2011-01-14 never 4926272: methodOopDesc::method_from_bcp is unsafe
2011-01-19 iveresov 7012766: assert(false) failed: DEBUG MESSAGE in MacroAssembler::debug32
2011-01-19 kvn 7012965: Fix failed on sparc for 7009756: volatile variables could be broken throw reflection API
2010-10-07 minqi 6966589: hs16-b08 causes java.lang.StackOverflowError
2011-01-14 trims Merge
2011-01-14 johnc Merge
2011-01-13 ysr 7011940: iCMS: SIGSEGV in SweepClosure::do_already_free_chunk(FreeChunk*)+0x360
2011-01-13 brutisso 6941122: G1: UseLargePages does not work with G1 garbage collector
2011-01-12 tonyp 6994297: G1: do first-level slow-path allocations with a CAS
2011-01-12 tonyp 7007068: G1: refine the BOT during evac failure handling
2011-01-07 ysr 7008136: CMS: assert((HeapWord*)nextChunk <= _limit) failed: sweep invariant
2011-01-13 dcubed Merge
2011-01-12 coleenp 7009828: Fix for 6938627 breaks visualvm monitoring when -Djava.io.tmpdir is defined
2011-01-12 kevinw 6994753: Implement optional hook to a Java method at VM startup.
2011-01-11 phh Merge
2011-01-11 phh 7011463: Sparc MacroAssembler::incr_allocated_bytes() needs a RegisterOrConstant argument
2011-01-11 kamg 6814943: getcpool001 catches more than one JvmtiThreadState problem
2011-01-10 kamg 6458402: 3 jvmti tests fail with CMS and +ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent
2011-01-10 dcubed Merge
2011-01-09 dholmes 7010665: Misplaced membar in C1 implementation of Unsafe.get/putXXX
2011-01-13 twisti Merge
2011-01-13 iveresov 7011627: C1: call_RT must support targets that don't fit in wdisp30
2011-01-13 twisti Merge
2011-01-12 kvn 7011386: race in objArrayKlass::array_klass_impl
(0) -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -50 -24 +24 +50 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip