2009-03-19 xdono Added tag jdk7-b51 for changeset 7f8562969499
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-03-19 xdono Added tag jdk7-b51 for changeset c5c3e5f4accc
2009-03-19 xdono Added tag jdk7-b51 for changeset 82d167c95656
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b51 for changeset a25c5ec5e40e
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b51
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-03-10 tbell Merge
2009-03-06 tbell Merge
2009-03-05 mcimadamore 6799605: Basic/Raw formatters should use type/symbol printer instead of toString()
2009-03-05 mcimadamore 6807255: LineNumberTable wrong if enhanced-for-loops are used
2009-03-05 mcimadamore 6804733: javac generates spourious diagnostics for ill-formed type-variable bounds
2009-03-05 mcimadamore 6467183: javac fails to raise unchecked warning on cast of parameterized generic subclass
2009-03-02 tbell Merge
2009-02-28 bpatel 6786690: Javadoc HTML WCAG 2.0 accessibility issues in standard doclet - DL tag and nesting issue
2009-02-25 darcy 6498938: Faulty comparison of TypeMirror objects in getElementsAnnotatedWith implementation
2009-02-25 darcy 6501749: 6501749 Filer should state connection between created files and root elements
2009-03-09 xdono Merge
2009-03-09 xdono 6814575: Update copyright year
2009-03-05 xdono Added tag jdk7-b50 for changeset 7faffd237305
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-03-09 xdono Merge
2009-03-09 xdono 6814575: Update copyright year
2009-03-05 xdono Added tag jdk7-b50 for changeset 4dd69fd1b1f9
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-03-09 xdono Merge
2009-03-09 xdono 6814575: Update copyright year
2009-03-05 xdono Added tag jdk7-b50 for changeset 9c9bf2f9d3f3
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-03-16 xdono Merge
2009-03-12 ohair 6816311: Changes to allow builds with latest Windows SDK 6.1 on 64bit Windows 2003
2009-03-11 ohair 6790292: BOOTDIR of jdk6 u12 will not work with jdk7 builds
2009-03-10 tbell Merge
2009-03-06 tbell Merge
2009-03-02 tbell Merge
2009-02-27 jjg 6810915: Sun proprietary warnings in JDK build
2009-02-27 jjg 6809563: corba build in JDK uses invalid bootclasspath for javah
2009-03-09 xdono Merge
2009-03-09 xdono 6814575: Update copyright year
2009-03-05 xdono Added tag jdk7-b50 for changeset 4f3bb7d32ea0
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-03-17 ohair Merge
2009-03-17 ohair 6818565: Regression with fix 6816311: COMPILER_VERSION -> REQUIRED_COMPILER_VERSION
2009-03-16 xdono Merge
2009-03-16 ohair 6816311: Changes to allow builds with latest Windows SDK 6.1 on 64bit Windows 2003
2009-03-10 tbell Merge
2009-03-09 mullan Merge
2009-03-09 mullan 6787130: java.policy file contains stale link to http://java.sun.com/notes
2009-03-06 tbell Merge
2009-03-05 valeriep Merge
2009-03-04 valeriep 6812738: SSL stress test with GF leads to 32 bit max process size in less than 5 minutes with PCKS11 provider
2009-03-05 weijun 6813402: keytool cannot -printcert entries without extensions
2009-03-04 sherman 6812879: Excess code line in ArrayList method
2009-03-04 chegar 6737323: Typo in javadoc for SocketPermission
2009-03-04 chegar 6775145: ClassLoaderUtil.releaseLoader calls System.out.println ("classLoader = " + classLoader)
2009-03-04 weijun 6705872: SecureRandom number init is taking too long on a java.io.tmpdir with a large number of files.
