2014-08-14 zgu 8054547: Re-enable warning for incompatible java launcher
2014-08-14 zgu Merge
2014-08-14 zgu 8054368: nsk/jdi/VirtualMachine/exit/exit002 crash with detail tracking on (NMT2)
2014-08-13 iklam 8046070: Class Data Sharing clean up and refactoring
2014-08-29 katleman Added tag jdk9-b28 for changeset fabe6090d37a
2014-08-29 lana Merge
2014-08-29 mchung 8055856: checkdeps build target doesn't work for cross-compilation builds
2014-08-29 erikj 8014510: Fix sjavac on all platforms in jprt
2014-08-29 simonis 8056246: Fix AIX build after the Modular Source Code change 8054834
2014-08-27 erikj 8055922: Work around sjavac limitation with public api tracking cross modules
2014-08-27 erikj 8056062: Additional minor cleanups from source restructure build changes
2014-08-27 erikj 8056064: Fix corba locale build problem on windows
2014-08-26 mchung 8055230: Rename attach provider implementation class be platform neutral
2014-08-22 amurillo Merge
2014-08-21 kvn Merge
2014-08-13 mduigou 8047952: Remove FORTIFY_SOURCE from fastdebug and slowdebug builds
2014-08-05 anoll 8054013: run hotspot JTREG compiler tests only on fastdebug platforms and also on macosx
2014-08-21 sspitsyn Merge
2014-08-18 ctornqvi 8032999: [TESTBUG] JT-Reg Runtime tests to be run as part of JPRT submit job
2014-08-22 erikj 8055096: Remove explicit mx flag from javadoc command line
2014-08-21 mduigou 8055331: cleaner handling of sub-process non-zero exit result.
2014-08-21 mduigou 8055772: get_source.sh : version check assumes English localization
2014-08-21 erikj 8055095: Improve "do nothing" incremental build performance after modularized source code integration
2014-08-21 erikj 8055188: General cleanup of minor issues from source restructure
2014-08-29 katleman Added tag jdk9-b28 for changeset a4a81944aedd
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk9-b28 for changeset f4269e8f454e
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk9-b28
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-28 lana Merge
2014-08-19 ksrini 8055501: [javac] ignore test/tools/javac/Paths/AbsolutePathTest.java
2014-08-19 mcimadamore 8055390: IntelliJ langtools project should reflect modular source tree
2014-08-18 chegar Merge
2014-08-15 pgovereau 8054556: javac should report the error for default usage as the primary error
2014-08-14 alundblad 8055039: Sjavac does not print compilation errors to the console
2014-08-14 alundblad 8054215: Use com.sun.tools.javac.util.Assert instead of 'assert'
2014-08-13 jjg 8055076: fix test failures in classfile tests
2014-08-13 emc Merge
2014-08-12 aeremeev 8042251: Implement classfile tests for InnerClasses attribute.
2014-08-13 jjg 8050429: Update/cleanup ToolBox
2014-08-13 emc 8055054: Remove visitWildcard visitor method from erasure visitor
2014-08-13 alundblad 8048457: Sjavac should not use portfiles, sockets, etc if background=false
2014-08-13 sogoel 8049130: Group 8d - golden files for annotations test in tools/java dir
2014-08-13 sogoel 8049129: Group 8c - golden files for annotations test in tools/java dir
2014-08-13 sogoel 8049127: Group 8b - golden files for annotations test in tools/java dir
2014-08-12 sogoel 8054964: Add a test for invalid package annotations
2014-08-11 lana Merge
2014-08-11 lana Merge
2014-08-11 ksrini 8054044: [javadoc] javadoc tester must print out the javadoc run arguments.
