2015-02-12 van 8068518: IllegalArgumentException in JTree.AccessibleJTree
2015-02-11 ssides 8044394: javadoc for BasicOptionPaneUI.addMessageComponents() has typo and grammar errors
2015-02-11 neugens 8071705: Java application menu misbehaves when running multiple screen stacked vertically
2015-03-03 amurillo Merge
2015-02-27 amurillo Merge
2015-02-23 ctornqvi Merge
2015-02-18 jbachorik 8071657: JDI ObjectReferenceImpl.invokeMethod() validation fails for virtual invocations of method with declaring type being an interface
2015-03-03 psandoz 8071479: Stream and lambdafication improvements to j.u.regex.Matcher
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