Thu, 10 Dec 2015 09:24:59 -0800
changeset 34513 e29399d0152b
parent 34497 2432bf7d0d80 (current diff)
parent 34512 1fcd0a08036b (diff)
child 34514 554417da44a5
--- a/hotspot/.hgignore	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/.hgignore	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -11,7 +11,12 @@
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+org.eclipse.cdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_brackets=do not insert
+org.eclipse.cdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_exception_specification=do not insert
+org.eclipse.cdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_method_declaration=do not insert
+org.eclipse.cdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_method_invocation=do not insert
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/.mx.jvmci/hotspot/templates/eclipse/settings/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.prefs	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#Wed Sep 01 16:21:02 PDT 2010
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/.mx.jvmci/hotspot/templates/eclipse/settings/org.eclipse.core.runtime.prefs	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#Wed Sep 01 16:13:40 PDT 2010
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/.mx.jvmci/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2007, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+# or visit if you need additional information or have any
+# questions.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import os, shutil, zipfile, re, time, sys, datetime, platform
+from os.path import join, exists, dirname, isdir
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, REMAINDER
+import StringIO
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import subprocess
+import mx
+import mx_gate
+import mx_unittest
+from mx_gate import Task
+from mx_unittest import unittest
+_suite = mx.suite('jvmci')
+Top level directory of the JDK source workspace.
+_jdkSourceRoot = dirname(_suite.dir)
+_JVMCI_JDK_TAG = 'jvmci'
+_minVersion = mx.VersionSpec('1.9')
+# max version (first _unsupported_ version)
+_untilVersion = None
+_jvmciModes = {
+    'hosted' : ['-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions', '-XX:+EnableJVMCI'],
+    'jit' : ['-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions', '-XX:+EnableJVMCI', '-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler'],
+    'disabled' : []
+# TODO: can optimized be built without overriding release build?
+_jdkDebugLevels = ['release', 'fastdebug', 'slowdebug']
+# TODO: add client once/if it can be built on 64-bit platforms
+_jdkJvmVariants = ['server']
+Translation table from mx_jvmci:8 --vmbuild values to mx_jvmci:9 --jdk-debug-level values.
+_legacyVmbuilds = {
+    'product' : 'release',
+    'debug' : 'slowdebug'
+Translates a mx_jvmci:8 --vmbuild value to a mx_jvmci:9 --jdk-debug-level value.
+def _translateLegacyDebugLevel(debugLevel):
+    return _legacyVmbuilds.get(debugLevel, debugLevel)
+Translation table from mx_jvmci:8 --vm values to mx_jvmci:9 (--jdk-jvm-variant, --jvmci-mode) tuples.
+_legacyVms = {
+    'jvmci' : ('server', 'jit')
+A VM configuration composed of a JDK debug level, JVM variant and a JVMCI mode.
+This is also a context manager that can be used with the 'with' statement to set/change
+a VM configuration within a dynamic scope. For example:
+    with ConfiguredJDK(debugLevel='fastdebug'):
+        dacapo(['pmd'])
+class VM:
+    def __init__(self, jvmVariant=None, debugLevel=None, jvmciMode=None):
+        self.update(jvmVariant, debugLevel, jvmciMode)
+    def update(self, jvmVariant=None, debugLevel=None, jvmciMode=None):
+        if jvmVariant in _legacyVms:
+            # Backwards compatibility for mx_jvmci:8 API
+            jvmVariant, newJvmciMode = _legacyVms[jvmVariant]
+            if jvmciMode is not None and jvmciMode != newJvmciMode:
+                mx.abort('JVM variant "' + jvmVariant + '" implies JVMCI mode "' + newJvmciMode +
+                         '" which conflicts with explicitly specified JVMCI mode of "' + jvmciMode + '"')
+            jvmciMode = newJvmciMode
+        debugLevel = _translateLegacyDebugLevel(debugLevel)
+        assert jvmVariant is None or jvmVariant in _jdkJvmVariants, jvmVariant
+        assert debugLevel is None or debugLevel in _jdkDebugLevels, debugLevel
+        assert jvmciMode is None or jvmciMode in _jvmciModes, jvmciMode
+        self.jvmVariant = jvmVariant or _vm.jvmVariant
+        self.debugLevel = debugLevel or _vm.debugLevel
+        self.jvmciMode = jvmciMode or _vm.jvmciMode
+    def __enter__(self):
+        global _vm
+        self.previousVm = _vm
+        _vm = self
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+        global _vm
+        _vm = self.previousVm
+_vm = VM(jvmVariant=_jdkJvmVariants[0], debugLevel=_jdkDebugLevels[0], jvmciMode='hosted')
+def get_vm():
+    """
+    Gets the configured VM.
+    """
+    return _vm
+def relativeVmLibDirInJdk():
+    mxos = mx.get_os()
+    if mxos == 'darwin':
+        return join('lib')
+    if mxos == 'windows' or mxos == 'cygwin':
+        return join('bin')
+    return join('lib', mx.get_arch())
+def isJVMCIEnabled(vm):
+    assert vm in _jdkJvmVariants
+    return True
+class JvmciJDKDeployedDist(object):
+    def __init__(self, name, compilers=False):
+        self._name = name
+        self._compilers = compilers
+    def dist(self):
+        return mx.distribution(self._name)
+    def deploy(self, jdkDir):
+        mx.nyi('deploy', self)
+class ExtJDKDeployedDist(JvmciJDKDeployedDist):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        JvmciJDKDeployedDist.__init__(self, name)
+The monolithic JVMCI distribution is deployed through use of -Xbootclasspath/p
+so that it's not necessary to run JDK make after editing JVMCI sources.
+The latter causes all JDK Java sources to be rebuilt since JVMCI is
+(currently) in java.base.
+_monolithicJvmci = JvmciJDKDeployedDist('JVMCI')
+List of distributions that are deployed on the boot class path.
+Note: In jvmci-8, they were deployed directly into the JDK directory.
+jdkDeployedDists = [_monolithicJvmci]
+def _makehelp():
+    return subprocess.check_output([mx.gmake_cmd(), 'help'], cwd=_jdkSourceRoot)
+def _runmake(args):
+    """run the JDK make process
+To build hotspot and import it into the JDK: "mx make hotspot import-hotspot"
+    jdkBuildDir = _get_jdk_build_dir()
+    if not exists(jdkBuildDir):
+        # JDK9 must be bootstrapped with a JDK8
+        compliance = mx.JavaCompliance('8')
+        jdk8 = mx.get_jdk(compliance.exactMatch, versionDescription=compliance.value)
+        cmd = ['sh', 'configure', '--with-debug-level=' + _vm.debugLevel, '--disable-debug-symbols', '--disable-precompiled-headers',
+               '--with-jvm-variants=' + _vm.jvmVariant, '--disable-warnings-as-errors', '--with-boot-jdk=' + jdk8.home]
+, cwd=_jdkSourceRoot)
+    cmd = [mx.gmake_cmd(), 'CONF=' + _vm.debugLevel]
+    if mx.get_opts().verbose:
+        cmd.append('LOG=debug')
+    cmd.extend(args)
+    if mx.get_opts().use_jdk_image and 'images' not in args:
+        cmd.append('images')
+    if not mx.get_opts().verbose:
+        mx.log('--------------- make execution ----------------------')
+        mx.log('Working directory: ' + _jdkSourceRoot)
+        mx.log('Command line: ' + ' '.join(cmd))
+        mx.log('-----------------------------------------------------')
+, cwd=_jdkSourceRoot)
+    if 'images' in cmd:
+        _create_jdk_bundle(jdkBuildDir)
+def _get_jdk_bundle_arches():
+    """
+    Gets a list of names that will be the part of a JDK bundle's file name denoting the architecture.
+    The first element in the list is the canonical name. Symlinks should be created for the
+    remaining names.
+    """
+    cpu = mx.get_arch()
+    if cpu == 'amd64':
+        return ['x64', 'x86_64', 'amd64']
+    elif cpu == 'sparcv9':
+        return ['sparcv9']
+    mx.abort('Unsupported JDK bundle arch: ' + cpu)
+def _create_jdk_bundle(jdkBuildDir):
+    """
+    Creates a tar.gz JDK archive, an accompanying tar.gz.sha1 file with its
+    SHA1 signature plus symlinks to the archive for non-canonical architecture names.
+    """
+    jdkImageDir = join(jdkBuildDir, 'images', 'jdk')
+    arches = _get_jdk_bundle_arches()
+    jdkTgzPath = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'jdk-bundles', 'jdk9-{}-{}.tar.gz'.format(_get_openjdk_os(), arches[0]))
+    with mx.Archiver(jdkTgzPath, kind='tgz') as arc:
+        mx.log('Creating ' + jdkTgzPath)
+        for root, _, filenames in os.walk(jdkImageDir):
+            for name in filenames:
+                f = join(root, name)
+                arcname = 'jdk1.9.0/' + os.path.relpath(f, jdkImageDir)
+                arc.zf.add(name=f, arcname=arcname, recursive=False)
+        # The OpenJDK build creates an empty cacerts file so grab one from
+        # the default JDK which is assumed to be an OracleJDK
+        cacerts = join(mx.get_jdk(tag='default').home, 'jre', 'lib', 'security', 'cacerts')
+        arc.zf.add(name=cacerts, arcname='jdk1.9.0/lib/security/cacerts')
+    with open(jdkTgzPath + '.sha1', 'w') as fp:
+        mx.log('Creating ' + jdkTgzPath + '.sha1')
+        fp.write(mx.sha1OfFile(jdkTgzPath))
+    def _create_link(source, link_name):
+        if exists(link_name):
+            os.remove(link_name)
+        mx.log('Creating ' + link_name + ' -> ' + source)
+        os.symlink(source, link_name)
+    for arch in arches[1:]:
+        link_name = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'jdk-bundles', 'jdk9-{}-{}.tar.gz'.format(_get_openjdk_os(), arch))
+        jdkTgzName = os.path.basename(jdkTgzPath)
+        _create_link(jdkTgzName, link_name)
+        _create_link(jdkTgzName + '.sha1', link_name + '.sha1')
+def _runmultimake(args):
+    """run the JDK make process for one or more configurations"""
+    jvmVariantsDefault = ','.join(_jdkJvmVariants)
+    debugLevelsDefault = ','.join(_jdkDebugLevels)
+    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx multimake')
+    parser.add_argument('--jdk-jvm-variants', '--vms', help='a comma separated list of VMs to build (default: ' + jvmVariantsDefault + ')', metavar='<args>', default=jvmVariantsDefault)
+    parser.add_argument('--jdk-debug-levels', '--builds', help='a comma separated list of JDK debug levels (default: ' + debugLevelsDefault + ')', metavar='<args>', default=debugLevelsDefault)
+    parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-check', action='store_true', help='omit running "java -version" after each build')
+    select = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+    select.add_argument('-c', '--console', action='store_true', help='send build output to console instead of log files')
+    select.add_argument('-d', '--output-dir', help='directory for log files instead of current working directory', default=os.getcwd(), metavar='<dir>')
+    args = parser.parse_args(args)
+    jvmVariants = args.jdk_jvm_variants.split(',')
+    debugLevels = [_translateLegacyDebugLevel(dl) for dl in args.jdk_debug_levels.split(',')]
+    allStart = time.time()
+    for jvmVariant in jvmVariants:
+        for debugLevel in debugLevels:
+            if not args.console:
+                logFile = join(mx.ensure_dir_exists(args.output_dir), jvmVariant + '-' + debugLevel + '.log')
+                log = open(logFile, 'wb')
+                start = time.time()
+                mx.log('BEGIN: ' + jvmVariant + '-' + debugLevel + '\t(see: ' + logFile + ')')
+                verbose = ['-v'] if mx.get_opts().verbose else []
+                # Run as subprocess so that output can be directed to a file
+                cmd = [sys.executable, '-u', mx.__file__] + verbose + ['--jdk-jvm-variant=' + jvmVariant, '--jdk-debug-level=' + debugLevel, 'make']
+                mx.logv("executing command: " + str(cmd))
+                subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=_suite.dir, stdout=log, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+                duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start)
+                mx.log('END:   ' + jvmVariant + '-' + debugLevel + '\t[' + str(duration) + ']')
+            else:
+                with VM(jvmVariant=jvmVariant, debugLevel=debugLevel):
+                    _runmake([])
+            if not args.no_check:
+                with VM(jvmciMode='jit'):
+                    run_vm(['-XX:-BootstrapJVMCI', '-version'])
+    allDuration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - allStart)
+    mx.log('TOTAL TIME:   ' + '[' + str(allDuration) + ']')
+class HotSpotProject(mx.NativeProject):
+    """
+    Defines a NativeProject representing the HotSpot binaries built via make.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, suite, name, deps, workingSets, **args):
+        assert name == 'hotspot'
+        mx.NativeProject.__init__(self, suite, name, "", [], deps, workingSets, None, None, join(suite.mxDir, name))
+    def eclipse_config_up_to_date(self, configZip):
+        # Assume that any change to this module might imply changes to the generated IDE files
+        if configZip.isOlderThan(__file__):
+            return False
+        for _, source in self._get_eclipse_settings_sources().iteritems():
+            if configZip.isOlderThan(source):
+                return False
+        return True
+    def _get_eclipse_settings_sources(self):
+        """
+        Gets a dictionary from the name of an Eclipse settings file to
+        the file providing its generated content.
+        """
+        if not hasattr(self, '_eclipse_settings'):
+            esdict = {}
+            templateSettingsDir = join(self.dir, 'templates', 'eclipse', 'settings')
+            if exists(templateSettingsDir):
+                for name in os.listdir(templateSettingsDir):
+                    source = join(templateSettingsDir, name)
+                    esdict[name] = source
+            self._eclipse_settings = esdict
+        return self._eclipse_settings
+    def _eclipseinit(self, files=None, libFiles=None):
+        """
+        Generates an Eclipse project for each HotSpot build configuration.
