2014-06-19 vromero 8042759: Lambda returning implicitly-typed lambdas considered pertinent to applicability
2014-06-19 jlahoda 8041648: do while loop that misses ending semicolon has wrong end position
2014-06-19 vromero 8038182: javac crash with FunctionDescriptorLookupError for invalid functional interface
2014-06-18 sogoel 8046071: update three javadoc tests for empty <p> tag
2014-07-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b21 for changeset 021089de7317
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b21 for changeset fa40edc81dd3
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-09 lana Merge
2014-07-01 lana Merge
2014-06-30 joehw 8037948: Improve documentation for org.w3c.dom package
2014-06-24 henryjen 8048021: Remove @version tag in jaxp repo
2014-06-23 joehw 5077522: Duration.compare incorrect for some values
2014-06-19 henryjen 8047723: @since tag cleanup in jaxp
2014-07-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b21 for changeset 6dcab76ce643
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-09 lana Merge
2014-07-03 sundar 8049242: Explicit constructor overload selection should work with StaticClass as well
2014-07-03 attila 8047331: Assertion in CompiledFunction when running earley-boyer after Merge
2014-07-03 attila 8047166: 'do with({}) break ; while(0);' crashes in CodeGenerator
2014-07-03 attila 8049225: Source class exposes public mutable array
2014-07-03 attila 8049223: RewriteException class exposes public mutable arrays
2014-07-03 attila 8049222: JSType class exposes public mutable arrays
2014-07-02 sundar 8043232: Index selection of overloaded java new constructors
2014-07-01 lana Merge
2014-07-01 sundar 8047359: large string size RangeError should be thrown rather than reporting negative length
2014-06-30 hannesw 8048586: String concatenation with optimistic types is slow
2014-06-30 sundar 8048718: JSON.parse('{"0":0, "64":0}') throws ArrayindexOutOfBoundsException
2014-06-27 sundar 8046013: TypeError: Cannot apply "with" to non script object
2014-06-27 lagergren 8048505: ScriptingFunctions.readFully couldn't handle file names represented as ConsStrings
2014-06-26 attila 8047371: local variable declaration in TypeEvaluator should use ScriptObject.addOwnProperty instead of .set
2014-06-26 attila 8047357: More precise synthetic return + unreachable throw
2014-06-25 hannesw 8048079: Persistent code store is broken after optimistic types merge
2014-06-25 sundar 8048071: eval within 'with' statement does not use correct scope if with scope expression has a copy of eval
2014-06-24 attila 8048009: Type info caching accidentally defeated
2014-06-24 sundar 8047959: bindings created for declarations in eval code are not mutable
2014-06-23 hannesw 8046201: Avoid repeated flattening of nested ConsStrings
2014-06-23 sundar 8047728: (function(x){var o={x:0}; with(o){delete x} return o.x})() evaluates to 0 instead of undefined
2014-06-23 attila 8046905: apply on apply is broken
2014-06-20 attila 8046921: Deoptimization type information peristence
2014-06-19 sundar 8047369: Add regression tests for passing test cases of JDK-8024971
2014-06-19 lagergren 8047078: Fuzzing bug discovered when ArrayLiteralNodes weren't immutable
2014-07-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b21 for changeset e4ffc9bab6f2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-09 lana Merge
2014-07-01 lana Merge
2014-07-01 coffeys 7095856: OutputStreamHook doesn't handle null values
2014-07-03 katleman Added tag jdk9-b21 for changeset a36678c24565
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-09 lana Merge
2014-07-03 egahlin 8028474: sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/MonitorVmStartTerminate.sh timeout, leaves looping process
2014-07-03 psandoz 8043327: Collectors.toMap studentToGPA example uses Functions.identity()
2014-07-02 jmanson 8048840: File.createTempFile has uninformative failure message
2014-07-02 martin 8048990: ZipFile.entries() can't handle empty zip entry names
2014-07-02 alanb 8048891: Remove unused JObjC from jdk repository
2014-07-02 weijun 8042053: Broken links to jarsigner and keytool docs in java.security package summary
2014-07-02 sla 8046883: com/sun/jdi/ProcessAttachTest.sh gets "java.io.IOException: Invalid process identifier" on windows
2014-07-02 smarks 8048989: small errors in Collectors examples
2014-07-01 ykantser 8048892: TEST_BUG: shell script tests need to be change to not use retired @debuggeeVMOptions mechanism
2014-07-02 weijun 8048511: Uninitialised memory in jdk/src/share/native/sun/security/jgss/wrapper/GSSLibStub.c
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