode = oldmode;
-                }
-                if ((mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                    mode = EXPR;
-                    JCExpression t1 = term();
-                    t = to(, t1));
-                }
-                accept(RBRACKET);
-            } else if (S.token() == DOT) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                typeArgs = typeArgumentsOpt(EXPR);
-                if (S.token() == SUPER && (mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                    mode = EXPR;
-                    t = to(, names._super));
-                    S.nextToken();
-                    t = arguments(typeArgs, t);
-                    typeArgs = null;
-                } else if (S.token() == NEW && (mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-                    if (typeArgs != null) return illegal();
-                    mode = EXPR;
-                    int pos2 = S.pos();
-                    S.nextToken();
-                    if (S.token() == LT) typeArgs = typeArguments();
-                    t = innerCreator(pos2, typeArgs, t);
-                    typeArgs = null;
-                } else {
-                    t = toP(, ident()));
-                    t = argumentsOpt(typeArgs, typeArgumentsOpt(t));
-                    typeArgs = null;
-                }
-            } else {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        while ((S.token() == PLUSPLUS || S.token() == SUBSUB) && (mode & EXPR) != 0) {
-            mode = EXPR;
-            t = to(
-                  S.token() == PLUSPLUS ? JCTree.POSTINC : JCTree.POSTDEC, t));
-            S.nextToken();
-        }
-        return toP(t);
-    }
-    /** SuperSuffix = Arguments | "." [TypeArguments] Ident [Arguments]
-     */
-    JCExpression superSuffix(List<JCExpression> typeArgs, JCExpression t) {
-        S.nextToken();
-        if (S.token() == LPAREN || typeArgs != null) {
-            t = arguments(typeArgs, t);
-        } else {
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            accept(DOT);
-            typeArgs = (S.token() == LT) ? typeArguments() : null;
-            t = toP(, ident()));
-            t = argumentsOpt(typeArgs, t);
-        }
-        return t;
-    }
-    /** BasicType = BYTE | SHORT | CHAR | INT | LONG | FLOAT | DOUBLE | BOOLEAN
-     */
-    JCPrimitiveTypeTree basicType() {
-        JCPrimitiveTypeTree t = to(;
-        S.nextToken();
-        return t;
-    }
-    /** ArgumentsOpt = [ Arguments ]
-     */
-    JCExpression argumentsOpt(List<JCExpression> typeArgs, JCExpression t) {
-        if ((mode & EXPR) != 0 && S.token() == LPAREN || typeArgs != null) {
-            mode = EXPR;
-            return arguments(typeArgs, t);
-        } else {
-            return t;
-        }
-    }
-    /** Arguments = "(" [Expression { COMMA Expression }] ")"
-     */
-    List<JCExpression> arguments() {
-        ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = lb();
-        if (S.token() == LPAREN) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            if (S.token() != RPAREN) {
-                args.append(expression());
-                while (S.token() == COMMA) {
-                    S.nextToken();
-                    args.append(expression());
-                }
-            }
-            accept(RPAREN);
-        } else {
-            syntaxError(S.pos(), "expected", LPAREN);
-        }
-        return args.toList();
-    }
-    JCMethodInvocation arguments(List<JCExpression> typeArgs, JCExpression t) {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        List<JCExpression> args = arguments();
-        return toP(, t, args));
-    }
-    /**  TypeArgumentsOpt = [ TypeArguments ]
-     */
-    JCExpression typeArgumentsOpt(JCExpression t) {
-        if (S.token() == LT &&
-            (mode & TYPE) != 0 &&
-            (mode & NOPARAMS) == 0) {
-            mode = TYPE;
-            checkGenerics();
-            return typeArguments(t);
-        } else {
-            return t;
-        }
-    }
-    List<JCExpression> typeArgumentsOpt() {
-        return typeArgumentsOpt(TYPE);
-    }
-    List<JCExpression> typeArgumentsOpt(int useMode) {
-        if (S.token() == LT) {
-            checkGenerics();
-            if ((mode & useMode) == 0 ||
-                (mode & NOPARAMS) != 0) {
-                illegal();
-            }
-            mode = useMode;
-            return typeArguments();
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
+    JCExpression parseExpression();
-    /**  TypeArguments  = "<" TypeArgument {"," TypeArgument} ">"
-     */
-    List<JCExpression> typeArguments() {
-        ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = lb();
-        if (S.token() == LT) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            args.append(((mode & EXPR) == 0) ? typeArgument() : type());
-            while (S.token() == COMMA) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                args.append(((mode & EXPR) == 0) ? typeArgument() : type());
-            }
-            switch (S.token()) {
-            case GTGTGTEQ:
-                S.token(GTGTEQ);
-                break;
-            case GTGTEQ:
-                S.token(GTEQ);
-                break;
-            case GTEQ:
-                S.token(EQ);
-                break;
-            case GTGTGT:
-                S.token(GTGT);
-                break;
-            case GTGT:
-                S.token(GT);
-                break;
-            default:
-                accept(GT);
-                break;
-            }
-        } else {
-            syntaxError(S.pos(), "expected", LT);
-        }
-        return args.toList();
-    }
-    /** TypeArgument = Type
-     *               | "?"
-     *               | "?" EXTENDS Type {"&" Type}
-     *               | "?" SUPER Type
-     */
-    JCExpression typeArgument() {
-        if (S.token() != QUES) return type();
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        S.nextToken();
-        if (S.token() == EXTENDS) {
-            TypeBoundKind t = to(;
-            S.nextToken();
-            return, type());
-        } else if (S.token() == SUPER) {
-            TypeBoundKind t = to(;
-            S.nextToken();
-            return, type());
-        } else if (S.token() == IDENTIFIER) {
-            //error recovery
-            reportSyntaxError(S.prevEndPos(), "expected3",
-                    GT, EXTENDS, SUPER);
-            TypeBoundKind t =;
-            JCExpression wc = toP(, null));
-            JCIdent id = toP(;
-            return<JCTree>of(wc, id));
-        } else {
-            TypeBoundKind t =;
-            return toP(, null));
-        }
-    }
-    JCTypeApply typeArguments(JCExpression t) {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        List<JCExpression> args = typeArguments();
-        return toP(, args));
-    }
-    /** BracketsOpt = {"[" "]"}
-     */
-    private JCExpression bracketsOpt(JCExpression t) {
-        if (S.token() == LBRACKET) {
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            S.nextToken();
-            t = bracketsOptCont(t, pos);
-  ;
-        }
-        return t;
-    }
-    private JCArrayTypeTree bracketsOptCont(JCExpression t, int pos) {
-        accept(RBRACKET);
-        t = bracketsOpt(t);
-        return toP(;
-    }
-    /** BracketsSuffixExpr = "." CLASS
-     *  BracketsSuffixType =
-     */
-    JCExpression bracketsSuffix(JCExpression t) {
-        if ((mode & EXPR) != 0 && S.token() == DOT) {
-            mode = EXPR;
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            S.nextToken();
-            accept(CLASS);
-            if (S.pos() == errorEndPos) {
-                // error recovery
-                Name name = null;
-                if (S.token() == IDENTIFIER) {
-                    name =;
-                    S.nextToken();
-                } else {
-                    name = names.error;
-                }
-                t =<JCTree>of(toP(, name))));
-            } else {
-                t = toP(, names._class));
-            }
-        } else if ((mode & TYPE) != 0) {
-            mode = TYPE;
-        } else {
-            syntaxError(S.pos(), "dot.class.expected");
-        }
-        return t;
-    }
-    /** Creator = Qualident [TypeArguments] ( ArrayCreatorRest | ClassCreatorRest )
-     */
-    JCExpression creator(int newpos, List<JCExpression> typeArgs) {
-        switch (S.token()) {
-        case BYTE: case SHORT: case CHAR: case INT: case LONG: case FLOAT:
-        case DOUBLE: case BOOLEAN:
-            if (typeArgs == null)
-                return arrayCreatorRest(newpos, basicType());
-            break;
-        default:
-        }
-        JCExpression t = qualident();
-        int oldmode = mode;
-        mode = TYPE;
-        if (S.token() == LT) {
-            checkGenerics();
-            t = typeArguments(t);
-        }
-        while (S.token() == DOT) {
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            S.nextToken();
-            t = toP(, ident()));
-            if (S.token() == LT) {
-                checkGenerics();
-                t = typeArguments(t);
-            }
-        }
-        mode = oldmode;
-        if (S.token() == LBRACKET) {
-            JCExpression e = arrayCreatorRest(newpos, t);
-            if (typeArgs != null) {
-                int pos = newpos;
-                if (!typeArgs.isEmpty() && typeArgs.head.pos != Position.NOPOS) {
-                    // note: this should always happen but we should
-                    // not rely on this as the parser is continuously
-                    // modified to improve error recovery.