+        """
+        roots = [
+            'ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION',
+            'LICENSE',
+            'README',
+            'THIRD_PARTY_README',
+            'agent',
+            'make',
+            'src',
+            'test'
+        ]
+        for jvmVariant in _jdkJvmVariants:
+            for debugLevel in _jdkDebugLevels:
+                name = jvmVariant + '-' + debugLevel
+                eclProjectDir = join(self.dir, 'eclipse', name)
+                mx.ensure_dir_exists(eclProjectDir)
+                out = mx.XMLDoc()
+      'projectDescription')
+                out.element('name', data='hotspot:' + name)
+                out.element('comment', data='')
+                out.element('projects', data='')
+      'buildSpec')
+      'buildCommand')
+                out.element('name', data='org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigBuilder')
+                out.element('triggers', data='full,incremental')
+                out.element('arguments', data='')
+                out.close('buildCommand')
+                out.close('buildSpec')
+      'natures')
+                out.element('nature', data='org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature')
+                out.element('nature', data='org.eclipse.cdt.core.ccnature')
+                out.element('nature', data='org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.managedBuildNature')
+                out.element('nature', data='org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigNature')
+                out.close('natures')
+                if roots:
+          'linkedResources')
+                    for r in roots:
+                        f = join(_suite.dir, r)
+              'link')
+                        out.element('name', data=r)
+                        out.element('type', data='2' if isdir(f) else '1')
+                        out.element('locationURI', data=mx.get_eclipse_project_rel_locationURI(f, eclProjectDir))
+                        out.close('link')
+          'link')
+                    out.element('name', data='generated')
+                    out.element('type', data='2')
+                    generated = join(_get_hotspot_build_dir(jvmVariant, debugLevel), 'generated')
+                    out.element('locationURI', data=mx.get_eclipse_project_rel_locationURI(generated, eclProjectDir))
+                    out.close('link')
+                    out.close('linkedResources')
+                out.close('projectDescription')
+                projectFile = join(eclProjectDir, '.project')
+                mx.update_file(projectFile, out.xml(indent='\t', newl='\n'))
+                if files:
+                    files.append(projectFile)
+                cprojectTemplate = join(self.dir, 'templates', 'eclipse', 'cproject')
+                cprojectFile = join(eclProjectDir, '.cproject')
+                with open(cprojectTemplate) as f:
+                    content =
+                mx.update_file(cprojectFile, content)
+                if files:
+                    files.append(cprojectFile)
+                settingsDir = join(eclProjectDir, ".settings")
+                mx.ensure_dir_exists(settingsDir)
+                for name, source in self._get_eclipse_settings_sources().iteritems():
+                    out = StringIO.StringIO()
+                    print >> out, '# GENERATED -- DO NOT EDIT'
+                    print >> out, '# Source:', source
+                    with open(source) as f:
+                        print >> out,
+                    content = out.getvalue()
+                    mx.update_file(join(settingsDir, name), content)
+                    if files:
+                        files.append(join(settingsDir, name))
+    def getBuildTask(self, args):
+        return JDKBuildTask(self, args, _vm.debugLevel, _vm.jvmVariant)
+class JDKBuildTask(mx.NativeBuildTask):
+    def __init__(self, project, args, debugLevel, jvmVariant):
+        mx.NativeBuildTask.__init__(self, args, project)
+        self.jvmVariant = jvmVariant
+        self.debugLevel = debugLevel
+    def __str__(self):
+        return 'Building JDK[{}, {}]'.format(self.debugLevel, self.jvmVariant)
+    def build(self):
+        if mx.get_opts().use_jdk_image:
+            _runmake(['images'])
+        else:
+            _runmake([])
+        self._newestOutput = None
+    def clean(self, forBuild=False):
+        if forBuild:  # Let make handle incremental builds
+            return
+        if exists(_get_jdk_build_dir(self.debugLevel)):
+            _runmake(['clean'])
+        self._newestOutput = None
+# Backwards compatibility for mx_jvmci:8 API
+def buildvms(args):
+    _runmultimake(args)
+def run_vm(args, vm=None, nonZeroIsFatal=True, out=None, err=None, cwd=None, timeout=None, debugLevel=None, vmbuild=None):
+    """run a Java program by executing the java executable in a JVMCI JDK"""
+    jdkTag = mx.get_jdk_option().tag
+    if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
+        mx.abort('The "--jdk" option must have the tag "' + _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '" when running a command requiring a JVMCI VM')
+    jdk = get_jvmci_jdk(debugLevel=debugLevel or _translateLegacyDebugLevel(vmbuild))
+    return jdk.run_java(args, nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal, out=out, err=err, cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout)
+def _unittest_vm_launcher(vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs):
+    run_vm(vmArgs + [mainClass] + mainClassArgs)
+mx_unittest.set_vm_launcher('JVMCI VM launcher', _unittest_vm_launcher)
+def _jvmci_gate_runner(args, tasks):
+    # Build release server VM now so we can run the unit tests
+    with Task('BuildHotSpotJVMCIHosted: release', tasks) as t:
+        if t: _runmultimake(['--jdk-jvm-variants', 'server', '--jdk-debug-levels', 'release'])
+    # Run unit tests in hosted mode
+    with VM(jvmVariant='server', debugLevel='release', jvmciMode='hosted'):
+        with Task('JVMCI UnitTests: hosted-release', tasks) as t:
+            if t: unittest(['--suite', 'jvmci', '--enable-timing', '--verbose', '--fail-fast'])
+    # Build the other VM flavors
+    with Task('BuildHotSpotJVMCIOthers: fastdebug', tasks) as t:
+        if t: _runmultimake(['--jdk-jvm-variants', 'server', '--jdk-debug-levels', 'fastdebug'])
+    with Task('CleanAndBuildIdealGraphVisualizer', tasks, disableJacoco=True) as t:
+        if t and platform.processor() != 'sparc':
+            buildxml = mx._cygpathU2W(join(_suite.dir, 'src', 'share', 'tools', 'IdealGraphVisualizer', 'build.xml'))
+  ['ant', '-f', buildxml, '-q', 'clean', 'build'], env=_igvBuildEnv())
+mx_gate.add_gate_runner(_suite, _jvmci_gate_runner)
+mx_gate.add_gate_argument('-g', '--only-build-jvmci', action='store_false', dest='buildNonJVMCI', help='only build the JVMCI VM')
+def _igvJdk():
+    v8u20 = mx.VersionSpec("1.8.0_20")
+    v8u40 = mx.VersionSpec("1.8.0_40")
+    v8 = mx.VersionSpec("1.8")
+    def _igvJdkVersionCheck(version):
+        return version >= v8 and (version < v8u20 or version >= v8u40)
+    return mx.get_jdk(_igvJdkVersionCheck, versionDescription='>= 1.8 and < 1.8.0u20 or >= 1.8.0u40', purpose="building & running IGV").home
+def _igvBuildEnv():
+        # When the http_proxy environment variable is set, convert it to the proxy settings that ant needs
+    env = dict(os.environ)
+    proxy = os.environ.get('http_proxy')
+    if not (proxy is None) and len(proxy) > 0:
+        if '://' in proxy:
+            # Remove the http:// prefix (or any other protocol prefix)
+            proxy = proxy.split('://', 1)[1]
+        # Separate proxy server name and port number
+        proxyName, proxyPort = proxy.split(':', 1)
+        proxyEnv = '-DproxyHost="' + proxyName + '" -DproxyPort=' + proxyPort
+        env['ANT_OPTS'] = proxyEnv
+    env['JAVA_HOME'] = _igvJdk()
+    return env
+def igv(args):
+    """run the Ideal Graph Visualizer"""
+    logFile = '.ideal_graph_visualizer.log'
+    with open(join(_suite.dir, logFile), 'w') as fp:
+        mx.logv('[Ideal Graph Visualizer log is in ' + + ']')
+        nbplatform = join(_suite.dir, 'src', 'share', 'tools', 'IdealGraphVisualizer', 'nbplatform')
+        # Remove NetBeans platform if it is earlier than the current supported version
+        if exists(nbplatform):
+            updateTrackingFile = join(nbplatform, 'platform', 'update_tracking', 'org-netbeans-core.xml')
+            if not exists(updateTrackingFile):
+                mx.log('Could not find \'' + updateTrackingFile + '\', removing NetBeans platform')
+                shutil.rmtree(nbplatform)
+            else:
+                dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(updateTrackingFile)
+                currentVersion = mx.VersionSpec(dom.getElementsByTagName('module_version')[0].getAttribute('specification_version'))
+                supportedVersion = mx.VersionSpec('3.43.1')
+                if currentVersion < supportedVersion:
+                    mx.log('Replacing NetBeans platform version ' + str(currentVersion) + ' with version ' + str(supportedVersion))
+                    shutil.rmtree(nbplatform)
+                elif supportedVersion < currentVersion:
+                    mx.log('Supported NetBeans version in igv command should be updated to ' + str(currentVersion))
+        if not exists(nbplatform):
+            mx.logv('[This execution may take a while as the NetBeans platform needs to be downloaded]')
+        env = _igvBuildEnv()
+        # make the jar for Batik 1.7 available.
+        env['IGV_BATIK_JAR'] = mx.library('BATIK').get_path(True)
+        if['ant', '-f', mx._cygpathU2W(join(_suite.dir, 'src', 'share', 'tools', 'IdealGraphVisualizer', 'build.xml')), '-l', mx._cygpathU2W(, 'run'], env=env, nonZeroIsFatal=False):
+            mx.abort("IGV ant build & launch failed. Check '" + logFile + "'. You can also try to delete 'src/share/tools/IdealGraphVisualizer/nbplatform'.")
+def c1visualizer(args):
+    """run the Cl Compiler Visualizer"""
+    libpath = join(_suite.dir, 'lib')
+    if mx.get_os() == 'windows':
+        executable = join(libpath, 'c1visualizer', 'bin', 'c1visualizer.exe')
+    else:
+        executable = join(libpath, 'c1visualizer', 'bin', 'c1visualizer')
+    # Check whether the current C1Visualizer installation is the up-to-date
+    if exists(executable) and not exists(mx.library('C1VISUALIZER_DIST').get_path(resolve=False)):
+        mx.log('Updating C1Visualizer')
+        shutil.rmtree(join(libpath, 'c1visualizer'))
+    archive = mx.library('C1VISUALIZER_DIST').get_path(resolve=True)
+    if not exists(executable):
+        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(archive, 'r')
+        zf.extractall(libpath)
+    if not exists(executable):
+        mx.abort('C1Visualizer binary does not exist: ' + executable)
+    if mx.get_os() != 'windows':
+        # Make sure that execution is allowed. The zip file does not always specfiy that correctly
+        os.chmod(executable, 0777)
+def hsdis(args, copyToDir=None):
+    """download the hsdis library
+    This is needed to support HotSpot's assembly dumping features.
+    By default it downloads the Intel syntax version, use the 'att' argument to install AT&T syntax."""
+    flavor = 'intel'
+    if 'att' in args:
+        flavor = 'att'
+    if mx.get_arch() == "sparcv9":
+        flavor = "sparcv9"
+    lib = mx.add_lib_suffix('hsdis-' + mx.get_arch())
+    path = join(_suite.dir, 'lib', lib)
+    sha1s = {
+        'att/hsdis-amd64.dll' : 'bcbd535a9568b5075ab41e96205e26a2bac64f72',
+        'att/' : '58919ba085d4ef7a513f25bae75e7e54ee73c049',
+        'intel/hsdis-amd64.dll' : '6a388372cdd5fe905c1a26ced614334e405d1f30',
+        'intel/' : '844ed9ffed64fe9599638f29a8450c50140e3192',
+        'intel/hsdis-amd64.dylib' : 'fdb13ef0d7d23d93dacaae9c98837bea0d4fc5a2',
+        'sparcv9/': '970640a9af0bd63641f9063c11275b371a59ee60',
+    }
+    flavoredLib = flavor + "/" + lib
+    if flavoredLib not in sha1s:
+        mx.logv("hsdis not supported on this plattform or architecture")
+        return
+    if not exists(path):
+        sha1 = sha1s[flavoredLib]
+        sha1path = path + '.sha1'
+        mx.download_file_with_sha1('hsdis', path, ['' + flavoredLib], sha1, sha1path, True, True, sources=False)
+    if copyToDir is not None and exists(copyToDir):
+        shutil.copy(path, copyToDir)
+def hcfdis(args):
+    """disassemble HexCodeFiles embedded in text files
+    Run a tool over the input files to convert all embedded HexCodeFiles
+    to a disassembled format."""
+    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx hcfdis')
+    parser.add_argument('-m', '--map', help='address to symbol map applied to disassembler output')
+    parser.add_argument('files', nargs=REMAINDER, metavar='files...')
