7084509: G1: fix inconsistencies and mistakes in the young list target length calculations
Thu, 08 Sep 2011 05:16:49 -0400
changeset 10528 06fab03478df
parent 10527 fedb7f148e85
child 10529 9d5bbffbb322
7084509: G1: fix inconsistencies and mistakes in the young list target length calculations Summary: Fixed inconsistencies and mistakes in the young list target length calculations so that a) the calculated target length is optimal (before, it was not), b) other parameters like max survivor size and max gc locker eden expansion are always consistent with the calculated target length (before, they were not always), and c) the resulting target length was always bound by desired min and max values (before, it was not). Reviewed-by: brutisso, johnc
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/concurrentG1RefineThread.cpp	Wed Sep 07 18:58:33 2011 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/concurrentG1RefineThread.cpp	Thu Sep 08 05:16:49 2011 -0400
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
-    g1p->check_prediction_validity();
+    g1p->revise_young_list_target_length_if_necessary();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.cpp	Wed Sep 07 18:58:33 2011 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.cpp	Thu Sep 08 05:16:49 2011 -0400
@@ -1682,6 +1682,7 @@
       assert(curr == mr.end(), "post-condition");
+    g1_policy()->calculate_reserve(n_regions());
   } else {
                   "did not expand the heap",
@@ -1732,6 +1733,7 @@
     _expansion_regions += num_regions_deleted;
     update_committed_space(old_end, new_end);
+    g1_policy()->calculate_reserve(n_regions());
   } else {
                   "did not shrink the heap",
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.cpp	Wed Sep 07 18:58:33 2011 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.cpp	Thu Sep 08 05:16:49 2011 -0400
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
   _tenuring_threshold = MaxTenuringThreshold;
   // _max_survivor_regions will be calculated by
-  // calculate_young_list_target_length() during initialization.
+  // update_young_list_target_length() during initialization.
   _max_survivor_regions = 0;
   assert(GCTimeRatio > 0,
@@ -422,6 +422,18 @@
          "if a user set it to 0");
   _gc_overhead_perc = 100.0 * (1.0 / (1.0 + GCTimeRatio));
+  uintx reserve_perc = G1ReservePercent;
+  // Put an artificial ceiling on this so that it's not set to a silly value.
+  if (reserve_perc > 50) {
+    reserve_perc = 50;
+    warning("G1ReservePercent is set to a value that is too large, "
+            "it's been updated to %u", reserve_perc);
+  }
+  _reserve_factor = (double) reserve_perc / 100.0;
+  // This will be set in calculate_reserve() when the heap is expanded
+  // for the first time during initialization.
+  _reserve_regions = 0;
@@ -486,9 +498,7 @@
     _young_list_fixed_length = initial_region_num;
   _free_regions_at_end_of_collection = _g1->free_regions();
-  calculate_young_list_min_length();
-  guarantee( _young_list_min_length == 0, "invariant, not enough info" );
-  calculate_young_list_target_length();
+  update_young_list_target_length();
   // We may immediately start allocating regions and placing them on the
   // collection set list. Initialize the per-collection set info
@@ -496,238 +506,254 @@
 // Create the jstat counters for the policy.
-void G1CollectorPolicy::initialize_gc_policy_counters()
+void G1CollectorPolicy::initialize_gc_policy_counters() {
   _gc_policy_counters = new GCPolicyCounters("GarbageFirst", 1, 3);
-void G1CollectorPolicy::calculate_young_list_min_length() {
-  _young_list_min_length = 0;
-  if (!adaptive_young_list_length())
-    return;
-  if (_alloc_rate_ms_seq->num() > 3) {
-    double now_sec = os::elapsedTime();
-    double when_ms = _mmu_tracker->when_max_gc_sec(now_sec) * 1000.0;
-    double alloc_rate_ms = predict_alloc_rate_ms();
-    size_t min_regions = (size_t) ceil(alloc_rate_ms * when_ms);
-    size_t current_region_num = _g1->young_list()->length();
-    _young_list_min_length = min_regions + current_region_num;
-  }
-void G1CollectorPolicy::calculate_young_list_target_length() {
-  if (adaptive_young_list_length()) {
-    size_t rs_lengths = (size_t) get_new_prediction(_rs_lengths_seq);
-    calculate_young_list_target_length(rs_lengths);
-  } else {
-    if (full_young_gcs())
-      _young_list_target_length = _young_list_fixed_length;
-    else
-      _young_list_target_length = _young_list_fixed_length / 2;
-  }
-  // Make sure we allow the application to allocate at least one
-  // region before we need to do a collection again.
