8172312: Update docs target and image for new combined docs
Wed, 19 Apr 2017 10:24:42 +0200
changeset 44725 8747b14eb49c
parent 44724 8efb5c82a573
child 44726 04aa2c065f5c
8172312: Update docs target and image for new combined docs Reviewed-by: erikj, mchung Contributed-by: Magnus Ihse Bursie <magnus.ihse.bursie@oracle.com>, Mandy Chung <mandy.chung@oracle.com>
--- a/make/Javadoc.gmk	Mon Apr 17 19:23:42 2017 -0700
+++ b/make/Javadoc.gmk	Wed Apr 19 10:24:42 2017 +0200
@@ -26,28 +26,24 @@
 include $(SPEC)
 include MakeBase.gmk
+include Modules.gmk
+include ZipArchive.gmk
 include $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/Tools.gmk
 include $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/ModuleTools.gmk
+# This is needed to properly setup DOCS_MODULES.
+$(eval $(call ReadImportMetaData))
+# Javadoc settings
-# List of all possible directories for javadoc to look for sources
-# Allow custom to overwrite.
-      $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/* \
-      $(addsuffix /*, $(IMPORT_MODULES_SRC)) \
-      $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/*/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/classes \
-      $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/*/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)/classes \
-      $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/*/share/classes \
-      $(HOTSPOT_TOPDIR)/src/*/share/classes \
-      $(LANGTOOLS_TOPDIR)/src/*/share/classes \
-      $(NASHORN_TOPDIR)/src/*/share/classes \
-      $(CORBA_TOPDIR)/src/*/share/classes \
-      $(JAXP_TOPDIR)/src/*/share/classes \
-      $(JAXWS_TOPDIR)/src/*/share/classes \
-      $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/rmic/* \
-      $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/*/share/doc/stub \
-      #
+# All modules to have docs generated by docs-javadoc target
+# On top of the sources that was used to compile the JDK, we need some
+# extra java.rmi sources that are used just for javadoc.
+JAVADOC_SOURCE_PATH := $(call PathList, $(call GetModuleSrcPath) \
+    $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/rmic/* $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/*/share/doc/stub)
 # Should we use -Xdocrootparent? Allow custom to overwrite.
@@ -55,113 +51,11 @@
 # URLs
 JAVADOC_BASE_URL := http://docs.oracle.com/javase/$(VERSION_SPECIFICATION)/docs
 BUG_SUBMIT_URL := http://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/
-# Text snippets
-FULL_COMPANY_NAME := Oracle and/or its affiliates
-COMPANY_ADDRESS := 500 Oracle Parkway<br>Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
-BUG_SUBMIT_LINE := <a href="$(BUG_SUBMIT_URL)">Submit a bug or feature</a>
-COMMON_BOTTOM_TEXT := $(BUG_SUBMIT_LINE)<br> Java is a trademark or registered \
-    trademark of $(FULL_COMPANY_NAME) in the US and other countries.
-CORE_BOTTOM_COPYRIGHT_URL := {@docroot}/../legal/cpyr.html
-    <br>For further API reference and developer documentation, see \
-    <a href="$(JAVADOC_BASE_URL)/index.html" target="_blank">Java SE \
-    Documentation</a>. That documentation contains more detailed, \
-    developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of \
-    terms, workarounds, and working code examples.
-ifeq ($(VERSION_IS_GA), true)
-  # We need a draft format when not building the GA version.
-  DRAFT_MARKER := <br><strong>DRAFT&nbsp;$(VERSION_STRING)</strong>
-  ifeq ($(VERSION_BUILD), 0)
-    DRAFT_WINDOW_TITLE_MARKER := $(SPACE)[ad-hoc build]
-  else
-  endif
-      <div style="background-color: $(HASH)EEEEEE"><div style="padding: 6px; \
-      margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 6px; margin-left: 6px; margin-right: \
-      6px; text-align: justify; font-size: 80%; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, \
-      sans-serif; font-weight: normal;">Please note that the specifications \
-      and other information contained herein are not final and are subject to \
-      change. The information is being made available to you solely for \
-      purpose of evaluation.</div></div>
-# Special treatment for the core package list. All separate "small" javadoc
-# invocation needs to be able to see the core package list.
