2010-07-29 mcimadamore 6970833: Try-with-resource implementation throws an NPE during Flow analysis
2010-07-29 mcimadamore 6972747: CheckExamples fail when assertions are enabled
2010-07-29 mcimadamore 6938454: Unable to determine generic type in program that compiles under Java 6
2010-07-27 jjg 6403456: -Werror should work with annotation processing
2010-07-27 jjg 6972327: JCTree.pos incorrect for annotations without modifiers and package
2010-07-26 jjg 6957438: improve code for generating warning messages containing option names
2010-07-26 jjg 6971882: Remove -XDstdout from javac test
2010-07-22 jjg 6968063: provide examples of code that generate diagnostics
2010-07-17 darcy 6911256: Project Coin: Support Automatic Resource Management (ARM) blocks in the compiler
2010-07-15 mcimadamore 6964669: javac reports error on miranda methods
2010-07-15 mcimadamore 6967002: JDK7 b99 javac compilation error (java.lang.AssertionError)
2010-07-14 jjg 6968789: incorrect text in "diamond not supported" message
2010-07-14 jjg 6968434: test CheckResourceKeys fails on control builds
2010-07-14 jjg 6966732: replace use of static Log.getLocalizedString with non-static alternative where possible
2010-08-06 cl Added tag jdk7-b104 for changeset fef4187d7622
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-06 cl Added tag jdk7-b104 for changeset 930517ba4d97
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-06 cl Added tag jdk7-b104 for changeset e4e7ae0ec293
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-06 cl Added tag jdk7-b104 for changeset cd7adc8eaafb
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2010-08-09 lana Merge
2010-08-03 lana Merge
2010-07-30 michaelm 6510892: com/sun/net/httpserver/bugs/B6361557.java fails
2010-07-30 lana Merge
2010-07-29 chegar Merge
2010-07-29 chegar 6972374: NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces throws "java.net.SocketException" on Solaris zone
2010-07-29 alanb 6934977: (bf) MappedByteBuffer.load can SIGBUS if file is truncated
2010-07-27 vinnie 6972409: Cease emitting LDAP filter debug messages
2010-07-27 xuelei 6870947: 15 sec delay detecting "socket closed" condition when a TCP connection is reset by an LDAP server
2010-07-26 dcubed 6971847: 4/4 jmap '-histo:live' option is necessary for proper leak detection
2010-07-26 martin 6717780: (coll spec) LinkedList api documentation provides the wrong method name
2010-07-26 weijun 6972005: ConfPlusProp.java test failure when DNS has info for realm
2010-07-24 xuelei 6867345: Turkish regional options cause NPE in sun.security.x509.AlgorithmId.algOID
2010-07-23 vinnie 6676075: RegistryContext (com.sun.jndi.url.rmi.rmiURLContext) coding problem
2010-07-22 dcubed 6964018: 3/4 AnonLoggerWeakRefLeak and LoggerWeakRefLeak can fail in JPRT
2010-07-21 dcubed 6962804: 4/4 ShellScaffold tests can fail without a specific reason
2010-07-21 dcubed 6941287: 4/4 jrunscriptTest.sh test does not work right under Cygwin
2010-07-21 alanb 6963907: (so) Socket adapter need to implement sendUrgentData
2010-07-21 chegar 6970262: TEST_BUG: test/java/net/NetworkInterface/IPv4Only.java has wrong test name in @run tag
2010-07-21 chegar 6969395: TEST_BUG: Tests in java/net sun/net problems
2010-07-20 mullan 6870553: X509Certificate.getSigAlgName method description uses non-standard algorithm name as example
2010-07-19 weijun 6969292: make DNS lookup for realm/kdc really work
2010-07-19 weijun 6969683: Generify ResolverConfiguration codes
2010-07-16 sherman 6964313: Find sun/nio/cs/ext issue with CreateSymbols, then move sun/nio/cs/ext to charset.jar
2010-07-16 darcy 6963622: Project Coin: Refinements to suppressed exceptions
2010-07-13 weijun 6670889: Keystore created under Hindi Locale causing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
2010-07-13 dsamersoff 6964714: NetworkInterface getInetAddresses enumerates IPv6 addresses if java.net.preferIPvStack property set
2010-08-03 lana Merge
2010-07-30 malenkov 6972468: Security manager should be used for tests in java/beans/XMLEncoder
2010-07-30 malenkov 6199676: REGRESSION: ColorChooser loses preview when change LandF in Java5
2010-07-29 lana Merge
2010-07-29 alexp 4743225: Size of JComboBox list is wrong when list is populated via PopupMenuListener
2010-07-13 peterz 6462562: InternationalFormatter inserts text incorrectly
2010-08-03 lana Merge
2010-07-29 lana Merge
2010-07-23 uta 6969851: VM hangs/crashes in FileDialog test (VS2008/2010 build)
2010-08-03 lana Merge
2010-07-30 lana Merge
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