2011-04-22 coffeys 7025227: SSLSocketImpl does not close the TCP layer socket if a close notify cannot be sent to the peer
2011-04-21 darcy 6998871: Support making the Throwable.stackTrace field immutable
2011-04-21 mullan Merge
2011-04-21 mullan 7038175: Expired PKITS certificates causing CertPathBuilder and CertPathValidator regression test failures
2011-04-21 lana Merge
2011-04-21 lana Merge
2011-04-21 vinnie 6732372: Some MSCAPI native methods not returning correct exceptions.
2011-04-21 dl 7038542: Small performace regression in ConcurrentHashMap on c1 since CR 703655
2011-04-21 vinnie Merge
2011-04-21 vinnie 6888925: SunMSCAPI's Cipher can't use RSA public keys obtained from other sources.
2011-04-21 dl 7038501: Clarify meaning of "(optional)" in javadoc
2011-04-21 mduigou 6546713: link the word (optional) in exception specifications to the text which provides explanation and context.
2011-04-20 smarks 6896297: (rmi) fix ConcurrentModificationException causing TCK failure
2011-04-20 michaelm Merge
2011-04-20 michaelm 7034570: java.lang.Runtime.exec(String[] cmd, String[] env) can not work properly if SystemRoot not inherited
2011-04-20 weijun 6894072: always refresh keytab
2011-04-19 mduigou 7030579: Extra words in documentation of ListIterator may cause confusion
2011-04-19 sherman 7027900: (fs) glob syntax under-specified
2011-05-04 jgodinez Merge
2011-04-29 lana Merge
2011-04-27 dav 6979551: closed/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicLabelUI/4798542/bug4798542.java fails
2011-04-27 dav 6888633: test/closed/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4786415/bug4786415.java fails
2011-04-27 bagiras 7035209: 6u26 ea b01 - running an applet with old plugin crashes in awt.dll
2011-04-27 rupashka 7039403: Could not compile test/javax/swing/JLabel/6596966/bug6596966.java
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