2015-02-12 lpriima 8072909: TimSort fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on worst case long arrays
2015-02-12 ykantser 8072856: Eliminate ProcessTools.getProcessId dependency on sun.management.VMManagement
2015-02-12 bpb 8066842: java.math.BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) produces incorrect result
2015-02-10 stuefe 8072611: (process) ProcessBuilder redirecting output to file should work with long file names (win)
2015-02-11 bpb 8064562: (doc) errors in java.io.PushbackInputStream API documentation
2015-02-11 erikj 8072834: jrt-fs.jar missing META-INF/services/java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider
2015-02-10 robm 8065553: Failed Java web start via IPv6 (Java7u71 or later)
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