+    args = parser.parse_args(args)
+    path = mx.library('HCFDIS').get_path(resolve=True)
+    mx.run_java(['-cp', path, ''] + args.files)
+    if is not None:
+        addressRE = re.compile(r'0[xX]([A-Fa-f0-9]+)')
+        with open( as fp:
+            lines =
+        symbols = dict()
+        for l in lines:
+            addressAndSymbol = l.split(' ', 1)
+            if len(addressAndSymbol) == 2:
+                address, symbol = addressAndSymbol
+                if address.startswith('0x'):
+                    address = long(address, 16)
+                    symbols[address] = symbol
+        for f in args.files:
+            with open(f) as fp:
+                lines =
+            updated = False
+            for i in range(0, len(lines)):
+                l = lines[i]
+                for m in addressRE.finditer(l):
+                    sval =
+                    val = long(sval, 16)
+                    sym = symbols.get(val)
+                    if sym:
+                        l = l.replace(sval, sym)
+                        updated = True
+                        lines[i] = l
+            if updated:
+                mx.log('updating ' + f)
+                with open('new_' + f, "w") as fp:
+                    for l in lines:
+                        print >> fp, l
+def jol(args):
+    """Java Object Layout"""
+    joljar = mx.library('JOL_INTERNALS').get_path(resolve=True)
+    candidates = mx.findclass(args, logToConsole=False, matcher=lambda s, classname: s == classname or classname.endswith('.' + s) or classname.endswith('$' + s))
+    if len(candidates) > 0:
+        candidates = mx.select_items(sorted(candidates))
+    else:
+        # mx.findclass can be mistaken, don't give up yet
+        candidates = args
+    run_vm(['-javaagent:' + joljar, '-cp', os.pathsep.join([mx.classpath(), joljar]), "org.openjdk.jol.MainObjectInternals"] + candidates)
+class JVMCIArchiveParticipant:
+    def __init__(self, dist):
+        self.dist = dist
+    def __opened__(self, arc, srcArc, services):
+ = services
+        self.arc = arc
+    def __add__(self, arcname, contents):
+        if arcname.startswith('META-INF/jvmci.providers/'):
+            provider = arcname[len('META-INF/jvmci.providers/'):]
+            for service in contents.strip().split(os.linesep):
+                assert service
+      , []).append(provider)
+            return True
+        elif arcname.endswith('_OptionDescriptors.class'):
+            # Need to create service files for the providers of the
+            # service created by
+            #
+            provider = arcname[:-len('.class'):].replace('/', '.')
+  '', []).append(provider)
+        return False
+    def __addsrc__(self, arcname, contents):
+        return False
+    def __closing__(self):
+        pass
+def _get_openjdk_os():
+    # See: common/autoconf/platform.m4
+    os = mx.get_os()
+    if 'darwin' in os:
+        os = 'macosx'
+    elif 'linux' in os:
+        os = 'linux'
+    elif 'solaris' in os:
+        os = 'solaris'
+    elif 'cygwin' in os or 'mingw' in os:
+        os = 'windows'
+    return os
+def _get_openjdk_cpu():
+    cpu = mx.get_arch()
+    if cpu == 'amd64':
+        cpu = 'x86_64'
+    elif cpu == 'sparcv9':
+        cpu = 'sparcv9'
+    return cpu
+def _get_openjdk_os_cpu():
+    return _get_openjdk_os() + '-' + _get_openjdk_cpu()
+def _get_jdk_build_dir(debugLevel=None):
+    """
+    Gets the directory into which the JDK is built. This directory contains
+    the exploded JDK under jdk/ and the JDK image under images/jdk/.
+    """
+    if debugLevel is None:
+        debugLevel = _vm.debugLevel
+    name = '{}-{}-{}-{}'.format(_get_openjdk_os_cpu(), 'normal', _vm.jvmVariant, debugLevel)
+    return join(dirname(_suite.dir), 'build', name)
+_jvmci_bootclasspath_prepends = []
+def _get_hotspot_build_dir(jvmVariant=None, debugLevel=None):
+    """
+    Gets the directory in which a particular HotSpot configuration is built
+    (e.g., <JDK_REPO_ROOT>/build/macosx-x86_64-normal-server-release/hotspot/bsd_amd64_compiler2)
+    """
+    if jvmVariant is None:
+        jvmVariant = _vm.jvmVariant
+    os = mx.get_os()
+    if os == 'darwin':
+        os = 'bsd'
+    arch = mx.get_arch()
+    buildname = {'client': 'compiler1', 'server': 'compiler2'}.get(jvmVariant, jvmVariant)
+    name = '{}_{}_{}'.format(os, arch, buildname)
+    return join(_get_jdk_build_dir(debugLevel=debugLevel), 'hotspot', name)
+def add_bootclasspath_prepend(dep):
+    assert isinstance(dep, mx.ClasspathDependency)
+    _jvmci_bootclasspath_prepends.append(dep)
+class JVMCI9JDKConfig(mx.JDKConfig):
+    def __init__(self, debugLevel):
+        self.debugLevel = debugLevel
+        jdkBuildDir = _get_jdk_build_dir(debugLevel)
+        jdkDir = join(jdkBuildDir, 'images', 'jdk') if mx.get_opts().use_jdk_image else join(jdkBuildDir, 'jdk')
+        mx.JDKConfig.__init__(self, jdkDir, tag=_JVMCI_JDK_TAG)
+    def parseVmArgs(self, args, addDefaultArgs=True):
+        args = mx.expand_project_in_args(args, insitu=False)
+        jacocoArgs = mx_gate.get_jacoco_agent_args()
+        if jacocoArgs:
+            args = jacocoArgs + args
+        # Support for -G: options
+        def translateGOption(arg):
+            if arg.startswith('-G:+'):
+                if '=' in arg:
+                    mx.abort('Mixing + and = in -G: option specification: ' + arg)
+                arg = '-Djvmci.option.' + arg[len('-G:+'):] + '=true'
+            elif arg.startswith('-G:-'):
+                if '=' in arg:
+                    mx.abort('Mixing - and = in -G: option specification: ' + arg)
+                arg = '-Djvmci.option.' + arg[len('-G:+'):] + '=false'
+            elif arg.startswith('-G:'):
+                arg = '-Djvmci.option.' + arg[len('-G:'):]
+            return arg
+        args = map(translateGOption, args)
+        args = ['-Xbootclasspath/p:' + dep.classpath_repr() for dep in _jvmci_bootclasspath_prepends] + args
+        jvmciModeArgs = _jvmciModes[_vm.jvmciMode]
+        if jvmciModeArgs:
+            bcpDeps = [jdkDist.dist() for jdkDist in jdkDeployedDists]
+            if bcpDeps:
+                args = ['-Xbootclasspath/p:' + os.pathsep.join([d.classpath_repr() for d in bcpDeps])] + args
+        # Set the default JVMCI compiler
+        for jdkDist in reversed(jdkDeployedDists):
+            assert isinstance(jdkDist, JvmciJDKDeployedDist), jdkDist
+            if jdkDist._compilers:
+                jvmciCompiler = jdkDist._compilers[-1]
+                args = ['-Djvmci.compiler=' + jvmciCompiler] + args
+                break
+        if '-version' in args:
+            ignoredArgs = args[args.index('-version') + 1:]
+            if  len(ignoredArgs) > 0:
+                mx.log("Warning: The following options will be ignored by the vm because they come after the '-version' argument: " + ' '.join(ignoredArgs))
+        return self.processArgs(args, addDefaultArgs=addDefaultArgs)
+    # Overrides JDKConfig
+    def run_java(self, args, vm=None, nonZeroIsFatal=True, out=None, err=None, cwd=None, timeout=None, env=None, addDefaultArgs=True):
+        if vm is None:
+            vm = 'server'
+        args = self.parseVmArgs(args, addDefaultArgs=addDefaultArgs)
+        jvmciModeArgs = _jvmciModes[_vm.jvmciMode]
+        cmd = [] + ['-' + vm] + jvmciModeArgs + args
+        return, nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal, out=out, err=err, cwd=cwd)
+The dict of JVMCI JDKs indexed by debug-level names.
+_jvmci_jdks = {}
+def get_jvmci_jdk(debugLevel=None):
+    """
+    Gets the JVMCI JDK corresponding to 'debugLevel'.
+    """
+    if not debugLevel:
+        debugLevel = _vm.debugLevel
+    jdk = _jvmci_jdks.get(debugLevel)
+    if jdk is None:
+        try:
+            jdk = JVMCI9JDKConfig(debugLevel)
+        except mx.JDKConfigException as e:
+            jdkBuildDir = _get_jdk_build_dir(debugLevel)
+            msg = 'Error with the JDK built into {}:\n{}\nTry (re)building it with: mx --jdk-debug-level={} make'
+            if mx.get_opts().use_jdk_image:
+                msg += ' images'
+            mx.abort(msg.format(jdkBuildDir, e.message, debugLevel))
+        _jvmci_jdks[debugLevel] = jdk
+    return jdk
+class JVMCIJDKFactory(mx.JDKFactory):
+    def getJDKConfig(self):
+        jdk = get_jvmci_jdk(_vm.debugLevel)
+        return jdk
+    def description(self):
+        return "JVMCI JDK"
+mx.update_commands(_suite, {
+    'make': [_runmake, '[args...]', _makehelp],
+    'multimake': [_runmultimake, '[options]'],
+    'c1visualizer' : [c1visualizer, ''],
+    'hsdis': [hsdis, '[att]'],
+    'hcfdis': [hcfdis, ''],
+    'igv' : [igv, ''],
+    'jol' : [jol, ''],
+    'vm': [run_vm, '[-options] class [args...]'],
+mx.add_argument('-M', '--jvmci-mode', action='store', choices=sorted(_jvmciModes.viewkeys()), help='the JVM variant type to build/run (default: ' + _vm.jvmciMode + ')')
+mx.add_argument('--jdk-jvm-variant', '--vm', action='store', choices=_jdkJvmVariants + sorted(_legacyVms.viewkeys()), help='the JVM variant type to build/run (default: ' + _vm.jvmVariant + ')')
+mx.add_argument('--jdk-debug-level', '--vmbuild', action='store', choices=_jdkDebugLevels + sorted(_legacyVmbuilds.viewkeys()), help='the JDK debug level to build/run (default: ' + _vm.debugLevel + ')')
+mx.add_argument('-I', '--use-jdk-image', action='store_true', help='build/run JDK image instead of exploded JDK')
+def mx_post_parse_cmd_line(opts):
+    mx.addJDKFactory(_JVMCI_JDK_TAG, mx.JavaCompliance('9'), JVMCIJDKFactory())
+    mx.set_java_command_default_jdk_tag(_JVMCI_JDK_TAG)
+    jdkTag = mx.get_jdk_option().tag
+    jvmVariant = None
+    debugLevel = None
+    jvmciMode = None
+    if opts.jdk_jvm_variant is not None:
+        jvmVariant = opts.jdk_jvm_variant
+        if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
+            mx.warn('Ignoring "--jdk-jvm-variant" option as "--jdk" tag is not "' + _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '"')
+    if opts.jdk_debug_level is not None:
+        debugLevel = _translateLegacyDebugLevel(opts.jdk_debug_level)
+        if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
+            mx.warn('Ignoring "--jdk-debug-level" option as "--jdk" tag is not "' + _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '"')
+    if opts.jvmci_mode is not None:
+        jvmciMode = opts.jvmci_mode
+        if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
+            mx.warn('Ignoring "--jvmci-mode" option as "--jdk" tag is not "' + _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '"')
+    _vm.update(jvmVariant, debugLevel, jvmciMode)
+    for jdkDist in jdkDeployedDists:
+        dist = jdkDist.dist()
+        if isinstance(jdkDist, JvmciJDKDeployedDist):
+            dist.set_archiveparticipant(JVMCIArchiveParticipant(dist))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/.mx.jvmci/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+suite = {
+  "mxversion" : "5.5.12",
+  "name" : "jvmci",
+  "url" : "",
+  "developer" : {
+    "name" : "Truffle and Graal developers",
+    "email" : "",
+    "organization" : "Graal",
+    "organizationUrl" : "",
+  },
+  "repositories" : {
+    "lafo-snapshots" : {
+      "url" : "",
+      "licenses" : ["GPLv2-CPE", "UPL"]
+    },
+  },
+  "licenses" : {
+    "UPL" : {
+      "name" : "Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0",
+      "url" : "",
+    }
+  },
+  "defaultLicense" : "GPLv2-CPE",
+  # This puts mx/ as a sibiling of the JDK build configuration directories
+  # (e.g., macosx-x86_64-normal-server-release).
+  "outputRoot" : "../build/mx/hotspot",
+    # ------------- Libraries -------------
+  "libraries" : {
+    # ------------- Libraries -------------
+    "HCFDIS" : {
+      "urls" : [""],
+      "sha1" : "a71247c6ddb90aad4abf7c77e501acc60674ef57",
+    },
+      "urls" : [""],
+      "sha1" : "7ead6b2f7ed4643ef4d3343a5562e3d3f39564ac",
+    },
+    "JOL_INTERNALS" : {
+      "urls" : [""],
+      "sha1" : "508bcd26a4d7c4c44048990c6ea789a3b11a62dc",
+    },
+    "BATIK" : {
+      "sha1" : "122b87ca88e41a415cf8b523fd3d03b4325134a3",
+      "urls" : [""],
+    },
+  },
+  "projects" : {
+    # ------------- JVMCI:Service -------------
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "API,JVMCI",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "dependencies" : [""],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "JVMCI,Codegen,HotSpot",
+    },
+    # ------------- JVMCI:API -------------
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "API,JVMCI",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "API,JVMCI",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "dependencies" : [""],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "API,JVMCI",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "dependencies" : [
+        "",
+      ],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "annotationProcessors" : ["JVMCI_OPTIONS_PROCESSOR"],
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "API,JVMCI",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "test/compiler/jvmci",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "dependencies" : [
+        "mx:JUNIT",
+        "",
+        "",
+      ],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "API,JVMCI",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "JVMCI",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "dependencies" : [""],
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "JVMCI",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "dependencies" : [
+        "",
+      ],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "JVMCI,Codegen",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "test/compiler/jvmci",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "dependencies" : [
+        "",
+        "mx:JUNIT",
+      ],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "JVMCI",
+    },
+    # ------------- JVMCI:HotSpot -------------
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "dependencies" : [""],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "JVMCI,AMD64",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "dependencies" : [""],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "JVMCI,SPARC",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "dependencies" : [
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+      ],
+      "annotationProcessors" : [
+      ],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "JVMCI",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "JVMCI,HotSpot",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "dependencies" : [
+        "",
+        "",
+      ],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "annotationProcessors" : [
+      ],
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "JVMCI,HotSpot,AMD64",
+    },
+    "" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "sourceDirs" : ["src"],
+      "dependencies" : [
+        "",
+        "",
+      ],
+      "checkstyle" : "",
+      "annotationProcessors" : [
+      ],
+      "javaCompliance" : "1.8",
+      "workingSets" : "JVMCI,HotSpot,SPARC",
+    },
+    "hotspot" : {
+      "native" : True,
+      "class" : "HotSpotProject",
+    }
+  },
+  "distributions" : {
+    # ------------- Distributions -------------
+    "JVMCI_SERVICE" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "dependencies" : [""],
+    },
+    "JVMCI_OPTIONS" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "dependencies" : [""],
+    },
+    "JVMCI_API" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "dependencies" : [
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+      ],
+      "distDependencies" : [
+        "JVMCI_OPTIONS",
+        "JVMCI_SERVICE",
+      ],
+    },
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "dependencies" : [
+        "",
+      ],
+    },
+    "JVMCI_HOTSPOT" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "dependencies" : [
+        "",
+        "",
+      ],
+      "distDependencies" : [
+        "JVMCI_SERVICE",
+        "JVMCI_API",
+      ],
+    },
+    "JVMCI_TEST" : {
+      "subDir" : "test/compiler/jvmci",
+      "dependencies" : [
+        "",
+        "",
+      ],
+      "distDependencies" : [
+        "JVMCI_API",
+      ],
+      "exclude" : ["mx:JUNIT"],
+    },
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "dependencies" : [""],
+      "distDependencies" : [
+        "JVMCI_OPTIONS",
+      ],
+    },
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "dependencies" : [""],
+      "distDependencies" : [
+        "JVMCI_SERVICE",
+      ],
+    },
+    # This exists to have a monolithic jvmci.jar file which simplifies
+    # using the -Xoverride option in JDK9.
