8027593: performance drop with constrained codecache starting with hs25 b111
Tue, 12 Nov 2013 09:32:50 +0100
changeset 21575 6a9645992cee
parent 21574 d47713227456
child 21576 e7cac8551ec2
8027593: performance drop with constrained codecache starting with hs25 b111 Summary: Fixed proper sweeping of small code cache sizes Reviewed-by: kvn, iveresov
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/code/nmethod.cpp	Mon Nov 11 11:53:33 2013 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/code/nmethod.cpp	Tue Nov 12 09:32:50 2013 +0100
@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@
   //set_scavenge_root_link(NULL); // done by prune_scavenge_root_nmethods
-  NMethodSweeper::notify();
+  NMethodSweeper::report_state_change(this);
 void nmethod::invalidate_osr_method() {
@@ -1293,7 +1293,9 @@
-// Common functionality for both make_not_entrant and make_zombie
+ * Common functionality for both make_not_entrant and make_zombie
+ */
 bool nmethod::make_not_entrant_or_zombie(unsigned int state) {
   assert(state == zombie || state == not_entrant, "must be zombie or not_entrant");
   assert(!is_zombie(), "should not already be a zombie");
@@ -1417,9 +1419,7 @@
     tty->print_cr("nmethod <" INTPTR_FORMAT "> code made %s", this, (state == not_entrant) ? "not entrant" : "zombie");
-  // Make sweeper aware that there is a zombie method that needs to be removed
-  NMethodSweeper::notify();
+  NMethodSweeper::report_state_change(this);
   return true;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.cpp	Mon Nov 11 11:53:33 2013 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.cpp	Tue Nov 12 09:32:50 2013 +0100
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@
 bool CompileBroker::_initialized = false;
 volatile bool CompileBroker::_should_block = false;
+volatile jint CompileBroker::_print_compilation_warning = 0;
 volatile jint CompileBroker::_should_compile_new_jobs = run_compilation;
 // The installed compiler(s)
@@ -2027,11 +2028,10 @@
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CompileBroker::handle_full_code_cache
-// The CodeCache is full.  Print out warning and disable compilation or
-// try code cache cleaning so compilation can continue later.
+ * The CodeCache is full.  Print out warning and disable compilation
+ * or try code cache cleaning so compilation can continue later.
+ */
 void CompileBroker::handle_full_code_cache() {
   UseInterpreter = true;
   if (UseCompiler || AlwaysCompileLoopMethods ) {
@@ -2048,12 +2048,9 @@
-    warning("CodeCache is full. Compiler has been disabled.");
-    warning("Try increasing the code cache size using -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=");
 #ifndef PRODUCT
     if (CompileTheWorld || ExitOnFullCodeCache) {
       codecache_print(/* detailed= */ true);
@@ -2066,17 +2063,22 @@
       // Since code cache is full, immediately stop new compiles
       if (CompileBroker::set_should_compile_new_jobs(CompileBroker::stop_compilation)) {
-        // Switch to 'vm_state'. This ensures that possibly_sweep() can be called
-        // without having to consider the state in which the current thread is.
-        ThreadInVMfromUnknown in_vm;
-        NMethodSweeper::possibly_sweep();
+      // Switch to 'vm_state'. This ensures that possibly_sweep() can be called
+      // without having to consider the state in which the current thread is.
+      ThreadInVMfromUnknown in_vm;
+      NMethodSweeper::possibly_sweep();
     } else {
+    // Print warning only once
+    if (should_print_compiler_warning()) {
+      warning("CodeCache is full. Compiler has been disabled.");
+      warning("Try increasing the code cache size using -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=");
+      codecache_print(/* detailed= */ true);
+    }
-  codecache_print(/* detailed= */ true);
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.hpp	Mon Nov 11 11:53:33 2013 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.hpp	Tue Nov 12 09:32:50 2013 +0100
@@ -315,6 +315,8 @@
   static int _sum_nmethod_code_size;
   static long _peak_compilation_time;
+  static volatile jint _print_compilation_warning;
   static CompilerThread* make_compiler_thread(const char* name, CompileQueue* queue, CompilerCounters* counters, AbstractCompiler* comp, TRAPS);
   static void init_compiler_threads(int c1_compiler_count, int c2_compiler_count);
   static bool compilation_is_complete  (methodHandle method, int osr_bci, int comp_level);
@@ -418,7 +420,11 @@
     return _should_compile_new_jobs == shutdown_compilaton;
   static void handle_full_code_cache();
+  // Ensures that warning is only printed once.
