2014-11-14 miauno 8064799: [TESTBUG] JT-Reg Serviceability tests to be run as part of JPRT submit job
2014-11-12 shade 8059677: Thread.getName() instantiates Strings
2014-12-02 jlahoda 8065998: Avoid use of _ as a one-character identifier
2014-12-02 smarks 8035000: clean up ActivationLibrary.DestroyThread
2014-12-01 dfuchs 8065552: setAccessible(true) on fields of Class may throw a SecurityException
2014-12-01 iignatyev Merge
2014-12-01 iignatyev 8039953: [TESTBUG] Timeout java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles/CatchExceptionTest.java
2014-12-01 iignatyev 8066191: Introduce time limited test executor
2014-12-01 msheppar 8066130: com.sun.net.httpserver stop() throws NullPointerException if it is not started
2014-12-01 lancea 8066261: Typo in Connection.isValid
2014-12-01 alanb 8066196: (fs) Typo in Path::normalize, empty path only returned if path does not have a root component
2014-11-29 lancea 8066188: BaseRowSet default value for escape processing is not correct
2014-11-28 alanb 8062955: (fs spec) Files.setLastModifiedTime should specify SecurityException more clearly
2014-11-26 dfuchs 8065748: Add a test to verify that non ascii characters in Encodings.properties do not cause issues
2014-11-26 ksrini 8060026: Update jdk/test/tools/launcher tests to eliminate dependency on sun.tools.jar.Main
2014-11-26 ihse 8065913: Various improvements in SetupNativeCompilation
2014-11-26 weijun 8061253: Spec cleanup for some security-related classes
2014-11-25 prr Merge
2014-11-17 prr Merge
2014-11-14 anashaty 8059739: Dragged and Dropped data is corrupted for two data types
2014-11-14 pchelko 8023723: Can not paste and copy the text from the text area into the editor
2014-11-13 alexsch 8064468: ownedWindowList access requires synchronization in Window.setAlwaysOnTop() method
2014-11-12 ddehaven Merge
2014-11-10 yan 8063106: Change open swing regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 1
2014-11-10 yan 8063102: Change open awt regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 1
2014-11-09 serb 7169583: JInternalFrame title not antialiased in Nimbus LaF
2014-11-06 prr 8062163: java/awt/geom/AffineTransform/TestInvertMethods.java test fails
2014-11-05 serb 7195187: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] javax/swing/SwingUtilities/7088744/bug7088744.java failed
2014-11-25 chegar 8065072: sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/StreamingRetry.java failed intermittently
2014-11-25 kshefov 8059070: [TESTBUG] java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/LFMultiThreadCachingTest.java failed - timeout
2014-11-24 alanb 8065720: (ch) AbstractInterruptibleChannel.end sets interrupted to null
2014-11-24 vlivanov 8059880: Get rid of LambdaForm interpretation
2014-11-24 vlivanov 8063135: Enable full LF sharing by default
2014-11-24 dfuchs 8060132: Handlers configured on abstract nodes in logging.properties are not always properly closed
2014-11-24 erikj 8065412: generated source to compile .properties file incorreectly includes the module name in the package name
2014-11-22 msheppar 8065222: sun/net/www/protocol/http/B6369510.java doesn't execute as expected
2014-11-22 martin 8065159: AttributedString has quadratic resize algorithm
2014-11-21 smarks 8056313: TEST_BUG: java/util/Timer/NameConstructors.java fails intermittently
2014-11-21 olagneau 8062037: java/lang/instrument/RetransformBigClass.sh should be quarantined
2014-11-21 mullan Merge
2014-11-21 mullan 8046949: Generify the javax.xml.crypto API
2014-11-21 amurillo Merge
2014-11-21 amurillo Merge
2014-11-14 amurillo Merge
2014-11-13 jwilhelm Merge
2014-11-03 jwilhelm Merge
2014-10-31 brutisso 8061308: Remove iCMS
2014-11-13 sla Merge
2014-11-12 sspitsyn 6988950: JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112)
2014-11-10 emc 8062556: Add jdk tests for JDK-8058322 and JDK-8058313
2014-11-21 sherman 6321472: Add CRC-32C API
2014-11-21 ihse 8058631: Rename posix to unix in build system to match file name changes
2014-11-14 bchristi 8064288: sun.management.Flag should loadLibrary()
2014-11-20 lana Merge
2014-11-20 rriggs 8065372: Object.wait(ms, ns) timeout returns early
2014-11-20 rriggs 8064932: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java: waitFor didn't take long enough
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