+    "JVMCI" : {
+      "subDir" : "src/",
+      "overlaps" : [
+        "JVMCI_API",
+        "JVMCI_OPTIONS",
+        "JVMCI_SERVICE",
+        "JVMCI_HOTSPOT",
+      ],
+      "dependencies" : [
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        ""
+      ],
+    },
+  },
--- a/hotspot/make/windows/	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/make/windows/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 # Special handling of arch model.
 case "${Platform_arch_model}" in
-	"x86_32") Src_Files_EXCLUDE="${Src_Files_EXCLUDE} *x86_64*" ;;
+	"x86_32") Src_Files_EXCLUDE="${Src_Files_EXCLUDE} *x86_64* ${JVMCI_SPECIFIC_FILES}" ;;
 	"x86_64") Src_Files_EXCLUDE="${Src_Files_EXCLUDE} *x86_32*" ;;
--- a/hotspot/make/windows/makefiles/vm.make	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/make/windows/makefiles/vm.make	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -45,10 +45,16 @@
 !if "$(Variant)" == "compiler2"
+!if "$(BUILDARCH)" == "i486"
 !if "$(Variant)" == "tiered"
+!if "$(BUILDARCH)" == "i486"
 !if "$(BUILDARCH)" == "i486"
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -4306,7 +4306,6 @@
     int disp = $mem$$disp;
     if (index == -1) {
       __ prfm(Address(base, disp), PSTL1KEEP);
-      __ nop();
     } else {
       Register index_reg = as_Register(index);
       if (disp == 0) {
@@ -13844,6 +13843,139 @@
+// Test bit and Branch
+instruct cmpL_branch_sign(cmpOp cmp, iRegL op1, immL0 op2, label labl, rFlagsReg cr) %{
+  match(If cmp (CmpL op1 op2));
+  predicate(n->in(1)->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::lt
+            || n->in(1)->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::ge);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(BRANCH_COST);
+  format %{ "cb$cmp   $op1, $labl # long" %}
+  ins_encode %{
+    Label* L = $labl$$label;
+    Assembler::Condition cond = (Assembler::Condition)$cmp$$cmpcode;
+    if (cond == Assembler::LT)
+      __ tbnz($op1$$Register, 63, *L);
+    else
+      __ tbz($op1$$Register, 63, *L);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(pipe_cmp_branch);
+instruct cmpI_branch_sign(cmpOp cmp, iRegIorL2I op1, immI0 op2, label labl, rFlagsReg cr) %{
+  match(If cmp (CmpI op1 op2));
+  predicate(n->in(1)->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::lt
+            || n->in(1)->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::ge);
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(BRANCH_COST);
+  format %{ "cb$cmp   $op1, $labl # int" %}
+  ins_encode %{
+    Label* L = $labl$$label;
+    Assembler::Condition cond = (Assembler::Condition)$cmp$$cmpcode;
+    if (cond == Assembler::LT)
+      __ tbnz($op1$$Register, 31, *L);
+    else
+      __ tbz($op1$$Register, 31, *L);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(pipe_cmp_branch);
+instruct cmpL_branch_bit(cmpOp cmp, iRegL op1, immL op2, immL0 op3, label labl, rFlagsReg cr) %{
+  match(If cmp (CmpL (AndL op1 op2) op3));
+  predicate((n->in(1)->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::ne
+            || n->in(1)->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::eq)
+            && is_power_of_2(n->in(2)->in(1)->in(2)->get_long()));
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(BRANCH_COST);
+  format %{ "tb$cmp   $op1, $op2, $labl" %}
+  ins_encode %{
+    Label* L = $labl$$label;
+    Assembler::Condition cond = (Assembler::Condition)$cmp$$cmpcode;
+    int bit = exact_log2($op2$$constant);
+    if (cond == Assembler::EQ)
+      __ tbz($op1$$Register, bit, *L);
+    else
+      __ tbnz($op1$$Register, bit, *L);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(pipe_cmp_branch);
+instruct cmpI_branch_bit(cmpOp cmp, iRegIorL2I op1, immI op2, immI0 op3, label labl, rFlagsReg cr) %{
+  match(If cmp (CmpI (AndI op1 op2) op3));
+  predicate((n->in(1)->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::ne
+            || n->in(1)->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::eq)
+            && is_power_of_2(n->in(2)->in(1)->in(2)->get_int()));
+  effect(USE labl);
+  ins_cost(BRANCH_COST);
+  format %{ "tb$cmp   $op1, $op2, $labl" %}
+  ins_encode %{
+    Label* L = $labl$$label;
+    Assembler::Condition cond = (Assembler::Condition)$cmp$$cmpcode;
+    int bit = exact_log2($op2$$constant);
+    if (cond == Assembler::EQ)
+      __ tbz($op1$$Register, bit, *L);
+    else
+      __ tbnz($op1$$Register, bit, *L);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(pipe_cmp_branch);
+// Test bits
+instruct cmpL_and(cmpOp cmp, iRegL op1, immL op2, immL0 op3, rFlagsReg cr) %{
+  match(Set cr (CmpL (AndL op1 op2) op3));
+  predicate(Assembler::operand_valid_for_logical_immediate
+            (/*is_32*/false, n->in(1)->in(2)->get_long()));
+  ins_cost(INSN_COST);
+  format %{ "tst $op1, $op2 # long" %}
+  ins_encode %{
+    __ tst($op1$$Register, $op2$$constant);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg);
+instruct cmpI_and(cmpOp cmp, iRegIorL2I op1, immI op2, immI0 op3, rFlagsReg cr) %{
+  match(Set cr (CmpI (AndI op1 op2) op3));
+  predicate(Assembler::operand_valid_for_logical_immediate
+            (/*is_32*/true, n->in(1)->in(2)->get_int()));
+  ins_cost(INSN_COST);
+  format %{ "tst $op1, $op2 # int" %}
+  ins_encode %{
+    __ tstw($op1$$Register, $op2$$constant);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg);
+instruct cmpL_and_reg(cmpOp cmp, iRegL op1, iRegL op2, immL0 op3, rFlagsReg cr) %{
+  match(Set cr (CmpL (AndL op1 op2) op3));
+  ins_cost(INSN_COST);
+  format %{ "tst $op1, $op2 # long" %}
+  ins_encode %{
+    __ tst($op1$$Register, $op2$$Register);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg);
+instruct cmpI_and_reg(cmpOp cmp, iRegIorL2I op1, iRegIorL2I op2, immI0 op3, rFlagsReg cr) %{
+  match(Set cr (CmpI (AndI op1 op2) op3));
+  ins_cost(INSN_COST);
+  format %{ "tstw $op1, $op2 # int" %}
+  ins_encode %{
+    __ tstw($op1$$Register, $op2$$Register);
+  %}
+  ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg);
 // Conditional Far Branch
 // Conditional Far Branch Unsigned
 // TODO: fixme
@@ -14167,6 +14299,9 @@
   format %{ "String Compare $str1,$cnt1,$str2,$cnt2 -> $result   # KILL $tmp1" %}
   ins_encode %{
+    // Count is in 8-bit bytes; non-Compact chars are 16 bits.
+    __ asrw($cnt1$$Register, $cnt1$$Register, 1);
+    __ asrw($cnt2$$Register, $cnt2$$Register, 1);
     __ string_compare($str1$$Register, $str2$$Register,
                       $cnt1$$Register, $cnt2$$Register, $result$$Register,
@@ -14223,6 +14358,8 @@
   format %{ "String Equals $str1,$str2,$cnt -> $result    // KILL $tmp" %}
   ins_encode %{
+    // Count is in 8-bit bytes; non-Compact chars are 16 bits.
+    __ asrw($cnt$$Register, $cnt$$Register, 1);
     __ string_equals($str1$$Register, $str2$$Register,
                       $cnt$$Register, $result$$Register,
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/macroAssembler_aarch64.hpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/macroAssembler_aarch64.hpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -215,8 +215,11 @@
   inline void moviw(Register Rd, unsigned imm) { orrw(Rd, zr, imm); }
   inline void movi(Register Rd, unsigned imm) { orr(Rd, zr, imm); }
-  inline void tstw(Register Rd, unsigned imm) { andsw(zr, Rd, imm); }
-  inline void tst(Register Rd, unsigned imm) { ands(zr, Rd, imm); }
+  inline void tstw(Register Rd, Register Rn) { andsw(zr, Rd, Rn); }
+  inline void tst(Register Rd, Register Rn) { ands(zr, Rd, Rn); }
+  inline void tstw(Register Rd, uint64_t imm) { andsw(zr, Rd, imm); }
+  inline void tst(Register Rd, uint64_t imm) { ands(zr, Rd, imm); }
   inline void bfiw(Register Rd, Register Rn, unsigned lsb, unsigned width) {
     bfmw(Rd, Rn, ((32 - lsb) & 31), (width - 1));
--- a/hotspot/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/templateTable_aarch64.cpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/templateTable_aarch64.cpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -386,7 +386,8 @@
   // get type
   __ add(r3, r1, tags_offset);
-  __ ldrb(r3, Address(r0, r3));
+  __ lea(r3, Address(r0, r3));
+  __ ldarb(r3, r3);
   // unresolved class - get the resolved class
   __ cmp(r3, JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass);
@@ -3316,7 +3317,8 @@
   // how Constant Pool is updated (see ConstantPool::klass_at_put)
   const int tags_offset = Array<u1>::base_offset_in_bytes();
   __ lea(rscratch1, Address(r0, r3, Address::lsl(0)));
-  __ ldrb(rscratch1, Address(rscratch1, tags_offset));
+  __ lea(rscratch1, Address(rscratch1, tags_offset));
+  __ ldarb(rscratch1, rscratch1);
   __ cmp(rscratch1, JVM_CONSTANT_Class);
   __ br(Assembler::NE, slow_case);
@@ -3460,7 +3462,8 @@
   __ get_unsigned_2_byte_index_at_bcp(r19, 1); // r19=index
   // See if bytecode has already been quicked
   __ add(rscratch1, r3, Array<u1>::base_offset_in_bytes());
-  __ ldrb(r1, Address(rscratch1, r19));
+  __ lea(r1, Address(rscratch1, r19));
+  __ ldarb(r1, r1);
   __ cmp(r1, JVM_CONSTANT_Class);
   __ br(Assembler::EQ, quicked);
@@ -3514,7 +3517,8 @@
   __ get_unsigned_2_byte_index_at_bcp(r19, 1); // r19=index
   // See if bytecode has already been quicked
   __ add(rscratch1, r3, Array<u1>::base_offset_in_bytes());
-  __ ldrb(r1, Address(rscratch1, r19));
+  __ lea(r1, Address(rscratch1, r19));
+  __ ldarb(r1, r1);
   __ cmp(r1, JVM_CONSTANT_Class);
   __ br(Assembler::EQ, quicked);
--- a/hotspot/src/	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -552,6 +552,8 @@
     private final boolean isImmutablePIC;
+    private boolean closed;
     private int entryBCI = -1;
     private final DataSection dataSection = new DataSection();
@@ -666,6 +668,7 @@
      * @param entryBCI the entryBCI to set
     public void setEntryBCI(int entryBCI) {
+        checkOpen();
         this.entryBCI = entryBCI;
@@ -673,11 +676,14 @@
      * Sets the assumptions made during compilation.
     public void setAssumptions(Assumption[] assumptions) {
+        checkOpen();
         this.assumptions = assumptions;
      * Gets the assumptions made during compilation.
+     *
+     * The caller must not modify the contents of the returned array.
     public Assumption[] getAssumptions() {
         return assumptions;
@@ -690,6 +696,7 @@
      * @param inlinedMethods the methods inlined during compilation
     public void setMethods(ResolvedJavaMethod rootMethod, Collection<ResolvedJavaMethod> inlinedMethods) {
+        checkOpen();
         assert rootMethod != null;
         assert inlinedMethods != null;
         if (inlinedMethods.contains(rootMethod)) {
@@ -717,6 +724,8 @@
      * Gets the methods whose bytecodes were used as input to the compilation.
+     * The caller must not modify the contents of the returned array.