+  static bool should_print_compiler_warning() {
+    jint old = Atomic::cmpxchg(1, &_print_compilation_warning, 0);
+    return old == 0;
+  }
   // Return total compilation ticks
   static jlong total_compilation_ticks() {
     return _perf_total_compilation != NULL ? _perf_total_compilation->get_value() : 0;
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/arguments.cpp	Mon Nov 11 11:53:33 2013 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/arguments.cpp	Tue Nov 12 09:32:50 2013 +0100
@@ -1132,9 +1132,6 @@
     Tier3InvokeNotifyFreqLog = 0;
     Tier4InvocationThreshold = 0;
-  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(NmethodSweepFraction)) {
-    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(NmethodSweepFraction, 1 + ReservedCodeCacheSize / (16 * M));
-  }
@@ -3643,6 +3640,11 @@
         "Incompatible compilation policy selected", NULL);
+  // Set NmethodSweepFraction after the size of the code cache is adapted (in case of tiered)
+  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(NmethodSweepFraction)) {
+    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(NmethodSweepFraction, 1 + ReservedCodeCacheSize / (16 * M));
+  }
   // Set heap size based on available physical memory
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp	Mon Nov 11 11:53:33 2013 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp	Tue Nov 12 09:32:50 2013 +0100
@@ -3286,7 +3286,7 @@
           "Exit the VM if we fill the code cache")                          \
   product(bool, UseCodeCacheFlushing, true,                                 \
-          "Attempt to clean the code cache before shutting off compiler")   \
+          "Remove cold/old nmethods from the code cache")                   \
   /* interpreter debugging */                                               \
   develop(intx, BinarySwitchThreshold, 5,                                   \
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/sweeper.cpp	Mon Nov 11 11:53:33 2013 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/sweeper.cpp	Tue Nov 12 09:32:50 2013 +0100
@@ -112,14 +112,13 @@
   if (_records != NULL) {
     _records[_sweep_index].traversal = _traversals;
     _records[_sweep_index].traversal_mark = nm->_stack_traversal_mark;
-    _records[_sweep_index].invocation = _invocations;
+    _records[_sweep_index].invocation = _sweep_fractions_left;
     _records[_sweep_index].compile_id = nm->compile_id();
     _records[_sweep_index].kind = nm->compile_kind();
     _records[_sweep_index].state = nm->_state;
     _records[_sweep_index].vep = nm->verified_entry_point();
     _records[_sweep_index].uep = nm->entry_point();
     _records[_sweep_index].line = line;
     _sweep_index = (_sweep_index + 1) % SweeperLogEntries;
@@ -127,26 +126,29 @@
 #define SWEEP(nm)
-nmethod*  NMethodSweeper::_current         = NULL; // Current nmethod
-long      NMethodSweeper::_traversals      = 0;    // Nof. stack traversals performed
-int       NMethodSweeper::_seen            = 0;    // Nof. nmethods we have currently processed in current pass of CodeCache
-int       NMethodSweeper::_flushed_count   = 0;    // Nof. nmethods flushed in current sweep
-int       NMethodSweeper::_zombified_count = 0;    // Nof. nmethods made zombie in current sweep
-int       NMethodSweeper::_marked_count    = 0;    // Nof. nmethods marked for reclaim in current sweep
-volatile int NMethodSweeper::_invocations   = 0; // Nof. invocations left until we are completed with this pass
-volatile int NMethodSweeper::_sweep_started = 0; // Whether a sweep is in progress.
+nmethod* NMethodSweeper::_current                      = NULL; // Current nmethod
+long     NMethodSweeper::_traversals                   = 0;    // Stack scan count, also sweep ID.
