2016-10-17 rchamyal 8161473: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] add autodelay to java/awt/TrayIcon/TrayIconEventModifiers/TrayIconEventModifiersTest.java
2016-10-17 jdv 8167281: IIOMetadataNode bugs in getElementsByTagName and NodeList.item methods
2016-10-17 ssadetsky 8167486: Device.getDisplayMode() doesn't report refresh rate on Linux in case of dual screen
2016-10-17 ssadetsky 8164321: Crash of SwingNode with GTK LaF
2016-10-14 prr 8166034: [macosx] Non-AA Serif font always displays as regular - no bold
2016-10-14 serb 8167435: IllegalArgumentException is not thrown by Clip.open(AudioFormat,byte[], int, int)
2016-10-14 prr Merge
2016-10-14 serb 8167310: The graphics clip is incorrectly rounded for some fractional scales
2016-10-14 azvegint 8167565: [macosx] Maximization of a dialog hides it
2016-10-14 mhalder 8158380: [macosx] Regression: java/awt/List/ActionEventTest/ActionEventTest.java
2016-10-14 aghaisas 8166980: JCK testing of Window.setIconImage() leads to VM crash starting approx from JDK9 b134
2016-10-13 jdv 6294607: GIFWriter returns the same compression type twice
2016-10-12 psadhukhan 8167291: [TEST_BUG] javax/print/attribute/Services_getDocFl.java
2016-10-11 prr 8167523: JDK 9 build failure on MacOS due to unhandled cases in switch statement
2016-10-10 prr Merge
2016-10-07 ptbrunet 8160893: [macosx] JMenuItems in JPopupMenu are not accessible
2016-10-06 alanbur 8165232: XKeycodeToKeysym is deprecated and should be replaced
2016-10-06 mhalder 8165555: [macosx] VM crashes on second attempt to execute JCK interactive tests that use Robot (single JVM, agent)
2016-10-06 aghaisas 8058950: [TESTBUG] There is no F1 dialog when the case loading,so we can't restore it.
2016-10-06 rchamyal 8151787: Unify the HiDPI splash screen image naming convention
2016-10-05 alexsch 7067885: FileChooser does not display soft link name if link is to nonexistent file/directory
2016-10-05 alexsch 8165485: Bad rendering of Swing UI controls with Motif L&F on HiDPI display
2016-10-05 alexsch 8166591: [macos 10.12] Trackpad scrolling of text on OS X 10.12 Sierra is very fast (Trackpad, Retina only)
2016-10-04 serb 8167028: SunCodec.java can be removed
2016-10-27 clanger 8167481: cleanup of headers and includes for native libnet
2016-10-27 mli 8168064: sun/security/ssl/ServerHandshaker/AnonCipherWithWantClientAuth.java failed with "Received fatal alert: handshake_failure"
2016-10-26 redestad 8168640: (fc) Avoiding AtomicBoolean in FileInput/-OutputStream improves startup
2016-10-26 rriggs 8168613: CORBA ObjectStreamTest fails with address in use
2016-10-26 chegar 8168773: Temporarily remove java/net/httpclient from jdk_net test group
2016-10-26 sundar 8166810: jlink should fail on extra arguments
2016-10-25 amurillo Merge
2016-10-25 amurillo Merge
2016-10-20 amurillo Merge
2016-10-19 dholmes 8165827: Support private interface methods in JNI, JDWP, JDI and JDB
2016-10-18 cjplummer 8167034: Re-enable TestDaemonThread.java once JDK-8167001 is fixed
2016-10-18 cjplummer 8167001: [TESTBUG] java/lang/instrument/DaemonThread/TestDaemonThread.java fails when run by jprt
2016-10-17 akulyakh 8158797: Test java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/LowMemoryTest.java fails when GC is specified explicitly
2016-10-13 amurillo Merge
2016-10-13 amurillo Merge
2016-09-28 simonis 8166801: [s390] Add jvm.cfg file for Linux/s390x