-ALL_PKG_DIRS := $(dir $(filter %.java, $(call CacheFind, \
-    $(wildcard $(JAVADOC_SOURCE_DIRS)))))
-ALL_SRC_PREFIXES := $(addsuffix /%, $(wildcard $(JAVADOC_SOURCE_DIRS)))
-ALL_PKG_DIRNAMES := $(foreach prefix, $(ALL_SRC_PREFIXES), \
-    $(patsubst $(prefix),%, $(filter $(prefix), $(ALL_PKG_DIRS))))
-ALL_PACKAGES := $(sort $(subst /,., $(patsubst %/, %, $(ALL_PKG_DIRNAMES))))
-# Core packages are all packages beginning with java, javax or org, except a few
-# excludes.
-JAVA_PACKAGES := $(filter java.%, $(ALL_PACKAGES))
-JAVAX_PACKAGES := $(filter javax.%, $(ALL_PACKAGES))
-ORG_PACKAGES := $(filter org.%, $(ALL_PACKAGES))
-# Allow custom makefile to add more excluded packages
-    java.awt.dnd.peer \
-    java.awt.peer \
-    javax.smartcardio \
-    org.jcp.xml.dsig.internal% \
-    org.w3c.dom.css \
-    org.w3c.dom.html \
-    org.w3c.dom.stylesheets \
-    org.w3c.dom.xpath \
-    org.graalvm.compiler.% \
-    #
-    $(CORE_PACKAGES_LIST_FILE).vardeps)
-	$(call MakeDir, $(@D))
-	$(eval $(call ListPathsSafely, CORE_PACKAGES, $@))
-# Support functions for SetupJavadocGeneration
-# Generate the text used in the -bottom argument.
-# Note that COPYRIGHT_YEAR is the current year (from spec.gmk)
-# Arguments:
-# arg 1: first copyright year
-# arg 2: copyright url (optional)
-# arg 3: free-form text snippet (optional)
-define GenerateBottom
-  <span style="font-size:smaller">$(if $(strip $3), $(strip $3))<br> $(if \
-      $(strip $2),<a href="$(strip $2)">Copyright</a>,Copyright) \
-      &copy; $(strip $1), $(COPYRIGHT_YEAR), $(FULL_COMPANY_NAME). \
-      $(COMPANY_ADDRESS). All rights reserved.</span>
-# Speed up finding by filling cache
-$(eval $(call FillCacheFind, $(wildcard $(JAVADOC_SOURCE_DIRS))))
+COPYRIGHT_URL := {@docroot}/../legal/cpyr.html
 # In order to get a specific ordering it's necessary to specify the total
 # ordering of tags as the tags are otherwise ordered in order of definition.
     -tag beaninfo:X \
     -tag revised:X \
     -tag since.unbundled:X \
@@ -187,8 +81,13 @@
     -tagletpath $(BUILDTOOLS_OUTPUTDIR)/jdk_tools_classes \
-DEFAULT_JAVADOC_OPTIONS := -XDignore.symbol.file=true -use -keywords -notimestamp \
-    -serialwarn -encoding ISO-8859-1 -breakiterator --system none
+# Which doclint checks to ignore
+JAVADOC_DISABLED_DOCLINT := accessibility html missing syntax reference
+# The initial set of options for javadoc
+JAVADOC_OPTIONS := -XDignore.symbol.file=true -use -keywords -notimestamp \
+    -serialwarn -encoding ISO-8859-1 -breakiterator -splitIndex --system none \
+    --expand-requires transitive
 # TODO: this should be set by the configure option.
@@ -197,504 +96,163 @@
+# Should we add DRAFT stamps to the generated javadoc?
+ifeq ($(VERSION_IS_GA), true)
+  IS_DRAFT := false
+  IS_DRAFT := true
-# Setup make rules for running javadoc.
-# Parameter 1 is the name of the rule. This name is used as variable prefix,
-# and the targets generated are listed in a variable by that name. Note that
-# the index.html file will work as a "touch file" for all the magnitude of
-# files that are generated by javadoc.
-# Remaining parameters are named arguments. These include:
-#   MODULES - Modules to include
-#   PACKAGES - Packages to include
-#   IS_CORE - Set to TRUE for the Core API package which needs special treatment
-#   API_ROOT - Where to base the documentation (jre or jdk)
-#   DEST_DIR - A directory relative to the API root
-#   OVERVIEW - Path to a html overview file
-#   TITLE - Default title to use for the more specific versions below
-#   WINDOW_TITLE - Title to use in -windowtitle. Computed from TITLE if empty.
-#   HEADER_TITLE - Title to use in -header. Computed from TITLE if empty.
-#   DOC_TITLE - Title to use in -doctitle. Computed from TITLE if empty.
-#   FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR - First year this bundle was introduced
-#   DISABLED_DOCLINT - Doclint warnings to exclude.