2014-08-10 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset 196b7a50a266
2014-08-08 ohrstrom 8054465: Add --permit-artifact=bar to sjavac
2014-08-08 ohrstrom 8054474: Add --state-dir=bar to sjavac
2014-08-08 ohrstrom 8054461: Add @file support to sjavac
2014-08-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b27 for changeset 83c19f00452c
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-28 lana Merge
2014-08-18 chegar Merge
2014-08-11 lana Merge
2014-08-10 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset f51938efd4f6
2014-08-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b27 for changeset b80b84e87032
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-28 lana Merge
2014-08-18 chegar Merge
2014-08-11 lana Merge
2014-08-10 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset 38b0d0abca49
2014-08-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b27 for changeset 686eef1e7a79
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-28 lana Merge
2014-08-20 sundar 8050078: Nashorn ClassFilter Support
2014-08-19 sundar 8055395: Nashorn should use source, target to be 1.8 and use ASM5 version for generated code
2014-08-19 hannesw 8055368: Ant build broken after modular source code change
2014-08-18 chegar Merge
2014-08-15 attila 8055199: Tidy up Nashorn codebase for code standards (August 2014)
2014-08-14 sundar 8055139: test/script/trusted/JDK-8055107.js fails with access control exception
2014-08-14 sundar 8055107: Extension directives to turn on callsite profiling, tracing, AST print and other debug features locally
2014-08-14 attila 8055042: Compile-time expression evaluator was missing variables
2014-08-13 sundar 8055034: jjs exits interactive mode if exception was thrown when trying to print value of last evaluated expression
2014-08-13 sundar 8054993: type info cache may be disabled for test262 and tests explicitly changing that property should use @fork
2014-08-12 hannesw 8054898: Avoid creation of empty type info files
2014-08-12 hannesw 8044851: nashorn properties leak memory
2014-08-11 lana Merge
2014-08-11 sundar 8054503: test/script/external/test262/test/suite/ch12/12.6/12.6.4/12.6.4-2.js fails with tip
2014-08-10 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset a64f0cd60e66
2014-08-08 sundar 8054651: Global.initConstructor and ScriptFunction.getPrototype(Object) can have stricter types
2014-08-08 hannesw 8043956: Make code caching work with optimistic typing and lazy compilation
2014-08-07 sundar 8051346: Test262 tests for ECMAScript 5 now in branch "es5-tests"
2014-08-07 attila 8046026: CompiledFunction.relinkComposableInvoker assert is being hit
2014-08-06 sundar 8053910: ScriptObjectMirror causing havoc with Invocation interface
2014-08-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b27 for changeset d38d876f1654
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-28 lana Merge
2014-08-18 chegar Merge
2014-08-11 msheppar 8038861: [javadoc] broken links in org/omg/CORBA/FloatSeqHelper.html
2014-08-11 lana Merge
2014-08-10 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset 30a18bb9b88d
2014-08-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b27 for changeset a5e25d68f971
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-28 lana Merge
2014-08-20 sla 8055673: test/com/sun/jdi/ShellScaffold.sh does not honor -javaoption
2014-08-20 weijun 8055373: Typo in InquireType.java
2014-08-19 mchung 8055262: Update jdk/test/java/util/Base64 tests to remove use of sun.misc.BASE64Encoder/Decoder
2014-08-19 ddehaven Merge
2014-08-19 ddehaven Merge
2014-08-08 prr Merge
2014-08-08 serb 6302052: Reference to nonexistant Class in javadoc
2014-08-08 serb 8054431: Some of the input validation in the javasound is too strict
2014-08-08 alexsch 8017284: Aqua LaF: memory leak when HTML is used for JTabbedPane tab titles
2014-08-08 alexsch 8049533: SwingUtilities.convertMouseEvent misses MouseWheelEvent.preciseWheelRotation
2014-08-08 alexsch 8051359: JPopupMenu creation in headless mode with JDK9b23 causes NPE
2014-08-07 serb 8054372: Cleanup of com.sun.media.sound packages
2014-08-06 alexp 8041982: Use of animated icon in JLayer causes CPU spin
2014-08-06 serb 6521706: A switch operator in JFrame.processWindowEvent() should be rewritten
2014-08-05 prr 8054371: Need to suppress newly added unchecked cast and conversion in Swing code
2014-08-05 prr Merge
2014-08-05 avstepan 8052012: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 5
2014-08-05 serb 6521727: DefaultTreeCellEditor doesn't implement Serializable
2014-08-01 serb 8026497: Font2DTest demo: unused resource files
2014-07-31 serb 7058700: Unexpected exceptions and timeouts in SF2 parser code
2014-07-31 serb 8033141: Cleanup of sun.awt.X11 package
2014-07-31 prr 8052396: Catch exceptions resulting from missing font cmap
2014-07-31 alexsch 8051838: [Findbugs]sun.awt.image.MultiResolutionCachedImage expose internal representation
2014-07-30 serb 7058697: Unexpected exceptions in MID parser code
2014-07-30 dermashov 8052408: Move AWT_BAT functional tests to OpenJDK (3 of 3)
2014-07-29 ddehaven Merge
2014-07-29 serb 8048524: Memory leak in jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/image/BufImgSurfaceData.c
2014-07-29 avstepan 8050885: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 4
2014-07-29 ssides 8042284: Add block tags for @return and @param to swing plaf classes
2014-07-29 yan 8050924: Fix doclint missing tag warnings in javax.swing.plaf.basic parts 5b,6b of 7
2014-07-28 pchelko 8051588: DataTransferer.getInstance throws ClassCastException in headless mode
2014-07-28 pchelko 8037485: Refactor java.awt.datatransfer to eliminate dependency on AWT
2014-07-28 pchelko 8051449: Incorrect parsing of the default flavor mapping
2014-07-28 mcherkas 8047288: Fixes endless loop on mac caused by invoking Windows.isFocusable() on Appkit thread.
