2016-10-18 cjplummer 8167034: Re-enable TestDaemonThread.java once JDK-8167001 is fixed
2016-10-05 amurillo Merge
2016-09-30 amurillo Merge
2016-09-21 cjplummer 8161225: Assert failure in JVMTI GetNamedModule at JPLISAgent.c line: 792
2016-10-03 jwilhelm 8167026: Quarantine TestDaemonThread.java
2016-09-28 mli 8162519: Remove ParallelPrefix.java from ProblemList.txt
2016-09-15 robm 8165988: Test JarURLConnectionUseCaches.java fails at windows: failed to clean up files after test
2016-09-14 amurillo Merge
2016-09-10 amurillo Merge
2016-09-07 ddmitriev 8165513: Quarantine sun/tools/jps/TestJpsJar.java
2016-09-02 gtriantafill 8165293: Remove ClassesByName2Test.java and RedefineCrossEvent.java from ProblemList.txt
2016-09-01 amurillo Merge
2016-08-29 dsamersoff 8160923: sun/tools/jps/TestJpsJar.java fails due to ClassNotFoundException: jdk.testlibrary.ProcessTools
2016-08-26 amurillo Merge
2016-08-26 dsamersoff 8163346: Update jmap-hashcode/Test8028623.java for better diagnostic of timeout.
2016-09-14 darcy 8166054: Problem list JarURLConnectionUseCaches.java until JDK-8165988 is fixed
2016-09-14 jjiang 8077138: Some PKCS11 tests fail because NSS library is not initialized
2016-09-13 amlu 8165818: Remove tools/pack200/Pack200Props.java from ProblemList
2016-09-12 sundar 8165772: fix for 8165595 results in failure of jdk/test/tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java
2016-09-11 darcy 8165810: Problem list VersionCheck.java until JDK-8165772 is fixed
2016-09-07 ksrini 8151901: test/tools/pack200/Pack200Test fails on verifying native unpacked JAR
2016-08-31 ssahoo 8015595: Test sun/security/krb5/auto/Unreachable.java fails with Timeout error
2016-08-23 psandoz 8160971: Re-enable VarHandle tests quarantined by JDK-8160690
2016-08-22 amurillo 8164589: Remove sun/rmi/runtime/Log/6409194/NoConsoleOutput.java from ProblemList
2016-08-18 amurillo 8164329: Problem list sun/rmi/runtime/Log/6409194/NoConsoleOutput.java on windows due to JDK-8164124
2016-08-12 fyuan 8163435: Update issue number for SupportedDHKeys.java and UnsupportedDHKeys.java in ProblemList
2016-08-12 fyuan 8161340: ProblemList.txt update for sun/security/tools/keytool/autotest.sh
2016-08-12 fyuan 8160611: Clean up ProblemList.txt for closed/resolved issues
2016-08-10 mchung 8136930: Simplify use of module-system options by custom launchers
2016-08-08 amurillo Merge
2016-08-05 amurillo Merge
2016-07-22 amurillo Merge
2016-07-18 dcubed 8161164: quarantine more tests that can't attach symbolicator to the process on MacOS X
2016-08-05 prr Merge
2016-07-28 ddehaven Merge
2016-07-22 bpb 8148454: [PIT] Failure of ReplaceMetadataTest on TIFF with IllegalStateException
2016-08-03 amlu 8161970: Remove tools/jlink/JLinkOptimTest.java from ProblemList.txt
2016-07-21 amlu 8161565: Problem list httpclient/SplitResponse.java
2016-07-15 amurillo Merge
2016-07-15 mli 8154821: Update issue number for sun/security/pkcs11/ec/TestKeyFactory.java in ProblemList
2016-07-14 weijun 8161341: Garbage in ProblemList.txt
2016-07-12 rhalade 8161233: ProblemList sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/AsyncSSLSocketClose.java on macOS
2016-07-14 dcubed 8161388: quarantine java/lang/instrument/DaemonThread/TestDaemonThread.java
2016-07-08 amurillo Merge
2016-07-08 dcubed Merge
2016-07-08 dcubed Merge
2016-07-07 mli 8157667: sun/security/x509/URICertStore/ExtensionsWithLDAP.java has to be updated due to JDK-8134577
2016-07-06 mli 8160866: IntPrimitiveOpsTests.java still in ProblemList.txt while related bug has been closed
2016-07-05 amurillo Merge
2016-06-30 amurillo 8160690: Quarantine VarHandles tests
2016-07-01 amurillo Merge
2016-07-04 igerasim 8153948: sun/security/mscapi/ShortRSAKey1024.sh fails with "Field length overflow"
2016-06-28 darcy 8160502: Problem listing of several http2 tests
2016-06-24 rriggs 8160278: Remove java/time/test/java/time/TestClock_System from the problem list
2016-07-07 dcubed 8161010: quarantine sun/tools/jps/TestJpsJar.java in JDK9-dev and JDK9-hs
2016-06-24 amurillo Merge
2016-06-22 akulyakh 8159959: Quarantine java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/Pending.java
2016-06-22 asmotrak 8074580: sun/security/pkcs11/rsa/TestKeyPairGenerator.java fails due to PKCS11Exception: CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED
2016-06-22 naoto 8159781: jlink --include-locales fails with java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException
2016-06-17 okutsu 8158272: IncludeLocalesPluginTest.java fails with timeout
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