-#   DOCLINT_PACKAGES - Optional -Xdoclint/package value
-#   SPLIT_INDEX - Enable -splitIndex (split index-all.html if it is too large)
-#   BOTTOM_COPYRIGHT_URL - Copyright URL to use in -bottom
-#   BOTTOM_TEXT - Extra text to use in -bottom
-#   EXTRA_TOP - Additional -top data
-SetupJavadocGeneration = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
-define SetupJavadocGenerationBody
-  ifeq ($$($1_IS_CORE), TRUE)
-    $1_JAVA := $$(JAVA)
-    $1_OUTPUT_DIRNAME := api
-  else
-    $1_JAVA := $$(JAVA_SMALL)
-    $1_OUTPUT_DIRNAME := $$($1_API_ROOT)/api/$$($1_DEST_DIR)
-    # Compute a relative path to core root.
-    # The non-core api javadocs need to be able to access the root of the core
-    # api directory, so for jdk/api or jre/api to get to the core api/
-    # directory we would use this
-    $1_RELATIVE_CORE_DIR := $$(call DirToDotDot, $$($1_OUTPUT_DIRNAME))/api
-    # We need to tell javadoc the directory in which to find the core package-list
-    $1_OPTIONS += -linkoffline $$($1_RELATIVE_CORE_DIR) $$(CORE_PACKAGES_LIST_DIR)
-  endif
-  $1_OPTIONS += --add-modules $$(call CommaList, $$($1_MODULES))
-  ifneq ($$($1_DISABLED_DOCLINT), )
-    # Create a string like ",-syntax,-html"
-    $1_DOCLINT_EXCEPTIONS := ,$$(call CommaList, $$(addprefix -, $$($1_DISABLED_DOCLINT)))
-  endif
-  $1_OPTIONS += -Xdoclint:all$$($1_DOCLINT_EXCEPTIONS)
-  ifneq ($$($1_DOCLINT_PACKAGES), )
-    $1_OPTIONS += -Xdoclint/package:$$(call CommaList, $$($1_DOCLINT_PACKAGES))
-  endif
-  ifeq ($$($1_DOC_TITLE), )
-    $1_DOC_TITLE := $$($1_TITLE)
-  endif
-  $1_OPTIONS += -doctitle '$$($1_DOC_TITLE)'
-  ifeq ($$($1_WINDOW_TITLE), )
-    $1_WINDOW_TITLE := $$(strip $$(subst &trade;,, $$($1_TITLE)))
-  endif
-  $1_OPTIONS += -windowtitle '$$($1_WINDOW_TITLE)$$(DRAFT_WINDOW_TITLE_MARKER)'
+# General text snippets
-  ifeq ($$($1_HEADER_TITLE), )
-    $1_HEADER_TITLE := $$(strip $$(subst &trade;,, $$($1_TITLE)))
-  endif
-  $1_OPTIONS += -header '<strong>$$($1_HEADER_TITLE)</strong>$$(DRAFT_MARKER)'
-  ifneq ($$($1_EXTRA_TOP), )
-    $1_OPTIONS += -top '$$($1_EXTRA_TOP)'
-  endif
-  ifeq ($$($1_BOTTOM_TEXT), )
-  endif
-  $1_BOTTOM := $$(call GenerateBottom, $$($1_FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR), \
-  $1_OPTIONS += -bottom '$$($1_BOTTOM)$$(DRAFT_MARKER)'
-  ifneq ($$($1_OVERVIEW), )
-    $1_OPTIONS += -overview $$($1_OVERVIEW)
-    $1_DEPS +=  $$($1_OVERVIEW)
-  endif
-  ifneq ($$($1_SPLIT_INDEX), )
-    $1_OPTIONS += -splitIndex
-  endif
-  ifneq ($$($DOCROOTPARENT_FLAG), )
-    $1_OPTIONS += -Xdocrootparent $(JAVADOC_BASE_URL)
-  endif
-  $1_VARDEPS := $$($1_OPTIONS) $$($1_PACKAGES)
-  $1_VARDEPS_FILE := $$(call DependOnVariable, $1_VARDEPS, \
-       $$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/docs/$1.vardeps)
+FULL_COMPANY_NAME := Oracle and/or its affiliates
+COMPANY_ADDRESS := 500 Oracle Parkway<br>Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
-  # Do not store debug level options in VARDEPS.
