changeset 45362 91eb3de70e54
parent 44013 81d8706c9a3e
--- a/langtools/src/jdk.jdeps/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdeprscan/resources/	Thu May 18 14:54:56 2017 +0000
+++ b/langtools/src/jdk.jdeps/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdeprscan/resources/	Tue May 23 23:26:21 2017 -0700
@@ -6,24 +6,52 @@
 scan.process.class=\u6B63\u5728\u5904\u7406\u7C7B {0}...
+# The "removal tag": empty for normal deprecations,
+# nonempty for removal deprecations; do not translate.
 scan.err.exception=\u9519\u8BEF: \u51FA\u73B0\u610F\u5916\u7684\u5F02\u5E38\u9519\u8BEF {0}
 scan.err.noclass=\u9519\u8BEF: \u627E\u4E0D\u5230\u7C7B {0}
 scan.err.nofile=\u9519\u8BEF: \u627E\u4E0D\u5230\u6587\u4EF6 {0}
+# 0: class name, 1: method name, 2: parameter and return types
 scan.err.nomethod=\u9519\u8BEF: \u65E0\u6CD5\u89E3\u6790 Methodref {0}.{1}:{2}
 scan.head.jar=Jar \u6587\u4EF6 {0}:
 scan.head.dir=\u76EE\u5F55 {0}:
+# In all of the messages below, 0 and 1 are as follows:
+#   0: type kind (class, interface, enum, or annotation type)
+#   1: type name
+# The last element is generally a "removal tag"; see above.
+# 2: class name, 3: removal tag
 scan.out.extends={0} {1} \u6269\u5C55\u5DF2\u8FC7\u65F6\u7684\u7C7B {2} {3}
+# 2: interface name, 3: removal tag
 scan.out.implements={0} {1} \u5B9E\u73B0\u5DF2\u8FC7\u65F6\u7684\u63A5\u53E3 {2} {3}
+# 2: class name, 3: removal tag
 scan.out.usesclass={0} {1} \u4F7F\u7528\u5DF2\u8FC7\u65F6\u7684\u7C7B {2} {3}
+# 2: class name, 3: method name, 4: method parameter and return types, 5: removal tag
 scan.out.usesmethod={0} {1} \u4F7F\u7528\u5DF2\u8FC7\u65F6\u7684\u65B9\u6CD5 {2}::{3}{4} {5}
+# 2: class name, 3: method name, 4: method parameter and return types, 5: removal tag
 scan.out.usesintfmethod={0} {1} \u4F7F\u7528\u5DF2\u8FC7\u65F6\u7684\u65B9\u6CD5 {2}::{3}{4} {5}
+# 2: class name, 3: field name, 4: removal tag
 scan.out.usesfield={0} {1} \u4F7F\u7528\u5DF2\u8FC7\u65F6\u7684\u5B57\u6BB5 {2}::{3} {4}
+# 2: field name, 3: type name, 4: removal tag
 scan.out.hasfield={0} {1} \u5177\u6709\u540D\u4E3A {2} \u7684\u5B57\u6BB5, \u5176\u7C7B\u578B\u4E3A\u5DF2\u8FC7\u65F6\u7684 {3} {4}
+# 2: method name, 3: parameter type, 4: removal tag
 scan.out.methodparmtype={0} {1} \u5177\u6709\u540D\u4E3A {2} \u7684\u65B9\u6CD5, \u5176\u53C2\u6570\u7C7B\u578B\u4E3A\u5DF2\u8FC7\u65F6\u7684 {3} {4}
+# 2: method name, 3: return type, 4: removal tag
 scan.out.methodrettype={0} {1} \u5177\u6709\u540D\u4E3A {2} \u7684\u65B9\u6CD5, \u5176\u8FD4\u56DE\u7C7B\u578B\u4E3A\u5DF2\u8FC7\u65F6\u7684 {3} {4}
+# 2: class name, 3: method name, 4: method parameter and return types, 5: removal tag
 scan.out.methodoverride={0} {1} \u8986\u76D6\u5DF2\u8FC7\u65F6\u7684\u65B9\u6CD5 {2}::{3}{4} {5}