2017-02-09 lana Added tag jdk-9+156 for changeset 62824732af55
2017-02-03 darcy 8173383: Update JDK build to use -source and -target 10
2017-01-28 darcy 8028544: Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_10
2017-01-25 iris 8173366: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-01-25 iris Added tag jdk-10+0 for changeset 3995afe22c68
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-09 lana Merge
2017-02-09 lana Added tag jdk-9+156 for changeset 3d5314988315
2017-01-25 iris 8173366: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-01-25 iris Added tag jdk-10+0 for changeset fc31f9d07a66
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-09 lana Merge
2017-02-09 lana Added tag jdk-9+156 for changeset 08175b460862
2017-01-25 iris 8173366: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-01-25 iris Added tag jdk-10+0 for changeset e6fc8462d73b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-09 lana Merge
2017-02-09 lana Added tag jdk-9+156 for changeset 1bb10bccf057
2017-01-25 iris 8173366: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-01-25 iris Added tag jdk-10+0 for changeset 0d39b11bffb3
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-09 lana Merge
2017-02-09 lana Added tag jdk-9+156 for changeset cfbeef485c3f
2017-01-25 iris 8173366: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-01-25 iris Added tag jdk-10+0 for changeset 870fe9d526c3
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-10 darcy 8174693: Problem list MultiReleaseJarTest.java tests until JDK-8174692 is fixed
2017-02-09 lana Merge
2017-02-09 lana Merge
2017-02-09 lana Added tag jdk-9+156 for changeset fdecd1d14d53
2017-02-09 mbaesken 8174086: jspawnhelper build settings cleanup
2017-02-07 clanger 8174039: (ch) DefaultAsynchronousChannelProvider should be split into platform specific versions
2017-02-02 mbaesken 8173834: cleanup macosx jspawnhelper build settings
2017-02-06 clanger 8167457: Fixes for InetAddressImpl native coding on Windows
2017-02-06 clanger 8167420: Fixes for InetAddressImpl native coding on Linux/Unix platforms
2017-02-03 darcy 8173908: Problem list tools/jar/multiRelease/RuntimeTest.java until JDK-8173905 is fixed
2017-02-03 darcy 8173903: Update various tests to pass under JDK 10
2017-02-01 dholmes 8173421: Obsolete and expired flags for JDK 10 need to be removed and related tests updated
2017-01-25 iris 8173366: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-01-25 iris Added tag jdk-10+0 for changeset dcd77ece46a9
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-09 lana Merge
2017-02-09 lana Added tag jdk-9+156 for changeset 656a9525a59c
2017-02-01 dholmes 8173421: Obsolete and expired flags for JDK 10 need to be removed and related tests updated
2017-01-25 iris 8173366: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-01-25 iris Added tag jdk-10+0 for changeset c9c0f7be1ab8
2017-02-09 lana Merge
2017-02-09 lana Added tag jdk-9+156 for changeset 3cecfaef55fe
2017-02-03 ssarne 8173894: jib reports version "" in jdk10
2017-02-01 dholmes Merge
2017-02-01 erikj 8029942: Update VERSION_MAJOR for JDK 10
2017-02-01 darcy 8173383: Update JDK build to use -source and -target 10
2017-01-25 iris 8173366: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-01-25 iris Added tag jdk-10+0 for changeset 55441f575d6a
2017-07-05 duke Added tag jdk-9+156 for changeset 06bce0388880
2017-07-05 duke Merge jdk-9+156
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-07 cushon 6388543: improve accuracy of source positions for AnnotationValue param of Messager.printMessage
2017-02-07 jjg 8174051: fix terminology in javadoc comment
2017-02-07 darcy 8173944: Reference Origin.MANDATED in getEnclosedElements specs
2017-02-06 jjg 8172901: javac: 'opens' statement cannot specify non observable package
2017-02-06 rfield 8173807: JShell: control characters should be escaped in String values
2017-02-06 rfield 8173848: JShell: less-than causes: reached end of file while parsing
2017-02-06 jlahoda 8173636: Results from Processor.getSupportedAnnotationTypes should be intepreted strictly
2017-02-06 sadayapalam 8166420: Confusing error message when reading bad module declaration
2017-02-06 jlahoda 8173653: jshell tool: ctrl-C when in external editor aborts jshell -- history lost
2017-02-06 sadayapalam 8173456: com.sun.tools.javac.util.Assert.error during code compilation
2017-02-04 lancea 8173604: Rename module 8173604 java.annotations.common to java.xml.ws.annoations
2017-02-04 darcy 8173305: Trial reversion of langtools test changes for limited win32 address space
2017-02-03 vromero 8172240: javac should not need the transitive closure to compile a module
2017-02-02 bpatel 8173707: Javadoc generated pages should default to no-frames view
2017-02-02 jjg 8172807: Javac doesn't report errors on duplicate provides with different service implementations
2017-02-02 lana Merge
2017-02-02 ksrini 8173667: Update command line help for -public -protected -package -private options
2017-02-02 jjg 8166675: Latent bug in jar file handling during module path processing.
