2018-01-18 simonis 8189761: COMPANY_NAME, IMPLEMENTOR, BUNDLE_VENDOR, VENDOR, but no configure flag
2018-01-18 darcy 8191839: ModuleElement.DirectiveVisitor :: visit​() method behavior is deviating from the spec
2018-01-17 vlivanov 8194963: SystemDictionary::link_method_handle_constant() can't link MethodHandle.invoke()/invokeExact() jdk-10+40
2018-01-17 dlong 8194988: 8 Null pointer dereference defect groups related to MultiNode::proj_out()
2018-01-17 hannesw 8195123: Very large regressions in Octane benchmarks using 10-b39
2017-12-21 psandoz 8075939: Stream.flatMap() causes breaking of short-circuiting of terminal operations
2018-01-17 asaha Merge
2018-01-17 asaha Merge
2018-01-12 asaha Merge
2018-01-09 asaha Merge
2017-12-19 xuelei 8193683: Increase the number of clones in the CloneableDigest
2017-11-29 vtewari 8191142: More refactoring for naming deserialization cases
2017-11-28 smarks 8189284: More refactoring for deserialization cases
2017-11-27 mdoerr 8191907: PPC64 and s390 parts of JDK-8174962: Better interface invocations
2017-11-06 serb 8190289: More refactoring for client deserialization cases
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