author František Kučera <>
Tue, 07 May 2019 21:33:59 +0200
changeset 19 e4558df9ba2d
parent 18 2ac59242d0cb
child 20 f937ad57351f
permissions -rw-r--r--
drop – run AWK code but generate no output for given relation

 * Relational pipes
 * Copyright © 2019 František Kučera (,
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <locale>
#include <codecvt>
#include <regex>

#include <unistd.h>
#include <wait.h>
#include <ext/stdio_filebuf.h>

#include <relpipe/reader/typedefs.h>
#include <relpipe/reader/TypeId.h>
#include <relpipe/reader/handlers/RelationalReaderStringHandler.h>
#include <relpipe/reader/handlers/AttributeMetadata.h>

#include <relpipe/writer/Factory.h>

#include <relpipe/cli/RelpipeCLIException.h>

#include "Configuration.h"

namespace relpipe {
namespace tr {
namespace awk {

using namespace std;
using namespace relpipe;
using namespace relpipe::reader;
using namespace relpipe::reader::handlers;

 * This transformation consists of three processes connected together using pipes.
 * Processes:
 *	- Parent: process RelationalReaderStringHandler events (read relational data, usually from STDIN) and pass them in the special text format to the pipe1
 *  - AWK: external program (/usr/bin/awk), read from the pipe1, writes to the pipe2
 *  - Writer: reads from the pipe2 and writes to relationalWriter (relational data, usually to STDOUT)
class AwkHandler : public RelationalReaderStringHandler {
	Configuration configuration;
	writer::RelationalWriter* relationalWriter;
	std::function<void() > relationalWriterFlush;
	std::wstring_convert<codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> convertor; // TODO: support also other encodings

	int awkInputWriterFD = -1;
	RelationConfiguration* currentRelationConfiguration = nullptr;
	std::vector<AttributeMetadata> currentReaderMetadata;
	vector<writer::AttributeMetadata> currentWriterMetadata;
	integer_t currentAttributeIndex = 0;

	void createPipe(int& readerFD, int& writerFD) {
		int fds[2];
		int result = pipe(fds);
		readerFD = fds[0];
		writerFD = fds[1];
		if (result < 0) throw cli::RelpipeCLIException(L"Unable to create a pipe.", cli::CLI::EXIT_CODE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR); // TODO: better exceptions?

	void redirectFD(int oldfd, int newfd) {
		int result = dup2(oldfd, newfd);
		if (result < 0) throw cli::RelpipeCLIException(L"Unable redirect FD.", cli::CLI::EXIT_CODE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR); // TODO: better exceptions?

	void closeOrThrow(int fd) {
		int error = close(fd);
		if (error) throw cli::RelpipeCLIException(L"Unable to close FD: " + to_wstring(fd) + L" from PID: " + to_wstring(getpid()), cli::CLI::EXIT_CODE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR); // TODO: better exceptions?

	void execp(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
		const char** a = new const char*[args.size() + 1];
		for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) a[i] = args[i].c_str();
		a[args.size()] = nullptr;

		execvp(a[0], (char*const*) a);

		delete[] a;
		throw cli::RelpipeCLIException(L"Unable to do execvp().", cli::CLI::EXIT_CODE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR); // TODO: better exceptions?

	/* TODO: move to lib-cli when stable and used in other modules */
	void setEnv(const char * name, const string_t& value) {
		setenv(name, convertor.to_bytes(value).c_str(), true);

	/* TODO: move to lib-cli when stable and used in other modules */
	void setEnv(const char * name, std::string& value) {
		setenv(name, value.c_str(), true);

	/* TODO: move to lib-cli when stable and used in other modules */
	void setEnv(const char * name, const integer_t& value) {
		setenv(name, to_string(value).c_str(), true);

	void addDefinition(std::vector<std::string>& awkCliArgs, DefinitionRecipe& d) {
		awkCliArgs.push_back(convertor.to_bytes(a2v( + L"=" + d.value));

	void add(vector<AttributeMetadata>& readerAttributes, vector<writer::AttributeMetadata>& writerAttributes) {
		for (AttributeMetadata readerAttributes : readerAttributes)

	void cleanUp() {
		if (awkInputWriterFD >= 0) {
			// TODO: check exit codes
			__pid_t waitResult1 = wait(NULL);
			__pid_t waitResult2 = wait(NULL);
			awkInputWriterFD = -1;

		currentAttributeIndex = 0;
		currentRelationConfiguration = nullptr;

	string_t a2v(const string_t& attributeName) {
		// FIXME: escape reserved names; prefix with _ ?
		// cat awkgram.y | awk -v FS='\\{"|",' -v ORS='|' '/static const struct token tokentab/, /\};/ { if (/^\{/) { print $2} }'
		// BEGIN|BEGINFILE|END|ENDFILE|adump|and|asort|asorti|atan2|bindtextdomain|break|case|close|compl|continue|cos|dcgettext|dcngettext|default|delete|do|else|eval|exit|exp|fflush|for|func|function|gensub|getline|gsub|if|in|include|index|int|intdiv0|isarray|length|load|log|lshift|match|mktime|namespace|next|nextfile|or|patsplit|print|printf|rand|return|rshift|sin|split|sprintf|sqrt|srand|stopme|strftime|strtonum|sub|substr|switch|system|systime|tolower|toupper|typeof|while|xor
		return attributeName;

	string_t escapeAwkValue(const string_t& value) {
		// FIXME: escape field and record separators
		return value;