2017-02-02 bpatel 8172528: problem generating JavaFX docs
2017-02-02 darcy 8173798: Tests for printing modules
2017-02-02 darcy 8173776: More javax.lang.model improvements to support modules
2017-02-01 bpatel 8169813: The index pages are sorted in a confusing manner
2017-02-01 jjg 8173789: Fix broken test header
2017-01-27 ksrini 8048628: javadoc strips HTML incorrectly; causes invalid generated HTML files
2017-02-01 darcy 8173676: Improvements to javax.annotation.processing and javax.lang.model doc
2017-02-01 rfield 8173577: JShell tests: Some testng tests check nothing
2017-02-01 jlahoda 8171294: Slow compilation with long classpaths under JDK 9
2017-02-01 rfield 8173652: jshell tool: store history on fatal exit
2017-02-02 lana Added tag jdk-9+155 for changeset 10a4ca148d89
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-04 lancea 8173604: Rename module 8173604 java.annotations.common to java.xml.ws.annoations
2017-02-02 lana Added tag jdk-9+155 for changeset 32ea5c3ed72c
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-06 clanger 8173602: JAXP: TESTBUG: javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/transform/TransformerTest.java needs refactoring
2017-02-02 lana Added tag jdk-9+155 for changeset 9e2d943b5b66
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-03 hannesw 8173888: Test for JDK-8169481 causes stack overflows in parser tests
2017-02-03 ihse 8173822: Remove dead code in BuildNashorn.gmk
2017-02-03 amlu 8173864: Problem list src/jdk/nashorn/api/tree/test/ParseAPITest.java for some platforms
2017-02-02 lana Merge
2017-02-02 hannesw 8173851: JDK-8008448.js fails to parse test for JDK-8169481
2017-02-02 hannesw 8169481: StackOverflowError on start when parsing PAC file to autodetect Proxy settings
2017-02-02 lana Added tag jdk-9+155 for changeset 1e536b9ddf07
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-02 lana Added tag jdk-9+155 for changeset a3460624dc33
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-07 dl 8172726: ForkJoin common pool retains a reference to the thread context class loader
2017-02-06 redestad 8173982: (fs) DefaultFileSystemProvider should be split into platform specific versions
2017-02-06 vinnie 8173956: KeyStore regression due to default keystore being changed to PKCS12
2017-02-06 mchung 8173947: jconsole does not show local running VMs to attach
2017-02-06 mullan 8173827: Remove forRemoval=true from several deprecated security APIs
2017-02-06 jlahoda 8173653: jshell tool: ctrl-C when in external editor aborts jshell -- history lost
2017-02-04 lancea 8173604: Rename module 8173604 java.annotations.common to java.xml.ws.annoations
2017-02-04 jwilhelm Merge
2017-01-23 jwilhelm Merge
2017-01-25 vtewari 8167178: Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in java.naming
2017-01-23 dpochepk 8171149: java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/LFSingleThreadCachingTest.java failed with "Out of space in CodeCache for adapters"
2017-01-20 rraghavan 8167337: When jmxremote.port=0, JDP broadcasts "0" instead of assigned port
2017-01-19 gtriantafill 8152206: Simplify jvmstat modules
2017-01-19 redestad 8171855: Move package name transformations during module bootstrap into native code
2017-01-16 jwilhelm Merge
2017-01-13 jwilhelm Merge
2017-01-13 hseigel 8172288: Fix Jigsaw related module/package error messages and throw correct exceptions
2017-01-09 jwilhelm Merge
2017-01-05 ctornqvi 8172188: JDI tests fail due to "permission denied" when creating temp file
