2017-06-16 lancea 8182405: add legal file for freebxml
2017-08-24 duke Merge
2017-06-18 aefimov 8176508: Update JAX-WS RI integration to latest version
2017-06-17 mchung 8182416: Clean up module-info.java like move requires transitive adjacent to exports
2017-06-15 joehw 8182111: Package summary is missing in jdk.xml.dom module
2017-08-24 duke Merge
2017-06-17 mchung 8182416: Clean up module-info.java like move requires transitive adjacent to exports
2017-08-24 duke Merge
2017-06-17 mchung 8182416: Clean up module-info.java like move requires transitive adjacent to exports
2017-06-16 msheppar 8181836: BadKindHelper.html and BoundsHelper.html contains broken link in the javadoc
2017-08-24 duke Merge
2017-06-20 wetmore 8178114: Fix guide links in security APIs
2017-06-20 mullan 8182609: Update ECC license file
2017-06-20 psandoz 8182023: some java.util.jar docs contain links to technotes
2017-06-20 mchung 8182596: Fix broken links in com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine
2017-06-20 alanb 8182482: Module System spec updates
2017-06-19 mchung 8181834: Broken link in jdk.jdi module documentation
2017-06-19 weijun 8182118: Package summary is missing in jdk.security.auth module
2017-06-19 mullan 8181295: Document that SecurityManager::checkPackageAccess may be called by the VM
2017-06-19 serb 8181894: java.desktop module documentation has links to technotes
2017-06-18 aefimov 8176508: Update JAX-WS RI integration to latest version
2017-06-18 serb 8180889: Cleanup of javadoc in java.datatransfer module
2017-06-17 mchung 8182416: Clean up module-info.java like move requires transitive adjacent to exports
2017-06-17 alanb Merge
2017-06-16 alanb 8181087: Module system implementation refresh (6/2017)
2017-06-17 dl 8181334: add spec for Deque.addAll
2017-06-17 ddehaven Merge
2017-06-12 serb 8181877: Cleanup of javadoc in javax.accessibility package
2017-06-09 serb 8180326: Update the tables in java.desktop to be HTML-5 friendly
2017-05-19 smarks 8177788: migrate collections technotes/guides into java/util/doc-files
2017-06-16 poonam 8178536: OOM ERRORS + SERVICE-THREAD TAKES A PROCESSOR TO 100%
2017-06-15 ksrini 8182185: Add Copyright notices to pack 200 spec
2017-06-15 herrick 8181821: Broken link in javadoc for JSObject.getWindow
2017-06-15 mchung 8182032: Make java.compiler upgradeable
2017-06-15 lana Merge
2017-06-14 lancea 8181832: Broken link in javax/sql/rowset/spi/package-summary.html
2017-06-14 mchung 8182137: Missing permissions in deprivileged java.xml.bind and java.xml.ws modules
2017-06-13 bpb 6791812: (file spec) Incompatible File.lastModified() and setLastModified() for negative time
2017-06-13 mchung 8182029: Make the top-level docs index.html to a HTML-level redirect to the API overview page
2017-06-13 dl 8181104: Fix specs for updateAndGet and related methods
2017-06-13 vinnie 8181978: Keystore probing mechanism fails for large PKCS12 keystores
2017-06-12 psandoz 8181442: Deprecate sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass
2017-08-24 duke Merge
2017-06-20 vlivanov Merge
2017-06-20 vlivanov 8181872: C1: possible overflow when strength reducing integer multiply by constant
2017-06-20 fyang 8182581: aarch64: fix for crash caused by earlyret of compiled method
2017-06-17 mchung 8182416: Clean up module-info.java like move requires transitive adjacent to exports
2017-06-17 alanb Merge
2017-06-16 alanb 8181087: Module system implementation refresh (6/2017)
2017-06-16 poonam 8178536: OOM ERRORS + SERVICE-THREAD TAKES A PROCESSOR TO 100%
2017-06-16 dnsimon 8182310: [AOT][JVMCI] Get host class of VM anonymous class
2017-06-15 lana Merge
2017-06-13 sspitsyn Merge
2017-06-13 sspitsyn 8178054: [TESTBUG] Need test for JVM TI IsModifiableModule
2017-06-13 dlong 8181757: NonNMethod heap in segmented CodeCache is not scanned in some cases
2017-06-02 rbackman 8180197: Failing assert: id must be initialized
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