+     *
      * @return {@code null} if the compilation did not record method dependencies otherwise the
      *         methods whose bytecodes were used as input to the compilation with the first element
      *         being the root method of the compilation
@@ -726,6 +735,7 @@
     public void setBytecodeSize(int bytecodeSize) {
+        checkOpen();
         this.bytecodeSize = bytecodeSize;
@@ -755,6 +765,7 @@
      * @param size the size of the frame in bytes
     public void setTotalFrameSize(int size) {
+        checkOpen();
         totalFrameSize = size;
@@ -765,6 +776,7 @@
      * @param size the size of the machine code
     public void setTargetCode(byte[] code, int size) {
+        checkOpen();
         targetCode = code;
         targetCodeSize = size;
@@ -778,6 +790,7 @@
      * @param ref The reference that should be inserted in the code.
     public void recordDataPatch(int codePos, Reference ref) {
+        checkOpen();
         assert codePos >= 0 && ref != null;
         dataPatches.add(new DataPatch(codePos, ref));
@@ -814,6 +827,7 @@
      * @param direct specifies if this is a {@linkplain Call#direct direct} call
     public void recordCall(int codePos, int size, InvokeTarget target, DebugInfo debugInfo, boolean direct) {
+        checkOpen();
         final Call call = new Call(target, codePos, size, direct, debugInfo);
@@ -825,6 +839,7 @@
      * @param handlerPos the position of the handler
     public void recordExceptionHandler(int codePos, int handlerPos) {
+        checkOpen();
         assert validateExceptionHandlerAdd(codePos, handlerPos) : String.format("Duplicate exception handler for pc 0x%x handlerPos 0x%x", codePos, handlerPos);
         exceptionHandlers.add(new ExceptionHandler(codePos, handlerPos));
@@ -870,31 +885,12 @@
      * Records a custom infopoint in the code section.
      * Compiler implementations can use this method to record non-standard infopoints, which are not
-     * handled by the dedicated methods like {@link #recordCall}.
+     * handled by dedicated methods like {@link #recordCall}.
      * @param infopoint the infopoint to record, usually a derived class from {@link Infopoint}
     public void addInfopoint(Infopoint infopoint) {
-        // The infopoints list must always be sorted
-        if (!infopoints.isEmpty()) {
-            Infopoint previousInfopoint = infopoints.get(infopoints.size() - 1);
-            if (previousInfopoint.pcOffset > infopoint.pcOffset) {
-                // This re-sorting should be very rare
-                Collections.sort(infopoints);
-                previousInfopoint = infopoints.get(infopoints.size() - 1);
-            }
-            if (previousInfopoint.pcOffset == infopoint.pcOffset) {
-                if (infopoint.reason.canBeOmitted()) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (previousInfopoint.reason.canBeOmitted()) {
-                    Infopoint removed = infopoints.remove(infopoints.size() - 1);
-                    assert removed == previousInfopoint;
-                } else {
-                    throw new RuntimeException("Infopoints that can not be omited should have distinct PCs");
-                }
-            }
-        }
+        checkOpen();
@@ -905,6 +901,7 @@
      * @param markId the identifier for this mark
     public Mark recordMark(int codePos, Object markId) {
+        checkOpen();
         Mark mark = new Mark(codePos, markId);
         return mark;
@@ -924,6 +921,7 @@
      * @param offset
     public void setCustomStackAreaOffset(int offset) {
+        checkOpen();
         customStackAreaOffset = offset;
@@ -952,6 +950,7 @@
     public void addAnnotation(CodeAnnotation annotation) {
+        checkOpen();
         assert annotation != null;
         if (annotations == null) {
             annotations = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -1034,6 +1033,7 @@
     public void setHasUnsafeAccess(boolean hasUnsafeAccess) {
+        checkOpen();
         this.hasUnsafeAccess = hasUnsafeAccess;
@@ -1041,8 +1041,14 @@
         return hasUnsafeAccess;
-    public void reset() {
-        hasUnsafeAccess = false;
+    /**
+     * Clears the information in this object pertaining to generating code. That is, the
+     * {@linkplain #getMarks() marks}, {@linkplain #getInfopoints() infopoints},
+     * {@linkplain #getExceptionHandlers() exception handlers}, {@linkplain #getDataPatches() data
+     * patches} and {@linkplain #getAnnotations() annotations} recorded in this object are cleared.
+     */
+    public void resetForEmittingCode() {
+        checkOpen();
@@ -1052,4 +1058,21 @@
+    private void checkOpen() {
+        if (closed) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Closes this compilation result to future updates.
+     */
+    public void close() {
+        if (closed) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot re-close compilation result " + this);
+        }
+        dataSection.close();
+        closed = true;
+    }
--- a/hotspot/src/	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
     private final ArrayList<Data> dataItems = new ArrayList<>();
-    private boolean finalLayout;
+    private boolean closed;
     private int sectionAlignment;
     private int sectionSize;
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
         if (obj instanceof DataSection) {
             DataSection that = (DataSection) obj;
-            if (this.finalLayout == that.finalLayout && this.sectionAlignment == that.sectionAlignment && this.sectionSize == that.sectionSize && Objects.equals(this.dataItems, that.dataItems)) {
+            if (this.closed == that.closed && this.sectionAlignment == that.sectionAlignment && this.sectionSize == that.sectionSize && Objects.equals(this.dataItems, that.dataItems)) {
                 return true;
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
-     * Insert a {@link Data} item into the data section. If the item is already in the data section,
-     * the same {@link DataSectionReference} is returned.
+     * Inserts a {@link Data} item into the data section. If the item is already in the data
+     * section, the same {@link DataSectionReference} is returned.
      * @param data the {@link Data} item to be inserted
      * @return a unique {@link DataSectionReference} identifying the {@link Data} item
     public DataSectionReference insertData(Data data) {
-        assert !finalLayout;
+        checkOpen();
         synchronized (data) {
             if (data.ref == null) {
                 data.ref = new DataSectionReference();
@@ -193,7 +193,8 @@
      * {@link DataSection}, and empties the other section.
     public void addAll(DataSection other) {
-        assert !finalLayout && !other.finalLayout;
+        checkOpen();
+        other.checkOpen();
         for (Data data : other.dataItems) {
             assert data.ref != null;
@@ -203,12 +204,20 @@
-     * Compute the layout of the data section. This can be called only once, and after it has been
-     * called, the data section can no longer be modified.
+     * Determines if this object has been {@link #close() closed}.
-    public void finalizeLayout() {
-        assert !finalLayout;
-        finalLayout = true;
+    public boolean closed() {
+        return closed;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the layout of the data section and closes this object to further updates.
+     *
+     * This must be called exactly once.
+     */
+    void close() {
+        checkOpen();
+        closed = true;
         // simple heuristic: put items with larger alignment requirement first
         dataItems.sort((a, b) -> a.alignment - b.alignment);
@@ -227,37 +236,38 @@
         sectionSize = position;
-    public boolean isFinalized() {
-        return finalLayout;
-    }
-     * Get the size of the data section. Can only be called after {@link #finalizeLayout}.
+     * Gets the size of the data section.
+     *
+     * This must only be called once this object has been {@linkplain #closed() closed}.
     public int getSectionSize() {
-        assert finalLayout;
+        checkClosed();
         return sectionSize;
-     * Get the minimum alignment requirement of the data section. Can only be called after
-     * {@link #finalizeLayout}.
+     * Gets the minimum alignment requirement of the data section.
+     *
+     * This must only be called once this object has been {@linkplain #closed() closed}.
     public int getSectionAlignment() {
-        assert finalLayout;
+        checkClosed();
         return sectionAlignment;
-     * Build the data section. Can only be called after {@link #finalizeLayout}.
+     * Builds the data section into a given buffer.
+     *
+     * This must only be called once this object has been {@linkplain #closed() closed}.
-     * @param buffer The {@link ByteBuffer} where the data section should be built. The buffer must
+     * @param buffer the {@link ByteBuffer} where the data section should be built. The buffer must
      *            hold at least {@link #getSectionSize()} bytes.
-     * @param patch A {@link Consumer} to receive {@link DataPatch data patches} for relocations in
-     *            the data section.
+     * @param patch a {@link Consumer} to receive {@link DataPatch data patches} for relocations in
+     *            the data section
     public void buildDataSection(ByteBuffer buffer, Consumer<DataPatch> patch) {
-        assert finalLayout;
+        checkClosed();
         for (Data d : dataItems) {
             d.builder.emit(buffer, patch);
@@ -300,8 +310,20 @@
         return ((position + alignment - 1) / alignment) * alignment;
+    private void checkClosed() {
+        if (!closed) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException();
+        }
+    }
+    private void checkOpen() {
+        if (closed) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException();
+        }
+    }
     public void clear() {
-        assert !finalLayout;
+        checkOpen();
         this.sectionAlignment = 0;
         this.sectionSize = 0;
--- a/hotspot/src/	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -26,22 +26,12 @@
  * A reason for infopoint insertion.
 public enum InfopointReason {
-    UNKNOWN(false),
-    SAFEPOINT(false),
-    CALL(false),
-    METHOD_START(true),
-    METHOD_END(true),
-    LINE_NUMBER(true),
-    private InfopointReason(boolean canBeOmitted) {
-        this.canBeOmitted = canBeOmitted;
-    }
-    private final boolean canBeOmitted;
-    public boolean canBeOmitted() {
-        return canBeOmitted;
-    }
+    CALL,
--- a/hotspot/src/	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -24,9 +24,12 @@
 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.EnumMap;
 import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
@@ -41,6 +44,8 @@
@@ -118,7 +123,6 @@
         targetCodeSize = compResult.getTargetCodeSize();
         DataSection data = compResult.getDataSection();
-        data.finalizeLayout();
         dataSection = new byte[data.getSectionSize()];
         ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(dataSection).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
@@ -155,14 +159,75 @@
     static class SiteComparator implements Comparator<Site> {
+        /**
+         * Defines an order for sorting {@link Infopoint}s based on their
+         * {@linkplain Infopoint#reason reasons}. This is used to choose which infopoint to preserve
+         * when multiple infopoints collide on the same PC offset. A negative order value implies a
+         * non-optional infopoint (i.e., must be preserved). Non-optional infopoints must not
+         * collide.
+         */
+        static final Map<InfopointReason, Integer> HOTSPOT_INFOPOINT_SORT_ORDER = new EnumMap<>(InfopointReason.class);
+        static {
+            HOTSPOT_INFOPOINT_SORT_ORDER.put(InfopointReason.SAFEPOINT, -4);
+            HOTSPOT_INFOPOINT_SORT_ORDER.put(InfopointReason.CALL, -3);
+            HOTSPOT_INFOPOINT_SORT_ORDER.put(InfopointReason.METHOD_START, 2);
+            HOTSPOT_INFOPOINT_SORT_ORDER.put(InfopointReason.METHOD_END, 3);
+        }
+        static int ord(Infopoint info) {
+            return HOTSPOT_INFOPOINT_SORT_ORDER.get(info.reason);
+        }
+        static int checkCollision(Infopoint i1, Infopoint i2) {
+            int o1 = ord(i1);
+            int o2 = ord(i2);
+            if (o1 < 0 && o2 < 0) {
+                throw new JVMCIError("Non-optional infopoints cannot collide: %s and %s", i1, i2);
+            }
+            return o1 - o2;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Records whether any two {@link Infopoint}s had the same {@link Infopoint#pcOffset}.
+         */
+        boolean sawCollidingInfopoints;
         public int compare(Site s1, Site s2) {
-            if (s1.pcOffset == s2.pcOffset && (s1 instanceof Mark ^ s2 instanceof Mark)) {
-                return s1 instanceof Mark ? -1 : 1;
+            if (s1.pcOffset == s2.pcOffset) {
+                // Marks must come first since patching a call site
+                // may need to know the mark denoting the call type
+                // (see uses of CodeInstaller::_next_call_type).
+                boolean s1IsMark = s1 instanceof Mark;
+                boolean s2IsMark = s2 instanceof Mark;
+                if (s1IsMark != s2IsMark) {
+                    return s1IsMark ? -1 : 1;
+                }
+                // Infopoints must group together so put them after
+                // other Site types.
+                boolean s1IsInfopoint = s1 instanceof Infopoint;
+                boolean s2IsInfopoint = s2 instanceof Infopoint;
+                if (s1IsInfopoint != s2IsInfopoint) {
+                    return s1IsInfopoint ? 1 : -1;
+                }
+                if (s1IsInfopoint) {
+                    sawCollidingInfopoints = true;
+                    return checkCollision((Infopoint) s1, (Infopoint) s2);
+                }
             return s1.pcOffset - s2.pcOffset;
+    /**
+     * HotSpot expects sites to be presented in ascending order of PC (see
+     * {@code DebugInformationRecorder::add_new_pc_offset}). In addition, it expects
+     * {@link Infopoint} PCs to be unique.
+     */
     private static Site[] getSortedSites(CompilationResult target) {
         List<?>[] lists = new List<?>[]{target.getInfopoints(), target.getDataPatches(), target.getMarks()};
         int count = 0;
@@ -176,7 +241,27 @@
                 result[pos++] = (Site) elem;
-        Arrays.sort(result, new SiteComparator());
+        SiteComparator c = new SiteComparator();
+        Arrays.sort(result, c);
+        if (c.sawCollidingInfopoints) {
+            Infopoint lastInfopoint = null;
+            List<Site> copy = new ArrayList<>(count);
+            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+                if (result[i] instanceof Infopoint) {
+                    Infopoint info = (Infopoint) result[i];
+                    if (lastInfopoint == null || lastInfopoint.pcOffset != info.pcOffset) {
+                        lastInfopoint = info;
+                        copy.add(info);
+                    } else {
+                        // Omit this colliding infopoint
+                        assert lastInfopoint.reason.compareTo(info.reason) <= 0;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    copy.add(result[i]);
+                }
+            }
+            result = copy.toArray(new Site[copy.size()]);
+        }
         return result;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_LIRAssembler.cpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_LIRAssembler.cpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   // We must have enough patching space so that call can be inserted.
