2016-06-03 rchamyal 8146319: JEditorPane function setPage leaves a file lock
2016-06-03 aghaisas 8074829: Resolve disabled warnings for libawt_headless
2016-06-02 bae 8078382: Wrong glyph is displayed for a derived font
2016-06-02 psadhukhan 6842011: StackOverflowError printing landscape with scale and transform
2016-06-02 aghaisas 8139192: Custom ImageFilters return blank images in Java 8(.45) while working in 7
2016-06-02 aniyogi 8132771: [TEST_BUG][macosx] Test javax/swing/JTree/DnD/LastNodeLowerHalfDrop.java fails for MacOSX
2016-06-02 prr 8158408: Font2DTest demo needs to use FontPanel resolution matching the screen
2016-06-01 ddehaven Merge
2016-06-01 aniyogi 8158230: [macosx] ActionEvent is not fired for menu item with option apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar
2016-05-31 serb 8157320: The CheckboxMenuItem can not be selected
2016-05-31 ssadetsky 8139218: Dialog that opens and closes quickly changes focus in original focusowner
2016-05-31 aniyogi 8144161: [TESTBUG] [macosx] Test javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicComboPopup/7072653/bug7072653.java fails for mac
2016-05-31 psadhukhan 4957035: Code given in api is not compilable: docs/api/javax/print/package-summary.html
2016-05-30 serb 8158072: Need a test for JDK-7172749
2016-05-30 arapte 8145284: [Documentation] [TextField] Missing new line character handling
2016-05-30 aivanov 8133731: [TEST_BUG] Unmappable in ASCII character such as Thai should be escaped in the regtests targeted for a regular non-I18n runs
2016-05-30 ssadetsky 8157163: AWT FileDialog does not inherit icon image from parent Frame
2016-05-30 ssadetsky 8147842: IME Composition Window is displayed at incorrect location
2016-05-28 serb 8156043: Unstable behavior of PropertyDescriptor's getWriteMethod() in case of overloaded setters
2016-05-28 serb 8028486: java/awt/Window/WindowsLeak/WindowsLeak.java fails
2016-05-27 prr 8157339: Further stabilization for the SwingSet client sanity tests
2016-05-26 avu 7172749: Xrender: Class cast exception in 2D code running an AWT regression test
2016-05-20 lana 8155918: JDK9 preparation message drop resource updates
2016-05-26 serb 8132973: @BeanProperty: what is the correct output in case of repeating annotations?
2016-05-26 aghaisas 6827800: Default button is activated even when it is invisible
2016-05-26 rchamyal 8147521: [macosx] Internal API Usage: setPopupType used to force creation of heavyweight popup
2016-05-25 bpb 8156580: Make TIFFTagSet subclasses final
2016-05-25 bpb 8149815: Misleading TIFFField#getAsNativeNode spec about native node name "TIFFIFD"
2016-05-25 prr 8154860: ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName() fails when jai_imageio is in the classpath
2016-05-25 ddehaven Merge
2016-05-25 psadhukhan 8153184: BorderLayout javadoc says current version of JDK is 1.2
2016-05-25 rchamyal 8152981: Double icons with JMenuItem setHorizontalTextPosition on Win 10
2016-05-24 rchamyal 8153282: [TEST_BUG] some new JInternalFrame tests fail
2016-05-24 rchamyal 7070795: High contrast colour scheme fails to be applied to JFormattedTextField
2016-05-24 pkbalakr 8057574: inconsistent behavior for setBackground (Windows/Linux)
2016-05-23 serb 8155103: [TEST_BUG] @BeanProperty: unwanted "declaringClass" descriptor when annotating an enum
2016-05-22 alexsch 8136366: Add a public API to create a L&F without installation
2016-05-20 serb 8156579: Two JavaBeans tests failed
2016-05-19 serb 8148915: Intermittent failures of bug6400879.java
2016-05-20 ant 8156116: [macosx] two JNI locals to delete in AWTWindow.m, CGraphicsEnv.m
2016-05-20 dmarkov 8157322: Several typos in javadoc
2016-05-19 aghaisas 7172750: Nimbus ScrollBar:ScrollBarThumb[Pressed].backgroundPainter is never invoked
2016-05-19 pkbalakr 6587251: Import declaration not used in sun.java2d.*
2016-05-19 psadhukhan 6509729: javax.print.ServiceUI.printDialog Border/Margin Evaluation is bugged
2016-05-18 prr Merge
2016-05-18 serb 8156169: Some sound tests rarely hangs because of incorrect synchronization
2016-05-17 dtitov 8155785: Add @Deprecated annotations to the Applet API classes
2016-05-18 serb 8156894: Cleanup of sun.java2d.pipe.Region
2016-05-18 mcherkas 6882559: new JEditorPane("text/plain","") fails for null context class loader
2016-05-18 aivanov 8136998: JComboBox prevents wheel mouse scrolling of JScrollPane
2016-05-18 psadhukhan 6529030: Java Printing: Print range > Selection gets enabled
2016-05-17 vadim 6477756: GraphicsDevice.getConfigurations() is slow taking 3 or more seconds
2016-05-17 ssadetsky 8046031: UI of Java Web Start app isn't updated when changing Windows theme
2016-05-16 alitvinov 8041694: JFileChooser removes trailing spaces in the selected directory name
2016-05-13 serb 8156583: Typo in the spec of javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding.toString()
2016-05-13 mcherkas 8078268: javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser parseScript incorrectly optimized
2016-05-13 dmarkov 8080729: [macosx] java 7 and 8 JDialogs on multiscreen jump to parent frame on focus
2016-06-15 ksrini 8065831: Ensure the pack200/unpack200 help is consistent with man page
2016-06-15 mchung 8068764: java/lang/ClassLoader/ExtDirs.java failed with java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException with fastdebug
2016-06-15 chegar 8157045: NPE during websocket communication with wss
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