2016-12-27 jwilhelm Merge
2016-12-27 dfazunen 8171441: tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java doesn't report names of tools which failed checks
2016-12-23 vtewari 8170861: Remove DcmdMBeanPermissionsTest.java from ProblemList
2017-02-04 mchung 8173412: @Test in java/lang/annotation and java/lang/reflect/Proxy tests not run
2017-02-03 dl 8171886: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2017-02
2017-02-03 dl 8169748: LinkedTransferQueue bulk remove is O(n^2)
2017-02-03 dl 8173706: Is able to set a negative j.u.Vector size in JDK9 b151
2017-02-03 ddehaven Merge
2017-01-30 ddehaven Merge
2017-01-30 pnarayanan 8167278: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when calling ImageIO.read(InputStream) with RLE4 BMP
2017-01-27 psadhukhan 7190595: Nimbus: Test6657026 fails
2017-01-27 jdv 8152561: Is it allowed to have zero value for count in TIFFField.createArrayForType() for the rationals
2017-01-26 prr Merge
2017-01-24 dmarkov 8163889: [macosx] Can't print from browser on Mac OS X
2017-02-03 henryjen 8171522: Jar prints error message with old (non gnu-style options).
2017-02-03 mchung 8173858: Rename libmanagement_rmi to libmanagement_agent
2017-02-03 ihse 8004842: Unify values of boolean make variables set in configure to true/false
2017-02-03 ihse 8172548: unpack200 fails linking with new update of SS12u4
2017-02-03 dfuchs 8173315: java/net/HttpURLConnection/SetAuthenticator/HTTPSetAuthenticatorTest.java fails intermittently
2017-02-02 lana Merge
2017-02-02 mullan Merge
2017-02-02 skovalev 8173763: Two security tests fail with message: "java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: EC KeyFactory not available"
2017-02-02 dfuchs 8173821: com.sun.jmx.remote.internal.Unmarshal should be removed.
2017-02-02 dfuchs 8173607: JMX RMI connector should be in its own module
2017-02-02 redestad 8160302: Reduce number of lambdas created when loading java.util.regex.Pattern
2017-02-02 clanger 8170868: DefaultProxySelector should use system defaults on Windows, MacOS and Gnome
2017-02-01 anazarov 8075616: Create tests to check schemagen work with multi-version jar
2017-02-01 henryjen 8171524: jar --help doesn't provide information that stdout and stdin can be used as output and input for tool
2017-02-01 henryjen 8173758: tools/javac/Paths/wcMineField.sh failing with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
2017-02-01 skovalev 8173475: java/net/HttpURLConnection/SetAuthenticator tests have undeclared dependency on java.logging module
2017-02-01 rpatil 8167063: spurious message "A JNI error has occurred" if start-class cannot be initialized
2017-02-01 sundar 8173717: jlink --help fails with missing "plugin.opt.plugin-module-path" key in resource bundle
2017-02-01 mchung 8173608: Separate JDK management agent from java.management module
2017-02-02 lana Added tag jdk-9+155 for changeset 4d25acf48a0b
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2017-02-04 jwilhelm Merge
2017-01-26 ccheung 8173163: searching for a versioned entry in a multi-release jar in hotspot is inconsistent with java code
2017-01-26 dnsimon 8173278: [JVMCI] query_update_method_data might write outside _trap_hist array
2017-01-22 njian 8172881: AArch64: assertion failure: the int pressure is incorrect
2017-01-26 rbackman Merge
2017-01-24 gdub 8167519: [AOT] Failed compilation: java.math.MutableBigInteger.divide3n2n
2017-01-23 jwilhelm Merge
2017-01-26 never 8173309: jvmtiDeferredLocalVariableSet may update the wrong frame
