2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-05-06 lana Merge
2013-05-01 lana Merge
2013-04-23 lana Merge
2013-04-19 dfuchs 8010495: Update JAXP NetBeans project - add support for generating javadoc
2013-04-17 dfuchs 8005954: JAXP Plugability Layer should use java.util.ServiceLoader
2013-05-02 katleman Added tag jdk8-b88 for changeset a53cf0f890db
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2013-05-06 lana Merge
2013-05-01 lana Merge
2013-04-30 lagergren 8013533: Increase code coverage report for types and logging
2013-04-30 jlaskey Merge
2013-04-29 attila 8008814: Configurable ignore/warning/error behavior for function declaration as statement
2013-04-29 sundar 8013444: JSON.parse does not invoke "reviver" callback as per spec.
2013-04-29 attila 8013419: Streamline handling of with and eval
2013-04-26 jlaskey 8013360: Should be using JavaFX 8 classes for -fx support
2013-04-26 sundar 8013369: nashorn build failure with jdk8 b84
2013-04-26 hannesw 8006559: Octane:pdfjs leaks memory, runs slower iteration to iteration
2013-04-26 sundar 8013337: Issues with Date.prototype's get, set functions
2013-04-26 jlaskey 8013208: Octane performance regression
2013-04-26 attila 8013325: function named 'arguments' should set DEFINES_ARGUMENTS flag in its parent, not itself
2013-04-26 sundar 8013295: ScriptEngineTest.java fails with compilation error when running under jtreg
2013-04-25 attila 8013167: Vararg constructor not found
2013-04-25 attila 8013203: A collection of smaller speedups to compilation pipeline
2013-04-25 hannesw 8013131: Various compatibility issues in String.prototype.split()
2013-04-24 jlaskey 8012251: jjs should support -fx option
2013-04-24 hannesw 8008238: Labeled break in finally causes stack overflow in Node copy
2013-04-24 hannesw 8012931: NativeDate.safeToString() throws RangeError for invalid date
2013-04-24 hannesw 8012334: ToUint32, ToInt32, and ToUint16 don't conform to spec
2013-04-23 attila 8010731: Don't expose internal symbols to scripts
2013-04-23 attila 8011065: Problems when script implements an interface with variadic methods
2013-04-23 lana Merge
2013-04-22 sundar Merge
2013-04-22 jlaskey 8012919: findMegaMorphicSetMethod should not cast result type
2013-04-22 sundar 8012673: Nashorn's package name vs class name inferring logic is wrong
2013-04-20 jlaskey 8011578: -Dnashorn.unstable.relink.threshold=1 causes tests to fail.
2013-04-19 lagergren 8010701: Immutable nodes - final iteration
2013-04-19 sundar 8012593: JSAdapter overrides impacts strongly construction time
2013-04-19 sundar 8012612: Compile failed
2013-04-18 hannesw 8012460: RegExp regression
2013-04-18 sundar 8012462: Date.prototype.toJSON does not handle non-Date 'this' as per the spec.
2013-04-18 sundar Merge
2013-04-17 jlaskey 8012529: Remove -esa from testing jvmargs
2013-04-17 jlaskey Merge
2013-04-17 sundar 8012457: Function.prototype.apply should accept any array-like argument for function arguments
2013-04-15 sundar 8012240: Array.prototype.map.call({length: -1, get 0(){throw 0}}, function(){}).length does not throw error
2013-05-02 katleman Added tag jdk8-b88 for changeset ddfec66935ab
2017-07-05 duke Merge
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