-  ifneq ($$(LOG_LEVEL), trace)
-    $1_OPTIONS += -quiet
+ifeq ($(IS_DRAFT), true)
+  DRAFT_MARKER_STR := <br><strong>DRAFT $(VERSION_STRING)</strong>
+  ifeq ($(VERSION_BUILD), 0)
+    DRAFT_MARKER_TITLE := [ad-hoc build]
-    $1_OPTIONS += -verbose
-  $1_PACKAGE_DEPS := $$(call CacheFind, $$(wildcard $$(foreach p, \
-      $$(subst .,/,$$(strip $$($1_PACKAGES))), \
-      $$(addsuffix /$$p, $$(wildcard $$(JAVADOC_SOURCE_DIRS))))))
-  # If there are many packages, use an @-file...
-  ifneq ($$(word 17, $$($1_PACKAGES)), )
-    $1_PACKAGES_FILE := $$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/docs/$1.packages
-  else
-    $1_PACKAGES_ARG := $$($1_PACKAGES)
-  endif
-  # The index.html which is a marker for all the output from javadoc.
-  # Rule for actually running javadoc
-	$$(call LogWarn, Generating Javadoc from $$(words $$($1_PACKAGES)) package(s) for $$($1_OUTPUT_DIRNAME))
-	$$(call MakeDir, $$(@D))
-        ifneq ($$($1_PACKAGES_FILE), )
-	  $$(eval $$(call ListPathsSafely, $1_PACKAGES, $$($1_PACKAGES_FILE)))
-        endif
-	$$(call ExecuteWithLog, $$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/docs/$1.javadoc, \
-	    $$($1_JAVA) -Djava.awt.headless=true -DenableModuleGraph=$(ENABLE_MODULE_GRAPH) \
-		$(NEW_JAVADOC) -d $$(@D) \
-	        --module-source-path $$(call PathList, $$(JAVADOC_SOURCE_DIRS)) \
-	        $$($1_OPTIONS) $$($1_PACKAGES_ARG))
-  # The output returned will be the index.html file
-  $1 := $$($1_INDEX_FILE)
+# JDK javadoc titles/text snippets
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, coredocs, \
-    MODULES := java.se.ee, \
-    IS_CORE := TRUE, \
-    OVERVIEW := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/share/classes/overview-core.html, \
-    HEADER_TITLE := Java&trade;&nbsp;Platform<br>Standard&nbsp;Ed.&nbsp;$(VERSION_SPECIFICATION), \
-    DOC_TITLE := Java&trade; Platform$(COMMA) Standard Edition \
-      $(VERSION_SPECIFICATION)<br>API Specification, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 1993, \
-    DISABLED_DOCLINT := accessibility html missing syntax, \
-    DOCLINT_PACKAGES := -org.omg.* jdk.internal.logging.*, \
+JAVADOC_DOC_TITLE := Java&trade; Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit \
+    (JDK&trade;) $(VERSION_SPECIFICATION)<br>API Specification
+JAVADOC_HEADER_TITLE := $(subst $(SPACE),&nbsp;,$(strip \
+    <strong>Java&trade; Platform<br>Standard Ed. \
-TARGETS += $(coredocs)
+    <span style="font-size:smaller"> \
+    <a href="$(BUG_SUBMIT_URL)">Submit a bug or feature</a><br> \
+    For further API reference and developer documentation, see \
+    <a href="$(JAVADOC_BASE_URL)/index.html" target="_blank">Java SE \
+    Documentation</a>. That documentation contains more detailed, \
+    developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions \
+    of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.<br> \
+    Java is a trademark or registered trademark of $(FULL_COMPANY_NAME) in \
+    the US and other countries.<br> \
+    <a href="$(COPYRIGHT_URL)">Copyright</a> \
+    &copy; 1993, $(COPYRIGHT_YEAR), $(FULL_COMPANY_NAME). \
+    $(COMPANY_ADDRESS). All rights reserved.$(DRAFT_MARKER_STR)</span>
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, docletapi, \
-    MODULES := jdk.javadoc, \
-    PACKAGES := \
-        jdk.javadoc.doclet, \
-    API_ROOT := jdk, \
-    DEST_DIR := javadoc/doclet, \
-    TITLE := Doclet API, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 1993, \
-TARGETS += $(docletapi)
+    <div style="background-color: $(HASH)EEEEEE"><div style="padding: 6px; \
+    margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 6px; margin-left: 6px; margin-right: \
+    6px; text-align: justify; font-size: 80%; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, \
+    sans-serif; font-weight: normal;">Please note that the specifications \
+    and other information contained herein are not final and are subject to \
+    change. The information is being made available to you solely for \
+    purpose of evaluation.</div></div>
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, old-docletapi, \
