2015-12-14 | chegar | 8145214: Remove sun.misc.Request and RequestProcessor | changeset | files |
2015-12-14 | chegar | 8144995: Move sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder to sun.security.util | changeset | files |
2015-12-14 | sherman | 8145260: To bring j.u.z.ZipFile's native implementation to Java to remove the expensive jni cost and mmap crash risk [2] | changeset | files |
2015-12-13 | shinyafox | 8144675: Add a filtering collector | changeset | files |
2015-12-13 | psandoz | 8145007: Pattern splitAsStream is not late binding as required by the specification | changeset | files |
2015-12-12 | asmotrak | 8140470: javax/xml/crypto/dsig/SecurityManager/XMLDSigWithSecMgr.java failed with AccessControlException | changeset | files |
2015-12-12 | smarks | 8144952: add wildcards to the Map.ofEntries() method | changeset | files |
2015-12-18 | lana | Added tag jdk-9+98 for changeset 797d5137b545 | changeset | files |
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