-                    pos = typeArgs.head.pos;
-                }
-                setErrorEndPos(S.prevEndPos());
-                reportSyntaxError(pos, "cannot.create.array.with.type.arguments");
-                return toP(;
-            }
-            return e;
-        } else if (S.token() == LPAREN) {
-            return classCreatorRest(newpos, null, typeArgs, t);
-        } else {
-            reportSyntaxError(S.pos(), "expected2",
-                               LPAREN, LBRACKET);
-            t = toP(, typeArgs, t, List.<JCExpression>nil(), null));
-            return toP(<JCTree>of(t)));
-        }
-    }
-    /** InnerCreator = Ident [TypeArguments] ClassCreatorRest
-     */
-    JCExpression innerCreator(int newpos, List<JCExpression> typeArgs, JCExpression encl) {
-        JCExpression t = toP(;
-        if (S.token() == LT) {
-            checkGenerics();
-            t = typeArguments(t);
-        }
-        return classCreatorRest(newpos, encl, typeArgs, t);
-    }
-    /** ArrayCreatorRest = "[" ( "]" BracketsOpt ArrayInitializer
-     *                         | Expression "]" {"[" Expression "]"} BracketsOpt )
-     */
-    JCExpression arrayCreatorRest(int newpos, JCExpression elemtype) {
-        accept(LBRACKET);
-        if (S.token() == RBRACKET) {
-            accept(RBRACKET);
-            elemtype = bracketsOpt(elemtype);
-            if (S.token() == LBRACE) {
-                return arrayInitializer(newpos, elemtype);
-            } else {
-                return syntaxError(S.pos(), "array.dimension.missing");
-            }
-        } else {
-            ListBuffer<JCExpression> dims = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
-            dims.append(expression());
-            accept(RBRACKET);
-            while (S.token() == LBRACKET) {
-                int pos = S.pos();
-                S.nextToken();
-                if (S.token() == RBRACKET) {
-                    elemtype = bracketsOptCont(elemtype, pos);
-                } else {
-                    dims.append(expression());
-                    accept(RBRACKET);
-                }
-            }
-            return toP(, dims.toList(), null));
-        }
-    }
-    /** ClassCreatorRest = Arguments [ClassBody]
-     */
-    JCExpression classCreatorRest(int newpos,
-                                  JCExpression encl,
-                                  List<JCExpression> typeArgs,
-                                  JCExpression t)
-    {
-        List<JCExpression> args = arguments();
-        JCClassDecl body = null;
-        if (S.token() == LBRACE) {
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            List<JCTree> defs = classOrInterfaceBody(names.empty, false);
-            JCModifiers mods =;
-            body = toP(, defs));
-        }
-        return toP(, typeArgs, t, args, body));
-    }
-    /** ArrayInitializer = "{" [VariableInitializer {"," VariableInitializer}] [","] "}"
-     */
-    JCExpression arrayInitializer(int newpos, JCExpression t) {
-        accept(LBRACE);
-        ListBuffer<JCExpression> elems = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
-        if (S.token() == COMMA) {
-            S.nextToken();
-        } else if (S.token() != RBRACE) {
-            elems.append(variableInitializer());
-            while (S.token() == COMMA) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                if (S.token() == RBRACE) break;
-                elems.append(variableInitializer());
-            }
-        }
-        accept(RBRACE);
-        return toP(, List.<JCExpression>nil(), elems.toList()));
-    }
-    /** VariableInitializer = ArrayInitializer | Expression
-     */
-    public JCExpression variableInitializer() {
-        return S.token() == LBRACE ? arrayInitializer(S.pos(), null) : expression();
-    }
-    /** ParExpression = "(" Expression ")"
-     */
-    JCExpression parExpression() {
-        accept(LPAREN);
-        JCExpression t = expression();
-        accept(RPAREN);
-        return t;
-    }
-    /** Block = "{" BlockStatements "}"
-     */
-    JCBlock block(int pos, long flags) {
-        accept(LBRACE);
-        List<JCStatement> stats = blockStatements();
-        JCBlock t =, stats);
-        while (S.token() == CASE || S.token() == DEFAULT) {
-            syntaxError("orphaned", S.token());
-            switchBlockStatementGroups();
-        }
-        // the Block node has a field "endpos" for first char of last token, which is
-        // usually but not necessarily the last char of the last token.
-        t.endpos = S.pos();
-        accept(RBRACE);
-        return toP(t);
-    }
-    public JCBlock block() {
-        return block(S.pos(), 0);
-    }
-    /** BlockStatements = { BlockStatement }
-     *  BlockStatement  = LocalVariableDeclarationStatement
-     *                  | ClassOrInterfaceOrEnumDeclaration
-     *                  | [Ident ":"] Statement
-     *  LocalVariableDeclarationStatement
-     *                  = { FINAL | '@' Annotation } Type VariableDeclarators ";"
-     */
-    @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough")
-    List<JCStatement> blockStatements() {
-//todo: skip to anchor on error(?)
-        int lastErrPos = -1;
-        ListBuffer<JCStatement> stats = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>();
-        while (true) {
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            switch (S.token()) {
-            case RBRACE: case CASE: case DEFAULT: case EOF:
-                return stats.toList();
-            case LBRACE: case IF: case FOR: case WHILE: case DO: case TRY:
-            case SWITCH: case SYNCHRONIZED: case RETURN: case THROW: case BREAK:
-            case CONTINUE: case SEMI: case ELSE: case FINALLY: case CATCH:
-                stats.append(statement());
-                break;
-            case MONKEYS_AT:
-            case FINAL: {
-                String dc = S.docComment();
-                JCModifiers mods = modifiersOpt();
-                if (S.token() == INTERFACE ||
-                    S.token() == CLASS ||
-                    allowEnums && S.token() == ENUM) {
-                    stats.append(classOrInterfaceOrEnumDeclaration(mods, dc));
-                } else {
-                    JCExpression t = type();
-                    stats.appendList(variableDeclarators(mods, t,
-                                                         new ListBuffer<JCStatement>()));
-                    // A "LocalVariableDeclarationStatement" subsumes the terminating semicolon
-                    storeEnd(stats.elems.last(), S.endPos());
-                    accept(SEMI);
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case ABSTRACT: case STRICTFP: {
-                String dc = S.docComment();
-                JCModifiers mods = modifiersOpt();
-                stats.append(classOrInterfaceOrEnumDeclaration(mods, dc));
-                break;
-            }
-            case INTERFACE:
-            case CLASS:
-                stats.append(classOrInterfaceOrEnumDeclaration(modifiersOpt(),
-                                                               S.docComment()));
-                break;
-            case ENUM:
-            case ASSERT:
-                if (allowEnums && S.token() == ENUM) {
-                    log.error(S.pos(), "local.enum");
-                    stats.
