changeset 0 00d1dd4f816a
child 4 efe39602b34b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/nbproject/Makefile-Debug.mk	Sun Aug 12 12:26:16 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Generated Makefile - do not edit!
+# Edit the Makefile in the project folder instead (../Makefile). Each target
+# has a -pre and a -post target defined where you can add customized code.
+# This makefile implements configuration specific macros and targets.
+# Environment
+# Macros
+# Include project Makefile
+include Makefile
+# Object Directory
+# Object Files
+# C Compiler Flags
+# CC Compiler Flags
+# Fortran Compiler Flags
+# Assembler Flags
+# Link Libraries and Options
+# Build Targets
+.build-conf: ${BUILD_SUBPROJECTS}
+	"${MAKE}"  -f nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk ${CND_DISTDIR}/${CND_CONF}/${CND_PLATFORM}/librelpipe-lib-cli.cpp.${CND_DLIB_EXT}
+${CND_DISTDIR}/${CND_CONF}/${CND_PLATFORM}/librelpipe-lib-cli.cpp.${CND_DLIB_EXT}: ${OBJECTFILES}
+	${LINK.cc} -o ${CND_DISTDIR}/${CND_CONF}/${CND_PLATFORM}/librelpipe-lib-cli.cpp.${CND_DLIB_EXT} ${OBJECTFILES} ${LDLIBSOPTIONS} -shared -fPIC
+	${RM} "$@.d"
+	$(COMPILE.cc) -g -fPIC  -MMD -MP -MF "$@.d" -o ${OBJECTDIR}/CLI.o CLI.cpp
+# Subprojects
+# Clean Targets
+.clean-conf: ${CLEAN_SUBPROJECTS}
+# Subprojects
+# Enable dependency checking
+.dep.inc: .depcheck-impl
+include .dep.inc