-    MODULES := jdk.javadoc, \
-    PACKAGES := com.sun.javadoc, \
-    API_ROOT := jdk, \
-    DEST_DIR := javadoc/old/doclet, \
-    TITLE := Doclet API, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 1993, \
-TARGETS += $(old-docletapi)
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, tagletapi, \
-    MODULES := jdk.javadoc, \
-    PACKAGES := com.sun.tools.doclets, \
-    API_ROOT := jdk, \
-    DEST_DIR := javadoc/old/taglet, \
-    TITLE := Taglet API, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 1993, \
-TARGETS += $(tagletapi)
+# Java SE Reference javadoc titles/text snippets
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, domapi, \
-    MODULES := \
-        java.xml \
-        jdk.xml.dom, \
-    PACKAGES := \
-        org.w3c.dom \
-        org.w3c.dom.bootstrap \
-        org.w3c.dom.ls \
-        org.w3c.dom.ranges \
-        org.w3c.dom.traversal \
-        org.w3c.dom.html \
-        org.w3c.dom.stylesheets \
-        org.w3c.dom.css \
-        org.w3c.dom.events \
-        org.w3c.dom.views, \
-    API_ROOT := jre, \
-    DEST_DIR := plugin/dom, \
-    TITLE := Common DOM API, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2005, \
-    DISABLED_DOCLINT := accessibility html missing, \
-TARGETS += $(domapi)
+REFERENCE_DOC_TITLE := Java&trade; Platform, Standard Edition \
+    $(VERSION_SPECIFICATION)<br>API Specification
+# Setup call to JDK javadoc based on above settings
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, jdi, \
-    MODULES := jdk.jdi, \
-    PACKAGES := \
-        com.sun.jdi \
-        com.sun.jdi.event \
-        com.sun.jdi.request \
-        com.sun.jdi.connect \
-        com.sun.jdi.connect.spi, \
-    API_ROOT := jdk, \
-    DEST_DIR := jpda/jdi, \
-    OVERVIEW := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/jdi-overview.html, \
-    TITLE := Java&trade; Debug Interface, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 1999, \
-    DISABLED_DOCLINT := accessibility missing syntax, \
+# Create a string like "-Xdoclint:all,-syntax,-html,..."
+JAVADOC_OPTIONS += -Xdoclint:all,$(call CommaList, $(addprefix -, \
-TARGETS += $(jdi)
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, jaas, \
-    MODULES := jdk.security.auth, \
-    PACKAGES := \
-        com.sun.security.auth \
-        com.sun.security.auth.callback \
-        com.sun.security.auth.login \
-        com.sun.security.auth.module, \
-    API_ROOT := jre, \
-    DEST_DIR := security/jaas/spec, \
-    OVERVIEW := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/jaas-overview.html, \
-    TITLE := Java&trade; Authentication and Authorization Service, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 1998, \
-    DISABLED_DOCLINT := missing, \
+ifeq ($(IS_DRAFT), true)
-TARGETS += $(jaas)
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, jgss, \
-    MODULES := jdk.security.jgss, \
-    PACKAGES := com.sun.security.jgss, \
-    API_ROOT := jre, \
-    DEST_DIR := security/jgss/spec, \
-    OVERVIEW := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/jgss-overview.html, \
-    TITLE := Java&trade; GSS-API Utilities, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2000, \
-TARGETS += $(jgss)
+# Do not store debug level options in VARDEPS.
+ifneq ($(LOG_LEVEL), trace)
+  JAVADOC_LOG_OPTION += -verbose
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, smartcardio, \
-    MODULES := java.smartcardio, \
-    PACKAGES := javax.smartcardio, \
-    API_ROOT := jre, \
-    DEST_DIR := security/smartcardio/spec, \
-    TITLE := Java&trade; Smart Card I/O, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2005, \
-TARGETS += $(smartcardio)
+    $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/docs/javadoc.vardeps)
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, httpserver, \
-    MODULES := jdk.httpserver, \
-    PACKAGES := \
-        com.sun.net.httpserver \
-        com.sun.net.httpserver.spi, \
-    API_ROOT := jre, \
-    DEST_DIR := net/httpserver/spec, \
-    TITLE := Java&trade; HTTP Server, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2005, \
-    DISABLED_DOCLINT := accessibility missing syntax, \