-                        append(classOrInterfaceOrEnumDeclaration(modifiersOpt(),
-                                                                 S.docComment()));
-                    break;
-                } else if (allowAsserts && S.token() == ASSERT) {
-                    stats.append(statement());
-                    break;
-                }
-                /* fall through to default */
-            default:
-                Name name =;
-                JCExpression t = term(EXPR | TYPE);
-                if (S.token() == COLON && t.getTag() == JCTree.IDENT) {
-                    S.nextToken();
-                    JCStatement stat = statement();
-                    stats.append(, stat));
-                } else if ((lastmode & TYPE) != 0 &&
-                           (S.token() == IDENTIFIER ||
-                            S.token() == ASSERT ||
-                            S.token() == ENUM)) {
-                    pos = S.pos();
-                    JCModifiers mods =;
-          ;
-                    stats.appendList(variableDeclarators(mods, t,
-                                                         new ListBuffer<JCStatement>()));
-                    // A "LocalVariableDeclarationStatement" subsumes the terminating semicolon
-                    storeEnd(stats.elems.last(), S.endPos());
-                    accept(SEMI);
-                } else {
-                    // This Exec is an "ExpressionStatement"; it subsumes the terminating semicolon
-                    stats.append(to(;
-                    accept(SEMI);
-                }
-            }
-            // error recovery
-            if (S.pos() == lastErrPos)
-                return stats.toList();
-            if (S.pos() <= errorEndPos) {
-                skip(false, true, true, true);
-                lastErrPos = S.pos();
-            }
-            // ensure no dangling /** @deprecated */ active
-            S.resetDeprecatedFlag();
-        }
-    }
-    /** Statement =
-     *       Block
-     *     | IF ParExpression Statement [ELSE Statement]
-     *     | FOR "(" ForInitOpt ";" [Expression] ";" ForUpdateOpt ")" Statement
-     *     | FOR "(" FormalParameter : Expression ")" Statement
-     *     | WHILE ParExpression Statement
-     *     | DO Statement WHILE ParExpression ";"
-     *     | TRY Block ( Catches | [Catches] FinallyPart )
-     *     | SWITCH ParExpression "{" SwitchBlockStatementGroups "}"
-     *     | SYNCHRONIZED ParExpression Block
-     *     | RETURN [Expression] ";"
-     *     | THROW Expression ";"
-     *     | BREAK [Ident] ";"
-     *     | CONTINUE [Ident] ";"
-     *     | ASSERT Expression [ ":" Expression ] ";"
-     *     | ";"
-     *     | ExpressionStatement
-     *     | Ident ":" Statement
+    /**
+     * Parse a statement.
+     * @return an expression
-    @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough")
-    public JCStatement statement() {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        switch (S.token()) {
-        case LBRACE:
-            return block();
-        case IF: {
-            S.nextToken();
-            JCExpression cond = parExpression();
-            JCStatement thenpart = statement();
-            JCStatement elsepart = null;
-            if (S.token() == ELSE) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                elsepart = statement();
-            }
-            return, thenpart, elsepart);
-        }
-        case FOR: {
-            S.nextToken();
-            accept(LPAREN);
-            List<JCStatement> inits = S.token() == SEMI ? List.<JCStatement>nil() : forInit();
-            if (inits.length() == 1 &&
-                inits.head.getTag() == JCTree.VARDEF &&
-                ((JCVariableDecl) inits.head).init == null &&
-                S.token() == COLON) {
-                checkForeach();
-                JCVariableDecl var = (JCVariableDecl)inits.head;
-                accept(COLON);
-                JCExpression expr = expression();
-                accept(RPAREN);
-                JCStatement body = statement();
-                return, expr, body);
-            } else {
-                accept(SEMI);
-                JCExpression cond = S.token() == SEMI ? null : expression();
-                accept(SEMI);
-                List<JCExpressionStatement> steps = S.token() == RPAREN ? List.<JCExpressionStatement>nil() : forUpdate();
-                accept(RPAREN);
-                JCStatement body = statement();
-                return, cond, steps, body);
-            }
-        }
-        case WHILE: {
-            S.nextToken();
-            JCExpression cond = parExpression();
-            JCStatement body = statement();
-            return, body);
-        }
-        case DO: {
-            S.nextToken();
-            JCStatement body = statement();
-            accept(WHILE);
-            JCExpression cond = parExpression();
-            JCDoWhileLoop t = to(, cond));
-            accept(SEMI);
-            return t;
-        }
-        case TRY: {
-            S.nextToken();
-            JCBlock body = block();
-            ListBuffer<JCCatch> catchers = new ListBuffer<JCCatch>();
-            JCBlock finalizer = null;
-            if (S.token() == CATCH || S.token() == FINALLY) {
-                while (S.token() == CATCH) catchers.append(catchClause());
-                if (S.token() == FINALLY) {
-                    S.nextToken();
-                    finalizer = block();
-                }
-            } else {
-                log.error(pos, "try.without.catch.or.finally");
-            }
-            return, catchers.toList(), finalizer);
-        }
-        case SWITCH: {
-            S.nextToken();
-            JCExpression selector = parExpression();
-            accept(LBRACE);
-            List<JCCase> cases = switchBlockStatementGroups();
-            JCSwitch t = to(, cases));
-            accept(RBRACE);
-            return t;
-        }
-        case SYNCHRONIZED: {
-            S.nextToken();
-            JCExpression lock = parExpression();
-            JCBlock body = block();
-            return, body);
-        }
-        case RETURN: {
-            S.nextToken();
-            JCExpression result = S.token() == SEMI ? null : expression();
-            JCReturn t = to(;
-            accept(SEMI);
-            return t;
-        }
-        case THROW: {
-            S.nextToken();
-            JCExpression exc = expression();
-            JCThrow t = to(;
-            accept(SEMI);
-            return t;
-        }
-        case BREAK: {
-            S.nextToken();
-            Name label = (S.token() == IDENTIFIER || S.token() == ASSERT || S.token() == ENUM) ? ident() : null;
-            JCBreak t = to(;
-            accept(SEMI);
-            return t;
-        }
-        case CONTINUE: {
-            S.nextToken();
-            Name label = (S.token() == IDENTIFIER || S.token() == ASSERT || S.token() == ENUM) ? ident() : null;
-            JCContinue t =  to(;
-            accept(SEMI);
-            return t;
-        }
-        case SEMI:
-            S.nextToken();
-            return toP(;
-        case ELSE:
-            return toP(F.Exec(syntaxError("else.without.if")));
-        case FINALLY:
-            return toP(F.Exec(syntaxError("finally.without.try")));
-        case CATCH:
-            return toP(F.Exec(syntaxError("catch.without.try")));
-        case ASSERT: {