+long     NMethodSweeper::_time_counter                 = 0;    // Virtual time used to periodically invoke sweeper
+long     NMethodSweeper::_last_sweep                   = 0;    // Value of _time_counter when the last sweep happened
+int      NMethodSweeper::_seen                         = 0;    // Nof. nmethod we have currently processed in current pass of CodeCache
+int      NMethodSweeper::_flushed_count                = 0;    // Nof. nmethods flushed in current sweep
+int      NMethodSweeper::_zombified_count              = 0;    // Nof. nmethods made zombie in current sweep
+int      NMethodSweeper::_marked_for_reclamation_count = 0;    // Nof. nmethods marked for reclaim in current sweep
-jint      NMethodSweeper::_locked_seen               = 0;
-jint      NMethodSweeper::_not_entrant_seen_on_stack = 0;
-bool      NMethodSweeper::_request_mark_phase        = false;
+volatile bool NMethodSweeper::_should_sweep            = true; // Indicates if we should invoke the sweeper
+volatile int  NMethodSweeper::_sweep_fractions_left    = 0;    // Nof. invocations left until we are completed with this pass
+volatile int  NMethodSweeper::_sweep_started           = 0;    // Flag to control conc sweeper
+volatile int  NMethodSweeper::_bytes_changed           = 0;    // Counts the total nmethod size if the nmethod changed from:
+                                                               //   1) alive       -> not_entrant
+                                                               //   2) not_entrant -> zombie
+                                                               //   3) zombie      -> marked_for_reclamation
-int       NMethodSweeper::_total_nof_methods_reclaimed = 0;
-jlong     NMethodSweeper::_total_time_sweeping         = 0;
-jlong     NMethodSweeper::_total_time_this_sweep       = 0;
-jlong     NMethodSweeper::_peak_sweep_time             = 0;
-jlong     NMethodSweeper::_peak_sweep_fraction_time    = 0;
-int       NMethodSweeper::_hotness_counter_reset_val   = 0;
+int   NMethodSweeper::_total_nof_methods_reclaimed     = 0;    // Accumulated nof methods flushed
+jlong NMethodSweeper::_total_time_sweeping             = 0;    // Accumulated time sweeping
+jlong NMethodSweeper::_total_time_this_sweep           = 0;    // Total time this sweep
+jlong NMethodSweeper::_peak_sweep_time                 = 0;    // Peak time for a full sweep
+jlong NMethodSweeper::_peak_sweep_fraction_time        = 0;    // Peak time sweeping one fraction
+int   NMethodSweeper::_hotness_counter_reset_val       = 0;
 class MarkActivationClosure: public CodeBlobClosure {
@@ -197,13 +199,16 @@
+  // Increase time so that we can estimate when to invoke the sweeper again.
+  _time_counter++;
   // Check for restart
   assert(CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe(_current) == _current, "Sweeper nmethod cached state invalid");
-  if (!sweep_in_progress() && need_marking_phase()) {
-    _seen        = 0;
-    _invocations = NmethodSweepFraction;
-    _current     = CodeCache::first_nmethod();
-    _traversals  += 1;
+  if (!sweep_in_progress()) {
+    _seen = 0;
+    _sweep_fractions_left = NmethodSweepFraction;
+    _current = CodeCache::first_nmethod();
+    _traversals += 1;
     _total_time_this_sweep = 0;
     if (PrintMethodFlushing) {
@@ -211,10 +216,6 @@
-    // reset the flags since we started a scan from the beginning.
-    reset_nmethod_marking();
-    _locked_seen = 0;
-    _not_entrant_seen_on_stack = 0;
   } else {
     // Only set hotness counter
@@ -222,14 +223,48 @@
+ * This function invokes the sweeper if at least one of the three conditions is met:
+ *    (1) The code cache is getting full
+ *    (2) There are sufficient state changes in/since the last sweep.
+ *    (3) We have not been sweeping for 'some time'
+ */
 void NMethodSweeper::possibly_sweep() {
   assert(JavaThread::current()->thread_state() == _thread_in_vm, "must run in vm mode");
   if (!MethodFlushing || !sweep_in_progress()) {
-  if (_invocations > 0) {
+  // If there was no state change while nmethod sweeping, 'should_sweep' will be false.
+  // This is one of the two places where should_sweep can be set to true. The general
+  // idea is as follows: If there is enough free space in the code cache, there is no
+  // need to invoke the sweeper. The following formula (which determines whether to invoke
+  // the sweeper or not) depends on the assumption that for larger ReservedCodeCacheSizes
+  // we need less frequent sweeps than for smaller ReservedCodecCacheSizes. Furthermore,
+  // the formula considers how much space in the code cache is currently used. Here are
+  // some examples that will (hopefully) help in understanding.