+# Get a list of all files in all the source dirs for all included modules
+JAVADOC_SOURCE_DEPS := $(call CacheFind, $(wildcard \
+    $(foreach module, $(JAVADOC_MODULES), $(call FindModuleSrcDirs, $(module)))))
-TARGETS += $(httpserver)
+JAVADOC_OVERVIEW := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/share/classes/overview-core.html
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, httpclient, \
-    MODULES := jdk.incubator.httpclient, \
-    PACKAGES := \
-        jdk.incubator.http, \
-    API_ROOT := jre, \
-    DEST_DIR := incubator/httpclient/spec, \
-    TITLE := Java&trade; HTTP Client API (incubator module), \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2015, \
-    DISABLED_DOCLINT := accessibility missing syntax, \
-TARGETS += $(httpclient)
+# Javadoc creates a lot of files but use index.html as a marker
+	$(call LogWarn, Generating Javadoc for $(words $(JAVADOC_MODULES)) modules)
+	$(call LogInfo, Javadoc modules: $(JAVADOC_MODULES))
+	$(call MakeDir, $(JAVADOC_TARGET_DIR))
+	$(call ExecuteWithLog, $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/docs/javadoc, \
+	    $(JAVA) -Djava.awt.headless=true \
+	        -DenableModuleGraph=$(ENABLE_MODULE_GRAPH) \
+	        --module-source-path $(JAVADOC_SOURCE_PATH) \
+	        --module $(call CommaList, $(JAVADOC_MODULES)))
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, jsobject, \
-    MODULES := jdk.jsobject, \
-    PACKAGES := netscape.javascript, \
-    API_ROOT := jre, \
-    DEST_DIR := plugin/jsobject, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 1993, \
-    TITLE := Java&trade; JSObject Doc, \
-TARGETS += $(jsobject)
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, mgmt, \
-    MODULES := jdk.management, \
-    PACKAGES := com.sun.management, \
-    API_ROOT := jre, \
-    DEST_DIR := management/extension, \
-    OVERVIEW := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.management/share/classes/mgmt-overview.html, \
-    TITLE := Monitoring and Management Interface for the Java&trade; Platform, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2003, \
-    DISABLED_DOCLINT := accessibility missing reference, \
-TARGETS += $(mgmt)
+# Setup call to Java SE Reference javadoc based on above settings
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, attach, \
-    MODULES := jdk.attach, \
-    PACKAGES := \
-        com.sun.tools.attach \
-        com.sun.tools.attach.spi, \
-    API_ROOT := jdk, \
-    DEST_DIR := attach/spec, \
-    TITLE := Attach API, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2005, \
-    DISABLED_DOCLINT := reference, \
-TARGETS += $(attach)
+REFERENCE_OVERVIEW := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/share/classes/overview-core.html
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, jconsole, \
-    MODULES := jdk.jconsole, \
-    PACKAGES := com.sun.tools.jconsole, \
-    API_ROOT := jdk, \
-    DEST_DIR := jconsole/spec, \
-    TITLE := JConsole API, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2006, \
-TARGETS += $(jconsole)
+ifeq ($(IS_DRAFT), true)
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, jshellapi, \
-    MODULES := jdk.jshell, \
-    PACKAGES := \
-        jdk.jshell \
-        jdk.jshell.spi \
-        jdk.jshell.execution \
-        jdk.jshell.tool, \
-    API_ROOT := jdk, \
-    DEST_DIR := jshell, \
-    TITLE := JShell API, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2015, \
-TARGETS += $(jshellapi)
+    $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/docs/reference.vardeps)
+# Javadoc creates a lot of files but use index.html as a marker.
+	$(call LogWarn, Generating reference Javadoc for Java SE)
+	$(call MakeDir, $(REFERENCE_TARGET_DIR))
+	$(call ExecuteWithLog, $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/docs/reference, \
+	    $(JAVA) -Djava.awt.headless=true \
+	        -DenableModuleGraph=$(ENABLE_MODULE_GRAPH) \
+	        --module-source-path $(JAVADOC_SOURCE_PATH) \
+	        --module java.se.ee)
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, treeapi, \
-    MODULES := jdk.compiler, \