-            if (allowAsserts && S.token() == ASSERT) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                JCExpression assertion = expression();
-                JCExpression message = null;
-                if (S.token() == COLON) {
-                    S.nextToken();
-                    message = expression();
-                }
-                JCAssert t = to(, message));
-                accept(SEMI);
-                return t;
-            }
-            /* else fall through to default case */
-        }
-        case ENUM:
-        default:
-            Name name =;
-            JCExpression expr = expression();
-            if (S.token() == COLON && expr.getTag() == JCTree.IDENT) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                JCStatement stat = statement();
-                return, stat);
-            } else {
-                // This Exec is an "ExpressionStatement"; it subsumes the terminating semicolon
-                JCExpressionStatement stat = to(;
-                accept(SEMI);
-                return stat;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /** CatchClause     = CATCH "(" FormalParameter ")" Block
-     */
-    JCCatch catchClause() {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        accept(CATCH);
-        accept(LPAREN);
-        JCVariableDecl formal =
-            variableDeclaratorId(optFinal(Flags.PARAMETER),
-                                 qualident());
-        accept(RPAREN);
-        JCBlock body = block();
-        return, body);
-    }
-    /** SwitchBlockStatementGroups = { SwitchBlockStatementGroup }
-     *  SwitchBlockStatementGroup = SwitchLabel BlockStatements
-     *  SwitchLabel = CASE ConstantExpression ":" | DEFAULT ":"
-     */
-    List<JCCase> switchBlockStatementGroups() {
-        ListBuffer<JCCase> cases = new ListBuffer<JCCase>();
-        while (true) {
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            switch (S.token()) {
-            case CASE: {
-                S.nextToken();
-                JCExpression pat = expression();
-                accept(COLON);
-                List<JCStatement> stats = blockStatements();
-                JCCase c =, stats);
-                if (stats.isEmpty())
-                    storeEnd(c, S.prevEndPos());
-                cases.append(c);
-                break;
-            }
-            case DEFAULT: {
-                S.nextToken();
-                accept(COLON);
-                List<JCStatement> stats = blockStatements();
-                JCCase c =, stats);
-                if (stats.isEmpty())
-                    storeEnd(c, S.prevEndPos());
-                cases.append(c);
-                break;
-            }
-            case RBRACE: case EOF:
-                return cases.toList();
-            default:
-                S.nextToken(); // to ensure progress
-                syntaxError(pos, "expected3",
-                    CASE, DEFAULT, RBRACE);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /** MoreStatementExpressions = { COMMA StatementExpression }
-     */
-    <T extends ListBuffer<? super JCExpressionStatement>> T moreStatementExpressions(int pos,
-                                                                    JCExpression first,
-                                                                    T stats) {
-        // This Exec is a "StatementExpression"; it subsumes no terminating token
-        stats.append(toP(;
-        while (S.token() == COMMA) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            pos = S.pos();
-            JCExpression t = expression();
-            // This Exec is a "StatementExpression"; it subsumes no terminating token
-            stats.append(toP(;
-        }
-        return stats;
-    }
-    /** ForInit = StatementExpression MoreStatementExpressions
-     *           |  { FINAL | '@' Annotation } Type VariableDeclarators
-     */
-    List<JCStatement> forInit() {
-        ListBuffer<JCStatement> stats = lb();
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        if (S.token() == FINAL || S.token() == MONKEYS_AT) {
-            return variableDeclarators(optFinal(0), type(), stats).toList();
-        } else {
-            JCExpression t = term(EXPR | TYPE);
-            if ((lastmode & TYPE) != 0 &&
-                (S.token() == IDENTIFIER || S.token() == ASSERT || S.token() == ENUM))
-                return variableDeclarators(modifiersOpt(), t, stats).toList();
-            else
-                return moreStatementExpressions(pos, t, stats).toList();
-        }
-    }
-    /** ForUpdate = StatementExpression MoreStatementExpressions
-     */
-    List<JCExpressionStatement> forUpdate() {
-        return moreStatementExpressions(S.pos(),
-                                        expression(),
-                                        new ListBuffer<JCExpressionStatement>()).toList();
-    }
-    /** AnnotationsOpt = { '@' Annotation }
-     */
-    List<JCAnnotation> annotationsOpt() {
-        if (S.token() != MONKEYS_AT) return List.nil(); // optimization
-        ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> buf = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>();
-        while (S.token() == MONKEYS_AT) {
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            S.nextToken();
-            buf.append(annotation(pos));
-        }
-        return buf.toList();
-    }
+    JCStatement parseStatement();
-    /** ModifiersOpt = { Modifier }
-     *           | NATIVE | SYNCHRONIZED | TRANSIENT | VOLATILE | "@"
-     *           | "@" Annotation
-     */
-    JCModifiers modifiersOpt() {
-        return modifiersOpt(null);
-    }
-    JCModifiers modifiersOpt(JCModifiers partial) {
-        long flags = (partial == null) ? 0 : partial.flags;
-        if (S.deprecatedFlag()) {
-            flags |= Flags.DEPRECATED;
-            S.resetDeprecatedFlag();
-        }
-        ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> annotations = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>();
-        if (partial != null) annotations.appendList(partial.annotations);
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        int lastPos = Position.NOPOS;
-    loop:
-        while (true) {
-            long flag;
-            switch (S.token()) {
-            case PRIVATE     : flag = Flags.PRIVATE; break;
-            case PROTECTED   : flag = Flags.PROTECTED; break;
-            case PUBLIC      : flag = Flags.PUBLIC; break;
-            case STATIC      : flag = Flags.STATIC; break;
-            case TRANSIENT   : flag = Flags.TRANSIENT; break;
-            case FINAL       : flag = Flags.FINAL; break;
-            case ABSTRACT    : flag = Flags.ABSTRACT; break;
-            case NATIVE      : flag = Flags.NATIVE; break;
-            case VOLATILE    : flag = Flags.VOLATILE; break;
-            case SYNCHRONIZED: flag = Flags.SYNCHRONIZED; break;
-            case STRICTFP    : flag = Flags.STRICTFP; break;
-            case MONKEYS_AT  : flag = Flags.ANNOTATION; break;
-            default: break loop;
-            }
-            if ((flags & flag) != 0) log.error(S.pos(), "repeated.modifier");
-            lastPos = S.pos();
-            S.nextToken();
-            if (flag == Flags.ANNOTATION) {
-                checkAnnotations();
-                if (S.token() != INTERFACE) {
-                JCAnnotation ann = annotation(lastPos);
-                // if first modifier is an annotation, set pos to annotation's.
-                if (flags == 0 && annotations.isEmpty())
-                    pos = ann.pos;
-                annotations.append(ann);
-                lastPos = ann.pos;
-                    flag = 0;
-                }
-            }
-            flags |= flag;
-        }
-        switch (S.token()) {
-        case ENUM: flags |= Flags.ENUM; break;
-        case INTERFACE: flags |= Flags.INTERFACE; break;
-        default: break;
-        }
-        /* A modifiers tree with no modifier tokens or annotations
-         * has no text position. */
-        if (flags == 0 && annotations.isEmpty())
-            pos = Position.NOPOS;
-        JCModifiers mods =, annotations.toList());
-        if (pos != Position.NOPOS)
-            storeEnd(mods, S.prevEndPos());
-        return mods;
-    }
-    /** Annotation              = "@" Qualident [ "(" AnnotationFieldValues ")" ]
-     * @param pos position of "@" token
-     */
-    JCAnnotation annotation(int pos) {
-        // accept(AT); // AT consumed by caller
-        checkAnnotations();
-        JCTree ident = qualident();
-        List<JCExpression> fieldValues = annotationFieldValuesOpt();
-        JCAnnotation ann =, fieldValues);
-        storeEnd(ann, S.prevEndPos());
-        return ann;
-    }
-    List<JCExpression> annotationFieldValuesOpt() {
-        return (S.token() == LPAREN) ? annotationFieldValues() : List.<JCExpression>nil();
-    }
-    /** AnnotationFieldValues   = "(" [ AnnotationFieldValue { "," AnnotationFieldValue } ] ")" */
-    List<JCExpression> annotationFieldValues() {
-        accept(LPAREN);
-        ListBuffer<JCExpression> buf = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
-        if (S.token() != RPAREN) {
-            buf.append(annotationFieldValue());
-            while (S.token() == COMMA) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                buf.append(annotationFieldValue());
-            }
-        }
-        accept(RPAREN);
-        return buf.toList();
-    }
-    /** AnnotationFieldValue    = AnnotationValue
-     *                          | Identifier "=" AnnotationValue
-     */
-    JCExpression annotationFieldValue() {
-        if (S.token() == IDENTIFIER) {
-            mode = EXPR;
-            JCExpression t1 = term1();
-            if (t1.getTag() == JCTree.IDENT && S.token() == EQ) {
-                int pos = S.pos();
-                accept(EQ);
-                return toP(, annotationValue()));
-            } else {
-                return t1;
-            }
-        }
-        return annotationValue();
-    }
-    /* AnnotationValue          = ConditionalExpression
-     *                          | Annotation
-     *                          | "{" [ AnnotationValue { "," AnnotationValue } ] "}"
-     */
-    JCExpression annotationValue() {
-        int pos;
-        switch (S.token()) {
-        case MONKEYS_AT:
-            pos = S.pos();
-            S.nextToken();
-            return annotation(pos);
-        case LBRACE:
-            pos = S.pos();
-            accept(LBRACE);
-            ListBuffer<JCExpression> buf = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
-            if (S.token() != RBRACE) {
-                buf.append(annotationValue());
-                while (S.token() == COMMA) {
-                    S.nextToken();
-                    if (S.token() == RPAREN) break;
-                    buf.append(annotationValue());
-                }
-            }
-            accept(RBRACE);
-            return toP(, List.<JCExpression>nil(), buf.toList()));
-        default:
-            mode = EXPR;
-            return term1();
-        }
-    }
-    /** VariableDeclarators = VariableDeclarator { "," VariableDeclarator }
-     */
-    public <T extends ListBuffer<? super JCVariableDecl>> T variableDeclarators(JCModifiers mods,
-                                                                         JCExpression type,
-                                                                         T vdefs)
-    {
-        return variableDeclaratorsRest(S.pos(), mods, type, ident(), false, null, vdefs);
-    }
-    /** VariableDeclaratorsRest = VariableDeclaratorRest { "," VariableDeclarator }
-     *  ConstantDeclaratorsRest = ConstantDeclaratorRest { "," ConstantDeclarator }
-     *
-     *  @param reqInit  Is an initializer always required?
-     *  @param dc       The documentation comment for the variable declarations, or null.
-     */
-    <T extends ListBuffer<? super JCVariableDecl>> T variableDeclaratorsRest(int pos,
-                                                                     JCModifiers mods,
-                                                                     JCExpression type,
-                                                                     Name name,
-                                                                     boolean reqInit,
-                                                                     String dc,
-                                                                     T vdefs)
-    {
-        vdefs.append(variableDeclaratorRest(pos, mods, type, name, reqInit, dc));
-        while (S.token() == COMMA) {
-            // All but last of multiple declarators subsume a comma
-            storeEnd((JCTree)vdefs.elems.last(), S.endPos());
-            S.nextToken();
-            vdefs.append(variableDeclarator(mods, type, reqInit, dc));
-        }
-        return vdefs;
-    }
-    /** VariableDeclarator = Ident VariableDeclaratorRest
-     *  ConstantDeclarator = Ident ConstantDeclaratorRest
-     */
-    JCVariableDecl variableDeclarator(JCModifiers mods, JCExpression type, boolean reqInit, String dc) {
-        return variableDeclaratorRest(S.pos(), mods, type, ident(), reqInit, dc);
-    }
-    /** VariableDeclaratorRest = BracketsOpt ["=" VariableInitializer]
-     *  ConstantDeclaratorRest = BracketsOpt "=" VariableInitializer
-     *
-     *  @param reqInit  Is an initializer always required?
-     *  @param dc       The documentation comment for the variable declarations, or null.
-     */
-    JCVariableDecl variableDeclaratorRest(int pos, JCModifiers mods, JCExpression type, Name name,
-                                  boolean reqInit, String dc) {
-        type = bracketsOpt(type);
-        JCExpression init = null;
-        if (S.token() == EQ) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            init = variableInitializer();
-        }
-        else if (reqInit) syntaxError(S.pos(), "expected", EQ);
-        JCVariableDecl result =
-            toP(, name, type, init));
-        attach(result, dc);
-        return result;
-    }
-    /** VariableDeclaratorId = Ident BracketsOpt
-     */
-    JCVariableDecl variableDeclaratorId(JCModifiers mods, JCExpression type) {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        Name name = ident();
-        if ((mods.flags & Flags.VARARGS) == 0)
-            type = bracketsOpt(type);
-        return toP(, name, type, null));
-    }
-    /** CompilationUnit = [ { "@" Annotation } PACKAGE Qualident ";"] {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration}
-     */
-    public JCTree.JCCompilationUnit compilationUnit() {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        JCExpression pid = null;
-        String dc = S.docComment();
-        JCModifiers mods = null;
-        List<JCAnnotation> packageAnnotations = List.nil();
-        if (S.token() == MONKEYS_AT)
-            mods = modifiersOpt();
-        if (S.token() == PACKAGE) {
-            if (mods != null) {
-                checkNoMods(mods.flags);
-                packageAnnotations = mods.annotations;
-                mods = null;
-            }
-            S.nextToken();
-            pid = qualident();
-            accept(SEMI);
-        }
-        ListBuffer<JCTree> defs = new ListBuffer<JCTree>();
-       boolean checkForImports = true;
-        while (S.token() != EOF) {
-            if (S.pos() <= errorEndPos) {
-                // error recovery
-                skip(checkForImports, false, false, false);
-                if (S.token() == EOF)
-                    break;
-            }
-            if (checkForImports && mods == null && S.token() == IMPORT) {
-                defs.append(importDeclaration());
-            } else {
-                JCTree def = typeDeclaration(mods);
-                if (def instanceof JCExpressionStatement)
-                    def = ((JCExpressionStatement)def).expr;
-                defs.append(def);
-                if (def instanceof JCClassDecl)
-                    checkForImports = false;
-                mods = null;
-            }
-        }
-        JCTree.JCCompilationUnit toplevel =, pid, defs.toList());
-        attach(toplevel, dc);
-        if (defs.elems.isEmpty())
-            storeEnd(toplevel, S.prevEndPos());
-        if (keepDocComments) toplevel.docComments = docComments;
-        return toplevel;
-    }
-    /** ImportDeclaration = IMPORT [ STATIC ] Ident { "." Ident } [ "." "*" ] ";"
-     */
-    JCTree importDeclaration() {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        S.nextToken();
-        boolean importStatic = false;
-        if (S.token() == STATIC) {
-            checkStaticImports();
-            importStatic = true;
-            S.nextToken();
-        }
-        JCExpression pid = toP(;
-        do {
-            int pos1 = S.pos();
-            accept(DOT);
-            if (S.token() == STAR) {
-                pid = to(, names.asterisk));
-                S.nextToken();
-                break;
-            } else {
-                pid = toP(, ident()));
-            }
-        } while (S.token() == DOT);
-        accept(SEMI);
-        return toP(, importStatic));
-    }
-    /** TypeDeclaration = ClassOrInterfaceOrEnumDeclaration
-     *                  | ";"
-     */
-    JCTree typeDeclaration(JCModifiers mods) {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        if (mods == null && S.token() == SEMI) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            return toP(;
-        } else {
-            String dc = S.docComment();
-            return classOrInterfaceOrEnumDeclaration(modifiersOpt(mods), dc);
-        }
-    }
-    /** ClassOrInterfaceOrEnumDeclaration = ModifiersOpt
-     *           (ClassDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | EnumDeclaration)
-     *  @param mods     Any modifiers starting the class or interface declaration
-     *  @param dc       The documentation comment for the class, or null.
