2014-11-25 | kshefov | 8059070: [TESTBUG] java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/LFMultiThreadCachingTest.java failed - timeout | changeset | files |
2014-11-24 | alanb | 8065720: (ch) AbstractInterruptibleChannel.end sets interrupted to null | changeset | files |
2014-11-24 | vlivanov | 8059880: Get rid of LambdaForm interpretation | changeset | files |
2014-11-24 | vlivanov | 8063135: Enable full LF sharing by default | changeset | files |
2014-11-24 | dfuchs | 8060132: Handlers configured on abstract nodes in logging.properties are not always properly closed | changeset | files |
2014-11-24 | erikj | 8065412: generated source to compile .properties file incorreectly includes the module name in the package name | changeset | files |
2014-11-22 | msheppar | 8065222: sun/net/www/protocol/http/B6369510.java doesn't execute as expected | changeset | files |
2014-11-22 | martin | 8065159: AttributedString has quadratic resize algorithm | changeset | files |
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