-  size_t min_length = _g1->young_list()->length() + 1;
-  _young_list_target_length = MAX2(_young_list_target_length, min_length);
-  calculate_max_gc_locker_expansion();
-  calculate_survivors_policy();
-void G1CollectorPolicy::calculate_young_list_target_length(size_t rs_lengths) {
-  guarantee( adaptive_young_list_length(), "pre-condition" );
-  guarantee( !_in_marking_window || !_last_full_young_gc, "invariant" );
-  double start_time_sec = os::elapsedTime();
-  size_t min_reserve_perc = MAX2((size_t)2, (size_t)G1ReservePercent);
-  min_reserve_perc = MIN2((size_t) 50, min_reserve_perc);
-  size_t reserve_regions =
-    (size_t) ((double) min_reserve_perc * (double) _g1->n_regions() / 100.0);
-  if (full_young_gcs() && _free_regions_at_end_of_collection > 0) {
-    // we are in fully-young mode and there are free regions in the heap
-    double survivor_regions_evac_time =
-        predict_survivor_regions_evac_time();
-    double target_pause_time_ms = _mmu_tracker->max_gc_time() * 1000.0;
-    size_t pending_cards = (size_t) get_new_prediction(_pending_cards_seq);
-    size_t adj_rs_lengths = rs_lengths + predict_rs_length_diff();
-    size_t scanned_cards = predict_young_card_num(adj_rs_lengths);
-    double base_time_ms = predict_base_elapsed_time_ms(pending_cards, scanned_cards)
-                          + survivor_regions_evac_time;
-    // the result
-    size_t final_young_length = 0;
-    size_t init_free_regions =
-      MAX2((size_t)0, _free_regions_at_end_of_collection - reserve_regions);
-    // if we're still under the pause target...
-    if (base_time_ms <= target_pause_time_ms) {
-      // We make sure that the shortest young length that makes sense
-      // fits within the target pause time.
-      size_t min_young_length = 1;
-      if (predict_will_fit(min_young_length, base_time_ms,
-                                     init_free_regions, target_pause_time_ms)) {
-        // The shortest young length will fit within the target pause time;
-        // we'll now check whether the absolute maximum number of young
-        // regions will fit in the target pause time. If not, we'll do
-        // a binary search between min_young_length and max_young_length
-        size_t abs_max_young_length = _free_regions_at_end_of_collection - 1;
-        size_t max_young_length = abs_max_young_length;
-        if (max_young_length > min_young_length) {
-          // Let's check if the initial max young length will fit within the
-          // target pause. If so then there is no need to search for a maximal
-          // young length - we'll return the initial maximum
-          if (predict_will_fit(max_young_length, base_time_ms,
-                                init_free_regions, target_pause_time_ms)) {
-            // The maximum young length will satisfy the target pause time.
-            // We are done so set min young length to this maximum length.
-            // The code after the loop will then set final_young_length using
-            // the value cached in the minimum length.
-            min_young_length = max_young_length;
-          } else {
-            // The maximum possible number of young regions will not fit within
-            // the target pause time so let's search....
-            size_t diff = (max_young_length - min_young_length) / 2;
-            max_young_length = min_young_length + diff;
-            while (max_young_length > min_young_length) {
-              if (predict_will_fit(max_young_length, base_time_ms,
-                                        init_free_regions, target_pause_time_ms)) {
-                // The current max young length will fit within the target
-                // pause time. Note we do not exit the loop here. By setting
-                // min = max, and then increasing the max below means that
-                // we will continue searching for an upper bound in the
-                // range [max..max+diff]
-                min_young_length = max_young_length;
-              }
-              diff = (max_young_length - min_young_length) / 2;
-              max_young_length = min_young_length + diff;
-            }
-            // the above loop found a maximal young length that will fit
-            // within the target pause time.
-          }
-          assert(min_young_length <= abs_max_young_length, "just checking");
-        }
-        final_young_length = min_young_length;
-      }
-    }
-    // and we're done!
-    // we should have at least one region in the target young length
-    _young_list_target_length =
-                              final_young_length + _recorded_survivor_regions;
-    // let's keep an eye of how long we spend on this calculation
-    // right now, I assume that we'll print it when we need it; we
-    // should really adde it to the breakdown of a pause
-    double end_time_sec = os::elapsedTime();
-    double elapsed_time_ms = (end_time_sec - start_time_sec) * 1000.0;
-    // leave this in for debugging, just in case
-    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("target = %1.1lf ms, young = " SIZE_FORMAT ", "
-                           "elapsed %1.2lf ms, (%s%s) " SIZE_FORMAT SIZE_FORMAT,
-                           target_pause_time_ms,
-                           _young_list_target_length
-                           elapsed_time_ms,
-                           full_young_gcs() ? "full" : "partial",
-                           during_initial_mark_pause() ? " i-m" : "",
-                           _in_marking_window,
-                           _in_marking_window_im);
-    if (_young_list_target_length < _young_list_min_length) {
-      // bummer; this means that, if we do a pause when the maximal
-      // length dictates, we'll violate the pause spacing target (the
-      // min length was calculate based on the application's current
-      // alloc rate);
-      // so, we have to bite the bullet, and allocate the minimum
-      // number. We'll violate our target, but we just can't meet it.
-      // leave this in for debugging, just in case
-      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("adjusted target length from "
-                             SIZE_FORMAT " to " SIZE_FORMAT,
-                             _young_list_target_length, _young_list_min_length);
-      _young_list_target_length = _young_list_min_length;
-    }
-  } else {
-    // we are in a partially-young mode or we've run out of regions (due
-    // to evacuation failure)
-    // leave this in for debugging, just in case
-    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("(partial) setting target to " SIZE_FORMAT
-                           _young_list_min_length);
-    // we'll do the pause as soon as possible by choosing the minimum
-    _young_list_target_length = _young_list_min_length;
-  }
-  _rs_lengths_prediction = rs_lengths;
-// This is used by: calculate_young_list_target_length(rs_length). It
-// returns true iff:
-//   the predicted pause time for the given young list will not overflow
-//   the target pause time
-// and:
-//   the predicted amount of surviving data will not overflow the
-//   the amount of free space available for survivor regions.
-G1CollectorPolicy::predict_will_fit(size_t young_length,
-                                    double base_time_ms,
-                                    size_t init_free_regions,
-                                    double target_pause_time_ms) {
-  if (young_length >= init_free_regions)
+bool G1CollectorPolicy::predict_will_fit(size_t young_length,
+                                         double base_time_ms,
+                                         size_t base_free_regions,
+                                         double target_pause_time_ms) {
+  if (young_length >= base_free_regions) {
     // end condition 1: not enough space for the young regions
     return false;
-  double accum_surv_rate_adj = 0.0;
-  double accum_surv_rate =
-    accum_yg_surv_rate_pred((int)(young_length - 1)) - accum_surv_rate_adj;
+  }
+  double accum_surv_rate = accum_yg_surv_rate_pred((int)(young_length - 1));
   size_t bytes_to_copy =
-    (size_t) (accum_surv_rate * (double) HeapRegion::GrainBytes);
+               (size_t) (accum_surv_rate * (double) HeapRegion::GrainBytes);
   double copy_time_ms = predict_object_copy_time_ms(bytes_to_copy);
-  double young_other_time_ms =
-                       predict_young_other_time_ms(young_length);
-  double pause_time_ms =
-                   base_time_ms + copy_time_ms + young_other_time_ms;
-  if (pause_time_ms > target_pause_time_ms)
-    // end condition 2: over the target pause time
+  double young_other_time_ms = predict_young_other_time_ms(young_length);
+  double pause_time_ms = base_time_ms + copy_time_ms + young_other_time_ms;
+  if (pause_time_ms > target_pause_time_ms) {
+    // end condition 2: prediction is over the target pause time
     return false;
+  }
   size_t free_bytes =
-                 (init_free_regions - young_length) * HeapRegion::GrainBytes;
-  if ((2.0 + sigma()) * (double) bytes_to_copy > (double) free_bytes)
-    // end condition 3: out of to-space (conservatively)
+                  (base_free_regions - young_length) * HeapRegion::GrainBytes;
+  if ((2.0 * sigma()) * (double) bytes_to_copy > (double) free_bytes) {
+    // end condition 3: out-of-space (conservatively!)
     return false;
+  }
   // success!
   return true;
+void G1CollectorPolicy::calculate_reserve(size_t all_regions) {
+  double reserve_regions_d = (double) all_regions * _reserve_factor;
+  // We use ceiling so that if reserve_regions_d is > 0.0 (but
+  // smaller than 1.0) we'll get 1.
