2016-04-21 bharadwaj Merge
2016-04-19 bharadwaj Merge
2016-04-12 bharadwaj Merge
2016-03-30 ikrylov 8147844: new method j.l.Thread.onSpinWait() and the corresponding x86 hotspot instrinsic
2016-04-21 dsamersoff 8143921: nsk/jdi/ObjectReference/waitingThreads/waitingthreads003 fails with JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_CLASS
2016-04-20 dsamersoff Merge
2016-04-20 dsamersoff 8152847: JDI use of sun.boot.class.path needs to be updated for Jigsaw
2016-04-20 stefank 8072921: -Xincgc should be removed from output
2015-11-18 ahenrie 8145278: Fix memory leak in splitPathList
2016-05-17 sundar 8157146: Add debug printlns to tests FieldSetAccessibleTest and VerifyJimage.java
2016-05-17 psandoz 8156485: MethodHandles.varHandleExactInvoker should perform exact checks
2016-05-17 xiaofeya 8155088: Fix module dependencies in java/sql/* and javax/* tests
2016-05-16 alanb 8156989: Trailing empty element in classpath ignored
2016-05-16 mullan Merge
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