2017-01-24 roland 8173147: [ctw] fails during compilation of sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto.RsaMd5DesCksumType::calculateKeyedChecksum with " graph should be schedulable"
2017-01-25 thartmann 8172850: Anti-dependency on membar causes crash in register allocator due to invalid instruction scheduling
2017-01-25 thartmann 8173195: [BACKOUT] 8087341: C2 doesn't optimize redundant memory operations with G1
2017-01-25 jcm 8173300: [TESTBUG]compiler/tiered/NonTieredLevelsTest.java fails with compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper(int) must be compiled
2017-01-25 kvn 8173158: [AOT] fix typo in jaotc --help output
2017-01-24 never 8171173: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION running VirtualObjectDebugInfoTest.java
2017-01-23 dnsimon Merge
2017-01-22 dnsimon 8172733: [JVMCI] add ResolvedJavaMethod.hasNeverInlineDirective
2017-01-23 iveresov 8173054: [AOT] Avoid zero-shift for compressed oops
2017-01-23 zmajo 8172844: Assert fails in deoptimization due to original PC at the end of code section
2017-01-23 jcm 8173037: V [jvm.dll+0x2343fc] GraphBuilder::args_list_for_profiling+0x8c
2017-01-21 kvn 8173135: compiler/aot/fingerprint/SelfChangedCDS.java fails with: Unrecognized VM option 'UnlockCommercialFeatures'
2017-01-20 hseigel 8171971: Fix timing bug in JVM management of package export lists
2017-01-20 jcm 8173038: [TESTBUG] compiler/loopopts/UseCountedLoopSafepointsTest.java fails with TESTBUG: Not server mode
2017-01-20 dcubed 8173081: VM no longer prints "Picked up _JAVA_OPTONS: " message
2017-01-19 dholmes 8172972: Add gc/g1/logging/TestG1LoggingFailure.java to the ProblemList
2017-01-19 gtriantafill 8152206: Simplify jvmstat modules
2017-01-19 redestad 8171855: Move package name transformations during module bootstrap into native code
2017-01-19 rbackman Merge
2017-01-05 rbackman 8169588: [AOT] jaotc --classpath option is confusing
2017-01-19 stuefe 8172964: [aix] AIX VM should not handle SIGDANGER
2017-01-19 thartmann 8172751: OSR compilation at unreachable bci causes C1 crash
2017-01-19 kvn 8173019: Backout JDK-8172990 changes
2017-01-19 dholmes 8172261: [JVMTI] Specification for early VM start event needs to lower expectations in relation class loading
2017-01-18 kvn 8172990: [AOT] Missing GC scan of _metaspace_got array containing Klass*
2017-01-18 coleenp 8144518: ClassVerboseTest crashes on Windows
2017-01-18 thartmann Merge
2017-01-18 thartmann 8172884: TraceOptoPipelining and TraceOptoOutput are broken
2017-01-18 jcm 8166002: Emulate client build on platforms with reduced virtual address space
2017-01-17 mgronlun Merge
2017-01-17 mgronlun 8171960: Event-based tracing needs separate flag representation for Method
2017-01-17 rprotacio Merge
2017-01-13 rprotacio 8170827: Correct errant "java.base" string to macro
2017-01-17 thartmann 8172731: runtime/Thread/TooSmallStackSize.java fails on solaris-x64 with product build
2017-01-13 aharlap 8140588: Internal Error: gc/g1/ptrQueue.hpp:126 assert(_index == _sz) failed: invariant: queues are empty when activated
2017-01-16 jwilhelm Merge
2017-01-13 jwilhelm Merge
2017-01-13 hseigel 8172288: Fix Jigsaw related module/package error messages and throw correct exceptions
2017-01-12 rprotacio Merge
2017-01-12 rprotacio 8170821: Ensure access checks result in consistent answers
2017-01-12 aph 8172721: Fix for 8172144 breaks AArch64 build
2017-01-12 dfazunen Merge
2017-01-12 dfazunen 8169643: [TESTBUG] GCBasher test fails with G1, CMS and Serial.
