2017-08-25 asaha Added tag jdk-10+21 for changeset 9d1fdae875f6
2017-08-31 ctornqvi 8186218: Make JIB exclude webrev from all sub-repo levels when creating source bundles
2017-08-31 glaubitz 8186786: Name collisions with autoconf definitions on alpha and sh
2017-08-29 jwilhelm Merge
2017-08-28 phedlin 8183119: Resolve 'libkstat' dependency between open and closed part of JDK
2017-08-28 jwilhelm Merge
2017-08-22 jwilhelm Merge
2017-08-16 gtriantafill 8149790: NegativeArraySizeException with hprof
2017-08-21 glaubitz 8186313: Additional platform definitions to support Zero builds
2017-08-21 glaubitz 8186433: Compiler flag -arch=sparc should not be passed on linux-sparc
2017-08-25 asaha Added tag jdk-10+21 for changeset 28032e2ab1b3
2017-08-25 duke Added tag jdk-10+21 for changeset a85884d55ce3
2017-08-25 duke Merge jdk-10+21
2017-08-25 duke Merge
2017-08-23 rfield 8185108: JShell: NullPointerException when throwing exception with null message under local ExecutionControl
2017-08-23 jjg 8186460: Fix stylesheet to better display multi-row headers in "striped" tables.
2017-08-23 rfield 8186636: JShell tests: jtreg_4.2-b08 breaks ComputeFQNsTest.testAddImport()
2017-08-22 jlahoda 8182297: jshell tool: pasting multiple lines of code truncated
2017-08-21 vromero 8160396: test for fix for JDK-8159439 can't be included till CODETOOLS-7901710 is fixed
2017-08-21 rfield 8186475: JShell API: remove trailing HTML paragraph tag
2017-08-21 mullan Merge
2017-08-21 mullan 8159544: Remove deprecated classes in com.sun.security.auth.**
2017-08-18 anazarov 8186020: jdk/javadoc/tool/exceptionHandling/TestExceptionHandling.java fails
2017-08-21 iignatyev 8186095: upgrade to jtreg 4.2 b08
2017-08-18 asaha Added tag jdk-10+20 for changeset f4c981fc7818
2017-08-25 duke Merge
2017-08-18 asaha Added tag jdk-10+20 for changeset 18d3353ab1e3
2017-08-25 duke Merge
2017-08-21 fyuan 8186028: Regression in BCEL caused by 8181154: Fix lint warnings in JAXP repo: deprecation
2017-08-21 iignatyev 8186095: upgrade to jtreg 4.2 b08
2017-08-18 asaha Added tag jdk-10+20 for changeset 52634f4b683b
2017-08-25 duke Merge
2017-08-21 pmuthuswamy 8175362: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException from /.*((a[^a]+){2})c$/.exec('ababc')
2017-08-21 iignatyev 8186095: upgrade to jtreg 4.2 b08
2017-08-18 asaha Added tag jdk-10+20 for changeset b385216af0ed
2017-08-25 duke Merge
2017-08-18 asaha Added tag jdk-10+20 for changeset 5e6999fa94a0
2017-08-25 duke Merge
2017-08-24 redestad 8186500: StringConcatFactory.makeConcatWithConstants throws AssertionError when recipe contains non-String constants
2017-08-24 sherman 8186142: ZipPath.{starts,ends}With(nonZipPath) throws an exception, but should return false
2017-08-23 jjg 8186466: Fix accessibility and other minor issues in java.base
2017-08-23 lancea 8184120: javax.transaction.xa.Xid fields reference obsolete method names
2017-08-23 ssahoo 8183310: java/security/modules/ModularTest.java should clean up better
2017-08-22 jwilhelm Merge
2017-08-18 hseigel 8168677: Typo in API docs for com.sun.tools.attach
2017-08-22 rriggs 8173817: StackOverflowError in "process reaper" thread
2017-08-22 jlahoda 8182297: jshell tool: pasting multiple lines of code truncated
2017-08-22 nishjain 6609718: [Fmt-Ch] uninformative exception in ChoiceFormat.applyPattern(String)
2017-08-22 redestad 8185362: Replace use of AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater from BufferedInputStream with Unsafe
2017-08-22 redestad 8186334: JarFile throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when the manifest contains certain characters
2017-08-21 kevinw Merge
2017-08-18 shshahma 8169961: Memory leak after debugging session
2017-08-21 mullan 8159544: Remove deprecated classes in com.sun.security.auth.**
2017-08-21 iignatyev 8186095: upgrade to jtreg 4.2 b08
2017-08-18 jwilhelm Merge
2017-08-17 jwilhelm Merge
2017-08-16 jwilhelm Merge
2017-08-11 dcubed 8186152: quarantine sun/management/jdp/JdpOffTest.java
2017-08-08 jwilhelm Merge
2017-08-04 dcubed 8185872: quarantine tests named in JDK-8184042 on MacOS X
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