2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-17 katleman Added tag jdk9-b23 for changeset 4ddeec3198b4
2017-07-05 duke Merge
2014-07-18 lana Merge
2014-07-17 joehw 8049514: FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING can not be turned off on a validator through SchemaFactory
2014-07-17 darcy 8050953: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in sun.text.normalizer.UnicodeSet
2014-07-17 darcy 8050798: New unchecked warning introduced in com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection
2014-07-16 prr Merge
2014-07-16 prr Merge
2014-07-08 aivanov 8046559: NPE when changing Windows theme
2014-07-07 darcy 8048980: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in platform-specific sun.font files
2014-07-07 prr Merge
2014-07-07 azvegint 8049418: [macosx] PopupMenuListener.popupMenuWillBecomeVisible is not called for empty combobox on MacOS/aqua look and feel
2014-07-04 ant 8048887: SortingFocusTraversalPolicy throws IllegalArgumentException from the sort method
2014-07-04 yan 8048246: Move AWT_DnD/Clipboard/Automated functional tests to OpenJDK
2014-07-03 darcy 8043550: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.swing.*
2014-07-03 anashaty 8044371: setOneTouchExpandable functionality of JSplitPane will reduce vertical Scrollbar
2014-07-03 malenkov 4058433: RFE: tool for creating BeanInfo template
2014-07-03 darcy 8043548: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.swing.plaf.*
2014-07-02 pchelko 8048549: [macosx] Disable usage of system menu bar if AWT is embedded in FX
2014-07-02 pchelko 8033367: [macosx] Appletviewer was broken in jdk8 b124
2014-07-02 mcherkas 8040076: Memory leak. java.awt.List objects allowing multiple selections are not GC-ed.
2014-07-01 prr Merge
2014-07-01 serb 8048265: AWT crashes inside CCombinedSegTable::In called from Java_sun_awt_windows_WDefaultFontCharset_canConvert
2014-07-01 yan 8043131: Move ShapedAndTranslucentWindows and GC functional AWT tests to regression tree
2014-06-30 dmarkov 8048506: [macosx] javax.swing.PopupFactory issue with null owner
2014-06-26 prr 8043508: JVM core dumps with very long text in tooltip
2014-06-26 prr 8041902: When printing, polylines are not rendered as joined
2014-06-26 jgodinez 7067052: Default printer media is ignored
2014-06-26 pchelko 8047799: Remove WindowClosingSupport
2014-06-26 ptbrunet 8048022: Fix raw and unchecked warnings in javax.accessibility
2014-06-25 alexsch 8043869: [macosx] java -splash does not honor @2x hi dpi notation for retina support
2014-07-16 msheppar 8040810: Uninitialised memory in jdk/src/windows/native/java/net: net_util_md.c, TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl.c, TwoStacksPlainDatagramSocketImpl.c, DualStackPlainSocketImpl.c, DualStackPlainDatagramSocketImpl.c
2014-07-16 prappo 8050869: Convert runtime dependency to Applet to a static dependency in cosnaming
2014-05-20 mkos 8041633: [TESTBUG] java/lang/SecurityManager/CheckPackageAccess.java fails with "In j.s file, but not in golden set: com.sun.activation.registries."
2014-07-14 pchelko 8042590: Running form URL throws NPE
2014-05-08 pchelko 8036861: Application can't be loaded fine,the save dialog can't show up.
2014-04-28 weijun 8041535: Update certificate lists for compact1 profile
2014-04-24 chegar 8039520: More atomicity of atomic updates
2014-04-24 pchelko 8039097: Some tests fail with NPE since 7u60 b12
2014-04-06 mkos 8027144: Review restriction of JAX-WS java packages going to JDK8
2014-04-01 mullan 8035004: Provider provides less service
2014-03-29 xuelei 8031346: Enhance RSA key handling
2014-04-24 xuelei 8037162: More robust DH exchanges
2014-03-22 rriggs 8036571: (process) Process process arguments carefully
2014-03-21 kizune 8037046: Validate libraries to be loaded
2014-07-14 twisti 8035788: Provide more consistency for lookups
2014-03-13 malenkov 8035699: File choosers should be choosier
2014-04-24 dbuck 8033055: Issues in 2d
2014-03-07 jbachorik 8029755: Enhance subject class
2014-03-03 mchung 8035009: Make Proxy representations consistent
2014-04-24 pchelko 8032960: Running forms URL throws NullPointerException in Javaconsole.
2014-02-28 vinnie 8034272: Do not cram data into CRAM arrays
2014-02-26 valeriep 8031340: Better TLS/EC management
2014-02-25 pchelko 8028285: RMI Thread can no longer call out to AWT
2014-02-24 prr 8034267: Probabilistic native crash`
2014-02-03 kizune 8029177: [Parfait] warnings from b117 for jdk.src.share.native.com.sun.java.util.jar: JNI exception pending
2014-07-16 psandoz 8044047: Missing null pointer checks for streams
2014-07-16 mullan Merge
2014-07-16 mullan 4867890: Clarify the return value/exception for java.security.SignedObject.verify
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