2014-07-26 serb 8035165: Expose internal representation in sun.awt.X11
2014-07-25 serb 8049057: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/
2014-07-24 anashaty 8046495: KeyEvent can not be accepted in quick mouse clicking
2014-07-24 serb 6521783: Unnecessary final modifier for a method in a final class
2014-07-23 serb 8050852: Javadoc cleanup of javax.sound.midi package
2014-07-23 dmarkov 8044614: [macosx] Focus issue with 2 applets in firefox
2014-07-22 alexsch 8038937: Validate fields on Swing classes deserialization
2014-07-22 pchelko 8032864: [macosx] sigsegv (0Xb) Being Generated When Starting JDev With Voiceover Running
2014-08-19 stefank 8035939: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/MemoryManagement.java timed out on Linux-amd64
2014-08-19 dfuchs 8052403: java/util/logging/CheckZombieLockTest.java fails with NoSuchFileException
2014-08-19 ctornqvi 8055012: [TESTBUG] NMTHelper fails to parse NMT output
2014-08-19 okutsu 8055088: Optimization for locale resources loading isn't working
2014-08-19 weijun 8054817: File ccache only recognizes Linux and Solaris defaults
2014-08-19 martin 8055253: test/java/util/Currency/PropertiesTest.sh modifies the test JDK
2014-08-19 chegar 8055353: libsplashscreen build fails on MacOSX Mavericks
2014-08-18 chegar Merge
2014-08-18 chegar Merge
2014-08-18 mullan Merge
2014-08-18 mullan 7026255: Methods of Subject that throw SecurityException do not specify what permissions are required
2014-08-18 stefank 8055111: [TESTBUG] jdk.testlibrary.Utils.removeGcOpts doesn't remove -Xconcgc
2014-08-15 ykantser 8054278: Refactor jps utility tests
2014-08-14 sherman 8055004: Reduce allocation overhead in java.time.Period/Duration parse methods
2014-08-14 dfuchs 8054480: Test java/util/logging/TestLoggerBundleSync.java fails: Unexpected bundle name: null
2014-08-14 sla 8054824: Clean up ProblemList.txt
2014-07-29 jbachorik 8052961: Test "com/sun/tools/attach/StartManagementAgent.java" failing intermittently
2014-08-12 jfranck 8044629: (reflect) Constructor.getAnnotatedReceiverType() returns wrong value
2014-08-12 alanb 8054828: TEST_BUG: Typos in java/lang/Long/ParsingTest
2014-08-11 igerasim 8054841: (process) ProcessBuilder leaks native memory
2014-08-11 prappo 8054857: Fix typos in java.lang.** packages
2014-08-11 lana Merge
2014-08-11 lana Merge
2014-08-11 lancea 8054555: javadoc cleanup for java.sql and javax.sql
2014-08-11 msheppar 8054118: java/net/ipv6tests/UdpTest.java failed intermittently
2014-08-11 weijun 6997010: Consolidate java.security files into one file with modifications
2014-08-10 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset dca4e4c83da4
2014-08-08 ascarpino 8054366: Broken link in SecureRandom.html
2014-08-08 valeriep 8043836: Need new tests for AES cipher
2014-08-07 bchristi 8034032: Check src/macosx/native/java/util/prefs/MacOSXPreferencesFile.m for JNI pending issues
2014-08-07 egahlin 8049340: sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/MonitorVmStartTerminate.java timed out
2014-08-07 igerasim 8046343: (smartcardio) CardTerminal.connect('direct') does not work on MacOSX
2014-08-07 igerasim 8054221: StringJoiner imlementation optimization
2014-08-07 okutsu 8048123: Replace calendars.properties with another mechanism to specify a new Japanese calendar era
2014-08-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b27 for changeset 3317bb8137f4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-28 lana Merge
2014-08-19 amurillo Merge
2014-08-15 amurillo Merge
2014-08-14 jmasa Merge
2014-08-11 stefank 8054823: Add size_t as a valid VM flag type
2014-08-11 mgerdin 8011397: JTREG needs to copy additional WhiteBox class file to JTwork/scratch/sun/hotspot
2014-08-13 dcubed Merge
2014-08-13 hseigel Merge
2014-08-13 hseigel 8050485: super() in a try block in a ctor causes VerifyError
2014-08-13 ctornqvi 8054713: [TESTBUG] runtime/jsig/Test8017498.sh: Execution failed: exit code 1
2014-08-12 ctornqvi Merge
2014-08-12 gtriantafill 8054952: [TESTBUG] Add missing NMT2 tests
