2019-02-05 coleenp 8139551: Scalability problem with redefinition - multiple code cache walks
2019-01-31 aoqi 8217597: [TESTBUG] old version docker does not support --cpus
2018-12-18 roland 8215483: Off heap memory accesses should be vectorized
2019-02-05 ihse 8218186: Clean up CLDR generation in build
2019-02-05 ysuenaga 8217845: SA should refer const values for JVMFlag from HotSpot
2019-02-05 iklam 8218029: [TESTBUG] Use -Djava.class.path= to specify empty -cp in CDS tests
2019-02-04 jgeorge 8215568: Refactor SA clhsdb tests to use ClhsdbLauncher
2019-02-05 vlivanov 8218406: C1: Redundant nmethod dependency for private method is added
2019-02-05 vlivanov 8075052: Autobox elimination hinders loop unrolling
2019-02-05 vlivanov 8188133: C2: Static field accesses in clinit can trigger deoptimizations
2019-02-04 rehn 8218145: block_if_requested is not proper inlined due to size
2019-02-04 lancea 8217393: Clarify Attributes.equals()
2019-02-04 naoto 8218386: Correct the SE version in j.l.Character
2019-02-04 mbaesken 8218276: AIX build fails in tieredThresholdPolicy.cpp
2019-02-03 alanb 8216046: test/jdk/java/beans/PropertyEditor/Test6397609.java failing
2019-02-01 fyang 8218185: aarch64: missing LoadStore barrier in TemplateTable::putfield_or_static
2019-02-02 vlivanov 8218163: C2: Continuous deoptimization w/ Reason_speculate_class_check and Action_none
2019-02-02 vlivanov 8217919: C2: Enable -XX:+AggressiveUnboxing by default
2019-02-02 vlivanov 8217918: C2: -XX:+AggressiveUnboxing is broken
2019-02-01 kbarrett 8218202: gc/stress/TestStressG1Humongous.java to ProblemList-graal.txt
2019-02-01 jwilhelm Merge
2019-02-01 iignatyev 8218178: vmTestbase/vm/mlvm/mixed/stress/regression/b6969574/INDIFY_Test.java fails with -Xcomp
2019-02-01 amenkov 8218025: disable pop_frame and force_early_return caps for Graal
2019-02-01 naoto 8216546: Support new Japanese era in java.lang.Character for Java SE 11
2019-02-01 iignatyev 8218162: problem list j/u/s/t/o/o/t/java/util/stream/StreamLinkTest.java on solaris w/ Xcomp
2019-02-01 iignatyev 8218168: clean up hotspot ProblemList
2019-02-01 pmuthuswamy 8218134: Modify the jQuery.md file to reflect the exact jQuery license content
2019-01-31 naoto 8217892: Clarify the support for the new Japanese era in java.time.chrono.JapaneseEra
2019-01-31 nishjain 8214935: Upgrade IANA LSR data
2019-01-31 iignatyev 8178798: Two compiler/aot/verification/vmflags tests fail by timeout with UseAVX=3
2019-01-31 jwilhelm Added tag jdk-12+30 for changeset 6c377af36a5c
2019-01-30 prr 8218020: Fix version number in mesa.md 3rd party legal file
2019-01-30 iignatyev 8218079: cleanup hotspot ProblemList files
2019-01-30 mullan 8217579: TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV is disabled after 8211883 jdk-12+30
2019-02-01 erikj 8218198: Revert devkit change in JDK-8217910 for linux-x64
2019-02-01 shade 8218151: Simplify JavaThread::thread_state definition
2019-02-01 shade 8217879: hs_err should print more instructions in hex dump
2019-02-01 dfuchs 8218133: sun/net/www/protocol/http/ProtocolRedirect.java failed with "java.net.ConnectException"
2019-02-01 dfuchs 8195716: BootstrapLoggerTest : Executor still alive
2019-02-01 ysuenaga 8217432: MetaspaceGC::_capacity_until_GC exceeds MaxMetaspaceSize
2019-02-01 coleenp 8215505: Cleanup jvm.cpp obsolete code after JDK-8210094: Better loading of classloader classes
2019-02-01 ihse 8217896: Make better use of LCPUs when building on AIX
2018-12-08 stuefe 8214975: No hs-err file if fatal error is raised during dynamic initialization
2019-02-01 stuefe 8218156: "jcmd VM.metaspace basic" misreports free chunk space
2019-01-30 mbaesken 8218046: use bundled freetype in the AIX build by default
2019-02-01 jgeorge 8217473: SA: Tests using ClhsdbLauncher fail on SAP docker containers
2019-02-01 vlivanov 6986483: CHA: optimize calls through interfaces
2019-02-01 vlivanov 8059241: C2: Excessive RemoveUseless passes during incremental inlining
2019-01-31 joehw 8186321: Cleanup: SourceTreeManager not used
2019-01-31 iignatyev 8217848: [Graal] vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/resexhausted003/TestDescription.java fails
2019-01-31 kevinw 8209951: Problematic sparc intrinsic: com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherBlockChaining
2019-01-31 shade 8218140: Build failures after JDK-8218041 (Assorted wrong/missing includes)
2019-01-31 erikj 8204564: Need better error output when GenerateLinkOptData fails
2019-01-31 dcubed 8217659: monitor_logging updates from Async Monitor Deflation project
2019-01-31 coleenp 8213753: SymbolTable is double walked during class unloading and clean up table timing in do_unloading
2019-01-31 zgu 8216072: Remove TaskTerminator's assignment operator
2019-01-31 rriggs 8216528: test/jdk/java/rmi/transport/runtimeThreadInheritanceLeak/RuntimeThreadInheritanceLeak.java failing with Xcomp
2019-01-31 coleenp 8212949: Remove ConstantPoolCache::is_constantPoolCache
2019-01-31 gadams 8215550: Debugger does not work after reattach
2019-01-31 rehn 8218041: Assorted wrong/missing includes
2019-01-31 jwilhelm Added tag jdk-13+6 for changeset b5f05fe4a6f8
2019-01-30 sviswanathan 8217371: Incorrect LP64 guard in x86.ad after JDK-8210764 (Update avx512 implementation)
2019-01-30 erikj 8218084: Revert JDK-8218057 jdk-13+6
2019-01-30 jwilhelm Merge
2019-01-30 iignatyev 8207922: ctw of jdk.security.auth failed with "Unexpected zero exit codebefore finishing all compilations"
2019-01-30 kaddepalli 8215921: There is no change when select different Foreground and Background by mouse.