+  _reserve_regions = (size_t) ceil(reserve_regions_d);
+size_t G1CollectorPolicy::calculate_young_list_desired_min_length(
+                                                     size_t base_min_length) {
+  size_t desired_min_length = 0;
+  if (adaptive_young_list_length()) {
+    if (_alloc_rate_ms_seq->num() > 3) {
+      double now_sec = os::elapsedTime();
+      double when_ms = _mmu_tracker->when_max_gc_sec(now_sec) * 1000.0;
+      double alloc_rate_ms = predict_alloc_rate_ms();
+      desired_min_length = (size_t) ceil(alloc_rate_ms * when_ms);
+    } else {
+      // otherwise we don't have enough info to make the prediction
+    }
+  }
+  // Here, we might want to also take into account any additional
+  // constraints (i.e., user-defined minimum bound). Currently, we don't.
+  return base_min_length + desired_min_length;
+size_t G1CollectorPolicy::calculate_young_list_desired_max_length() {
+  // Here, we might want to also take into account any additional
+  // constraints (i.e., user-defined minimum bound). Currently, we
+  // effectively don't set this bound.
+  return _g1->n_regions();
+void G1CollectorPolicy::update_young_list_target_length(size_t rs_lengths) {
+  if (rs_lengths == (size_t) -1) {
+    // if it's set to the default value (-1), we should predict it;
+    // otherwise, use the given value.
+    rs_lengths = (size_t) get_new_prediction(_rs_lengths_seq);
+  }
+  // Calculate the absolute and desired min bounds.
+  // This is how many young regions we already have (currently: the survivors).
+  size_t base_min_length = recorded_survivor_regions();
+  // This is the absolute minimum young length, which ensures that we
+  // can allocate one eden region in the worst-case.
+  size_t absolute_min_length = base_min_length + 1;
+  size_t desired_min_length =
+                     calculate_young_list_desired_min_length(base_min_length);
+  if (desired_min_length < absolute_min_length) {
+    desired_min_length = absolute_min_length;
+  }
+  // Calculate the absolute and desired max bounds.
+  // We will try our best not to "eat" into the reserve.
+  size_t absolute_max_length = 0;
+  if (_free_regions_at_end_of_collection > _reserve_regions) {
+    absolute_max_length = _free_regions_at_end_of_collection - _reserve_regions;
+  }
+  size_t desired_max_length = calculate_young_list_desired_max_length();
+  if (desired_max_length > absolute_max_length) {
+    desired_max_length = absolute_max_length;
+  }
+  size_t young_list_target_length = 0;
+  if (adaptive_young_list_length()) {
+    if (full_young_gcs()) {
+      young_list_target_length =
+                        calculate_young_list_target_length(rs_lengths,
+                                                           base_min_length,
+                                                           desired_min_length,
+                                                           desired_max_length);
+      _rs_lengths_prediction = rs_lengths;
+    } else {
+      // Don't calculate anything and let the code below bound it to
+      // the desired_min_length, i.e., do the next GC as soon as
+      // possible to maximize how many old regions we can add to it.
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (full_young_gcs()) {
+      young_list_target_length = _young_list_fixed_length;
+    } else {
+      // A bit arbitrary: during partially-young GCs we allocate half
+      // the young regions to try to add old regions to the CSet.
+      young_list_target_length = _young_list_fixed_length / 2;
+      // We choose to accept that we might go under the desired min
+      // length given that we intentionally ask for a smaller young gen.
+      desired_min_length = absolute_min_length;
+    }
+  }
+  // Make sure we don't go over the desired max length, nor under the
+  // desired min length. In case they clash, desired_min_length wins
+  // which is why that test is second.
