changeset 47 7e665331bc32
parent 36 9e5c3383ba50
child 49 1dc027689f93
--- a/Makefile	Wed Oct 02 23:31:57 2019 +0200
+++ b/Makefile	Thu Oct 03 12:03:50 2019 +0200
@@ -46,14 +46,23 @@
 	scp build/*
-# Prints a table with number of items in particular chapters:
+build/statistics.rp: text/ssm.en.xml
+	mkdir -p build
 	cat text/ssm.en.xml \
 	    | relpipe-in-xmltable \
 		--namespace "m" ",2019:sane-software/manifesto" \
 		--relation "chapter" \
 		    --records "//m:chapter" \
 		    --attribute "name" string "m:name" \
-		    --attribute "item_count" integer "count(descendant::m:item)" \
-	    | relpipe-out-tabular
-# try also relpipe-out-gui to get the chart
+		    --attribute "requirements" integer "count(descendant::m:item[m:type='requirement'])" \
+		    --attribute "recommendations" integer "count(descendant::m:item[m:type='recommendation'])" \
+		    --attribute "informations" integer "count(descendant::m:item[m:type='information'])" \
+		    --attribute "items_total" integer "count(descendant::m:item)" \
+	> build/statistics.rp
+# Prints a table with number of items in particular chapters:
+statistics: build/statistics.rp
+	cat build/statistics.rp | relpipe-out-tabular
+statistics-chart: build/statistics.rp
+	cat build/statistics.rp | relpipe-tr-cut ".*" "(name|.*s)" | relpipe-out-gui -title "Sane Software Manifesto – chart of rule types"