Release v0.14 – SQL, AWK, Bash completion, GPLv3 v_0 relpipe-v0.14
authorFrantišek Kučera <>
Wed, 30 Oct 2019 18:05:46 +0100 (2019-10-30)
changeset 282 ec02133045a3
parent 281 0b6b1781a0a5
child 283 31cb6a9a6126
Release v0.14 – SQL, AWK, Bash completion, GPLv3
--- a/relpipe-data/download.xml	Wed Oct 30 00:34:58 2019 +0100
+++ b/relpipe-data/download.xml	Wed Oct 30 18:05:46 2019 +0100
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
 		<h2>Released versions</h2>
+			<li>2019-10-30: <m:a href="release-v0.14">v0.14</m:a></li>
 			<li>2019-07-30: <m:a href="release-v0.13">v0.13</m:a></li>
 			<li>2019-05-28: <m:a href="release-v0.12">v0.12</m:a></li>
 			<li>2019-04-08: <m:a href="release-v0.11">v0.11</m:a></li>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/relpipe-data/examples/	Wed Oct 30 18:05:46 2019 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Install dependencies as root:
+su -c "apt install g++ make cmake mercurial pkg-config"
+su -c "apt install libxerces-c-dev" # needed only for relpipe-in-xml module
+su -c "apt install guile-2.2-dev"   # needed only for relpipe-tr-guile module; guile-2.0-dev also works but requires a patch (see below)
+su -c "apt install gawk"            # needed only for relpipe-tr-awk module
+su -c "apt install libxml++2.6-dev" # needed only for relpipe-in-xmltable module
+su -c "apt install libsqlite3-dev"  # needed only for relpipe-tr-sql module
+# Run rest of installation as a non-root user:
+export RELPIPE_VERSION="v0.14"
+export RELPIPE_SRC=~/src
+export RELPIPE_BUILD=~/build
+export RELPIPE_INSTALL=~/install
+rm -rf "$RELPIPE_BUILD"/relpipe-*
+# Helper functions:
+relpipe_download() { for m in "$@"; do cd "$RELPIPE_SRC" && ([[ -d "relpipe-$m.cpp" ]] && hg pull -R "relpipe-$m.cpp" && hg update -R "relpipe-$m.cpp" "$RELPIPE_VERSION" || hg clone -u "$RELPIPE_VERSION"$m.cpp) || break; done; }
+relpipe_install()  { for m in "$@"; do cd "$RELPIPE_BUILD" && mkdir -p relpipe-$m.cpp && cd relpipe-$m.cpp && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$RELPIPE_INSTALL" "$RELPIPE_SRC/relpipe-$m.cpp" && make && make install || break; done; }
+# Download all sources:
+relpipe_download lib-protocol lib-reader lib-writer lib-cli lib-xmlwriter in-cli in-fstab in-xml in-xmltable in-csv in-filesystem in-recfile out-gui.qt out-nullbyte out-ods out-tabular out-xml out-csv out-asn1 out-recfile tr-cut tr-grep tr-python tr-sed tr-validator tr-guile tr-awk tr-sql
+# Optional: At this point, we have all dependencies and sources downloaded, so we can disconnect this computer from the internet in order to verify that our build process is sane, deterministic and does not depend on any external resources.
+# Build and install libraries:
+relpipe_install lib-protocol lib-reader lib-writer lib-cli lib-xmlwriter
+# Build and install tools:
+relpipe_install in-fstab in-cli in-fstab in-xml in-xmltable in-csv in-recfile tr-cut tr-grep tr-sed tr-guile tr-awk tr-sql out-nullbyte out-ods out-tabular out-xml out-csv out-asn1 out-recfile
+# relpipe_install in-filesystem # requires GCC 8 or patching (see below)
+# Load Bash completion scripts:
+for c in "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-*/ ; do . "$c"; done
+# Clean-up:
+unset -f relpipe_install
+unset -f relpipe_download
+unset -v RELPIPE_SRC
+# View content of SQL scripts like on an 80s green screen terminal!
+echo "CREATE TABLE r1 (hello integer, world integer); INSERT INTO r1 VALUES (1,2);" | relpipe-in-sql | relpipe-out-tabular
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/relpipe-data/release-v0.14.xml	Wed Oct 30 18:05:46 2019 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+	xmlns=""
+	xmlns:m="">
+	<nadpis>Release v0.14</nadpis>
+	<perex>sixth public release of Relational pipes</perex>
+	<m:release>v0.14</m:release>
+	<text xmlns="">
+		<p>
+			We are pleased to introduce you the new development version of <m:name/>.
+			This release brings the Bash completion scripts, improved SQL and AWK transformations and fixes the license version.