+    /**
+     * Parse a type.
+     * @return an expression for a type
-    JCStatement classOrInterfaceOrEnumDeclaration(JCModifiers mods, String dc) {
-        if (S.token() == CLASS) {
-            return classDeclaration(mods, dc);
-        } else if (S.token() == INTERFACE) {
-            return interfaceDeclaration(mods, dc);
-        } else if (allowEnums) {
-            if (S.token() == ENUM) {
-                return enumDeclaration(mods, dc);
-            } else {
-                int pos = S.pos();
-                List<JCTree> errs;
-                if (S.token() == IDENTIFIER) {
-                    errs = List.<JCTree>of(mods, toP(;
-                    setErrorEndPos(S.pos());
-                } else {
-                    errs = List.<JCTree>of(mods);
-                }
-                return toP(F.Exec(syntaxError(pos, errs, "expected3",
-                                              CLASS, INTERFACE, ENUM)));
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (S.token() == ENUM) {
-                log.error(S.pos(), "",;
-                allowEnums = true;
-                return enumDeclaration(mods, dc);
-            }
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            List<JCTree> errs;
-            if (S.token() == IDENTIFIER) {
-                errs = List.<JCTree>of(mods, toP(;
-                setErrorEndPos(S.pos());
-            } else {
-                errs = List.<JCTree>of(mods);
-            }
-            return toP(F.Exec(syntaxError(pos, errs, "expected2",
-                                          CLASS, INTERFACE)));
-        }
-    }
-    /** ClassDeclaration = CLASS Ident TypeParametersOpt [EXTENDS Type]
-     *                     [IMPLEMENTS TypeList] ClassBody
-     *  @param mods    The modifiers starting the class declaration
-     *  @param dc       The documentation comment for the class, or null.
-     */
-    JCClassDecl classDeclaration(JCModifiers mods, String dc) {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        accept(CLASS);
-        Name name = ident();
-        List<JCTypeParameter> typarams = typeParametersOpt();
-        JCTree extending = null;
-        if (S.token() == EXTENDS) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            extending = type();
-        }
-        List<JCExpression> implementing = List.nil();
-        if (S.token() == IMPLEMENTS) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            implementing = typeList();
-        }
-        List<JCTree> defs = classOrInterfaceBody(name, false);
-        JCClassDecl result = toP(
-            mods, name, typarams, extending, implementing, defs));
-        attach(result, dc);
-        return result;
-    }
-    /** InterfaceDeclaration = INTERFACE Ident TypeParametersOpt
-     *                         [EXTENDS TypeList] InterfaceBody
-     *  @param mods    The modifiers starting the interface declaration
-     *  @param dc       The documentation comment for the interface, or null.
-     */
-    JCClassDecl interfaceDeclaration(JCModifiers mods, String dc) {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        accept(INTERFACE);
-        Name name = ident();
-        List<JCTypeParameter> typarams = typeParametersOpt();
-        List<JCExpression> extending = List.nil();
-        if (S.token() == EXTENDS) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            extending = typeList();
-        }
-        List<JCTree> defs = classOrInterfaceBody(name, true);
-        JCClassDecl result = toP(
-            mods, name, typarams, null, extending, defs));
-        attach(result, dc);
-        return result;
-    }
-    /** EnumDeclaration = ENUM Ident [IMPLEMENTS TypeList] EnumBody
-     *  @param mods    The modifiers starting the enum declaration
-     *  @param dc       The documentation comment for the enum, or null.
-     */
-    JCClassDecl enumDeclaration(JCModifiers mods, String dc) {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        accept(ENUM);
-        Name name = ident();
-        List<JCExpression> implementing = List.nil();
-        if (S.token() == IMPLEMENTS) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            implementing = typeList();
-        }
-        List<JCTree> defs = enumBody(name);
-        JCModifiers newMods =
-  |Flags.ENUM, mods.annotations);
-        JCClassDecl result = toP(
-            ClassDef(newMods, name, List.<JCTypeParameter>nil(),
-                null, implementing, defs));
-        attach(result, dc);
-        return result;
-    }
-    /** EnumBody = "{" { EnumeratorDeclarationList } [","]
-     *                  [ ";" {ClassBodyDeclaration} ] "}"
-     */
-    List<JCTree> enumBody(Name enumName) {
-        accept(LBRACE);
-        ListBuffer<JCTree> defs = new ListBuffer<JCTree>();
-        if (S.token() == COMMA) {
-            S.nextToken();
-        } else if (S.token() != RBRACE && S.token() != SEMI) {
-            defs.append(enumeratorDeclaration(enumName));
-            while (S.token() == COMMA) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                if (S.token() == RBRACE || S.token() == SEMI) break;
-                defs.append(enumeratorDeclaration(enumName));
-            }
-            if (S.token() != SEMI && S.token() != RBRACE) {
-                defs.append(syntaxError(S.pos(), "expected3",
-                                COMMA, RBRACE, SEMI));
-                S.nextToken();
-            }
-        }
-        if (S.token() == SEMI) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            while (S.token() != RBRACE && S.token() != EOF) {
-                defs.appendList(classOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration(enumName,
-                                                                false));
-                if (S.pos() <= errorEndPos) {
-                    // error recovery
-                   skip(false, true, true, false);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        accept(RBRACE);
-        return defs.toList();
-    }
-    /** EnumeratorDeclaration = AnnotationsOpt [TypeArguments] IDENTIFIER [ Arguments ] [ "{" ClassBody "}" ]
-     */
-    JCTree enumeratorDeclaration(Name enumName) {
-        String dc = S.docComment();
-        int flags = Flags.PUBLIC|Flags.STATIC|Flags.FINAL|Flags.ENUM;
-        if (S.deprecatedFlag()) {
-            flags |= Flags.DEPRECATED;
-            S.resetDeprecatedFlag();
-        }
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        List<JCAnnotation> annotations = annotationsOpt();
-        JCModifiers mods = ? Position.NOPOS : pos).Modifiers(flags, annotations);
-        List<JCExpression> typeArgs = typeArgumentsOpt();
-        int identPos = S.pos();
-        Name name = ident();
-        int createPos = S.pos();
-        List<JCExpression> args = (S.token() == LPAREN)
-            ? arguments() : List.<JCExpression>nil();
-        JCClassDecl body = null;
-        if (S.token() == LBRACE) {
-            JCModifiers mods1 = | Flags.STATIC);
-            List<JCTree> defs = classOrInterfaceBody(names.empty, false);
-            body = toP(, defs));
-        }
-        if (args.isEmpty() && body == null)
-            createPos = Position.NOPOS;
-        JCIdent ident =;
-        JCNewClass create =, typeArgs, ident, args, body);
-        if (createPos != Position.NOPOS)
-            storeEnd(create, S.prevEndPos());
-        ident =;
-        JCTree result = toP(, name, ident, create));
-        attach(result, dc);
-        return result;
-    }
-    /** TypeList = Type {"," Type}
-     */
-    List<JCExpression> typeList() {
-        ListBuffer<JCExpression> ts = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
-        ts.append(type());
-        while (S.token() == COMMA) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            ts.append(type());
-        }
-        return ts.toList();
-    }
-    /** ClassBody     = "{" {ClassBodyDeclaration} "}"
-     *  InterfaceBody = "{" {InterfaceBodyDeclaration} "}"
-     */
-    List<JCTree> classOrInterfaceBody(Name className, boolean isInterface) {
-        accept(LBRACE);
-        if (S.pos() <= errorEndPos) {
-            // error recovery
-            skip(false, true, false, false);
-            if (S.token() == LBRACE)
-                S.nextToken();
-        }
-        ListBuffer<JCTree> defs = new ListBuffer<JCTree>();
-        while (S.token() != RBRACE && S.token() != EOF) {
-            defs.appendList(classOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration(className, isInterface));
-            if (S.pos() <= errorEndPos) {
-               // error recovery
-               skip(false, true, true, false);
-           }
-        }
-        accept(RBRACE);
-        return defs.toList();
-    }
-    /** ClassBodyDeclaration =
-     *      ";"
-     *    | [STATIC] Block
-     *    | ModifiersOpt
-     *      ( Type Ident
-     *        ( VariableDeclaratorsRest ";" | MethodDeclaratorRest )
-     *      | VOID Ident MethodDeclaratorRest
-     *      | TypeParameters (Type | VOID) Ident MethodDeclaratorRest
-     *      | Ident ConstructorDeclaratorRest
-     *      | TypeParameters Ident ConstructorDeclaratorRest
