2012-11-28 katleman Merge
2012-11-28 erikj 8003528: build-infra: Diffs in libjava and hotspot libs on solaris.
2012-11-28 erikj 8003844: build-infra: docs target isn't working properly
2012-11-28 erikj 8001460: build-infra: Linker warnings on macosx
2012-11-19 tbell 8003300: build-infra: fails on solaris when objcopy is not found
2012-11-15 tbell Merge
2012-11-14 tbell 8003327: build-infra: "/bin/sh: : cannot execute" on solaris
2012-11-14 tbell 8003317: build-infra: Configure fails when current dir is part of a symlink
2012-11-14 tbell 8001941: build-infra: --disable-precompiled-headers does not seem to work
2012-11-14 tbell 8001875: build-infra: We must be able to force static linking of stdc++
2012-11-14 tbell 8002026: build-infra: deploy repository building
2012-11-15 katleman Added tag jdk8-b65 for changeset eb017c6fa58a
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk8-b65 for changeset a2cf4d4a4843
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk8-b65
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-11-09 lana Merge
2012-11-08 jjg 8003134: CheckResourceKeys issues
2012-11-08 jjg 8002157: Write combo compiler tests for repeating annotations for JDK8
2012-11-05 vromero 8000484: Bad error recovery when 'catch' without 'try' is found
2012-11-07 lana Merge
2012-11-07 jjg 7198690: missing compiler message
2012-11-06 jjg 8000612: Discrepancy between resources provided in javadoc resource files and resources required by code
2012-11-06 mcimadamore 8002286: Regression: Fix for 8000931 causes a JCK test failure
2012-10-31 ksrini 8001112: Make -target 8 in javac generate version 52.0 classfile
2012-11-04 mcimadamore 8000931: Cleanup Resolve.java
2012-11-04 mcimadamore 7192246: Add type-checking support for default methods
2012-11-04 jjg 8002168: Cleanup initialization of javadoc Messager
2012-11-04 jjg 8002146: javadoc doesn't release resources in a timely manner
2012-11-03 jjg Merge
2012-11-01 vromero 6949443: visitTree assertion triggered using -Xjcov on small sample program
2012-11-08 katleman Added tag jdk8-b64 for changeset 323bf6f14277
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-11-08 katleman Added tag jdk8-b64 for changeset 20d8f4e5a30b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-11-08 katleman Added tag jdk8-b64 for changeset 13b36a0b5705
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-11-08 katleman Added tag jdk8-b64 for changeset f0b6a25db9f2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2012-11-14 katleman Merge
2012-11-13 tbell 8001965: build-infra: Large compare diffs between new and old on mac
2012-11-12 tbell 8002028: build-infra: need no-hotspot partial build
2012-11-12 tbell 8003177: build-infra: Compare reports diff in LocaleDataMetaInfo.class
2012-11-12 tbell 8002365: build-infra: Build-infra fails on solaris 11.1 on sparc.
2012-11-08 ohrstrom 8003161: small fixes to re-enable new build system
2012-11-08 dholmes 8002040: Allow Full Debug Symbols when cross-compiling
2012-11-09 lana Merge
2012-11-09 xuelei 8001569: Regression test GetPeerHost uses static port number
2012-11-08 mullan 7198416: CertificateIssuerName and CertificateSubjectName are redundant
2012-11-08 sherman 6282196: There should be Math.mod(number, modulo) methods
2012-11-08 jfranck 8001598: Augment ElementType enum for JSR 308
2012-11-07 naoto 8001205: Calendar.getDisplayName(...): Returns null when provider is SPI but there is no SPI implementation
2012-11-07 andrew 8003120: ResourceManager.getApplicationResources() does not close InputStreams
2012-11-07 coffeys 8002227: (tz) Support tzdata2012i
2012-11-07 dfuchs 6720349: (ch) Channels tests depending on hosts inside Sun
2012-11-07 jzavgren 8001579: Cleanup warnings in security native code
2012-11-07 weijun 6355584: Introduce constrained Kerberos delegation
2012-11-07 lana Merge
2012-11-07 peytoia 7198195: Support Unicode 6.2.0
2012-11-06 chegar 8002297: sun/net/www/protocol/http/StackTraceTest.java fails intermittently
2012-11-06 lancea 8002212: adding read/writeObject to additional SerialXXX classes
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