2010-12-06 weijun 7004035: signed jar with only META-INF/* inside is not verifiable
2010-12-06 lana Merge
2010-12-05 lana Merge
2010-12-05 weijun 7004721: ktarg.sh fails when there's no default realm
2010-12-03 xuelei 6979376: to have ldap filters tolerate underscore character in object identifier
2010-12-01 mchung 6402006: FileInputStream.available() returns negative values when reading a large file
2010-12-01 dl 7003745: Code style cleanups (sync from Dougs CVS)
2010-12-01 darcy 7002594: Math.max and Math.min should use floatToRawIntBits() to check for -0.0
2010-12-01 alanb Merge
2010-12-01 alanb 6709457: (fc) lock/tryLock() throws IOException "Access is denied" when file opened for append [win]
2010-12-14 lana Merge
2010-12-13 naoto 7002320: Locale.forLanguageTag()/toLanguageTag() not working properly with ja_JP_JP locale
2010-12-10 lana Merge
2010-12-10 peytoia 6515695: [Col] java.text.RuleBasedCollator - JavaDoc "Examples" - Two bugs in sample code
2010-12-09 naoto Merge
2010-12-09 naoto 6486695: [Col] Doc: CollationElementIterator example assumes Collator.getInstance return type
2010-12-09 naoto 7000507: javadoc warnings in java.util.Locale
2010-12-09 okutsu 6911839: Sles/SuSE 11 needs CJK support
2010-12-08 naoto 6647615: Sample code in ListResourceBundle is not correct and causes a compile error.
2010-12-08 okutsu 6457726: Character.isWhitespace JavaDoc has nonexistent char literals
2010-12-08 okutsu 6653944: (cal) BuddhistCalendar yearOffset erased when deserialized
2010-12-08 okutsu 6203034: [AC] AttributedCharacterIterator methods works wrong (run with respect differs from spec)
2010-12-08 okutsu 4396385: [Fmt-Da] SimpleDateFormat too lenient when parsing 1-based hours
2010-12-02 rupashka 6988205: Test failed due to compilation failed, JTextComponent doesn't create drop locations with null bias.
2010-12-02 rupashka 6639507: Title of javax.swing.JDialog is null while spec says it's empty
2010-12-14 lana Merge
2010-12-07 dcherepanov 6984049: applet browser vendor rebranding changes (jdk7 only)
2010-12-04 lana Merge
2010-12-03 lana Merge
2010-12-03 dmeetry 6578041: Drag & Drop from Motif to Java does not work.
2010-12-02 dav 7002173: java.awt package docs build warnings
2010-12-01 denis 6945178: SecurityException upon drag-and-drop
2010-12-01 dav 6709453: (dav)Screen flickers when a JFrame switches to fullscreen mode
2010-12-11 prr 7005896: Java2D D3D pipeline doesn't recognise latest Windows OSes
2010-12-10 lana Merge
2010-12-08 miroslawzn 6859086: Dialog created by JOptionPane.showMessageDialog does not repaint sometimes
2010-12-08 miroslawzn 6813208: pageDialog throws NPE from applet
2010-12-07 flar 6775317: Improve performance of non-AA transformed rectangles and single wide lines in software pipelines
2010-12-07 srl 6886358: layout code update
2010-12-05 bae 6980281: SWAT: SwingSet2 got core dumped in Solaris-AMD64 using b107 swat build
2010-12-04 lana Merge
2010-12-19 ohair 6909026: Change GNU make version requirement to 3.81
2010-12-17 ohair Merge
2010-12-15 ohair Merge
2010-12-13 ohair Merge
2010-12-06 ohair 7001720: copyright templates not rebranded
2010-12-06 mfang Merge
2010-12-06 mfang 7004706: l10n of 7000752 Duplicate entry in RowSetResourceBundles.properties
2010-12-06 mfang 7000729: NLS: rmic.properties cannot be processed by translation team
2010-12-04 mfang 6896693: [fr] keytool: wrong message format in fr locale
2010-12-04 mfang 6785462: Missing "(O)" in JFileChooser Open button in Windows LAF
2010-12-04 mfang 6745048: Unnecessary surfix "(O)" in JFileChooser open button text
2010-12-04 mfang 6708417: On Chinese OS Applet string is appearing in English
2010-12-04 mfang 6579775: l10n update after 6212566
2010-12-04 mfang 6566218: l10n of 6476932
2010-12-03 yhuang Merge
2010-12-02 yhuang 6925851: Localize JRE into pt_BR
2010-12-02 mfang 6851050: unnecessary full stop character in ja jdi messages
2010-12-01 mfang 6675400: "Details" in English has to be "Details" in German
2010-12-04 ohair Merge
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