2019-01-29 sangheki 8217666: gc/nvdimm/* should not be included any tiers
2019-01-30 zgu 8217578: Shenandoah cleanup unused timings after concurrent string table change
2019-01-30 shade 8217994: os::print_hex_dump should be more resilient against unreadable memory
2019-01-30 dfuchs 8216562: UnknownBodyLength sometimes fails due to "Connection reset by peer"
2019-01-30 shade 8218031: Zero broken after JDK-8217922 (Compiler dead code removal)
2019-01-30 erikj 8217916: Build compare script is not comparing jmods
2019-01-30 ihse 8218057: Add ppc64le and s390x profiles to jib-profiles.js
2019-01-30 tschatzl 8218063: JDK-8218060 breaks build for S390
2019-01-30 tschatzl 8218060: JDK-8217786 breaks build due to remaining unused function
2019-01-30 lucy 8217465: [REDO] - Optimize CodeHeap Analytics
2019-01-30 mbaesken 8217786: Provide virtualization related info in the hs_error file on linux s390x
2019-01-30 prappo Merge
2019-01-30 prappo 8218022: Repeated words typos in java.base
2019-01-30 pmuthuswamy 8215577: Remove javadoc support for HTML 4
2019-01-29 mbaesken 8217979: lib-freetype related configure messages contain wrong configure flag names
2019-01-30 dtitov 8163127: Debugger classExclusionFilter does not work correctly with method references
2019-01-29 mseledtsov 8217744: [TESTBUG] JFR TestShutdownEvent fails on some systems due to process surviving SIGINT
2019-01-29 jjg 8217773: Test langtools/jdk/javadoc/doclet/testLinkOption/TestRedirectLinks.java fails after JDK-8217034
2019-01-29 dcubed 8217658: baseline_cleanups from Async Monitor Deflation project
2019-01-29 erikj 8217910: Slow linking with devkit on Linux
2019-01-29 gziemski 8214821: Remove ConcurrentHashTable::get_copy
2019-01-14 jcbeyler 8212824: Remove unnecessary spaces before/after comparison in vmTestbase
2019-01-29 zgu 8217794: Missing termination check results violation of termination invariant
2019-01-29 lfoltan 8216970: condy causes JVM crash
2019-01-29 chegar 8217976: test/jdk/java/net/httpclient/websocket/WebSocketProxyTest.java fails intermittently
2019-01-29 naoto 8217609: New era placeholder not recognized by java.text.SimpleDateFormat
2019-01-29 mullan 8217579: TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV is disabled after 8211883
2019-01-28 sgehwolf 8217877: Dead code in jdk.jlink's TaskHelper
2019-01-29 redestad 8217921: Runtime dead code removal
2019-01-29 redestad 8217922: Compiler dead code removal
2019-01-29 zgu 8215047: Task terminators do not complete termination in consistent state
2019-01-29 zgu 8217785: Padding ParallelTaskTerminator::_offered_termination variable
2019-01-29 itakiguchi 8217880: AIX build issue after JDK-8214533
2019-01-29 pliden 8217856: ZGC: Break out C2 matching rules into separate AD file
2019-01-29 pliden 8217858: ZGC: Clean up ZDriver
2019-01-29 pliden 8217857: ZGC: Move SvcGCMarker to ZServiceabilityTracer
2019-01-29 pliden 8217855: ZGC: Clean up ZReferenceProcessor
2019-01-29 pliden 8217747: ZGC: Minor optimization of ZLoadBarrierStubC1
2019-01-29 pliden 8217745: ZGC: Simplify ZLoadBarrierStubC1
2019-01-29 tschatzl 8213229: Investigate treating StringTable as weak in young collections
2019-01-29 eosterlund 8216987: ciMethodData::load_data() unpacks MDOs with non-atomic copy
2019-01-29 sgroeger 8217777: TEST_BUG: jdk/java/util/prefs/ExportSubtree.java passes even when test should fail
2019-01-29 goetz 8217628: Verbose ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException message also in JNI calls.
2019-01-28 redestad 8217869: Add count_leading_zeros utility
2019-01-28 jwilhelm Merge
2019-01-28 shade 8217854: [TESTBUG] runtime/CompressedOops/UseCompressedOops.java fails with Shenandoah
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