2014-08-12 zgu 8054938: [TESTBUG] Wrong WhiteBox.java was pushed by JDK-8044140
2014-08-12 coleenp 8003426: Remove UseFastAccessors and UseFastEmptyMethods except for zero
2014-08-11 zgu 6424123: JVM crashes on failed 'strdup' call
2014-08-11 zgu 8044140: Create NMT (Native Memory Tracking) tests for NMT2
2014-08-11 zgu Merge
2014-08-07 zgu 8046598: Scalable Native memory tracking development
2014-08-11 dsamersoff 8049049: Unportable format string argument mismatch in hotspot/agent/src/os/solaris/proc/saproc.cpp
2014-08-08 jmasa Merge
2014-08-05 jmasa 8034056: assert(_heap_alignment >= _space_alignment) failed: heap_alignment less than space_alignment
2014-08-07 tschatzl 8054341: Remove some obsolete code in G1CollectedHeap class
2014-08-07 tschatzl 8052170: G1 asserts at collection exit with -XX:-G1DeferredRSUpdate
2014-08-18 chegar Merge
2014-08-12 amurillo Merge
2014-08-08 amurillo Merge
2014-08-08 kvn Merge
2014-08-08 morris 8040920: Uninitialised memory in hotspot/src/share/vm/code/dependencies.cpp
2014-08-02 roland 8046698: assert(false) failed: only Initialize or AddP expected macro.cpp:943
2014-08-06 iignatyev 8054410: compiler/7068051/Test7068051.java fails with FileNotFoundException: f3oo.jar
2014-08-06 thartmann 8029443: 'assert(klass->is_loader_alive(_is_alive)) failed: must be alive' during VM_CollectForMetadataAllocation
2014-08-05 kvn 8052081: Optimize generated by C2 code for Intel's Atom processor
2014-08-05 morris 8040921: Uninitialised memory in hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_LinearScan.cpp
2014-08-05 thartmann 8054033: Remove unused references to Compile*
2014-08-05 anoll Merge
2014-08-05 anoll 8054013: run hotspot JTREG compiler tests only on fastdebug platforms and also on macosx
2014-07-31 thartmann 8053915: bigapps assert failure in C2: modified node is not on IGVN._worklist
2014-08-05 thartmann 8054081: Crashes with assert "modified node is not on IGVN._worklist"
2014-08-03 iignatyev 8051484: Test compiler/6932496/Test6932496.java failed to compile after JDK-8011044: 1.5 is no longer supported
2014-08-03 iignatyev 8051896: jtreg tests don't use $TESTJAVAOPTS
2014-08-01 roland Merge
2014-07-31 roland 8054054: 8040121 is broken
2014-07-29 kvn Merge
2014-07-29 kvn 8049252: VerifyStack logic in Deoptimization::unpack_frames does not expect to see invoke bc at the top frame during normal deoptimization
2014-07-29 thartmann 8049043: Load variable through a pointer of an incompatible type in hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/sharedRuntimeMath.hpp
2014-07-29 thartmann 8040121: Load variable through a pointer of an incompatible type in src/hotspot/src/share/vm: opto/output.cpp, runtime/sharedRuntimeTrans.cpp, utilities/globalDefinitions_visCPP.hpp
2014-07-28 fzhinkin 8051344: JVM crashed in Compile::start() during method parsing w/ UseRTMDeopt turned on
2014-07-17 kvn 8050942: PPC64: implement template interpreter for ppc64le
2014-07-25 anoll Merge
2014-07-25 anoll Merge
2014-07-25 thartmann 8040213: C2 does not put all modified nodes on IGVN worklist
2014-07-25 anoll Merge
2014-07-24 anoll 8050860: Cleanup TypeTuple and TypeFunc
2014-08-08 jmasa Merge
2014-08-07 brutisso 8051837: Remove temporary G1UseParallelRSetUpdating and G1UseParallelRSetScanning flags
2014-08-06 stefank 8048269: Add flag to turn off class unloading after G1 concurrent mark
2014-08-04 stefank 8051883: TEST.groups references missing test: gc/class_unloading/TestCMSClassUnloadingDisabledHWM.java
2014-08-03 jmasa Merge
2014-08-01 jmasa 8031323: Optionally align objects copied to survivor spaces
2014-08-08 jmasa Merge
2014-07-31 tschatzl 8051973: Eager reclaim leaves marks of marked but reclaimed objects on the next bitmap
2014-08-05 dsamersoff Merge
2014-08-05 dsamersoff 8025667: Warning from b62 for hotspot.agent.src.os.solaris.proc: use after free
2014-08-05 hseigel 8046233: VerifyError on backward branch
2014-08-02 hseigel 8051012: Regression in verifier for <init> method call from inside of a branch