+		</p>
+		<ul>
+			<li>
+				<strong>Bash completion</strong>:
+				thanks to the Bash completion scripts, the shell now suggests/completes the CLI arguments of these commands:
+				<code>relpipe-in-filesystem</code>, 
+				<code>relpipe-in-xmltable</code>, 
+				<code>relpipe-tr-awk</code>, 
+				<code>relpipe-tr-guile</code>, 
+				<code>relpipe-tr-sql</code>,
+				<code>relpipe-in-sql</code>.
+			</li>
+			<li>
+				<strong>Improved SQL transformation</strong>:
+				the <code>relpipe-tr-sql</code> can now work also in the <code>relpipe-in-sql</code> mode (symlink to the same binary),
+				so it can be used as an input filter for reading SQL scripts (instead of relational data) or as an SQLite client (options <code>--file</code> and <code>--file-keep</code>, see examples).
+				There are also new options <code>--copy</code> and <code>--copy-renamed</code> for copying particular (or all) relations from the input to the output.
+				Such relations are specified by a regular expression and can be renamed using regular expressions replacement string.
+			</li>
+			<li>
+				<strong>Improved AWK transformation</strong>:
+				this tool now supports the <code>--where</code> option, which can be used in addition to the more generic <code>--for-each</code> option.
+				The argument syntax now better expresses the intention (filtering records) and matches the syntax of the <code>relpipe-tr-guile</code> tool.
+			</li>
+			<li>
+				<strong>GNU GPLv3 license</strong>: the license version is now fixed to version 3. In the future, we can upgrade the license.
+			</li>
+		</ul>
+		<p>
+			See the <m:a href="examples">examples</m:a> and <m:a href="screenshots">screenshots</m:a> pages for details.
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			Please note that this is still a development relasease and thus the API (libraries, CLI arguments, formats) might and will change.
+			Any suggestions, ideas and bug reports are welcome in our <m:a href="contact">mailing list</m:a>.
+		</p>
+		<h3>Data types</h3>
+		<ul>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">boolean</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">variable unsigned integer (prototype)</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">string in UTF-8</li>
+		</ul>
+		<h3>Inputs</h3>
+		<ul>
+			<li m:since="v0.11">Recfile</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.9">XML</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.13">XMLTable</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.9">CSV</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.9">file system</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">CLI</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">fstab</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.14">SQL script</li>
+		</ul>
+		<h3>Transformations</h3>
+		<ul>
+			<li m:since="v0.13">sql: filtering and transformations using the SQL language</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.12">awk: filtering and transformations using the classic AWK tool and language</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.10">guile: filtering and transformations defined in the Scheme language using GNU Guile</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">grep: regular expression filter, removes unwanted records from the relation</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">cut: regular expression attribute cutter (removes or duplicates attributes and can also DROP whole relation)</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">sed: regular expression replacer</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">validator: just a pass-through filter that crashes on invalid data</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">python: highly experimental</li>
+		</ul>
+		<h3>Outputs</h3>
+		<ul>
+			<li m:since="v0.11">ASN.1 BER</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.11">Recfile</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.9">CSV</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">tabular</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">XML</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">nullbyte</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">GUI in Qt</li>
+			<li m:since="v0.8">ODS (LibreOffice)</li>
+		</ul>
+		<p>
+			Instalation was tested on Debian GNU/Linux 9.6.
+			The process should be similar on other distributions.
+		</p>
+		<m:pre src="examples/" jazyk="bash" odkaz="ano"/>
+		<p>
+			<m:name/> are modular thus you can download and install only parts you need (the libraries are needed always).
+			Tools <code>out-gui.qt</code> and <code>tr-python</code> require additional libraries and are not built by default.
+		</p>
+		<p>
+			The module <code>relpipe-in-filesystem</code> uses C++ filesystem API which is supported since GCC 8.
+			This module can be compiled and seems usable even with GCC 6, but requires some patching (switch to the experimental API):
+		</p>
+		<m:pre jazyk="bash"><![CDATA[sed 's@#include <filesystem>@#include <experimental/filesystem>@g' -i "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/FileAttributeFinder.h "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/XattrAttributeFinder.h "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/FilesystemCommand.h "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/AttributeFinder.h
+sed 's@std::filesystem@std::experimental::filesystem@g' -i "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/FileAttributeFinder.h "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/XattrAttributeFinder.h "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/FilesystemCommand.h "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/AttributeFinder.h
+sed 's/.*PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD.*/#\0/g' -i "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt]]></m:pre>
+		<p>
+			The module <code>relpipe-tr-guile</code> uses GNU Guile 2.2 but can also work with 2.0.
+			In such case, it requires this patch:
+		</p>
+		<m:pre jazyk="bash"><![CDATA[sed 's/guile-2\.2/guile-2.0/g' -i "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-tr-guile.cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt]]></m:pre>
+	</text>