2015-05-07 naoto 8079186: Add 'localeServiceProvider' target in the class description of RuntimePermission
2015-05-07 simonis 8079510: AIX: fix build after '8042901: Allow com.sun.management to be in a different module...'
2015-05-07 ykantser 8078896: Add @modules as needed to the jdk_svc tests
2015-05-06 darcy 8079544: Mark java/util/regex/RegExTest.java as failing intermittently
2015-05-06 avstepan 8079478: some docs cleanup for sun.security
2015-05-06 ihse 8077992: Eliminate JDK build dependency of native2ascii and update Japanese nroff man pages to UTF-8 encoding
2015-05-06 asmotrak 8076486: [TESTBUG] javax/security/auth/Subject/doAs/NestedActions.java fails if extra VM options are given
2015-05-06 ksrini 8078225: tools/launcher/FXLauncherTest.java fails intermittently (win)
2015-05-05 darcy 8079419: Update to RegEx test to use random number library
2015-05-05 juh 8058543: Certificate returns null Subject Alternative Name if it is an X400Address type
2015-05-05 vinnie 8079129: NullPointerException in PKCS#12 Keystore in PKCS12KeyStore.java
2015-05-05 amurillo Merge
2015-05-04 sla 8079248: JDK fails with "jdk\\bin\\management_ext.dll: The specified procedure could not be found"
2015-05-01 amurillo Merge
2015-04-30 bharadwaj Merge
2015-04-21 vlivanov 8078290: Customize adapted MethodHandle in MH.invoke() case
2015-04-17 vlivanov 8057967: CallSite dependency tracking scales devastatingly poorly
2015-04-27 twisti 8022853: add ability to load uncompressed object and Klass references in a compressed environment to Unsafe
2015-04-27 jbachorik 8076971: sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/JMXStatusTest.java failed with AssertionError
2015-04-27 jbachorik 8077402: JMXStartStopTest fails intermittently on slow hosts
2015-04-21 sjiang 8078144: many nightly tests failed due to NoSuchMethodError: sun.management.ManagementFactoryHelper.getDiagnosticMXBean
2015-04-20 ykantser 8077423: jstatd is not terminated even though it cannot contact or bind to RMI Registry
2015-04-17 ccheung Merge
2015-04-17 sjiang 8042901: Allow com.sun.management to be in a different module to java.lang.management
2015-04-15 ykantser 8077611: com/sun/jdi/ConnectedVMs.java should be unquarantined
2015-04-15 jbachorik 8077327: ThreadStackTrace.java throws exception: BlockedThread expected to have BLOCKED but got RUNNABLE
2015-04-13 jbachorik 8076050: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ThreadMXBeanStateTest.java fails intermittently
2015-04-09 sla 8077137: Port jdk.internal.instrumentation to jdk 9
2015-04-09 sla 8075331: jdb eval java.util.Arrays.asList(array) shows inconsistent behaviour
2015-04-08 jbachorik Merge
2015-04-03 jbachorik 8074368: ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo() corrupts memory when called with empty array for thread ids
2015-04-07 ykantser 8027668: sun/tools/jstatd/TestJstatdPort.java: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
2015-04-16 kvn Merge
2015-04-15 zmajo Merge
2015-04-15 zmajo 8067648: JVM crashes reproducible with GCM cipher suites in GCTR doFinal
2015-04-14 mhaupt 8033465: JSR292: InvokerBytecodeGenerator: convert a check for REF_invokeVirtual on an interface into an assert
2015-04-14 vlivanov 8076461: JSR292: remove unused native and constants
2015-04-14 vlivanov 8057919: Class.getSimpleName() should work for non-JLS compliant class names
2015-04-14 vlivanov 8077054: DMH LFs should be customizeable
2015-04-03 kvn Merge
2015-03-31 aph 8026049: (bf) Intrinsify ByteBuffer.put{Int, Double, Float, ...} methods
2015-03-27 zmajo Merge
2015-03-20 vlivanov 8075263: MHI::checkCustomized isn't eliminated for inlined MethodHandles
2015-04-03 ccheung Merge
2015-03-25 jbachorik 8023093: Add ManagementAgent.status diagnostic command
2015-03-30 farvidsson 8076154: com/sun/jdi/InstanceFilter.java failing due to missing MethodEntryRequest calls
2015-03-29 hseigel Merge
2015-03-25 ykantser Merge
2015-03-25 ykantser 8075820: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/FindDeadlocks.java should be unquarantined
2015-03-25 erikj 8075725: Remove /jre subdir in hotspot dist dir
2015-03-20 dcubed Merge
2015-03-20 sspitsyn 8067662: "java.lang.NullPointerException: Method name is null" from StackTraceElement.<init>
2015-03-19 ykantser 8064923: [TESTBUG] jps doesn't display anything on embedded platforms and it causes some tests to fail
2015-05-05 enevill 8078245: AARCH64: JDK fails to build due to undefined symbol in libpng
2015-05-05 weijun 8078439: SPNEGO auth fails if client proposes MS krb5 OID
2015-05-05 erikj 8077422: hprof agent: Build failed with VS2013 Update 4
2015-05-04 weijun 8078495: End time checking for native TGT is wrong
2015-05-04 plevart 8074003: java.time.zone.ZoneRules.getOffset(java.time.Instant) can be optimized
2015-05-02 aefimov 8077685: (tz) Support tzdata2015d
2015-05-07 katleman Added tag jdk9-b63 for changeset adea7866d41a
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