2014-08-02 sspitsyn Merge
2014-08-01 sspitsyn 7187999: dtrace jstack action is broken
2014-07-31 ctornqvi 8053956: [TESTBUG] Remove @ignore tag from fixed runtime issues
2014-07-31 coleenp 8051398: jvmti tests fieldacc002, fieldmod002 fail in nightly with errors: (watch#0) wrong location
2014-07-31 jmasa Merge
2014-07-29 mdoerr 8050973: CMS/G1 GC: add missing Resource and Handle mark
2014-07-30 sspitsyn Merge
2014-07-28 dsamersoff 8049046: Deprecated Function in hotspot/src/os/solaris/vm/attachListener_solaris.cpp
2014-07-24 jmasa Merge
2014-07-23 tschatzl 8027959: Early reclamation of large objects in G1
2014-08-11 lana Merge
2014-08-10 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset 3a55fad9854a
2014-08-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b27 for changeset e5904519ae05
2014-08-28 lana Merge
2014-08-20 erikj 8055405: JDK 9 build started failing on ja_JP.UTF-8 locale due to mapping error (encoding=ascii).
2014-08-20 mchung 8055497: [infra] build failure when building bootcycle image
2014-08-19 erikj 8022177: Windows/MSYS builds broken
2014-08-18 chegar Merge
2014-08-11 lana Merge
2014-08-10 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset 11e239e69325
2014-08-21 katleman Added tag jdk9-b27 for changeset 98ce0879ab4c
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk9-b27 for changeset d06a6d3c66c0
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk9-b27
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-17 chegar 8054834: Modular Source Code
2014-08-11 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset 5cc16d71dc7a
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-17 chegar 8054834: Modular Source Code
2014-08-11 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset f51938efd4f6
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-17 chegar 8054834: Modular Source Code
2014-08-11 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset 38b0d0abca49
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-17 chegar 8054834: Modular Source Code
2014-08-11 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset e60692e4f736
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-17 chegar 8054834: Modular Source Code
2014-08-11 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset 30a18bb9b88d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-17 chegar 8054834: Modular Source Code
2014-08-11 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset 2c05592cf0f2
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-17 chegar 8054834: Modular Source Code
2014-08-11 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset 3a55fad9854a
2014-08-17 chegar 8054834: Modular Source Code
2014-08-11 lana Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset 11e239e69325
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk9-b26 for changeset cd6f4557e7fe
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk9-b26
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-04 lana Merge
2014-08-01 jlahoda 8043643: Add an crules analyzer avoiding string concatenation in messages of Assert checks.
2014-07-30 kizune 8047072: javap OOM on fuzzed classfile
2014-07-29 mcimadamore 8051958: Cannot assign a value to final variable in lambda
2014-07-24 anazarov 8050979: Provide javadoc for "framework" classes in langtools tests
2014-07-24 mcimadamore 8048890: Add option to keep track of symbol completion dependencies
2014-08-01 tbell Added tag jdk9-b25 for changeset 85d68faca425
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-04 lana Merge
2014-06-19 henryjen 8047724: @since tag cleanup in jaxws
2014-08-01 tbell Added tag jdk9-b25 for changeset 3dad8878772d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-04 lana Merge
2014-07-31 aefimov 8032908: getTextContent doesn't return string in JAXP
2014-07-30 joehw 8053965: Xerces update breaks profile build
2014-07-30 joehw 8035467: Xerces Update: Move to Xalan based DOM L3 serializer. Deprecate Xerces' native serializer.
