2011-07-28 lana Merge
2011-07-18 rupashka 7031941: Use generificated JComboBox and JList in core libraries
2011-07-18 rupashka 6509273: Password in JPasswordField gets Printed in clear text
2011-07-15 serb 4717864: setFont() does not update Fonts of Menus already on screen
2011-07-15 serb 6642728: Use reflection to access ScrollPane's private method from within sun.awt package
2011-07-15 serb 6596915: JCK-runtime-6a/tests/api/java_awt/Component/index.html tesPaintAll fails
2011-07-15 serb 7043815: AWT-XAWT - AWT-EventQueue-0 deadlock.
2011-07-15 serb 7043679: Wrong class name is used in Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_initIDs
2011-07-15 rupashka 4909150: WindowsTreeUI can cause NullPointerException occasionally
2011-07-12 rupashka 7019963: The goto parent directory button doesn't operate in JFileChooser
2011-07-11 lana Merge
2011-07-11 peytoia 7051769: java.text.Bidi.toString() output is wrong
2011-07-11 peytoia 7042148: closed/java/awt/font/TextLayout/CheckLayoutLTR.java failed
2011-07-11 bagiras 7050935: closed/java/awt/Choice/WheelEventsConsumed/WheelEventsConsumed.html fails on win32
2011-07-26 neugens 7070155: A small refactoring patch for the abstract RenderingEngine.
2011-07-20 bae 7044285: 64 bit VM crashes in Java_sun_java2d_loops_MaskFill_MaskFill
2011-07-19 prr 7068471: NPE in sun.font.FontConfigManager.getFontConfigFont() when libfontconfig.so is not installed
2011-07-08 lana Merge
2011-07-01 lana Merge
2011-07-16 jrose 6983728: JSR 292 remove argument count limitations
2011-07-16 jrose 7058651: JSR 292 unit tests need a refresh
2011-07-16 jrose 7058630: JSR 292 method handle proxy violates contract for Object methods
2011-07-13 jrose Merge
2011-06-15 jrose 7054590: (JSR-292) MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance() accepts private/protected nested interfaces
2011-06-30 lana Merge
2011-06-28 michaelm Merge
2011-06-28 michaelm 7058832: com/sun/net/httpserver/bugs/B6373555.java failing intermittently
2011-06-28 dholmes 7039182: PPC: NIO: java.io.IOException: Invalid argument in sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0
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