2016-04-15 | ssadetsky | 8080395: consider making sun.awt.CausedFocusEvent functionality public | changeset | files |
2016-04-15 | psadhukhan | 8025430: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JEditorPane/5076514/bug5076514.java failed since jdk8b108 | changeset | files |
2016-04-15 | psadhukhan | 8154057: [macosx] getPrintJob doesn't throw NPE if Frame is null AND type is COMMON | changeset | files |
2016-04-15 | psadhukhan | 6801613: Cross-platform pageDialog and printDialog top margin entry broken | changeset | files |
2016-04-15 | psadhukhan | 6921664: The number of copies and the job name are not passed to a 3rd party PrintService | changeset | files |
2016-04-14 | prr | 8134986: Incorrect use of ConcurrentHashMap.contains in SunFontManager.java | changeset | files |
2016-04-14 | ssadetsky | 8153351: GTK Menu's have no border | changeset | files |
2016-04-14 | aivanov | 8146035: Windows - With LCD antialiasing, some glyphs are not rendered correctly | changeset | files |
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