   // We cannot use fat nops here, since the concurrent code rewrite may transiently
   // create the illegal instruction sequence.
-  while ((intx) _masm->pc() - (intx) patch->pc_start() < NativeCall::instruction_size) {
+  while ((intx) _masm->pc() - (intx) patch->pc_start() < NativeGeneralJump::instruction_size) {
   patch->install(_masm, patch_code, obj, info);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_Runtime1.cpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_Runtime1.cpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@
-          for (int i = NativeCall::instruction_size; i < *byte_count; i++) {
+          for (int i = NativeGeneralJump::instruction_size; i < *byte_count; i++) {
             address ptr = copy_buff + i;
             int a_byte = (*ptr) & 0xFF;
             address dst = instr_pc + i;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/code/debugInfoRec.cpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/code/debugInfoRec.cpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 // We keep track of these chunks in order to detect
 // repetition and enable sharing.
 class DIR_Chunk {
-  friend class DebugInformationRecorder;
   int  _offset; // location in the stream of this scope
   int  _length; // number of bytes in the stream
   int  _hash;   // hash of stream bytes (for quicker reuse)
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@
   DebugInformationRecorder* _DIR;
+  int offset() { return _offset; }
   void* operator new(size_t ignore, DebugInformationRecorder* dir) throw() {
     assert(ignore == sizeof(DIR_Chunk), "");
     if (dir->_next_chunk >= dir->_next_chunk_limit) {
@@ -284,7 +287,7 @@
     assert(ns+1 == _next_chunk, "");
     _next_chunk = ns;
-    return match->_offset;
+    return match->offset();
   } else {
     // Inserted this chunk, so nothing to do
     return serialized_null;
@@ -296,7 +299,7 @@
     assert(ns+1 == _next_chunk, "");
     _next_chunk = ns;
-    return ms->_offset;
+    return ms->offset();
   // Look in recently encountered scopes next:
@@ -311,7 +314,7 @@
     assert(ns+1 == _next_chunk, "");
     _next_chunk = ns;
-    return ms->_offset;
+    return ms->offset();
   // No match.  Add this guy to the list, in hopes of future shares.
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/jvmci/jvmciCodeInstaller.cpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/jvmci/jvmciCodeInstaller.cpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -727,10 +727,9 @@
       if (InfopointReason::SAFEPOINT() == reason || InfopointReason::CALL() == reason || InfopointReason::IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION() == reason) {
         TRACE_jvmci_4("safepoint at %i", pc_offset);
         site_Safepoint(buffer, pc_offset, site, CHECK_OK);
-      } else if (InfopointReason::METHOD_START() == reason || InfopointReason::METHOD_END() == reason || InfopointReason::LINE_NUMBER() == reason) {
+      } else {
+        TRACE_jvmci_4("infopoint at %i", pc_offset);
         site_Infopoint(buffer, pc_offset, site, CHECK_OK);
-      } else {
-        JVMCI_ERROR_OK("unknown infopoint reason at %i", pc_offset);
     } else if (site->is_a(CompilationResult_DataPatch::klass())) {
       TRACE_jvmci_4("datapatch at %i", pc_offset);
@@ -868,25 +867,33 @@
   return objects;
-void CodeInstaller::record_scope(jint pc_offset, Handle debug_info, TRAPS) {
+void CodeInstaller::record_scope(jint pc_offset, Handle debug_info, ScopeMode scope_mode, TRAPS) {
   Handle position = DebugInfo::bytecodePosition(debug_info);
   if (position.is_null()) {
     // Stubs do not record scope info, just oop maps
-  GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objectMapping = record_virtual_objects(debug_info, CHECK);
-  record_scope(pc_offset, position, objectMapping, CHECK);
+  GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objectMapping;
+  if (scope_mode == CodeInstaller::FullFrame) {
+    objectMapping = record_virtual_objects(debug_info, CHECK);
+  } else {
+    objectMapping = NULL;
+  }
+  record_scope(pc_offset, position, scope_mode, objectMapping, CHECK);
-void CodeInstaller::record_scope(jint pc_offset, Handle position, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, TRAPS) {
+void CodeInstaller::record_scope(jint pc_offset, Handle position, ScopeMode scope_mode, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, TRAPS) {
   Handle frame;
-  if (position->is_a(BytecodeFrame::klass())) {
+  if (scope_mode == CodeInstaller::FullFrame) {
+    if (!position->is_a(BytecodeFrame::klass())) {
+      JVMCI_ERROR("Full frame expected for debug info at %i", pc_offset);
+    }
     frame = position;
   Handle caller_frame = BytecodePosition::caller(position);
   if (caller_frame.not_null()) {
-    record_scope(pc_offset, caller_frame, objects, CHECK);
+    record_scope(pc_offset, caller_frame, scope_mode, objects, CHECK);
   Handle hotspot_method = BytecodePosition::method(position);
@@ -990,7 +997,7 @@
   // jint next_pc_offset = Assembler::locate_next_instruction(instruction) - _instructions->start();
   OopMap *map = create_oop_map(debug_info, CHECK);
   _debug_recorder->add_safepoint(pc_offset, map);
-  record_scope(pc_offset, debug_info, CHECK);
+  record_scope(pc_offset, debug_info, CodeInstaller::FullFrame, CHECK);
@@ -1000,8 +1007,12 @@
     JVMCI_ERROR("debug info expected at infopoint at %i", pc_offset);
+  // We'd like to check that pc_offset is greater than the
+  // last pc recorded with _debug_recorder (raising an exception if not)
+  // but DebugInformationRecorder doesn't have sufficient public API.
-  record_scope(pc_offset, debug_info, CHECK);
+  record_scope(pc_offset, debug_info, CodeInstaller::BytecodePosition, CHECK);
@@ -1028,7 +1039,7 @@
   if (debug_info.not_null()) {
     OopMap *map = create_oop_map(debug_info, CHECK);
     _debug_recorder->add_safepoint(next_pc_offset, map);
-    record_scope(next_pc_offset, debug_info, CHECK);
+    record_scope(next_pc_offset, debug_info, CodeInstaller::FullFrame, CHECK);
   if (foreign_call.not_null()) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/jvmci/jvmciCodeInstaller.hpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/jvmci/jvmciCodeInstaller.hpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -219,8 +219,18 @@
   OopMap* create_oop_map(Handle debug_info, TRAPS);
-  void record_scope(jint pc_offset, Handle debug_info, TRAPS);
-  void record_scope(jint pc_offset, Handle code_pos, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, TRAPS);
+  /**
+   * Specifies the level of detail to record for a scope.
+   */
+  enum ScopeMode {
+    // Only record a method and BCI
+    BytecodePosition,
+    // Record a method, bci and JVM frame state
+    FullFrame
+  };
+  void record_scope(jint pc_offset, Handle debug_info, ScopeMode scope_mode, TRAPS);
+  void record_scope(jint pc_offset, Handle position, ScopeMode scope_mode, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, TRAPS);
   void record_object_value(ObjectValue* sv, Handle value, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, TRAPS);
   GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* record_virtual_objects(Handle debug_info, TRAPS);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/jvmci/jvmciJavaClasses.hpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/jvmci/jvmciJavaClasses.hpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -148,14 +148,9 @@
     int_field(CompilationResult_DataSectionReference, offset)                                                                                                  \
   end_class                                                                                                                                                    \
   start_class(InfopointReason)                                                                                                                                 \
-    static_oop_field(InfopointReason, UNKNOWN, "Ljdk/vm/ci/code/InfopointReason;")                                                                             \
     static_oop_field(InfopointReason, SAFEPOINT, "Ljdk/vm/ci/code/InfopointReason;")                                                                           \
     static_oop_field(InfopointReason, CALL, "Ljdk/vm/ci/code/InfopointReason;")                                                                                \
     static_oop_field(InfopointReason, IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION, "Ljdk/vm/ci/code/InfopointReason;")                                                                  \
-    static_oop_field(InfopointReason, METHOD_START, "Ljdk/vm/ci/code/InfopointReason;")                                                                        \
-    static_oop_field(InfopointReason, METHOD_END, "Ljdk/vm/ci/code/InfopointReason;")                                                                          \
-    static_oop_field(InfopointReason, LINE_NUMBER, "Ljdk/vm/ci/code/InfopointReason;")                                                                         \
-    static_oop_field(InfopointReason, METASPACE_ACCESS, "Ljdk/vm/ci/code/InfopointReason;")                                                                    \
   end_class                                                                                                                                                    \
   start_class(CompilationResult_Infopoint)                                                                                                                     \
     oop_field(CompilationResult_Infopoint, debugInfo, "Ljdk/vm/ci/code/DebugInfo;")                                                                            \
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -744,7 +744,10 @@
           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
   develop(bool, StressArrayCopyMacroNode, false,                            \
-          "Perform ArrayCopy load/store replacement during IGVN only")
+          "Perform ArrayCopy load/store replacement during IGVN only")      \
+                                                                            \
+  develop(bool, RenumberLiveNodes, true,                                    \
+          "Renumber live nodes")                                            \
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/compile.cpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/compile.cpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -2156,6 +2156,20 @@
   // so keep only the actual candidates for optimizations.
+  if (!failing() && RenumberLiveNodes && live_nodes() + NodeLimitFudgeFactor < unique()) {
+    Compile::TracePhase tp("", &timers[_t_renumberLive]);
+    initial_gvn()->replace_with(&igvn);
+    for_igvn()->clear();
+    Unique_Node_List new_worklist(C->comp_arena());
+    {
+      ResourceMark rm;
+      PhaseRenumberLive prl = PhaseRenumberLive(initial_gvn(), for_igvn(), &new_worklist);
+    }
+    set_for_igvn(&new_worklist);
+    igvn = PhaseIterGVN(initial_gvn());
+    igvn.optimize();
+  }
   // Perform escape analysis
   if (_do_escape_analysis && ConnectionGraph::has_candidates(this)) {
     if (has_loops()) {
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/library_call.cpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/library_call.cpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
   Node* generate_limit_guard(Node* offset, Node* subseq_length,
                              Node* array_length,
                              RegionNode* region);
+  void  generate_string_range_check(Node* array, Node* offset,
+                                    Node* length, bool char_count);
   Node* generate_current_thread(Node* &tls_output);
   Node* load_mirror_from_klass(Node* klass);
   Node* load_klass_from_mirror_common(Node* mirror, bool never_see_null,
@@ -204,6 +206,8 @@
   bool inline_string_compareTo(StrIntrinsicNode::ArgEnc ae);
   bool inline_string_indexOf(StrIntrinsicNode::ArgEnc ae);
   bool inline_string_indexOfI(StrIntrinsicNode::ArgEnc ae);
+  Node* make_indexOf_node(Node* src_start, Node* src_count, Node* tgt_start, Node* tgt_count,
+                          RegionNode* region, Node* phi, StrIntrinsicNode::ArgEnc ae);
   bool inline_string_indexOfChar();
   bool inline_string_equals(StrIntrinsicNode::ArgEnc ae);
   bool inline_string_toBytesU();
@@ -897,6 +901,31 @@
   return is_over;
+// Emit range checks for the given String.value byte array
+void LibraryCallKit::generate_string_range_check(Node* array, Node* offset, Node* count, bool char_count) {
+  if (stopped()) {
+    return; // already stopped
+  }
+  RegionNode* bailout = new RegionNode(1);
+  record_for_igvn(bailout);
+  if (char_count) {
+    // Convert char count to byte count
+    count = _gvn.transform(new LShiftINode(count, intcon(1)));
+  }
+  // Offset and count must not be negative
+  generate_negative_guard(offset, bailout);
+  generate_negative_guard(count, bailout);
+  // Offset + count must not exceed length of array
+  generate_limit_guard(offset, count, load_array_length(array), bailout);
+  if (bailout->req() > 1) {
+    PreserveJVMState pjvms(this);
+    set_control(_gvn.transform(bailout));
+    uncommon_trap(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic,
+                  Deoptimization::Action_maybe_recompile);
+  }
 Node* LibraryCallKit::generate_current_thread(Node* &tls_output) {
@@ -1016,7 +1045,9 @@
 bool LibraryCallKit::inline_hasNegatives() {
-  if (too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic))  return false;
+  if (too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic)) {
+    return false;
+  }
   assert(callee()->signature()->size() == 3, "hasNegatives has 3 parameters");
   // no receiver since it is static method
@@ -1024,26 +1055,14 @@
   Node* offset     = argument(1);
   Node* len        = argument(2);
-  RegionNode* bailout = new RegionNode(1);
-  record_for_igvn(bailout);
-  // offset must not be negative.
-  generate_negative_guard(offset, bailout);
-  // offset + length must not exceed length of ba.