-     *      | ClassOrInterfaceOrEnumDeclaration
-     *      )
-     *  InterfaceBodyDeclaration =
-     *      ";"
-     *    | ModifiersOpt Type Ident
-     *      ( ConstantDeclaratorsRest | InterfaceMethodDeclaratorRest ";" )
-     */
-    List<JCTree> classOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration(Name className, boolean isInterface) {
-        if (S.token() == SEMI) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            return List.<JCTree>of(, List.<JCStatement>nil()));
-        } else {
-            String dc = S.docComment();
-            int pos = S.pos();
-            JCModifiers mods = modifiersOpt();
-            if (S.token() == CLASS ||
-                S.token() == INTERFACE ||
-                allowEnums && S.token() == ENUM) {
-                return List.<JCTree>of(classOrInterfaceOrEnumDeclaration(mods, dc));
-            } else if (S.token() == LBRACE && !isInterface &&
-                       (mods.flags & Flags.StandardFlags & ~Flags.STATIC) == 0 &&
-                       mods.annotations.isEmpty()) {
-                return List.<JCTree>of(block(pos, mods.flags));
-            } else {
-                pos = S.pos();
-                List<JCTypeParameter> typarams = typeParametersOpt();
-                // Hack alert:  if there are type arguments but no Modifiers, the start
-                // position will be lost unless we set the Modifiers position.  There
-                // should be an AST node for type parameters (BugId 5005090).
-                if (typarams.length() > 0 && mods.pos == Position.NOPOS) {
-                    mods.pos = pos;
-                }
-                Token token = S.token();
-                Name name =;
-                pos = S.pos();
-                JCExpression type;
-                boolean isVoid = S.token() == VOID;
-                if (isVoid) {
-                    type = to(;
-                    S.nextToken();
-                } else {
-                    type = type();
-                }
-                if (S.token() == LPAREN && !isInterface && type.getTag() == JCTree.IDENT) {
-                    if (isInterface || name != className)
-                        log.error(pos, "invalid.meth.decl.ret.type.req");
-                    return List.of(methodDeclaratorRest(
-                        pos, mods, null, names.init, typarams,
-                        isInterface, true, dc));
-                } else {
-                    pos = S.pos();
-                    name = ident();
-                    if (S.token() == LPAREN) {
-                        return List.of(methodDeclaratorRest(
-                            pos, mods, type, name, typarams,
-                            isInterface, isVoid, dc));
-                    } else if (!isVoid && typarams.isEmpty()) {
-                        List<JCTree> defs =
-                            variableDeclaratorsRest(pos, mods, type, name, isInterface, dc,
-                                                    new ListBuffer<JCTree>()).toList();
-                        storeEnd(defs.last(), S.endPos());
-                        accept(SEMI);
-                        return defs;
-                    } else {
-                        pos = S.pos();
-                        List<JCTree> err = isVoid
-                            ? List.<JCTree>of(toP(, name, type, typarams,
-                                List.<JCVariableDecl>nil(), List.<JCExpression>nil(), null, null)))
-                            : null;
-                        return List.<JCTree>of(syntaxError(S.pos(), err, "expected", LPAREN));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /** MethodDeclaratorRest =
-     *      FormalParameters BracketsOpt [Throws TypeList] ( MethodBody | [DEFAULT AnnotationValue] ";")
-     *  VoidMethodDeclaratorRest =
-     *      FormalParameters [Throws TypeList] ( MethodBody | ";")
-     *  InterfaceMethodDeclaratorRest =
-     *      FormalParameters BracketsOpt [THROWS TypeList] ";"
-     *  VoidInterfaceMethodDeclaratorRest =
-     *      FormalParameters [THROWS TypeList] ";"
-     *  ConstructorDeclaratorRest =
-     *      "(" FormalParameterListOpt ")" [THROWS TypeList] MethodBody
-     */
-    JCTree methodDeclaratorRest(int pos,
-                              JCModifiers mods,
-                              JCExpression type,
-                              Name name,
-                              List<JCTypeParameter> typarams,
-                              boolean isInterface, boolean isVoid,
-                              String dc) {
-        List<JCVariableDecl> params = formalParameters();
-        if (!isVoid) type = bracketsOpt(type);
-        List<JCExpression> thrown = List.nil();
-        if (S.token() == THROWS) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            thrown = qualidentList();
-        }
-        JCBlock body = null;
-        JCExpression defaultValue;
-        if (S.token() == LBRACE) {
-            body = block();
-            defaultValue = null;
-        } else {
-            if (S.token() == DEFAULT) {
-                accept(DEFAULT);
-                defaultValue = annotationValue();
-            } else {
-                defaultValue = null;
-            }
-            accept(SEMI);
-            if (S.pos() <= errorEndPos) {
-                // error recovery
-                skip(false, true, false, false);
-                if (S.token() == LBRACE) {
-                    body = block();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        JCMethodDecl result =
-            toP(, name, type, typarams,
-                                    params, thrown,
-                                    body, defaultValue));
-        attach(result, dc);
-        return result;
-    }
-    /** QualidentList = Qualident {"," Qualident}
-     */
-    List<JCExpression> qualidentList() {
-        ListBuffer<JCExpression> ts = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
-        ts.append(qualident());
-        while (S.token() == COMMA) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            ts.append(qualident());
-        }
-        return ts.toList();
-    }
-    /** TypeParametersOpt = ["<" TypeParameter {"," TypeParameter} ">"]
-     */
-    List<JCTypeParameter> typeParametersOpt() {
-        if (S.token() == LT) {
-            checkGenerics();
-            ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter> typarams = new ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter>();
-            S.nextToken();
-            typarams.append(typeParameter());
-            while (S.token() == COMMA) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                typarams.append(typeParameter());
-            }
-            accept(GT);
-            return typarams.toList();
-        } else {
-            return List.nil();
-        }
-    }
-    /** TypeParameter = TypeVariable [TypeParameterBound]
-     *  TypeParameterBound = EXTENDS Type {"&" Type}
-     *  TypeVariable = Ident
-     */
-    JCTypeParameter typeParameter() {
-        int pos = S.pos();
-        Name name = ident();
-        ListBuffer<JCExpression> bounds = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
-        if (S.token() == EXTENDS) {
-            S.nextToken();
-            bounds.append(type());
-            while (S.token() == AMP) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                bounds.append(type());
-            }
-        }
-        return toP(, bounds.toList()));
-    }
-    /** FormalParameters = "(" [ FormalParameterList ] ")"
-     *  FormalParameterList = [ FormalParameterListNovarargs , ] LastFormalParameter
-     *  FormalParameterListNovarargs = [ FormalParameterListNovarargs , ] FormalParameter
-     */
-    List<JCVariableDecl> formalParameters() {
-        ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl> params = new ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl>();
-        JCVariableDecl lastParam = null;
-        accept(LPAREN);
-        if (S.token() != RPAREN) {
-            params.append(lastParam = formalParameter());
-            while ((lastParam.mods.flags & Flags.VARARGS) == 0 && S.token() == COMMA) {
-                S.nextToken();
-                params.append(lastParam = formalParameter());
-            }
-        }
-        accept(RPAREN);
-        return params.toList();
-    }
-    JCModifiers optFinal(long flags) {
-        JCModifiers mods = modifiersOpt();
-        checkNoMods(mods.flags & ~(Flags.FINAL | Flags.DEPRECATED));
-        mods.flags |= flags;
-        return mods;
-    }
-    /** FormalParameter = { FINAL | '@' Annotation } Type VariableDeclaratorId
-     *  LastFormalParameter = { FINAL | '@' Annotation } Type '...' Ident | FormalParameter
-     */
-    JCVariableDecl formalParameter() {
-        JCModifiers mods = optFinal(Flags.PARAMETER);
-        JCExpression type = type();
-        if (S.token() == ELLIPSIS) {
-            checkVarargs();
-            mods.flags |= Flags.VARARGS;
-            type = to(;
-            S.nextToken();
-        }
-        return variableDeclaratorId(mods, type);
-    }
-/* ---------- auxiliary methods -------------- */
-    /** Check that given tree is a legal expression statement.
