2012-02-29 | dlong | 7142641: -Xshared:on fails on ARM | changeset | files |
2012-03-02 | never | Merge | changeset | files |
2012-03-01 | never | 7150051: incorrect oopmap in critical native | changeset | files |
2012-02-28 | roland | 6910461: Register allocator may insert spill code at wrong insertion index | changeset | files |
2012-02-28 | never | 7145024: Crashes in ucrypto related to C2 | changeset | files |
2012-02-27 | roland | 7148486: At a method handle call returning with an exception may call the runtime with misaligned stack (x64) | changeset | files |
2012-02-27 | roland | 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64) | changeset | files |
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