	 * @param relationalWriter
	 * @param relationalWriterFlush the writer must be flushed before fork() in order to 
	 * avoid duplicate output (otherwise single relation might be written from two processes); 
	 * This is a little hack – if it stops working, we should reconnect the pipes 
	 * and use the writer only from a single process and avoid its effective duplication,
	 * or use different writers for each relation (or process).
	 * @param configuration
	AwkHandler(writer::RelationalWriter* relationalWriter, std::function<void() > relationalWriterFlush, Configuration& configuration) : relationalWriter(relationalWriter), relationalWriterFlush(relationalWriterFlush), configuration(configuration) {

	void startRelation(string_t name, vector<AttributeMetadata> attributes) override {

		currentReaderMetadata = attributes;

		for (int i = 0; i < configuration.relationConfigurations.size(); i++) {
			if (regex_match(name, wregex(configuration.relationConfigurations[i].relation))) {
				currentRelationConfiguration = &configuration.relationConfigurations[i];
				break; // it there are multiple matches, only the first configuration is used

		if (currentRelationConfiguration) {
			int awkInputReaderFD;
			int awkOutputReaderFD;
			int awkOutputWriterFD;

			createPipe(awkInputReaderFD, awkInputWriterFD);
			createPipe(awkOutputReaderFD, awkOutputWriterFD);

			__pid_t awkPid = fork();

			if (awkPid < 0) {
				throw cli::RelpipeCLIException(L"Unable to fork AWK process.", cli::CLI::EXIT_CODE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR); // TODO: better exceptions?
			} else if (awkPid == 0) {
				// AWK child process

				redirectFD(awkInputReaderFD, STDIN_FILENO);
				redirectFD(awkOutputWriterFD, STDOUT_FILENO);

				// Environment variables:
				setEnv("relationName", name);
				setEnv("inputAttributeCount", currentReaderMetadata.size());
				setEnv("outputAttributeCount", currentWriterMetadata.size());
				// TODO: better names? ENV vs. AWK variables?
				for (int i = 0; i < currentReaderMetadata.size(); i++) {
					setEnv((std::string("inputAttributeName") + std::to_string(i)).c_str(), currentReaderMetadata[i].getAttributeName());
					setEnv("inputAttributeType" + i, currentReaderMetadata[i].getTypeName());
				for (int i = 0; i < currentWriterMetadata.size(); i++) {
					setEnv("outputAttributeName" + i, currentWriterMetadata[i].attributeName);
					// setEnv("outputAttributeType" + i, currentWriterMetadata[i].typeId); // TODO: type?

				// AWK script:
				std::wstringstream awkScript;
				awkScript << L"BEGIN {" << std::endl;
				awkScript << L"FS=\"\\t\";" << std::endl;
				awkScript << L"OFS=\"\\t\";" << std::endl;
				awkScript << currentRelationConfiguration->awkBeforeRecords << std::endl;
				awkScript << L"};" << std::endl;
				awkScript << std::endl;

				awkScript << L"END {" << std::endl;
				awkScript << currentRelationConfiguration->awkAfterRecords << std::endl;
				awkScript << L"};" << std::endl;
				awkScript << std::endl;

				awkScript << currentRelationConfiguration->awkForEach << std::endl;

				// CLI arguments:
				std::vector<std::string> args;

				for (auto d : configuration.definitions) addDefinition(args, d);
				for (auto d : currentRelationConfiguration->definitions) addDefinition(args, d);


				// Runs AWK program found on $PATH → user can plug-in a custom implementation or a wrapper, but this can be also bit dangerous (however AWK itself is dangerous).
			} else {
				// Parent process

				__pid_t writerPid = fork();

				if (writerPid < 0) {
					throw cli::RelpipeCLIException(L"Unable to fork Writer process.", cli::CLI::EXIT_CODE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR); // TODO: better exceptions?
				} else if (writerPid == 0) {
					// Writer child process

					locale::global(locale("")); // needed for processing unicode texts, otherwise getline() stopped working on first line with non-ascii characters; TODO: move somewhere else?

					__gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf<wchar_t> awkOutputReaderBuffer(awkOutputReaderFD, std::ios::in);
					std::wistream awkOutputReader(&awkOutputReaderBuffer);

					if (currentRelationConfiguration->drop) {
						// TODO: omit whole this process and pipe AWK output to /dev/null?
					} else {
						// FIXME: currentWriterMetadata
							{L"message", writer::TypeId::STRING},
						}, true);

					for (string_t line; getline(awkOutputReader, line).good();) {
						if (currentRelationConfiguration->drop) {
							// just eat the lines from the AWK
						} else {

				} else {
					// Parent process
		} else {
			add(currentReaderMetadata, currentWriterMetadata);
			relationalWriter->startRelation(name, currentWriterMetadata, true);


	void attribute(const string_t& value) override {
		if (currentRelationConfiguration) {
			currentAttributeIndex = currentAttributeIndex % currentReaderMetadata.size();

			std::string awkValue = convertor.to_bytes(escapeAwkValue(value));
			if (currentAttributeIndex == 0) awkValue += "\n";
			else awkValue += "\t";

			write(awkInputWriterFD, awkValue.c_str(), awkValue.length());
		} else {

	void endOfPipe() {