+  //
+  // Small ReservedCodeCacheSizes:  (e.g., < 16M) We invoke the sweeper every time, since
+  //                                              the result of the division is 0. This
+  //                                              keeps the used code cache size small
+  //                                              (important for embedded Java)
+  // Large ReservedCodeCacheSize :  (e.g., 256M + code cache is 10% full). The formula
+  //                                              computes: (256 / 16) - 1 = 15
+  //                                              As a result, we invoke the sweeper after
+  //                                              15 invocations of 'mark_active_nmethods.
+  // Large ReservedCodeCacheSize:   (e.g., 256M + code Cache is 90% full). The formula
+  //                                              computes: (256 / 16) - 10 = 6.
+  if (!_should_sweep) {
+    int time_since_last_sweep = _time_counter - _last_sweep;
+    double wait_until_next_sweep = (ReservedCodeCacheSize / (16 * M)) - time_since_last_sweep -
+                                CodeCache::reverse_free_ratio();
+    if ((wait_until_next_sweep <= 0.0) || !CompileBroker::should_compile_new_jobs()) {
+      _should_sweep = true;
+    }
+  }
+  if (_should_sweep && _sweep_fractions_left > 0) {
     // Only one thread at a time will sweep
     jint old = Atomic::cmpxchg( 1, &_sweep_started, 0 );
     if (old != 0) {
@@ -242,31 +277,46 @@
       memset(_records, 0, sizeof(SweeperRecord) * SweeperLogEntries);
-    if (_invocations > 0) {
+    if (_sweep_fractions_left > 0) {
-      _invocations--;
+      _sweep_fractions_left--;
+    }
+    // We are done with sweeping the code cache once.
+    if (_sweep_fractions_left == 0) {
+      _last_sweep = _time_counter;
+      // Reset flag; temporarily disables sweeper
+      _should_sweep = false;
+      // If there was enough state change, 'possibly_enable_sweeper()'
+      // sets '_should_sweep' to true
+      possibly_enable_sweeper();
+      // Reset _bytes_changed only if there was enough state change. _bytes_changed
+      // can further increase by calls to 'report_state_change'.
+      if (_should_sweep) {
+        _bytes_changed = 0;
+      }
     _sweep_started = 0;
 void NMethodSweeper::sweep_code_cache() {
   jlong sweep_start_counter = os::elapsed_counter();
-  _flushed_count   = 0;
-  _zombified_count = 0;
-  _marked_count    = 0;
+  _flushed_count                = 0;
+  _zombified_count              = 0;
+  _marked_for_reclamation_count = 0;
   if (PrintMethodFlushing && Verbose) {
-    tty->print_cr("### Sweep at %d out of %d. Invocations left: %d", _seen, CodeCache::nof_nmethods(), _invocations);
+    tty->print_cr("### Sweep at %d out of %d. Invocations left: %d", _seen, CodeCache::nof_nmethods(), _sweep_fractions_left);
   if (!CompileBroker::should_compile_new_jobs()) {
     // If we have turned off compilations we might as well do full sweeps
     // in order to reach the clean state faster. Otherwise the sleeping compiler
     // threads will slow down sweeping.
-    _invocations = 1;
+    _sweep_fractions_left = 1;
   // We want to visit all nmethods after NmethodSweepFraction
@@ -274,7 +324,7 @@
   // remaining number of invocations.  This is only an estimate since
   // the number of nmethods changes during the sweep so the final
   // stage must iterate until it there are no more nmethods.
-  int todo = (CodeCache::nof_nmethods() - _seen) / _invocations;
+  int todo = (CodeCache::nof_nmethods() - _seen) / _sweep_fractions_left;
   int swept_count = 0;
@@ -286,11 +336,11 @@
     MutexLockerEx mu(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
     // The last invocation iterates until there are no more nmethods
-    for (int i = 0; (i < todo || _invocations == 1) && _current != NULL; i++) {
+    for (int i = 0; (i < todo || _sweep_fractions_left == 1) && _current != NULL; i++) {
       if (SafepointSynchronize::is_synchronizing()) { // Safepoint request
         if (PrintMethodFlushing && Verbose) {
-          tty->print_cr("### Sweep at %d out of %d, invocation: %d, yielding to safepoint", _seen, CodeCache::nof_nmethods(), _invocations);
+          tty->print_cr("### Sweep at %d out of %d, invocation: %d, yielding to safepoint", _seen, CodeCache::nof_nmethods(), _sweep_fractions_left);
         MutexUnlockerEx mu(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
@@ -314,19 +364,7 @@
-  assert(_invocations > 1 || _current == NULL, "must have scanned the whole cache");
-  if (!sweep_in_progress() && !need_marking_phase() && (_locked_seen || _not_entrant_seen_on_stack)) {
-    // we've completed a scan without making progress but there were
-    // nmethods we were unable to process either because they were
-    // locked or were still on stack. We don't have to aggressively
-    // clean them up so just stop scanning. We could scan once more
-    // but that complicates the control logic and it's unlikely to
-    // matter much.
-    if (PrintMethodFlushing) {
-      tty->print_cr("### Couldn't make progress on some nmethods so stopping sweep");
-    }
-  }
+  assert(_sweep_fractions_left > 1 || _current == NULL, "must have scanned the whole cache");
   jlong sweep_end_counter = os::elapsed_counter();
   jlong sweep_time = sweep_end_counter - sweep_start_counter;
@@ -340,21 +378,21 @@
-    event.set_sweepFractionIndex(NmethodSweepFraction - _invocations + 1);
+    event.set_sweepFractionIndex(NmethodSweepFraction - _sweep_fractions_left + 1);
-    event.set_markedCount(_marked_count);
+    event.set_markedCount(_marked_for_reclamation_count);
 #ifdef ASSERT
   if(PrintMethodFlushing) {
-    tty->print_cr("### sweeper:      sweep time(%d): " INT64_FORMAT, _invocations, (jlong)sweep_time);
+    tty->print_cr("### sweeper:      sweep time(%d): " INT64_FORMAT, _sweep_fractions_left, (jlong)sweep_time);
-  if (_invocations == 1) {
+  if (_sweep_fractions_left == 1) {
     _peak_sweep_time = MAX2(_peak_sweep_time, _total_time_this_sweep);
@@ -368,12 +406,37 @@
   // it only makes sense to re-enable compilation if we have actually freed memory.
   // Note that typically several kB are released for sweeping 16MB of the code
   // cache. As a result, 'freed_memory' > 0 to restart the compiler.
-  if (UseCodeCacheFlushing && (!CompileBroker::should_compile_new_jobs() && (freed_memory > 0))) {
+  if (!CompileBroker::should_compile_new_jobs() && (freed_memory > 0)) {
+ * This function updates the sweeper statistics that keep track of nmethods
+ * state changes. If there is 'enough' state change, the sweeper is invoked
+ * as soon as possible. There can be data races on _bytes_changed. The data
+ * races are benign, since it does not matter if we loose a couple of bytes.
+ * In the worst case we call the sweeper a little later. Also, we are guaranteed
+ * to invoke the sweeper if the code cache gets full.
+ */
+void NMethodSweeper::report_state_change(nmethod* nm) {
+  _bytes_changed += nm->total_size();
+  possibly_enable_sweeper();
+ * Function determines if there was 'enough' state change in the code cache to invoke
+ * the sweeper again. Currently, we determine 'enough' as more than 1% state change in
+ * the code cache since the last sweep.
+ */
+void NMethodSweeper::possibly_enable_sweeper() {
+  double percent_changed = ((double)_bytes_changed / (double)ReservedCodeCacheSize) * 100;
+  if (percent_changed > 1.0) {
+    _should_sweep = true;
+  }
 class NMethodMarker: public StackObj {
   CompilerThread* _thread;
@@ -424,9 +487,6 @@
       MutexLocker cl(CompiledIC_lock);
-    } else {
-      _locked_seen++;
-      SWEEP(nm);
     return freed_memory;
@@ -448,8 +508,9 @@
         tty->print_cr("### Nmethod %3d/" PTR_FORMAT " (zombie) being marked for reclamation", nm->compile_id(), nm);
-      request_nmethod_marking();
-      _marked_count++;
+      // Keep track of code cache state change
+      _bytes_changed += nm->total_size();
+      _marked_for_reclamation_count++;
   } else if (nm->is_not_entrant()) {
@@ -459,18 +520,14 @@
       if (PrintMethodFlushing && Verbose) {
         tty->print_cr("### Nmethod %3d/" PTR_FORMAT " (not entrant) being made zombie", nm->compile_id(), nm);
+      // Code cache state change is tracked in make_zombie()
-      request_nmethod_marking();
     } else {
       // Still alive, clean up its inline caches
       MutexLocker cl(CompiledIC_lock);
-      // we coudn't transition this nmethod so don't immediately
-      // request a rescan.  If this method stays on the stack for a
-      // long time we don't want to keep rescanning the code cache.
-      _not_entrant_seen_on_stack++;
   } else if (nm->is_unloaded()) {
@@ -485,8 +542,8 @@
     } else {
+      // Code cache state change is tracked in make_zombie()
-      request_nmethod_marking();
@@ -514,7 +571,11 @@
           //    The second condition ensures that methods are not immediately made not-entrant
           //    after compilation.
-          request_nmethod_marking();
+          // Code cache state change is tracked in make_not_entrant()
+          if (PrintMethodFlushing && Verbose) {
+            tty->print_cr("### Nmethod %d/" PTR_FORMAT "made not-entrant: hotness counter %d/%d threshold %f",
+                          nm->compile_id(), nm, nm->hotness_counter(), reset_val, threshold);
+          }
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/sweeper.hpp	Mon Nov 11 11:53:33 2013 -0800
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/sweeper.hpp	Tue Nov 12 09:32:50 2013 +0100
@@ -53,22 +53,22 @@
 //     is full.
 class NMethodSweeper : public AllStatic {
-  static long      _traversals;      // Stack scan count, also sweep ID.
-  static nmethod*  _current;         // Current nmethod
-  static int       _seen;            // Nof. nmethod we have currently processed in current pass of CodeCache
-  static int       _flushed_count;   // Nof. nmethods flushed in current sweep
-  static int       _zombified_count; // Nof. nmethods made zombie in current sweep
-  static int       _marked_count;    // Nof. nmethods marked for reclaim in current sweep
+  static long      _traversals;                   // Stack scan count, also sweep ID.
+  static long      _time_counter;                 // Virtual time used to periodically invoke sweeper
+  static long      _last_sweep;                   // Value of _time_counter when the last sweep happened
+  static nmethod*  _current;                      // Current nmethod
+  static int       _seen;                         // Nof. nmethod we have currently processed in current pass of CodeCache
+  static int       _flushed_count;                // Nof. nmethods flushed in current sweep
+  static int       _zombified_count;              // Nof. nmethods made zombie in current sweep
+  static int       _marked_for_reclamation_count; // Nof. nmethods marked for reclaim in current sweep
-  static volatile int  _invocations;   // No. of invocations left until we are completed with this pass
-  static volatile int  _sweep_started; // Flag to control conc sweeper
-  //The following are reset in mark_active_nmethods and synchronized by the safepoint
-  static bool      _request_mark_phase;        // Indicates that a change has happend and we need another mark pahse,
-                                               // always checked and reset at a safepoint so memory will be in sync.
-  static int       _locked_seen;               // Number of locked nmethods encountered during the scan
-  static int       _not_entrant_seen_on_stack; // Number of not entrant nmethod were are still on stack
+  static volatile int  _sweep_fractions_left;     // Nof. invocations left until we are completed with this pass
+  static volatile int  _sweep_started;            // Flag to control conc sweeper
+  static volatile bool _should_sweep;             // Indicates if we should invoke the sweeper
+  static volatile int _bytes_changed;             // Counts the total nmethod size if the nmethod changed from:
+                                                  //   1) alive       -> not_entrant
+                                                  //   2) not_entrant -> zombie
+                                                  //   3) zombie      -> marked_for_reclamation
   // Stat counters
   static int       _total_nof_methods_reclaimed;  // Accumulated nof methods flushed
   static jlong     _total_time_sweeping;          // Accumulated time sweeping
@@ -81,9 +81,6 @@
   static bool sweep_in_progress();
   static void sweep_code_cache();
-  static void request_nmethod_marking() { _request_mark_phase = true; }
-  static void reset_nmethod_marking()   { _request_mark_phase = false; }
-  static bool need_marking_phase()      { return _request_mark_phase; }
   static int _hotness_counter_reset_val;
@@ -109,13 +106,8 @@
   static int sort_nmethods_by_hotness(nmethod** nm1, nmethod** nm2);
   static int hotness_counter_reset_val();
-  static void notify() {
-    // Request a new sweep of the code cache from the beginning. No
-    // need to synchronize the setting of this flag since it only
-    // changes to false at safepoint so we can never overwrite it with false.
-     request_nmethod_marking();
-  }
+  static void report_state_change(nmethod* nm);
+  static void possibly_enable_sweeper();