2014-07-02 henryjen 8049109: Add @since 1.9 to new packages added in jaxp
2014-08-01 tbell Added tag jdk9-b25 for changeset d553e7400295
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-06 attila 8054411: Add nashorn.args.prepend system property
2014-08-06 attila 8051439: Wrong type calculated for ADD operator with undefined operand
2014-08-06 attila 8044786: Some tests fail with non-optimistic compilation
2014-08-04 lana Merge
2014-08-04 sundar 8054223: Nashorn: AssertionError when use __DIR__ and ScriptEngine.eval()
2014-07-31 sundar 8053908: jdeps is not PATH on Mac, results in ant clean test failure on Mac
2014-07-30 attila 8051839: GuardedInvocation needs to clone an argument
2014-07-30 yan 8049318: Test hideLocationProperties.js fails on Window due to backslash in path
2014-07-29 lagergren 8053913: Auto format caused warning in CompositeTypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker
2014-07-29 lagergren 8048869: Reduce compile time by about 5% by removing the Class.casts from the AST nodes
2014-08-01 tbell Added tag jdk9-b25 for changeset 064db4f56d0d
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-01 tbell Added tag jdk9-b25 for changeset 607831311622
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-06 ksrini 8042469: Launcher changes for native memory tracking scalability enhancement
2014-08-05 igerasim 8051382: Optimize java.lang.reflect.Modifier.toString()
2014-08-05 mullan Merge
2014-08-05 mullan 7147060: com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/transforms/ClassLoaderTest.java doesn't run in agentvm mode
2014-08-05 vinnie 8036612: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/security/mscapi/security.cpp
2014-08-05 vinnie 8051972: sun/security/pkcs11/ec/ReadCertificates.java fails intermittently
2014-08-04 lana Merge
2014-08-03 weijun 8054095: No space allowed in platforms string in ProblemList.txt
2014-08-01 prappo 8054158: Fix typos in JNDI-related packages
2014-08-01 robm 8042982: Unexpected RuntimeExceptions being thrown by SSLEngine
2014-08-01 alanb 8053931: (fc) FileDispatcherImpl.lock0 does not handle ERROR_IO_PENDING [win]
2014-08-01 robm 8031435: Ftp download does not work properly for ftp user without password
2014-08-01 robm 8030166: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java fails intermittently: waitFor took too long
2014-08-01 prappo 8051991: Flatten VersionHelper hierarchies
2014-08-01 dmeetry 8044671: NPE from JapaneseEra when a new era is defined in calendar.properties
2014-08-01 xuelei 8052406: SSLv2Hello protocol may be filter out unexpectedly
2014-08-01 darcy 8039102: Add raw and unchecked lint warnings to build of jdk repository
2014-08-01 ntoda 8044867: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in sun.tools.*
2014-07-31 darcy 8054050: Fix stay raw and unchecked lint warnings in core libs
2014-07-31 aefimov 8032908: getTextContent doesn't return string in JAXP
2014-07-30 chegar 8053938: Collections.checkedList(empty list).replaceAll((UnaryOperator)null) doesn't throw NPE after JDK-8047795
2014-07-30 weijun 8052999: ProblemList update for Unreachable.java
2014-07-29 ddehaven Merge
2014-07-22 alexsch 8030051: Check class loaders usage in Swing classes
2014-07-22 alexsch 8048720: KSS sun.swing.SwingUtilities2#makeIcon
2014-07-22 pchelko 8046888: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/image/awt_parseImage.c
2014-07-21 pchelko 8046884: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/java2d/x11: X11PMPLitLoops.c, X11SurfaceData.c
2014-07-21 prr Merge
2014-07-21 yan 8051440: move tests about maximizing undecorated to OpenJDK
2014-07-21 avstepan 8049617: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 3
2014-07-21 dermashov 8049694: Migrate functional AWT_DesktopProperties/Automated tests to OpenJDK
2014-07-18 azvegint 8048289: Gtk: call to UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() leads to crash
2014-07-17 aeremeev 8044301: BasicTreeUI: "revisit when Java2D is ready"
2014-07-16 prr Merge
2014-07-16 pchelko 8047336: Read flavormap.properties as resource
2014-07-16 pchelko 8050465: Remove sun.audio package
2014-07-15 ddehaven 8048337: Examine if macosx/bundle/JavaAppLauncher and JavaAppLauncher.java can be removed
2014-07-14 prr 8048583: CustomMediaSizeName class matching to standard media is too loose
2014-07-14 prr 8040808: Uninitialised memory in OGLBufImgsOps.c, D3DBufImgOps.cpp
2014-07-14 prr 8049893: Replace uses of 'new Integer()' with appropriate alternative across client classes
2014-07-14 darcy 8047027: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in generated beaninfo files
2014-07-14 aeremeev 8050009: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 7 of 7
2014-07-11 prr 8048328: CUPS Printing does not report supported printer resolutions.
