2019-06-05 mikael 8225305: ProblemList java/lang/invoke/VarHandles tests
2019-06-05 jjg 8225346: Convert file to HTML5
2019-06-05 mchung 8221368: Error message when module main class cannot be loaded is missing exception details
2019-06-05 hannesw 8221709: replace use of style blockListLast
2019-06-05 rriggs 8220238: Enhancing j.l.Runtime/System::gc specification with an explicit 'no guarantee' statement
2019-06-05 shade 8225342: Shenandoah: use COMPILER2_OR_JVMCI macro consistently
2019-06-05 zgu 8225341: Shenandoah: CM::update_thread_roots() needs to handle derived pointers
2019-06-05 chegar 8225037: java.net.JarURLConnection::getJarEntry() throws NullPointerException
2019-05-21 roland 8224580: Matcher can cause oop field/array element to be reloaded
2019-06-05 chegar 8225214: Socket.getOption(SocketOption) not returning the expected type for the StandardSocketOptions.SO_LINGER
2019-05-31 mdoerr 8222103: [testbug] compiler/compilercontrol/jcmd/ClearDirectivesFileStackTest may exceed VM limit
2019-06-05 pliden 8225084: gc/z/TestHighUsage.java fails with unexpected allocation stall
2019-06-05 pliden 8224965: ZGC: Strengthen ZHeap::is_in()
2019-06-05 pliden 8224962: ZGC: Strengthen ZHeap::is_oop()
2019-06-05 redestad 8224240: Properties.load fails to throw IAE on malformed unicode in certain circumstances
2019-06-05 redestad 8225179: (regex) Minor Pattern cleanup
2019-06-05 shade 8225229: Shenandoah: trim down default number of GC threads
2019-06-05 stuefe 8224181: On child process spawn, child may write to random file descriptor instead of the fail pipe
2019-06-05 stuefe 8224600: Provide VM.events command
2019-06-05 smarks 8225315: test java/util/ArrayDeque/WhiteBox.java isn't part of the jdk_collections test group
2019-06-05 weijun 8193255: Root Certificates should be stored in text format and assembled at build time
2019-06-05 igerasim 8225198: Optimize regex tree for greedy quantifiers of type {N,}
2019-06-05 dholmes 8225217: Backout: JDK-8224814: Remove dead JNIHandleBlock freelist code
2019-06-05 mikael 8225307: ProblemList compiler/codegen/TestCharVect2.java and compiler/c2/cr6340864/TestLongVect.java
2019-06-04 jjg 8225324: Bad HTML in jdk.jfr module-info.java
2019-06-04 jjg 8225314: broken links in java.base
2019-06-04 jjg 8225309: HTML issues in jdk.jdi module
2019-06-04 jjg 8225306: bad headings in java.sql.rowset SyncProvider.java
2019-06-04 mchung 8222448: java/lang/reflect/PublicMethods/PublicMethodsTest.java times out
2019-06-04 kvn 8225019: Update JVMCI
2019-06-04 smarks 8217412: deprecate rmic for removal
2019-06-04 jjg 8223805: DocCommentParser should allow for <main> and </main>
2019-06-04 kbarrett 8212630: jtreg/gc/logging/TestMetaSpaceLog.java failed with Agent timed out
2019-06-04 hannesw 8178982: Javadoc search specification
2019-06-04 coleenp 8222468: [TESTBUG] vmTestbase/metaspace/flags/maxMetaspaceSize/TestDescription.java fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
2019-06-04 mseledtsov Merge
2019-06-04 mseledtsov 8223396: [TESTBUG] several jfr tests do not clean up files created in /tmp
2019-06-04 chegar 6394787: Typos in javadoc of OIS.readObjectOverride and OOS.writeObjectOverride
2019-06-04 hannesw 8214126: Method signatures not formatted correctly in browser
2019-06-04 hannesw 8222091: Javadoc does not handle package annotations correctly on package-info.java
2019-06-04 psadhukhan Merge
2019-06-03 jdv 8225105: java/awt/Focus/ShowFrameCheckForegroundTest/ShowFrameCheckForegroundTest.java fails in Windows 10
2019-06-03 psadhukhan Merge
2019-06-02 tnakamura 8219901: Noto fonts for East Asian countries cannot belong to CompositeFont
2019-06-02 prr 8224056: Fix some assignments of string literals to LPSTR (instead of LPCSTR)
2019-05-31 serb 8225032: Fix some C++ conformance issues in AWT Windows code
2019-05-30 prr 8223271: SplashScreen is still shown if defaulting to headless on MacOS
2019-05-30 prr 8225007: java/awt/print/PrinterJob/LandscapeStackOverflow.java may hang
2019-05-30 prr 8225020: Problem list some sanity test failures
2019-05-30 psadhukhan 8224824: ProblemList java/awt/Color/AlphaColorTest failure in linux_x64
2019-05-28 psadhukhan 8224821: java/awt/Focus/NoAutotransferToDisabledCompTest/NoAutotransferToDisabledCompTest.java fails linux-x64
2019-05-28 psadhukhan 8224830: test/jdk/java/awt/Focus/ModalExcludedWindowClickTest/ModalExcludedWindowClickTest.java fails on linux-x64
2019-05-27 prr 8224778: test/jdk/demo/jfc/J2Ddemo/J2DdemoTest.java cannot find J2Ddemo.jar
2019-05-24 prr 8224632: testbug: java/awt/dnd/RemoveDropTargetCrashTest/RemoveDropTargetCrashTest.java fails on MacOS
2019-05-24 prr 8224771: backout RemoveDropTargetCrashTest.java fix to re-push with correct bugid
2019-05-24 prr 8224705: Tests that need to be problem-listed or have printer resources
2019-05-23 prr 8223804: [macos] remove obsoleted reference to security framework in launcher code
2019-05-23 psadhukhan 8211703: JInternalFrame : java.lang.AssertionError: cannot find the internal frame
2019-05-21 psadhukhan 8214702: Wrong text position for whitespaced string in printing Swing text
2019-04-27 serb 8222917: GraphicsEnvironment for Unix still have an unused dependency on Solaris
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