2009-03-04 mchung 6799230: Lazily load java.lang.annotation.Annotation class
2009-03-02 tbell Merge
2009-03-02 xuelei 6549506: Specification of Permission.toString() method contradicts with JDK implementation
2009-02-28 mchung 6809504: Remove enctype="text/xml" from the offline registration page
2009-02-27 mchung 6799689: Make sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.hexFloatPattern static field initialized lazily
2009-02-27 jjg 6810915: Sun proprietary warnings in JDK build
2009-02-26 mchung 6801467: Defer get the launcher resource bundle until it's needed
2009-02-25 kevinw Merge
2009-02-24 kevinw 6809463: Missing license header in test LargeZipFile.java
2009-02-24 dl 6803402: Race condition in AbstractQueuedSynchronizer
2009-03-09 xdono Merge
2009-03-09 xdono 6814575: Update copyright year
2009-03-09 xdono Merge
2009-03-03 xdono Merge
2009-02-27 xdono Merge
2009-02-27 xdono Merge
2009-02-01 ohair 6799141: Build with --hash-style=both so that binaries can work on SuSE 10
2009-03-05 xdono Added tag jdk7-b50 for changeset 6075b2a504ac
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-03-13 trims 6816970: Bump HS15 build number to 03
2009-03-13 trims Merge
2009-03-12 tonyp Merge
2009-03-10 apetrusenko 6760309: G1: update remembered sets during Full GCs
2009-03-10 kvn Merge
2009-03-09 twisti 6797305: Add LoadUB and LoadUI opcode class
2009-03-07 jrose 6812831: factor duplicated assembly code for megamorphic invokeinterface (for 6655638)
2009-03-04 jrose 6812678: macro assembler needs delayed binding of a few constants (for 6655638)
2009-03-04 kvn 6812721: Block's frequency should not be NaN
2009-03-09 tonyp Merge
2009-03-07 tonyp 6814467: G1: small fixes related to concurrent marking verboseness
2009-03-07 tonyp 6812428: G1: Error: assert(ret || obj_in_cs(obj),"sanity")
2009-03-07 tonyp 6810698: G1: two small bugs in the sparse remembered sets
2009-03-06 iveresov 6720309: G1: don't synchronously update RSet during evacuation pauses
2009-03-03 ysr 6797870: Add -XX:+{HeapDump,PrintClassHistogram}{Before,After}FullGC
2009-03-06 acorn Merge
2009-03-02 dcubed Merge
2009-03-02 dcubed Merge
2009-03-02 dcubed 6567360: 3/4 SIGBUS in jvmti RawMonitor magic check for unaligned bad monitor pointer
2009-03-02 dcubed 6805864: 4/3 Problem with jvmti->redefineClasses: some methods don't get redefined
2009-03-02 dcubed 6800721: 3/4 JavaThread::jvmti_thread_state() and JvmtiThreadState::state_for() robustness
2009-03-02 dcubed 6700114: 3/4 Assertion (_thread->get_interp_only_mode() == 1,"leaving interp only when mode not one")
2009-03-03 kvn Merge
2009-03-02 never 6811384: MacroAssembler::serialize_memory may touch next page on amd64
2009-02-27 twisti 6810672: Comment typos
2009-02-27 kvn 6811267: Fix for 6809798 broke linux build
2009-02-27 twisti 6778669: Patch from Red Hat -- fixes compilation errors
2009-02-27 never 6810855: KILL vs. TEMP ordering restrictions are too strong
2009-02-26 kvn 6809798: SafePointScalarObject node placed into incorrect block during GCM
2009-02-25 never 6807963: need tool to make sense of LogCompilaton output
2009-02-25 never 6805427: adlc compiler may generate incorrect machnode emission code
2009-02-27 ysr Merge
2009-02-25 jmasa Merge
2009-02-25 jmasa 6806226: Signed integer overflow in growable array code causes JVM crash
2009-02-24 tonyp 6804746: G1: guarantee(variance() > -1.0,"variance should be >= 0") (due to evacuation failure)
2009-02-26 apangin Merge
2009-02-23 apangin Merge
2009-02-19 ikrylov 6806046: Hotspot build error when compiled from Visual Studio
2009-02-23 apangin Merge
2009-02-16 apangin Merge
2009-02-09 jcoomes Merge
2009-02-26 trims Merge
2009-02-24 kvn Merge
2009-02-24 kvn 6791572: assert("duplicating node that's already been matched")
2009-02-23 twisti 6808589: Merge vm_version_x86_{32,64}.{cpp,hpp}
2009-02-20 kvn 6802499: EA: assert(false,"unknown node on this path")
2009-02-18 kvn 6807084: AutoBox elimination is broken with compressed oops
2009-02-20 ysr Merge
2009-02-17 jmasa 6786346: intermittent Internal Error (src/share/vm/memory/cardTableModRefBS.cpp:226)
2009-03-09 xdono Merge
2009-03-09 xdono 6814575: Update copyright year
2009-03-09 xdono Merge