+  if (young_list_target_length > desired_max_length) {
+    young_list_target_length = desired_max_length;
+  }
+  if (young_list_target_length < desired_min_length) {
+    young_list_target_length = desired_min_length;
+  }
+  assert(young_list_target_length > recorded_survivor_regions(),
+         "we should be able to allocate at least one eden region");
+  assert(young_list_target_length >= absolute_min_length, "post-condition");
+  _young_list_target_length = young_list_target_length;
+  update_max_gc_locker_expansion();
+G1CollectorPolicy::calculate_young_list_target_length(size_t rs_lengths,
+                                                   size_t base_min_length,
+                                                   size_t desired_min_length,
+                                                   size_t desired_max_length) {
+  assert(adaptive_young_list_length(), "pre-condition");
+  assert(full_young_gcs(), "only call this for fully-young GCs");
+  // In case some edge-condition makes the desired max length too small...
+  if (desired_max_length <= desired_min_length) {
+    return desired_min_length;
+  }
+  // We'll adjust min_young_length and max_young_length not to include
+  // the already allocated young regions (i.e., so they reflect the
+  // min and max eden regions we'll allocate). The base_min_length
+  // will be reflected in the predictions by the
+  // survivor_regions_evac_time prediction.
+  assert(desired_min_length > base_min_length, "invariant");
+  size_t min_young_length = desired_min_length - base_min_length;
+  assert(desired_max_length > base_min_length, "invariant");
+  size_t max_young_length = desired_max_length - base_min_length;
+  double target_pause_time_ms = _mmu_tracker->max_gc_time() * 1000.0;
+  double survivor_regions_evac_time = predict_survivor_regions_evac_time();
+  size_t pending_cards = (size_t) get_new_prediction(_pending_cards_seq);
+  size_t adj_rs_lengths = rs_lengths + predict_rs_length_diff();
+  size_t scanned_cards = predict_young_card_num(adj_rs_lengths);
+  double base_time_ms =
+    predict_base_elapsed_time_ms(pending_cards, scanned_cards) +
+    survivor_regions_evac_time;
+  size_t available_free_regions = _free_regions_at_end_of_collection;
+  size_t base_free_regions = 0;
+  if (available_free_regions > _reserve_regions) {
+    base_free_regions = available_free_regions - _reserve_regions;
+  }
+  // Here, we will make sure that the shortest young length that
+  // makes sense fits within the target pause time.
+  if (predict_will_fit(min_young_length, base_time_ms,
+                       base_free_regions, target_pause_time_ms)) {
+    // The shortest young length will fit into the target pause time;
+    // we'll now check whether the absolute maximum number of young
+    // regions will fit in the target pause time. If not, we'll do
+    // a binary search between min_young_length and max_young_length.
+    if (predict_will_fit(max_young_length, base_time_ms,
+                         base_free_regions, target_pause_time_ms)) {
+      // The maximum young length will fit into the target pause time.
+      // We are done so set min young length to the maximum length (as
+      // the result is assumed to be returned in min_young_length).
+      min_young_length = max_young_length;
+    } else {
+      // The maximum possible number of young regions will not fit within
+      // the target pause time so we'll search for the optimal
+      // length. The loop invariants are:
+      //
+      // min_young_length < max_young_length
+      // min_young_length is known to fit into the target pause time
+      // max_young_length is known not to fit into the target pause time
+      //
+      // Going into the loop we know the above hold as we've just
+      // checked them. Every time around the loop we check whether
+      // the middle value between min_young_length and
+      // max_young_length fits into the target pause time. If it
+      // does, it becomes the new min. If it doesn't, it becomes
+      // the new max. This way we maintain the loop invariants.
+      assert(min_young_length < max_young_length, "invariant");
+      size_t diff = (max_young_length - min_young_length) / 2;
+      while (diff > 0) {
+        size_t young_length = min_young_length + diff;
+        if (predict_will_fit(young_length, base_time_ms,
+                             base_free_regions, target_pause_time_ms)) {
+          min_young_length = young_length;
+        } else {
+          max_young_length = young_length;
+        }
+        assert(min_young_length <  max_young_length, "invariant");
+        diff = (max_young_length - min_young_length) / 2;
+      }
+      // The results is min_young_length which, according to the
+      // loop invariants, should fit within the target pause time.
+      // These are the post-conditions of the binary search above:
+      assert(min_young_length < max_young_length,
+             "otherwise we should have discovered that max_young_length "
+             "fits into the pause target and not done the binary search");
+      assert(predict_will_fit(min_young_length, base_time_ms,
+                              base_free_regions, target_pause_time_ms),
+             "min_young_length, the result of the binary search, should "
+             "fit into the pause target");
+      assert(!predict_will_fit(min_young_length + 1, base_time_ms,
+                               base_free_regions, target_pause_time_ms),
+             "min_young_length, the result of the binary search, should be "
+             "optimal, so no larger length should fit into the pause target");
+    }
+  } else {
+    // Even the minimum length doesn't fit into the pause time
+    // target, return it as the result nevertheless.