2017-01-11 iignatyev 8172557: quarantine ctw/JarDirTest
2017-01-11 aph 8172144: AArch64: Implement "JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections"
2017-01-11 rehn 8079441: Intermittent failures on Windows with "Unexpected exit from test [exit code: 1080890248]" (0x406d1388)
2017-01-11 zmajo 8168926: C2: Bytecode escape analyzer crashes due to stack overflow
2017-01-10 iveresov Merge
2017-01-10 iveresov 8172310: [AOT] Fix unverified entry point
2017-01-10 dpochepk 8166374: compiler/loopopts/UseCountedLoopSafepointsTest.java fails with "Safepoint not found"
2017-01-09 davleopo 8166125: [JVMCI] Missing JVMCI flag default values
2017-01-09 jwilhelm Merge
2016-12-28 kzhaldyb 8172098: A lot of gtests uses TEST instead of TEST_VM
2017-01-08 iklam 8170959: unloading archived shared class caused crash
2017-01-06 thartmann 8171435: "assert(is_single_cpu() && !is_virtual()) failed: type check" with -XX:+PatchALot on SPARC
2016-12-15 gromero 8171266: PPC64: Add support to -XX:RTMSpinLoopCount=0
2017-01-05 thartmann 8172010: [AOT] RecompilationTest.java fails with "expected compilation level after compilation to be no less than 1"
2017-01-05 coleenp 8172246: [TESTBUG] runtime/RedefineTests/RedefinePreviousVersions.java 'Class unloading: has_previous_versions = true' missing from stdout/stderr
2017-01-04 kvn 8172054: Aot tests should include Java assertions into AOT compiled code
2017-01-04 ctornqvi 8168137: import-hotspot build target not removed from hotspot-ide-project
2017-01-03 vdeshpande 8171974: Fix for R10 Register clobbering with usage of ExternalAddress
2017-01-03 redestad 8172169: Re-examine String field optionality
2017-01-03 mdoerr 8172199: s390: Use same get_key_start_from_aescrypt_object implementation as PPC64
2016-12-27 goetz 8172049: [s390] Implement "JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections".
2017-01-03 mdoerr 8172145: C2: anti dependence missed because store hidden by membar
2017-01-03 mlarsson 8170857: Typo in -Xlog:help output
2017-01-03 mlarsson 8170855: Example for -Xlog:help do not contain one with multiple tags
2017-01-03 rbackman 8171082: [AOT] AOT'd SystemModules.modules() fails to load when too large
2017-01-02 rraghavan 8156762: test/compiler/ciReplay/TestVMNoCompLevel.java fails with - 'Unexpected exit code for negative case: [-client]: expected 0 to not equal 0'
2016-12-30 iignatyev 8172149: CTW library should call System::exit
2016-12-27 jwilhelm Merge
2016-12-23 iignatyev Merge
2016-12-21 bmoloden 8170918: Remove shell script from test/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.java
2016-12-16 iklam 8171809: Remove unused CDS code from JDK 9
2016-12-23 mchernov 8171045: gc/stress/TestStressG1Humongous.java fails to allocate the heap
2016-12-23 coleenp Merge
2016-12-22 goetz 8171924: Use SIZE_FORMAT to print size_t values.
2016-12-22 gtriantafill 8171318: serviceability/sa/jmap-hprof/JMapHProfLargeHeapTest.java fails latest Jigsaw integration
2016-12-23 iveresov 8168792: [AOT] problems in MethodHandle with aot-compiled java.base
2016-12-22 lucy 8170981: Possible access to char array with negative index
2016-12-22 dfazunen 8170860: Get rid of the humanReadableByteCount() method in openjdk/hotspot
2017-02-03 ihse 8004842: Unify values of boolean make variables set in configure to true/false
2017-02-02 lana Merge
2017-02-01 mchung 8173608: Separate JDK management agent from java.management module
2017-02-02 lana Added tag jdk-9+155 for changeset 220ab62f260a
2017-02-04 lancea 8173604: Rename module 8173604 java.annotations.common to java.xml.ws.annoations
2017-02-04 jwilhelm Merge
2017-01-23 jwilhelm Merge
2017-01-19 gtriantafill 8152206: Simplify jvmstat modules
2017-01-18 jcm 8166002: Emulate client build on platforms with reduced virtual address space
2017-01-13 jwilhelm Merge
(0) -30000 -10000 -3000 -1000 -256 +256 +1000 +3000 +10000 tip