8234541: C1 emits an empty message when it inlines successfully
Summary: Use "inline" as the message when successfull
Reviewed-by: thartmann, mdoerr
Contributed-by: navy.xliu@gmail.com
sundarSundararajanown properties of 'obj':0 -> foo1 -> barhas own 'foo'? truehas own 'xyz'? false'foo' enumerable? true'bar' enumerable? truefoo is writable? truefoo is configurable? truefoo is enumerable? truefoo's value = 44foo's get = undefinedfoo's set = undefinedbar is writable? truebar is configurable? truebar is enumerable? truebar's value = orclbar's get = undefinedbar's set = undefinedfunc is writable? truefunc is configurable? truefunc is enumerable? truefunc's value = function() { print("myfunc"); }func's get = undefinedfunc's set = undefinedabc is writable? undefinedabc is configurable? trueabc is enumerable? trueabc's value = undefinedabc's get = get abc() { return "abc"; }abc's set = undefinedxyz is writable? undefinedxyz is configurable? truexyz is enumerable? truexyz's value = undefinedxyz's get = undefinedxyz's set = set xyz(val) { print(val); }hey is writable? undefinedhey is configurable? truehey is enumerable? truehey's value = undefinedhey's get = get hey() { return "hey"; }hey's set = set hey(val) { print(val); }undefined