+  }
+  return base_min_length + min_young_length;
 double G1CollectorPolicy::predict_survivor_regions_evac_time() {
   double survivor_regions_evac_time = 0.0;
   for (HeapRegion * r = _recorded_survivor_head;
@@ -738,17 +764,19 @@
   return survivor_regions_evac_time;
-void G1CollectorPolicy::check_prediction_validity() {
+void G1CollectorPolicy::revise_young_list_target_length_if_necessary() {
   guarantee( adaptive_young_list_length(), "should not call this otherwise" );
   size_t rs_lengths = _g1->young_list()->sampled_rs_lengths();
   if (rs_lengths > _rs_lengths_prediction) {
     // add 10% to avoid having to recalculate often
     size_t rs_lengths_prediction = rs_lengths * 1100 / 1000;
-    calculate_young_list_target_length(rs_lengths_prediction);
+    update_young_list_target_length(rs_lengths_prediction);
 HeapWord* G1CollectorPolicy::mem_allocate_work(size_t size,
                                                bool is_tlab,
                                                bool* gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded) {
@@ -855,8 +883,7 @@
   _free_regions_at_end_of_collection = _g1->free_regions();
   // Reset survivors SurvRateGroup.
-  calculate_young_list_min_length();
-  calculate_young_list_target_length();
+  update_young_list_target_length();
 void G1CollectorPolicy::record_stop_world_start() {
@@ -871,6 +898,11 @@
     gclog_or_tty->print(" (%s)", full_young_gcs() ? "young" : "partial");
+  // We only need to do this here as the policy will only be applied
+  // to the GC we're about to start. so, no point is calculating this
+  // every time we calculate / recalculate the target young length.
+  update_survivors_policy();
   assert(_g1->used() == _g1->recalculate_used(),
          err_msg("sanity, used: "SIZE_FORMAT" recalculate_used: "SIZE_FORMAT,
                  _g1->used(), _g1->recalculate_used()));
@@ -996,8 +1028,6 @@
   _should_revert_to_full_young_gcs = false;
   _last_full_young_gc = true;
   _in_marking_window = false;
-  if (adaptive_young_list_length())
-    calculate_young_list_target_length();
 void G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_pause() {
@@ -1648,8 +1678,7 @@
   _in_marking_window = new_in_marking_window;
   _in_marking_window_im = new_in_marking_window_im;
   _free_regions_at_end_of_collection = _g1->free_regions();
-  calculate_young_list_min_length();
-  calculate_young_list_target_length();
+  update_young_list_target_length();
   // Note that _mmu_tracker->max_gc_time() returns the time in seconds.
   double update_rs_time_goal_ms = _mmu_tracker->max_gc_time() * MILLIUNITS * G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent / 100.0;
@@ -2324,7 +2353,7 @@
-void G1CollectorPolicy::calculate_max_gc_locker_expansion() {
+void G1CollectorPolicy::update_max_gc_locker_expansion() {
   size_t expansion_region_num = 0;
   if (GCLockerEdenExpansionPercent > 0) {
     double perc = (double) GCLockerEdenExpansionPercent / 100.0;
@@ -2340,9 +2369,13 @@
 // Calculates survivor space parameters.
-void G1CollectorPolicy::calculate_survivors_policy()
-  _max_survivor_regions = _young_list_target_length / SurvivorRatio;
+void G1CollectorPolicy::update_survivors_policy() {
+  double max_survivor_regions_d =
+                 (double) _young_list_target_length / (double) SurvivorRatio;
+  // We use ceiling so that if max_survivor_regions_d is > 0.0 (but
+  // smaller than 1.0) we'll get 1.
+  _max_survivor_regions = (size_t) ceil(max_survivor_regions_d);
   _tenuring_threshold = _survivors_age_table.compute_tenuring_threshold(
         HeapRegion::GrainWords * _max_survivor_regions);
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.hpp	Wed Sep 07 18:58:33 2011 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.hpp	Thu Sep 08 05:16:49 2011 -0400
@@ -183,7 +183,6 @@
   // if true, then it tries to dynamically adjust the length of the
   // young list
   bool _adaptive_young_list_length;
-  size_t _young_list_min_length;
   size_t _young_list_target_length;
   size_t _young_list_fixed_length;
@@ -207,6 +206,9 @@
   double                _gc_overhead_perc;
+  double _reserve_factor;
+  size_t _reserve_regions;
   bool during_marking() {
     return _during_marking;
@@ -456,12 +458,6 @@
   size_t predict_bytes_to_copy(HeapRegion* hr);
   double predict_region_elapsed_time_ms(HeapRegion* hr, bool young);
-    // for use by: calculate_young_list_target_length(rs_length)
-  bool predict_will_fit(size_t young_region_num,
-                        double base_time_ms,
-                        size_t init_free_regions,
-                        double target_pause_time_ms);
   void start_recording_regions();
   void record_cset_region_info(HeapRegion* hr, bool young);
   void record_non_young_cset_region(HeapRegion* hr);
@@ -771,9 +767,41 @@
   double _mark_cleanup_start_sec;
   double _mark_closure_time_ms;
-  void   calculate_young_list_min_length();
-  void   calculate_young_list_target_length();
-  void   calculate_young_list_target_length(size_t rs_lengths);
+  // Update the young list target length either by setting it to the
+  // desired fixed value or by calculating it using G1's pause
+  // prediction model. If no rs_lengths parameter is passed, predict
+  // the RS lengths using the prediction model, otherwise use the
+  // given rs_lengths as the prediction.
+  void update_young_list_target_length(size_t rs_lengths = (size_t) -1);
+  // Calculate and return the minimum desired young list target
+  // length. This is the minimum desired young list length according
+  // to the user's inputs.
+  size_t calculate_young_list_desired_min_length(size_t base_min_length);
+  // Calculate and return the maximum desired young list target
+  // length. This is the maximum desired young list length according
+  // to the user's inputs.
+  size_t calculate_young_list_desired_max_length();
+  // Calculate and return the maximum young list target length that
+  // can fit into the pause time goal. The parameters are: rs_lengths
+  // represent the prediction of how large the young RSet lengths will
+  // be, base_min_length is the alreay existing number of regions in
+  // the young list, min_length and max_length are the desired min and
+  // max young list length according to the user's inputs.
+  size_t calculate_young_list_target_length(size_t rs_lengths,
+                                            size_t base_min_length,
+                                            size_t desired_min_length,
+                                            size_t desired_max_length);
+  // Check whether a given young length (young_length) fits into the
+  // given target pause time and whether the prediction for the amount
+  // of objects to be copied for the given length will fit into the
+  // given free space (expressed by base_free_regions).  It is used by
+  // calculate_young_list_target_length().
+  bool predict_will_fit(size_t young_length, double base_time_ms,
+                        size_t base_free_regions, double target_pause_time_ms);
@@ -785,7 +813,10 @@
     return CollectorPolicy::G1CollectorPolicyKind;
-  void check_prediction_validity();
+  // Check the current value of the young list RSet lengths and
+  // compare it against the last prediction. If the current value is
+  // higher, recalculate the young list target length prediction.
+  void revise_young_list_target_length_if_necessary();
   size_t bytes_in_collection_set() {
     return _bytes_in_collection_set_before_gc;
@@ -795,6 +826,10 @@
     return _all_pause_times_ms->num() + 1;
+  // Recalculate the reserve region number. This should be called
+  // after the heap is resized.
+  void calculate_reserve(size_t all_regions);
   // Count the number of bytes used in the CS.
@@ -1203,10 +1238,10 @@
-  void calculate_max_gc_locker_expansion();
+  void update_max_gc_locker_expansion();
   // Calculates survivor space parameters.
-  void calculate_survivors_policy();
+  void update_survivors_policy();
--- a/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1_globals.hpp	Wed Sep 07 18:58:33 2011 -0700
+++ b/hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1_globals.hpp	Thu Sep 08 05:16:49 2011 -0400
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
           "the number of regions for which we'll print a surv rate "        \
           "summary.")                                                       \
-  product(intx, G1ReservePercent, 10,                                       \
+  product(uintx, G1ReservePercent, 10,                                      \
           "It determines the minimum reserve we should have in the heap "   \
           "to minimize the probability of promotion failure.")              \