-    PACKAGES := \
-        com.sun.source.doctree \
-        com.sun.source.tree \
-        com.sun.source.util, \
-    API_ROOT := jdk, \
-    DEST_DIR := javac/tree, \
-    TITLE := Compiler Tree API, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2005, \
-TARGETS += $(treeapi)
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, nashornapi, \
-    MODULES := jdk.scripting.nashorn, \
-    PACKAGES := \
-        jdk.nashorn.api.scripting \
-        jdk.nashorn.api.tree, \
-    API_ROOT := jdk, \
-    DEST_DIR := nashorn, \
-    TITLE := Nashorn API, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2014, \
-TARGETS += $(nashornapi)
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, dynalinkapi, \
-    MODULES := jdk.dynalink, \
-    PACKAGES := \
-        jdk.dynalink \
-        jdk.dynalink.beans \
-        jdk.dynalink.linker \
-        jdk.dynalink.linker.support \
-        jdk.dynalink.support, \
-    API_ROOT := jdk, \
-    DEST_DIR := dynalink, \
-    TITLE := Dynalink API, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2015, \
-TARGETS += $(dynalinkapi)
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, sctp, \
-    MODULES := jdk.sctp, \
-    PACKAGES := com.sun.nio.sctp, \
-    API_ROOT := jre, \
-    DEST_DIR := nio/sctp/spec, \
-    TITLE := SCTP API, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2009, \
-TARGETS += $(sctp)
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, jaccess, \
-    MODULES := jdk.accessibility, \
-    PACKAGES := com.sun.java.accessibility.util, \
-    API_ROOT := jre, \
-    DEST_DIR := accessibility/jaccess/spec, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2002, \
-TARGETS += $(jaccess)
-$(eval $(call SetupJavadocGeneration, jdknet, \
-    MODULES := jdk.net, \
-    PACKAGES := jdk.net, \
-    API_ROOT := jre, \
-    DEST_DIR := net/socketoptions/spec, \
-    TITLE := jdk.net API, \
-    FIRST_COPYRIGHT_YEAR := 2014, \
-    DISABLED_DOCLINT := missing, \
-TARGETS += $(jdknet)
-# Copy JDWP html file
+# Copy targets
 JDWP_HTML := $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/jdk.jdi/jdwp-protocol.html
@@ -705,9 +263,6 @@
-# Copy JVMTI html file
 # Pick jvmti.html from any jvm variant, they are all the same.
 JVMTI_HTML := $(firstword \
     $(wildcard $(HOTSPOT_OUTPUTDIR)/variant-*/gensrc/jvmtifiles/jvmti.html))
@@ -722,27 +277,16 @@
 # Optional target which bundles all generated javadocs into a zip archive.
-	$(call LogInfo, Compressing javadoc to single $(JAVADOC_ARCHIVE_NAME))
-	all_roots=`$(FIND) $(JAVADOC_OUTPUTDIR) | $(GREP) index.html | grep -v old/doclet`; \
-	for index_file in $${all_roots} ; do \
-	  target_dir=`dirname $${index_file}`; \
-	  name=`$(ECHO) $${target_dir} | $(SED) "s;/spec;;" | $(SED) "s;.*/;;"`; \
-	  $(LN) -s $${target_dir}  $${name}; \
-	done; \
-	$(ZIPEXE) -q -r $(JAVADOC_ARCHIVE) * ; \
-	popd ;
+$(eval $(call SetupZipArchive, BUILD_JAVADOC_ZIP, \
 # generate .dot files for module graphs
@@ -765,14 +309,16 @@
-docs-module-graphs: $(MODULE_GRAPH_TARGETS) 
+docs-module-graphs: $(MODULE_GRAPH_TARGETS)
-docs-javadoc: $(TARGETS)
+docs-javadoc: $(JAVADOC_TARGETS)
+docs-reference: $(REFERENCE_TARGETS)
 docs-copy: $(COPY_TARGETS)
 docs-zip: $(ZIP_TARGETS)
-all: docs-module-graphs docs-javadoc docs-copy docs-zip
+all: docs-module-graphs docs-javadoc docs-reference docs-copy docs-zip
-.PHONY: default all docs-module-graphs docs-javadoc docs-copy docs-zip
+.PHONY: default all docs-module-graphs docs-javadoc docs-reference docs-copy docs-zip
--- a/make/Main.gmk	Mon Apr 17 19:23:42 2017 -0700
+++ b/make/Main.gmk	Wed Apr 19 10:24:42 2017 +0200
@@ -366,6 +366,9 @@
 	+($(CD) $(SRC_ROOT)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f Javadoc.gmk docs-javadoc)
+	+($(CD) $(SRC_ROOT)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f Javadoc.gmk docs-reference)
 	+($(CD) $(SRC_ROOT)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f Javadoc.gmk docs-copy)
@@ -375,7 +378,8 @@
 	+($(CD) $(SRC_ROOT)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f UpdateBuildDocs.gmk)
-ALL_TARGETS += docs-module-graphs docs-javadoc docs-copy docs-zip update-build-docs