-  generate_limit_guard(offset, len, load_array_length(ba), bailout);
-  if (bailout->req() > 1) {
-    PreserveJVMState pjvms(this);
-    set_control(_gvn.transform(bailout));
-    uncommon_trap(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic,
-                  Deoptimization::Action_maybe_recompile);
-  }
-  if (!stopped()) {
-    Node* ba_start = array_element_address(ba, offset, T_BYTE);
-    Node* result = new HasNegativesNode(control(), memory(TypeAryPtr::BYTES), ba_start, len);
-    set_result(_gvn.transform(result));
-  }
+  // Range checks
+  generate_string_range_check(ba, offset, len, false);
+  if (stopped()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  Node* ba_start = array_element_address(ba, offset, T_BYTE);
+  Node* result = new HasNegativesNode(control(), memory(TypeAryPtr::BYTES), ba_start, len);
+  set_result(_gvn.transform(result));
   return true;
@@ -1124,30 +1143,10 @@
     tgt_count = _gvn.transform(new RShiftINode(tgt_count, intcon(1)));
-  // Check for substr count > string count
-  Node* cmp = _gvn.transform(new CmpINode(tgt_count, src_count));
-  Node* bol = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::gt));
-  Node* if_gt = generate_slow_guard(bol, NULL);
-  if (if_gt != NULL) {
-    result_phi->init_req(2, intcon(-1));
-    result_rgn->init_req(2, if_gt);
-  }
-  if (!stopped()) {
-    // Check for substr count == 0
-    cmp = _gvn.transform(new CmpINode(tgt_count, intcon(0)));
-    bol = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::eq));
-    Node* if_zero = generate_slow_guard(bol, NULL);
-    if (if_zero != NULL) {
-      result_phi->init_req(3, intcon(0));
-      result_rgn->init_req(3, if_zero);
-    }
-  }
-  if (!stopped()) {
-    Node* result = make_string_method_node(Op_StrIndexOf, src_start, src_count, tgt_start, tgt_count, ae);
-    result_phi->init_req(1, result);
-    result_rgn->init_req(1, control());
+  Node* result = make_indexOf_node(src_start, src_count, tgt_start, tgt_count, result_rgn, result_phi, ae);
+  if (result != NULL) {
+    result_phi->init_req(3, result);
+    result_rgn->init_req(3, control());
@@ -1158,44 +1157,53 @@
 bool LibraryCallKit::inline_string_indexOfI(StrIntrinsicNode::ArgEnc ae) {
+  if (too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic)) {
+    return false;
+  }
   if (!Matcher::has_match_rule(Op_StrIndexOf) || !UseSSE42Intrinsics) {
     return false;
   assert(callee()->signature()->size() == 5, "String.indexOf() has 5 arguments");
   Node* src         = argument(0); // byte[]
-  Node* src_count   = argument(1);
+  Node* src_count   = argument(1); // char count
   Node* tgt         = argument(2); // byte[]
-  Node* tgt_count   = argument(3);
-  Node* from_index  = argument(4);
-  // Java code which calls this method has range checks for from_index value.
-  src_count = _gvn.transform(new SubINode(src_count, from_index));
+  Node* tgt_count   = argument(3); // char count
+  Node* from_index  = argument(4); // char index
   // Multiply byte array index by 2 if String is UTF16 encoded
   Node* src_offset = (ae == StrIntrinsicNode::LL) ? from_index : _gvn.transform(new LShiftINode(from_index, intcon(1)));
+  src_count = _gvn.transform(new SubINode(src_count, from_index));
   Node* src_start = array_element_address(src, src_offset, T_BYTE);
   Node* tgt_start = array_element_address(tgt, intcon(0), T_BYTE);
-  Node* result = make_string_method_node(Op_StrIndexOf, src_start, src_count, tgt_start, tgt_count, ae);
-  // The result is index relative to from_index if substring was found, -1 otherwise.
-  // Generate code which will fold into cmove.
-  RegionNode* region = new RegionNode(3);
+  // Range checks
+  generate_string_range_check(src, src_offset, src_count, ae != StrIntrinsicNode::LL);
+  generate_string_range_check(tgt, intcon(0), tgt_count, ae == StrIntrinsicNode::UU);
+  if (stopped()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  RegionNode* region = new RegionNode(5);
   Node* phi = new PhiNode(region, TypeInt::INT);
-  Node* cmp = _gvn.transform(new CmpINode(result, intcon(0)));
-  Node* bol = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::lt));
-  Node* if_lt = generate_slow_guard(bol, NULL);
-  if (if_lt != NULL) {
-    // result == -1
-    phi->init_req(2, result);
-    region->init_req(2, if_lt);
-  }
-  if (!stopped()) {
-    result = _gvn.transform(new AddINode(result, from_index));
-    phi->init_req(1, result);
-    region->init_req(1, control());
+  Node* result = make_indexOf_node(src_start, src_count, tgt_start, tgt_count, region, phi, ae);
+  if (result != NULL) {
+    // The result is index relative to from_index if substring was found, -1 otherwise.
+    // Generate code which will fold into cmove.
+    Node* cmp = _gvn.transform(new CmpINode(result, intcon(0)));
+    Node* bol = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::lt));
+    Node* if_lt = generate_slow_guard(bol, NULL);
+    if (if_lt != NULL) {
+      // result == -1
+      phi->init_req(3, result);
+      region->init_req(3, if_lt);
+    }
+    if (!stopped()) {
+      result = _gvn.transform(new AddINode(result, from_index));
+      phi->init_req(4, result);
+      region->init_req(4, control());
+    }
@@ -1205,8 +1213,38 @@
   return true;
+// Create StrIndexOfNode with fast path checks
+Node* LibraryCallKit::make_indexOf_node(Node* src_start, Node* src_count, Node* tgt_start, Node* tgt_count,
+                                        RegionNode* region, Node* phi, StrIntrinsicNode::ArgEnc ae) {
+  // Check for substr count > string count
+  Node* cmp = _gvn.transform(new CmpINode(tgt_count, src_count));
+  Node* bol = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::gt));
+  Node* if_gt = generate_slow_guard(bol, NULL);
+  if (if_gt != NULL) {
+    phi->init_req(1, intcon(-1));
+    region->init_req(1, if_gt);
+  }
+  if (!stopped()) {
+    // Check for substr count == 0
+    cmp = _gvn.transform(new CmpINode(tgt_count, intcon(0)));
+    bol = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::eq));
+    Node* if_zero = generate_slow_guard(bol, NULL);
+    if (if_zero != NULL) {
+      phi->init_req(2, intcon(0));
+      region->init_req(2, if_zero);
+    }
+  }
+  if (!stopped()) {
+    return make_string_method_node(Op_StrIndexOf, src_start, src_count, tgt_start, tgt_count, ae);
+  }
+  return NULL;
 bool LibraryCallKit::inline_string_indexOfChar() {
+  if (too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic)) {
+    return false;
+  }
   if (!Matcher::has_match_rule(Op_StrIndexOfChar) || !(UseSSE > 4)) {
     return false;
@@ -1218,9 +1256,14 @@
   Node* src_offset = _gvn.transform(new LShiftINode(from_index, intcon(1)));
   Node* src_start = array_element_address(src, src_offset, T_BYTE);
   Node* src_count = _gvn.transform(new SubINode(max, from_index));
+  // Range checks
+  generate_string_range_check(src, src_offset, src_count, true);
+  if (stopped()) {
+    return true;
+  }
   RegionNode* region = new RegionNode(3);
   Node* phi = new PhiNode(region, TypeInt::INT);
@@ -1256,6 +1299,9 @@
 //   void StringLatin1.inflate(byte[] src, int srcOff, char[] dst, int dstOff, int len)
 //   void StringLatin1.inflate(byte[] src, int srcOff, byte[] dst, int dstOff, int len)
 bool LibraryCallKit::inline_string_copy(bool compress) {
+  if (too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic)) {
+    return false;
+  }
   int nargs = 5;  // 2 oops, 3 ints
   assert(callee()->signature()->size() == nargs, "string copy has 5 arguments");
@@ -1278,6 +1324,13 @@
          (!compress && src_elem == T_BYTE && (dst_elem == T_BYTE || dst_elem == T_CHAR)),
          "Unsupported array types for inline_string_copy");
+  // Range checks
+  generate_string_range_check(src, src_offset, length, compress && src_elem == T_BYTE);
+  generate_string_range_check(dst, dst_offset, length, !compress && dst_elem == T_BYTE);
+  if (stopped()) {
+    return true;
+  }
   // Convert char[] offsets to byte[] offsets
   if (compress && src_elem == T_BYTE) {
     src_offset = _gvn.transform(new LShiftINode(src_offset, intcon(1)));
@@ -1329,6 +1382,9 @@
 // public static byte[] StringUTF16.toBytes(char[] value, int off, int len)
 bool LibraryCallKit::inline_string_toBytesU() {
+  if (too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic)) {
+    return false;
+  }
   // Get the arguments.
   Node* value     = argument(0);
   Node* offset    = argument(1);
@@ -1347,8 +1403,11 @@
     RegionNode* bailout = new RegionNode(1);
+    // Range checks
+    generate_negative_guard(offset, bailout);
+    generate_negative_guard(length, bailout);
+    generate_limit_guard(offset, length, load_array_length(value), bailout);
     // Make sure that resulting byte[] length does not overflow Integer.MAX_VALUE
-    generate_negative_guard(length, bailout);
     generate_limit_guard(length, intcon(0), intcon(max_jint/2), bailout);
     if (bailout->req() > 1) {
@@ -1357,9 +1416,9 @@
-    if (stopped()) return true;
-    // Range checks are done by caller.
+    if (stopped()) {
+      return true;
+    }
     Node* size = _gvn.transform(new LShiftINode(length, intcon(1)));
     Node* klass_node = makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(ciTypeArrayKlass::make(T_BYTE)));
@@ -1412,12 +1471,14 @@
-// public void StringUTF16.getChars(byte[] value, int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char dst[], int dstBegin)
+// public void StringUTF16.getChars(byte[] src, int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char dst[], int dstBegin)
 bool LibraryCallKit::inline_string_getCharsU() {
-  if (too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic))  return false;
+  if (too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic)) {
+    return false;
+  }
   // Get the arguments.
-  Node* value     = argument(0);
+  Node* src       = argument(0);
   Node* src_begin = argument(1);
   Node* src_end   = argument(2); // exclusive offset (i < src_end)
   Node* dst       = argument(3);
@@ -1428,21 +1489,26 @@
   AllocateArrayNode* alloc = tightly_coupled_allocation(dst, NULL);
   // Check if a null path was taken unconditionally.
-  value = null_check(value);
+  src = null_check(src);
   dst = null_check(dst);
   if (stopped()) {
     return true;
-  // Range checks are done by caller.
   // Get length and convert char[] offset to byte[] offset
   Node* length = _gvn.transform(new SubINode(src_end, src_begin));
   src_begin = _gvn.transform(new LShiftINode(src_begin, intcon(1)));
+  // Range checks
+  generate_string_range_check(src, src_begin, length, true);
+  generate_string_range_check(dst, dst_begin, length, false);
+  if (stopped()) {
+    return true;
+  }
   if (!stopped()) {
     // Calculate starting addresses.
-    Node* src_start = array_element_address(value, src_begin, T_BYTE);
+    Node* src_start = array_element_address(src, src_begin, T_BYTE);
     Node* dst_start = array_element_address(dst, dst_begin, T_CHAR);
     // Check if array addresses are aligned to HeapWordSize
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/node.cpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/node.cpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -316,6 +316,9 @@
 // Create a Node, with a given number of required edges.
 Node::Node(uint req)
   : _idx(Init(req))
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  , _parse_idx(_idx)
   assert( req < Compile::current()->max_node_limit() - NodeLimitFudgeFactor, "Input limit exceeded" );
   debug_only( verify_construction() );
@@ -335,6 +338,9 @@
 Node::Node(Node *n0)
   : _idx(Init(1))
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  , _parse_idx(_idx)
   debug_only( verify_construction() );
@@ -347,6 +353,9 @@
 Node::Node(Node *n0, Node *n1)
   : _idx(Init(2))
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  , _parse_idx(_idx)
   debug_only( verify_construction() );
@@ -361,6 +370,9 @@
 Node::Node(Node *n0, Node *n1, Node *n2)
   : _idx(Init(3))
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  , _parse_idx(_idx)
   debug_only( verify_construction() );
@@ -377,6 +389,9 @@
 Node::Node(Node *n0, Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *n3)
   : _idx(Init(4))
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  , _parse_idx(_idx)
   debug_only( verify_construction() );
@@ -395,6 +410,9 @@
 Node::Node(Node *n0, Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *n3, Node *n4)
   : _idx(Init(5))
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  , _parse_idx(_idx)
   debug_only( verify_construction() );
@@ -416,6 +434,9 @@
 Node::Node(Node *n0, Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *n3,
                      Node *n4, Node *n5)
   : _idx(Init(6))
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  , _parse_idx(_idx)
   debug_only( verify_construction() );
@@ -439,6 +460,9 @@
 Node::Node(Node *n0, Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *n3,
                      Node *n4, Node *n5, Node *n6)
   : _idx(Init(7))
+#ifdef ASSERT
+  , _parse_idx(_idx)
   debug_only( verify_construction() );
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/node.hpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/node.hpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -293,10 +293,16 @@
   // Each Node is assigned a unique small/dense number.  This number is used
-  // to index into auxiliary arrays of data and bitvectors.
-  // It is declared const to defend against inadvertant assignment,
-  // since it is used by clients as a naked field.
+  // to index into auxiliary arrays of data and bit vectors.
+  // The field _idx is declared constant to defend against inadvertent assignments,
+  // since it is used by clients as a naked field. However, the field's value can be
+  // changed using the set_idx() method.
+  //
+  // The PhaseRenumberLive phase renumbers nodes based on liveness information.