2014-07-11 pchelko 8049996: [macosx] test java/awt/image/ImageIconHang.java fails with NPE
2014-07-11 aeremeev 8049870: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 4 of 7
2014-07-11 serb 8049583: Test closed/java/awt/List/ListMultipleSelectTest/ListMultipleSelectTest fails on Window XP
2014-07-11 avstepan 8037511: Tidy warnings cleanup for java.awt - 2d part
2014-07-11 alexsch 8049198: [macosx] Incorrect thread access when showing splash screen
2014-06-23 henryjen 8042872: Fix raw and unchecked warnings in sun.applet
2014-07-10 darcy 8049797: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy
2014-07-10 mcherkas 4991647: PNGMetadata.getAsTree() sets bitDepth to invalid value
2014-07-10 aeremeev 8049808: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 3 of 7
2014-07-10 pchelko 8049830: Remove reflection from ScreenMenuBar
2014-07-10 aeremeev 8049704: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 2 of 7
2014-06-27 henryjen 8044862: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in macosx specific code
2014-07-09 aeremeev 8043968: Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 1 of 7
2014-07-09 ssides 8046597: fix doclint issues in swing classes, part 4 of 4
2014-07-09 avstepan 8047367: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 2
2014-07-08 smarks 8047025: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in generated nimbus files
2014-07-08 anashaty 8047066: Test test/sun/awt/image/bug8038000.java fails with ClassCastException
2014-07-08 avstepan 8043126: move awt automated functional tests from AWT_Events/Lw and AWT_Events/AWT to OpenJDK repository
2014-07-29 dsamersoff 8053902: Fix for 8030115 breaks build on Windows and Solaris
2014-07-29 jbachorik 8030115: [parfait] warnings from b119 for jdk.src.share.native.sun.tracing.dtrace: JNI exception pending
2014-07-29 darcy 8030942: Explicitly state floating-point summation requirements on non-finite inputs
2014-07-28 prappo 8051422: Remove JNDI dependency on java.applet.Applet
2014-07-25 jbachorik 8049194: com/sun/tools/attach/StartManagementAgent.java start failing after JDK-8048193
2014-07-25 weijun 8051953: Add Unreachable.java test to ProblemList on Windows
2014-07-24 robm 8044659: Java SecureRandom on SPARC T4 much slower than on x86/Linux
2014-07-24 mduigou 8048209: Collections.synchronizedNavigableSet().tailSet(Object,boolean) synchronizes on wrong object
2014-08-01 tbell Added tag jdk9-b25 for changeset 48b43b7b9e0c
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-08-04 lana Merge
2014-07-24 amurillo Merge
2014-07-24 rbackman Merge
2014-07-18 goetz 8050978: Fix bad field access check in C1 and C2
2014-07-23 thartmann 8051550: Printing of 'cmpN_reg_branch_short' instruction shows wrong 'op2' register
2014-07-17 mdoerr 8050972: Concurrency problem in PcDesc cache
2014-07-21 anoll 8051303: 'optimized' build broken by JDK-8039425
2014-07-19 iignatyev Merge
2014-07-18 iignatyev 8031978: compiler/ciReplay/TestVM_no_comp_level.sh fails with "TEST [CHECK :: REPLAY DATA GENERATION] FAILED:
2014-07-18 iignatyev 8032449: Get rid of JMX in test/compiler
2014-07-18 aaivanov 8049348: compiler/intrinsics/bmi/verifycode tests on lzcnt and tzcnt use incorrect assumption about REXB prefix usage
2014-07-18 fzhinkin 6848902: [TESTBUG] The compiler/6589834/Test_ia32.java timed out
2014-07-18 fzhinkin 8050144: Remove '-client' from compiler/8004051/Test8004051.java's options
2014-07-18 ppunegov 8048882: Some regression tests are not robust with VM output
2014-07-23 jmasa Merge
2014-07-21 tschatzl 8048112: G1 Full GC needs to support the case when the very first region is not available
2014-07-21 tschatzl 8048088: Conservative maximum heap alignment should take vm_allocation_granularity into account
2014-07-21 tschatzl 8048085: Aborting marking just before remark results in useless additional clearing of the next mark bitmap
2014-07-21 tschatzl 8049051: Use of during_initial_mark_pause() in G1CollectorPolicy::record_collection_pause_end() prevents use of seperate object copy time prediction during marking
2014-07-18 jmasa Merge
2014-07-17 simonis 8050228: Rename 'rem_size' in compactibleFreeListSpace.cpp because of name clashes on AIX
2014-07-22 poonam 8049881: jstack not working on core files
2014-07-21 zgu Merge
2014-07-21 zgu 8050167: linux-sparcv9: hs_err file does not show any stack information
2014-07-21 kevinw Merge
2014-07-21 kevinw 8049684: pstack crashes on java core dump
2014-07-19 sspitsyn Merge
2014-07-18 zgu 8050165: linux-sparcv9: NMT detail causes assert((intptr_t*)younger_sp[FP->sp_offset_in_saved_window()] == (intptr_t*)((intptr_t)sp - STACK_BIAS)) failed: younger_sp must be valid
2014-07-18 coleenp Merge
2014-07-14 coleenp Merge
2014-07-04 goetz 8049325: Introduce and clean up umbrella headers for the files in the cpu subdirectories.
