2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-10-22 lana Added tag jdk9-b88 for changeset 9d153359b8ff
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-10-22 lana Merge
2015-10-22 lana Merge
2015-07-07 joehw 8130078: Document better processing
2015-07-07 joehw 8086733: Improve namespace handling
2015-05-26 joehw 8078427: More supportive home environment
2015-05-12 joehw 8079323: Serialization compatibility for Templates: need to exclude Hashtable from serialization
2015-04-18 joehw 8068842: Better JAXP data handling
2015-10-22 lana Added tag jdk9-b88 for changeset bd51fb758778
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2015-10-22 lana Merge
2015-10-22 attila 8140273: restore use of CompositeOperation.contains where it is needed
2015-10-22 lana Merge
2015-10-21 attila 8139931: Introduce Operation objects in Dynalink instead of string encoding
2015-10-21 attila 8139919: Make CallSiteDescriptor a concrete class
2015-10-21 attila 8139905: Add a convenience AccessControlContext factory
2015-10-20 attila 8139895: Introduce GuardingDynamicLinkerExporter
2015-10-20 attila 8139888: Improve Dynalink JavaDoc some more
2015-10-20 attila 8139887: Reduce visibility of few methods in TypeUtilities and Guards API
2015-10-20 attila 8139761: Improve Dynalink class nomenclature and package organization
2015-10-19 attila 8139884: Use privileged blocks when working with class loaders
2015-10-19 attila 8139756: Eliminate GuardedTypeConversion, DynamicLinker.getCurrentLinkRequest and its associated permission
2015-10-19 sundar 8139852: jjs interactive mode fails to work with security manager
2015-10-19 attila 8139590: Improve Dynalink JavaDoc
2015-10-19 attila 8139588: Remove concept of runtime context arguments, call site tokens, and link counts
2015-10-19 attila 8139435: Make sure CallSiteDescriptor.getLookup is subject to a security check
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