8233650: Javadoc for Math.floorMod(int, int) gives wrong example
Tue, 05 Nov 2019 20:27:21 -0800
changeset 58943 e940d13a2ed3
parent 58942 5db99b3d6023
child 58944 bb2a436e616c
8233650: Javadoc for Math.floorMod(int, int) gives wrong example Reviewed-by: bpb
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Math.java	Tue Nov 05 18:42:10 2019 -0500
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Math.java	Tue Nov 05 20:27:21 2019 -0800
@@ -1259,16 +1259,17 @@
      * Examples:
      * <ul>
      *   <li>If the signs of the arguments are the same, the results
-     *       of {@code floorMod} and the {@code %} operator are the same.  <br>
+     *       of {@code floorMod} and the {@code %} operator are the same.<br>
      *       <ul>
-     *       <li>{@code floorMod(4, 3) == 1}; &nbsp; and {@code (4 % 3) == 1}</li>
+     *       <li>{@code floorMod(+4, +3) == +1}; &nbsp; and {@code (+4 % +3) == +1}</li>
+     *       <li>{@code floorMod(-4, -3) == -1}; &nbsp; and {@code (-4 % -3) == -1}</li>
      *       </ul>
-     *   <li>If the signs of the arguments are different, the results differ from the {@code %} operator.<br>
-     *      <ul>
-     *      <li>{@code floorMod(+4, -3) == -2}; &nbsp; and {@code (+4 % -3) == +1} </li>
-     *      <li>{@code floorMod(-4, +3) == +2}; &nbsp; and {@code (-4 % +3) == -1} </li>
-     *      <li>{@code floorMod(-4, -3) == -1}; &nbsp; and {@code (-4 % -3) == -1 } </li>
-     *      </ul>
+     *   <li>If the signs of the arguments are different, the results
+     *       differ from the {@code %} operator.<br>
+     *       <ul>
+     *       <li>{@code floorMod(+4, -3) == -2}; &nbsp; and {@code (+4 % -3) == +1}</li>
+     *       <li>{@code floorMod(-4, +3) == +2}; &nbsp; and {@code (-4 % +3) == -1}</li>
+     *       </ul>
      *   </li>
      * </ul>
      * <p>