+ALL_TARGETS += docs-module-graphs docs-javadoc docs-reference docs-copy \
+    docs-zip update-build-docs
 # Cross compilation support
@@ -772,10 +776,12 @@
   bootcycle-images: jdk-image
-  docs-module-graphs: exploded-image buildtools-modules 
+  docs-module-graphs: exploded-image buildtools-modules
   docs-javadoc: $(GENSRC_TARGETS) rmic
+  docs-reference: $(GENSRC_TARGETS) rmic
   # The gensrc step for jdk.jdi creates an html file that is used by docs-copy.
   docs-copy: hotspot-$(JVM_VARIANT_MAIN)-gensrc jdk.jdi-gensrc
--- a/make/common/MakeBase.gmk	Mon Apr 17 19:23:42 2017 -0700
+++ b/make/common/MakeBase.gmk	Wed Apr 19 10:24:42 2017 +0200
@@ -672,9 +672,9 @@
   # Param 1 - Dirs to find in
   # Param 2 - (optional) specialization. Normally "-a \( ... \)" expression.
   define CacheFind
-      $(if $(filter-out $(addsuffix /%,- $(FIND_CACHE_DIRS)) $(FIND_CACHE_DIRS),$1), \
-    $(shell $(FIND) $1 \( -type f -o -type l \) $2), \
-        $(filter $(addsuffix /%,$(patsubst %/,%,$1)) $1,$(FIND_CACHE)))
+    $(if $(filter-out $(addsuffix /%,- $(FIND_CACHE_DIRS)) $(FIND_CACHE_DIRS),$1), \
+      $(if $(wildcard $1), $(shell $(FIND) $1 \( -type f -o -type l \) $2)), \
+      $(filter $(addsuffix /%,$(patsubst %/,%,$1)) $1,$(FIND_CACHE)))
--- a/make/common/Modules.gmk	Mon Apr 17 19:23:42 2017 -0700
+++ b/make/common/Modules.gmk	Wed Apr 19 10:24:42 2017 +0200
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 # Hook to include the corresponding custom file, if present.
 $(eval $(call IncludeCustomExtension, , common/Modules.gmk))
@@ -58,12 +59,12 @@
     java.security.sasl \
     java.xml \
     jdk.httpserver \
+    jdk.internal.vm.ci \
     jdk.management \
     jdk.management.agent \
     jdk.net \
     jdk.sctp \
     jdk.unsupported \
-    jdk.internal.vm.ci \
 # to be deprivileged
@@ -96,7 +97,6 @@
     java.compiler \
-    jdk.incubator.httpclient \
     java.scripting \
     java.security.jgss \
     java.smartcardio \
@@ -105,32 +105,71 @@
     java.xml.crypto \
     jdk.accessibility \
     jdk.charsets \
+    jdk.crypto.cryptoki \
     jdk.crypto.ec \
-    jdk.crypto.cryptoki \
     jdk.dynalink \
+    jdk.incubator.httpclient \
+    jdk.internal.vm.compiler \
     jdk.jsobject \
     jdk.localedata \
     jdk.naming.dns \
     jdk.scripting.nashorn \
     jdk.security.auth \
     jdk.security.jgss \
-    jdk.internal.vm.compiler \
     jdk.xml.dom \
     jdk.zipfs \
+ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows)
+  PLATFORM_MODULES += jdk.crypto.mscapi
+ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), solaris)
+  PLATFORM_MODULES += jdk.crypto.ucrypto
     jdk.jdwp.agent \
     jdk.pack \
     jdk.scripting.nashorn.shell \
-ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows)
-  PLATFORM_MODULES += jdk.crypto.mscapi
-ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), solaris)
-  PLATFORM_MODULES += jdk.crypto.ucrypto
+# DOCS_MODULES defines the root modules for javadoc generation.
+# All of their `require transitive` modules directly and indirectly will be included.
+    java.se.ee \
+    java.smartcardio \
+    jdk.accessibility \
+    jdk.attach \
+    jdk.charsets \
+    jdk.compiler \
+    jdk.crypto.cryptoki \
+    jdk.crypto.ec \
+    jdk.dynalink \
+    jdk.editpad \
+    jdk.httpserver \
+    jdk.incubator.httpclient \
+    jdk.jartool \
+    jdk.javadoc \
+    jdk.jconsole \
+    jdk.jdeps \
+    jdk.jdi \
+    jdk.jlink \
+    jdk.jshell \
+    jdk.localedata \
+    jdk.management \
+    jdk.naming.dns \
+    jdk.naming.rmi \
+    jdk.net \
+    jdk.scripting.nashorn \
+    jdk.sctp \
+    jdk.security.auth \
+    jdk.security.jgss \
+    jdk.xml.dom \
+    jdk.zipfs \
+    #
 # These modules are included in the interim image which is used to run profiling
 # before building the real images.
@@ -329,6 +368,7 @@
       else ifeq ($$(classloader), ext)
         PLATFORM_MODULES += $1
+      DOCS_MODULES += $1
       # Default to include in all
       JRE_MODULES += $1