2014-07-17 coleenp 8004128: NPG: remove stackwalking in Threads::gc_prologue and gc_epilogue code
2014-07-16 mikael 8050802: Update jprt runthese test suite to jck-8
2014-07-16 sspitsyn 8049441: PPC64: Don't use StubCodeMarks for zero-length stubs
2014-07-18 simonis 8051378: AIX: Change "8030763: Validate global memory allocation" breaks the HotSpot build
2014-08-01 tbell Added tag jdk9-b25 for changeset 938af06a9f70
2014-08-04 lana Merge
2014-07-31 mikael 8054009: Support SKIP_BOOT_CYCLE=false when invoked from JPRT
2014-07-24 amurillo Merge
2014-07-23 sspitsyn Merge
2014-07-16 mikael 8050802: Update jprt runthese test suite to jck-8
2014-08-01 tbell Added tag jdk9-b25 for changeset 4c599f00e556
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk9-b25 for changeset 13a5c76976fe
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk9-b25
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-30 lana Merge
2014-07-23 ksrini 8050319: LocalVariableTestBase has unexpected dependency on LocalVariableTableTest
2014-07-22 lana Merge
2014-07-22 mcimadamore 8049234: Add support for running/debugging bootstrap tools in IntelliJ
2014-07-21 darcy 8051482: Fix deprecation warnings in javax.lang.model.util
2014-07-17 sogoel 8050954: update DocRootSlash test for tidy error: empty <p>
2014-07-17 sogoel 8048837: .out files for generics tests in tools/javac dir - part 3
2014-07-17 sogoel 8048836: .out files for generics tests in tools/javac dir
2014-07-17 mchung 8050804: (jdeps) Recommend supported API to replace use of JDK internal API
2014-07-17 sogoel 8048833: .out files for generics tests in tools/javac dir
2014-07-17 darcy 8050430: Provided new utility visitors supporting SourceVersion.RELEASE_9
2014-07-25 tbell Added tag jdk9-b24 for changeset 263f68539584
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-30 lana Merge
2014-07-22 lana Merge
2014-07-18 mkos 8038970: Deprivilege JAX-WS/JAF code
2014-07-25 tbell Added tag jdk9-b24 for changeset 6073de33135f
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-30 lana Merge
2014-07-22 lana Merge
2014-07-22 aefimov 8029837: NPE seen in XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.setProperty since 7u40b33
2014-07-25 tbell Added tag jdk9-b24 for changeset ba581cb2983f
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-30 lana Merge
2014-07-22 lana Merge
2014-07-18 sundar 8051019: Separate src and test execution sandbox directories
2014-07-25 tbell Added tag jdk9-b24 for changeset abe2821cc591
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-25 tbell Added tag jdk9-b24 for changeset 4efd3f7a2c81
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-30 lana Merge
2014-07-23 valeriep 8035166: Remove dependency on EC classes from pkcs11 provider
2014-07-21 redestad 8006627: UUID to/from String performance should be improved by reducing object allocations
2014-07-22 mduigou 6721085: Fix broken link to Collections Framework Tutorial
2014-07-22 lana Merge
2014-07-22 aefimov 8029837: NPE seen in XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.setProperty since 7u40b33
2014-07-21 weijun 8048194: GSSContext.acceptSecContext fails when a supported mech is not initiator preferred
2014-07-21 weijun 8049834: Two security tools tests do not run with only JRE
2014-07-19 weijun 8051399: Fix for JDK-8043071 breaks dev build
2014-07-19 weijun 8043071: Expose session key and KRB_CRED through extended GSS-API
2014-07-18 redestad 8050114: Expose Integer/Long formatUnsigned methods internally
2014-07-18 mchung 8050968: Extension class loader initialization fails on Win7 x64 zh_TW
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