2014-07-30 attila 8051839: GuardedInvocation needs to clone an argument
2014-07-30 yan 8049318: Test hideLocationProperties.js fails on Window due to backslash in path
2014-07-29 lagergren 8053913: Auto format caused warning in CompositeTypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker
2014-07-29 lagergren 8048869: Reduce compile time by about 5% by removing the Class.casts from the AST nodes
2014-08-01 tbell Added tag jdk9-b25 for changeset 064db4f56d0d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-01 tbell Added tag jdk9-b25 for changeset 607831311622
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-06 ksrini 8042469: Launcher changes for native memory tracking scalability enhancement
2014-08-05 igerasim 8051382: Optimize java.lang.reflect.Modifier.toString()
2014-08-05 mullan Merge
2014-08-05 mullan 7147060: com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/transforms/ClassLoaderTest.java doesn't run in agentvm mode
2014-08-05 vinnie 8036612: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/security/mscapi/security.cpp
2014-08-05 vinnie 8051972: sun/security/pkcs11/ec/ReadCertificates.java fails intermittently
2014-08-04 lana Merge
2014-08-03 weijun 8054095: No space allowed in platforms string in ProblemList.txt
2014-08-01 prappo 8054158: Fix typos in JNDI-related packages
2014-08-01 robm 8042982: Unexpected RuntimeExceptions being thrown by SSLEngine
2014-08-01 alanb 8053931: (fc) FileDispatcherImpl.lock0 does not handle ERROR_IO_PENDING [win]
2014-08-01 robm 8031435: Ftp download does not work properly for ftp user without password
2014-08-01 robm 8030166: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java fails intermittently: waitFor took too long
2014-08-01 prappo 8051991: Flatten VersionHelper hierarchies
2014-08-01 dmeetry 8044671: NPE from JapaneseEra when a new era is defined in calendar.properties
2014-08-01 xuelei 8052406: SSLv2Hello protocol may be filter out unexpectedly
2014-08-01 darcy 8039102: Add raw and unchecked lint warnings to build of jdk repository
2014-08-01 ntoda 8044867: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in sun.tools.*
2014-07-31 darcy 8054050: Fix stay raw and unchecked lint warnings in core libs
2014-07-31 aefimov 8032908: getTextContent doesn't return string in JAXP
2014-07-30 chegar 8053938: Collections.checkedList(empty list).replaceAll((UnaryOperator)null) doesn't throw NPE after JDK-8047795
2014-07-30 weijun 8052999: ProblemList update for Unreachable.java
2014-07-29 ddehaven Merge
2014-07-22 alexsch 8030051: Check class loaders usage in Swing classes
2014-07-22 alexsch 8048720: KSS sun.swing.SwingUtilities2#makeIcon
2014-07-22 pchelko 8046888: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/image/awt_parseImage.c
2014-07-21 pchelko 8046884: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/java2d/x11: X11PMPLitLoops.c, X11SurfaceData.c
2014-07-21 prr Merge
2014-07-21 yan 8051440: move tests about maximizing undecorated to OpenJDK
2014-07-21 avstepan 8049617: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 3
2014-07-21 dermashov 8049694: Migrate functional AWT_DesktopProperties/Automated tests to OpenJDK
2014-07-18 azvegint 8048289: Gtk: call to UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() leads to crash
2014-07-17 aeremeev 8044301: BasicTreeUI: "revisit when Java2D is ready"
2014-07-16 prr Merge
2014-07-16 pchelko 8047336: Read flavormap.properties as resource
2014-07-16 pchelko 8050465: Remove sun.audio package
2014-07-15 ddehaven 8048337: Examine if macosx/bundle/JavaAppLauncher and JavaAppLauncher.java can be removed
2014-07-14 prr 8048583: CustomMediaSizeName class matching to standard media is too loose
2014-07-14 prr 8040808: Uninitialised memory in OGLBufImgsOps.c, D3DBufImgOps.cpp
2014-07-14 prr 8049893: Replace uses of 'new Integer()' with appropriate alternative across client classes
2014-07-14 darcy 8047027: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in generated beaninfo files
2014-07-14 aeremeev 8050009: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 7 of 7
2014-07-11 prr 8048328: CUPS Printing does not report supported printer resolutions.
2014-07-11 pchelko 8049996: [macosx] test java/awt/image/ImageIconHang.java fails with NPE
2014-07-11 aeremeev 8049870: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 4 of 7
2014-07-11 serb 8049583: Test closed/java/awt/List/ListMultipleSelectTest/ListMultipleSelectTest fails on Window XP
2014-07-11 avstepan 8037511: Tidy warnings cleanup for java.awt - 2d part
2014-07-11 alexsch 8049198: [macosx] Incorrect thread access when showing splash screen
2014-06-23 henryjen 8042872: Fix raw and unchecked warnings in sun.applet
2014-07-10 darcy 8049797: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy
2014-07-10 mcherkas 4991647: PNGMetadata.getAsTree() sets bitDepth to invalid value
2014-07-10 aeremeev 8049808: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 3 of 7
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