+  // Therefore, it updates the value of the _idx field. The parse-time _idx is
+  // preserved in _parse_idx.
   const node_idx_t _idx;
+  DEBUG_ONLY(const node_idx_t _parse_idx;)
   // Get the (read-only) number of input edges
   uint req() const { return _cnt; }
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/phase.cpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/phase.cpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
          tty->print_cr("           Other:               %7.3f s", other);
+    tty->print_cr ("         Renumber Live:       %7.3f s", timers[_t_renumberLive].seconds());
     tty->print_cr ("         IdealLoop:           %7.3f s", timers[_t_idealLoop].seconds());
     tty->print_cr ("         IdealLoop Verify:    %7.3f s", timers[_t_idealLoopVerify].seconds());
     tty->print_cr ("         Cond Const Prop:     %7.3f s", timers[_t_ccp].seconds());
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@
       (timers[_t_escapeAnalysis].seconds() +
        timers[_t_iterGVN].seconds() +
        timers[_t_incrInline].seconds() +
+       timers[_t_renumberLive].seconds() +
        timers[_t_idealLoop].seconds() +
        timers[_t_idealLoopVerify].seconds() +
        timers[_t_ccp].seconds() +
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/phase.hpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/phase.hpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -42,22 +42,23 @@
 class Phase : public StackObj {
   enum PhaseNumber {
-    Compiler,                   // Top-level compiler phase
-    Parser,                     // Parse bytecodes
-    Remove_Useless,             // Remove useless nodes
-    Optimistic,                 // Optimistic analysis phase
-    GVN,                        // Pessimistic global value numbering phase
-    Ins_Select,                 // Instruction selection phase
-    CFG,                        // Build a CFG
-    BlockLayout,                // Linear ordering of blocks
-    Register_Allocation,        // Register allocation, duh
-    LIVE,                       // Dragon-book LIVE range problem
-    StringOpts,                 // StringBuilder related optimizations
-    Interference_Graph,         // Building the IFG
-    Coalesce,                   // Coalescing copies
-    Ideal_Loop,                 // Find idealized trip-counted loops
-    Macro_Expand,               // Expand macro nodes
-    Peephole,                   // Apply peephole optimizations
+    Compiler,                         // Top-level compiler phase
+    Parser,                           // Parse bytecodes
+    Remove_Useless,                   // Remove useless nodes
+    Remove_Useless_And_Renumber_Live, // First, remove useless nodes from the graph. Then, renumber live nodes.
+    Optimistic,                       // Optimistic analysis phase
+    GVN,                              // Pessimistic global value numbering phase
+    Ins_Select,                       // Instruction selection phase
+    CFG,                              // Build a CFG
+    BlockLayout,                      // Linear ordering of blocks
+    Register_Allocation,              // Register allocation, duh
+    LIVE,                             // Dragon-book LIVE range problem
+    StringOpts,                       // StringBuilder related optimizations
+    Interference_Graph,               // Building the IFG
+    Coalesce,                         // Coalescing copies
+    Ideal_Loop,                       // Find idealized trip-counted loops
+    Macro_Expand,                     // Expand macro nodes
+    Peephole,                         // Apply peephole optimizations
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@
+      _t_renumberLive,
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/phaseX.cpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/phaseX.cpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
 // 1) Use a breadthfirst walk to collect useful nodes reachable from root.
-PhaseRemoveUseless::PhaseRemoveUseless( PhaseGVN *gvn, Unique_Node_List *worklist ) : Phase(Remove_Useless),
+PhaseRemoveUseless::PhaseRemoveUseless(PhaseGVN *gvn, Unique_Node_List *worklist, PhaseNumber phase_num) : Phase(phase_num),
   _useful(Thread::current()->resource_area()) {
   // Implementation requires 'UseLoopSafepoints == true' and an edge from root
@@ -443,6 +443,82 @@
+// First, remove useless nodes (equivalent to identifying live nodes).
+// Then, renumber live nodes.
+// The set of live nodes is returned by PhaseRemoveUseless in the _useful structure.
+// If the number of live nodes is 'x' (where 'x' == _useful.size()), then the
+// PhaseRenumberLive updates the node ID of each node (the _idx field) with a unique
+// value in the range [0, x).
+// At the end of the PhaseRenumberLive phase, the compiler's count of unique nodes is
+// updated to 'x' and the list of dead nodes is reset (as there are no dead nodes).
+// The PhaseRenumberLive phase updates two data structures with the new node IDs.
+// (1) The worklist is used by the PhaseIterGVN phase to identify nodes that must be
+// processed. A new worklist (with the updated node IDs) is returned in 'new_worklist'.
+// (2) Type information (the field PhaseGVN::_types) maps type information to each
+// node ID. The mapping is updated to use the new node IDs as well. Updated type
+// information is returned in PhaseGVN::_types.
+// The PhaseRenumberLive phase does not preserve the order of elements in the worklist.
+// Other data structures used by the compiler are not updated. The hash table for value
+// numbering (the field PhaseGVN::_table) is not updated because computing the hash
+// values is not based on node IDs. The field PhaseGVN::_nodes is not updated either
+// because it is empty wherever PhaseRenumberLive is used.
+PhaseRenumberLive::PhaseRenumberLive(PhaseGVN* gvn,
+                                     Unique_Node_List* worklist, Unique_Node_List* new_worklist,
+                                     PhaseNumber phase_num) :
+  PhaseRemoveUseless(gvn, worklist, Remove_Useless_And_Renumber_Live) {
+  assert(RenumberLiveNodes, "RenumberLiveNodes must be set to true for node renumbering to take place");
+  assert(C->live_nodes() == _useful.size(), "the number of live nodes must match the number of useful nodes");
+  assert(gvn->nodes_size() == 0, "GVN must not contain any nodes at this point");
+  uint old_unique_count = C->unique();
+  uint live_node_count = C->live_nodes();
+  uint worklist_size = worklist->size();
+  // Storage for the updated type information.
+  Type_Array new_type_array(C->comp_arena());
+  // Iterate over the set of live nodes.
+  uint current_idx = 0; // The current new node ID. Incremented after every assignment.
+  for (uint i = 0; i < _useful.size(); i++) {
+    Node* n =;
+    const Type* type = gvn->type_or_null(n);
+, type);
+    bool in_worklist = false;
+    if (worklist->member(n)) {
+      in_worklist = true;
+    }
+    n->set_idx(current_idx); // Update node ID.
+    if (in_worklist) {
+      new_worklist->push(n);
+    }
+    current_idx++;
+  }
+  assert(worklist_size == new_worklist->size(), "the new worklist must have the same size as the original worklist");
+  assert(live_node_count == current_idx, "all live nodes must be processed");
+  // Replace the compiler's type information with the updated type information.
+  gvn->replace_types(new_type_array);
+  // Update the unique node count of the compilation to the number of currently live nodes.
+  C->set_unique(live_node_count);
+  // Set the dead node count to 0 and reset dead node list.
+  C->reset_dead_node_list();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/phaseX.hpp	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/phaseX.hpp	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -148,11 +148,21 @@
   Unique_Node_List _useful;   // Nodes reachable from root
                               // list is allocated from current resource area
-  PhaseRemoveUseless( PhaseGVN *gvn, Unique_Node_List *worklist );
+  PhaseRemoveUseless(PhaseGVN *gvn, Unique_Node_List *worklist, PhaseNumber phase_num = Remove_Useless);
   Unique_Node_List *get_useful() { return &_useful; }
+// Phase that first performs a PhaseRemoveUseless, then it renumbers compiler
+// structures accordingly.
+class PhaseRenumberLive : public PhaseRemoveUseless {
+  PhaseRenumberLive(PhaseGVN* gvn,
+                    Unique_Node_List* worklist, Unique_Node_List* new_worklist,
+                    PhaseNumber phase_num = Remove_Useless_And_Renumber_Live);
 // Phases that analyze, then transform.  Constructing the Phase object does any
@@ -162,7 +172,7 @@
 class PhaseTransform : public Phase {
   Arena*     _arena;
-  Node_Array _nodes;           // Map old node indices to new nodes.
+  Node_List  _nodes;           // Map old node indices to new nodes.
   Type_Array _types;           // Map old node indices to Types.
   // ConNode caches:
@@ -187,7 +197,13 @@
   Arena*      arena()   { return _arena; }
   Type_Array& types()   { return _types; }
+  void replace_types(Type_Array new_types) {
+    _types = new_types;
+  }
   // _nodes is used in varying ways by subclasses, which define local accessors
+  uint nodes_size() {
+    return _nodes.size();
+  }
   // Get a previously recorded type for the node n.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/codegen/8144028/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8144028
+ * @summary Use AArch64 bit-test instructions in C2
+ * @modules java.base
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbatch -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,BitTests::* -XX:-TieredCompilation BitTests
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbatch -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 BitTests
+ * @run main/othervm -Xbatch -XX:+TieredCompilation BitTests
+ *
+ */
+// Try to ensure that the bit test instructions TBZ/TBNZ, TST/TSTW
+// don't generate incorrect code.  We can't guarantee that C2 will use
+// bit test instructions for this test and it's not a bug if it
+// doesn't.  However, these test cases are ideal candidates for each
+// of the instruction forms.
+public class BitTests {
+    private final XorShift r = new XorShift();
+    private final long increment(long ctr) {
+        return ctr + 1;
+    }
+    private final int increment(int ctr) {
+        return ctr + 1;
+    }
+    private final long testIntSignedBranch(long counter) {
+        if ((int)r.nextLong() < 0) {
+            counter = increment(counter);
+        }
+        return counter;
+    }
+    private final long testLongSignedBranch(long counter) {
+        if (r.nextLong() < 0) {
+            counter = increment(counter);
+        }
+        return counter;
+    }
+    private final long testIntBitBranch(long counter) {
+        if (((int)r.nextLong() & (1 << 27)) != 0) {
+            counter = increment(counter);
+        }
+        if (((int)r.nextLong() & (1 << 27)) != 0) {
+            counter = increment(counter);
+        }
+        return counter;
+    }
+    private final long testLongBitBranch(long counter) {
+        if ((r.nextLong() & (1l << 50)) != 0) {
+            counter = increment(counter);
+        }
+        if ((r.nextLong() & (1l << 50)) != 0) {
+            counter = increment(counter);
+        }
+        return counter;
+    }
+    private final long testLongMaskBranch(long counter) {
+        if (((r.nextLong() & 0x0800000000l) != 0)) {
+            counter++;
+        }
+       return counter;
+    }
+    private final long testIntMaskBranch(long counter) {
+        if ((((int)r.nextLong() & 0x08) != 0)) {
+            counter++;
+        }
+        return counter;
+    }
+    private final long testLongMaskBranch(long counter, long mask) {
+        if (((r.nextLong() & mask) != 0)) {
+            counter++;
+        }
+       return counter;
+    }
+    private final long testIntMaskBranch(long counter, int mask) {
+        if ((((int)r.nextLong() & mask) != 0)) {
+            counter++;
+        }
+        return counter;
+    }
+    private final long step(long counter) {
+        counter = testIntSignedBranch(counter);
+        counter = testLongSignedBranch(counter);
+        counter = testIntBitBranch(counter);
+        counter = testLongBitBranch(counter);
+        counter = testIntMaskBranch(counter);
+        counter = testLongMaskBranch(counter);
+        counter = testIntMaskBranch(counter, 0x8000);
+        counter = testLongMaskBranch(counter, 0x800000000l);
+        return counter;
+    }
+    private final long finalBits = 3;
+    private long bits = 7;
+    public static void main(String[] args) {
+        BitTests t = new BitTests();
+        long counter = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
+            counter = t.step((int) counter);
+        }
+        if (counter != 50001495) {
+            System.err.println("FAILED: counter = " + counter + ", should be 50001495.");
+            System.exit(97);
+        }
+        System.out.println("PASSED");
+    }
+// Marsaglia's xor-shift generator, used here because it is
+// reproducible across all Java implementations.  It is also very
+// fast.
+class XorShift {
+    private long y;
+    XorShift() {
+        y = 2463534242l;
+    }
+    public long nextLong() {
+        y ^= (y << 13);
+        y ^= (y >>> 17);
+        return (y ^= (y << 5));
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/intrinsics/string/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8142303
+ * @summary Tests handling of invalid array indices in C2 intrinsic if explicit range check in Java code is not inlined.
+ * @run main/othervm -XX:CompileCommand=inline,java.lang.String::* -XX:CompileCommand=inline,java.lang.StringUTF16::* -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,java.lang.String::checkBoundsOffCount TestStringConstruction
+ */
+public class TestStringConstruction {
+    public static void main(String[] args) {
+        char[] chars = new char[42];
+        for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; ++i) {
+            test(chars);
+        }
+    }
+    private static String test(char[] chars) {
+        try {
+            // The constructor calls String::checkBoundsOffCount(-1, 42) to perform
+            // range checks on offset and count. If this method is not inlined, C2
+            // does not know about the explicit range checks and does not cut off the
+            // dead code. As a result, -1 is fed as offset into the StringUTF16.compress
+            // intrinsic which is replaced by TOP and causes a failure in the matcher.
+            return new String(chars, -1 , 42);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            return "";
+        }
+    }
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/jvmci/errors/	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/jvmci/errors/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
     protected void installCode(CompilationResult result) {
+        result.close();
         codeCache.addCode(dummyMethod, result, null, null);
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/jvmci/errors/	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/jvmci/errors/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -219,13 +219,6 @@
     @Test(expected = JVMCIError.class)
-    public void testUnknownInfopointReason() {
-        CompilationResult result = createEmptyCompilationResult();
-        result.addInfopoint(new Infopoint(0, null, InfopointReason.UNKNOWN));
-        installCode(result);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = JVMCIError.class)
     public void testInfopointMissingDebugInfo() {
         CompilationResult result = createEmptyCompilationResult();
         result.addInfopoint(new Infopoint(0, null, InfopointReason.METHOD_START));
--- a/hotspot/test/compiler/jvmci/events/	Thu Dec 10 08:17:03 2015 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/test/compiler/jvmci/events/	Thu Dec 10 09:24:59 2015 -0800
@@ -106,13 +106,12 @@
         HotSpotCompilationRequest compRequest = new HotSpotCompilationRequest(method, -1, 0L);
         // to pass sanity check of default -1
+        compResult.close();
         codeCache.installCode(compRequest, compResult, /* installedCode = */ null, /* speculationLog = */ null,
                 /* isDefault = */ false);
         Asserts.assertEQ(gotInstallNotification, 1,
                 "Got unexpected event count after 1st install attempt");
         // since "empty" compilation result is ok, a second attempt should be ok
-        compResult = new CompilationResult(METHOD_NAME); // create another instance with fresh state
-        compResult.setTotalFrameSize(0);
         codeCache.installCode(compRequest, compResult, /* installedCode = */ null, /* speculationLog = */ null,
                 /* isDefault = */ false);
         Asserts.assertEQ(gotInstallNotification, 2,