2009-02-27 xdono Merge
2009-02-01 ohair 6799141: Build with --hash-style=both so that binaries can work on SuSE 10
2009-03-05 xdono Added tag jdk7-b50 for changeset 90cbd9088155
2009-03-09 xdono Merge
2009-03-09 xdono 6814575: Update copyright year
2009-03-09 xdono Merge
2009-02-27 xdono Merge
2009-01-31 ohair 6791649: add "SKIP_MSIVAL2=true" to the Windows section of make/jprt.config
2009-03-05 xdono Added tag jdk7-b50 for changeset c7a5f07b79b2
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b50 for changeset 5da0e6b9f4f1
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b50
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-02-27 tbell Merge
2009-02-24 tbell Merge
2009-02-21 tbell Merge
2009-02-20 darcy 6460529: Provide mixin interfaces for getQualifiedName and getTypeParameters
2009-02-20 tbell Merge
2009-02-18 bpatel 6802694: Javadoc doclet does not display deprecated information with -nocomment option for serialized form
2009-02-13 mcimadamore 6769027: Source line should be displayed immediately after the first diagnostic line
2009-02-26 xdono Added tag jdk7-b49 for changeset 12d66066c9b7
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-02-26 xdono Added tag jdk7-b49 for changeset 9e4d64791991
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-02-26 xdono Added tag jdk7-b49 for changeset d9cfdc5370b1
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-02-26 xdono Added tag jdk7-b49 for changeset a00ac25cb702
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-03-01 alanb 6811578: genSolarisConstants.c should not require kernel patch to compile on Solaris 10
2009-02-27 tbell Merge
2009-02-24 kevinw 6599383: Unable to open zip files more than 2GB in size
2009-02-24 alanb Merge
2009-02-24 alanb 6809132: (file) Javadoc style and consistency issues
2009-02-24 alanb 6808647: (file) Paths.get("C:").newDirectoryStream() iterates over Path elements with additional slash [win]
2009-02-24 sherman 6350801: Add support for named (instead of numbered) capture groups in regular expression
2009-02-23 chegar 6806649: synchronization bottleneck when constructing Thread subclasses
2009-02-23 xuelei 5067458: Loopback SSLSocketImpl createSocket is throwing an exception
2009-02-23 weijun 6780416: New keytool commands/options: -gencert, -printcertreq, -ext
2009-02-23 weijun 6803376: BasicConstraintsExtension does not encode when (ca==false && pathLen<0)
2009-02-23 weijun 6804045: DerValue does not accept empty OCTET STRING
2009-02-23 weijun 6789935: cross-realm capath search error
2009-02-23 weijun 6535697: keytool can be more flexible on format of PEM-encoded X.509 certificates
2009-02-20 tbell Merge
2009-02-20 xuelei 6697270: Inputstream dosent behave correct
2009-02-20 xuelei 4918870: Examine session cache implementation (sun.misc.Cache)
2009-02-20 tbell Merge
2009-02-16 chegar 6800805: java.net.NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces() does not list IPv6 network interfaces correctly
2009-02-15 alanb 6781363: New I/O: Update socket-channel API to jsr203/nio2-b99
2009-02-11 chegar 6799040: Portability issues in src/solaris/native/java/net/Inet4AddressImpl.c
2009-02-10 poonam 6755621: Include SA binaries into Windows JDK
2009-02-26 xdono Added tag jdk7-b49 for changeset 8e06c3b9ec6e
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-02-26 xdono Added tag jdk7-b49 for changeset 2fb28c2f14c0
2009-02-26 xdono Added tag jdk7-b49 for changeset 073e31b93bb0
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk7-b49 for changeset 6b84b04a80af
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk7-b49
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-02-19 xdono Added tag jdk7-b48 for changeset 299092b5d884
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-02-19 xdono Added tag jdk7-b48 for changeset a9f9b366f4d3
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-02-19 xdono Added tag jdk7-b48 for changeset a2189fee3a39
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-02-19 xdono Added tag jdk7-b48 for changeset 3c81794d974b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2009-02-19 xdono Added tag jdk7-b48 for changeset 7b8efe5390c4
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