-     */
-    protected JCExpression checkExprStat(JCExpression t) {
-        switch(t.getTag()) {
-        case JCTree.PREINC: case JCTree.PREDEC:
-        case JCTree.POSTINC: case JCTree.POSTDEC:
-        case JCTree.ASSIGN:
-        case JCTree.BITOR_ASG: case JCTree.BITXOR_ASG: case JCTree.BITAND_ASG:
-        case JCTree.SL_ASG: case JCTree.SR_ASG: case JCTree.USR_ASG:
-        case JCTree.PLUS_ASG: case JCTree.MINUS_ASG:
-        case JCTree.MUL_ASG: case JCTree.DIV_ASG: case JCTree.MOD_ASG:
-        case JCTree.APPLY: case JCTree.NEWCLASS:
-        case JCTree.ERRONEOUS:
-            return t;
-        default:
-            log.error(t.pos, "not.stmt");
-            return<JCTree>of(t));
-        }
-    }
-    /** Return precedence of operator represented by token,
-     *  -1 if token is not a binary operator. @see TreeInfo.opPrec
-     */
-    static int prec(Token token) {
-        int oc = optag(token);
-        return (oc >= 0) ? TreeInfo.opPrec(oc) : -1;
-    }
-    /** Return operation tag of binary operator represented by token,
-     *  -1 if token is not a binary operator.
-     */
-    static int optag(Token token) {
-        switch (token) {
-        case BARBAR:
-            return JCTree.OR;
-        case AMPAMP:
-            return JCTree.AND;
-        case BAR:
-            return JCTree.BITOR;
-        case BAREQ:
-            return JCTree.BITOR_ASG;
-        case CARET:
-            return JCTree.BITXOR;
-        case CARETEQ:
-            return JCTree.BITXOR_ASG;
-        case AMP:
-            return JCTree.BITAND;
-        case AMPEQ:
-            return JCTree.BITAND_ASG;
-        case EQEQ:
-            return JCTree.EQ;
-        case BANGEQ:
-            return JCTree.NE;
-        case LT:
-            return JCTree.LT;
-        case GT:
-            return JCTree.GT;
-        case LTEQ:
-            return JCTree.LE;
-        case GTEQ:
-            return JCTree.GE;
-        case LTLT:
-            return JCTree.SL;
-        case LTLTEQ:
-            return JCTree.SL_ASG;
-        case GTGT:
-            return JCTree.SR;
-        case GTGTEQ:
-            return JCTree.SR_ASG;
-        case GTGTGT:
-            return JCTree.USR;
-        case GTGTGTEQ:
-            return JCTree.USR_ASG;
-        case PLUS:
-            return JCTree.PLUS;
-        case PLUSEQ:
-            return JCTree.PLUS_ASG;
-        case SUB:
-            return JCTree.MINUS;
-        case SUBEQ:
-            return JCTree.MINUS_ASG;
-        case STAR:
-            return JCTree.MUL;
-        case STAREQ:
-            return JCTree.MUL_ASG;
-        case SLASH:
-            return JCTree.DIV;
-        case SLASHEQ:
-            return JCTree.DIV_ASG;
-        case PERCENT:
-            return JCTree.MOD;
-        case PERCENTEQ:
-            return JCTree.MOD_ASG;
-        case INSTANCEOF:
-            return JCTree.TYPETEST;
-        default:
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    /** Return operation tag of unary operator represented by token,
-     *  -1 if token is not a binary operator.
-     */
-    static int unoptag(Token token) {
-        switch (token) {
-        case PLUS:
-            return JCTree.POS;
-        case SUB:
-            return JCTree.NEG;
-        case BANG:
-            return JCTree.NOT;
-        case TILDE:
-            return JCTree.COMPL;
-        case PLUSPLUS:
-            return JCTree.PREINC;
-        case SUBSUB:
-            return JCTree.PREDEC;
-        default:
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    /** Return type tag of basic type represented by token,
-     *  -1 if token is not a basic type identifier.
-     */
-    static int typetag(Token token) {
-        switch (token) {
-        case BYTE:
-            return TypeTags.BYTE;
-        case CHAR:
-            return TypeTags.CHAR;
-        case SHORT:
-            return TypeTags.SHORT;
-        case INT:
-            return TypeTags.INT;
-        case LONG:
-            return TypeTags.LONG;
-        case FLOAT:
-            return TypeTags.FLOAT;
-        case DOUBLE:
-            return TypeTags.DOUBLE;
-        case BOOLEAN:
-            return TypeTags.BOOLEAN;
-        default:
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    void checkGenerics() {
-        if (!allowGenerics) {
-            log.error(S.pos(), "",;
-            allowGenerics = true;
-        }
-    }
-    void checkVarargs() {
-        if (!allowVarargs) {
-            log.error(S.pos(), "",;
-            allowVarargs = true;
-        }
-    }
-    void checkForeach() {
-        if (!allowForeach) {
-            log.error(S.pos(), "",;
-            allowForeach = true;
-        }
-    }
-    void checkStaticImports() {
-        if (!allowStaticImport) {
-            log.error(S.pos(), "",;
-            allowStaticImport = true;
-        }
-    }
-    void checkAnnotations() {
-        if (!allowAnnotations) {
-            log.error(S.pos(), "",;
-            allowAnnotations = true;
-        }
-    }
+    JCExpression parseType();