2013-11-07 sundar Merge
2013-11-07 sundar 8027828: ClassCastException when converting return value of a Java method to boolean
2013-11-05 kshefov 8027708: NASHORN TEST: Create Nashorn test that draws image step-by-step using JavaFX canvas.
2013-11-05 sundar Merge
2013-11-04 sundar 8027753: Support ScriptObject to JSObject, ScriptObjectMirror, Map, Bindings auto-conversion as well as explicit wrap, unwrap
2013-11-04 sundar Merge
2013-11-01 attila 8027236: Ensure ScriptObject and ConsString aren't visible to Java
2013-11-01 sundar 8027700: function redeclaration checks missing for declaration binding instantiation
2013-11-14 cl Added tag jdk8-b116 for changeset 873d41f3369f
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-11-15 lana Merge
2013-11-09 lana Merge
2013-11-08 mchung 8027943: serial version of com.sun.corba.se.spi.orbutil.proxy.CompositeInvocationHandlerImpl changed in 7u45
2013-11-14 cl Added tag jdk8-b116 for changeset 9b8bd0fa21c4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-11-15 lana Merge
2013-11-15 xuelei 8014266: regression test AsyncSSLSocketClose.java time out.
2013-11-14 coleenp Merge
2013-11-14 hseigel 8023041: The CDS classlist needs to be updated for JDK 8
2013-11-14 sla 8027765: Make exit codes and stdout/stderr printing from jmap/jinfo/jstack/jps consistent
2013-11-14 jfranck 8028055: (reflect) invoking Method/Constructor in anonymous classes breaks with -Dsun.reflect.noInflation=true
2013-11-14 alanb 8028343: More ProblemList.txt updates (11/2013)
2013-11-14 sherman 8028321: Fix for String.split() empty input sequence/JDK-6559590 triggers regression
2013-11-13 emc 8026884: test for fix of JDK-8021398 does not have @bug tag
2013-11-13 sherman 8027645: Pattern.split() with positive lookahead
2013-11-13 darcy 8028300: Fix raw type lint warnings in java.util.concurrent
2013-11-13 egahlin 6954510: TEST_BUG: Testcase failure com/sun/jdi/BreakpointWithFullGC.sh
2013-11-13 alanb 8028270: Files.readSymbolicLink calls AccessController directly so security manager can't grant the permission
2013-11-13 chegar 8022213: Intermittent test failures in java/net/URLClassLoader
2013-11-13 mchung 8028234: Remove unused methods in sun.misc.JavaAWTAccess
2013-11-13 ykantser 8015497: Take new fixes from hotspot/test/testlibrary to jdk/test/lib/testlibrary
2013-11-13 egahlin 6959636: testcase failing on windows javax/management/loading/LibraryLoader/LibraryLoaderTest.java
2013-11-13 jbachorik 8004126: TEST_BUG: com/sun/jdi/BadHandshakeTest.java fails intermittently
2013-11-13 dfuchs 8026952: Test java/util/logging/LogManager/RootLogger/setLevel/TestRootLoggerLevel.java has wrong @bug id
2013-11-13 xuelei 8023147: Test DisabledShortRSAKeys.java intermittent failed
2013-11-13 alanb 8028239: test/sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/MonitorVmStartTerminate.sh with NoClassDefFoundError
2013-11-12 rriggs 8028014: Doclint warning/error cleanup in javax.management
2013-11-12 darcy 8028229: Fix more raw types lint warning in core libraries
2013-11-12 alanb 8028208: (aio) Assertion in clearPendingIoMap when closing at around time file lock is acquired immediately (win)
2013-11-12 egahlin 6849945: VM Periodic Task Thread CPU time = -1ns in HotspotThreadMBean.getInternalThreadCpuTimes()
2013-11-12 egahlin 6543856: MonitorVmStartTerminate.sh fails intermittently
2013-11-12 smarks 8028027: serialver should emit declaration with the 'private' modifier
2013-11-12 egahlin 8027209: javax/management/monitor/ThreadPoolAccTest.java fails intermittently
2013-11-09 vlivanov 8027823: catchException combinator fails with 9 argument target
2013-11-12 rfield 8027803: test/sun/reflect/AnonymousNewInstance/ManyNewInstanceAnonTest.java fails
2013-11-11 sherman 8026330: java.util.Base64 urlEncoder should omit padding
2013-11-08 sla 8014506: Test of Jdp feature
2013-11-11 lancea 8028149: Clean-up javac -Xlint warnings in com.sun.rowset and com.sun.rowset.internal
2013-11-11 michaelm 8028060: test/java/net/URLPermission/nstest/lookup.sh failing (win)
2013-11-11 chegar 8028102: All test targets, jdk/test/Makefile, fail on Windows
2013-11-11 weijun 8027991: InputStream should be closed in sun.security.tools.jarsigner.Main
2013-11-11 alanb 8028099: Many com/sun/management/OperatingSystemMXBean tests failing with CCE (win)
2013-11-10 jbachorik 6523160: RuntimeMXBean.getUptime() returns negative values
2013-11-09 rriggs 8028092: Lint cleanup of java.time.format
2013-11-09 alanb 8028044: [TEST_BUG] Calendar shell tests do not pass TESTVMOPTS
2013-11-09 lana Merge
2013-11-08 rriggs 8028041: Serialized Form description of j.l.String is not consistent with the implementation
2013-11-08 alanb 8028074: InetAddress.getByName fails with UHE "invalid IPv6 address" if host name starts with a-f
2013-11-08 darcy 8028076: Correct raw type lint warnings in core reflection implementation classes
2013-11-08 mchung 8025985: com.sun.management.OSMBeanFactory should not be public
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