2016-10-03 dsamersoff 8166657: Remove exports com.sun.tools.jdi to jdk.hotspot.agent
2016-10-25 sdrach 8164805: Fail to create a MR modular JAR with a versioned entry of a concealed package
2016-10-25 bchristi 8165793: Provide an API to query if a ClassLoader is parallel capable
2016-10-25 ksrini 8160213: tools/pack200/Utils.java should clean up javac*.tmp files
2016-10-25 chegar 8085192: java/rmi/activation/Activatable tests fail intermittently due to "Port already in use"
2016-10-25 okutsu 8165804: Revisit the way of loading BreakIterator rules/dictionaries
2016-10-25 mli 8168505: Remove the intermittent keyword from java/util/Arrays/ParallelPrefix.java
2016-10-27 lana Added tag jdk-9+142 for changeset f5a226a44fab
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2016-11-02 erikj 8063154: Checked in jvmti.h not in sync with generated jvmti.h
2016-10-27 lana Merge
2016-10-20 amurillo Merge
2016-10-19 dholmes Merge
2016-10-19 dholmes 8165827: Support private interface methods in JNI, JDWP, JDI and JDB
2016-10-18 ccheung 8166931: Do not include classes which are unusable during run time in the classlist file
2016-10-18 jiangli Merge
2016-10-11 jiangli 8167333: Invalid source path info might be used when creating ClassFileStream after CFLH transforms a shared classes in some cases
2016-10-18 never Merge
2016-10-18 never Merge
2016-10-18 never 8166972: [JVMCI] reduce size of interpreter when JVMCI is enabled
2016-10-18 dfazunen Merge
2016-10-18 dfazunen Merge
2016-10-18 dfazunen Merge
2016-10-18 dfazunen 8165621: Convert TestG1BiasedArray_test to GTest
2016-10-18 aph Merge
2016-10-18 aph Merge
2016-10-12 aph 8167595: AArch64: SEGV in stub code cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt
2016-10-18 coleenp Merge
2016-10-18 coleenp 8164921: Memory leaked when instrumentation.retransformClasses() is called repeatedly
2016-10-18 dnsimon Merge
2016-10-10 dnsimon 8167180: [JVMCI] Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in jdk.vm.ci
2016-10-18 ehelin Merge
2016-10-05 ehelin 8167190: Remove confusing timestamps from the gc log
2016-10-18 ctornqvi Merge
2016-10-18 ctornqvi 8159799: Tests using jcmd fails intermittently with Could not open PerfMemory on Windows
2016-10-18 ctornqvi 8166738: Enable concurrency in Hotspot jtreg testing
2016-10-18 rehn Merge
2016-10-18 rehn Merge
2016-10-18 rehn 8165526: Kitchensink sudden death - error code 0x406d1388
2016-10-17 roland 8168086: 8166869 broke jvmci build on aarch64
2016-10-18 thartmann 8153134: Infinite loop in handle_wrong_method in jmod
2016-10-17 sangheki 8167494: Deprecate AutoGCSelectPauseMillis
2016-10-18 sangheki 8166461: Deprecate UseAutoGCSelectPolicy
2016-10-18 coleenp Merge
2016-10-18 coleenp Merge
2016-10-12 mdoerr 8166970: Adapt mutex padding according to DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE
2016-10-18 sangheki Merge
2016-10-17 jmasa 8155948: Add message for CMS deprecation for Oracle builds
2016-10-17 alanbur 8157141: Fix for JDK-8031290 is unnecessarily fragile
2016-10-17 mwalsh 8165482: java in ldoms, with cpu-arch=generic has problems
2016-10-17 stsmirno 8165687: Fix license and copyright headers in jd9 under hotspot/test
2016-10-17 dholmes 8166197: assert(RelaxAssert || w != Thread::current()->_MutexEvent) failed: invariant
2016-10-14 kvn Merge
2016-10-03 rschatz Merge
2016-10-03 rschatz 8166781: fix wrong comment in ReceiverTypeData
2016-10-03 dlong Merge
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